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The American Language Course (ALO is a comprehensiva, multilevel language program for
teaching English for vocational and professional purposes. It is designed primarily for intensiva
English íanguage training in a classroom setting, but can easily be adapted for slower-paced
instruction. The ALC's curriculum has been developed by the Defense Language Institute
English Language Center (DLIELC), which is a US Department of Defense school under the
operational control of the US Air Forcé. The primary focus of the ALC is to provide a language
curriculum for a diverse international military population. To that end, the course includes not
only general English topics, but also military topics of a general nature highlighting the typical
language military personnel will encounter in their professional and vocational career fields.
The ALC has, however, also been very successfully used in non-military learning environments
and in US high schools with immigrant student populations,

Course componente
The coordinated instructional packages for Books 1-30 consist of the following:
> Student text (ST)
> Instructor text (IT)
> Homework and evaluation exercises booklet (HW and EE)
> Audio recordings (tape or CD)
> Language laboratory activities student text (LLAST)
> Language laboratory activities instructor text with audio scripts (LLAIT)
> Computer-delivered interactiva multimedia instruction (IMI)
> Quiz kit
>- Optional training aids

Inquines and orders

Please address inquiries and requests for more information about DLIELC publications to
2235 Andrews Avenue
Lackland Air Forcé Base, Texas 73236-5259
© 2004 by Defense Language Institute English Language Center and its licensors. Notice of
Rights: All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the
prior written permission of the publisher.

This book supersedes ALC Book 9 Student Text, January 1991

Second Edition, January 2004
Third printing, March 2006

ALC Book 9: Scope and Sequence, Lessons 1-5

Lesson Vocabufary Functions Grammatical Structures Skills

í'd like to open an >Conduct bank -Present progressive for >-Fill out bankforms
1 account. transactions future tense Hdentify paragraph íopics
*-Bank accounts and >-Because to connect from oral text
transaclions clauses -Complete a box oulline
^Tastesand senses *Linking verbs -Write a paragraph from
matched phrases
-Expand sentences
-Sean for Information

Whathappened? >Ask and tell about -Past Progressive -Follow directions

traffic accidents -Indirect requestsand >Report auto accidents
commands wíth ask -Expand sentences
-Traffic accidents
and te// -Identífy paragraph topics
>Reported requests and from ora! text
commands -Sean for information
>-The same, different, >-ldentífy topics, tiíles and
similar, like, and allke rnain ¡deas of paragraphs
-Whte a paragraph from
matched phrases

A piece of advice Ask for and give *Shou!dfor advice *Ask for and give advice
advice *-Cou/dfor suggestions *Whte a paragraph from
^Advice and
suggestions >Adverbs of manner with matched phrases
-/y ^Dictation
>-How\n questions about -Identify paragraph topics
manner from oral text
>Reviewof modals *Expand sentences
>-Scan for information
^Follow directions

A Trip to New México >Apologize and ^Adverbial f/iaíclause for -Sean for information
respond to cause or reason -Expand sentences
>Travel by car apologies >Verbs of mental activity -Write a paragraph from
>Gas stations + fhaínoun clause matched phrases
>-Motels >-apologíze for+ gerund Hdentify topics, titles and
>Apologies main ideas of paragraphs
Hdentify paragraph topics
from oral text

Lesson 5 revíews all vocabulary and structures introduced in Lessons 1 - 4.


Notes to the Student
The American Language Course focuses on frmr components of language learning:
VQcabulftry, grammatícal structures, language funcíions, snáskilí-s.
• The leSSOUB pre^ent vocabulary (individual words as we)l as expresa ¡onat that the
learner needs to understand and use ín order to communicate efFectively in English,
Each new lesson builds on the vocahulary of the previous lessons. The language
included is appropriate for learners working in professional and vocational mntests.
A significant feature of the General English phase of the ALC is thal miliLary
vocabulary is included wherever applicable.
• The presentation of grammar is carefuüy sequenced. The grammatical structures
presented in the Jessons aro the forma a Language learner needs in order to speak
and wrrte standard English. New grammar Es often depicted in charts or tables that
serve to focus the learner's attention on the particular structure being presented-
• Language functions are the ways we uso a language to comniuriicate. In each lesson,
exerdses that focus on fimctions show the learner how and when to use certain
words, phrases, and sentences,
• In addition, language and academic skills exercises are interspersed thrtmghout the
lessons. These fbcus on developing the learner's languas^ proficiency in liatening,
speaking, reading, and writing.
The Scope and Sequence chart located on the previous page shows the tont^nt of thu
corrent book. The four columns outh'nc the ncw material as it relates to the language
acquisition componiínts described above. Each lesson begins with a table of contente
followed by a preview page. The preview page provides a aumraary of the new material
presented in the lesson. Each ALC bonk has four lessons introducing new material
and ono review lesson. These are followed by a homework section and daily evaluation
exercises. Various appendiccs are also included.
The homework and the evaluation exerdses are at the back of this test. It gonerully
takes about two hours to complete the daily homework assignmeuts, Tht¡ üvaluation
esercises are short quizzes that give both the teacher and the sludent feedback on how
well students have learned the material.
The appendíces follow the fifth leason. Appendix A provides an alphabetical list of
iHsvf vocabulary presented in this book. The number of the lesson in whidí each word
or phrase is introduced is providcd next to the entry, Appendix B presents a List of
grammatical struutures introduced in the book; a lesson number is provided along with
each entry for easy reference. The other appendices are included as reference materials.


Book 9 Contente
LESSON1: Td like to open an account, ..,.„,.. ............ 1
LESSON 2: What happened? 27
LESSON 3: A piece of advice .............. - -.—...57
LESSON 4: A tripto New México 83
LESSON 5: Review .107
A: Word List 127
B: Stnicture List 131
C: The English Alphabet 133
D: American English Soxmds ........ 135
E: Lists of Contractions .,..,... ,„„........137
F: SpeJling Rules for Regular Past Tenso Verbs 139
G: Patterns of Irregular Verba 141
H: Punctuation and Capitalizaron 145
I: Transparency Mastera andActivity Photographs 149
Bankinformatíon;B9Ll#l 151
Bank graph; B9L1 B2 153
Carad;B9L2 155
Garage ads; B9L3 157
Motel ad;B9L4#l 159
WhiteSandsmformation;B9L4fl2 161



l'd like to open
an account.
VOCABULARY: A new bank account, , . , - - 3
Making a deposit - 4
LISTENING: Topic of paragraphs 1
VOCABULARY: Cashing a check S
UIALOGS: Atthebank 11
WRITING: BoxOutlmes 12
GRAMMAH: Using prcscnt progressive for future 14
Using because to connect clauses - . 17
WRITING: Writing paragraphs 20
GRAMMAR: Linking verba - - . . 22

WRITING: Skills 24
READING: Scanning - . , 26
Previ ew What's new in Lesson 1 ?


Nauns Verba Oiher words

account cash bittor
bilí cióse an accnunt i m medíate I y
card complete right away
cash deposit right hcre
checkbook fcel -> felt safe
checking account fill out salty
credit card hide —* hid sooo
debit card look sour
deposít lose -*lost sweet
form open an account
information save
lemon smell
passport sound
savings account spend —* spent
sign ature take -» took
slip take out (oO
wallet tasto
withdrawal withdraw > withdrew


Tm driving to Dallas tomorrow. Open bank accounTs, withüraw and
deposil money, and cash checks.
Is he oating fish because it's cheap?
No r He'& eating físh because he likes it. I'd like to open a bank account.
The soup tastes good. I'd like to make a deposit.
I want to withdraw some money.
Can I cash a check?
Please completó thia form.
Please fill [>ut this withdrawal slip.
How do you waot your cash?
Vocabulary A new bank account

Teller: Good morning. May I help you?

Carol: Yes, I want to open an account.
T!e\\er. K etoVÁTvg ammiA ra a sarágs»
Carol: How is a checking account
different from a savings account?
With a checking account, you have
a checkbook and can pay for things
right away A savings account is
for saving your money for a long
time. You can withdraw the money
when you want to spend it,
Carol: Well, I think I need to open both accounts, please.
Teller: Fine. Do you also want a crodit card and a debit card?
Carol: What are they?
Tctler: With a credit cardh you can buy things first and pay for them later, With a
debit card, you can pay for things immediately from your bank account.
YOQ can a]so take money out of ATM machines in the city,
Carol: That's great. I'd like both cards, pleaae.
Teller: Okay. First, well need some information. Please complete these forras, and
FU need lo see 3ome identificatión.

EXERCISE Look ai the driver's Méense. Fill oul the bank form for Carol.


V L W 1 (L
hK I U-IS»»,

CLASS:C 55555555 Name_


EVtS: BHN Address
checking a credit card O
savings o debit card o
Vocabulary Making a dcposii

Carol: Qkay. I fiDcd out the fbrms. And I

have my passport for
Teller: Good. Everythíng looks okay. Do
you want to make a deposít
Carol: Yes, I wanl tu put $200 in
checking and $200 in savinga,
Teller: That's fine, Now I need your
signaturc on these forma.
Teller: Good. Here'a your bank card with your account nunibers, and this is your
checkbook. The bank will mail more checks to you soim.
Carol: Okay
Teller: The bank wifl also mail the credit card and debít card with PIN numbers,
Carol: PIN numbers?
Teller; A PIN is a Personal IdEsntificatión Number. Both cards have a PIN. They're
secret ruimbers. Don't keep th& PIN numbers in your wallet. Memori^e
them and hide the paper in a safe place.
Caro]: Okay. One more thing. How do I deposit or withdraw money later?
Teller: You can fill out a deposit or withdrawal slip and hring it to the tellcr.

EXERCISE A Read the statements. Wríte T for true and F for false.

Carol completed the forma,

2. She wanted to tnake a deposit immediately.
3, She wanted to withdraw halfofher money from checking.
4. She used her driver'a license for identification.
5. She ai^ned the papers,
6. The checking and savings accounts have PIN numbers.
7. Carol must not keep the PIN numbers in her wallet.
8, She can deposit money with her credit card.
EXERCISE B Label the things in the picture with new vocabulary words.
Use a verb with the new word like ¿he examples.


Ñame Carol Joñas

Address 3QO E. Main

City/Síate San Antonio. Tense

checfcing ST creüitcard Jf
savings (W debitcard
Signa! ure _

fill out a form



Weslírn Bank
PO Ü-j* 555

Dait U IN

S¡i;n heru f
¿¡l lo ihu ¡iccijunt uf



Wp^tcrn Bnnk
I*O Box 5Sñ
SflnAnlonio.TX Dale


Accounl Na.

Carol Jon&s 501

Sn»¿ nlonio. 10C

Payti nhc
&f í
Do]]a n

Weniem Uank ^ WESTERN BANK

show a passport

EXERCISE C Fill out iri" deposil and withdrawal slips.

1. Carol wanls to deposit some money into her checking accounL She has
for $25, one check for S50, and a $100 bilí. She wants to get $5 in cash. Fill out
the deposit slip for CaroL Her checking account number is 01020 345.


Western Bank
San Antonio, TX $ C

Sign here for cash
Deposit to the account of: TOTAL DEPOSIT

Aí-^™inf "M^

2. Carol wants to withdraw $50 from her savings account. Fill out the withdrawal
slip for Carol. Her savings account number is 01020 115.


Western Bank
PO Box 555
San Antonio, TX Date


Savings Account Nú.

Listemng Topic ofparagraphs

Listen ío eacli paragrapti itnd select the best tapie for it.

1. a. doctor s
b. desserte
c. good foud
d. good bread

a. civilian work
b. 24 houra
c. noon and midnight
d. civilian and military time

3. a. being safe in hot or cold weather

b. losing water
c. temperatures in summer and winter
d. changing wet clothes

a. graduation
b. a military base
c. gomg into thc military
d. Army soldiers

a. Air Forcé bases

b. airmen
c. a base library
d- Air Forcé oííicea
Vocabulary Cashing a check

Carol: HL Can I cash this check today?

Tcller: Surc. Just sign it on the back and
show me yuur driv^r'a li
Caral: Here you are.
Teller: Thank you. How do you wtmt your
Carol: I'd like five ten-doflar bilis.
Thats ten, twenty, thirty, forty?
fifty dollars. Is there anything else
I can do for you?
Carol: Thank you, yes. Tin moving next month. How do I cióse my bank accounts?
Teller: You'll need your bank card and some identificaron.
Carol: Oh. I think I lost my bank card. I took it home but I can't find it now.
Teller:1*11 gíve you a now bank card. When you want to cióse your accounts, bring
the bank card and fíll out two withdrawal slips, They're right hcrc.
Carol: Okay, thanks.

EXERCISE A Read the Information and fill out the check.

Carol wants to send a check for $500 to the Lincoln Apartmentr; to pay the renL Fill
out the check for CaroL

Carol Jones
300 E. Main 03/20 20. 12
San Antonio, TX

Pay to the
order of five hundreed $ 500


Western Bank
San Antonio, TX

for Rent carol

EXERCISE B Write all the verbs you can use with each nuun.

