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b) Small machines
c) Medium machines
Components of Wind Energy
d) Remote Machines
Conversion System.
Answer: a
1. How much power does the small-
Explanation: Large wind turbines are
scale wind machine generate?
those of 100 kW rated capacity or
a) 18 KW
greater. They are used to generate
b) 2 KW
power for distribution in central
c) 12 KW
power grids. They can have single
d) 30 KW
generator at a single site or multiple
Answer: b generators sited at several places
Explanation: These might be used on over an area.
farms remote applications and other
4. Which part of the wind mill acts as
places requiring relatively low power.
a housing for the turbine?
The generating capacity is up to 2kW.
a) Wind Vane
Small scale wind machines lower your
b) Shaft
electricity bills by 50% – 90%.
c) Wind mill head
2. Which type of wind machines are d) Turbine
used at several residence or local
Answer: c
Explanation: The wind mill head
a) Large size machines
supports the rotor, housing, and rotor
b) Remote machines
bearings. It also has control
c) Small size machines
mechanism like changing the pitch of
d) Medium size machines
the blades for safety devices, tail vane
Answer: d to orient the rotor to face the wind. Its
Explanation: These wind turbines body is the size of the mini bus.
may be used to supply less than 100
5. A rotor installed in a fixed
kW rated capacity, to several
orientation with the swept area
residences or local use. These do not
perpendicular to the pre dominate
require much space they can be
wind direction is called ___________
installed on roof tops or on some high
a) Nacelle
elevated areas.
b) Yaw fixed machines
3. Which type of wind turbines c) Blades
produce 100 kW or greater? d) Anemometer
a) Large machines

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Answer: b signals are generated with the

Explanation: In the locations with the electrical output corresponding to the
prevailing wind in one direction, the wind energy input.
design of a turbine can be greatly
8. Which type of wind turbine has low
simplified. The rotor can be installed
in a fixed orientation with the swept
a) Small wind turbine
area perpendicular to the pre
b) Large wind turbine
dominate wind direction. This
c) Medium wind turbine
machine is called yaw fixed.
d) Remote wind turbine
6. How is the action of yaw controlled
Answer: b
in small turbines?
Explanation: The rate of rotation of
a) Tail vane
large wind turbine generators
b) Blades
operating at rated capacity or below
c) Shaft
is controlled by varying the pitch of
d) Yaw motor
the rotor blades. It has low rpm,
Answer: a about 40 to 50. It is necessary to
Explanation: In small turbines, yaw increase greatly the low rotor rate of
action is controlled by a tail vane turning using transmission
while is larger machines a mechanism.
servomechanism operated by a wind-
9. Why recommendation of fixed ratio
direction sensor controls the yaw
gears done for top mounted
motor keeping the turbine properly
a) Because they are easy install
7. Which part of the wind turbines b) Requires less space
senses wind speed, wind direction, c) Due to its low cost
shaft speed and torque? d) Because of their high efficiency
a) Turbine blade
Answer: d
b) Shaft
Explanation: Fixed ratio gears are
c) Rotor
recommended for top mounted
d) Controller
equipment because of their high
Answer: d efficiency, and minimum system risk.
Explanation: The controller senses For bottom mounted equipment
wind speed, wind direction, shaft requiring a right-drive transmission
speeds and torques, output power and costs can be reduced on the hub by
generator temperature, Control increasing rotor speed to generator.

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10. Which type of generator are made 12. How many types of supporting
use in wind turbines? tower for wind mill are generally
a) Recreational generators used?
b) Synchronous generator a) 2
c) Asynchronous generator b) 4
d) Alternator c) 3
d) 5
Answer: b
Explanation: Generators may be Answer: b
either constant or variable speed type. Explanation: Four types of generating
Variable speed units are expensive tower are used generally:
and/or unproved. Constant speed i) The reinforced concrete tower
generator in use are synchronous ii) The pole tower
induction and permanent magnet iii) The built-up shell tube tower
types. Synchronous unit is used for iv) The truss tower.
large aero generator systems. It is
13. On what does the selection of
very versatile and has an extensive
supporting structure depends?
data base.
a) Length of blades
11. In which part do we find sensors b) Rotating capacity
and actuators? c) Capacity of generator
a) Fixed gears d) Transmission systems
b) Turbines
Answer: d
c) Control systems
Explanation: The type of the
d) Blades
supporting structure and its height is
related to cost and the transmission
Answer: c system incorporated. Horizontal axis
Explanation: Control systems involves wind turbines are mounted on towers
sensors and actuators. The modern so as to be above the level of
large wind turbine generator requires turbulence and other ground related
a versatile and reliable control effects.
system. A control system is used for i)
14. At what type of location vibrations
changing the orientation of the rotor
are more in the wind turbine?
into the wind. ii) Start up and cut-in of
a) Downwind location
the equipment. iii) Power control of
b) Up wind location
the rotor by varying the pitch of the
c) Windward
d) Leeward

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Answer: b Answer: a
Explanation: In the upwind location Explanation: Wind sock is a very
(i.e. the wind encounters the turbine basic device that measure wind
before reaching the tower), the wake direction and provide a rough idea of
of the passing rotor blades causes the wind’s intensity. A wind sock is a
repeated changes in the wind forces tubular piece of fabric or thin, flexible
on the wind forces on the tower. Due fabric attached to a pole. When there
to this the tower may vibrate and may is no wind, the fabric hangs vertically
eventually be damaged. from the attached pole.
15. At what type of location vibrations 2. A device which is used as device for
are less in the wind turbines? showing direction wind as well used
a) Windward as a decorative purpose?
b) Leeward a) Wind socks
c) Downwind location b) Weather vane
d) Upwind Location c) Pin wheels
d) Anemometers
Answer: c
Explanation: If the turbine is Answer: b
downwind from the tower, vibrations Explanation: A weather vane works
are less but the blades are subjected similarly to wind sock. Instead of a
to severe alternating forces as they tubular sock, the weather vane is
pass through the tower wake. made by placing a horizontal pole at
Downwind rotors are generally the top of vertical pole. The poles are
preferred for large aero-generators. joined together so that the horizontal
pole has a flattened, vertical end that
reacts to wind.
Vertical Axis Wind Mill
3. Which is the wind direction
1. In which wind measuring device a showing device that spins
tubular piece of thin flexible fabric perpendicularly?
hanged vertically to determine a) Wind socks
direction? b) Weather vane
a) Wind socks c) Pin wheels
b) Weather vane d) Anemometers
c) Pin wheels
Answer: c
d) Anemometers
Explanation: A pinwheel is a
windmill-style turbine that spins

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perpendicularly to the wind affecting signal to FPM measurement. An

it. Like wind socks and weather vanes, arrow on the vane head identifies the
a pinwheel can be attached to a direction the airflow must travel
rotating base. This allows the through the vane to obtain proper
pinwheel to change direction with the measurements.
wind, and it will spin facing into the
6. Which of the following type of
oncoming wind.
turbine or the rotor requires relatively
4. Which is the device that measures low velocity winds for operation?
wind direction and its intensity? a) Cup anemometer
a) Wind socks b) Savonius rotor
b) Weather vane c) Darrieus type rotor
c) Pin wheels d) Magnus effect rotor
d) Anemometers
Answer: b
Answer: d Explanation: Savonius rotor is a
Explanation: An anemometer is any simple WEC system which works like
device that measures wind direction a cup anemometer. This type was
and intensity. It may be simple, such invented by S.J. Savonius in the year
as the devices described above, or it 1920. It requires relatively low
may be a complex, computer-aided velocity winds for operation. It
machine that measures and records consists of two half cylinders facing
wind patterns over time. More opposite directions forming as S-
advanced anemometer machines are shaped cross section.
used to aid in professional weather
7. Which type of axis does a Savonius
reporting and air traffic control.
Rotor has?
5. What units does the anemometer a) Horizontal axis
measure in? b) Mediolateral axis
a) Feet per minute c) Vertical axis
b) Liters per minute d) Lateral Axis
c) Centimeters per minute
Answer: c
d) Meter per seconds
Explanation: A Savonius wind energy
Answer: a conversion system has a vertical axis
Explanation: The anemometer and hence eliminates the expensive
measures in feet per minute, or FPM. power transmission system from the
The rotation is sensed by a magnetic rotor to the axis. Since it is a vertical
or optical sensor that converts the

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axis machine it does not matter much 10. What form of force acts on the
about the wind direction. blades of Darrieus machine?
a) Pure tension
8. Why is Savonius rotor not suitable
b) Compression
for installation?
c) Shear force
a) Because of long drive shaft
d) Air resistance force
b) Because of its low capacity motor
c) Because of its typical blade design Answer: a
d) Due to the light material it is made Explanation: Darrieus wind mill has
of two or three thin, curved blades with
airfoil cross section and constant
Answer: a
chord length. Both ends of blades are
Explanation: Savonius rotor is not
attached to a vertical shaft. Thus the
useful for very high installation
force in the blade due to rotation is
because of long drive shaft problems.
pure tension.
Bracing of the topmost bearing above
the rotor of a very tall vertical axis 11. Which type of vertical wind
machine is difficult requiring very machine has relatively low solidity
long guy wires. and low starting torques?
a) Cup anemometer
9. When was the Darrieus type
b) Savonius rotor
machine invented?
c) Darrieus type rotor
a) 1925
d) Magnus effect rotor
b) 1932
c) 1929 Answer: c
d) 1948 Explanation: Darrieus type rotors are
lift devices characterized by curved
Answer: a
blades with air foil cross sections.
Explanation: Darrieus type machine
They have relatively low solidity and
was invented originally and patented
low starting torques, but high tip to
in 1925 by G.J.M > Darrieus, a
wind speeds and therefore relatively
French engineer. The Darrieus wind
higher power outputs per given rotor
mill is a vertical axis machine that
weight and cost.
has the same advantage of a modern
rapidly rotating propeller type 12. Which type of vertical wind
windmill, by use of an efficient airfoil, machine consists of spinning
effectively intercepts large area of cylinders?
wind with a small blade area. a) Cup anemometer
b) Savonius rotor

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c) Darrieus type rotor a) Horizontal axis with two

d) Magnus effect rotor aerodynamic blades
b) Horizontal axis propeller type wind
Answer: d
Explanation: Magnus effect rotor
c) Horizontal axis multi bladed type
concept was first demonstrated by
wind mill
Magnus in 1912. It consists of
d) Sail type wind mill
spinning cylinders. When cylinders
spun in wind stream, translational Answer: a
forces are produced perpendicular to Explanation: In horizontal axis with
the wind stream by the Magnus effect. two aerodynamic type windmill the
Such a device can be used to propel machine rotor drives through a step-
ships or land vehicles. up gear box. The blade rotor is
designed to orient downwind of the
13. Aero turbine is the fraction of
tower. The components are mounted
power in the wind through the swept
on bed plate which is attached on a
area which is converted into useful
pintle at the top of the tower.
mechanical shaft power is called
_____________ 2. The rotor blades are continuously
a) Coefficient of performance flexed by unsteady aerodynamic
b) Coefficient of variation gravitational and inertia loads.
c) Coefficient of lift a) True
d) Coefficient of spin b) False
Answer: a Answer: a
Explanation: The coefficient of Explanation: The rotor blades are
performance of an aero turbine is the continuously flexed by unsteady
fraction of power in the wind through aerodynamic gravitational and inertia
the swept area which is converted into loads, when the machine is in
useful mechanical shaft power. Cp for operation. If the blades are made
horizontal axis wind machine has using metal, flexing reduces their
theoretical maximum value = 0.593. fatigue life.
3. Which type of the following consists
of single blade?
Horizontal Axis Wind Mill
a) Horizontal axis with two
1. In which of the following, does aerodynamic blades
machine rotor drives through a step- b) Horizontal axis propeller type wind
up gear box? mill

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c) Horizontal axis multi bladed type aerodynamic blades

wind mill b) Horizontal axis propeller type wind
d) Sail type wind mill mill
c) Horizontal axis multi bladed type
Answer: b
wind mill
Explanation: Horizontal axis
d) Sail type wind mill
propeller type wind mill consists of a
long blade mounted on a rigid hub, Answer: c
induction generator and gear box. If Explanation: Horizontal axis multi
extremely long blades are mounted on blade windmill is made from sheet
rigid hub, large blade root bending metal or aluminum. The rotors have
moments occur due to tower shadow, high strength to weight ratios. They
gravity and sudden shifts in wind have good power coefficient, high
directions. starting torque and added advantages
of simplicity and low cost.
4. Which windmill blades are made by
an array of wooden slats? 6. Which type of wind mills blade are
a) Horizontal axis with two made out of cloth?
aerodynamic blades a) Horizontal axis with two
b) Horizontal axis propeller type wind aerodynamic blades
mill b) Horizontal axis propeller type wind
c) Horizontal axis multi bladed type mill
wind mill c) Horizontal axis multi bladed type
d) Horizontal axis wind mill Dutch wind mill
type d) Sail type wind mill
Answer: d Answer: d
Explanation: Dutch type wind mill is Explanation: The blade surface of sail
one of the oldest wind mills in type wind mill is made of cloth, nylon
designs. The blade surfaces are made or plastics arranged as mast and pole
from an array of wooden slats which or sail wings. There is also variation
rotates at high wind speeds. These in the number of sails used. Sails are
types of wind mill are cheap to build found in different designs, from
since the wood is made use of to primitive common sails to the
build. advances patent sails.
5. Which type of windmill blades are 7. Which type of windmill has better
made out of sheet metal or aluminum? performance?
a) Horizontal axis with two a) Vertical type wind mills

