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The Evolution of Management Accounting

Author(s): Robert S. Kaplan

Source: The Accounting Review , Jul., 1984, Vol. 59, No. 3 (Jul., 1984), pp. 390-418
Published by: American Accounting Association

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Vol. LIX, No. 3
July 1984

The Evolution of Management

Robert S. Kaplan

ABSTRACT: This paper surveys the development of cost accounting and managerial
control practices and assesses their relevance to the changing nature of industrial compe-
tition in the 1 980s. The paper starts with a review of cost accounting developments from
1850 through 1915, including the demands imposed by the origin of the railroad and
steel enterprises and the subsequent activity from the scientific management movement.
The DuPont Corporation (1903) and the reorganization of General Motors (1920)
provided the opportunity for major innovations in the management control of decen-
tralized operations, including the ROl criterion for evaluation of performance and formal
budgeting and incentive plans. More recent developments have included discounted
cash flow analysis and the application of management science and multiperson decision
theory models. The cost accounting and management control procedures developed
more than 60 years ago for the mass production of standard products with high direct
labor content may no longer be appropriate for the planning and control decisions of
contemporary organizations. Also, problems with using profits as the prime criterion for
motivating and evaluating short-term performance are becoming apparent. This paper
advocates a return to field-based research to discover the innovative practices being
introduced by organizations successfully adapting to the new organization and technology
of manufacturing.

T HE challenges of the competitive Editor's Note: This paper served as the basis for a plenary
address given at the 1983 Annual Meeting of the Ameri-
environment in the 1980s should can Accounting Association. It was subsequently sub-
cause us to re-examine our tradi- mitted and reviewed for publication.
tional cost accounting and management
I greatly appreciated conversations with and articles
control systems. Virtually all of the prac- and references provided by Professor H. Thomas
tices employed by firms today and expli- Johnson of the University of Puget Sound. An earlier
version of the paper benefited from the comments and
cated in leading cost accounting text-
suggestions of participants at the Stanford University
books had been developed by 1925. Summer Accounting Workshop, especially Joel Demski,
Despite considerable change in the na- and many of my colleagues at Carnegie-Mellon and
Harvard. Richard Brief, Gordon Shillinglaw, Germain
ture of organizations and the dimensions
Boer, and a reviewer provided valuable suggestions to
of competition during the past 60 years, improve the final draft. The usual disclaimer, that the
there has been little innovation in the views, interpretations, and errors remain solely the
responsibility of the author, is particularly relevant for
design and implementation of cost ac-
this paper.
counting and management control sys-
tems. Therefore, it is not only appropriate Robert S. Kaplan is Professor of Ac-
but necessary that we understand the counting at Carnegie-Mellon University
sources of today's practices, reflect on the and Arthur Lowes Dickinson Professor of
new demands for planning and control Accounting at the Harvard Business
information, and develop a research School.
strategy to meet these new demands. Manuscript received September 1983.
Section I traces the development of Accepted February 1984.


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Kaplan 39a

cost account
Solomons [1968], and Garner [1954]
textile mills and railroads (circa 1850) provide additional historical perspectives
through the formation of the great indus- on the evolution in cost accounting
trial enterprises in the U.S. and the thought. I will briefly summarize these
emergence of the scientific management historical developments so that we can
approach. This phase culminated about understand the sources of many of
1920. Section 2 describes the manage- today's practices, though the interested
ment control innovations of the DuPont reader should consult the above refer-
Corporation (founded 1903) and the ences for a more complete treatment.
General Motors Corporation after its The demand for information for inter-
reorganization by Pierre du Pont and nal planning and control apparently
Alfred Sloan in 1920. The origins of arose in the first half of the 19th century
decentralization through Return on In- when firms, such as textile mills and rail-
vestment (ROI) control of both func- roads, had to devise internal administra-
tional and multi-divisional organizations tive procedures to coordinate the multiple
can be found in these two corporations. processes involved in the performance of
Section 3 surveys developments in cost the basic activity (the conversion of raw
accounting and managerial control from materials into finished goods by textile
1925 to the present. Section 4 poses mills, the transportation of passengers
challenges from the contemporary en- and freight by the railroads).'
vironment that may not be met by the Johnson [1972] describes the cost ac-
cost accounting practices developed more counting system of Lyman Mills, a New
than 60 years ago for a substantially England textile mill (established about
different competitive situation. Section 1855), that enabled the managers to
5 concludes with an agenda for field- monitor the efficiency of the mill's con-
based research to document or develop version of raw materials into a variety of
innovative management control prac- finished goods. The system was based on
tices appropriate for the changing indus- the company's double-entry book of
trial environment. accounts and provided information on
1. A SUMMARY OF HISTORICAL the cost of finished goods, on the pro-
DEVELOPMENTS IN COST ductivity of workers, on the impact of
changes in plant layout, and as a control
on the receipt and use of raw cotton.
The development of cost accounting Chandler [1977, pp. 109-120] provides
and management control practices in evidence of how U.S. railroads, in the
U.S. corporations has been well traced by 1860s and 1870s, developed accounting
Thomas Johnson (see Johnson [1972, procedures to aid them in their extensive
1975a, 1975b, 1978, 1980, 1981, and planning and control procedures. Rail-
1983]). This research builds upon the roads handled a vastly greater number
history of the development of U.S. and dollar volume of transactions than
corporations in Chandler [1962 and had any previous business and, as a
1977], in which we learn of the great
' The economic motivation for forming centralized
importance of cost and management
firms to carry out the multiple processes for these basic
control information to support the activities, as opposed to allowing decentralized units to
growth of large transportation, produc-perform these functions by continuous contracts and
transactions with other market-based units, has been
tion, and distribution enterprises during
developed by Coase [1937] and Williamson [1975 and
the 1850-1925 period. Littleton [1933], 1981].

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392 The Accounting Review, July 1984

consequence, had to devise procedures to used by railroads was not yet in general
record and summarize an enormous use in manufacturing concerns. By this
number of cash transactions. These pro- method, each department listed the
amount and cost of materials and labor
cedures also generated summary finan-
used on each order as it passed through
cial reports on the operations of the many
the sub-unit. Such information per-
sub-units within the large, geographically
mitted Shinn to send Carnegie monthly
dispersed railroad companies. In addition statements and, in time, even daily
to the financial summaries, the railroads ones providing data on the costs of ore,
developed a system of reporting oper- limestone, coal, coke, pig iron, spiegel,
ating statistics for evaluating and con- molds, refractories, repairs, fuel, and
trolling the performance of their sub- labor for each ton of rails produced.
units. Statistics such as cost per ton-mile These cost sheets [were] called "marvels
and the operating ratio (operating in- of ingenuity and careful accounting."
These cost sheets were Carnegie's
come divided by sales) were routinely
primary instrument of control. Costs
reported for various sub-units and classes
were Carnegie's obsession.... Carnegie
of service.
concentrated . . . on the cost side of the
Later in the 1880s, the newly formed
operating ratio, comparing current costs
mass distribution [Chandler, 1977, Chap- of each operating unit with those of
ter 7] and mass production [Chandler, previous months, and where possible,
1977, Chapter 8] enterprises adapted the with those of other enterprises.... These
internal accounting reporting systems of controls were effective ..... "The mi-
the railroads to their own organizations. nutest details of cost of materials and
The nationwide wholesale and retail labor in every department appeared from
distributors produced highly detailed day to day and week to week in the
accounts; and soon every man about the
data on sales turnover by department
place was made to realize it. The men
and by geographic area, generating per-
felt and often remarked that the eyes of
formance reports very similar to those
the company were always on them
that would be used 100 years later to through the books."
monitor the performance of revenue In addition to using their cost sheets to
centers in the firm. Mass production evaluate the performance of department
enterprises formed in the 1880s for the managers, foremen and men, Carnegie,
manufacture of tobacco products, Shinn and Jones relied on them to check
matches, detergents, photographic film, the quality and mix of raw materials.
and flour. Most important was the emer- They used them to evaluate improve-
ments in process and in product and to
gence of the metal-making and fabri-
make decisions on developing by-prod-
cating industries. Andrew Carnegie's
ucts. In pricing, particularly nonstan-
steel company was a particularly good
dardized items like bridges, cost-sheets
example of the importance of cost ac- were invaluable. The company would
counting information for managing the not accept a contract until its costs were
enterprise. carefully estimated [Chandler, 1977, pp.
Shinn's [the general manager's] major
achievement was the development of
statistical data needed for coordination Interestingly, the development of these
and control. Shinn did this in part by elaborate cost reporting and estimation
introducing the voucher system of ac- schemes by the 1880s focused exclusively
counting which though it had long been on direct labor and materials, what we