You ntay need lo add Qther ivords. Number 1 is an example.

cash sign lose deposit hide take out of

show complete uae fnVout spend

1. , takef$) out of.

2. Cash, lose, deposit, use, spend, withdraw, oash

3, sign, fillout, show, lose a check

4. show, use, hide a débil card

5. complete, fill out, sign a form

6. sign, use, hide, show, use, a passport

7. a slip
lose, use, show, take out of,
8. a wallet

EXERCISE C Draw a Une Irom a word to its opposite.

Number 1 is an example.

hid spent

Lost showed

saved later

soon deposited

took left

took out of found

EXERCISE D Number the sentences in the correct orden

Write (T) for tf.Uer nr (C) far cusióme?: Then practice the conversaíiuns. Number 1 iy
exampíe in each conversación.

L 3 c Okay. Here's the deposit slip with $100.

4 t That's a deposit of $100. Thanks and have 8 ni ce day,
2 t Sure. Just fill out thia deposit slip,
.£ Can I make a deposit?

2. 3 c Okay, here's the withdrawal slip.

4 t That's a wilhdrawal of $20. Thanks and have a nice day.
2 t Fine. Please fill out this withdrawal slip.
Hi I want to withdraw $20 from ray savings account.

3 c Yes, here's my passport.

2 t
Yes, just sign it on the back. May I see some identificaron?
5 c I want 5 ten-dollar bilis.
4 t Very good- How do you want your cash?
Helio. Can I cash this check today?
6 t That's ten, twenty, thírty, forty, fifty dollars. Have a nicc day.

5 t
That lookg fine. Here's your bank card and checkbook.
3 t Fine. We need some information. Please complete this form.
4 c
Okay, I filled out the form.

T Good morning. May I help you?

6 c Gkay, When will I get my checks?
7 The bank will mail them to you soon.
2 c Yes, I want to opan a checking account.
Dialogs At the bank

Eead the informa!ion OH your cora attd have a conversa!ion with a

Di alog 1
You want: You want:
* to apen a checking account the customer to complete
* to know when you will get some forma for the new accounl
checks the customer to fill out a
* to deposit money into your new deposit sllp

DiaJog 2
You want: You want:
* tocash acheck * to see some identification
* to withdraw money írom your * to know how the customer
savings account wants the cash
* the customer to fill out a

Dialog 3
Yon You want:
to cióse your savings account * to see the customer's bank
the money in small bilis card and some identification
* to know how the customer
wanta the money

Writing Box Quilines

Listen tu íhc paragrophs. Wñte Ihe correct information in the boxes. Numher I is an example.


Land water sky

car shíp plañe



Grammar Using Present Progressive for future

Tirn and Pam are flying lo París

tonighL They are arriving tomorrow
morning and are staying there for four
After París, they are taking a
train to Switzerland and are staying
in Zurich for a week.
Aftcr Switzerland, Tim and Pam
are travelíng to Italy for 3 days and
then are retuming home to Dallas.

will arrive
The plañe is going to arrive tomorrow.
is arriving

V You can use the present progressive to talk aboul a luture plan or schedulc.

EXERC1SE A FUI in the blanh wiih a preseni progressive verb.

play atudy move take off

speak rctum clean stay eat

1. Your is taking

2. 1 am going to the airport by taxi

3. is staying with u¿

4. are moving -r+ 1

5, are yon returning from Florida on March 2?
6- John iscleaning ;arage next Saturday.
is speaking to my class tomcirrow.
6. is stuying ,ics after lunch.
9. are you eating at a
10. am playing with 4:00 this afternoon.


EXERCISE B Change the sentences to present progressive f oí tuture.

EXAMPLE: Peggy will stay with her sister next xveek.

\& stayíng with her sieter next week.

L We will eat lunch later today.

2. The train won't arrivo in 10 minutes.
3, Flight 123 is going to Eeave in an hour
4- Will he fly lióme next year?
5. They won h t go to the gym afler clasa.
6. Are you going to wear your aniforní tomorrow?
1. The bus will depart at 2:00 p.m.
S. Is Bob going to eat dinncr with his brother tonight?
9. Will Ted drive to Miami on Friday?
10. Fm going to leave afler lunch,

EXERCISE C Ask and answer questions about the flight schedule.

All flighls deparí from San Antonif. Use presen! progrtis&ioe in yuttr questions and onswers.

EXAMPLE: A: Where \& flight O6 flying to?

E: Flight 06 Es flying to Atlanta-

City Flight Depart u re Arrival

06 10:10 am 1:15 pm
14 2:05 pm 5:1 Opm

11 8:15 am 3:15 pm
28 1:10 pm 8:30 pm

03 6:25 am 9:00 am
21 2:00 pm 4:30 pm
EXERCISE D Fill out the sctiedule for a future Saturday.

First, thitik ofdifferent things thaí people do on Saturdays. Thenr fill otii your schedule, but
leave afew hours free. Nextr talk teith a paríner. Donoí $hoív him or her ynur schedule, fewí
by talkiitg oniy, flfid a free íime ivhen yon both can meet Iv study.

S;00 breakfast;

9:00 take a rest

lü:00 study english

11:00 study englis

12:00 go the lunch

1:00 take a rest

2:00 play soccer

3:00 watch tv

4:00 read a book

5:00 go to dinner

6:00 watch tv

7:00 play game

8:00 go to bed

-" ^>^
Are you free at 1:00? ")
--_. -<:

No, I'm having lunch

Grammar Using because to connect clauses

A: You look a little sick. Are you okay?

B: I'mnot sick, I'mjust tired because I'm working late every night,
A: Oh, why?
B: I'm working late because I want to make more money.

I'm working late because I want to make more money.

Use because to startthe clause with the c¿¡use


Bccnusc the schodule for a new English class waswrong, one half of Ihe
students started a day late. Because il was not their fault, Ms. Fort, thc
teacher of the class. did not mark the studonts absent.
Next weekt a new writing dasa will start at 3:30 p.m. in Buildíng 3445h on

Because the schedule was wrong, the students started a day Late.

NOTE: When we speak, ure put the clause with because las!.
When we wrile, we can put the cfause with because f Irst.

EXERCISE A Match the 2 clauses of ¿he sentences.

Nitmber 1 i$ an examplc.
1. f She went to the doctor a. the school won't buy one this yeer,
2. d Because more students eat lunch, b. the soccer game will hegin late.
3. b Because it is raining, c. because his car isn't working.
4. The students are studying d. the mess hall will open earlicr,
5. a Because a new bus is expensive, e. because they'll have a test,
6. c He'll take the bus f because she felt sick.
EXERCISE B Write_questions with ivftyand answers wiih because.
1 Ls an exatnple.

1- Whv \e she

6heTs studvtng because she has a test tomorrow.

2. Why is he at the post office__
he is at the pos office because he need to send a letter

3, why are they looking at the map_

they are looking at the map because they are lose

Why is she happy_

she is pappy because she get a good score
why are they packing_
they are packing because they are taking a trip
EXERCISE C Ask and answer questions with ivftyand because.
Step I . Talk with n partner and wriíe fhe information.
Ask him or ft#r about:
where do you 1
• habbiett to go on vacation?
• weekend szhedule
• favoriíeplnces íogo
• favorite thiitgft to do or buy
• oiker information
I like to go
to thtí beach.

Step 2. Use the Information to ask questions with why. Answer your partner's tftte&tions with

I like the boach

because I like the
sun and tlic wattr.

Wntmg Writing paragraphs

Match the phrases ívform senteuccs. Wrtte a paragraph with ihe sentences. The flrxf sentence
is donefvryoit.

1. b 1. First, I went a. fifty dollars.

2. Next, Ifilledout b. to the bank.
3, Finally, I withdrew
tr f
c. a withdrawal slip.
Firet I went to the bank.

2. Ir We are flyine
j a a. next week.
2. Wc're taking a taxi b. in Italy tomorrow morning.
3. Our plane is arrivinp Q
C- to Eíome tonight.
4. We're comin?^ hack d. to the airport.

3. 1. Betty wanted to a- in herwallet.

2. Thetellertoldher b. fífty dollars for her.
3- The teller counted c. cash a check.
4. She put the money d, go to the grocery store,
6- Now she can e. 10 sign it on the back.
Vocabulary Tastes

This cúukie tastes sweet. These chips taste salty.

This lemon tastes sour. iti medicino tastes bitter.

EXERCISE Ask and answer questions about tastes.

EXAMPLE: A: Howdoes ice cream taste?

B: It tastes sweet.

1. blackcoffee 4- green apples 7. potato chips

2. fretich fríes 5. choenlate pie 8. green grapes
3, 6. tomato 9. black tea
(3ram mar Linking Verbs

Tom carne home late from work.

He didn'l have time to stop at the
grocery store. He had some bread in his
apartment and wanted to make
sandwiches for dinner. The bread
looked new, but it felt hard, It smelled
okay, but it tasted oíd. The bread was
oíd. Tom didn't want to inake
sandwiches with oíd bread. He needed
to make sornething else for dinner.

This good.
+1* Use a Mnking verb to connect a subject and an adjective.

EXERCI5E A Fill In the blanks wkth a linklng verb. Use verbs other than be.

1. Thiscoííee bitter. We won't drink it

2. Idon't wcll. I think Fm sick.
3. She taEked to Tom on the phone and he happy.
4- I think these eggs are bad. They awful.
5. That jacket very expansivo. Is it expcnsive?
6. The refrigerator very warm, Is it working okay?
7. The sky „ very clear today.
3. What so good m the kitchen? Are you making cookies?
9. Jim told me about thn movíe and it interés ting.
10. You sad today. Is anythíng wrong?
EXERCISE B Write queslions and answers with Mnking verbs.
Number 1 ia an example.

how is she? she looks happy

how does it? its feel bad





^^ ^^H . _^^H . - - •

Write sentences to describe a food, dnitk, orthing. Readyoursenteuces toyourelassmates

nndask them toguess ufhat it is.

EXAMPLE: ftfeel&dry.
It bok& yellovf and round.
It tastes sour.
What ¡6 it?
(an^wer: a lemon)

EXERCISE A Listen and write the paragraph.

EXERCI5E B Expand the sentences by adding one word from each

Read the sen te ncss ftrst. Then rewrite them by fiddingone word or from each
numhered hoz ta the space in the sentence with íhe same nuniber.

oíd can bank
new will deposit
young must withdrawal

EXAMPLE: The O cuatomers & ñll out the © slips.

The oíd customers ivill fill out the wlthdrawal slips.

1. o 9 O
short sweet long
young delicious small
hungry chocolate crowded

The O children ate íhe © cake at the © table.

2. O
new some bank
tall a little savings
large a lot of checking

Captain Smith walked in the O bank and took out 0 cash from bis © accnunl.
Reading Scanning

Reod tite questioiis first. Theu Iwk tit the tronsporency. Circle the correct answers.

A. Bank Information

1. What will the bank change?

a. its address
b. its hours
c. its address and its hours
2. How many days a week is the bank open?
a. 6
b. 7
c. 5
3- When is the bank moving?
a. in the spring
b. at 8 a.m.
c. on iJuly 18

B. Bank graph

1. Which month had the biggest number of new checking accounts?

a. January
b. February
c. March
2. Which month had the biggest number of new savings accounts?
a. January
b. Fehruary
c. March
3. How many new accounts were opened in February?
a. SO
b. J20
c. 200
VOCABULARY: A bkycle accidpnt 29

GRAMMAR: Using the past progressive 32

Ü5TENING: Follo\vingdircctions. - 35
VOCABULARY: Reporting an automobile accident 36
DIALOGS: What happened? 38
GRAMMAR: Indirect cDmmsnds and requestñ with tell and ask . . 40

WRITING: Expanding sentences 44
GRAMMAR: Roporting commands and requests 45
READING: Skills 48
GRAMMAR: Comparing and contrastmg 50
LISTENING: What'sthetopic? 54
WRITING: Writing paragraphs. - . 55


Preview What's newin Lesson 2?