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b) Darrieus type machines blades but two and three bladed

c) Magnus effect rotor propellers are most common. A one
d) Horizontal type windmills bladed rotor with a balancing counter
weight has some advantages,
Answer: d
including lower weight and cost and
Explanation: The horizontal axis mills
simpler controls, over the multi-
generally have netter performance.
bladed type.
They have been used for various
applications including electric power 10. Turbines with how many
generation, and pumping water. The propellers are used in order to avoid
latter introduces some complexity into vibrations?
the design as the mechanical energy a) 1
has to be transmitted over a distance. b) 2
c) 3
8. What does TSR stand for in design
d) 4
consideration of wind mills?
a) Tip speed ratio Answer: c
b) Torque-synchronous ratio Explanation: Turbines with three
c) Tip suspension ratio blades are used to avoid vibrations
d) Temporary speed restriction that occur due to the turning or
yawing of the rotor in order to face in
Answer: a
into the wind. However, this problem
Explanation: The tip speed ratio, X,
can be overcome by controlling the
or TSR for wind turbines is the ratio
yaw rate.
between the tangential speed of the tip
of a blade and the actual speed of the 11. What type of cross sections does
wind. The tip speed ratio is related to wind turbine blades have?
efficiency, with the optimum varying a) Penta hedral cross section
with blade design. b) Air foiled type cross section
c) Radar cross section
9. With up to how many propellers
d) Turbo cross section
can windmills are built?
a) 4 Answer: b
b) 2 Explanation: Wind turbine blades
c) 7 have an air foiled type of cross
d) 6 section and a variable pitch. They are
slightly twisted from the outer tip to
Answer: d
the root in order to reduce the
Explanation: Wind turbines have been
tendency for the rotor to stall. The
built with up to six propellers type
©New Heights Series, 2021

blades can also have constant chord 2. Why severe fluctuations in power
length. are always undesirable in windmill?
a) Because they pose power
12. What does WECS stands for?
oscillations problems
a) Wind energy conversion system
b) Damage of parts due to
b) Wind engine control system
c) Wind energy combined system
c) The efficiency of the plant will be
d) Wind engine comparison system
Answer: a d) Results in damage to the whole
Explanation: A wind energy plant
conversion system (WECS), or wind
Answer: a
energy harvester is a machine that,
Explanation: Severe fluctuations in
powered by the energy of the wind,
power are always undesirable,
generates mechanical energy that can
because they pose power oscillation
be used to directly power machinery
problems on the grid and severe
or to power an electrical generator
strains on the windmill hardware.
for making electricity.
From an economic point of view, a
Wind Turbine Operation windmill is designed to produce a
1. What is the inherent weakness of rated power output corresponding to
all wind machines? maximum, or near maximum,
a) Their efficiencies prevailing wind velocity at a given
b) Requires powerful winds to make site would generate low powers, with
fan rotate full capacity of the turbine and
c) Their dependency on the wind electric generator unused much of
speed time.
d) Cannot be easily repaired 3. Maintenance of constant output at
Answer: c all wind speeds above rating is called
Explanation: An inherent weakness of _________
all wind machines is the strong a) Numeric rating scale
dependence of the power produced on b) Tenancy
wheel diameter and wind speed, being c) Flat Rating
proportional to turbine wheel area, d) TRP
i.e. to the square of its diameter and Answer: c
to the cube of wind velocity. Explanation: More cost-effective
design to a wind mill to produce rated

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power at less than the maximum blades) at cut out velocity. Thus the
prevailing wind velocity, using a wind turbine operates at rated
smaller turbine and generator and to velocities and at constant power
maintain a constant output at all wind between the rated and cut out
speeds above rating. This is called flat velocities and ceases the operation
rating. above the cut out velocity.
4. A wind turbine designed too to 6. The fraction of time during a given
come into operation at a minimum period that the turbine is actually on
wind speed is called _________ line is called?
a) Cut in velocity a) Availability factor
b) Windward b) Flat rating
c) Cut out velocity c) Cut in velocity
d) Upwind location d) Cut out velocity
Answer: a Answer: a
Explanation: Due to several loss in Explanation: The availability factor is
efficiency and power at low wind defined as the fraction of time during
velocities, a wind turbine is designed a given period that the turbine is
to come into operation at a minimum actually on line. The actual wind
wind speed called the cut in velocity. velocity at the propeller hub that
Thus, the wind turbine operates with determines the turbine power is
variable load over a narrow range usually higher.
between cut in.
7. Over load factor is also called as
5. Why is wind turbine designed to _____________
stop operation at cut out velocity? a) availability factor
a) To protect wheel against damage b) plant operating factor
b) To make a quick stop in c) flat rating
emergencies d) cut out velocity
c) To improve the efficiency
Answer: a
d) In order to adjust the blades to
Explanation: The overall load factor,
wind direction
also called the plant operating factor
Answer: a and the plant capacity factor is the
Explanation: To protect the turbine ratio of the total energy generated
wheel against damage at very high during a given period of time to the
wind velocities, it is designed to stop total rated generation capacity during
operation (such as feathering the the same period.

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8. How many of windmills are there? b) Smock mill

a) 2 c) Tower mill
b) 3 d) Fan mill
c) 4
Answer: b
d) 5
Explanation: The smock mill is a type
Answer: a of windmill that consists of a sloping,
Explanation: There are two classes of horizontally weather boarded or
windmill, horizontal axis and vertical thatched tower, usually with six or
axis. The vertical axis design was eight sides. It is topped with a roof or
popular during the early development cap that rotates to bring the sails into
of the windmill. However, its the wind. It is similar to post mill. It is
inefficiency of operation let to the named so because of its appearance.
development of numerous horizontal
11. Which are further improvements
axis designs.
on smock mill?
9. Name the windmill which has four a) Post mill
blades mounted on a central post. b) Smock mill
a) Post mill c) Tower mill
b) Smock mill d) Fan mill
c) Tower mill
Answer: c
d) Fan mill
Explanation: Tower mills are further
Answer: a improvements on smock mills. They
Explanation: The post mill has blades have a rotating cap and permanent
mounted on a central post. The body, but this body is made of brick or
horizontal shaft of the blade is stone. This fact makes it possible for
connected to a large break wheel. The the towers to be rounded. A round
break wheel interacts with a gear structure of it allows for large and
system, called the wallower, which taller towers.
rotates a central, vertical shaft. This
12. Which type of windmills are been
motion can then be used to power
used for primary purposes?
water pumping or grain grinding
a) Post mill
b) Smock mill
10. Name the type of windmill which c) Tower mill
consists of a sloping, horizontally d) Fan mill
weather boarded or thatched tower.
Answer: d
a) Post mill
Explanation: The fan type windmill is
©New Heights Series, 2021

specifically made for individuals. It is Answer: b

much smaller and used primarily for Explanation: Wind turbine
pumping water. It consists of a fixed experiences change in velocity
tower (mast), a wheel and tail dependent upon the blade inlet angle
assembly (fan), a head assembly, and and the blade velocity. Since the
a pump. blades are long, the blade velocity
varies with the radius to a greater
degree than steam or gas-turbine
blades and the blades are therefore

Velocity and Power from Wind 3. When was the Halladay wind mill
a) 1920
1. Select the formula for total power b) 1923
p t? c) 1854
a) Pt = 12gc ρAVi3 d) 1864
b) Pt = ρAVi3D3 Answer: c
c) Pt = 12gc Vi3D3 Explanation: Invented by Daniel
d) Pt = 2gcVi3 Halladay in 1854, the Halladay
Answer: a Standard was the first commercially
Explanation: successful self-governing windmill in
1854 was the firms of Halladay,
McCray & Co., Ellington, Conn.
Partners in the company were
inventor Daniel Halladay, John
Burnham and Henry McCray.
4. How much ideal efficiency should
2. Why blade velocity of wind turbine practical turbine have?
varies? a) 10 – 12%
a) Due to varying wind speeds b) 18 – 25%
b) Long length of blades c) 80 – 90%
c) Due to the height of mount d) 50 – 70%
d) Because of hotness of Sun Answer: d
Explanation: As wind turbine wheel
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cannot be completely closed, and 105 Pa

because of spillage and other effects, Air density, ρ = P/RT = (1.01325
practical turbines have 50 to 70% of ×105)/(287(15+273.15)) = 1.226
the ideal efficiency. The real kg/m3.
efficiency η is the product of this and
7. Calculate the air density when
ηmax and is the ratio of an actual to
18m/s wind is at 1std atmospheric
total power.
pressure and 34oC?
P = ηPtot.
a) 1.149 kg/m3
5. How many types are acting on b) 1.9 kg/m3
propeller type wind mill? c) 2.88 kg/m3
a) 2 d) 5.89 kg/m3
b) 3
Answer: a
c) 4
Explanation: For air, gas constant R
d) 5
= 287 J/kgK, 1atm = 1.01325 X
Answer: a 105 Pa
Explanation: There are two types of Air density, ρ = P/RT = (1.01325 ×
forces operating on the blades of a 105)/(287(34+273.15)) = 1.149 kg/m3.
propeller type wind turbine. They are
8. What is the total power produced if
the circumferential forces in the
the turbine diameter is 120m?
direction of wheel rotation that
a) 0.277 KW
provide the torque and the axial
b) 1.224 KW
forces in the direction of the wind
c) 4.28 KW
stream that provide an axial thrust
d) 0.89 KW
that must be counteracted by proper
mechanical design. Answer: a
Explanation: Total power P,
6. Calculate the air density, when
P = 0.245 X (πD2/4)
10m/s wind is at 1std atmospheric
= 0.245 X (π (120)2/4)
pressure and 15oC?
= 0.277 KW.
a) 1.226 kg/m3
b) 1.033 kg/m3 9. What is the total power produced if
c) 2.108 kg/m3 the turbine diameter is 90m?
d) 0.922 kg/m3 a) 0.155KW
b) 0.982 KW
Answer: a
c) 1.452 KW
Explanation: For air, gas constant R
d) 3.12 KW
= 287 J/kgK, 1atm = 1.01325 X

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Answer: a be utilized to run wind mill which in

Explanation: Total power P, turn, is used to drive the generators.
P = 0.245 X (πD2/4)
3. How much wind power does India
= 0.245 X (π (90)2/4)
= 0.155KW.
a) 20,000 MW
b) 12,000 MW
c) 140,000 MW
Generation of Wind Energy
d) 5000 MW
1. What does Heating and cooling of
Answer: a
the atmosphere generates?
Explanation: India has a potential of
a) Thermo line circulation
20,000 MW of wind power. Wind
b) Radiation currents
power accounts nearly 9.87% of
c) Convection currents
India’s total installed power
d) Conduction currents
generation capacity. Generation of
Answer: c wind power in India mainly account
Explanation: Wind energy can be from southern state of India.
economically used for the generation
4. What is the main source for the
of electrical energy. Heating and
formation of wind?
cooling of the atmosphere generates
a) Uneven land
convection currents. Heating is
b) Sun
caused by the absorption of solar
c) Vegetation
energy on the earth surface.
d) Seasons
2. How much is the energy available
Answer: b
in the winds over the earth surface is
Explanation: Wind is free and
estimated to be?
renewable form of energy, which
a) 2.9 X 120 MW
throughout history has been used to
b) 1.6 X 107 MW
grind grain, power ships, and pump
c) 1 MW
water. Wind is created when the sun
d) 5MW
unevenly heats the earth surface.
Answer: b
5. Which country created wind mills?
Explanation: The energy available in
a) Egypt
the winds over the earth surface is
b) Mongolia
estimated to be 1.6 X 107 MW which
c) Iran
is almost the same as the present-day
d) Japan
energy consumption. Wind energy can

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Answer: c 8. What type of energy is wind

Explanation: The earliest known wind energy?
mills were in Persia (Iran). These a) Renewable energy
early wind mills looked like large b) Non-renewable energy
paddle wheels. Centuries later, the c) Conventional energy
people of Holland improved the basic d) Commercial energy
design of wind mill. Holland is
Answer: a
famous for its wind mills.
Explanation: Wind is called a
6. “During the day, the air above the renewable energy source because the
land heats up more quickly than the wind will blow as long as the shines.
air over water”. Wind power, as an alternative to
a) True burning fossil fuels, is plentiful,
b) False renewable, widely distributed, clean,
produces no greenhouse gas
Answer: a
emissions during operation, consumes
Explanation: During the day, the air
no water, and uses little land.
above the land heats up more quickly
than the air over water. The warm air 9. What are used to turn wind energy
over the land expands and raises, and into electrical energy?
the heavier, cooler air rushes in to a) Turbine
take its place, creating winds. b) Generators
c) Yaw motor
7. What happens when the land near
d) Blades
the earth’s equator is heated?
a) All the oceans gets heated up Answer: a
b) Small wind currents are formed Explanation: Wind turbine blades
c) Rise in tides capture wind energy, a form of
d) Large atmospheric winds are mechanical energy, and put it to work
created turning a drive shaft, gearbox, and
generator to produce electrical
Answer: d
energy. Many factors affect wind
Explanation: The large atmospheric
turbine efficiency including turbine
winds that circle the earth are created
blade aerodynamics.
because the land near the earth’s
equator is heated more by the sun 10. What is the diameter of wind
than the land near the north and south turbine blades?
poles. Wind energy is mainly used to a) 320 feet
generate electricity. b) 220 feet

©New Heights Series, 2021

c) 80 feet wind power in India began in 1990s.

d) 500 feet Presently India is the world’s fourth
largest wind power generator. The
Answer: b
Indian energy sector has an installed
Explanation: Large utility-scale wind
capacity of 32.72 GW. Today India is
turbines can now generate more than
a major player in the global wind
a MW of electrical power each and
energy market.
deliver electricity directly in to the
electric grid, these turbines are
placed at 200 feet height at the rotor
“Effects of Wind Speed and Grid
hub and have blades which are 220
Condition (System Integration) – 1”.
feet or more in diameter.
1. Why is the energy output of wind
11. At what range of speed is the
power plant variable?
electricity from the wind turbine is
a) Wind speed is variable
b) Wind speed is an unknown constant
a) 100 – 125 mph
c) Wind speed is known constant
b) 450 – 650 mph
d) Poor equipment is used
c) 250 – 450 mph
d) 30-35 mph Answer: a
Clarification: The energy output of
Answer: d
any wind power plant (WPP) is
Explanation: Wind turbines are
variable because the wind speed is
designed with cut-in wind speeds and
variable. The equipment used in
cut-out speeds i.e. the wind speeds
power plant is designed to deal with
when the turbines start turning or
such variability and uncertainty.
shut off to prevent drive train damage.
Typically, maximum electric 2. Which of the following is a reason
generations occur at speeds of 30- for variable wind speed?
35mph. a) Water
b) Earth’s rotation
12. When did the development of wind
c) Electrons
power in India began?
d) Fans
a) 1965
b) 1954 Answer: b
c) 1990 Clarification: Day and night cycle
d) 1985 caused by earth’s rotation and
seasonal changes due to tilt axis of
Answer: c
earth cause changes in wind speed.
Explanation: The development of
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Water, electrons and fans do not Answer: c

affect wind speed. Clarification: Grid integration of
wind energy consists of three stages
3. What is grid integration of wind
starting with planning the connection.
After laying out the plan, the power
a) Planning the connection of wind
plant is physically connected to the
power plant to the grid
substation (grid). Lastly, the
b) Physical connection of wind power
functioning of each system is handled
plant to the grid
under systems operation.
c) Energy sent from grid to run the
wind turbines 5. What are the two types of planning
d) Collection of all activities related activities related to grid integration?
to connecting wind power plants to a) Network-wide and project-specific
the grid b) BJT and MOSFET
c) Rotor and shaft
Answer: d
d) Low power and high-power designs
Clarification: Grid integration of
wind energy is simply the collection of Answer: a
all activities related to connecting Clarification: The two types of
wind power plants to the grid. The planning activities related to grid
wind power plant sends energy to the integration are network-wide and
grid. It does not consume energy from project-specific activities. BJT and
the grid. MOSFET are electronic/electrical
devices (components). Rotor and shaft
4. Which of the following depicts the
are used in a rotating mechanism.
correct order of the stages involved in
Low power and high power designs
grid integration of wind energy?
are circuit design specifications.
a) System operations → physical
connection → planning 6. Which of the following best
describes network-wide planning
activity in grid integration?
b) Planning → system operations →
a) Planning activities related to a
physical connection
unique wind project
b) Planning activities for all the
c) Planning → physical connection → future wind power plants
system operations c) Planning activities for a
d) Physical connection → planning telecommunication system
→ system operations d) Planning activities for the

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maintenance of the existing wind d) Planning activities for the

power plants maintenance of the existing thermal
power plants
Answer: b
Clarification: Network-wide plans are Answer: c
laid out for all the future wind power Clarification: Project specific
plants. Planning activities for a planning activities in wind energy
telecommunication system are not grid integration are planning
related to grid integration of wind activities related to a unique wind
energy. Maintenance of existing wind project. They include system impact
power plants is covered in the studies done for a specific wind
previous network-wide plan. project. The input for this type of
study is the wind power plant which is
7. Network-wide plans in wind energy
being studied.
grid integration include _______
a) system impact studies done for a 9. In a substation, the wind power
specific wind project plant line is connected to a _______
b) materials used to manufacture voltage bus bar.
wind turbine blades a) high
c) developing grid code b) low
d) solar panel manufacturing plant c) mini
d) medium
Answer: c
Clarification: Network-wide plans Answer: d
include development of grid code, Clarification: In a substation, the
network-wide system integration wind power plant line is connected a
studies with scenarios for different medium voltage bus bar. A medium
levels of wind penetration and system voltage bus bar is used for medium
operation studies. They are not done voltages – 10kV to 50kV. At the wind
for a specific wind project. turbine generator, this bar is
connected to a step-up transformer
8. What is project specific planning in
which steps up the output of the
wind energy grid integration?
generator from 0.69kV to 11kV or
a) Planning activities for a solar
panel system
b) Planning activities for all the 10. Which of the following are a few
future wind power plants primary tests performed after
c) Planning activities related to a commissioning phase in the physical
unique wind project connection stage?