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Kaplan 393

call today prime or direct costs; that is, Johnson [1980] proposes that because
little attention was paid to overhead and firms relied almost exclusively on internal
capital costs. sources of capital to finance new invest-
ments, and second, because firms were
Carnegie's concern was almost wholly
basically in only one line of business, the
with prime costs. He and his associates
appear to have paid almost no attention
choice was only to invest more in this line
to overhead and depreciation. This too of business or not to invest further in this
reflected on the railroad experience. As business. For this decision, the effect of
on the railroads, administrative over- the new investment on reducing prime
head and sales expenses were compara- costs or in improving the operating ratio
tively small and estimated in a rough was deemed sufficient to guide the invest-
fashion. Likewise, Carnegie relied on ment decision.3
replacement accounting by charging re- The scientific management movement
pair, maintenance, and renewals to in American industry provided a major
operating costs. Carnegie had, therefore,
impetus to the further development of
no certain way of determining the capital
cost accounting practices [Chandler,
invested in his plant and equipment. As
on the railroads, he evaluated per- 1977, pp. 272-283]. The major figures in
formance in terms of the operating ratiothis movement were engineers who, by
(the cost of operations as a percentage ofdetailed job analyses and time and mo-
tion studies, determined "scientific"
sales) and profits in terms of a percentage
of book value of stock issues [Chandler,standards for the amount of labor and
1977, p. 268]. material required to produce a given unit
of output. These standards were used to
Thus, cost accounting practice in the late
provide a basis for paying workers on a
1800s did not include the allocation of
piece-work basis, and to determine bo-
fixed costs to products or to periods.2
nuses for workers who were highly
Despite the enormous capital invested
productive. The names associated with
in these new manufacturing enterprises,
there was apparently no systematic 2 Richard Brief pointed out to me that late 19th-
century texts and journals contained active discussions
method for forecasting investments or
on both the allocation of fixed capital costs to periods
coordinating and monitoring capital in- and the allocation of fixed operating costs to products
vestment. Andrew Carnegie is reported (see, for example, references in Edwards [1937]). Neither
of these possibilities, however, was practiced by com-
to have undertaken almost any new
panies at that time.
investment that would reduce his prime 3 Habakkuk [1962, p. 59] argues that the relative
operating costs: scarcity of labor in the U.S. and the inadequacy of
methods for estimating relevant capital costs explain
Carnegie's operating strategy was to why industrialists were willing to invest solely on the
push his own direct cost below those of basis of increasing the productivity of labor.
all competitors so that he could charge The American manufacturer was averse to retaining
prices that would always ensure enough old equipment when more labour-productive
demand to keep his plant running at full equipment was available because the old equipment
made poor use of his scarce labour. So long as the
capacity.... Secure in his knowledge
saving of labour was vouched for, the capital-costs
that his costs were the lowest in the
were less important, at least within a fairly wide
industry, Carnegie then engaged in range, and in the absence of clear ideas and relevant
merciless price-cutting during economic data about the proper components of capital-costs,
recessions. While competing firms went manufacturers were probably disposed to under-
estimate rather than overestimate them.
under, he still made profits [Johnson,
1981, p. 515]. I am grateful to Richard Brief for this reference.

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394 The Accounting Review, July 1984

developing the scientific management trial firms continued to use replacement

approach include Frederick Taylor, Har- accounting, which their managers had
rington Emerson, A. Hamilton Church, borrowed from the railroads . .. they
defined profits as the difference between
and Henry Towne.4 This approach in-
earnings and expenses, and the latter
cluded not only the development of work
included repairs and renewal [Chandler,
standards but also a new form of organi-
1977, p. 279].
zation, supplementing the traditional
operating or line functions with staff The development of standard costs also
function designed "not to accomplish came to fruition during this time. In a
work, but to set up standards and ideals, series of articles in 1908 and 1909,
so that the line may work more effi- Harrington Emerson clearly describes the
ciently." value of standard costing for timely
The "scientific management" advo- planning and control. The literature of
cates also started the practice of measur-standard costing continued to evolve so
ing and allocating overhead costs to that by 1918, G. Charter Harrison pub-
products. lished a series of articles in Industrial
Management, exhibiting
Innovations came primarily in deter-
mining indirect costs or what was termed [a] sureness of touch and a compre-
the "factory burden," and in allocating hensiveness in their treatment which
both indirect and direct (or prime) costs shows standard costing to have left the
to each of the different products pro- experimental stage and to have attained
duced by a plant or factory so as to the status of established practice. In
develop still more accurate unit costs.... these articles, he produced the first set of
In a series of articles published in the formulas for the analysis of cost vari-
Engineering Magazine in 1901, Alex- ances [Solomons, 1968, pp. 46-47].
ander Church began to devise ways to
In addition to these innovations by
account for a machine's "idle time," for
practicing managers and engineers, ex-
money lost when machines were not in
use. Henry Gantt and others then de-
tensive discussions on cost accounting
veloped methods of obtaining standard concepts appeared in textbooks, mono-
costs based on standard volume of graphs and articles during this time (see
throughput by determining standard Solomons [1952]). Factory Accounting
costs based on a standard volume of, say, by Garcke and Fells, first published in
80 percent of capacity; these men defined 1887, integrated cost accounts into the
the increased unit costs of running below firm's double-entry financial accounting
standard volume as "unabsorbed bur- system and clearly identified a position
den" and decreased unit costs over that that fixed overhead costs should not be
volume as "over-absorbed burden"
allocated to production costs.
[Chandler, 1977, pp. 278-279].
To distribute the charges over the
The practice of allocating fixed capital articles manufactured would, therefore,
costs to products or to periods, however, have the effect of disproportionately
had still not emerged. reducing the cost of production with
every increase, and the reverse with
... Nor did they concern themselves every dimunition of business. Such a
with the problem of depreciation in
determining their capital account. The
4 Epstein [1978] documents the important influence
reason was that, until well into the on cost accounting practices of the "scientific manage-
twentieth century, nearly all large indus-
ment" approach.

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Kaplan 395

result is greatly to be deprecated, as allocating them proportional to direct

tending neither to economy of manage- labor, Church observes:
ment nor to accuracy in estimating for
These shop charges (overhead) fre-
contracts. The principals of a business
quently amount to 100 percent, 125 per-
can always judge what percentage of
cent, and even much more of the direct
gross profits upon cost is necessary to
wages. It is therefore often actually more
cover fixed establishment charges and
important that they should be correct
interest on capital [Garcke and Fells,
than that the actual wages cost should be
1887, p. 74].
correct [Church, 1908, p. 40].

Church's admonitions against loading all

The use of breakeven charts to express the
variation of cost with output could be overhead costs onto direct labor, though,
found in writings in England and the seem to have gone largely unheeded even
in today's manufacturing environment
United States in 1903 and 1904 [Solo-
mons, 1968, p. 35]. where direct labor can represent less than
ten or 20 percent of the value added to a
Vangermeesch [19831 summarizes the
extensive writings of A. Hamilton product in the manufacturing process.5
J. Maurice Clark at the University of
Church, an insightful observer of early
twentieth-century cost accounting prac- Chicago made one of the few academic
tices. Church disagreed with the practice contributions to the emerging cost ac-
of allocating all overhead based on direct counting literature during this time.
labor cost: Clark [1923] provides an extensive dis-
cussion of the nature of overhead costs
We find that as against $100 direct and their use in managerial decisions.
wages on order, we have an indirect Driven by a concern with the regulation
expenditure of $59, or in other terms, our
of railroads and public utilities and with
shop establishment charges are 59 per-
the broader societal implications of cost
cent of direct wages in that shop for the
measurement (including price discrimina-
period in question. This is, of course very
simple. It is also as usually worked very tion, cut-throat competition, and labor
inexact. It is true that as regards the out- compensation), Clark examines in depth
put of the shop as a whole a fair idea is the nature of overhead costs. Many cost
obtained of the general cost of the concepts that are widely used today,
work.... And in the case of a shop with such as escapable or avoidable overhead,
machines all of a size and kind, perform- sunk costs, incremental or differential
ing practically identical operations by costs, and the relevant time period for
means of a fairly average wages rate, it
determining whether a cost is fixed or
is not alarmingly incorrect.
variable, can be found in Clark's book.
If, however, we apply this method to
An entire chapter is devoted to a discus-
a shop in which large and small ma-
sion of "Different Costs for Different
chines, highly paid and cheap labor,
heavy castings and small parts, are all in Purposes," a concept illustrated by con-
operation together, then the result, un- sidering the changing definition of cost in
less measures are taken to supplement it, nine different decisions to be made about
is no longer trustworthy [Church, 1908, a plant and its output. The notion of
pp. 28-29]. opportunity cost is implied by the follow-

In commenting on the importance of 5 See Schwartzbach and Vangermeersch [1983] for a

proposal to implement Church's proposal by developing
accounting for overhead costs directly a separate costing rate for each important machine in a
rather than averaging them together and production process.

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396 The Accounting Review, July 1984