Nouns stop Parar/Detener Other words

accident ticket Multa de trafico Enfrente
auto traffic Trafico at fault Tener la culpa
autumobile trafficjam Trancon behind Detras de
bicycle careíul Cuidadoso
bike Bici Verbs careless Descuidado
cause Causa bother Molestar clurk La oscuridad
curve Curva break —* broke Romper heavy troffic Trafico pesado
dent Abolladura buckle (up) Coloc cinturo in back of atras de
fauit Culpa/falta cause Causar in front of en frente de
fine /multa croasCruzar left Izquiera
insurance Seguro face Enfrentar light Luz
law Ley fasten Asegurar rigkt Derecho
Luz similar (to) Similar a
happen Suceder
placeSitio/lugar keep —* kcpt (ont mantener/seguir haciendolo
pole Palo obey Obedecer go
pólice / pólice officer Policiaride -* rodé Montar/conducir
riderJinete run -* ran Correr
scat belt Cinturon de seguridad
Lawyer:Abogado stop
Traffic light:Semaforo


Betty waa studying in the library last Ask and answer queslions about a traffic
Ask Sgt Winters to come to my office What heppened here?
befare lunch. What didyou aee?
líen told Mike to turn off the light. Who is at fault?
Our jackets are similar That car hit the light pole.
The careless driver ran the rod light.
He didn't see the other car.
Vocabulary A bicycte accident

Rcod tftis ii.ewspo.per síory and (irt&wer the quesfians an the next poge


Bike Accident Causes Traffic Jam
For hours Qn Friday, aíl traffic Pólice nfficers and EMS aoun
carne to a stop in downtown River arrived. The pólice stoppcd all traffic.
City. EMS helped a total of IS marathón
Hundreds of River City riders. They helped 12 of them right
University students were riding their there in the street and let them gu.
bicycles in the university's Spring But six students had to go to the
Cycling Marathón. Part of that 26- hospital. One student broke a leg,
mile ride goes through downtown one broke an arm, and four had back
River City for eight blockü ncar thc and neck problema.
river. Because the traffic is usually The streeta were soon full of the
heavy downtown, the pólice were hundreds of bicycle riders who could
stopping cars and trucks on many not keep on riding in the marathón
streots to let the cyclists go through, because the pólice and EMS venicles
A problem started at 4:30 p.ra. were blocking River Avenue and
The first two dozen cyclists were Union Station Street. There was a
crossing River Avenue at Union very large traffic jam because both
Station Street when a dog ran in the cyclists and automobile trafíic
front of them, The dog caused six could not move. Traffic stopped for a
riders to fall. total of four and a half hours.
Somo riders who were behind the Finally, the pólice picked up tho
first aix also fell when they tried to dog, found the owner, and gave him a
come to a fast stop. They did not want ticket and a fine, The dog's owner
tí> hit the üix cydists who were on the broke the law because an animal
ground Then five cytlifita in this may not be in the street without its
aecond gruup were hit by cycliats in owner.
bauk of them.
EXERCESE A Answerthese questJons.
1. What happcns evcry spring in River City?
2. Who was crossing River Avenue at Union Station Street at 4:30 p.m?
3. What happened to 18 bicycíe riders?
4. Who helped the cyclists who were hurt?
6. How many students went to the hospital?
5. What was the cause of the trafile jam?
7. What happened to the dcg?
8. Who will get a ticket and a fine? Why?

EXERCISE B Number the sentences in the order they happened.

A dog ran in front of the cyclists,

The potice picked up thc dog.
The first bike riders were crossing Rivcr Avenue.
Pólice and hospital vehícles carne and blocked the
Six riders fell.
Eighteen students were hurt.
Pólice stopped traffíc to let the cyclists go through downtown Rivcr City.

EXERCISE C Match each word with Its deflnition, Write ihe letter In the blank,

1. law ¿i. car

2. rider b. lots of cars on the road
3. fine c. in back of
4. heavy traffic d- strong rule
5. behind e. person using a bicycle
6. automobile f. money you pay for breaking the law


EXERCI5E D Complete Ihe sentences wítli the words In the box.

trafficjam ríde ticket caused

pólice stop accident keep on
in front of happens cross broke

1, You can't park there! You míghl get a

2. I have to return these books. Can we make a(nj at the Eibrary?
3- The cars are not moving. It's a(n)
4. You must not the street when the cara have a green light.
5. Lt Lee parked his car behind the captain's car. The captain's car is
the lieutenaot's car.
6. Sho brokc her bike. Now she can't it.
1. I don*t want to stop running now. I want to uiitil nuun.

8. There's a big on this street. Three cara hit each other.

9, My friend fell on Ihe ice, his leg, and could not walk ft>r weoks.
0. WhydÍdhefan?What_ the fall?
1L Wlien a person needs help, she or he can cali the
12. What when we are late lo class? Is there a report?

EXERCISE E Divide the claas mió 2 groups and revtew the vocab u I a r y.

In turii, each group gives a definition ofo iuord. The other group has toguess the tuvrd.
Grammar Using the Past Progressive

Officer; What happened here? Were you riding a bicycle with the other
Rider: Yes, I was. About 12 of us wcrc crossing River Avenue when a large
black dog ran in front of us. He didn't bother me, bul some t>f th«
other students were surprised and fell ofTtheir bikes.
Wilness 1: I saw the accident. I wasn't riding a bicycle, but I was standing near
the p]ace of the accident. I was watching the hike riders when a dn^
ran across the street. He ran right in front of the cyclists.
GfEker: And yoa t sir? Where were you standing wrhen the accident
Witnesfi 2: Oh, I wasn't near this place when the accident happened. I was
driving my car on a different street. I parked and walked over here
because the EMS vehicles were bJocking the strcets, I was in the

You were a bicycle.

Were you riding a

When were you a bicycle?

EXERC15E A Listen 1o a sentence. Change ¡t with the words you hear.

EXAMPLE: I: Helen was reading a book. Jane

SI: Jane was resding a book,
I: watching a movie

32: Jane was watching a movie.


EXERCISE B Fill in the bíanks with the words in (). Use past progressive.

I/He/She/It was
verb + ing
You/We/They were

1. John soccer when he broke his leg. (play)

2. What you inyour notebook? (write)
3. Lisa_ ht-r bíke when she hurt her foot, (ride)
4. They. . lunch when I aaw them. (eat)
5, When you called, I dinner, (cookt
6, WhenTbm carne home, we TV. (watch)
1. What yon last night at 7 p.m.? I tricd to cali, (do)

EXERCISE C Compare the past prograsslve to simple past.

Using the past progressive, complete these sentences with uerbs from the box. There ai~e more
verba than sentencefi. Add other words tn ynur Rentence?; to mnke thpm interesting. Underlinp
the simple past verb in the secondpart ofthe sentence. Number 1 ¡san exampie.
NOTE: We often say what we were in the middle of doing when somethmg eJse (of
ngt^h of time) happened in the past:
A: Hey, Ann, where were you 3ast night? I tried to cali.
B: Yes, I heard the phone. / ivas taking a hitth when the phone rang.

ride drive study read

play aoccer walk eat talk wash. clothes

L I was drivin^ to work when the storm began.

2. when you called,
3. when the light went out.
4. when we left.
5. when I arrived.
G. when shecaniü.
EXERCISE D Write past progressive questions about Judy's schedule.
ífiíestiona with wko, whal, where, and ivhen. Numbers 1 oíd 2 are eramplcs.

corree with Amy
talk to Profesar Clark
English c\a&&
lunch with Alex and
cía es

1. When wae Judy ith her Btudy g r o u ?

2. Who wag gatína dinner with Juay at 7 o'clockf_


EXERCISE E In pairs, ask your partner your questions ¡n Exercise E.

What was Judy was studying

Judy doing at math a t 2 o'clock.
2 o'clock?
Listening Foílowing directions

Look at the mnp. Look ai íhe key. Each ietíer un ihe map is o building. Now, listen to fhe
directions. Write the letter ofthe building nexí io lis ñame in the key. Tkere are more
buildings on the map tho'i in the key.

River Avenue W E

Monroe Avenue

£ Madison Avenue

co £55
o •o
— O
Van Burén Avenue

Vocabulary Reporting an automobiíe accident

Ofílcer: Please tell me what happened.

Drrver 1: 1 was driving north on Falls Avenue. I started to cross the intersection
at Lake Street because the traffic light was green. Then that careless
driver ran the red light and hit my car on the right side. See the dent
here? Then my car crossed the road to the left and hit a light pole. I
don't think that the accident was my fault.
Gfficer; Thank you. Okay, now yon can tell me what happened.
Driver 2: I'm a careful driver and I obey the law. I was driving west on Lake
Street, up this hill, without any problems. But \vhen I arrived at the
top of the hilL 1 was facing the sun, and it began to shine in my eyes. 1
didn't see the red light or the other car,
Officer: I see. Now Tm going to write an accident report You'll have to cali your
auto insurance companies tomorrow. Your insurance agenta will
you who was at fault after they read my report.

EXERCISE A Complete the officer's report with the words m the box.

ran west north light pole

traffic light across crosses crossing

Vehicle 1 was going O on Falls Avenue.

Driver 1 was the mlersifcímn of Falí* Avenue
and Lake Street, with a green light, when Vehicle 2 hit Vehicle 1
on the right door. Vehicle 1 then went © the road to
the left and hit a O
Vehicle 2 was going •m Lake Street, which
Falls Avenue at the top of a hilL Because the sun
was in Driver 2's eyes, the driver did not see the O
or the other car, Driver 2
líghl and hit Vehicle 1.
EXERCISE B Which diagram shows the accident?


< V-2

EXERCISE C Use the report below to mark with Xs the damage on the cars.

Vehicle 1 Large dent on right door. Big dent in 0 /f ^\
left front bumper where the auto hit
a light polc. Broken left headlight.
J nj Veh.1

0 s^ ¿* 0

Vehicle 2 Both front headlights are broken. Ü /^ ^\ u

Three small dents in the middle front Veh. 2
humper. ^ 0H_ü s v. J, * 0
Dialoga What happened?

Officer: Excuse me, missh you witnessed the accident. What did you see?
Wítness: Well, the driver of the light blue car made a fast stop to miss a boy on a
bike. Hís car waa in front of that dark blue car The dark blue car's
driver didn't have time to stop. He hit the light blue car.
Officer: Thank you. And you, sir, you were drivíng the light blue car. Tell me
what happened.
Driver 1: Yes, I was coming around that curve in the road. I didn't see the boy at
first. I had to stop very Fast to miss him. Then the dark blue car hit me.
Officer: Was your seat belt fastened?
Driver 3: Yes, sir, I wasn't hurt because I buckled up.

Officer: How about you, sir? You drove the dark blue car. What happened here?
Driver 2: Well, I hit that light blue car because I didn't have time to stop.
Officer: Was your seat belt fastened?
Driver 2: Uh, no, sir-1 didn't buckle up r
Ofíiccr: Do you liave insurance?
Driver 2: Yes, sir. I guess I need to cali my agent.
Officer: Yes, you do. And now. young man, teJl me what happened.
Boy: Yes, sír. The light blue car carne around the curve Ui my right, but I
was looking straight anead. I didn't see the car, but he stopped in time
and didn't hit me. But I was surprised and fell offmy bike.
EXERCISE In pairs, prepare a role-play about an auto accident.
yourpartner, imagine o smali car accident- One ofyou will be a netuspoper repórter
and the other will be a driver in the accident. Choose one question from each box and write
an answer on thf Unes below. Froctice your roie-play fngetkerr theit do it fuf [fie class.

what hsppened Another car hit mine

here? when I was leaving a
parking place.

Question 1 Question 2 Question 3

What happened here? Where were you hurt? What did you hit?

Tell mo what happened. Who will take you to the How many dents does
hospital? your car have?

Question 4 Question 5 Question 6

What's the name of Who was at fault? Whobrokethelaw?

your insuraiice
company? What was your How much will your
mis take? fine be?
How much will your
insurancc pay?
Grammar Indirect commands & requests with tell & ask

Caloñe!: Tell Lt Jones to bring me the

report at 10 this morning.
OCTOBER15 Tell Capt Smith to give his
Friday briefing at 11. And tell my
10íOO - Lt Jones report driver to pick me up at 5
11:00 - Capt Smith briefíng o'clock.
5:OO - drlver pick up Secretar^: Anything else?
7:00 -dinner Colonel: Yes, please cali Maj Dean
and a^k him to meet me for
dinner tonight at 7.

hfm to pick me up at 5 o'doeL

EXERCIGE A Repeat after the instructor. Memorize one dialog.

1, A: The students are horc to seo you.

E: Please ask them to wait just a minute.

'2. A: Do you need to talk to the insurance agent?

B: Yes, ask her to cali me at 10:00.

3. A; Amn Hinks hurt his knee.

B: Tell Sgt Jones to drive him to the hospital.

4. A: We're leaving nowr

B: Please ask Roger to come with us.

5. A: That young man wanlñ to open a chetking account

B: Please tell him to fill out these forms.
EXERCISE B Change the direct commands to indirect commands.

Nurnher 1 is an example.

1. Bob: Jt's hot in this office. Please open the windows, Sue,
Sue: Jim's nearer. Aek him to open them.
Jim; I'm busy. Tell Bilíy todp ít.
Billy: Hey, it feeis good in here to me,

2. Harry: I cleaned the kitchen today. Please clean the bathroom now, Jack.
Jack: I think it's Ted's tura tell him to thinhk.
ask art to do it
Ted: I don't have time
Art: Okay, how much will you pay me?

3. Carol: Alien, please wafk the dogs.

Alien: Sorry, I'm busy. tell steve walh them
Steve: They're Saras dogs ask her to do it
Sara: Don't worry. I walked them an hour aga

4, Mom: Answer the phone, Diane. My hands are wet.