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a) Switch-gear functioning and meeting all the constraints. In most

quality parameters grids, wind energy has the highest
b) Feathering priority due to its low marginal costs.
c) Wind turbine blade tests
12. Which of the following is/are good
d) Rotor and shaft tests
practices for grid integration of wind
Answer: a power plant?
Clarification: Testing the functioning a) Day-ahead unit commitment
of switch-gear, quality parameters process
like harmonics and flicker, proper b) Day-ahead unit commitment
start-up and shut down are crucial process, economic dispatch process
during grid integration. Feathering of c) Optimized transmission from
blades is done to prevent the blades resources-rich areas to load, flexible
from being damaged by storm winds. generation
Wind turbine blade, rotor and shaft d) Rotor and shaft tests
tests do not come under grid
Answer: c
integration tests.
Clarification: Optimizing
11. Which of the following are transmission from resource-rich areas
impacts of grid integration of wind to load saves both, power and costs.
power plant? Using the under-utilized line to
a) Day-ahead unit commitment transmit power instead of setting a
process new transmission line is an example
b) Day-ahead unit commitment of optimization. Flexible power
process, economic dispatch process generation helps meeting in varying
c) Generator types power demands.
d) Rotor and shaft tests
13. What is a grid code for wind
Answer: b energy integration?
Clarification: The unit commitment a) A binary code
process is cost-effective combination b) A hexadecimal code
of generating units to meet forecasted c) A code of conduct
load and reserve requirements, while d) A rulebook specifying generator
adhering to generator and properties
transmission constraints. Economic
Answer: d
dispatch is the optimization of
Clarification: A grid code for
production from generators to
integration is a rulebook that specifies
minimize cost of generation while
properties of generators and other

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equipment used to connect to the grid. flow of electrical energy from

The equipment must satisfy these generators to consumers meeting line
properties to ensure reliable and safe loading requirements and all grid
operation. code requirements. It is performed
using various power systems
14. What are the types of grid
modelling software like PSS/E and
integration costs?
a) Transmission extension, volatility
balancing, covering peak load
b) Marginal cost
Effects of Wind Speed and Grid
c) Fixed cost
Condition (System Integration)
d) Fundamental Analysis
1. What happens to wind speed when
Answer: a
many turbines operate collectively?
Clarification: Grid integration costs
a) Wind speed reduces
are divided into three categories –
b) Wind speed increases
transmission extension, balancing of
c) Wind speed does not change
increased volatility in grid and
d) Wind speed increases exponentially
covering the peak load. The other
and then decreases linearly
options are various terms used in
economics and finance to define Answer: a
different types of costs. They are not Clarification: Wind turbines are used
particularly related to grid to extract kinetic energy from the
integration. incoming wind. When multiple
turbines operate collectively, the wind
15. What is a power flow study in
speed of the atmospheric flow reduces
wind energy integration?
after crossing each turbine. This
a) A binary code
affects the efficiency of the turbines.
b) Determines flow of electrical
energy from generators to consumers 2. Which of the following is true?
c) Determines flow of electrical a) More than 50% of the land area on
energy from generators to consumers earth can generate 1W per square
meeting line loading requirements meter
d) A study specifying generator b) Less than 5% of the land area on
properties earth can generate 1W per square
Answer: c
c) 60 – 80% of the land area on earth
Clarification: A power flow study in
can generate 1W per square meter
wind energy integration determines
d) More than 80% of the land area on
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earth can generate 1W per square c) The output power decreases

meter d) The output power increases
Answer: b Answer: d
Clarification: After multiple Clarification: When the wind turbine
simulations, research has shown that blades rotate faster for the entire
less than 5% of land area can actually operation time, the output power
generate 1W per square meter. A increases. The output power increases
global climate model was used to until the speed of rotation is
simulate scenarios of different wind decreased.
energy across all continents.
5. Higher wind speeds _________ the
3. Lower wind speeds result in speed of rotation of the wind blades.
________ a) increase
a) higher wind energy obtained b) decrease
b) no wind energy obtained c) monotonically decrease
c) lower wind energy obtained d) first increase and then decrease
d) 100% energy conversion for half
Answer: a
the operation time and less than 10%
Clarification: Higher wind speeds
energy conversion for the remaining
increase the speed of rotation of the
half of the operation time
wind blades. This in turn generates
Answer: c more output power as the net
Clarification: Wind speeds mechanical energy increased due to
disproportionally affect the electricity increase in rotational speed of the
generation from wind turbines. Lower wind blade.
wind speeds result in much lower
6. What is cut-in wind speed?
wind energy. This further decreases
a) Wind turbine stops generating
the conversion efficiency resulting in
output power
extremely low powers.
b) Wind turbine starts generating
4. What happens to the output power output power
when the wind turbine blades rotate c) Wind turbine stops functioning
faster for the entire operation time? d) Wind turbine starts functioning
a) The output power first increases
Answer: b
then decreases
Clarification: Wind turbines are
b) The output power first decreases
designed to operate within a specific
then monotonically increases
range of wind speeds. The cut-in wind
speed is that wind speed at which the
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wind turbine starts generating output the ability of a material to come back
power. It is not the speed at which the to its original shape after stretching.
turbine starts functioning. Threshold voltage is related to
electrical devices like diodes, BJTs,
7. What is rated speed?
a) Wind turbines generate least output
power 9. How does the output power vary
b) Wind turbines do not generate any between cut-in speed and the rated
output power speed?
c) Wind turbines generate maximum a) cubically
output power b) linearly
d) Wind turbines have no rated speed c) square
as the output power always increases d) exponential
Answer: c Answer: a
Clarification: The rated wind speed is Clarification: Between the cut-in
that wind speed at which the wind speed and the rated speed, the output
turbines generate maximum output power of the wind turbines varies
power. Maximum power point cubically. The output power cubically
tracking (MPPT) is used to ensure increases until the rated speed is
that the wind turbines always operate reached – if the wind speed doubles,
in the neighbourhood of the rated the output power increases by 8 times.
wind speed.
10. What is the cut-out speed?
8. Which of the following are the a) Wind turbine starts generating
limits of the range of wind speeds for output power
which the turbines are designed? b) Wind turbine must be shut down
a) Elasticity c) Wind turbine stops functioning
b) Threshold voltage d) Wind turbine starts functioning but
c) Networking does not generate output power
d) Cut-in speed and cut-out speed
Answer: b
Answer: d Clarification: Cut-out speed is the
Clarification: Since wind turbines are wind speed at which the wind turbine
designed to operate within a specific must be shut down. This prevents
range of wind speeds, they have damage to the equipment used in the
limits. The lower limit is called the wind turbines. The cut-out speed is
cut-in speed and the upper limit is decided prior to wind turbine
called the cut-out speed. Elasticity is construction.

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11. Power output is not related to the 14. What is feather of wind turbine
local air density. blades?
a) False a) Adding feathers to the blades
b) True b) Reducing the weight of wind
turbine blades
Answer: a
c) Reducing the angle of pitch
Clarification: Power output is related
d) Increasing the angle of pitch
to the local air density. Air density is
defined as the mass per unit volume of Answer: d
the earth’s atmosphere. It depends on Clarification: Increasing the angle of
various physical factors. pitch is called feathering of wind
turbine blades. It is achieved by
12. Which of the following does the
turning the blades to orient them in a
local air density depend upon?
direction parallel to the air flow. This
a) Soil
minimized the net drag on the wind
b) Lightning
turbine blades.
c) Altitude and pressure
d) Nitrogen and oxygen 15. Why is feathering of wind turbine
blades required?
Answer: c
a) To increase drag
Clarification: Air density depends on
b) To reduce drag
altitude, pressure and temperature. It
c) To prevent the blades from being
does not depend on soil and its
destroyed by strong winds
topography as well as on lightning.
d) To extract power from strong
Nitrogen and oxygen are types of
winds originating from storms
gases and are components of air.
Answer: c
13. Higher air density leads to higher
Clarification: Feathering of wind
power output.
turbine blades is used to prevent the
a) True
blades from destruction by storm
b) False
winds. By orienting the wind blades in
Answer: a a direction parallel to the incoming
Clarification: Higher air density air flow, the net drag from a stopped
results in higher output power. This is propeller is minimized and the system
because denser air exerts more is shut down.
pressure on the wind blades which
increases the speed of rotation. Thus,
an increase in the speed of rotation Major Applications of Wind Power.
increases output power.
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1. Which of the following is not an that uses wind energy in a unique

application of wind energy? manner. Wind energy is used to swing
a) Electricity the ball into (or away from) the
b) Steam engine batsman. This phenomenon is
c) Agriculture demonstrated by Magnus effect.
d) Energy storage for emergencies
4. How is wind energy used in
Answer: b flourmills?
Clarification: Steam engine is not an a) To beat corn grains into paste
application of wind energy because b) To beat wheat grains into paste
coal was used to generate the steam c) To grind wheat and corn grains
powering the engine. Wind is used to into flour
generate electricity with the help of d) Wind energy is not used in
wind turbines. This energy can either flourmills
be stored for emergencies or can be
Answer: c
used in agriculture, viz. pumping
Clarification: Wind energy is used in
flourmills to grind wheat and corn
2. Which of the following sports use grains into their respective flour.
wind energy? Wind mill blades are connected to a
a) Wind surfing drive shaft which is in turn connected
b) Chess to gears and millstones. When the
c) Carroms grains are poured into the revolving
d) Kho-Kho millstone, the motion grinds it into
Answer: a
Clarification: Wind surfing is a 5. Which of the following wind turbine
surface water sport that combines is mostly used to extract wind energy?
elements of surfing and sailing. Chess a) DC generator
and carroms are board games. Kho- b) Vertical-axis wind turbines
Kho is a running sport. All three of c) Sailing boat
them do not use wind energy. d) Horizontal-axis wind turbines
3. Does the team sport cricket, use Answer: d
wind? Clarification: Horizontal-axis wind
a) True turbines are mostly used to extract
b) False wind energy. They are made up of
several blades that are
Answer: a
aerodynamically shaped like airplane
Clarification: Cricket is a team sport
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wings and are based on ancestral Answer: c

winds. Sailing boats use wind energy Clarification: Pumping water is a
and do not extract energy from wind. mechanical application of wind
DC generator generates DC current. energy. Generating and transporting
electricity to the grid as well as
6. Wind energy is not used to pump
lighting are electrical applications.
water to a higher level.
Wind surfing is a sport that uses wind
a) True
b) False
9. Which of the following is a
Answer: b
potential application of wind energy?
Clarification: Wind energy is used to
a) Converting heat to wind energy
pump water from a lower level to a
b) Converting electrical energy to
higher level. A horizontal-axis wind
wind energy
mill with multiple blades is typically
c) Transportation of electrical energy
used to pump the water.
d) Converting the wind flow due to
7. _______ light is used to denote speeding cars into electricity on
dangers of birds, bats or/and highways
Answer: d
a) Red
Clarification: Wind blowing due to
b) Blue
speeding cars on highways or trains
c) Yellow
can be used to power street lamps and
d) Green
is a potential application of wind
Answer: a energy. Converting other forms of
Clarification: The red light is used to energy to wind energy is not an
indicate any danger like birds or bats. application of wind energy.
It is fitted on the wind mill to identify Transportation of electrical energy is
itself with the airplanes. an existing practice.
8. Which of the following is a 10. Does flying a kite use wind
mechanical application of wind energy?
energy? a) True
a) Lighting b) False
b) Electricity
Answer: a
c) Pumping water
Clarification: Flying a kite and
d) Wind surfing
maintaining it in air requires two
things – consistent wind flow and