ing statement: formal books of account, though based

on the same data [Clark, 1923, p. 68].
. .. for certain purposes cost is not a
mere present fact, but depends on the Thus, by 1925 sophisticated cost ac-
alternative offered [Clark, 1923, p. 483]. counting theories and practices had been
Also, Clark proposes that a statistical developed.7 Many of these innovations
method be used to estimate cost behavior. were being used to improve the the effi-
This would be an alternative to the ciencies of enterprises actively engaged in
accountant's somewhat arbitrary alloca- the mass production of standard prod-
tions, or subjective estimates, of fixed ucts with relatively high direct labor
and variable components of total costs. content. Unlike the situation today, the
He notes the possibility of both time- cost accounting, capital accounting, and
series and cross-sectional statistical an- financial accounting systems were kept
alyses: separately, with the cost accounting sys-
tem typically designed for and operated
A concern may watch the monthly by the manufacturing departments. Cost
fluctuations of its expenses and compare information was used to assess operating
them with the fluctuations of output, in
efficiencies, to aid in pricing decisions,
order to learn what the differential cost
and to control and motivate worker
of added output is. Or it may be possible
performance. The emphasis was on job
to compare the costs of different estab-
lishments some of which are integrated
and factory efficiency, not on the com-
and others of which are not (for example, mercial success of the overall corpora-
sugar factories which buy their beets and tion.8 The demand for a management
factories which raise their own)... accounting system to facilitate the con-
[Clark, 1923, p. 217]. trol and coordination of a firm's diverse
activities did not occur until the appear-
and the advantages of statistical over
ance of vertically integrated, multi-ac-
judgmental analysis:
tivity firms (see Johnson [1975b]). The
The statistical method has a further emergence of these firms in the early
advantage in that it catches everything 1900s probably marked the start of
which expert judgment might overlook, modern managerial control practices.
and corrects automatically any possible
fallacies due to the semi-intuitive meth- 2. HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF
ods of arriving at conclusions [Clark, MANAGERIAL CONTROL
1923, pp. 223-224].
Both Chandler [1977] and Johnson
An excellent discussion of the dangers [1975a, 1975b, 1980] look to the DuPont
and limitations of statistical analyses Company as the innovator in developing
also is presented [pp. 224-227], a discus- modern managerial control systems:
sion that could well be incorporated in
many of today's cost accounting texts.'
6 Of particular concern to Clark is the existence of
Finally, Clark understood the impor- confounding factors that distort the statistical relation-
tance of keeping the cost accounting ship between output and cost. Today, we would recognize
information separate from the financial the role of multiple regression to control for these
additional explanatory factors.
accounting system. 7 See Garner [1954] for a summary of the state-of-the-
art of cost accounting practices and literature as of 1925.
Undoubtedly, the ultimate solution 8 Church's writings (see Vangermeersch [1983] and
lies in the development of systems of cost Wells [1977; p. 53]) seem to be an exception to this
analysis which shall be separate from the observation.

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Kaplan 397
In 1903, three Du Pont cousins con- manufacturing, sales, finance, and pur-
solidated their small enterprises with chasing. The managers of each depart-
many other small single-unit family ment became specialists in that area and
firms. They then completely reorganized could pursue strategies that maximized
the American explosives industry and the performance of their departments and
installed an organizational structure that
the entire firm. The senior managers,
incorporated the "best practice" of the
freed from day-to-day operating re-
day. The highly rational managers at
DuPont continued to perfect these tech-
sponsibility, could focus more on coordi-
niques, so that by 1910 that company nating the firm's diverse activities and
was employing nearly all the basic meth- developing its long-term strategies (in-
ods that are currently used in managing cluding capital allocation and financing).
big business [Chandler, 1977, p. 417]. The decentralized, functional organi-
The DuPont Powder Company be- zation required a performance measure-
came a centrally managed enterprise ment system to motivate and evaluate
coordinating through its own depart- departmental performance and to guide
ments most of the manufacturing and overall firm strategy. The DuPont
selling activities formerly mediated Company devised an accounting mea-
through the market by scores of spe- sure, Return on Investment (ROI), to
cialized firms. A centralized accounting serve both as an indicator of the efficiency
system was indispensable to the DuPont
of its diverse operating departments and
Powder Company's elaborate depart-
as a measure of financial performance of
ment structure.
Information provided by the Powder
the company as a whole. Pierre du Pont
Company's centralized accounting sys- rejected the (then) widely-used measure
tem enabled top management to carry of profits or earnings as a percentage of
out two basic activities that comprised sales or costs, because it failed to indicate
the task of planning: the allocation of the rate of return on capital invested.
new investment among competing eco-
A commodity requiring an inexpensive
nomic activities (including the mainte-
plant might, when sold only ten percent
nance of working capital) and the fi-
above its cost, show a higher rate of
nancing of new capital requirements
return on the investment than another
[Johnson, 1975a, pp. 186-187].
commodity sold at double its cost, but
The development of vertically inte- manufactured in an expensive plant. The
grated, multi-activity organizations for true test of whether the profit is too
mass production and mass distribution great or too small is the rate of return on
provided the potential for dramatic the money invested in the business and
not the percent of profit on the cost [A
breakthroughs in efficiency. The com-
DuPont executive writing in 1911 as
plexity and diversity of these enterprises,
quoted by Johnson, [1975, p. 88].
however, could have caused the firms to
fail due to lack of coordination, planning, The ROI measure was used to evaluate
and control, had not new organizational new proposals for building manufactur-
forms evolved to allow senior managers ing facilities and thereby facilitated the
to guide their operations. allocation of funds among competing
One innovation was to develop the product lines; capital was allocated to
functional or unitary form of organiza- those products and mills that were earn-
tion that is still characteristic of many ing the highest returns. Apparently,
contemporary firms. Firms were decen- depreciation was used both to compute
tralized into separate departments- net income and as a deduction from gross

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398 The Accounting Review, July 1984

assets to determine investment (see John- Pierre du Pont and Donaldson Brown on
son [1975a, fn. 12, pp. 187-188]), but how modern industrial enterprises.
depreciation was computed is not indi- Nevertheless, there were still problems
cated. in organizing the large industrial corpora-
The ROI approach was extended in tions in the World War I era. The alloca-
about 1912 by one of DuPont's financial tion of responsibility between the top
officers, Donaldson Brown, when he managers in the centralized office and the
decomposed the ROI calculation into the middle managers in the operating depart-
product of the sales turnover ratio (sales ments was not clearly delineated. Senior
divided by total investment) and the managers intervened excessively in day-
operating ratio of earnings to sales. These to-day operations, frequently neglecting
two ratios were decomposed into their their responsibilities for long-range plan-
component parts many times further so ning and assessing the impact of trends
that each of DuPont's departments knew in the external environment on their
how its performance affected either the company's operations [Chandler, 1977,
sales turnover or the operating ratio, and pp. 453-454].
hence the company's overall return on The recession following the end of
investment. As a further benefit, the dis- World War I dramatically revealed the
aggregation of the ROI measure enabled shortcomings of the planning and control
management to explain the reasons why systems of most industrial enterprises.
actual ROI would have differed from From these difficulties, General Motors
budgeted ROI in any given period. and DuPont developed a new form of
Pierre du Pont also established a for- organizational structure, the multi-di-
mal capital appropriation procedure and visional firm. The two companies are
a systematic process for formulating and linked because the DuPont Corporation
approving both operating and capital became a leading GM stockholder, and
budgets. The treasurer's office prepared Pierre du Pont became president of
short- and long-term financial forecasts. General Motors after GM's financial
All these procedures were in place by difficulties in 1920, when many other
1910 [Johnson, 1975a; Chandler, 1977, senior DuPont executives also trans-
pp. 448-449]. ferred to General Motors. Pierre du Pont
The functionally departmentalized Du- promoted Alfred P. Sloan to work with
Pont system is the first example of apply- him in rehabilitating GM's organiza-
ing local profit measures to evaluate the tional structure. (The details of this story
performance of operating departments. are described in Sloan [1963], Chandler
It was successful in coordinating and [1977, pp. 456-463], and Johnson
rationalizing the operations of the large [1978].) Johnson [1978] provides an
industrial corporations that formed in theexcellent description of the innovative
early 1900s. The basic functional organi- managerial accounting system estab-
zation is still used in many worldwide lished by Pierre du Pont, Donaldson
corporations today, more than 70 years Brown, and Alfred Sloan at General
after its introduction. The development Motors in the early 1920s. The following
of the ROI criterion, applied at a depart- summary indicates the scope and impact
mental level, seems to be the origin of the of the system.
profit and investment center concept used GM's management accounting system
in most modern corporations. It is re- did three things to help management
markable to note these lasting legacies of accomplish "centralized control with

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Kaplan 399

decentralized responsibility." First, it ingenious pricing formula [Johnson,

provided an annual operating forecast 1978, pp. 498-500, 505-507] to deter-
that compared each division's ex ante mine a target price that would yield the
operating goals with top management's desired ROI when production and sales
financial goals. This forecast made it
were at a "standard" or "normal" vol-
possible for top management to coordi-
ume, defined to be 80 percent of capacity.
nate each division's expected perfor-
This formula recognized not only the
mance with company-wide financial
policy. Second, the management ac- investment in fixed plant and equipment
counting system provided sales reports but also the investment in working capi-
and flexible budgets that indicated tal, especially accounts receivable and
promptly if actual results were deviating inventory, which Brown assumed to
from planned results. They specified, vary with the level of production and
furthermore, the adjustments to current sales activity. Donaldson Brown's for-
operations that division managers mula, devised in the early 1920s, is as
should make to achieve their expected good an approach to a target, cost-based
performance goals. The sales reports and
pricing scheme as any that can be found
the advanced flexible budget system
today. Johnson notes that the Brown
provided, then, for control of each
pricing formula was not followed blindly:
division's actual performance. Third, the
management accounting system allowed GM did not use standard price data to
top management to allocate both re- determine the actual prices to be charged
sources and managerial compensation during any given model year.... Top
among divisions on the basis of uniform management professed the position that
performance criteria. This simultane- the proposed price for any particular
ously encouraged a high degree of auto- year was determined in the competitive
matic compliance with company-wide marketplace.... If the proposed price
financial goals and greatly increased the for any model fell below the dollar
division manager's decentralized auto- equivalent of the standard price ratio,
nomy [Johnson, 1978, pp. 493-494]. and if the gap between these two prices
From this summary (and the support- could not be attributed to short-run

ing details in Sloan [1963] and Johnson competitive pressures, then top manage-
ment requested a division manager to
[1978]), it is clear that the organizational
reduce his proposed operating cost
form and reporting and evaluation sys-
[Johnson, 1978, p. 500].
tem for virtually all modem enterprises
had evolved in General Motors by 1923- Thus, the pricing formula provided a
60 years ago. powerful link between a division's short-
A few highlights of the GM system are term operating plan and the top manage-
worth noting. First, the goal of General ment's financial strategy.
Motors was to earn an average satisfac- An additional feature of the Brown
tory Return on Investment over an entire pricing formula is that depreciation is
business cycle, not to achieve annual included as a fixed expense. Just when
increases in earnings. There was ample this allocation became part of the overall
recognition that a below-average ROI management control scheme is not clear
would be earned in a year when car de- from reading the secondary sources
mand was slack, to be offset by an above- available. Perhaps the institution of the
average ROI in an exceptionally strong U.S. federal income tax before and during
sales year. World War I made this accounting treat-
Second, Donaldson Brown devised an ment more important and visible to