Diane: I'm leaving right now. tell Betty to answer it
Betty: Alice is right next to it. ask her to do it
Alice: Helio? Mom, ifs for you.

5. Al; Mark, get these reports ready for tbe boss today, please.
Mark: I'm sorry but I won'L have time tell lee to do it
Lee: I have to leave to see my doctor today ask tom to do it
Tom: Sure, no problem.
Vocabulary Review

Select the bcst

1. The bank is the street frotn the school.

a. cross
b. acro3S
c. crossing
2. You can turn on the TV. It doesn't me.
a. break
b. ride
c. bother

3- The tall woman is behind the short man. She's him.

a. at fault
b. in back of
c. in ftont of
4- Kevin's car is not dark green. Itbs green.
a. light
b. left
c. right
5. I need something to this map to the wall
a. fasten
b. buckle
c. bother
6. Be careful, There's a in the road here.
b. straight
c. curve
7. The driver hit the with his car.
a. fine
b. pole
c. place


8. We must. thc law when we drive.
a. obey
b. cause
c. ride

9. The accident was Lt Hall's because he was not careful.

a. place
b. law
c. fault
10. Buckle your _ beforc you drive.
a. light pole
b. trafftcjam
c. seat belt
11. I didn't see you hecause I was not
a. happening
b. causing
c. facing
12, Greg was late because he was in _ traffit.
a. heavy
b. light
c. right
13, The driver didn't stop. He the red light.
a. brokc
b. rodé
c. ran
14. I was driving very fast and I got a
a. light
b. ticket
c. law
15. In the US, you must buy to pay for auto accidents.
a. bicycle
b. place
c. insu ranee
Writing Expanding sentences

Read the seníences firsl. Then rewrite them b\ addingone ivord or phrase from eack
nwnbered box to the spoce in the sentence with the same

1. O
oíd big on it
new a lot of on the doors
wife's only two on the left

My O car has €> dents

2. O @ 0
big yesterday big
oíd last week bad
new two hours ago sma]l

Lt Underhill was driving his O car © and caused a(n) @ accident.

3. O
oíd angry at 9 p.m.
tall young yesterday
tired careless ilve minutes ago

A(n> O pólice officer stopped the O driver and gave him a ticket ©.
(3rammar Reporting commands and requests

Husband: We need some insurance for our new car,

Agent: Please fíll out these forms, but don't sign any of them right now,
Wife: I didn't hear her. What did she ask us to do?
Husband: She asked us to fill out these forms. She also told us not to sign them.

She US (not) to sign the forms.

EXERCISE A Report these commands with asftetf and told.

Yon u!€t\t to o. drwing class. The instructor wos a pólice officer and he gave yon, ihis lint of
safety tips. Reporf these Sfifety íips fo your class. Use "the instructor" or "tti? fífficfr" far the
siíbject ofyftir sentences.

Safe Drivlng
The officer lold me
to keep my automobile
Today*s Topic: Safe Driving in good shape.

Keep your automobile in good shape

Pasten your sea! belt
Ask passengers Jo buckle up.
Don't use a cell pftone when you drive.
Don't drink and drive,
Be careful going around curves.
Don't run red lights.
Be more careful at night.
Obey the traffíc laws.
EXERCISE B Read the sontcnccs. Answer Ihe teacher 5 questions.
After kcaring each qaestian, {urtte the atiawer on the fines at the bottom ofthe page,
S gt Le e: Amn Har ri s, olean the b arracks,
I: What did Sgt Lee tell Amn Harris?
S,: He toW him to deán the barracke.

Maj Cox: Please have lunch with me, Maj Dean.

I: Did Maj Cox ask Maj Dean to have dinntir with him?
S. • No, he didn't. He asked hím to ha^e lunch with him.

1. Kay: Jim, wiü you please cut the grasa today?

2, Luke: Take your umbrella, Bob.
3, Joe: Waiter, please bring me the bilí,
4, Father: Come in and cióse the door, son.
5. Penny: Jill, picase come to dinner tonight at 7 p,m.
6. Carol: Don't turn off the lights, Sue.
7. Agent: Please send me the fomns soon, Mr Cook.
8, OÍTicer: Don't forget to buckie op next time, young man.

she asked jim to cut the grass

what did luke tell bob?_ luke told bob to take his umbrella

3. did joe tell waiter to bring some water? joe told the waiter to bring
what did the father tell his son to do? he told his son to come in an

5. what time did penny ask jill to come to dinner? penny asked jill to c

6. What did Carol ask sue not to do? Carol asked sue to not turn off the

7. did the agent tell mr cook to send his money soon? he tolked mr cook

S. what did the officer tell the young man? the officer told young manan


EXERC1SE C Write Information questions for the answers.
Numbers í, 2, and 3 ore examples.

What the major?

What Albert

Why him

1. What d\d Col Fbol tell the major?

Col Pool told the major not to wait for him.

2. What d\d she aek Albert to do?

She asked Alherl to help her tomorrow

3. Why d\d Dr. Hill tell him to rest?

Dr, Hill told Jack to rest because he*s sick.
what did she ask kim to do?
Patty asked Kim to meet her for lunch.
what did the police officer tell the children not to do?
The pólice officer told the children not to cross the Street there.
why did we ask Mr. miller to come to our house?

We asked Mr. Milíer to come to our house for cofiee.

what did you tell the agent to send you?
I told the insurance agent to send me some forms.

what time did he tell you to call you?

He told me to cali him at 3 o'clock.

9. what did the teacher ask us to return?

The teacher asked us to return the tcxt books.
Reading Skills

1. What can you do at Brothers' Autos?

a. buy and sell a car
b. buy auto insurance
c. both a and b
2. How many days a week is Brothers' Autos open?
a. S
b. 7
c. 5
3. Which days of the woek can you see the insurance agent?
a. Monday to Saturday
b. every day of the week
c. Monday to FVÍday
4. When can you sce the insurance agent?
a. 10 a.ra. to 6 p.m.
b. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
c. 9 a,m. to5 p.m.
5. Where is Brothers' Autos?
a. in Lakeville
b. on Highway 45
c. in River City
EXERCtSE A Read the paragraph. Write thc lopic and select the main idea.
The word coffee may come from an Arabic word. Today, people a)l over the
world like coffee. They drink hot coffee and iced coffee. Thoy might drink it for
breakfast, lunch, or dinner They also drink it between meáis. There are many
diffcrcnt kinds of coífee^These all smell and taste delicious.A íotof people
meet friends at restaurants or snack bars just to drink coffee and talk. In some
countries, there are small snack bars that serve only coffee ancl desserts.

a. Coffee is delicious.
b- People in meny countries like coffee,
c. Snack bars sell many kinds of coffee,

Basketball is a sport that many boys and girls, and also men and women, like
to play. It is not a very oíd game. Students in thc statc of Massachusetls played
the flrst game in December, 1891.James Naismith wrote the rules for the game.
He wanted his students to have a fast and interesting game to play ínside in
the cold months of winter, At first, each side had nine players. In
1897, the number of players changed to five on each side. Few other changes
were made. The game we play today is almost the same as it was one hundred
years ago.

a. The basketball game we play today is almost the same as the game
100 years ago,
b. Many people like to pTay hasketball.
c. Basketball needs five players on each side.

EXERCISE B Read the paragraph. Select the best títJe.

When you buy a car in Texas, you must also immediately buy insurance for it.
Oíd or new car, you may not drive your vehicle without it. You must obey the law
and have insurance that will pay for an accident when you cause one. It must pay
for doctors when you hurt someone, and it must pay for a méchame when you put
dents or do more damage to sonieone's car. Most people talk to an insurance agtnt to
see how much insurance they need. You should talk to two or three insurance agents
before you seiect an insurance company hccause automobile insurance can be very
expensive in Texas.

a. Buying Auto Insurance in Texas

b. Did You Have an Accident in Texas?
c. The Best Insurance Agents Live in Tesas
Grammar Comparing and contrasting

1. Your car is like my car. 2. Bill's Job is í/?e sam? us Kea'a Job.
Our cars are alike. Their Jobs are íhe same.

3, Jane'fi watch is similar to Amy's, 4. This dog is difierent from that

Their watches are similar. The dogs are different.

like a like.
the same as the same.
His shirt ia mine. Our shirts are
similar to similar.
difFerent from different.

EXERCISE A Complete each sentence with a word or phrase from the box.

1. Mike's car is dark red and my car is light red. They bnth
have four doors. My car is similar to hia car.

2. KeJly had pie and Hank had ice cream fur desaert. Kelly's
dessert was different
- from Hank's. Her dessort was not
like his.
3. His dog is largo and white, with bJack ears. Her dog is
largc and white, too, with dark brown ears. Her dog is
_ similar
,_ his dog,
4. We were both burn on the fourth of September. Your birthday
is the same
__ as mine,

5. It rained aJJ day yesterday. It's sunny today Today's weather

is different from
6, Sue's score is 90, and Bill's score is 92, Dan*s score is aleo
92. Dan's score is the same ___ as Bill's score but
different from Sue's.

EXERCISE B Complete each sentence with a word or phrase Irom the box.

1. The last ñame of both the caloñe! and the major is Banks.
alike Their last ñames are -- __ ,
the same 2, Peter's car is big and black. John's car is small and red.
Their cars are _ _ ---
3. George works In a bank. Chad flitsü an airplane, Their Jobs
different are ___ They are not - __ ,

4. Wendy sella clothes in a big store. Tina sells shoes in

another big store. Their Jobs are ----
5. A circle and a triangle are not ----

6. Asoupspoon anda teaspoon are



Oí cu £
-C 1
'o E
a. ai 3
« £n
u 3 u
3 i_
> ^
I 01

ü I

cy I

EXERCISE D Ask and answer queslions about these things.

Use Hke, alike h the sEime as, Lhe same, similar to, similar, diffcrcat from, and diffci'ent

boots / shoes
S,: Are boots the same as shoee?
S2: No, theyVe not.
S,: Are boote and shoes similar?
Sa: Yes. they are. We wear both on ourfeet, but boots are heavy and
ehoes are li^ht.

Are boots different

from shoes?

1. door/gate
2. clock/watch
3. snack bar / restauran!
4. ocean / lake
5. road / highway
G. a baseball/a football
7, table tennis / tennis
8, grocery store / commiasary
9, pencil/pen
10, soccer/Amorican football
Listenmg What's the toplc?

Lisien to a paragraph and ctrde the letter ufthe ivpic.

1. a. the tempera ture

b. swimming
c. today's weather
d. douds

2- a. medicine
b. open at midnight
c. drugstores
d. thíngs for school

3. a. classrooms
b. buildinga
c. math cJass
d. language labs

4. a. pushups
b. soccer
c. volleyball
d. exercise

EXERCÍSE Lisien to a paragraph and write tne topic in one or two words.



Writing Wríting paragraphs

the phrases to fonn Rentences. Write Q paragraph with th<; sentences.

1- 1. Before you drive your car, a, when you go around curves.

2. When you are driving, b. obeythelaw.
3. Be careful c, you must buckle up.

2. 1. I was driving north a. on the driver's door,

2. At Tree Street, I didn't stop b. on Country Lañe.
3. A dark biue car hit my car c. tho Icft window and my left arm.
4. The accident broke d. because the traffic light was green.

3. 1. The wcjrk day in Ríver City a. leave for work.

2. Most people get up early, b. and traffic accidenta.
3. They get dressed, eat, and c. between 5:30 and 7 a,rn.
4. Because many people drive to work, d. starts between 7 and 9 a.m.
5. Sometjrnes there are trafile jams e. the traffic is heavy.
Performance Check Writrng

Look back ai Exercise A under tfiegrarutnor poge fitted Repartí ng Cvrnmands and Requesfs.
Writc an, the Unen the aafety tips that yon reported íu yoitr instructor. Number 1 is on

IL _THe offícer told me to keep mv autgmobile in good









EXERCISE Wríte about an accident or an encounter with the pólice.


A piece of advice
VOCABULARY: The Advice Column ................... 59

WRITING: Writing paragraphs .......... . ........ 63

GRAMMAR: Usingsfwutd toask for and give advice ........ 64

UsingcouJd to give suggestions ............ 66

DIALOGS: Advíce and Suggestions ................. 67

WRITINGt Dictation .......... . ......... . . , , , 6R

LISTENING: What's the topic? .................... 68

GRAMMAR: Adverbs of münner with -fy- - - - - - ......... 69

u in questions about manner ........ 73
WRITING: Expanding paragraphs ................. 75

READING: Scanning ads in the yeJlow pages ..... - ..... 76

LISTENING: Followíng directions ................... 77

VOCABULARY: Revíew .......................... 78

GRAMMAR: Modal Review . SO
Frevieiv What's new in Lesson 3?