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proper kite control by the user. For direction of wind flow. A simplified
the kite to remain stable in the air, it explanation of lift is that it should
requires a constant wind flowing travel faster to reach the end of the
across its sides. blade to meet the wind travelling over
upwind face of the blade.
Wind Turbine Aerodynamics – 1.
3. Drag is an aerodynamic force
1. What are the two primary
acting ______
aerodynamic forces acting on wind
a) perpendicular to the direction of
turbine rotors?
wind flow
a) Lift, drag
b) parallel to the direction of wind
b) Drag, gravitational force
c) Gravitational force, lift
c) diagonal to the direction of wind
d) Gravitational force, electrical force
Answer: a d) opposite to the direction of wind
Clarification: Lift and drag are the flow
two primary aerodynamic forces
Answer: b
acting on modern wind turbine rotors.
Clarification: Drag is an
Gravitational force is due to earth’s
aerodynamic force acting in the
gravity and is not an aerodynamic
direction parallel to the wind flow.
force. Similarly, electrical force is due
Though it is conceptually simple, it
to an electrical potential difference or
has poor power extraction vs area
an electric field and is not an
aerodynamic force.
4. What is an aerodynamic force?
2. Lift is an aerodynamic force acting
a) Force exerted on the body due to
mass of another body nearby
a) opposite to the direction of wind
b) Force exerted on the body by liquid
c) Force exerted on the body by air
b) parallel to the direction of wind
(or any gas) in which the body is
c) diagonal to the direction of wind
d) Force exerted on the body due to a
charged particle
d) perpendicular to the direction of
wind flow Answer: c
Clarification: Aerodynamic force is
Answer: d
the force exerted on a body by air (or
Clarification: Lift is an aerodynamic
any gas) in which the body is
force that acts perpendicular to the
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immersed. It is due to the relative c) Amount of drag generated by a

motion between the body and air. blade divided by its aerodynamic lift
Buoyancy is the force exerted by the d) Amount of lift generated by a blade
liquid in which the body is immersed. divided by its aerodynamic drag
Gravitational force on a body is due
Answer: a
to mass of another body.
Clarification: Lift-to-drag ratio is the
5. What happens on the upwind side amount of lift generated by a blade
of the wind mill blade? (or a wing/ flying vehicle) divided by
a) No pressure is exerted its aerodynamic drag. It’s essential to
b) Low pressure area determine the blade’s efficiency and is
c) High pressure area considered during the design of the
d) Wind is trapped wing.
Answer: c 8. A higher lift-to-drag ratio indicates
Clarification: On the upwind side of a higher efficiency.
the wind mill blade, a region of high a) False
pressure is formed. This is due to slow b) True
movement of air on the upwind side as
Answer: b
compared to the downwind side.
Clarification: As the name suggests,
6. The upwind side experiences a lift-to-drag ratio is the ratio of the
force that slows the blade. aerodynamic lift generated by the
a) True blade to the aerodynamic drag
b) False generated by the blade. It is used to
determine the efficiency of the blade.
Answer: a
Higher the lift-to-drag ratio, higher
Clarification: The upwind side
the efficiency.
experiences a force due to the slow
movement of air relative to the 9. Turbine blades use a/an _______
downside. This results in a region of design.
high pressure on the upwind side a) bulky
which exerts a force that slows the b) airfoil
blade’s movement. c) teardrop
d) train’s
7. What is lift-to-drag ratio?
a) Amount of lift generated by a blade Answer: b
divided by its aerodynamic drag Clarification: Airfoil design is the
b) Amount of drag generated by a cross-sectional shape of an airplane
blade divided by its lift wing. Turbine blades us an airfoil
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design. Unlike trains and trucks, they much wind to pass through
are not bulky. Though teardrop is the undisturbed and does not extract
most aerodynamic shape, turbine sufficient energy. However, if the
blades don’t use this design. blades rotate too quickly, it creates a
large amount of drag.
10. Which of the following is the
governing equation for power 12. What is tip speed ratio (TSR)?
extraction and calculation? Note that a) Ratio of wind speed to the speed of
the text in bold denotes a vector rotor
quantity. b) Ratio of the speed of rotor tip to
a) Power = force . velocity wind speed
b) Power = force . area c) Ratio of wind speed to the speed of
c) Power = velocity . force rotor tip
d) Power = energy / time d) Ratio of wind speed to the speed of
the blade’s center
Answer: a
Clarification: In aerodynamics, Answer: b
power = force . velocity is used to Clarification: Tip speed ratio is the
extract and calculate power. Though ratio of the speed of the rotor tip to
power = energy / time is correct but the wind speed. It is used to determine
both energy and time are written in the optimal speed at which the rotor
bold which is not true. Energy and (and blades) are required to rotate to
time are scalar quantities. The other ensure maximum efficiency.
options are mathematically incorrect.
13. What does tip speed ratio (TSR)
11. Why is it necessary to have an depend on?
optimal tip speed ratio (TSR)? a) Motor material
a) To ensure maximum efficiency b) Wind tower material
b) To ensure good aerodynamics c) Rotor blade shape profile
c) To increase drag d) Different types of gases
d) To ensure minimum efficiency but
Answer: c
good aerodynamics
Clarification: Tip speed ratio depends
Answer: a on rotor blade shape and its wind
Clarification: Optimal tip speed ratio profile. It also depends on the number
is required to ensure maximum of turbine blades and the design of the
efficiency in converting wind energy wind turbine propeller.
to mechanical energy. If the propeller
14. Which of the following blade
blades rotate too slowly, it allows too
designs is becoming less popular?
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a) HAWT and tapered along their length to

b) Airfoil design reduce the effect of drag force.
c) Curve design
2. What is angle of attack?
d) Flat blade design
a) Angle between downwind side and
Answer: d upwind side
Clarification: Flat blade design is one b) Angle between the blade and the
of the oldest designs and is becoming rotor
less popular due its low efficiency. c) Angle between the direction of
Airfoil and curve designs deliver wind and pitch of the blade
much higher efficiencies. Horizontal d) Angle between the blade and the
axis wind turbine (HAWT) is a wind tower
propeller type and not a blade design.
Answer: c
15. The airfoil/curve blade designs Clarification: Angle of attack is the
are affected by drag along its length. angle between the direction of the
a) False oncoming wind and the pitch of the
b) True blade. It is important to note that
position of the pitch of the blade is
Answer: b
with respect to the oncoming wind.
Clarification: Drag is one of the two
important aerodynamic forces. It 3. When plotting lift vs angle of
reduces the blade’s rotating speed. attack, which of following best
Thus, blades need to be designed in describes the shape of the curve?
such a way that they experience a) Exponential
minimum drag force. b) Cubic
c) Linear
Wind Turbine Aerodynamics – 2.
d) Parabolic
1. How is drag force experienced by
Answer: d
the blade reduced in various modern
Clarification: The shape of lift vs
blade designs?
angle of attack curve is parabolic in
a) Bending and tapering the blade
nature. The value of lift attains a
b) Using heavy metals
maxima when the angle is between
c) Twirling the blade
15-18 degrees.
d) Increasing the length of the blade
4. There is no ideal angle of attack for
Answer: a
best rotation.
Clarification: Turbine blades
a) True
experience drag force. They are bent
b) False
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Answer: b a) Twisting and tapering the blades

Clarification: There is an ideal angle b) Reducing wind tower height
of attack that creates best rotation. It c) Increasing wind tower height
can be seen that the value of lift d) Increasing rotor speed
increases as the angle increases and
Answer: a
then decreases as the angle crosses
Clarification: Twisting and tapering
20 degrees.
any airfoiled blade further increases
5. The speed at the tip of the blade is its efficiency. The other options may
faster than its center. increase efficiency but they are not
a) True related to blade designs.
b) False
8. Why is a blade twisted along its
Answer: a length rather than its width?
Clarification: The speed of the tip of a a) Drag reduction
rotating blade is faster than its center b) Weight reduction
or root. This ensures a good tip- c) Drag reduction and improvement
speed-ratio and provides high in angle of attack
efficiency. d) Aesthetic reasons
6. What is the angle by which the Answer: c
rotor blades are twisted? Clarification: A rotor blade is twisted
a) 5-10 degrees along its length to improve the angle
b) 15-45 degrees of attack and reduce drag. It is not
c) 100-120 degrees done to reduce weight or for aesthetic
d) 10-20 degrees reasons. Every engineering design
has a logical reason.
Answer: d
Clarification: The rotor blades are 9. Which of the following blade
twisted by an angle between 10-20 designs further increases the
degrees from root to tip. This ensures efficiency of airfoil blades?
that the angle of attack decreases a) Reducing wind tower height
from the region where the air is b) Twisting and tapering the blades
moving slowly near the root to the c) Increasing wind tower height
region where the air is moving much d) Increasing rotor speed
faster at the tip.
Answer: b
7. Which of the following blade Clarification: Twisting and tapering
designs further increases the any airfoiled blade further increases
efficiency of airfoil blades? its efficiency. The other options may
©New Heights Series, 2021

increase efficiency but they are not greater forces

related to blade designs. b) Longer turbine blades experience
lesser forces
10. Why does wind speed increase
c) Stronger materials are cheaper
with height above ground?
d) Stronger materials are available in
a) More slip boundary conditions
b) Less obstructions and no slip
boundary conditions Answer: a
c) More obstructions and slip Clarification: Longer turbine blades
boundary conditions experience greater aerodynamic
d) Gas molecules have less mass forces – lift and drag forces. Hence,
they need to be made of stronger
Answer: b
materials which are not particularly
Clarification: Increase in wind speed
with increasing height is due to both,
less number of obstructions and no 13. Which of the following is best
slip boundary conditions. While the reason for not using longer blades
fluid analysis at ground level assume even though they produce greater
these conditions, the mathematics for output power?
analyzing at a considerable height a) Longer turbine blades experience
above ground level is suitable greater forces
changed. b) Longer turbine blades experience
lesser forces
11. Increased wind tower height and
c) Safety concerns due to greater
longer blades do not result in an
momentum of longer blades
increase in power.
d) Stronger materials are available in
a) True
b) False
Answer: c
Answer: b
Clarification: Though longer turbine
Clarification: Increasing the wind
blades produce greater output power;
tower height and blade length results
they are not used commercially
in increased output power. However,
because they have more mass. If any
the benefits of increasing the form
of the blades falls off the tower, its net
factor comes at the expense of
momentum could cause extensively
economics and safety.
damage the environment.
12. Why should longer turbine blades
14. Which theory is used to model the
be made of stronger materials?
wind turbine?
a) Longer turbine blades experience
©New Heights Series, 2021

a) Blade element momentum theory Wind Turbine Siting.

b) Kinetic gas theory
1. When looking for a wind site,
c) Archimedes principle
assessors start by _______
d) Einstein’s theory of photoelectric
a) determining the direction of
prevailing wind at the site
Answer: a b) looking for a good source of water
Clarification: Blade momentum c) looking for a location with good
theory is used to for aerodynamic sunlight
modelling due to its simplicity. d) determining all the directions of
Kinetic gas theory is related to gas the local wind
molecules and energy of a gas
Answer: a
molecule. Archimedes principle is
Clarification: To install a wind
related to floatation and immersion of
turbine, wind assessors look for
a body in a liquid. Einstein’s theory is
locations with strong and smooth
related to the photoelectric effect
winds. They start by assessing the
which is a quantum mechanical
direction of the prevailing wind at the
site. Generally, winds blowing in a
15. What is blade element momentum particular direction are strong and
theory? smooth.
a) It is same as blade element theory
2. Which of the following is required
b) It is same as momentum theory
for the installation of a wind turbine
c) It talks about the motion of a body
in a given frame of reference
a) A weak wind flow
d) It is used to calculate the local
b) A consistent and strong wind flow
forces on the propeller or blade
c) Still air
Answer: d d) A consistent wind flow with
Clarification: Concepts of both, obstructions
element theory and blade momentum
Answer: b
theory are combined and used in
Clarification: For a wind turbine
Blade element momentum theory. It is
system to run effectively, it requires a
used to aerodynamically model
good wind site. A good wind site is
turbine blades and rotors and
one with a consistent and strong wind
calculate the respective local forces
flow in a direction.
on them.
3. Which of the following is preferred
in a good wind site?
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a) Still air tallest obstacle within a 500-foot

b) A higher altitude terrain with radius.
objects obstructing the wind flow
5. Which of following are considered
c) A higher altitude terrain with no or
during wind siting?
minimum objects obstructing the wind
a) Safety impact, community impact,
environmental impact
d) A lower altitude terrain with no or
b) Radiation
minimum objects obstructing the wind
c) Sunlight
d) Water
Answer: c
Answer: a
Clarification: Terrain is known to
Clarification: Before selecting and
affect wind speeds which in turn affect
deciding on a good site, various
the efficiency of a wind turbine
impacts of installing a wind turbine
system. A higher altitude terrain with
are considered. The engineers ensure
no or minimum objects obstructing
that the wind site does not harm any
the wind flow is always preferred.
living creature. They also ensure that
4. What is the minimum height above the site is far away from the nearest
which the rotor of the wind turbine village to prevent any noise pollution.
system is installed in a good wind
6. Which of the following impacts a
community/village/society due to
a) 100 feet above the tallest obstacle
installation of wind turbine system?
within a 5-foot radius
a) Private and Public cloud
b) 5 feet above the tallest obstacle
b) Noise from the turbine, flicker
within a 500-foot radius
c) Private, Public and Hybrid cloud
c) 10 feet above the tallest obstacle
d) Public and Hybrid cloud
within a 5000-foot radius
d) 30 feet above the tallest obstacle Answer: b
within a 500-foot radius Clarification: Noise, flicker and
signal interference impacts the
Answer: d
nearest community/society/village.
Clarification: A wind turbine can be
The other options are not related to
located anywhere in a good wind site
wind siting.
provided the rotor is installed slightly
on a higher terrain. The rotor is 7. Does the wind turbine harm birds?
typically mounted 30 feet above the a) True
b) False

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Answer: a electrical energy generated from the

Clarification: The wind turbine wind turbine system to the grid.
system harms the birds and may even
10. Which of the following can make a
kill them. Thus, it is imperative to
good wind site?
select a site with minimum or no
a) A national sanctuary with wildlife
living creatures.
b) A city
8. Which of the following factors c) A village
affect wind speed near the turbine d) A barren land with wind speed of 6
system? on beaufort scale
a) Birds flying
Answer: d
b) Sunlight
Clarification: A barren land with a
c) Time of the day, temperature,
wind speed of 6 on beaufort scale is a
potential wind site. A city, village or
d) A village far away from the wind
national sanctuary are poor choices
for wind sites as they obstruct wind
Answer: c flow. Also, it is not safe to install a
Clarification: Time of the day, wind turbine in such places.
temperature and season are a few
Determination of Wind Loads &
factors affecting the wind speed.
Load Combinations.
While the sun’s heat affects the wind
speed by creating a pressure 1. Which IS Code is used for design
difference, sunlight in itself doesn’t. loads for buildings and structures for
Effect on a far-away village from the wind load?
wind site and birds flying on wind a) IS 456
speed is minimum. b) IS 875 Part 3
c) IS 500
9. Do wind sites need an access to
d) IS 1280
transmission lines?
a) False
b) True Answer: b
Clarification: For design loads for
Answer: b
buildings and structures for wind
Clarification: Potential wind sites
load, IS 875-Part 3 given by Bureau
turning into wind farms need access
of Indian Standards is used.
to transmission lines. Transmission
lines are used to transport the 2. IS Code gives basic wind speed
averaged over a short interval of

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______ d) [1-(Vp/Vz)2].
a) 10 seconds
b) 20 seconds
Answer: d
c) 5 seconds
Clarification: Pressure Coefficient is
d) 3 seconds
the ratio of difference between
pressure acting at point on surface
Answer: d and static pressure of incident wind to
Clarification: Basic wind speed is the design wind pressure.
based on peak wind gust velocity
5. What is return period?
averaged over a short interval of 3s
a) number of years, the reciprocal of
and having return period of 50 years
which gives the probability of extreme
and corresponds to mean above
wind exceeding given wind speed in
ground level in open terrain.
any one year
3. Positive sign of pressure coefficient b) number of years, the reciprocal of
indicates ______________ which gives the probability of extreme
a) pressure acting towards the surface wind less than given wind speed in
b) pressure acting away the surface any one year
c) pressure acting above the surface c) number of years, the reciprocal of
d) pressure acting below the surface which gives the probability of mild
wind exceeding given wind speed in
any one year
Answer: a
d) number of years, the reciprocal of
Clarification: Positive sign of
which gives the probability of mild
pressure coefficient indicates pressure
wind less than given wind speed in
acting towards the surface and
any one year
negative sign of pressure coefficient
indicates pressure acting away the
surface. Answer: a
Clarification: Wind load acting on
4. Which of the following relation is
structure varies from year to year
correct for pressure coefficient?
based on wind speed and maximum
Vp = Actual wind speed at any point
that can be expected to occur at a
on structure at height corresponding
given location only once in so many
to Vz (design wind speed)
years. This period is called return
a) [1+(Vp/Vz)2].
b) [1+(Vz/Vp)2].
c) [1-(Vz/Vp)2].