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400 The Accounting Review, July 1984

senior U.S. managers than it had been circumstances in a division [Sloan, 1963,
prior to 1910. pp. 422-428].
The third highlight of the GM system Fourth, a sophisticated market-based
is an explicit incentive and profit-sharing transfer pricing system was established
plan for the senior managers of the cor- among General Motors' many operating
poration.9 The practice of a formula- divisions. The pricing of interdivisional
based incentive plan, widespread in to- transfers arose initially in the functional
day's U.S. corporations (and also heavily organization of DuPont. For DuPont,
criticized), can be traced back to the at about 1905, we learn that:
innovative organization designed by
Each of the company's mills manu-
Pierre du Pont and Alfred Sloan:
factured many of the intermediate prod-
Before we had the Bonus Plan in ucts, such as acids, that were used to
operation throughout the corporation, make explosives. An important question,
one of the obstacles to integrating the therefore, was whether money could be
various decentralized divisions was the saved by purchasing these intermediate
fact that key executives had little incen- products from outside firms instead of
tive to think in terms of welfare of the making them in the Powder Company's
whole corporation.... Under the in- mills. The Powder Company's cost fig-
centive system in operation before 1918, ures for intermediate products could not
a small number of division managers had be compared with outside market prices,
contracts providing them with a stated however, because mill overhead and
share of profits of their own divisions, general administrative charges were allo-
irrespective of how much the corporation cated only to finished goods and not to
as a whole earned. Inevitably, this system intermediate products. This accounting
exaggerated the self-interest of each policy caused an understatement of the
division at the expense of the interest of cost of company-made intermediate
the corporation itself. It was even possi- products [Johnson, 1975a, p. 195].
ble for a division manager to act con-
Alfred Sloan, ten years later, had already
trary to the interests of the corporation
worked out the market-based solution to
in his effort to maximize his own divi-
this problem. As president and chief
sion's profits.
The Bonus Plan established the con- operating officer of United Motors,
cept of corporate profit in place of Sloan reports:
divisional profits.... At first total bonus My divisions in the United Motors
awards were limited to 10 percent of the Corporation had sold both to outside
net earnings after taxes and after a 6
customers and to their allied divisions at
percent return (on net capital employed)
the market price.
[Sloan, 1963, p. 409].
When the United Motors group was
The GM bonus plan was administered brought into the General Motors Cor-
through an elaborate process designed to poration in late 1918, I found that if I
provide rewards to those employees and followed the prevailing practice, I would
managers who had made substantial no longer be able to determine the rate of
return on investment for these accessory
contributions to the company's perfor-
divisions individually, or as a group....
mance. While guided by accounting
measures, such as divisional return on
9 In an unpublished interview with Professor Alfred D.
invested capital, the system involved a
Chandler, Donaldson Brown reported that the GM
systematic review of each individual's bonus plan was actually modeled after one established
performance and also considered special at the DuPont Corporation in 1903.

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Kaplan 401

At that time, material within General multi-divisional organization, the ROI

Motors was passing from one operating performance measure, formal capital
division to another at cost plus some appropriation procedures, budgeting and
predetermined percentage [Sloan, 1963, planning cycles, flexible budgets, target
p. 48]. ROI pricing based on standard volume,
incentive and profit-sharing plans, and a
Sloan recommended to Durant, then
market-based transfer price policy.
president of GM:
For exclusively interdepartmental
transactions ... the starting point COST ACCOUNTING AND
should be cost plus some predetermined MANAGERIAL CONTROL
rate of return, but only as a guide. To
The preceding sections document that
avoid the possibility of protecting a
the growth of the modem corporation,
supplying division which might be a
between 1880 and 1925, provided the
high-cost producer, I recommend a
number of steps involving analysis of the stimulus for the development of innova-
operation and comparison with outside tive management accounting practices.
competitive production where possible These practices were devised by engineers
[Sloan, 1963, pp. 49-50]. and industrialists, working in actual
organizations, rather than by academic
While Sloan does not relate what
researchers. This probably explains the
transfer price practice he implemented
rapid adoption of these innovative prac-
upon becoming chief executive at General
tices by other organizations.
Motors, Donaldson Brown provided a
The period since 1925 has not been
forceful description of GM's policy:
devoid of interesting developments in
The question of pricing product from cost accounting and management. For
one division to another is of great impor- example, many aspects of cost behavior
tance. Unless a true competitive situation have been developed, embellished, and
is preserved, as to prices, there is no basis imbedded in the literature.'0 But these
upon which the performance of the
developments have been primarily by
divisions can be measured. No division
academics and, with few exceptions,
is required absolutely to purchase prod-
have had relatively little impact on
ucts from another division. In their
interrelation they are encouraged to deal
practice. Unlike the situation described
just as they would with outsiders. The in the preceding two sections, there have
independent purchaser buying products been virtually no major innovations by
from any of our divisions is assured that practicing managers or management ac-
prices to it are exactly in line with prices countants during the most recent 60 years
charged our own car divisions. Where to affect contemporary management ac-
there are no substantial sales outside, counting thought. "
such as would establish a competitive
picture-at times partial requirements
10 Economists and accountants at the London School
are actually purchased from outside
of Economics wrote extensively on the nature of costs and
sources so as to perfect the competitive the importance of opportunity costs in economic deci-
situation [Brown, 1927, p. 8]. sions (see Buchanan and Thirlby [1973]). Today's cost
accounting texts contain extensive discussions on various
In summary, by 1925 DuPont and cost behavior concepts such as fixed vs. variable, incre-
General Motors had developed many of mental, escapable, opportunity, traceable, controllable,
relevant, etc. These concepts are generally illustrated in
today's managerial control practices: simplified production settings.
decentralization via a functional or 1' Kaplan [1981] describes a rather depressing exer-

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402 The Accounting Review, July 1984

One innovation has been the emer- about the merits of discounting cash
gence, in the past 30 years, of the modem flows versus the previously used, nondis-
treatment of capital budgeting.12 Shil- counted measures such as ROI or pay-
linglaw [1980, p. 6] reports: back.
The Residual Income (RI) extension to
When I started my professional career
the Return on Investment criteria also
in the early 1950s, the consulting firm I
worked with played a missionary role in emerged in the post-World War II penod.
the introduction of discounted cash-flow It is generally attributed to the General
analysis in industry ... the older sys- Electric Corporation, though its ante-
tems, based on pay back period or on cedents can be traced to writings earlier
some undiscounted form of the return- in this century (see Scovell [1924],
on-investment ratio, were designed by Church [1917, pp. 393-394] and Clark
financial managers, most of them ac- [1923]). The earliest references to resid-
countants. The engineers had been tink- ual income in the management account-
ering with cash-flow discounting for ing literature are quite recent [Solomons,
years, but they were not very influential.
1965 and Anthony, 1965]. The Residual
Joel Dean is often acknowledged for Income concept overcame one of the
introducing modern capital budgeting dysfunctional aspects of the ROI mea-
procedures to firms. His book [Dean, sure in which managers had an incentive
1951] is an excellent summary of the to decline investments that yielded re-
practices of leading corporations in the turns in excess of the firm's (or division's)
post-World War II era but, surprisingly, cost of capital, but below the average
does not advocate the discounting of ROI for their division. The RI approach
future cash flows. He describes the dis- has not been widely adopted (see Reece
counting of the stream of earnings, not and Cool [1978]). Even General Electric
the cash flows, from a project and con- has apparently discarded RI and returned
cludes that for many investments, dis- to ROI as its basic financial measure for
counting "frequently may not be worth investment center performance (see Gen-
the cost." By the mid-1950s, however, eral Electric [1981]).
Dean was advocating the discounted cash The transfer price problem remained a
flow (DCF) approach [Dean, 1954] over thorny issue for vertically integrated or
the previously used payback and ROI multi-divisional firms, though there are
methods, and this recommendation also very few references to this subject until
appeared in the accounting literature the most recent 30 years. In the mid-
[Christenson, 1955]. The publication of 1950s, three articles [Cook, 1955, Dean,
the first edition of Bierman and Smtdt in1955, and Stone, 1956] were published
1960 provides additional support for the on transfer pricing that described the full
acceptance of DCF analysis (at least range of available practices (full cost,
among academic scholars), and numer- standard cost, market price, and negoti-
ous surveys during the past 20 years have
indicated the widespread adoption of this
cise, attempting to glean innovative management ac-
analytic technique by U.S. firms.
counting practices from reading through recent volumes
Whether the procedure is being used of a practitioner-oriented journal.
wisely is currently being questioned (see, 12 Parker [1968] summarizes the pre-1950 develop-
ment of discounted cash flow in the actuarial, engineering
for example, Pinches [1982] and Myers
economy, and political economy literature. He notes that
[1984]), but the criticisms are about how there is little evidence that firms used this technique
DCF is implemented in firms rather than before the 1950s.