Nouns Verba Oiher words

adviceConsejo borrow Tomar prestado a littlc white 3ic Mentirilla
feelinga sentimientos care aboutPreocuparse poranyone Nadie/ nada
friendship Amistad car e for Querer/gustar badly mal
garageGaraje couldPodria carefully
lie Mentira enjoyDisfrutar de carelessly
opinión Opinion fix Fijar correctly Correctamente
party Fiesta go out • went out Salir Facilmente
roommate Compa cuarto guess Suponer/creer excited Emocionadoo
secret Secreto hurt —* hurt Lastimar fast Rapido
story Historia hurt (someone's) foclings how (manner)Como
lastimar los sentimientos de alguien
tool Herramienta lend * lent Prestar in my opiniónen mi opinion
truth Verdad lieMentir maybe Tal vez
Get to gether not care for No gustar safely Seguramente
Classmate park Parquear slowly Lentamente
Workmate repair Reparar aomeone Alguien
papermate ahould Deber de hacer algo
Someone: alguien Ly:mente
tell —* told (ñomeone) a lie,
Decir a secret, a story^ convertir en adverbios que
modifican ls verbos
the time, the truth


What should I do? Ask íor and give advíce.
Glve suggesTions.
Yon could look for a new job,
How does he drive? What should I do?
He drives carefully
You ahould wait for your fríend.
You shouldn^t leave now.
You could cali a taxi.


Vocabulary The Advice Column

Annie's Advice by Anne Avis

Dear Annie, do dishonest work more secrets. You could aleo
Tm a mechanic in a small again. You could alau luuk remínd her that you üke
garage, Last week, my for a new job at anothtr her, but don'l caru for lior
boss told me to fix a small garage, actions.
problem in a car, I repaired
the car. Then my boss told DearAnnie, Dear Annie,
the customer it was a big, I need ad\-ice about my My younger brother often
expensive problem, 1 guess roommate. I care about her borrows my gardcn tools
the lie didn't hurt anyone and enjoy lier friendship. He uses them carelessEy
because the insurance paid But I ala o worry about ihe broke two of thcml and
the bul But I feeí bad. 1 her Here's wliat she does: doesn't clcan thom. 1 don h t
know my boss needs the her frienda tell her their want to lend him any more
money. His wife is very secrets. Then she tells me tools, but he ifi my hrother
sick. But he wasn't tclUng their secrets1 Can I tell her What should I do?
his customer the truth. to stop? I don't want to hurt Boíhtred Broíher
What ahou'd I do? her feelings. What's your
Unhappy Worker opinión? Dear Bothered,
Watried Roomtnalt1 Your brother should repair
Dear Unhappy, the tools he broke. Tell him
Your boss lies to his custom- Dear Worried, that you will lt¡nd him your
ers. May be he te lis you lies, Tell her politely but firmly tools, btit he must soou save
too, You shauld tell him you that you cannot hear any his money to huy his own.

EXERC15E A What's your opinión? Mark the boxes and explain your answers.

1. Wfiot do yon think ofAnnie's advice?

Annie s advice was GOOD BAD
Unhappy Worker x
Worried Roommate x
Botbered Brother nx
2. Wkat'ítynur opinión on lying, telling secrets, and hfirrawrng thingsf

Tell a he x
Tell a secret x
Borrow things x
EXERCISE B Complete the sentences with the words ¡n Ihe boxes.

You may want to ioük ai the letters on íhe previaus page.

1. My son is a méchame in a small garage . He —

garage cars and trucks. Last week, his boss lied to one oí his
customcra about a rcpair» He didn't tell hira the truth My
mintio Jied son guesses that the lie didn't hurt anyone becauae
veerdad truth
the customer's insurance paid the bilis.

concejo advice
2. My sister needs advice Shtí has an apartnicnt aiid a
disfrutar enjoys
roommate named Kim r Shc enjoys hcr friendship with Kim,
hurt but the girl tells her other people's secrets My sister wants to
roommate feelings
tell Kim to stop, but doesn't want tu hurt hcr

3. My older brother sometimes lends me hia garden

orrow tools .-1 don't líke to borrow them, but I don't have
lend money to buy any tools, I use them carefully and I always
clean them. T don't know why, but I think that my brother doesn't
want to lend me his tools any more.

EXERCISE C Match each word with its opposite. Write the letter In the blank.
1, repair a. truth
2. not care for b. lend
3- guess c. brpñk
a 4, lie d. like
5. borro w e. t:nr(?fLilly
6. excited £ know
e 7, carelessly g. bored


EXERCISE D Look at the chart and complete the sentences.

First, slutfy these seiitences froin the ietters irt the adutce cütumn. Next, compiste the
sentences. Number 1 fa an example.

He wasn't teiling his customers the truth.

Maybc he teüs you lies, too.
Her friends teil her their secrets.
Then she tells me their secrets.

you * story
him/her a secret
tell " a lie
his cuatomers the truth
your ñ-iend the time
the fiew teacher

Dan: I need to tell you, and only yout something important.

Lee: Okay. You can tell m e a secret

2, Steve: Paul told Carla that he's 29 years oíd. He's really 25.
Tom: Why did he tell her a lie ?

3. Student: Excuse me, please. Can you tell

. me the time ?
Teacher: Yes, it's 9:45.

4. Lt Hill: I made a hig místake, but I don't want to tell the captain.
Lt Green: You shauld tell him the truth - ñght away,

5- Mom: Are the chíldren sleeping now?

Dad; Yes, I told them a story to help them fall asleep,

6. Major: Did that man tell you a lie ?

Captain: Yes, he told me he didn't have insurance, but I know he dües.

7. Liz; I don't want to tell him the truth

Molly: But the teacher needs to know why you didn't take the test.

EXERCISE E Use someone or anyone lo complete Ihe sentences.

Number 1 is an exomple.

AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCE: Jamie saw someone in the lab,

NÉGATIVE SENTENCE: Pcter didn't see anyone in the lab,
OUESTION; Did you see anyone / someone in the lab?

You can usually use someone and anyone the same way we use someand any.

1. Leslie didn't talk to anvone in the class yesterday.

2. Is going to be at the library toníghl?
3, Yes, _ will be at the library at 8 p.m.
4. parked his car in the wrong place. The pólice took it,
5. Difl arrive late this morning?
6. Ididn'tfind to walk with in the park yesterday.
7. Will pick the students up at the airport next week?
S. at that desk over there can help you.
9. Helio! Is here?
10. The? doctor won*t see on Fríday añcrnoon.

EXERCJSE F Review the voc«hulary in 2 groups.

In titrn, each group givex a de/lnilion ofa word. The othergroup has to gtwss the


Writmg Writing paragraphs

Match thcphrases toform aentenceñ. Write a pnragraph toith the sentences. Thefirst senfertce
is done fbr yon.

Dear Aun i e,
c 1. My wife got a lot of money a. abigTV,
2. I want to buy b- how we spend the money?
3, Shewantstogo c. forher birthday.
4. Who should choose d. on a trip to Hawaií.
Guessing Husband

My wife ^gt a Jot of mongy for her birthday.

Dear Husband»
b L First, you should remember a. both of these things.
d 2. Then, check how much b. it'a your wife's money.
a 3, You cou]d try to do c. whichoneto dofirst.
c 4. Your wife should choose d- the two things cost
Annie Avis
Grammar Using shouíd to ask for and give advice

We shouíd Leave.

Shouíd we leave?

When should WÜ lea ve?

1. Dan: I dídn't pass the test. What shouíd I do?

Tina: You should ask the tcachcr for help and you study every day.
2. Luke: Should I tell Lisa how much J care for her?
Amy: Yes, you should. Tell her before you leave for your next base.
3, Mike: Which tie should I buy?
Lois: In my opinión, you shouldn'L buy the red one. Buy the blue one.

*#* Pul shoulá In senlences and questions like other modals: can, wiíl, may, might, etc.

EXERCISE A Unscramble the sentences and questions.

1. Q: 1 lost my wallet. What should I do?

A: (cali you the pólice shouldj you should call the police
2. Q: It's raining, Should we go now?
A: (shouldn't leave now no we) no, we shouldn´t leave now

3. Should he coim? with us or wait for his friend?

A: (he for his should fríend wait) he should wait for his friend

4. Q: Whcrc should we eat lunch?

we should go to the new restaurant
A: (new restauran! should go we to the)

5. Q: (see should 1 new movie that) shoul i see that new movie?
A; No, you shouldn't. I don't think you'll care for it.
fi. Q: ido I what now should) what should
. i do now?
A: I think you should study.
1- (I borrow which book shouldj which book should i borrow
A: Oh, you should borrow this one abnut camping.


EXERCISE B Write senlences with should anú shouídn't.

Clioose tíie bent advice in your opinión, a or b, and write a seritence with should. Then write a
sentence with shouídn't ¡~or the oífier advice. Number I is an exarnple.

1. We work in an office with 10 people. Every day one person makes a lot of phone
to her friends. Then we have to do her work. What should we do?
a, ask her to stop calling fhends hgr to stop calling friendo
b. make noise when she's calling _ Ytfii shouldn't. make na\&e wheH

2. My friend borrowed $40 from me síx weeks ago. Everjr time I ask him about it,
he says, "Next week, next week. Don't worry." What should I do?
a. ask him you shouldn´t ask him again.

b-forget about it You should forget about it.

3. I just hit a parkcd car. The driver of the uar isn't here, What should I do?
a, wait for the driver you should wait for the driver
b. le ave a message on the car you shouldn´t leave a message on the car

4. John h s roommate enjoyH sleeping with the windows open, John likes him a lut,
bul he can't sleep well with the windows open, What should he do?
a. get a new roommate he shouldn´t get a new roommate
b, ask him to cióse them at night he should ask him to close them at night

EXERCISE C In palrs, thlnk of a third answer for each problem in Exercise B.

The people in Yes, they should te 11 the

office shoufd taJk boss their problem.
the ir boss.

600K9 LESSQ\3
Grammar Using could to glve suggestfons

Bill: I can't study in my room. My

roommate's friends visit him every
day and watch TV for hours. What
should I do?
Arl: You should tell them you ncod to
study. You could also ask them to
turn orí the TV sometimes.
Dan: You could ask your roommato to
stop the viintü fbr two or threc bnur
in the evenings.
Mal: I know. He could visit his friends i TI
their roums, not ¡n yours.

*> Use could only in positiva sentences to give suggestions.

EXERCISE In pairs, use couldio gíve suggestions to solve each problem.

1, Wtí noed to get to the airport with a lot

ofluggage, but we don't have a car.
You could borrow
2. You ate dinner in an expensive
friend's car.
restaurant. You can't find your wallet to

3. You tcturn to your car after studying in

the library, but you can't ñnd your car
keys, It is now 10 p,m, and the library is
4. You had a car accídent a wcek ago, The
other driver caused it, but won't pay to
repair your car.
5. You find a wallet on thc bus. There is no
ID in it, but there are five $100 bilis.
6. Your new car has a lot of problema» You
have to take it to the mechanic often,


Pialogs Advice and Suggestions

1. Greg: What should I do for my 30th birthday?

Paul: You should have a big party with all your friends!
Greg: That advíce sounds good, but thal's a lot of work,
Paul: Well then, you could just go out with your friends to a níce restaurant.

2. Jane: Should I buy a big dog? I want to be safe in the city*

Sally: Do you have a house with a farge yard?
Jane: No, 1 have an apartment,
You shouldn't get a large dog. Maybe you could get a small onu.

EXERCISE In pairs, complete the dialogs wjth advice or suggestions.

Dialog 1 Dialog 2
S,: Should I buy new íurniture for S,: Should I fix my car, or just scll it
rny apartment? and buy a new one?
S,: Yes, you should. S¿. How oíd is your car?
S,: What should I get? 111 be here S\: It's nine years oíd, but I really
for only one year. eryoy driving it.

Dialog 4 Write one with your partner.

Where should we go for lunch? S,;
We could try that new
I heard it's not good. We
ghouldn^ eo there.
we coul go to MD and eat

ok. we go there.
Writing Dictation

Listen to the paragrapk and write wJmt yon hear.

Listeni ng What's the topic?

Yon will hear tíirec phdiie calis tñAnnie'x radio ¡alk show. Lisien and wriie the probtem (or
topic) ofeach cali, using only oric or dúo words.

hihh rent

short pants

3. remember peoples names

Grammar Adverbs of manner with -íy

Rose is an instructor in ¿i drivíng

school. She teaches people to drive safeJy.
First, the students must read their driving
book carefully and takc a test. Almost all of
her students study and pass the test easily.
Then they can Icarn to drive on the
road. Last year Rose had one very had
Btudent. He was young and read his baok
carclcssly. He díd badly on the test, but he
passed. On the road, he did not drive
slowly. He always drove fast. He no ver
learned to drive well and did not gradúate
from Rose's school.

V Add -ly tomany adjectives to make adverbs: safe+ ly= safe/y.

EXERCISE A Complete the chart with adverbs and verbs from the text.