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6. Wind Pressure at any height of building (class A) = 15m.

structure does not depend on _______ a) 40 m/s
a) velocity and density of air b) 48.5 m/s
b) angle of wind attack c) 50 m/s
c) topography of ground surface d) 52.5 m/s
d) material of structure
Answer: b
Answer: d Clarification: Vb = 50m/s, k1 = 1, k3 =
Clarification: Wind Pressure at any 1,
height of structure depend on for terrain with closely spaced
(i)velocity and density of air, buildings, height of building=15m,
(ii)height above ground level, class A : k2=0.97 (from IS 875 Part 3)
(iii)shape and aspect ratio of Vz = k1k2k3Vb = 1×0.97x1x50 = 48.5
building, (iv) topography of m/s.
surrounding ground surface, (v)angle
9. Which of the following relation
of wind attack, (vi)solidity ratio or
between design pressure, pz and
openings in the structure.
design wind speed, Vz is correct?
7. Which of the following relation is a) pz ∝ Vz2
correct for design wind speed (Vz) and b) pz ∝ 1/Vz2
basic wind speed (Vb) ? c) pz ∝ Vz
a) Vz ∝ Vb2 d) pz ∝ 1/Vz
b) Vz ∝ 1/Vb2
c) Vz ∝ Vb
Answer: a
d) Vz ∝ 1/Vb
Clarification: pz = 0.6Vz2, where pz is
in N/m2 and Vz is in m/s. 0.6 factor
Answer: c depends on number of factors and
Clarification: Vz = k1k2k3Vb , where mainly on atmospheric pressure and
k1=probability factor(risk coefficient), air temperature.
k2=terrain, height and structure size
10. Calculate the design wind
factor, k3=topography factor.
pressure if the basic wind speed is 44
8. Calculate design wind speed for a m/s, risk coefficient is 1, topography
site in a city with basic wind speed of factor is 1, terrain is with closely
50 m/s, risk coefficient =1, spaced buildings and height of
topography factor = 1, terrain is with building(class A) = 20m .
closely spaced buildings and height of a) 1285 N/m2

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b) 1580 N/m2 earthquake load

c) 1085 N/m2 c) Dead load + wind load +
d) 1185 N/m2 earthquake load
d) Dead load + imposed load
Answer: d
Clarification: Vb = 44m/s, k1 = 1, k3 = Answer: c
1, Clarification: According to IS code, it
for terrain with closely spaced is assumed that maximum wind load
buildings, height of building=20m, and earthquake load will not occur
class A: k2=1.01 (from IS 875 Part 3) simultaneously on a structure. The
Vz = k1k2k3Vb = 1×1.01x1x44 = 44.44 following combination of loads with
m/s appropriate partial safety factors may
pz = 0.6Vz2 = 0.6x(44.44)2 = 1184.95 be considered : (i)Dead load +
N/m2. imposed load, (ii) Dead load +
imposed load + earthquake load or
11. What is the partial safety factor
wind load, (iii) Dead load + wind
for combination of DL+LL for limit
load or earthquake load, (iv) Dead
state of strength, where DL=Dead
load + erection load.
load, LL=imposed load?
a) 1.2 13. What is the partial safety factor
b) 1.0 for dead load in combination of
c) 0.8 DL+LL+WL/EL for limit state of
d) 1.5 serviceability, where DL=Dead load,
LL=imposed load , WL=wind load,
EL=earthquake load ?
Answer: d
a) 1.0
Clarification: For limit state of
b) 0.8
strength, the load combination is
c) 1.5
1.5(DL+LL), for limit state of
d) 1.2
serviceability, the load combination is
1.0(DL+LL), where DL=Dead load,
LL=imposed load. Answer: b
Clarification: For limit state of
12. Which of the following load
strength, the load combination is
combination is not possible?
1.2(DL+LL+WL/EL), for limit state of
a) Dead load + imposed load + wind
serviceability, the load combination is
1.0DL+0.8LL+0.8WL/EL, where
b) Dead load + imposed load +

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DL=Dead load, LL=imposed load, AL=Accidental load for limit state of

WL=wind load, EL=earthquake load. strength.
14. What is the partial safety factor Wind Energy Multiple Choice
for dead load in combination of DL+ Questions on “Wind Energy
WL/EL for limit state of serviceability, Conversion Systems (WECS) – 1”.
where DL=Dead load, WL=wind
1. What are wind energy conversion
load, EL=earthquake load ?
systems designed for?
a) 1.0
a) To convert wind energy to
b) 1.5
mechanical energy
c) 1.2
b) To convert wind energy to potential
d) 0.8
c) To convert wind energy to
Answer: a electrical energy
Clarification: For limit state of d) To convert mechanical energy to
serviceability, the load combination is wind energy
1.0(DL +WL/EL), for limit state of
Answer: a
strength, the load combination is
Clarification: Wind energy
1.5(DL +WL/EL), where DL=Dead
conversion systems (WECS) are
load, WL=wind load, EL=earthquake
designed to convert wind energy to
mechanical energy. The kinetic
15. What is the partial safety factor energy of the wind is used to turn the
for imposed load in combination of blades of a wind turbine which in turn
DL+LL+AL , where DL=Dead load, rotates a rotor connected to it. This
WL=wind load, AL=Accidental load mechanical energy is further
? converted to electrical energy for
a) 1.0 various applications.
b) 0.5
2. Which of the following is a part of
c) 0.4
a general wind energy conversion
d) 0.35
a) Server
Answer: d b) Wind turbine
Clarification: The load combination c) Cloud User
is 1.0DL+ 0.35LL+ 1.0AL, where d) Service Provider
DL=Dead load, WL=wind load,
Answer: b
Clarification: Wind turbine is a
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crucial part of a wind energy uses gears to accomplish speed

conversion system (WECS). It control. The motor shaft and the
converts the kinetic energy of the speed controller shaft are on parallel
incoming air stream into mechanical planes. Hence, the name parallel shaft
energy which is then converted to gears.
electrical energy. Server, cloud user
5. What is a planetary shaft gearbox?
and service provider are components
a) Input shaft and output shaft are
of a wireless communication system.
3. What are the two types of gear b) Motor shaft and the speed
boxes used in wind turbine? controller shaft are on perpendicular
a) VAWT and HAWT planes
b) Differential c) Motor shaft and the speed
c) Parallel shaft and planetary shaft controller shaft are on parallel planes
d) Manual transmission d) Input shaft and output shaft are
Answer: c
Clarification: Parallel shaft and Answer: a
planetary gearboxes are used in wind Clarification: When the input and
turbine. Differential and manual output shaft of a gearbox are aligned,
transmission are used in automobiles. it is called planetary gearbox. It is
VAWT and HAWT are the two most used to transfer the largest torque
commonly used wind turbines. compactly. Motor shaft and speed
controller shaft in parallel shaft.
4. What are parallel shaft gears?
a) Motor shaft and the speed 6. Parallel shaft gearbox is used in
controller shaft are on perpendicular small turbines.
planes a) False
b) Motor shaft and the speed b) True
controller shaft are on skewed planes
Answer: b
c) Motor shaft and the speed
Clarification: Parallel shaft gearbox
controller shaft are on diagonal
is used in small turbines. They have a
simple design and are easy to
d) Motor shaft and the speed
maintain. Also, they are made up high
controller shaft are on parallel planes
mass material.
Answer: d
7. Planetary shaft gearbox is not used
Clarification: Parallel shaft gear
in large turbines.
motors are a type of gear motor which

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a) False determined by the grid frequency

b) True regardless of the wind speed. A fixed
speed WECS does not operate at
Answer: a
differential/variable speeds.
Clarification: Planetary shaft gearbox
is used in large turbines. When 10. Fixed speed WECS are equipped
compared with parallel shaft gearbox, ________ generators.
it has a complex design and is made a) squirrel-cage induction
up of low mass material. b) squirrel induction
c) induction squirrel
8. Power generation contains
d) doubly-fed induction
a) mechanical systems Answer: a
b) kinetic systems Clarification: Squirrel-cage induction
c) electromagnetic and electrical generation (SCIG) are used in fixed
subsystems WECS. SCIG are preferred because
d) nuclear systems they are mechanically simple. They
also have high efficiency and low
Answer: c
maintenance cost.
Clarification: Power generation
contains electromagnetic and
electrical subsystems. To ensure
Wind Energy Conversion Systems
voltage compatibility with grid, it
(WECS) – 2.
generally contains an electrical
transformer apart from the electrical 1. How is the speed varied in limited
generator and power electronics variable speed WECS?
converter. a) Variable rotor resistance
b) Fixed rotor resistance
9. What is a fixed speed WECS?
c) Fixed capacitance
a) WECS operating at differential
d) Variable rotor
b) WECS operating at non-differential Answer: a
speeds Clarification: Limited variable speed
c) WECS operating at variable speeds WECS is an evolution of fixed-speed
d) WECS operating at constant speed WECS. The variable speed is
achieved with the help of a variable
Answer: d
rotor resistance which is controlled
Clarification: A fixed speed WECS
by power electronics. Thus, the total
operates at a constant speed. The
resistance is adjustable.
wind turbine rotor speed is
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2. Which generator is used in variable c) To control generator in terms of

speed WECS? active and reactive power
a) Squirrel-cage induction d) To ensure operation at low power
b) Doubly-fed induction factor
c) Induction squirrel
Answer: c
d) Induction generator
Clarification: The function of rotor
Answer: b side converter is to control the
Clarification: Double-fed induction generator. It controls the generator in
generator is used in a variable speed terms of active and reactive power by
WECS. The name doubly-fed comes ensuring minimum power loss during
from the fact that the stator voltage is power conversion. The rotor side
applied from the grid and the rotor converter is made up of IGBT.
voltage is impressed by the power
5. What is the function of grid side
3. Which of the following components a) To ensure operation at low power
are used as converters in power factor
electronics converter? b) To control generator in terms of
a) BJT reactive power
b) Earphone c) To control generator in terms of
c) IGBT active power
d) Wi-Fi driver d) To control the DC-link voltage
Answer: c Answer: d
Clarification: Two IGBTs are used as Clarification: The function of grid
converters, namely the rotor side and side converter is to control the DC-
the grid side converter. BJT is not link voltage. It also ensures
used as converter. Both, earphone operations at a large power factor. An
and Wi-Fi driver are not electrical IGBT is used to make the converter.
components. Earphones are used to
6. What is sub-synchronous mode in
listen to music and Wi-Fi driver is
doubly-fed induction generator
used to connect to the Wi-Fi.
4. What is the function of rotor side a) Rotor runs below synchronous
converter? speed
a) To control the DC-link voltage b) Rotor runs above synchronous
b) To ensure operation at large power speed
factor c) Rotor runs at synchronous speed

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d) Slip power is fed into AC power Answer: c

supply Clarification: Doubly-fed induction
generator (DFIG) and permanent
Answer: a
magnet synchronous generator
Clarification: In a doubly-fed
(PMSG) are the two most commonly
induction generator (DFIG), sub-
used generators in WECS. SCIG is
synchronous mode is a mode where
typically used in a fixed speed WECS
the rotor runs below the synchronous
which has a low efficiency. VAWT and
speed. This is conducive towards
HAWT are types of wind turbines.
using wind power at lower wind
speed. 9. Which of the following is a
flowchart depicting WECS modelling?
7. What is super-synchronous mode in
a) Wind turbine aerodynamic model
doubly-fed induction generator
→ gear train model → power grid →
generator (PMSG/DFIG)
a) Rotor runs below synchronous
b) Wind turbine aerodynamic model
→ generator (PMSG/DFIG) → gear
b) Rotor runs above synchronous
train model → power grid
c) Wind turbine aerodynamic model
c) Rotor runs at synchronous speed
→ generator (PMSG/DFIG) →
d) Rotor takes power from AC mains
power grid → gear train model
Answer: b d) Wind turbine aerodynamic model
Clarification: In a doubly-fed → gear train model → generator
induction generator (DFIG), super- (PMSG/DFIG) → power grid
synchronous mode is a mode where
Answer: d
the rotor runs above the synchronous
Clarification: Wind turbine is
speed. This is conducive towards
connected to the electrical generator
feeding the slip power into AC mains
through a coupling device gear train.
supply with the help of an inverter-
The output of the generator is
converter combination.
connected to the power grid via a
8. Which of the following generators power controller to minimize power
are mostly used in WECS? loss and ensure system protection.
a) PMSG and SCIG
10. _______ speed WECS is the most
b) DFIG and SCIG
flexible in terms of the generator
c) DFIG and PMSG
d) VAWT and HAWT
a) Full variable

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b) Limited variable – shaft

c) Half variable b) Blades – rotor – shaft – electric
d) Fixed generator
c) Shaft – blades – rotor – electric
Answer: a
Clarification: Full variable speed
d) Electric generator – blades – rotor
WECS is the most flexible in terms of
— shaft
the generator used. Various
generators like squirrel-cage Answer: b
induction generator (SCIG), wound- Clarification: A wind turbine system
rotor synchronous generator (WRSG) first converts wind energy to
or permanent-magnet synchronous mechanical energy and then to
generator (PMSG) can be used. electrical energy using an electric
generator. The correct order is blades
– rotor – shaft – electric generator.
Wind Turbine Types and their
3. Which of the following are
Construction – 1.
commonly used commercial wind
1. Wind turbines convert wind energy turbines?
to ________ a) Vertical and DFIG
a) mechanical energy b) Horizontal and SCIG
b) electrical energy c) Horizontal and vertical
c) heat energy d) DFIG and SCIG
d) solar energy
Answer: c
Answer: a Clarification: Horizontal axis wind
Clarification: Wind turbines convert turbines (HAWT) or horizontal and
wind energy to mechanical energy. vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT) or
This mechanical energy is then vertical are commonly used
converted to electrical energy using commercial wind turbines. DFIG,
an electric generator. They neither SCIG and PMSG are commercially
convert wind energy to heat energy used power generators for wind
nor to solar energy. energy.
2. Which of the following components 4. What are horizontal wind turbines?
of a wind turbine system is arranged a) Wind turbines are rotate about an
in the order in which energy is being axis perpendicular to the plane of
converted? ground
a) Blades – rotor – electric generator b) Wind turbines are rotate about an

