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Effect of POGIL-based Laboratory-at-Home Manual on Student Attitude, Motivation,
Confidence in Laboratory Skills and Achievement in General Biochemistry Course

Jinky Marie T. Chua (
Cagayan State University (Andrews Campus)-CAHS Research Coordinator
Science and Health Research

This research in general will study the effect of POGIL-based Laboratory-at-Home Manual on
student attitude, motivation, confidence in laboratory skills and achievement in a general
Biochemistry course. This study hopes to develop a pandemic and disaster-resilient manual in
Biochemistry. The result of the study would help improve the instruction of chemistry. This will
serve as a new avenue of delivering laboratory in Biochemistry to students. The manual can
provide instructors an alternative to do the laboratory part of their courses. They will be able to
plan the laboratory activities in a new and engaging way even with insufficient laboratory rooms
and equipment, inadequate chemicals and other materials, with big classes, lack of time, and
lack of training. This would also help boost instructor’s morale and motivation in teaching the
laboratory part of Biochemistry.

The results of the study will likewise help curriculum developers and administrators enhance and
develop chemistry curriculum in the light of students’ way on how they learn abstract concepts
better through experiments using ordinary things at home. The findings of the study may be used
as a basis for improving the Chemistry programs as regards to its laboratory, instructional
materials, methodologies and techniques, and evaluation measures. Administrators may also use
the results of this study in planning and conducting trainings for instructors handling laboratory
subjects in times where face-to-face laboratory classroom is not possible.

Furthermore, the findings of the study will serve as a basis for CHED and DepEd to promote
laboratory activities that can be done at home even with the socioeconomic and geographic
constraints of our country. This study will be the first to develop a POGIL-based laboratory
manual in Biochemistry and evaluate its effectiveness. The results can be a basis in funding
programs to replicate the instructional material to other hard to understand subjects that needs
laboratory to supplement a deeper understanding of abstract concepts and theories gained by
experiencing and visualizing them as authentic phenomena. The validated research instruments
can also be used as a basis in evaluating other instructional materials.

The Local Government Unit, particularly in far-flung areas, and Chemistry instructors’
affiliations can use the results of the study to use their platforms for dissemination and trainings
in terms of designing and using POGIL-based manuals. These trainings will help prepare
instructors and students in utilizing the instructional material.

Your participation in this study is voluntary. Declining to participate will not affect your benefits
or pose any penalties on any benefits that you are receiving. It is up to you to decide whether or
not to take part in this study. If you choose to participate in this study, you will be asked to sign a
consent form.

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participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw at any time. I understand that I will be
given a copy of this consent form. I voluntarily agree to take part in this study.

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