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Kaplan 403

ated or bargained price) and advocated the application of quantitative models to

one or the other as being preferable. Not a variety of planning and control prob-
a single reference was made in these three lems. This literature, stimulated by the
articles to any prior literature on the sub- development of operations research as
ject. Hirschleifer [1956, 19571, in two an academic discipline in the post-World
classic articles, developed the micro- War II era, described how analytic tech-
economic foundations of the transfer niques, including regression analysis,
pricing problem and demonstrated, in a linear and nonlinear programming, prob-
limited setting, the optimality of using ability theory, hypothesis testing, and
the opportunity cost of the selling di- decision theory, could be applied to cost
vision as the appropriate transfer price. accounting problems (see Kaplan [1977
This rule includes the market price as a and 1982]).
special case when the intermediate prod- The introduction of quantitative an-
uct is sold in a perfectly competitive alysis has not extended the domain of
market, but the rule reverts to the selling management accounting. It simply pro-
division's marginal cost when there is no vides analytic tools for aiding the plan-
market or an imperfectly competitive ning and control decisions that firms have
market for the intermediate product. been making for the past century, e.g.,
Examples of firms using the marginal determining fixed and variable costs,
cost rule in practice are quite rare (see assessing product profitability and de-
Umapathy [1978]), suggesting that the termining improved product mixes, aid-
deterministic, cooperative, full-informa- ing the make vs. buy decision, deciding
tion setting assumed in the Hirschleifer whether to discontinue an existing prod-
analysis is not realized very often. In fact, uct or launch a new one, allocating costs
the existence of private information by to products, and analyzing the sources of
division managers, and the gains from deviation between actual and budgeted
strategic behavior within the firm (see performance. Quantitative analysis there-
Williamson [1975] and Waterhouse and fore appears to be a descendant of the
Tiessen [1978]), require that the transfer scientific management era of cost ac-
pricing problem be solved in an environ- counting (1895-1915), with the renewed
ment that clearly permits noncooperative interest in this approach occurring, after
bargaining in an uncertain environment a half-century gap, because of newly
with informational asymmetries among developed techniques. Had these tech-
division managers and central manage- niques been available to the engineers
ment.13 Thus, the transfer price issue who developed the scientific management
remains an open problem to this day, approach, it seems likely that many of the
though researchers are much more awarerecommendations of the past two decades
of the analytic complexity of this problem would have been considered and tested
than they were thirty years ago. In the for their usefulness in the 1895-1925 era.
meantime, it is probable that the distri- The most recent 15-year period has
bution of transfer-pricing practices been characterized by the application of
among firms in 1983 would be indis- information economics and agency
tinguishable from that of thirty years ago, theory to management accounting prob-
when the transfer pricing problem firstlems. The first phase of this research, the
attracted the attention of academics.
About 1960 a major stream of man- II The discussion in Dearden [1964] provides a vivid
illustration of the difficulties in implementing transfer
agement accounting literature started on pricing schemes in actual organizations.

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404 The Accounting Review, July 1984

information economics betweenapproach,

the principal and agent depends
the management accountant as choosing critically on the particular information
an information system in an uncertain available to both parties (see, for exam-
environment to aid decision-making in ple, Demski and Feltham [1978] as an
the firm. The information system was example of agency theory applied to a
useful if it provided signals about an budgeting problem). Baiman [1982] pro-
unknown, random state of nature that vides an excellent survey of the rapidly
could influence the actions of an opti- developing research that has occurred in
mizing decision-maker with a known this field since 1975.
preference (or utility) function for mone- Information economics and agency
tary rewards. In theory, the values of theory research offers the potential for a
alternative information (management ac- rigorous, analytic theory of management
counting) systems could be measured by accounting, rooted in the utility and
their effects on the decision-maker's ex- profit-maximizing behavior of neo-classi-
pected utility. The academic literature of cal economics, as well as in the more
this genre had a relatively brief duration, recent analytic tools of statistical decision
starting with an introduction to the theory and noncooperative multiperson
problem in 1968 [Feltham, 1968] and game theory. But this potential, if ever
basically culminating, less than a decade realized, will be many years in the future.
later, with a monograph [Demski and Despite the technical virtuosity of the
Feltham, 1976 ]. The approach is also well agency theory researchers, the com-
summarized in Demski [1980]. plexity and difficulty of computing equi-
The single-person information eco- librium solutions in multiperson non-
nomics approach was supplanted by cooperative game settings with private
principal/agent, or agency theory, re- information has limited the analysis to
search. In this model, accounting infor- only extremely simple organizational
mation is viewed as the basis of contract- settings. In fact, none of the models
ing between economic agents who have considers an organization any more
different ownership rights, different in- complex than the Lyman Mills Textile
formation, perhaps different prior beliefs,Co., in which the owners hired workers
and different preferences for outcomes. and needed to devise employment con-
Thus, rather than viewing the firm as tracts, performance monitors, and in-
a single organizational entity, agency centive payments for the workers.
theory models the diverse interests, in- Basically, agency theory is a theory of
formation, and beliefs of economic agents contracting with production workers, not
contracting with the firm. The informa- with managers. A critical assumption is
tion, or management accounting, system that agents need to be motivated to take
serves to inform the principal (owner, actions or exert effort for which they have
shareholder, central manager) and agent disutility. In other words, the theory
(management, division, or department assumes that agents prefer not to exert
head) about the actual outcome, to sup- effort or take desired actions and, as a
ply signals to the agent and, in some consequence, need to be compensated
cases, to inform the principal about the financially to induce them to take actions
likelihood of various state occurrences. that will benefit the firm. This assump-
It can also provide information to the tion may be useful for modeling the
principal about the agent's effort and behavior of agricultural and production
actions. The sharing of the outcome workers, but its extension to a theory of

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Kaplan 405

managerial behavior is rather strained. division and local managers and thereby
In practice, managers do not seem to guide the managers in their day-to-day
have much effort aversion; frequently the operating and resource allocation de-
problem is the reverse-they work too cisions. Focusing entirely on an effort-
long and too hard at their jobs, not too aversion or conflict of interest story will
little. Also, the decisions or actions re- be overly restrictive as we study the role
quired to benefit the overall firm do not of management accounting practices in
seem to be obviously more distasteful or actual organizations.
more arduous to these managers than Agency theory should be viewed as a
making decisions that are harmful to the very exploratory investigation to develop
firm. a formal theory of the demand for infor-
About the only "managerial" story mation within the firm. But its limitations
that gets told via agency theory requires should be well recognized and should not
a liberal interpretation of effort aversion supplant other efforts to improve man-
as a surrogate for conflicts of interest agement accounting systems in con-
between managers (the agents) and share- temporary managerial and production
holders (the principals). With this inter- settings.
pretation, contracting is required to Related to agency theory, and develop-
insure that managers do not consume too ing in parallel with it, is a theory of the
many nonpecuniary benefits from which firm based on transaction costs.'5 Trans-
managers receive utility but that reduce action cost economics comes from the
the principals' wealth (and utility). The same intellectual roots as agency theory
overconsumption of nonpecuniary bene- research, emphasizing the limits of mar-
fits may be an interesting topic for a few ket transactions due to private informa-
researchers to explore. But certainly, tion among economic agents, and the
developing a theory of the firm, or a nature of opportunistic, individual maxi-
theory of managerial behavior, that mizing behavior by these agents. It differs
focuses on limiting expensive carpeting from agency theory research by not
and art objects in executives' offices is not
attempting to analyze all transactions via
likely to address central managerial formal contracts. The transactions cost
issues. model attempts to explain why bounded
Omitted from agency theory/contract- rationality in the presence of environ-
ing models is the role of knowledge and mental complexity, uncertainty, and op-
innovation to create value in the firm.'4 portunistic behavior limits market-based
Agency theory assumes a static tech- behavior. According to this theory, firms
nology. It misses the options for entre- arise and organize hierarchically to form
preneurial managers to make major a cooperative organization that can
changes in their environment through adapt sequentially to cope with a com-
product and process improvements. Also plex, uncertain environment. Transac-
missing is the role for managers to in-
crease value through enhanced marketing 14 Similar criticisms of the "received wisdom" from
activities, training and motivating their contemporary economic theory appear in Teece and
Winter f 19841.
employees, and improved quality and
15 This literature has been explicated by Williamson
maintenance policies. Management ac- [1975 and 19811, building on the seminal work of Coase
counting procedures are means by which 1937]. The transaction cost model has been introduced
into the accounting literature by Waterhouse and Tiessen
senior managers communicate the
[1978], Johnson [1980 and 1983], Spicer and Ballew
goals and strategies of the firm to their [1983], and Tiessen and Waterhouse [1983].