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axis diagonal to the plane of ground stability to the entire setup. Blades
c) Wind turbines are rotate about an rotate to an axis parallel to the plane
axis 30 degrees to the plane of ground of ground.
d) Wind turbines are rotate about an
6. What is an upwind turbine?
axis parallel to the plane of wind
a) Rotor of the turbine is behind the
Answer: d b) Rotor of the turbine is in front of
Clarification: Horizontal wind the unit
turbines are made up of blades that c) Rotor is positioned at the bottom of
rotate about an axis parallel to the the tower
plane of wind streamlines. Hence, d) Rotor is positioned at the center of
they are also called as Horizontal the tower
Axis Wind Turbines (HAWT). They
Answer: b
are the most popularly used wind
Clarification: An upwind turbine is a
turbines for commercial wind energy
type of wind turbine where the rotor is
harvesting applications.
positioned in front of the unit. The
5. Which of the following is an position is similar to that of
advantage of a horizontal axis wind propellers used in airplanes. Most of
turbine? the wind turbines used commercially
a) Blades are to the side of turbine’s are upwind turbines.
center of gravity
7. What is the main advantage of an
b) Blades are parallel to the vertical
upwind turbine?
axis passing through the turbine’s
a) Increased tower shadow effect
center of gravity
b) Reduced tower shadow effect
c) Blades are parallel to the
c) No tower shadow effect
horizontal axis passing through the
d) Manufacturing
turbine’s center of gravity
d) Blades are positioned Answer: b
perpendicular to the plane of the Clarification: Tower shadow effect
ground occurs when the tower acts as an
obstruction between the blades and
Answer: a
the wind. In an upwind turbine, both
Clarification: In a horizontal axis
rotor and blades are attached in front
wind turbine (HAWT), the blades are
of tower. Thus, the tower shadow
positioned to the side of the turbine’s
effect reduces considerably.
center of gravity. This provides

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8. What is the main disadvantage of b) Flexible rotor blades

an upwind turbine? c) Position of the rotor
a) Increased tower shadow effect d) Reduced tower shadow effect
b) Reduced tower shadow effect
Answer: b
c) A rotor that needs to be placed at
Clarification: The main advantage of
some distance from the tower
a downward turbine is that the rotor
d) An inflexible rotor that needs to be
blades can be made flexible. This
placed close to the tower
reduces the cost of manufacturing and
Answer: c relieves stress on the tower at high
Clarification: The main disadvantage wind speeds.
of any upwind turbine is the
requirement of placing the rotor at
some distance from the tower. This 11. What is the main disadvantage of
setup prevents problems with a blade a downward wind turbine?
strike. They also require a yaw a) Increased tower shadow effect
mechanism to ensure that the rotor b) Flexible rotor blades
faces the wind continuously. c) Inflexible rotor blades
d) Bending of blades at high wind
9. What is a downwind turbine?
a) Rotor is positioned at the three-
quarters of the height of the tower Answer: b
b) Rotor of the turbine is in front of Clarification: Since the rotor of a
the unit downward wind turbine is placed
c) Rotor is positioned at the bottom of behind the tower, it experiences an
the tower increased tower shadow effect.
d) Rotor of the turbine is behind the Flexible rotor blades enable bending
unit at high wind speeds. This is its main
Answer: d
Clarification: A downwind turbine is
a type of wind turbine where the rotor 12. What is a vertical wind turbine?
is positioned behind the tower. The a) Wind turbines are rotate about an
nacelle used is typically designed to axis perpendicular to the plane of
seek the wind. wind streamlines
10. What is the main advantage of any b) Wind turbines are rotate about an
downwind turbine? axis diagonal to the plane of ground
a) Inflexible rotor blades c) Wind turbines are rotate about an

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axis 30 degrees to the plane of ground turbulence

d) Wind turbines are rotate about an d) Not directional and insensitive to
axis parallel to the plane of ground wind turbulence
Answer: a Answer: d
Clarification: Vertical wind turbines Clarification: VAWTs are made up of
are made up of blades that rotate blades that rotate about an axis
about an axis perpendicular to the perpendicular to the plane of
plane of wind streamlines. Hence, streamlines. Hence, their main
they are also called as Vertical Axis advantage is that they are insensitive
Wind Turbines (HAWT). Most of its to wind turbulences and are not
main components is near the ground directional.
unlike a HAWT.

15. What is the main disadvantage of

13. What are the types of VAWT? a vertical axis wind turbine?
a) Lift, horizontal a) Not directional and insensitive to
b) Horizontal, vertical wind turbulence
c) Drag, lift b) More drag than HAWTs
d) Urban wind turbines c) Less drag than HAWTs
d) High starting torque
Answer: c
Clarification: There are two types of Answer: b
VAWT – drag and lift. Horizontal and Clarification: Vertical wind axis
vertical wind turbines are classified turbines cause more drag than
based on their axis of rotation. Urban HAWTs as their blades are constantly
wind turbines are specially designed spinning back into the wind. Their
turbines to harvest wind energy in main advantage is that they are not
cities and other urban areas. directional and insensitive to wind
turbulence. Also, they have a low
starting torque and may require an
14. What is the main advantage of a external source to start turning.
vertical axis wind turbine?
“Wind Turbine Types and their
a) Directional and sensitive to wind
Construction – 2”.
b) Not directional and sensitive to 1. What is the main disadvantage of a
wind turbulence horizontal axis wind turbine?
c) Directional and insensitive to wind a) Easy operation at near ground

©New Heights Series, 2021

winds c) Plastic
b) Does not self-start d) Salt
c) Difficult operation at near ground
Answer: b
Clarification: Apart from GRP, epoxy
d) High starting torque
and carbon fibre can be used to make
Answer: c rotor blades. Though carbon fibre is
Clarification: The main disadvantage lighter and has higher material
of any horizontal wind axis turbine is strength, it is expensive. Silicon and
that it cannot be operated at near germanium are generally used in
ground winds. This is due to the semiconductor industry.
height of the tower and size of the
4. Fatigue testing of rotor blades
blades. However, most of them are
subject the blades to an oscillation in
self-starting and do not have a high
_______ direction.
starting torque.
a) horizontal
2. Which of the following materials b) vertical
are used to make a rotor blade of a c) flapwise
wind turbine? d) diagonal
a) Glass fibre reinforced polyester
Answer: c
b) Salt
Clarification: During fatigue testing
c) Sugar
of rotor blades, they are oscillated in
d) Plastic
the flapwise direction for millions of
Answer: a cycles. A typical flapwise test takes
Clarification: Rotor blades are made about three hours. Depending on the
using glass fibre reinforced polyester results of a fatigue test, we comment
(GRP). It is a material made on whether a rotor blade can
impregnating a matrix of fibre glass withstand high wind speeds or not.
mats with a polyester. This polyester
5. Which of the following are the
is hardened after impregnation.
major parts of a wind turbine system?
3. Which of the following materials a) Tower, rotor, water storage tank,
can be used to make a rotor blade of a air compressor
wind turbine apart from glass fibre b) Tower, rotor and blades, air
reinforced polyester (GRP)? compressor, vacuum pump, electricity
a) Silicon, germanium generator
b) Epoxy, carbon fibre c) Electricity generator, nacelle, rotor
and blades, power converter, building

©New Heights Series, 2021

d) Tower, nacelle, rotor and blades, Answer: b

power converter, electricity generator Clarification: The guyed pole tower is
used for small wind turbines. It is a
Answer: d
single vertical pole supported by guy
Clarification: Tower, nacelle, rotor
cables from different sides. An
and blades, power converter,
electric pole is specifically used for
electricity generator and wind shaft
electricity transportation. Wooden
are the major parts of a wind turbine
pole is a general purpose pole and
system. Water storage tank, air
can be used for a variety of
compressor and vacuum pump are not
used in a wind turbine system.
8. What is a hybrid type tower?
6. What is the main function of tower
a) Guyed tower
in a wind turbine system?
b) Guyed tower and wooden tower
a) Acts a support to all other
c) Thin and tall lattice type guyed
components used in wind turbine
d) Guyed tower and electric pole
b) Acts as an antenna for wireless
radio communications Answer: c
c) Acts as an electric pole for power Clarification: Unlike the guyed tower
transportation which uses a single pole, the hybrid
d) Destabilizes the wind turbine tower uses a thin and tall lattice type
system tower that is supported by guy cables.
It is a hybrid of both, lattice type and
Answer: a
guyed type towers.
Clarification: The main function of
tower in a wind turbine system is to 9. Nacelle is a kiosk that houses
support the other components. It also ______
stabilizes both, the rotor and blades a) a MOSFET
which eventually convert wind energy b) a diode
to electrical energy via mechanical c) a wifi router
energy. d) a yaw drive
7. Which of the following towers is Answer: d
used for small wind turbines? Clarification: Nacelle is a big box
a) Hybrid tower that houses various components like
b) Guyed pole tower power converter, yaw drive, gearbox,
c) Electric pole etc. MOSFETs and diodes are
d) Wooden pole discrete electrical components used to

©New Heights Series, 2021

realize various electrical and 12. What is a yaw drive?

electronic circuits. Nacelle does not a) A device used to support and
house a Wi-Fi router. stabilize other components
b) A device used to house various
10. What is the main function of
energy conversion components
gearbox in a wind turbine system?
c) A motor to ensure that nacelle
a) Multiples rotation speed to
faces the wind
generate electricity
d) A device used to track wind
b) Divides rotation speed to generate
c) Multiples rotation speed to Answer: c
consume wind energy Clarification: A yaw drive is a motor
d) Divides rotation speed to consume to ensure that the nacelle faces in the
wind energy direction of the wind. This advocates
maximum energy extraction from the
Answer: a
incoming wind. It is controlled by a
Clarification: The blades rotate
PLC that uses wind vane to track the
slowly and this speed is not sufficient
net direction of wind.
to generate electricity. So, the main
function of a gearbox in a wind 13. What is the cost of a wind turbine
turbine system is to multiply the per megawatt?
rotation speed to a sufficiently high a) $10000
level so as to generate electricity. b) $1000
c) $100
11. What is a pitch drive motor?
d) $1 million
a) A motor that senses wind direction
b) A motor to control the angle of Answer: d
blades Clarification: As of 2019, a wind
c) A motor to ensure nacelle faces in turbine costs about $1 million per
the direction of the wind megawatt. Manufacturing the rotor
d) A motor to rotate the blades blades consume most of the budget.
Depending on the size and material
Answer: b
used, the cost may vary. For example,
Clarification: A pitch drive motor is a
carbon fibre is expensive when
motor used to control the angle of
compared to glass fibre.
blades. Pitching is the process of
rotating the angle of blades to cut 14. Wind turbines require regular
maximum wind for harvesting energy. maintenance.

©New Heights Series, 2021

a) False production. Wind power is the safest

b) True alternative energy on earth.
Answer: b 2. What Causes Wind To Produce
Clarification: Wind turbines require Electricity?
regular maintenance to ensure
The turbine, a “fan” spins a
reliability and maintain initial
generator, thus converting energy in
efficiency. They are generally
thewind into electricity. Most believe
serviced after 3-4 months of usage. In
wind is caused by solar impacts on
best case, they are available to
the earth. So wind energy is a
generate energy 98% of the time.
dynamic form of solar energy.
15. Offshore wind turbines are not
erected in water bodies.
Electrical Engineering Interview
a) False
b) True
3. How Much Electricity Can A
Answer: a
Turbine Produce?
Clarification: Offshore wind turbines
are erected in water bodies like It depends upon the location, size and
oceans or continental shelves. They design of the turbine, and the price of
are used to harvest energy from winds electricity and wind speeds in your
flowing above the water bodies. They location. A small unit for your home
generate about 40% more electricity can produce 1 kW or about $100 per
as compared to other wind turbines month in power, if your winds are
on land. good and electric rates are high. A
larger home unit can produce 5 kW or
$300 to $500 per month in electricity.
A 20 kW unit can produce from
$1,000 to $2,800 per month with good
winds and high electric rates. An 80
1. Is Wind Power Safe? kW unit can produce $2,500 to $7,000
Of 90,000 wind turbines in the world, per month. A 250 kW unit can
no member of the public has been produce from $11,000 per month to
killed or seriously injured by wind, $22,000 per month in good
ever. This compares with thousands of conditions. A 1000 kW(megawatt) can
injuries coming from Coal, Gas, produce up to $100,000 per month.
Nuclear, and other Electricity

©New Heights Series, 2021

4. What Is A Typical Rate Of Return microphone has difficulty picking up a

On My Investment In A Turbine? reading. Most of the turbines made in
Holland are of good design, are
We have seen a range of 17% IRR to
almost silent. The average wind
27% IRR. This will vary with location,
turbine produces less than 1/2 the
winds, design, cost of electricity and
noise of a typical swimming pool
pump motor. Even our 250 kWh units
(which can make $12,000 to
Power Electronics Tutorial $20,000+ in electricity per month)
5. What Are The Variables Of Wind are very quiet. We interviewed a
Production? school that has 4 turbines, 50 kWh
power each, on lattice towers. They
Wind Speed said that neighbors had complained of
Cost of electricity the noise,and we personally went to
see this unit. It is a loud unit, this 50
Capacity of the turbine kW unit makes much more noise and
is much louder than our 80 kW unit
Power Electronics Interview 7. Do Wind Turbines Kill Birds?
Remember, hunters kill birds. Cars,
6. Are Wind Turbines Noisy? trucks and high line wires kill birds.
Some have “lattice” towers that Office buildings kill birds. There are
produce more wind speed noise. Some reports that birds fly into light poles,
have poor blade design that cause signs, mirrors, windows and high line
them to whine. NBC carried a wires. There are reports that birds fly
television story about the high noise into turbines, although this is rare.
one one turbine that is made in The large turbines are large and
Arizona, that produces about $60 to moving, and birds see this and tend to
$140 per month. We recommend that fly around or over them. Official
you consider the source of the studies indicate that a typical large
turbines. The turbines that www.wind- mega-Watt wind turbine will distribute make less noise than experience 1.5 birds flying into it per
any turbines. Many people who have year. About half the rate of a typical
them have reported that they are car. A typical office building kills 20
silent, that they have never heard times this number. A typical truck kills
them. Sound tests show our turbines 5 times this number. A typical house
to produce so little noise that the
©New Heights Series, 2021

cat has been shown to kill 8 birds, 15 watts of electricity per hour for 24
mice/rats and 2 squirrels per year. hours a day, at it’s rated wind speed.