Number I is an


1. safe safely iv^ safely

Carefully read carefully

2. careful
easily past easily
3. easy
carelessly drive carelessly
4. careless

5. bad badly drive badly

slowly drive slowly

G, slow

BONUS: Find the adverbs for these adjectives in the text.

fast drive fast

7. fast

8, good well drive well

EXERCISE B Underline the adjectives and circle the advertís.

1. Frank is a slow mechanic.

He works sLowly
2. They are bad soccer players,
Thcy play badly.
3. Ed &ave the corred answer,
Ed answered correctly.
4. You are a good student
YÍIU study wftll and lt?am easily,

NOTE: Adíectives describe nouns: Sng is a safe driver.

Adverbs often describe verbs: She drives safely.

EXERCISE C Change the adjectives to adverbs and write sentences.

Niífiíber 1 is an example.

1. Pete is a careless barber

He works careleesly.

2. Mrs. Joy is a careful sccretary.

she works carefuly

3. Lt Hunt is a bad speller.

he speller badly

4. She answered the easy question.

she answered easily

5- Bonus: We are fast ninners.

we run fast

6. Bonus: I am a good cook.

i cook well

EXERCISE D Complete the sentences with nouns.

'** An adverb of manner usually follows the verb ii describes.

Jim cocks careleeely.

V Sometimes other words are belween the adverb and tts verb.

h¡s meáis

Jim cooks ca relees ly.

1. I often eat my fast.

2. We should review our carefully.
3. Can you play
4, Why is she doiogher so slowly?
5, That man parked his carel essly
6, Did I answer the correctly?
7, I think he repaired the badly.
8, Why do you drink so fast?

EXERCISE E Change these adjectives to adverbs.

Look backat the chart in Exercise A fnr the speiling change in odjeclives that enáin -y.

1. angry
2. clear
3. excited
4. happy
5. himgry
6. sleepy
7. Lhirsty
EXERCISE F Write the adjectives and the adverbs in the correct blanhs.

1. clear I seo the plañe clearly because

clearly the sky is clear

2. hungry Is Anna hungry

hungrily She's eating hcr food hungrily

3. happy The Httle girJ sang _happily because

happily she was happy

4. excíted The players sounded excitely

excitedly They talked excited

5. sleepy Mary is watching TV sleepy

sleepily She looks sleepily

6. angry The bosa sounds angry

angrily He is speaking-angrily

7. thirsty We were very thirsty afterthe game.

thirstily We drank thirstily

*** Use adjectives, not adverbs, afler these linking verbs: look, sound, feel, taste, smeíL

EXERCISE G Complete these questlons with adverbs of manner.

Use fidverbs from ExerciseA and Exercise F. Then ask another siudent your qtiesltons and
circle Y for yes or N for no.

1. Do you play soccer

ccer ? Y N

r drive -> v N

mrmou 9 V N

4. Do you like to walk

waJk •? v N
5. Do you often eat •? Y N

6. Will you sleíjp tnniffht^ Y N

7. Did you study vpatprHav? Y N


(3ra m mar Using How in questions about manner

Lt Keller w rites fast.

Does Lt Keller write fast?

How doea Lt Keller write?

%* Use How In questions llke other questlon words: What, Which, When, Where, etc.

1. Sara: How's your exercise class going?

Jill: It's going well. I feel better and healthier.

2. Ken: We had a test, but you arrived late to class. How did yon finish?
Ted: Well, I had to work very fast, but I think I answered correctly.

3. Lt HíLl: How's your oíd car workíng?

Lt Lake: It's not working welL It needs a lot of repairs.

EXERCISE A Complete the questions with fíoivand the verb in the answer.
Nurnber 1 i$ <tn example.

1. Chuck: Howdldyou do on the test?

Mark: E did bydly. My score wa¿ only 73.

2. Bill: how will you drive with a braken hand?

Pam: 1*11 drive veiy carefully.

3, LtHill: how did the major speak at the meeting?

LtLake: The majorspoke angrily.

4. Eric: how did your boys play last weekend?

Joc: My boys played well. They won three garúes.
how did you sleep
5, Ann: this week?
Rose: I'm not sleeping well this week.

6. Frank: how does your new stove work?

Amy: Our new stove works well. We like it a lot.
EXERCISE B Ask and answer questions with Howabout ihcac things.

Work inpairs or smutl grvups. Make questions for yaur fMirliierís) with verbs frotn (lie ít'ff
box. AnKwe''your parínerísf with tzdverbs fi-om lite right box.

walk sJeep play socccr >aaiy

dance cook sing e al carelesaly
study write read easily
speod money draw oxcrciso aafely
park rcvieiv drive

I spend it fast, but I buy

nice things for my wife.

I spend my money
cavcfully. I like to buy
books and clothes.

Writing Expanding paragraphs

Ruad the ptinjgraphs jtrxí. Thcn rewrite them by addmgone word or phrase frota each
iiitinbered box to íke space irt íhe sentence with the -tome twmhei:

1. O e O O 0 O
fast fast bifl safely often I thínk
good well difficult carefully usually Iguess
careful correctly interesting every day sometimes I'm sure

Monthly Report
Sgt Fox is a O mechanic, T like working with him bccause he ca» repair anything €
He spends his time well and he enjoys O work. He cleans his work place O. At the
end of the day, he 0 looks tired, but O he likes his work.

2. O 9 O o 0 0
big new well Yesterday Ithink
small young often Last weck I guesa neít
difficult careles s carefully Two days ago I'm sure

Dear Annie,
I have a O problem with my © rooniniüte. 1 like to clean the apartment O, but she
like to help. O, I told her to help me, but 0 she forgot. What shoulci I do 0?
Tired Roo zuñíate
Reading Scanning ads in the yetlow pages

1. Which garage has longer hours?

2. Which garage has two addresses to choose fram?

3. What does thc Álamo City Rcpair Contor ad aay about credit tarda?

4- Do both ads say their garage will loan you a car?

5- Whidí garage's ad doesn't say it fixea trueles?


Listening Following directions

Look at the map. Look ai the key. Non?, Listen ío the directions. Wnte íhe letter ofthe buüding
next to ¿ts ñame in the key. Títere are more buitdings on the map thon in the key.

Míller Avenue

vlount Ave. £


Westwood Avenue

Winn Ave
Balway Orive

b f
Home Grocery store
g e
c d

Selttct the bf!st answer.

1. Jack likes to help his friends because he them,

a. cares about
b. lends
c. repairs
2, I drupped a heavy book on my foot and it.
a, excíted
b, hurt
c, parked
3, Etoger üked tho movió, but he the music in it r
a. didn't care for
b. didn't go tmt
c. toJd a íie
4. Yciu inust not drivc on the highway.
a. safeJy
b. well
c. slowly
5, doea your brother drive his car?
a. ShouM
b. How
c. Maybe
6. Tonight, my husband and I are ., We want to see a good movie.

a. fixing
b. hurting
c. going out
7. Greg wants a big with many friends for his 40"1 birthday.
a. atory
b. party
c. tool


8, I didn't líke Bill's new car, but I didn't tell him. I didn't want U> __
a. care abouthim
b. hurt his feelings
c. tell him a story
9. We need to be at the airport early tomorrow morning. I _ we should leave
a. guess
b. tell
c. enjoy
10. What do you thínk about the new schedule? What's your _ ?
a. party
b. opinión
c. truth
11. Tony is late, but - he'll arrive in a few minutes.
a. should
b. how
c. maybe
12. Jean: Excuse me. Can you tell rae _ , pleaae?
Matt: Sure. It's 6 o^clock.
a. the time
b- the truth
c. a secret
13. Where should I _ the car?
a. park
b. guess
c. hurt
14, Ms, Obita _ her children and husband.
a. goes out
b. repairs
c. carea for
Grammar Moda/ Review

expresa ability and 1 can swim a mué.

100% possibility Yon can drive to New York from kere.

can ask for and Can /May I use your ceti phone?
may give permission Yes, yon can I may use it.

will We'll wash the car tomorrow.

expréss future
be golng to He's going to leave nt 3 p.m.

may expresa 50% ímayga hínne early because 1 feel sick.

might possibility I might swirtí with yon ínter. I'm not sure.

must say somethingis You must arriue on time at work.

have to necessary or required Yon haue lo go to work every day.

say somethingis
must not
forbidden We must not smoke in.$ide.

'* Only must changes its purpose ¡n its negativa form must not

EXERCISE A Match the sentences that are similar in meaning.

b 1. 1 may go to the beach later. a. Are you able to repair it?

2. Ihave toreturn my book. b. I might go,
e 3. I'm goingto take abreak. c. You can choose.
f 4. Can I use your pent please? d. Don't break the law.
a 5. Can you fix my car? c. Til stop working for a short time.
6. You don't have to stay hera £ May I borrow it?
d 7. You must not park here. . T must do it.

EXERCfSE B Match each sentence with a purpose, Write the letter.

1. a Smith can play soccer very well,

r • *-

2. b Can I borrow your tools to fix my car?

a. expresa abiiity or
100% possibility
3. e We nave to takc the test today.
b. ask for or f
4. You most not smoke inside.
give perrniasion
5. c They'regoingtoeat at noon today,
c. express future e
6. All students must wear uniforms.
d. express 50% 7. b You may use my telephone.
possibil Ety c
8. Will the train leave soon?
e. say something 9. d We msy have a new teacher soon.
Es necessary
or required 10. d I might go to París.
11. e Do we have to clean the barracks on Sunday?
f. say something
is forbidden a
12. T think we can buy luggage in that store.

EXERCISE C Write a new sentence for each purpose Usted in Exercise B.




EXERCIGE D Match each sentence with a purpose. Write the negative moda te,
Nií/nber 1 is on exompfe.

1. i We can't drive to Houstoo in just 2 hours.

2- You may not borrow my car.
3, d My brother migkt not come tonight.
4. e She doesn't have to bring her book to clase.
5, c . Weürcfi'ígo¿fig¿obuynewdothes,
6. They don't kaw to work on weekends.
7. a The new barber can't cut hair wolL
8 c The airplane worit leave on time,
9. a The rules say privates can't Icavc the base.


a. can't express inability or impossibility

b. may not deny permission

c. going to exprese negative future

d. might not expresa negative possibility

e. have to say something is not necessary or required

EXERCISE E In groups, compare these sentences and their purposes.

1, Sally may buy a new house.

Sally wilJ buy a new house.
2, Sgt Hicks can't play soccer.
Hicks isn't going to play
3- May I study for the test in the library?
Do I have to study for the test in the library?
4. We have to leave now.
We don't have to leave now.
We must not leave now.


A trip to New
VQCABULARY: Aletter 85
Gelttng ready to go - - 86
A gas station 87

GRAMMAR: Using adjectives + tkat 88

READING: Scanning 91

VQCABULARY: Checkingin 92
At the restauran! 94

GRAMMAR: That noun clausea 96

Using apologize for + ing. -- 98

DIALOGS: Apologies 100

WRITÍNG: Sentences and paragraphs 102

READING: Tópica, titles, main idea 104

LISTENING: Topics 106

Preview What's newín Lesson 4?

Nouns Verbs Other words
alarm dock Despertador apologize ífor/tot almost Casi
baggage Equpaje bathe Bañarse empty Vacio
bath Baño 511 (up) llenar tanque full lleno
bathtubBañera forgive —* forgave Perdonar hard Dificil
bilí Bllete/factura hang -* hung (up) Colgar pleaaed Satisfecho/complasido
blanket Manta/sabana hope (to) Esperar signoficarrcady Listo/preparado
closet Armario mean -' meant íto) realmente
end Final realize Realizar so Entonces
Quedarse sin Blando
gas/gas oline Gasolina run * ran out of soft
gas station Estacion spill Derramar sorry Lo siento
gauge Indicador step (on) Pisar worried about Preocupado por
hanger Gancho de ropa take a bath Tomar un baño do the laundry: lavar
lady Señora worry Preocupar
lad i<.- roorn Baño de mujeres
laundry Lavanderia
men'a room Baño de hombres
motel Motor hotel
pillow Almohada
restroom Baño publico
sheet Sabana
tank Deposito


I'm aorry (that) I broke the chair. Apologíze and respond lo apologies,
I think (that) the weather's nicc today. I apologize for being late.
Saín is apologizing fcir dríving carelessly. Fm sorry Tm late.
Please forgive me.
Please excuse me.
That's okay,
That's all right.
No problem.
Dün't worry ebout it.

Vocabulary A letter

John got a Icttcr in the mail from his sister.

nfitwritíng t sooner . Fizase for

to u/rit-fl befare, but i didn't

Mary? i hope thát y^ii ara

thatyflu rjall^d ue last month

want tg geg ou an¿J Mar

EXERCISE FUI in the blanks.