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406 The Accounting Review, July 1984

tions that might otherwise be handled in tion.... The existence of these control
the market at considerable cost or loss of systems serves the purpose of attenuating
efficiency are performed internally and the internal control loss encountered by
governed by administrative processes. the management of a functionally or-
ganized firm as it expands [Armour and
While many authors have written
Teece, 1978, fn. 4, p. 107].
about the transactions cost model, little
progress has been made in analyzing ac- We still have no systematic evidence on
tual organizations and gaining insight the efficacy or dysfunctionality of alterna-
about which "administrative processes" tive objective functions, or even whether
would be most effective and efficient in a single objective function is sufficient to
organizing the firm's internal transac- minimize the control loss in decentralized
tions. In part, this stems from a lack of organizations.
precise definition of the transactions cost Thus, the transaction cost literature
environment. 6 has given us a vocabulary, some intuition,
A second reason for the lack of impact and a conceptual framework for under-
of this literature is that it has been tested standing the development of a firm's
in only a limited way on actual organiza- organizational structure. But its implica-
tions. Armour and Teece [1978], in a tions for devising administrative pro-
study of 28 petroleum firms during 1955- cesses or performance and control mea-
1973, found a positive relationship be- sures in firms have not been developed.
tween profitability (measured by the In thinking about the lack of innova-
accounting rate of return on stockhold- tion in contemporary firms' management
ers' equity) and the adoption by a firm of accounting systems, I am impressed by
a divisionalized structure from a func- the difference between innovations that
tionally organized one. Steer and Cable occur in businesses and innovations that
[1978] detected higher returns on sales occur in academic institutions. The de-
and equity, among 82 large British com- velopments in cost accumulation and cost
panies, for "optimally organized" firms. control in the railroads, in the steel
The multidivisional form was considered industry, and later in vertically integrated
"optimal" for large firms with diversifiedand multidivisional firms, such as Du-
activities, whereas the traditional func- Pont and General Motors, spread rapidly
tional organization was considered ap- to other organizations. Managers in these
propriate for smaller firms or for firms in innovating organizations could see how
process-oriented (single product) indus- well the new procedures worked in prac-
tries such as steel. No study, however, has tice and this likely provided a credible
yet to address the central managerial basis for disseminating the successful
accounting issue of the properties of innovations to other organizations. Indi-
alternative performance measures for de-viduals such as Frederick Taylor, Pierre
centralized operating units. Armour and du Pont, and Donaldson Brown were
Teece acknowledge in a footnote: able to apply techniques that worked
First, there must be an explicit defini- well in one organization to other organi-
tion of an objective function, usually in zations that subsequently employed
terms of a profit or rate of return them. Wells [1977], in a review of early
measure. Second, there must exist ma-
i6 Baiman [1982, p. 1551 acknowledges agency
chinery within the firm that induces theory's debt to the transactions cost literature but
division managers to maximize with criticizes the approach because "most of its results are
respect to the specified objective func- based on casual, rather than rigorous, analysis."

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Kaplan 407

cost accounting developments, notes the 4. NEW CHALLENGES FOR COST AND
extensive communication among the U.S. MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING
mechanical engineers who were develop- RESEARCH
ing the new managerial technology: There are some obvious new directions
A shop culture developed which had to extend cost accounting research. First,
all the hallmarks of a "gentlemen's the traditional cost accounting model,
club." Within the club, information was developed for the mass production of a
freely shared. The result was "a vast, few standardized products, can be up-
mutually owned store of knowledge and dated to accommodate the realities of the
experience closely akin to a body of manufacturing environment of the 1980s
scientific knowledge" [Wells, 1977, p. 51, (see Kaplan [1983]). Companies are now
with quotes from Calvert, 1967, p. 7 and making fundamental changes in their
p. 111].
organization of manufacturing opera-
Papers dealing with costing invariably
tions. These include Just-in-Time sched-
described a system actually in use....
uling, zero defect and zero inventory
They provided intimate detail of the
systems installed in well-known machine production systems, and cooperative and
shops [Wells 1977, p. 52]. flexible work-force management policies.
The cost accounting implications of
In contrast, the recent academic man- these more advanced production control
agement accounting literature is devoid systems have barely been investigated
of references to actual organizations.17 and, as a result, our cost accounting
Today's researchers do not learn about textbooks continue to describe produc-
cost accounting and management control tion processes using extremely simplified
from studying IBM, Texas Instruments, models, such as the single product,
Procter & Gamble, 3-M, Johnson & deterministic EOQ formula. It is unlikely
Johnson, or McDonald's. Rather, the that our current accounting graduates
references in today's management ac- will have any understanding of the
counting literature are to economists complex production environment in
such as Arrow, Jensen, Meckling, Hirsch- which cost accounting must be applied
leifer, Marschak, Radner, Ross, Simon, today. Future manufacturing processes
Williamson, and Wilson. That is, con- will be even more unfamiliar to them as
temporary researchers' knowledge of firms invest in computer-controlled ma-
managers' behavior is based not on chinery, including Flexible Manufactur-
studying decisions and procedures of ing Systems, CAD/CAM, and robots,
actual firms, but on the stylized models for of their production processes. This
managerial and firm behavior that have trend to computer-integrated manufac-
been articulated by economic theorists
who, themselves, have limited first-hand 17 A few academics, mostly current or former faculty
knowledge of the behavior they have of the Harvard Business School (e.g., Anthony, Dearden,
Vancil, Shank, Barrett, and Bruns), observe and write
modeled. These models have not been about the management accounting and control systems
developed for or tested on actual enter- of individual firms. The output of these efforts is con-
prises.18 Certainly, the roles of knowl- tained in many interesting teaching cases.
18 Recently, Wolfson [1982 and 1983] has provided
edge, technology, and innovation, so actual applications of agency theory models for shared-
critical for the survival of contemporaryequity mortgages and for limited partnerships for oil and
firms, have yet to be examined by any gas drilling. These articles, however, describe contracting
with agents external to the economic unit rather than
contemporary theorists from economics
within an organization or hierarchy-the situation we
or managerial accounting. wish to study in managerial accounting.

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408 The Accounting Review, July 1984

turing facilities, permitting efficient pro- 5. NEW DIRECTIONS FOR

duction of small batches of customized MANAGEMENT CONTROL
products, introduces a new setting for RESEARCH
cost estimation, planning, and control. Research to remedy current problems
Investigating the cost accounting im- with the traditional profit center form of
plications of the major changes in the organization provides an opportunity for
organization and technology of manufac- new thought in management control
turing operations represents a new path systems. As described earlier, the profit
for management accounting research. In center concept evolved in the DuPont
retrospect, the field in 1970 could have and General Motors Corporations. It has
gone in either of two directions. At the been viewed as the key step in permitting
time, accounting researchers were being the efficient and effective administration
trained in quantitative techniques from of large, multidivisional enterprises.
operations research, probability and sta-
tistics, and economic theory. This pro- By an ingenious use of return on
investment, the DuPont organization
vided researchers with a broad array of
used conventional measures of financial
analytic tools to investigate an expanded
performance corresponding to each of
role for management accounting infor-
the company's separate activities, and
mation in complex settings. As described yet avoided the narrow "shop floor" view
previously, the path actually followed of top management's role that often
froze the production setting (in fact, for pervaded single-activity enterprises be-
many cases, it simplified the production fore 1900.
setting back to the primitive production In their internal accounting systems,
processes of the mid-nineteenth century) multidivisional companies such as Du-
in order to investigate complex informa- Pont and General Motors especially
tion production, risk-sharing, incentive, emphasized return on investment. This
emphasis suggests that the founders of
and contracting issues. This agency
those organizations attached great im-
theory research stream has now attracted
portance to how their new hierarchical
the attention of virtually all analytic
structure might achieve economies by
management accounting researchers. The overcoming imperfections in existing
alternative (not mutually exclusive) path, capital markets.
of investigating the role of accounting The firm's executives believed that the
information in the more complex pro- primary responsibility of top manage-
duction and assembly operations of con- ment was to insure that the company
temporary manufacturing settings, has earned the required market return on
hardly been pursued by any researcher. invested capital [Johnson, 1980].
Certainly there should be a place both While ROI control and the profit
for researchers investigating complex center organization have contributed
information and contracting problems in greatly to the success of large corpora-
simplified production settings and for tions during the past 60 years, problems
researchers dealing with the managerial have begun to emerge with the excessive
demand for information in realistic and focus on short-term financial perfor-
rich production settings. I am not able to mance.'9 These problems arise because
conclude that our present allocation of
effort between these two alternative 19 Many articles have accused U.S. executives of
research directions is desirable. focusing too narrowly on short-term performance at the

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Kaplan 409

managers, being clever, resourceful executives to help them understand their

people, have learned that there are a internal operations, to make new product
variety of ways to meet profit and ROI and investment decisions, and to moti-
goals. Initially, and perhaps for many vate and evaluate the performance of
years after profit centers and ROI centers their employees. Contemporary U.S.
were introduced, managers attempted to practice, in contrast, is characterized by
achieve good performance by making the internal use of accounting conven-
operating and investment decisions to tions that have been developed and
develop new and better products, to in- mandated by external reporting authori-
crease sales, and to reduce operating ties. Thus if the Financial Accounting
costs. Over time, however, it probably Standards Board (FASB) says that, for
occurred to some managers that during external financial statements, all R&D
difficult times, when sales were decreasing expenditures must be expensed, then
and operating costs were increasing, these expenditures are generally expensed
profits could be "earned" not just by
selling more or producing for less, but by
engaging in a variety of nonproductive expense of long-term profitability. Perhaps the most
convincing of these criticisms comes from the executives
and typically nonvalue-creating activi- themselves:
ties. We will briefly summarize three
Dun's Business Month queried the 230 chief
types of short-run behavior: exploiting executives who are members of its President's
accounting conventions, engaging in fi- Panel.... A thumping majority of the panelists
nancial entrepreneurship, and reducing agrees that management in the U.S., unlike its
counterpart in Japan, is excessively concerned with
discretionary expenditures. the short-term, at the expense of longer-range con-
siderations that may be far more important....
Accounting Conventions Most of the executives differ among themselves only
on how much the shortcoming results from outside
The historical cost accounting model pressure for quarter-to-quarter performance, par-
and generally accepted accounting princi- ticularly from Wall Street.

ples (GAAP) provide ample opportuni- Among the comments of these most senior U.S. execu-
ties for firms to manage their income tives are:

measurement. For example, managers It behooves U.S. management to look beyond the
can time the recognition of some income immediate future. The Japanese, West Germany,
and Switzerland have taught us the need to address
and expense items so as to exhibit steady
long-term results.
earnings growth or to meet budgeted The current trend towards high compensation
goals for the current period.20 Managers rewards based on the immediate year's performance
can also choose among accounting meth- rather than long-range growth is a serious disincen-
tive to management objectivity.
ods permitted by GAAP. Amid today's takeover scramble, short-term
A more subtle effect of the overempha- performance is needed for survival.
sis on achieving current earnings goals The financial community's stress on very, very
short range performance often can be ignored only
has occurred because the internal man- at a company's peril, especially if it is contemplating
agement accounting function has now equity or debt financing.
become subservient to the external finan- It would be a very healthy change if quarterly
reports were no longer required.
cial reporting function in U.S. firms. ["What's Wrong with Management," 1982.]
Recall that the cost accounting and man- I am grateful to Kenneth Merchant for this reference.
agement control practices that developed 20 Occasionally, managers meet budgeted earnings
goals by extending the conventions of the historic cost
in U.S. corporations between 1850 and
accounting model; see the recent examples described in
1925 evolved from the demands of senior "Cooking the Books" [1983].