TurboGears Tutorial Thermal Power Plant Interview

Electronic Communications Interview Questions
10. How Deep Does A Wind Turbine
8. Do Wind Turbines Cause Have To Be “planted”?
This depends upon the location,
The giant turbines create a low winds, soils, and size of the unit. For
frequency pressure wave, that can be example, a 5 kW unit with a 37 foot
felt by some people if they are pole, should have another 10feet in
standing within 20 feet of the turbine, concrete underground. If it is planted
or directly under the turbine. There is in sand or marshy lands, it will need a
no evidence that this is harmful. But, deeper hole. If in solid rock, it can
most large turbines are built 1000 feet have a smaller hole. Most installers
away from any buildings. Small wind will determine this in the installation
turbines cause no physical problems process. A 10 kWh turbine with a
and often cannot be heard or felt. The taller pole would require a deeper
turbines of www.wind-inc.ushave no hole. Some are not put in poles, but
impact on health, except they save you are put on roofs or braced on the side
the stress of paying electric bills. You of buildings.
can drop by our offices. We have
11. Should I Have A “wind Study”
turbines, within 50 feet of our staff
Or “paid Wind Consultation”?
offices. We cannot hear the turbines,
nor have we experienced any health You can, if you are not familiar with
problems. Most people who come by the winds in your area, but most
enjoy standing under them and people can determine what their wind
watching. speeds average, with public data or a
wind speed gauge. (We at Wind Inc.,
9. How Is A Turbine Rated?
can sell you a wind speed gauge for
The rated speed indicates how the $85.) Most turbine distributors can
unit is engineered, so that it will show give you this information. A
how much electricity is produced at consultant would be required if you
certain RPMs. For example a “5 KW are investing a lot of money, but much
unit” is engineered to produce 5000 of the data is publicly available. Some
companies make more money on
©New Heights Series, 2021

“studies” than in selling the turbines, Yes. California produces electricity

so be careful. Companies such as for 650,000 homes in Los will actually go to Angeles,with wind farms near Palm
your location and give you wind Springs. Texas produces electricity
speeds as a part of the service when for 890,000 homes, primarily in Fort
you purchase. This is the rule of Worth and Dallas, and North Texas.
thumb. If your investment is less than The largest wind farm in the USA is in
$100,000 then we don’t suggest a West Texas. When companies like GE,
paid independent study. Siemens, and nations like the Chinese,
Germans, French, Spain and Holland
invest heavily in wind, your must
Steam Turbine Interview Questions
realized the massive amount of
12. Will A Wind Turbine Increase research that has gone into this. Of
Insurance Costs To My Property? course, investors like Warren Buffet
So far insurance companies report would not invest in Wind Turbines, if
few losses on wind turbines, few or no they were not economically feasible.
claims and the insurance industry has Wind is the fastest growing sector of
only small fees for wind turbines. In the economy in the world.
one case a turbine actually decreased Other smaller success stories for
the insurance cost of the real estate. individual use are schools like
Just “itemize” it on your policy. It Shallowater, Texas. The Shallowater
would be similar to a satellite dish, ISD has 5 turbines that save the
TV or radio tower. school $148,000 per year. This money
is used to hire special reading
Electrical Engineering Interview teachers and buy books for students.
Questions Mayor Bloomberg of New York City
has urged every building and bridge
13. Are Wind Turbines Hard To in NYC to consider wind turbines for
Install? additional power. The Logan Airport
No. Small ones can be installed in 1.5 at Boston has a plan to put in several
days. Larger ones often take more wind turbines generating power on
time for preparation and will need a it’s office building at the airport.
crane and crew for installation. Cities such as Sweetwater,Texas, or
Tucumcari, New Mexico have
14. Are There Any Success Stories strongly supported wind. Sidney and
That Prove That Wind Is Effective Perth Australia, produce all the
And Efficient?
©New Heights Series, 2021

electricity for their drinking water shortages of power as global

desalination plants with wind population increases (Check the
turbines. is selling speeches on the Internet by Duke
turbines throughout the USA with Power and Light or AEP Power’s
great customer response. Chairman).
A grocery store owner in Canada Because you want to increase the
purchased one, and said that it value of your property.
increased his store volume of sales so
Because you want to advertise and
much that it paid for the wind turbine
create good public relations in your
in 2 months. In general the public
community. What could be better than
likes wind power, because it is clean,
a “moving” sign, on a high pole?
and comes from nature.
Because it is good for you, your
15. Why Should I Buy A Wind
community, our nation, and our
Because you believe in it.
You believe in clean energy. TurboGears Interview Questions
You believe in our nation’s need for 16. Will A Wind Turbine Increase
more electricity. The Value Of My Property?
You want to be more independent of Yes. Professional appraisers have
the “grid”, in the event it fails confirmed that a wind turbine
increases the value of the property to
Because you want to do something for
a greater amount than the cost of the
our environment for the sake of your
turbine. can help
kids and grand kids.
you get an experienced and
Because you need the tax advantages. professional appraiser. The appraisal
Because you don’t want to pay an can be used at your bank or with a
electric bill again. lender. Consider that any investor
will pay more for a building that has
Because it is a better investment, no electric bill or a reduced electric
more stable, and more reliable than bill, and also enjoys tax benefits and
the stock market, and other types of incentives. Appraisers also report that
investments. a wind turbine will appreciate in
Because electric rates continue to rise value as electric rates increase,
and because the world may see
©New Heights Series, 2021

because the production and benefit is issues. Are you near a transmission
more. line? Is there capacity for your new
production? The investment is
17. Why Don’t More People Put
substantial with $1 mill to $3mill per
Them In?
turbine. We suggest that you have a
They are. It is the fastest growing minimum of 10 to 15 turbines and
industry in the world, creating more preferably more for a wind farm. If
jobs than any other industry with an you decide to do a wind farm, we can
annual growth rate of 28% help you. We can get the turbines and
worldwide. The only think holding the help you with engineers and
industry back at this point is a lack of coordination. But it is big endeavor,
progressive and informed bankers to requiring a strong investment group,
lend on them. A man in Dubai said: and we will require time to plan,
“If I had 1000 acres and it had a bring in the appropriate specialists
billion dollars of oil under it, you and coordinate the project for you.
would say ‘Why aren’t you drilling
and exploiting this?’. In the USA you
Power Electronics Interview
have billions of dollars in wind
power, and we say the same. Why
aren’t you mining this wealth in 19. Should I Have An Individual
wind? It would seem that your Turbine For My Business And My
banking industry is not supporting Home?
this economic growth”. Indeed the
Yes, if you have a good location with
Community Reinvestment Act
appropriate wind speeds. If you fail to
indicates that banks should do things
utilize renewable energy and current
that help the community. Sooner or
technology, it is a loss for you of
later, regulators will realize that wind
earnings, savings, tax advantages,
turbines and solar power are an
and energy independence. Plus we
important part of a communities
need clean energy production in the
economic life.
20. What Are Appropriate Wind
Electrical Power System Interview
Most good turbines will spin at 5 to 6
18. Should I Do A Wind Farm?
miles per hour. But, we at www.wind-
Wind farms require a year lead time, recommend wind speeds of 12
for studies, engineering and legal to 14 miles per hour or higher for
©New Heights Series, 2021

electric production. Most of west windmills and turbines longer than

Texas fulfills this. Dallas averages 7 most. We saw a windmill there that
to 13.9 mph. Arlington 7.5 to14.1 was built in 1740, used to pump the
mph. Fort Worth 8 to 14.3 mph. ocean water out, so they could
Amarillo, Lubbock and further west convert the ocean floor to farmlands.
and north, the wind speeds increase to We think good traditional designs are
averages of 18 to 21mph or even of the best value for your investment,
higher. If you put these turbines on a and of top electric production.
higher pole you will pick up even
22. Will Electric Companies Pay Me
more wind speed. Most commercial
For My Power?
buildings can save 80% of their
electric bill by use of wind power. Put By law, 46 states in the USA require
in solar water heating, and initiate utilities to pay you for excess
our 14 point energy audit production. This is also the rule in
conservation steps and you have a Europe .But, if you are in a state like
possibility of becoming a “net zero” Texas, many find it more profitable to
property, with no electric bill. just wire in the turbine “behind the
meter” and then you run your meter
backward, and operate on a “credit”.
Solar Thermal Interview Questions
In this way you save electric bills at
21. What Kind Of Wind Turbines retail rates. You need to talk to your
Are Good? political representatives and see that
they represent your interests. But in
The exotic “egg beaters” and strange
truth, we recommend that you buy the
designs of 3 to 9 turbines on a tall
turbine that is appropriate to produce
rod, look interesting, but aren’t very
the power you need for your building
efficient. They are hard to assemble,
or facility, and don’t worry about
and often create noise and vibration.
selling power back, if you are buying
The barrel designs are low and heavy,
an individual turbine.
and require high wind speeds for
good production. But nothing matches If you want to invest $15,000,000 or
the efficiency of a “2 or 3 blade more, then setting up a wind farm and
propeller”design, for cost, effective selling power into the grid can make
production, and quiet operation. At you good profit. But, an individual we believe the user is advised to be just that, an
technology from Holland is excellent individual user. Let the turbine pay or
because that nation has been doing reduce your electric bill, add solar

©New Heights Series, 2021

water heating to further reduce your been few losses or disasters relating
electric bill. We doubt that you want to wind turbines. Never does a wind
to go through the paperwork and turbine or wind farm pose the risk of
regulations to sell power back, if you pollution and long term damage, such
are just buying power for your home as the Gulf Oil Spill of 2010.
or business. Some power companies
require that you sign an agreement
Electronic Communications Interview
just to have a wind turbine on your
property that is connected to the grid.
Be sure and contact them and fill out 25. Will A Wind Turbine Pay For
their form. Itself?
23. Can I Put One In A City Limits? A wind turbine, or solar water
heaters, will save enough on electric
Yes. They are in cities all over the
bills to pay for themselves. In good
world, in Europe, Latin America,
environments they can pay for
Canada, and coming in the USA.
themselves in just a few years. With
Most cities like Fort Worth only want
tax incentives and grants, they pay
the unit to be installed so that it is
back even sooner.
safe and will not fall on a building. An
engineer’s letter is required to show Yes, usually in 5 to 7 years, depending
that it is safe. We have been told that upon your winds. In some cases if you
since there is a Federal Mandate that have a lot of engineering or
cities and states encourage renewable installation issues, it may require
energy, towns or cities that openly longer to pay back. We ask this
oppose wind or other renewable question. How long is the “payback”
energy, may be in risk of losing on your current utility bill, if you keep
Federal funds for other needs. doing what you have been? Forever.
But if you are counting pennies and
Electric Power Generation Interview doing this strictly for financial
Questions reasons, then gamble on the stock
market, go to Las Vegas or buy a
24. Will It Increase My Insurance?
Hummer. You invest in Wind because
Depends upon your insurance. Most you want to invest in the future.
just add a turbine as “additional Future for your kids, your family, the
equipment” or “fixtures” and it environment. Wind is a solid long
normally doesn’t change your term investment. But if you are doing
insurance rate, because there have solely for short term financial
©New Heights Series, 2021

reasons, then you have missed the Yes, if you are a taxable business.
point and this is not for you. Do it
because it is a good thing to do with
General Electric Interview Questions
positive long term results. Become a
part of a solution for our nation. The 30. Over A 20 Year Period, What Is
Chairman of AEP one of our largest The Total Economic Benefit To Me,
power companies said: “We must all If I Purchase A 5 Kw Unit And Put
realize that in just a few years the On My Office?
USA will not be able to produce Approximately $225,000.00
enough electricity for our needs. (depending upon the winds, and the
Prices will go up much. We need cost of energy)
wind, and all kinds of alternative
energy. Every person must find a way 31. Over A 20 Year Period, What Is
to do something.” The Total Economic Benefit To Me
,if I Purchase A 250 Kw Unit And
26. Does Wind Turbine Production Use In My Building?
Qualify Me For Leeds?
Approximately $14,000,000.00, not
Yes, it is a big help with LEEDS including tax benefits. (depending
scores. upon winds and energy costs)
32. Will A Wind Turbine Hurt My
Thermal Engineer Interview Vegetation, Animals, Crops Or
Questions Environment?
27. Does Wind Turbine Production No impact on animals, crops, or
Qualify Me For Tax Advantages? environment will occur.
Yes, several. 33. What Happens In 20 Years When
The Turbine Needs Repair?
Thermal Power Plant Interview In 20 years the unit will be “rebuilt”
Questions for a nominal fee, and then itis good
28. Does Wind Turbine Production for 20 more years at even more
Qualify For Carbon Tax Credits? efficient cost figures.
Steam Turbine Interview Questions
29. Can I Deduct The Price Of The
Turbine Off Of My Taxes? 34. Can I Get A Turbine That Also
Has A Generator And/or Batteries?
©New Heights Series, 2021

Yes, there are turbines that have back 38. Can I Combine A Wind Turbine
up diesel generators in days when the And Solar Panels And A Solar Water
wind goes out, or when the grid goes Heater?
down. Remote locations can even add
Yes, we at can
a battery system, but in most of the
provide the turbine, panels and solar
USA simply hooking behind the meter
water heating that will all go back to
and using the “grid” as the storage
the grid, lower your utility bills, and
center is most efficient.
all qualify for government 30%
35. Can A Turbine Be Placed On Or rebates and other incentives.
Aside A Building?
39. Can A Turbine Make Real Estate
Yes, this is done all over the world. Or A Building More Marketable?
36. Can I Purchase A Wind Turbine, Yes. Developers tell us that problem
Install It, And Charge A City Or properties that would not sell, become
School For The Power, Or Lease It easier to sell when wind turbines are
To A Third Party? installed to show that there is
additional income and “value added”
aspects of the property as a green
property are introduced. When wind
TurboGears Interview Questions is not sufficient, solar water heating,
37. How Long Does It Take To Get A and solar PV can be used. Not only
Wind Turbine Purchased, And cancommercial buildings with wind
Delivered? turbines and solar unitsget a higher
price, but they attract affluent,
You can purchase immediately at: interested investors. Delivery depends
upon your location and the model of 40. Can A Wind Turbine Be
turbine you desire. If the have units in Removed From A Property?
the Fort Worth warehouse, we can Yes, one can be removed and moved
deliver immediately. If not, it can take to another location.
from 4 to 9 weeks to get a 1, 5, 3, 10,
or 20 kWh turbine, and 6 to 11
Electrical Power System Interview
months to get an 80 kWh, 250 kWh, or
900 kWh turbine.
41. Is A Turbine Considered
Personal Property, Equipment Or
Real Estate?
©New Heights Series, 2021