1. I meant to cali yon, but I didn't have time.

2. We worry about our kids when they travel.
hope : Please forgive me. I forgot to tell you.
meant to 4. Did you apologize _ for breaking the window?
i ¡i
pleased 5. She was so pleas when fihe ¿*aw hor friend. complasida
tu* • '
6- I hope that the weather will be nice tomorrow.
Vocabulary Getting ready to go

John wanttsd to drive to New México

to visit his aister. He talked with his wife,
Mary. Mary wantecl to visit John's sister,
too. She also hoped to visit White Sancis
in New México. John was happy that
Mary wanled to go. That iiighL, they did
their laundry and packed their suitcasea,
They also called and made motel
reservations, They wanted to drive from
San Antonio to New México. They hoped
to visit Júhn's sister and also see a
beautiful place in New México.

The next morning, the alarm clock woke John and Mary up early. They had
a good breakfasl and put their baggage in the car They were ready and began to
drive to New México.

EXERCISE Read John and Mary's checkJist.

Check (i/) the things John and Mary did before their írip. The flrsí one i$ done for yon.

x pack suítcases
x motel
buy foodfortrip
turn on alarm clock
x eurtcases in car
Vooabulary A gas station

John and Mary started their trip with

g full tank of gaaoline, After 5 honra, John
looked at the gas gauge. He realized that
the tank was almost empty He didn't want
to run out of gasoline. He needed to fiJl up
the tank at a gas station. Ten minutes later,
he was happy that he saw one. At the gas
station, John asked the man, l£Where are
the restroQms?"The man. said, "The men's
room is on the left, and the ladies' room is
on the right," John thanked the man and
paid for the gas with his credit card. After
they left, John wasn't worried about the gas
any more.

EXERCISE Listen. Write the sentence numbers under the corred gai iges.

7 6
A. 2 4 B. 2 5 C. 5

D- 2 8 1 3
(3ra mmar Using adjective + that

Tom: Hi Bob, I*m pleased that you carne to my party.

Bob: I'iu happy that I carne too.
Tom: Tim isn't here. Is he angry that I didn't cali him?
Bnb; No, he isn't upset that you didn't cali. He's busy,
Tom: í tbink that he'll be sorry that he didn't come.
Bob: I think so too, but I'm glad that I carne.

I'rn (that) tlie wealher changed.

*** Use the that clause as the cause for the adjectlve clause.The word that Is optional.

EXERCISE A Match the two c Ja uses.

Number 1 is an examplc. More thfin. on? (inswer is

1. I'm glad that a. wc forgot to invite you?

2. h Is Scott excited that b. their children didn't cali?
f c. I lost his book.
3. We weren't sony that
4. a Are you upaet that d. T'm on vacation,
5. Tom wasn't angry that e. you can visit us.
6. I wasn't pleased that f we told them the truth.
7. e We're happy that g. my plañe was late*
8. Were they worried that h. he is graduating?


EXERCISE B Rewrite the two sentences Into one sentence,
7 is aií eyample.

1. The gtudents didn't nave a test. The/re happy.

The StudentS are happy that they di¿Jn't have a test.

2. Hu gave you a gift. Were you glad?

were you glad tha he gave you a gift?

3. Theyrau out of gas. They weren^t pleaaed.

they weren´t pleased that they ran out of gas

4- We didn't do cfur homework. The teacher is angry.

The teacher is angry that we didn´t do our homework

5. She lost her ticket. Is she upset?

is she upset that she lost her ticket?

6. Her friend is late for diuner. She isn't worried.

she isn´t worried that her friend is late for dinner

EXERCISE C Complete the sentences.

Number 1 is ati example.
1, Tmhappythat tomorrow ifi Saturday.
2. are we glad that our class will end tomorrow?

3. He's angry that the bus not arrive

4. the weater is it ísn't snowing.

5. They're upset that

6. Tin having salad for dinner.

7. WeVo cxcited that

8. she was late to class?

EXERCISE D Choose an adjectlve and make a sentence.

Haue yaitr clftñfaiíates make sentences wiíh the same adjectiue.







I'm happy that

tomorrow is Fra happy that I'm happy that
Saturday. we'll be on break. it's sxinny today


Reading Scanning

Read íke (¡u^ytwng and íftéBSíWl í^ee Z£íí /br J ^mute tofmd the answers.

A. Motel ad

1- Can you swim at this motel?

2. Does the motel have a restaurant?

3. Which city is the motel in?

4. How can you make a reservation at this motel?

E. White Sands information

1. Can you visit White Sands in tiie evening?

2. Can you visit White Sands on Decemher 25?

3. How much is a ticket for a child?

4. What is the nearest city to White Sanda?

Vocabulary Checking in

John and Mary arrivcd at a motel in

Alamogordo, New México. They filled out
a hotel registration card, and the lady at
the front desk gave them the key to room
120. John asked her, "Do you have a
restaurant at the motel?" The lady said,
"No, Fin sorry. We don't have a restaurant.
But there is a restaura nt across the
They found room 120 and went in r
They liked the roüm, The bed had clean
aheets, soft pi]lows, and warm blankets, There was a blg soft chair near the TV and
a hard chair at a amall desk. Mary was pleased that the bathroom had a big
bathtub. At the end of the day, she likes to take a hot bath, John lookud in tlie
closet. Thcre were only 3 hangers. He called the front desk on the room telephone.
"Excuse me. There are only 3 hangers in room 120. We can't hang up our clothes."
The lady said, "I apologiae. I'll bring more hangers in a few minutes."

EXERCISE A FMI in the motel registration card.

TEXAS White Santls Motal

iNi ot
W I K.-


DOB:0?-25« KT: S-Ofl
EXPIRES: 10-25-D7 nYtb: BHN
EMD: Address
100 E. MAIN ST

Driver's I icen se


EXERCISE B Label the things ín the plcture with new vocabulary wortis.
Use OH adjecíive with the neic word iike Che example.

warm bfanket

EXERCISE C FUI Intheblanks.

ii » I -
ri • •
iI r
1. We hope to travel to Europe next year,
i I ti
i ii < bathe 2. The weathev is cold at tln 1 end of Dccembcr.
F • <
r J '

Mary likes to bathe before she goes to bed.

• • • •

end 3,
- , --
full 4. It'a really cold outside! I need a warm coat,
hope to 5. She'sworried about her children because they're late.
- ri
r - »i
6. Don't be slow! It's almost time to leave.
worried about
7. The gas tank is full ; I don't need any gas.
Vtocabulary At the restaurant

At the restaurant, John and Mary had

a late dinner, They were really hungry,
They ordered a big meal and iced tea to
drink. When he brought their food, the
waíter spilled John's iced tea. "Oh, I'ra
sorry. I spilled some tea on the floor, Please
don't step on ít." John said, "That's okay
Don't worry about it" Afler dinner, they
paid the bilí and walked back to the motel.

In the motel room, John and Mary

were so tired. John was glad to sít down
and watch TV. Mary was so happy to bathe m the big bathtüb. The next morning,
they hoped to see White Sands and then drive to visit Johnk siater.

EXEFECISE A Answer the questions.

1. Where did John and Mary go from the motel?

the restaurant
2. How did tfiey feel?

3. Did they have a small meal?

they order a big meal
4. What mistakt- did the waíter make?
5. Was John upset about the waiter*s mistake?
no, he upset
6. What did they do after dinner?
paid the bill and walk to the motel
7. How did they feel in the motel room?
they were tired
8. What did John do in the motel room?

9. Did Mary take a showcr?

no she didn[t
10. What did they hope to aee the next day?
they to see white sands

EXERCISE B Write all the verbs you can use with each noun.
Niíntber 1 is an escamóle.

get i n do hang up get drive to run out of

fillupr go to use tura on look for

1. aet. \ook for. turn on. use an alarniclock

2. fill up, use a bathtub
3. use, get, run out of gas
fill up,
4. a gas tank
5, drive to, look for, go to a gaa ataticjn

6. get a hanger
7. do laundry
8. get in, go to, look for a íadies'
9. look for, use, drive to a motel

EXERCfSE C Match the verbs with the nouns.

Number 1 ¡san example.

1. ha ve abath

2. leave a bilí

3. pay dinner

4. spill drinks

5. atep on the floor

6. take televisión

7. watch atip
Grammar That noun cfauses

Pat: I think that the weather's nice today.

Jan: Yeah, it is. I guess that it'JI be nice again toinorrow.
Pat: Iheardthatit wasgüing torain.
Jan: Oh, I hope that it doesn't rain. We want to awim.
Pat: Did you forget that we have a test on Monday?
Jan: I forgot. I guess that 1*11 have to study tomorrow.

The weathvr's nicu tuduy.

I think íthat) the weather's nice today.

'»* Use a noun clause after the verbs in the box. i he word that la optional.

forget guess hear realize

leam think hope remember
see read know understand

EXERCISE A Rewrite the sentences into one senténce.

Number 1 is fin example.

1. The test starts at 10:00. Paul doesn't know,

that the test starts at 1D:ÜO.

2. Tomorrow is Saturday Did you íbrget?

. The new store is opening today, I remembcr.

4. The test will be difficult. Do you realice?


EXERCISE B Complete the sentences.

Number 1 is an

1. What do you think that _ the teachar will have on the test?

2. , her birthday is next week.

3- I guessed that
4. it will be sunny tomorrow?

5. They didn't hear that

6. you bought a new suit.

7. Do you realize that

8, the plañe isn'l arriving at 1 p.m.

EXERCISE C Start a sentence or complete one.

1 realize that this I don t thmk

grammar is not that FU swim
so difficult. this afternoon
I don t think
Grammar Using apologize for + ing

Waitress: I want to apologize for spilling

your iced tea,
John: Oh, lhat*H okay. Don't worry
about it.

apoTogize (to someonel for ínot) VERB + ing

EXERCISE A Wfite a sentence from the words.

Number 1 is an

1. waitrcss / apologize / John / spill / iced tea.

Tlie jvgitress apologfzed to John for spilling the iced tea,

2. I / apologize / teacher / be / late,

3. Jimmy / apologize / Mr Wilson / break / window

4. We I apologize / lady / not / retum / books / to the library.

5. waiter / apologize / thern / bring / wrong food

G. students / apologize / teacher / not / do / homework.


EXERCISE B Write a questíon frorn the sentences.

1. Sam broke Beth's clock. Did he apologize to her?

Pld Sam apnloflige to Beth for breaking her dock?

2. Mary will be late to dirmer. Will she apologize?

3. The waiter fiometimes forgets the menus. Does he apologías?

4. The student didn't do his homework. Is he apologizing to the leacher?

EXERCISE C Write a question and answer with apologize about the picture,

Number 1 ia art example.

1. 2. 3.

1. What ifi ha
• •• J mm-rm •• •J«_1_^^^F^
ta harfar?

Hñ i** apnlfi giíín^ tn h«r fbr hittina h^r with thfi J/inr.

Dialogs Apologies

Mary: T'm sorry Fm lato. I hopo yon didn't wait long.

John: That's okay. I arrived just a few minuLefi ago.

I'm aorry (that) I'm late. That's okay,

I'm late. Please excuse me. No problem.
Forgive me for being late. Don't worry about it.
I want to apologize for being late. That f sallríght.

EXERCISE A jVrite short diafogs with apologies about the pictures.

Nitmber I is an example.

A: JTm sorry I brokeyour difih. It was an a^dent

&: Pon't wnrry about it. It waen't expansiva.

teacher excuseme i didn do me homework

What is she apologizing for_

he is apologizing to her for hitting with the picture

EXERCISE B Work with a partner and write a longer dialog wilh apotogígs.
Listen to your teacher's instructions.
Writing Sentences and paragraphs

Write expended seniences by adding ote word frotn each column.

' r
L • •

1 1

big soft wann

deán large thick
warm Miia 11
EXAMPLE: The O room has a @ bed with © blankots.

The big room has a Eargg bed wíth expengíve blanketg.

1, o
young deán last
pleased dirty first
1 -

worried empty large

The O dríver used the 0 rostroom at the O gas station.

2. _ r i 0
tired hot late
sleepy cotd delicious
hungry sweet espensive
A O traveler is having a @ drink with his © meal.

EXERCISE Match the phrases in both columns to form sentences.

Then, utrite a paragrapk witk the sentences. The ftrsf sentence is done for yon.

1, Bob drove 5 houra a. the gas tank at a gas station.

2, He realized that the gas tank b. on the road to El Paso.
3, He íilled up c. was almost empty.
¿Jrove 5 houre Qfi the road to El Faso.

1. Tim and Beth had lunch a. sandwiches and iced tea.

2. They ordered b, on the floor.
3. The waitress spilled some tea c. for spilling the tea,
4. She apologized to them d, at a motel restaurant.

1. We checked into a motel a. there was one in the next block.

2. Ifilledout b. in the city of Alamogordo.
3. The lady at the front desk c. about a reataurant.
4. We asked the lady d. a motel registration card.
5. She remembered that e. gave us a key to room 50,
Reading Tapies, tifies, and main ideas

A. Many changos happen in the winter, The days get shorter and the nights are
longer. The temperatura is coldef, and it aften snows, The sky is often cloudy.
Trees lose their leaves, and sometimes lakes and rivers freeze in the cold
weather, Many animáis go under the ground to sleep. In the wintertime, people
stay insidc their houses a lot and wear heavy coats when they go outside.

