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wes Xo TT TTT I Question Paper Code : 71828 a B.E./B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL/MAY 2015. ay Sixth Semester os Mechanical Engineering c J id ME 2026/ME 606/10122 MEE 17 — UNCONVENTIONAL AGHANING PROCESSES/UNCONVENTIONAL MANUFACTURING PI ‘QCESSES (Common to B.E. Mechanical and Automation Engineering E. Production r Engineering) Oy Regulation ae (Common to PTME 2026 ~ Uncon fachining Processes for BE, (Part-Time) Sixth Semester = Moot san jineering — Regulation 2009) ‘Time : Threo houre meee Maximum : 100 marks ” say questions PARTS (10 x 2=20 marks) a 1. . Compare conventionalind unconventional machining processes. ® State the ned for unconvontional machining, rp 8. Whats the principle of USM? 4. AagQO applications of WIM. 4\ Sketch the relaxation cireuit of EDM. & State the principle of EDM. 7. What is meant by maskant? 8. Mention the applications of BCH. 9. Name the beam control techniques of EBM. * 10. What is meant by Lasor beam drilling? aN ©) (Grow With Us Downloaded From PART B — (6 x 16 = 80 marks) 11, (a) Narrate the varions aspects involved in the selection of an unconventional machining process for a specific application a6 Or (b) Enumerate thé classification of unconventional machining processes. (16) 12. (a) (i) ~ Derive the equation for volumetric material removal rate a in grain throwing model of USM. (i) Compare the types of nozzle designs employed in AWJM with ne sketches. Cy @ Or P oe (b) Deseribe the process of Abrasive Jat Machining aloni.witi@the effect of all the process parameters. (6) 12. (a) Explain the process of Wire cut EDM with a n (ae) 7 Or fy (b) Write short notes on the following it in me of EDM. (4+4+444) @) Types of flushing is wa ‘Types of spark genératofh, (ii) Types pore a ms (iv) Properties of. 14, (a) Explain the prgeel Chemical blanking and Chemical milling with neat sketches, ! (6) al ; y or (b) @ _dDeseribe'the process of ECM with a neat sketch. 6) (iff Describe the process of ECG with a neat sketch. 6) 18. (ah. With a noc sketch, explain the proces of LBM along vith the eet of the process parameters (16) Pe Or <* ““\) @ Explain the principle of PAM with a neat sketch ®) ~ i) Describa the process of EBM with a neat sketch. 8 (Grow With Us

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