Different state laws vary. Most states ranchers, dairymen, plumbers,

say that equipment and fixtures are electricians and people whohave been
considered personalwhen “not thinking about energy savings for
attached to the ground”. A wind years.
turbine, when “attached to the
We have even had a wife one to
ground” can be defined as part of the
surprise her husband with a wind
real estate by most laws.
turbine gift for Christmas. Many
42. Can A Turbine Survive High couples have come in and said:
Winds Or A Hurricane? “Wehave been thinking about wind
energy for years”. We have had
Yes, our turbines are rated for 120 to
hundreds of people worth millions,
150 mile per hour winds. But we
and it seems like millions of people
recommend that hand brakes be used
worth “hundreds” also interested.
when it is known that extremely high
They all share one thing. They are
winds are approaching.
people who care, who believe and
who want to be a part of the solution.
Solar Thermal Interview Questions They are Democrats and Republicans,
43. Can I Purchase A Wind Turbine rich and poor, city and country. They
With My Credit Card? are liberals, conservatives, red neckss
and PhD’s. In short, the people who
A turbine is a substantial investment buy turbines, are cool people. Join us.
and credit card companies charge Be cool!:)
high rates. We recommend that you
purchase your turbine with 45. What Are Some Of The Main
cash,savings, a bank loan, or Points Of Installation, What Does It
investment loan. You can also lease Cost?
the turbines on a 6 year payout. Dig a hole (I’d recommend 20 feet
44. Who Buys Wind Turbines? deep and 52″ in diameter for a 20kW,
15 feet and 48″ for a 10 kW, 10 feet, x
Cool people: 36″for a 5 kW). The depth of the hole
Actually we thought that the market will depend upon your location and
would be dominated by affluent soils. Hard rock obviously needs a
,highly educated, people making smaller hole than sandy or loose soils.
$200,000 or more per year. But to our Estimated cost range: $500 to $1200
surprise, our clients have included the
rich, affluent, and educated, from the Place the anchor bolts, rebarand pour
big cities, as well as workers, farmers, concrete $300 to $1000

©New Heights Series, 2021

Unload the turbine, bolt the pole turbine.This DC out of the controller
together, assemble ladder, platform, is connected parallel to the entrances
blades, wiring, tail assembly: $500 to of the 3 pcs 7 KW Windy Boys. 3 Pcs
$1900. Windy boys of 7 KW makes total
21KW. The Windy boys has a 240 V
Run the wiring through the center of
AC out that must be connected to the
the pole, dig a trench, put wire in
grid divided over the 3 Phases of the
conduit, run to building,: $200 to
grid. Your grid is 110V/220V 60Hz.
$800 (including cost of copper wire)
So the voltage over 2 phase is 220V
Rent a crain (usually $225.0 per hour, and over one phase with the ground
$900 to $4600) and they will lift the 110V. We use only the 3 Phase grid
pole up so it can be bolted onto the not the ground. When we use 240V
anchors. Use the crain to lift the than the current is lower. That
turbine up, screw on the blades produces less heat and the cables may
Hook the electric lines to your be thinner.
inverter (grid tie) and attach 47. How Do We Sell Electricity And
controller, inverter and dump load to Is It Practical?
system, turbine and breaker box.
If you are strictly selling electricity
($300 to $4200).
(not for your own use) you should call
Some utilities require a contract, the the local electric utility and negotiate
owner will need to fill this out and a rate. If you are using this for power
deal with them, or ask the electrician for a building, ranch or other
to do so. buildings ,then you can go behind the
Turn it on. meter and get your “credit” as the
meter runs backward. If you are in a
46. How Does A 3 Phase Ac Turbine city limits you may need a building
Work With The Inverter? permit. Most towns are enthused
Yes, we can get a 3 phase, which is about wind power and easy to deal
great for small industry, or even with. The installation cost will vary
irrigation wells. But you can also use with who you hire and how extensive
the 3 Phase for your home o roffice. the installation project is.
The wind turbine is 3 Phase AC out. 48. Who Does The Installation?
That’s why the controller is 3 Phase
AC in. The controller is single phase Some people do it themselves, some
DC out with a max capacity of 20KW people hire local electricians, some
generated at hard wind by the wind use professional installers. We have

©New Heights Series, 2021

seen small (1 Kw to 20 kW)wind exemption of the amount of the

turbines installed for “nothing” by appraised property value that arises
owners, for “$800” by basic hourly from the installation or construction
labor, and for several thousand of a solar or wind-powered energy
dollars by larger companies. The device that is primarily for the
choice is up to you. We always production and distribution of
recommend that you have a licensed thermal, mechanical or electrical
electrician oversee or check your energy for on-site use, or devices used
work. Also have adequate insurance to store that energy.
in the event of damage or injury. The
“Solar” is broadly defined to include
owner should always call his
a range of biomass technologies.
insurance company and be sure to
“Solar energy device” means an
“schedule” the turbine as additional
apparatus designed or adapted to
insured equipment or property.
convert the radiant energy from the
Consider having an “installation”
sun, including energy imparted to
party, you will find that your
plants through photosynthesis
neighbors will be thrilled and
employing the bioconversion
delighted to have a “wind” barbeque
processes of anaerobic digestion,
with you. Remember, you will have
gasification, pyrolysis, or
made a tangible and significant
fermentation, but not including direct
contribution to our world’s energy
combustion, into thermal,mechanical,
needs and to clean energy. It is
or electrical energy;
something to celebrate! But, you need
to always add insurance to your to store the converted energy, either
policies to cover the turbine and any in the form to which originally
liability related thereto. Most good converted or another form; or to
companies can add it to policies you distribute radiant solar energy or the
already have in place. We recommend energy to which the radiant solar
this up front, before we will even send energy is converted. “Wind-powered
installers. energy device” means an apparatus
designed or adapted to convert the
49. What About Real Estate Taxes. If
energy available in the wind into
A Turbine Increases My Property
thermal, mechanical, or electrical
Value Do My Taxes Go Up?
energy; to store th econverted energy,
Texas gives a property tax exemption either in the form to which originally
for wind properties.The Texas converted or another form; or to
property tax code allows an distribute the converted energy. Use

©New Heights Series, 2021

TexasProperty Tax Form 50-123, been told that this is a tax credit,
“Exemption Application for Solar dollar for dollar credit against yoiur
orWind-Powered Energy Devices” to taxes.Check with your CPA.
claim this exemption.
The USDA will provide up to a 25%
50. Can A City Use A Wind Turbine of the purchase price and installation
To Produce Electricity To Run City REAP grant for agricultural
Services, Such As Electricity For producers or business in ag
Water Treatment Plants, Or communities
Sewertreatment Systems?
There are 5 federal programs giving
Yes tax benefits, aid or grants for wind
51. Is There A Way To Lease Or
Finance A Wind Turbine? There is a 2 cents per kWh produced,
tax credit, to the owner of awind
Yes, some banks, such as Frost Bank,
turbine annually, credited to taxes,
have a leasing program where one
but this applies to only large
can contract to “lease” a turbine for
commercial wind production
a period of 5 years and at the end of
the lease period the turbine belongs to Commercial buyers of wind turbines
the client. Other banks will lend on can depreciate them over a 5 to 7year
wind turbines for a real estate project, period and deduct the entire cost of
on a 5 yea rballoon loan based upon the turbine from taxes
15 or 20 year amortization. Since
We always recommend that you check
most wind turbines can produce
with a competent CPA to see what
enough electrical savings to pay for
your tax status is and which
themselves,they often will “amortize”
deductions and incentives you qualify
or pay off the loan in 5 to 7
for. In some cases there are “offsets”,
years.(Sooner in high wind areas)
so you may not be able to claim both
52. A Few Tax Credits, Grants, And a 30% ITC and 25% Ag deduction at
Benefits For Wind Turbine the same time. But if you are using
Investments? your turbine for business, you will
probably qualify for a 5 to 7
There is a 30% investment tax credit
yeardepreciation deduction.
for the purchase of a windturbine. the
law says you can also select to take Depreciation deduction plus a 30%
this as a cash grant if you wish. This ITC equals deductions, grants or
has changed in 2012, and we have incentives that will largely help pay

©New Heights Series, 2021

for most of your expense over 5 to 7 health”. The city, town, university, or
years. This does not include the business that puts up a wind turbine,
energy you actually produce or puts up a sign that sends apositive
energy savings which are substantial. message to the community around it.
53. How Much Water Does Wind 55. What About Solar Water
Power Use To Produce Electricity? Heating?
None. Consider this. Nuclear energy Solar water heating is 6.5 times more
uses a huge amount of water. Gas efficient than solar PV panels. It heats
wells use millions of gallons of water water on the roof and with www.wind-
to “frac” the wells. Oil wells use systems can heat the water
large amounts of water. Coal mining from 130 degrees on a cloudy day to
uses much water. 600 degrees on a full sun day. This
preheats the cold water that goes into
If we considerthat water is a
the water tank, and is constantly
diminishing resource, then we must
circulated. It is said that 17% to 30%
appreciate the fact that wind turbines
of a commercial building power needs
use no water to produce electricity.
are for heating water, the higher
Water and energy are 2 of the world’s
range for hotels, food preparation,
most pressing and most critical
condos, apartments, prisons,
universities, any place where
54. What Are Public Relations showers, food, laundry are used.
Aspects Of Using Wind?
If an average prison, has 20% of it’s
Wonderful. National polls suggest utility bill for making hot water, and
that people like wind turbines. People our solar water heating system is
are fascinated by them. Consider if a installed, then we add a wind turbine
retail store such as WalMart puts a to produce, say 70% of the balance of
wind turbine up, like they have north electrical needs, it is possible that
of Dallas. They have hundreds of 90% of a building’s utility bill will be
people who drive by in their cars covered. With our internal 14 point
“just to see the turbine”. Or consider energy conservation step audit, it is
the message that a wind turbine at a possible to get some buildings to a net
hospital conveys to the public. “We “0” utility bill. We think more and
are progressive. We believe in clean more buildings will achieve this in the
energy that does not cause health next few years. We are encouraging
harmful pollution. We are serious it. Not with just one answer such as
about the environment and about your
©New Heights Series, 2021

wind, but with wind, solar water your ducting, put in energy Star
heating, solar PV panels and internal appliances, use efficient light bulbs,
conservation methods. put trees and awnings near big
window areas, consider using the
56. If I Am In A Marginal Area For
extra heat from the wind turbine
Wind, But We Do Have Sunshine
dump load and the solar water
Would You Go With Wind Or Solar?
heating to heat the building “free”,
The answer is, use a smaller wind and you can even use excess heat in a
turbine, and a solar water heating “heat exhanger” system to AC the
system, along with solar PV panels. building. Your commercial building
The use of all three will work even in can be a point of inspiration and
“marginal” wind areas. Remember interest for the community. For more
you will get 30% of your investment facts on solar, see the specific articles
back, and there is a “rule of 7’s” in in the site on wind,
wind production. You may have only solar water, and pv panels.
one day in a week of trully good
57. Are Wind Patterns Changing?
winds. But every time your wind speed
doubles, your electric production goes Wind patterns constantly show
up 7 times. So 6 days in a week of 10 seasonal changes, but the overall
mile per hour gentle breeze will pattern of wind over the past 100
produce some electricity, but on the years has shown little change. In
7th day, a 20 mph wind will produce 7 general research has identified Texas,
times the power and make up for Oklahoma, Kansas, Montana, Parts of
those slow days. This coupled with New Mexico, Wyoming, Nebraska,
solar water heating which is 6.5 times and large parts of Illinois,
more efficient than Solar P V panels, Minnesota,essentially all of the Great
and a solar array of P V, will give you Plains, as well as Coastal Areas, and
a good diversified energy system. areas that are near lakes and without
Also, when the wind does not blow, obstructions as some of the best winds
the sun will shine most days. in the world.
Solar water heating, PV, and Wind all 58. What About Solar Water Heating
work, even when there is below Systems?
freezing weather, and snow on the
Solar water heating is the most
ground. Also, in your building, use
efficient form of solar energy
metal reflective roofing, blow on foam
production. It is 6.7 times more
coating in the attic areas and recover
efficient than PV panels. The water is

©New Heights Series, 2021

heated from the sun, and cold water is can avoid paying state sales tax. You
preheated to temperatures and fed can get online from the State, a sales
into the water tank. So instead of tax exemption form, that verifies that
water going in at 65 degrees, it goes you are “exempt” and you will need
into the hot water tank at 130 to 600 to give this to to keep in
degrees, therefore the thermostadt file, if you wish to avoid paying sales
rarely activates, saving you money. tax. In some cases, if items are
Typically 17% to 27% of a typical purchased out of state by internet,
building’s energy bill, is for heating sales tax may be waived, but check
water. Buildings that have showers, with your local law on this. To be
baths, food preparation, and sure, always check with the State
industrial needs for hot water will see where you are in, and see if you are
a higher percentage of their total exempt. But for most consumers and
energy costs related to heating hot businesses, sales tax is required to be
water. Ideal applications are for paid, at the time of sale/purchase.
homes, resturants, hotels, prisons,
60. Which Is Best “on Grid” Or “off
universities, and industrial food
processors, dairy operations, any
building that uses hot water. With the Many people live or have facilities in
modern systems that remote places, where it would be
offers, the hot water can be expensive to get power to the
recirculated, and used for space property. Offshore drilling sites,
heating in a building as well. Also mountains, resorts, might apply. But,
heat exchangers can be incorporated, while being completely independent is
providing a new inexpensive form of a positive and has emotional appeal,
energy for air conditioning systems. here are the
59. Is It Necessary To Pay Sales Tax negatives:
For Wind Turbines, Or Solar you have to purchase batteries, and
Panels? these will begin to require
Yes, most states require that sales tax maintanance in 4 to 6 years.
be paid. If you are agricultural or if you do not have wind for a long
farm related, some states such as period of time, you will need to also
Texas, allow a sales tax exemption. have a back up generator.
Also, non profits are sometimes
allowed a sales tax exemption. If your positives:
are buying a product for “resale” you

©New Heights Series, 2021

you are free of the addiction of being Coal fired power plans lose about 2/3
on the electric grid of the energy that is burned, the losses
mean that only 33% of the energy in
you have no electric bill
the coal becomes electricity. The
Now the advantages of an “on grid” electricity leaves the power plant and
system are: depending on the efficiency of the
you still get the advantage of the energy “lines” and the distance, we
electricity because it goes from your see transmission losses from 11% to
turbine to the inverter to the breaker 15%. So, let’s assume a transmission
box. loss of 13%,(making transmission
efficiency 87 percent. So the end to
ethical utilities will pay you the end efficiency of coal fired power is
“retail” price for energy that you probably .33 x . 87 = 28.71
produce, if you make more electricity %.(71.29% of the energy never makes
than yoiu use. (Unfortunately, in some it to the consumer). Of course in the
areas of the USA, the utilites are not process coal leaves coal sludge, dirty
paying the retail rate, but a wholesale air, and a huge health problem for
rate). millions of people. Coal also uses
you have to continue to deal with the millions of gallons of water and
utilities, but, if wind stops for an leaves that water residue toxic.
extended time, you always have the An average wind turbine converts
grid as a back up. about 30% of the energy in the wind
HYBRID SYSTEM: into electricity. Line losses for locally
Some are putting in an “off grid used industrial or commercial
system” but also installing an extra turbines are 1 to 2% (vs 12% line loss
breaker, so that they can be for the central grid system. So .30 x
completely “off grid” by throwing a .98 =29.4 So wind is more efficient,
switch, and if the wind dies, they and also uses no water, creates no
throw the switch and are back on the pollution, and is much cheaper to
grid. The utility companies in some build and install, with no negative
areas have been agreeable to this, impacts upon the land, water or air.
others don’t like it. But, it is logical
and ethical utility companies should
go along with this.
61. How Efficient Is Wind Vs Coal?


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