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410 The Accounting Review, July 1984

on the internal books too. If the FASB earnings in the factory, in the product
requires that certain types of leases must laboratory, and in the sales offices, many
be capitalized for external reporting, then U.S. executives have attempted to gener-
these same leases, and only these leases, ate earnings by financial transactions.
are generally capitalized for internal These actions, such as mergers and
evaluation too. An extreme version of acquisitions, divestitures and spinoffs,
this dominance of the external reporting leveraged buy-outs, debt swaps and debt
mentality has companies using a modified repurchases, and periodic sales of assets
form of residual income but charging can increase short-term earnings without
divisions not a risk-adjusted cost of capi- necessarily creating long-term value to
tal on all assets under the control of a the firm. These actions are more available
division manager, but rather a pro-rata to senior managers than to division man-
share of the company's actual interest agers, but opportunities for financial
expense for the year. Thus, the capital gamesmanship are still available to profit
charge could be as low as two to three center managers. These opportunities
percent annually, if the company has a include the sale of low book-value assets
low debt-equity ratio, even though the and off-balance-sheet leasing.
opportunity cost of additional funds tied
Short-run Opportunistic Behavior
up in working capital could be ten
percentage points higher. Perhaps the most damaging dysfunc-
The profit center concept has seem- tional behavior induced by a preoccupa-
ingly become distorted into treating each tion with short-term profit center perfor-
division as a mini-company, attempting mance is the incentive created for division
to allocate all corporate expenses, com- managers to reduce expenditures on
mon and traceable, to divisions (fre- discretionary and intangible investments.
quently on an arbitrary basis that con- When profit targets become hard to
fuses the underlying microeconomics and achieve because sales are not increasing
cost structure of the divisions).2' Firms as fast as expected, or variable and oper-
use accounting conventions for internal ating costs are rising faster than expected,
planning and control, not because they managers may try to minimize the ad-
support the corporate strategy, but be- verse impact on short-term earnings by
cause they have been chosen via an reducing expenditures on product and
external political process by regulators process development, promotion, dis-
at the FASB and the Securities and Ex- tribution, quality improvement, applica-
change Commission (SEC). With man-
agement accounting practices now driven 21 Again, contemporary managers could benefit from
the wisdom of Donaldson Brown:
by an external reporting mentality, we
can start to understand why there has I may state that we do not distribute against the
production of the individual divisions any of the ex-
been so little innovation recently in man-
pense of the General Motors central office. This is
agement accounting thought and prac- considered a charge against the operating earnings
tice.22 of the divisions.... All net earnings of the divisions
are brought together on a statement total, from
which is taken the expense of the General Motors
Financial Entrepreneurship
Corporation [Brown, 1927, p. 21].
The second area for misleading profit 22 Two decades ago, Davidson [1963] also urged that
the internal informational needs for managing the
center measurements arises from the
organization not be made subservient to the external
financial entrepreneurship of senior man-reporting system. I appreciate Roman Weil's suggestion
agers. Instead of attempting to generate for this reference.

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Kaplan 411

tions engineering, human resources, cus- tions, for customer loyalty and product
tomer relations, and other such intangi- awareness, for reliable and high-quality
bles. The immediate effect of such ex- suppliers, and for an efficient distribution
penditure reductions is to improve the network, then we could achieve a more
reported profitability of the division, but valid and reliable periodic divisional
this is achieved by risking the long-term income measure. But the failure to have
competitive position of the enterprise. market prices for the outcomes of invest-
The ability of the firm and the division ments in intangibles makes the short-
to increase reported profits while sacri- term divisional income measure highly
ficing the long-term economic health of manipulatable and reduces the correla-
the firm is a fundamental weakness in the tion between this measure and the in-
accounting model. At one level, we can creases in the economic value of the
criticize the firm for following, for inter- division.
nal purposes, the same accounting prac- One might reasonably ask: Why did
tices used for the external reporting of these problems with profit center mea-
expenditures on intangibles; that is, sures not emerge earlier? Why do we not
immediate expensing of all these expendi- read about Alfred Sloan or Pierre du
tures. A few firms, such as General Elec- Pont being concerned with their divi-
tric, do segregate these discretionary, sional managers foregoing profitable tan-
programmatic expenses on the divisional gible and intangible investments in order
income statement so that it becomes to increase their annual divisional profit
apparent which divisions are achieving or ROI measure? At this time, I can only
their profit goals by risking their future speculate on possible reasons for the
competitive positions. relatively recent decline in the ability of
But at a deeper level, the opportunity profit center measures to motivate be-
to increase reported income by foregoing havior to increase the economic value of
both tangible and intangible investments, the firm. This issue can and should be
yielding long-term economic benefits to studied more systematically.
the division, illustrates a flaw in the basic Nevertheless, casual empiricism sug-
goal of using short-term profit as an gests that the following menu of explana-
indicator of improvement in the eco- tions be considered. First, there was
nomic wealth of the firm. Beaver and apparently less pressure for short-term
Demski [1979] demonstrate that when financial performance in the 1920s and
some of the assets of the firm cannot be 1930s than exists in the 1970s and 1980s.
traded in organized markets, it may be For example, we can read in Sloan [1963]
impossible to agree on an income mea- and in the description of Donaldson
sure for the firm. While they developed Brown's GM pricing formula that Gen-
this impossibility result with financial eral Motors' goal was not to show steady
reporting in mind, it is equally compelling year-to-year earnings increases. Rather,
for demonstrating the great difficulty of it was recognized that, for a cyclical
measuring periodic income for profit business, an appropriate goal needed to
centers within the firm. Certainly, if we be defined as an average over the entire
had market prices for the stock of new business cycle. Years of slack demand
products and improved processes from were recognized as "normal" and not the
R&D expenditures, for the level of signal to contract expenditures on new
employee talents and morale, for flexible product development, marketing, or
and high-quality manufacturing opera- other intangibles.

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412 The Accounting Review, July 1984

A second factor to investigate would different firms, turnover probably in-

be the mean time between managers' creased, thereby reducing the incentives
promotions in 1924 vs. 1984. Many of the for these managers to avoid actions that
difficulties in profit center evaluations would compromise the long-term via-
arise from attempting to measure per- bility of their current firm.
formance over a brief period, when the An often made (though still unsubstan-
long-term adverse consequences from tiated) criticism of MBAs in significant
short-term optimizing actions have not managerial positions in U.S. corpora-
yet become apparent. If division man- tions is that in contrast to the situation
agers expected to remain in their jobs 50 and more years ago, firms today
for at least five to seven years, there are being run by managers who are
would be less incentive to curtail bene- untrained in, and unfamiliar with, the
ficial investments with potential long- technology of the firm's products and
term payoffs. processes. As a consequence, they are
Third, the difference in size of organi- less knowledgeable about how to create
zations between 1924 and 1984 may play value through improved products and
an important role. Perhaps the smaller processes and therefore rely more on
organizations that existed earlier in this attempting to create value through fi-
century would have made decisions by nance and accounting activities labeled
division managers to sacrifice long-term "paper entrepreneurship" by critics such
competitive position for short-term prof- as Reich [1983].
its more obvious to the senior and central A fifth reason for the decline in useful-
management. Today's much larger or- ness of divisional profit measures may be
ganizations, especially those that take attributed to the widespread use of
pride in running their company "by the executive bonus plans based on account-
numbers," are more vulnerable to short- ing measures. While we saw that GM had
term optimizing actions by profit center an accounting-based bonus more than
managers. In transactions cost terms, the 60 years ago, it has only been recently
increased size of organizations, without that accounting-based performance plans
corresponding changes in the control became prevalent in U.S. corporations.
system or objective function, provided Problems with these plans are well docu-
increased latitude for managers' oppor- mented (see Rappaport [1978 and 1981]
tunistic behavior. and Meadows [1981 1), but the plans are
Fourth, there may have been a shift in still used extensively. Senior executives
hiring practices during the past 60 years. whose annual and deferred compensation
Formerly, employees, especially those are strongly influenced by reported an-
destined to become divisional and senior nual income are surely able to communi-
managers, tended to spend their entire cate the importance they place on
careers with the same firm. Thus there achieving annual profit goals to divisional
would be less incentive for them to take managers. Once alerted to senior man-
actions that would not be in the best agers' interest in achieving certain income
long-run interests of the firm. As a targets, resourceful division managers
professional managerial class developed will find many ways to meet their obliga-
in the U.S. during the middle part of the tions to contribute to overall corporate
20th century, certainly abetted by the profits (see fn. 20).
rapid increase of MBAs whose mana- Sixth, the environment of the 1980s is
gerial skills were more transferable across probably sufficiently different from that

