Writing Journal-Week 7

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Lê Thanh Hà

Em cần ghi chính xác thông tin như hình hướng dẫn sau vào phần thư nộp bài.
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Mỗi ngày em hãy viết về một trong năm chủ đề dưới đây.
Em hãy viết mà đừng để ý đến lỗi ngữ pháp. Sau khi viết xong, em không phải chữa lỗi cũng không nhờ
ai chữa lỗi. Viết journal hàng ngày giúp em viết trôi chảy, mạch lạc hơn. Dần dần em sẽ yêu thích kỹ
năng viết rất quan trọng này. (Cô Nhã)

DAY 1.
I’d send this to the future

The overpopulation and overconsumption of resources have deeply touched the heart of the planet. It
is superfluous to explain why humanity, mainly over the last 200 years, has systematically destroyed its
home. From now on, in addition to the post-industrial society, IT and thanks to remote employment
technologies, another story is going to start on in our planet Covid-19 is about the militarized world, the
superpowers and other military powers, which have historically and nowadays established over and
over their relations in order to maintain their rule and international order. If we want humanity to
survive, while its weight must drastically be reduced, this segment of state policy has to look ahead on
common understanding, and gradually change its strategy. The future goal will be based on a common
and collective policy: to target the protection from enemies or extraterrestrial beings and being so the
guardian of the common home – our planet.

Email: nhatran111@gmail.com Website: nhatran111.com Phone: (024) 37563521 Mobile: 0917511052
DAY 2.
How important is it to participate in sports in high school?
Firstly, sports are important for young people as it develops their social skills. As being in a classroom
can limit the interaction due to the importance of them having to focus on their schoolwork. Whereas
watching or playing sports allows for a more open conversation to occur for young people. And by
playing a sport young people have more cause to be louder and more expressive to other young
people. Also, sport allows young people to work as part of a team. Learning how to be a team member
is a vital life skill. In doing so a young person is learning how to take the lead and to use their ability for
the good of others and not only themselves. Although playing sport is a fun activity for young people
there is vital learning from being able to work alongside others and work on their behalf too. In addition,
it is a place for young people to channel their aggression in a healthy manner. Because growing up can
be a challenging time as there so many changes in young people’s lives. From physical developmental
changes to becoming more independent young people, life can present frustrations. But sport is a
place to use this aggression positively and to turn frustrations into opportunities.

DAY 3.
What do you think about people who take advantage of others?
People take advantage of others because they've been allowed, because they can, and because they
feel entitle, while lacking conscience, character, and being void of morals. It just doesn't matter; they're
out there, just waiting to prey on the kindness of others. The strong can take advantage of the weak,
the takers will take from the givers, the user's will use and then come back for more. Sometimes
they're making a living at it, a career of it, and at the expense of another. Whether strong versus the
weak, young versus the old, whatever it is, there will always be someone to take advantage of the
person with good intent. It's not always money, it can be an emotionally taking, or a taking of time,
while draining one's energy. We should all try to do our best to help another human being, an animal, a
living creature of any kind, but your fellow man, a person, a someone like you, like me, now these are
the kind selfless acts of humanity, of the authentic, who truely care. We don't stop caring and giving,
whether it be of our time, emotions, money; an act that helps comfort or benefit another is a lovely
thing to do, a selfless act, or a gesture of kindness.

DAY 4.
Skateboard helmets should be mandatory.

It is a bad idea to skateboard without wearing a helmet. The human skull is a fragile little thing, that can
easily be be pierced or broken. You can damage it just running into a wall or hitting the floor. Inside this
fragile boney structure is a watery membrane that protects the brain from sloshing around inside. It’s
not much, but we weren’t designed for a collisions. Then there’s a soft, greasy, mush called the brain.
It’s much more complicated than any computer, and can accomplish amazing feats. Unfortunately it’s
vulnerable to bumps and bruises, and doesn’t work well when it gets broken. Think about being spoon
fed and wearing diapers, while your life goes by in a home for infirm. No more friends, lovers or life.
While there is no guarantee, a helmet is the best protection your brain has from most injuries, so that
you can live a good life. If you’re not cool with it, be cool some other way.

Email: nhatran111@gmail.com Website: nhatran111.com Phone: (024) 37563521 Mobile: 0917511052
DAY 5.
You have been told that dormitory rooms at your university must shared by two students.
Would you rather have the university assign a student to share a room with you, or would
you rather choose your own roommate?
Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.

Read the following model answer and learn ideas and vocabulary from it.
I'd rather have the university assign a roommate to share a room with me. I don't know many people at the
university I plan to attend. I'm sure the university will choose a roommate who is compatible with me and
this will give me the chance to make new friends.

None of my close friends will attend the university with me. We all plan to attend different schools. I have a
few acquaintances at my university, but I don't know them well. I don't think they are people I would
choose to live with. At this time, I really can't choose my own roommate. I am glad the university can do it
for me.

The university has a very good system for assigning roommates. All the students have to fill out
information sheets. We write about our majors, our interests, our study habits, and our goals. The
university uses this information to match roommates. They can match people who have similar habits and
interests. I think it is a good system.

When the university assigns me a roommate, I have a chance to make new friends. For one, my roommate
will be a new friend. We already know that we will have similar habits and interests, so we will probably
enjoy spending time together. In addition, my roommate's friends could become my friends, too. My
roommate can introduce me to new people, and I can do the same for him.

I think it's a good idea for a university to choose roommates for the students. They can match people who are
compatible and given everyone a chance to make new friends. Meeting new people is an important part of a
university education, and this is one way to make that happen.

I'd rather the university assign me a roommate with whom I can share a room. I'm confident that the
institution will assign me a roommate that is suitable with me, giving me the opportunity to meet new
Not of my close friends will be able to join me in university. We're all going to separate schools. At new
university, you have a few acquaintances, but you don't know them well. You cannot be sure if they're
the type of folks you’d want to live with. I'm afraid I won't be able to pick my own roommate at this
moment. I'm pleased the university can help me with that.
The institution has a very good system for assigning roommates. All students must fill out information
sheets. I’d prefer for the institution to pair me up with a roommate with whom I can share a room. I
don't know many fell at the university where I plan to attend. I'm certain that the institution will pair me
up with a roommate who is a good match for me, allowing me to meet new people.
I have the opportunity to meet new people when the institution offers me a roommate. My roommate,
for one, will become a new friend. We know we'll have similar habits and interests, so we'll most likely
like spending time together. Furthermore, my roommate's buddies may become my friends as well. My
roommate has the ability to introduce me to new individuals, and I have the ability to do the same for
I believe it is a wonderful idea for a university to assign students to housemates. They can pair persons
who are compatible and provide everyone the opportunity to meet new people. Meeting new people is
a vital aspect of a university education, and this is one way to do

Email: nhatran111@gmail.com Website: nhatran111.com Phone: (024) 37563521 Mobile: 0917511052

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