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Kaplan 413

of the 1920s so that any management vation and evaluation of divisional per-
control system that served well in earlier formance.23 Some of these indicators
times is likely to be inadequate today. will be financial; others will not be. There
Contemporary factors that differ from seems no particular reason why financial
the circumstances earlier in this century measures should be primary in determin-
are much more vigorous global competi- ing short-term divisional goals, even if
tion, the rapid worldwide movement of the long-term goal is to maximize the
technology and capital, an increased pace long-term cash flow of the firm. Peters
of technological change, more interven- and Waterman [1982] provide a highly
tion in the private marketplace by govern- provocative conjecture on the importance
ments through higher taxes and increased of nonfinancial goals (what they call
regulation, and generally higher inflation "basic beliefs" or "overriding values")
rates. Whatever the differences, it would and the limited value of focusing on
indeed be surprising if the managerial financial goals.
control systems devised for the environ-
Virtually all of the better performing
ment of 60 years ago would still be useful
companies we looked at ... had a well-
and relevant in the very different circum- defined set of guiding beliefs. The less
stances of the 1980s. How then can we well-performing institutions, on the
embark on a research path in manage- other hand, were marked by one of two
ment control to develop improved per- characteristics. Many had no set of
formance measures for decentralized op- coherent beliefs. The others had distinc-
erating units? tive and widely discussed objectives, but
Financial measures, such as operating the only ones that they got animated
cash flows, will undoubtedly continue to about were the ones that could be quanti-
fied-the financial objectives, such as
be among the measures used to evaluate
earnings per share and growth measures.
the performance of decentralized units.
Ironically, the companies that seemed
But we should acknowledge the difficul-
the most focused-those with the most
ties associated with attempting to mea- quantified statements of mission, with
sure economic profits in periods as short the most precise financial targets-had
as a year. Even granting that the objective done less well financially than those with
of a division should be to maximize long- broader, less precise, more qualitative
term profits, this does not imply that an statements of corporate purpose [Peters
annual profit is the best short-term indi- and Waterman, 1982, p. 281].
cator of how well the division is proceed-
ing along a long-term profit-maximizing
path. Other measures, such as product We find among the excellent com-
innovation, product leadership, em- panies a few common attributes that
ployee skills and morale, or customer unify them despite their very different
loyalty, may be much better indicators of values. First ... these values are almost
future profitability than annual profits. always stated in qualitative, rather than
It is unlikely (I would say impossible) quantitative, terms. When financial ob-
jectives are mentioned, they are almost
that any single measure can both sum-
always ambitious but never precise.
marize the economic events affecting a
Furthermore, financial and strategic ob-
firm or division during a period and serve
as a basis for motivating and evaluating
23 Ridgway [1956] described the limitations of single
managers. Therefore, multiple perfor- measures of performance, indeed of any system relying
mance indicators may improve the moti- solely on quantitative measures.

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414 The Accounting Review, July 1984

jectives are never stated alone. They are "Definition of Management Account-
always discussed in the context of the ing," 1981 (emphasis added)].
other things the company expects to do
well. The idea that profit is a natural by- Presumably, if a firm's managers felt that
product of doing something well, not an
measurements of product quality, pro-
end in itself, is also almost universal
ductivity, product innovation, employee
[Peters and Waterman, 1982, p. 284].
morale, or customer satisfaction were
Management accounting must serve relevant for their planning and control
the strategic objectives of the firm. It decisions, then these measurements
cannot exist as a separate discipline, would need to be supplied by persons
developing its own set of procedures and other than management accountants.
measurement systems and applying these Thus, a fundamental choice does need
universally to all firms without regard to to be made. Management accountants
the underlying values, goals, and strate- may feel that their own area of compara-
gies of particular firms. For example, tive advantage is to measure, collect,
some firms, such as Andrew Carnegie's aggregate, and communicate financial
steel company, will have cost control and information. This will remain a valuable
cost reduction as their primary strategic mission. But it is not likely a goal that
goal. For these firms, the management will be decisive to the success of their
accounting system will then need to col- own organizations, and if senior man-
lect elaborate information on relevant agers place too much emphasis on man-
costs to support the corporate goal. For aging by the financial numbers, the
other firms, product innovation, service, organization's long-term viability may
quality, or employee morale may be the become threatened.
most important goal. If a management The option to include nonfinancial
accounting system is to serve division measures in the firm's planning and con-
and senior managers, it must support trol system will be more unfamiliar, more
these overriding corporate goals and uncertain, and, consequently, less com-
not focus narrowly on an earnings fortable for managerial accountants. It
measure because that measure was help- will require them to understand those
ful to DuPont, General Motors, and factors that are most critical to the com-
General Electric when these companies pany's long-term success. Financial goals
formed earlier in this century. will be among these but they will not be
The inertia from 60 years of concentra- the only critical success factors, and
tion on financial performance measures probably will not be the most important
will not be easy to overcome. The Man- short-term indicators of long-term suc-
agement Accounting Practices Com- cess. It will not be easy to develop non-
mittee of the National Association of financial performance measures to sup-
Accountants restricts the domain of port long-term corporate objectives.
management accounting to: After research and experimentation, we
may discover that the benefits of pro-
the process of identification, measure- ducing nonfinancial measures are too
ment, accumulation, analysis, prepara-
low, relative to the costs. Perhaps division
tion, interpretation, and communication
and senior managers will rely on informal
offinancial information used by manage-
ment to plan, evaluate, and control communication, including MBWA
within an organization.... [Statement (Management By Walking About; see
on Management Accounting No. lA, Peters and Waterman [1982, pp. 288-

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Kaplan 415

291])even be to
introducing new measurement
agers' actions are consistent with long- systems in their organization. The chal-
term corporate goals. Financial mea- lenge for academic researchers is to dis-
sures would continue to be collected and cover the Pierre du Ponts, Donaldson
reported, but would not necessarily be Browns, Alfred Sloans, and Frederick
the primary measure by which managers Taylors of the 1980s; to describe and
and divisions are evaluated. document the innovative practices that
In summary, financial performance seem to work for successful companies.
measures, such as divisional profit, give The research will be more inductive
an illusion of objectivity and precision. than deductive, but likely productive,
But these measures are relatively easy to both for the individual researcher and for
manipulate in ways that do not enhance the management accounting discipline.
the long-term competitive position of the One of the leading academic practi-
firm, and they become the focus of oppor- tioners of field-based, inductive research
tunistic behavior by divisional managers. has been Henry Mintzberg, who has pro-
By de-emphasizing financial performance duced influential studies on managerial
measures and relying more on multiple behavior and organizational design (see
measures of performance, including sub- Mintzberg [1973, 1981, and 1983]).
jective evaluation based on personal com- Mintzberg [1979] has described his phil-
munication and observation by superiors, osophy and strategy of small-sample,
division managers will not have as clear field-based research. Seven themes in his
a target for short-run optimizing be- research are noted, but I would like to
havior. Thus, there is probably a need for close by quoting from just one of them.
more ambiguous, less precise perfor- It captures the fun and excitement that
mance evaluation systems. It is not that have been missing from our managerial
nonfinancial performance measures are accounting research because of our reluc-
any less vulnerable to this opportunistic tance to get involved in actual organiza-
behavior; but by adopting a system of tions and to muck around with messy
multiple measures, subjectively aggre- data and relationships.
gated, the gains a manager sees from
The research, in its intensive nature,
short-run opportunistic behavior become
has ensured that systematic data are
more uncertain and hence, such behavior supported by anecdotal data. More and
may be inhibited. In any case, this does more we feel the need to be on site, and
provide an opportunity for new research. to be there long enough to be able to
My final comments relate to how this understand what is going on. (We began
research can be performed. I suspect that with a week and are now spending
researchers will not learn about the pro- months and even years.) For while sys-
duction and organization problems of tematic data create the foundation for
contemporary industrial corporations by our theories, it is the anecdotal data that
reading economics and management sci- enable us to do the building. Theory
building seems to require rich descrip-
ence journals. Researchers will need to
tion, the richness that comes from
leave their offices and study the practices
anecdote. We uncover all kinds of
of innovating organizations. Companies
relationships in our "hard" data, but it
are responding to changes in their en- is only through the use of this "soft"
vironment by introducing new organiza- data that we are able to "explain" them,
tional arrangements and new technology and explanation is, of course, the pur-
for producing their outputs. They may pose of research. I believe that the re-

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416 The Accounting Review, July 1984

searcher who never goes near the water, organization's history and its ideology
who collects quantitative data from a on its current strategy, by the role that
distance, without anecdote to support personality and intuition play in de-
them, will always have difficulty explain- cision-making. To miss this in research
ing interesting relationships (although he is to miss the very lifeblood of the
may uncover them). Those creative leaps organization. And missed it is in research
seem to come from our subconscious that, by its very design, precludes the
mental processes, our intuition. And collection of anecdotal information
intuition apparently requires the "sense" [Mintzberg, 1979, pp. 587-588].
of things-how they feel, smell, "seem."
We need to be "in touch." Increasingly
in our research, we are impressed by the If managerial accounting research is to
importance of phenomena that cannot progress, we will need to start collecting
be measured-by the impact of an our anecdotes from 1980s corporations.


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