1. What is the topíc of this paragraph?

2- What is the main idea of this paragraph?

a. Tt often snows in the winter.
b. The winter brings many changes.
c. Lakes and rivers freeze,
3. What is the best títle of this paragraph?
a. Get Ready for Winter!
b. Lakes and Rivers
c. Stay Inside!

B. Texas is a large state. It is the second biggest state in the United States, after
Alaska. Its síze is 261,797 square miles, and it has almost 22 mülion people.
Texas has 125 state parks, and millions of people visit the state each year. The
capital city of Texas is Austin, and other important cities are Houston, Dailas,
Fort Worth, San Antonio, and El Paso. To drive from Houston in east Texas to
El Paso in west Tesas takes about II hours.
1. What is the topic of this paragraph?

2. What is the rnain idea of this paragraph?

a. Millions of people visit Texas.
b. Texas has many cities.
c. Texas is a large state.
3. What is the best títle for this paragraph?
a. Drive across Texas!
b. Visit Austin, Texas!
c. Welcome to Texas, the Big State!
C- Almost all the pcople in the world use money to buy things they need. In other
times, animáis and cígarettes were used as money. In some places, they used
animáis' teeth, Today, we use coins and paper bilis for money. Coins are usually
small and round. Most have words, numbers. and pictures of animáis, buildinga,
or important men and women on them. The bilis also have pictures. In the US,
the color of money is green, but in other countries the bilis are many dífferenl
colors: red, green, blue, orange, and purple.

1. What is the topic of this paragraph?

2. What is the main idea of this paragraph?

a. People used animáis and cigarettes as money.
b. There are different kinds of money.
c. Coins and bilis are money.
3. What is the best title for this paragraph?
a. Colors ofMoney
b. Coins in Different Countries
c. Money - Past and Present

D. A long time ago, people líved in houaes that had only one room. The walls were
very thickh and there was no water or light. Today, housea are warm and light,
and they can be many different aizea and shapes, Many houses have Lwo or
three íloors. Houses today can have one bedroom or five bedrooma. There can
also be rooms to cook in (kitchens), rooms to eat in (dining roomsl, rooms to
relax in (family rooms), rooms to play games in fgame rooms)t and many other
binds of rooms. Today, houaes can be big or small, and short ortall.

1. What is the topic of Ihis paragraph?

2. What is the main idea of this paragraph?

a. Houses can be different sizes and shapes.
b. Sometimes houses have 2 or 3 floors.
c- Houses can have many rooms.

3, What is the best title for this paragraph?

a. Houses Are Not The Same!
b. One Bedroom or Five?
C. Houses tjf Texas

Listening Topics

Listen. Write the topic for aaeh parograpft.





EXERCISE A Select the best answer.
1. Mike spends a lot of when he goes downtown.
a. fine
b. end
c. casli
d. pillow
2. Drive slowly because this road has a big
a. curve
b. bilí
c. motel
d. ticket
3. Jack, what's your about the game?
a. hanger
b. opinión
c. cause
d- end
4. The Smiths have a lot of to take to the airport
a. light
b. tank
c. baggage
d. closet
5- Díd yon your homcwork?
a. forgive
b. realize
c. cause
d. complete
6. The atudents need to the street to go to school.
a. cross
b. worry
c- faaten
ti. apill
7. Ted, will the mechanic your car today?
a. fix
b. hope
c. ridc
d. run out of


3. At the of class we take a breakfor ten minutes.
a. light
b. end
c. form
d. tool
9. We're late for the flight. We need to leave
a. correctly
b. lose
c. across
d. ¡mmediately
10. The new bank is the post
a. behind
b. maybe
c. immediately
d. left
11. I didn't see Jim at lunch. he went home early.
a. Careles s
b. Easily
c. Maybe
d. Safe
12. The motel bed has a blanket, , and píllow.
a. card
b. shecl
c. faalt
d. story
13, Sam wants to some money into his bank account.
a, deposit
b. fillout
c. face
d, fix
14, Driversneed to drive a car in Texas.
a, place
b, park
c. signature
d. insurance
15. Mike told us a fimny about his graduation.
a. auto
b. slip
c. story
d. advice
16. Thesmall f redcar a red light at thc intersection.
a. buckled up
b. ran
c. cared for
d. spent
17, Jack wsnts tu Uve dollars for his lunch.
a. withdraw
b. obey
c. hurt
d. sound
18, What ? Did you nave an accident?
a. bothered
b. happened
c. hid
d. repaired
19, Jim's father doesn't
a. care for
b, ride
c, guesa
d. look
20. The waitress some juice on the floor.
a. deposíted

c. fastened
d. spilled
21. It's 11:50, It'll be time for lunch.
a, safe
b. soon
c. in front of
d, behind
22. The light doesn't work, and the room is very
a. dark
b. carefully
c. full
d. acras a
23, I don't want to stay at home tonight. Do you want to
a. break
b. go out
c. lend
d. hang up
24. The timéis 7:60. Iffl time for class at 8:00,
a. ready
b. carefully
c. at fault
25. I forgot my and I don't have any money.
a. lie
b. wallet
c. cause
d. gauge
26. The base gym is a good to exercise.
a. traffic
b. place
c. bath
d. truth
27. Sam his car near the school.
a, stepped on

c. parked
d. saved
28, Waiter, my cup is , Can I have some more tea?
a, empty
b. careless
c. sour
d, hard
EXERCISE B Choose a word Irom each box and write a sentence.
Nitmber 1 is an examplv.

look sound sraell taate feel

happy delicious good beautiful espeneive

1. Your new euit looke very





EXERCISE C Complete the sentences.

. Sho's studying because

2. because there's a lot fif t.raffir

3. Becauseit's cold today,

4. ., Til study tonight.
6. We'll go to the store because

6- because it's Saturday.

7. Because I don't feel well,

8. ., John went to bed early.

9. They lefb elass early because
10. because I don't have any money-


EXERCISE D Answer the questions with present progressrve tense.
Use tke words in parenlheses. Nitmber í is an exampie.
1. Where will they fly next week? (Chicago)
They're flying to Chicago next
2. What will you do all day tomorraw? (swim)

3. Will we visit Jan on Saturday? (no, Monday)

4. When is John going to arrive? (at 6 a.m.)

5. Who will you go with? (Tom)

6. Are Tim and Pam going t[j leave at night? (no, at noon)

EXERCJSE E Change the sentence to past progressive tense.

USR the words in parentheses. Numbcr í is (tu exampfe
1. Are you watuhíng a game on TV? (yesterday)
Were vou ivatchín^ --, r\:.\'\\>. on TV veste
2. 111 drive to the grocery store, (when I aaw the accident)

3. John doesn't play soccer, (on Saturday)

4. What are they eatíng fbr dinner? (last night)

5. Jan studied her lesaon. fon the weekend)

6, Are you reading the story? (when I arrived)

EXERCISE F Listen.Take notes and then lili in the box outJine.

EXERCISE G Change the sentence to use an -/yadverb.

Number 1 is an exatnple.
1, Fred is a slow swimmer.
Fred swime slowlv.
2. Tim and Pam are carefut drivers in the city.

3. Mary was a happy singer ai gradualion.

4. The twins were very good cooks on the weekend,

5. The new studenta gave correct answers in class.

6. After lunch, Bob is a careless worker.


EXERCISE H Match the clauses and write a paragraph.

1. On Friday John was driving a, didft't stopin time.

2. He stopped at the mterseclion b, and caused an accident.
3. The driver behind him c, for a red light.
4. He hit John's car, d, inust wait for the
5. Now John and that driver e, to the bank.

EXERCISE I Write a sentence with apologize for.

Numbcr I is an

1. Tim stepped on Pam*s foot at the dance.

Tlm apolo3i7^d to fam for stepplng on her foot at the

2. Jan borrowed her friend's book and lost it.

3. John forgot to cali Mary after work.

4. The waiter spilled water on our tahle.

o. The students were late to class, and the teacher was angry.

6. Ellen was smoking in the room, and it bothered Bob.

EXERCISE J Choose the best answer.

I , Gíreles are linas.

¡ like
b. similar to
e. dííTerent from
2. A pen is a pendí.
a. the same
b. diffcrent
c. similar to
3. A commissary is a grocery store.
a. like
b. the same
c. different
4. A quarter is twenty-fíve cents.
a. alike
b. similar
c. the same as
6. Pam and Jan have white houses with 3 bedrooms, Their houses are
a. a]ike
b. the same as
c. similar to
6. An orange is an apple.
a. like
b. the same as
c. different from
7. A pie is a cake.
a. altke
b. similar
c. different from
8. American footba]] is soccer.
a. alike
b. similar to
c. the same as


EXERCISE K Write an ¡ndirect command with Ask or Teít.

Nutnber I is an example.

L I want Sgt Jones to arrive 10 minutes early

Tell Sgt Jones to arrive 1O minutes early.

2. We wou]d like Pam to cali us tomorrow.

3- I want Lt Davis to bring the papera

4. We would like Fred to buy some cigarettes.

5, 1 want the soldiers to cióse the doors.

EXERCISE L Listen and write the paragraph.

EXERCISE M Report these commands with asked or toid.
Number 1 is an example.

1. General: Captain, report to my office.

_The general told the captain to report to h¡s office.

2. Teller: Sir, please fill out the bank fonn.

3, Tom: Bob, raeet me at the barracks at 1 p.m.

4. Ellen: Jan, tell me who telephoned.

6. Teller: Ma'am, please show your dríver's license.

6. Pam; Tim, please don't lock the back door.

7. Pólice officer: Sir, tell me which car ran the red light.

8. Father: John, turn off the }ight.

9. Teacher: Classt come to &chf>olon time.

10. Captain: Sgt Jones, give the soldiers the information.

EXERCISE N Rewríte the paragraph with correct punctuation.

my roommate bob carne into my room this morning he asked are yon going to work
this morning i said no i m not today is tuesday i have my language class today then
bob remembered that i have language class every tuesday he was sorry that he
woke me up when i go to work i get up at 6:45 when i go to class i get up at 7:30.

EXERCISE O Read the paragraph and answer the questioris.

Where do you want to live? When you raove to a new rity, you can choose the
place to live. Many people líke to live outside the city. Places outside the city are not
so crowded. There are fewer peoplet houses, Btreets, and storest but you will need to
drive longer to work. Other people like to live nearer to downtown. Places near
downtown are more crowded with people and cara, but there are also more stores,
movies, and restaurants,
1. What is the topic of this paragraph?

2. What is the maín idea of this paragraph?

a. New cities are very crowded,
b. You can choose a place to live,
c. Downtowns are the best places to live.

3. What is the best title of this paragraph?

a. Downtown
b. American Cities
c. Choose your Home]
EXERCISE P Rewrite the two sentences into one sentence.
Numbcr 1 ¡san exampíe.

1. The students will fly to Washington D.Q They are excited.

The students are excited that they will fly to Washington P.C.

2. Tim had to pay a traffic fine. He wasn't pleased,

3. They didn't meet their friends. Were they upset?

4. Eílen hurt Mary*a feelinga. Ts she ftony?

5. We're driving to Alamogordo. We're glad.

6- Jan's plañe is late. Are her parents worried?

7, Fred didn't cali Para on her birthday. Is she sad?

8, Johnny broke our window. We're angry.

9, 1 travel in the summer. Fm happy.

EXERCÍSE Q Listen. Wríte the topJc of the paragraph.


EXERCISE R Number the sentences in the corred arder. Wrlte ñ paragraph.

John ran over to help the drivers.

The fast car hit a taxi in the Íntersection.
John stopped at a gas station to ask for directions.
When he was talkíng with the man, he saw a fast car run the red light.
Finally, the pólice anived, and asked John about the accident.

EXERCISE S Read the paragraph, and write 5 que&tions and answers.

An accident happened this morning on Main Street. A white truck was

driving north on Main Street. At the íntersection of Main and 32nd Street, it turned
left and hit a small red car. This happened at 7:35 a,m. The pólice arrived, and both
drivers went to the city hospital. The pólice did not say wlso waa aL fault.



EXERCISE T Rewrite the sentences Into one sentence.

Niímber 1 i& an example.

1- They buught somethíng for his birthday. Did he guess?

Pid he guesa that they bought somethíng for hís birthday?
2. The bank will be closed tomorrow. We didn't learn that.

, Our parents will visit us. We hope.

4. We have a test today. Do they know?

5. The post office is open in the mornings. Does he understand?

6. Bob's plañe is arriving at 7 p.m. We didn't remember.

7. There's a new restaurant downtown, We saw that.

8, We'll finish cla&s early next week. Did you hear?

EXERCISE U Expand the sentenue with one word from each box.

oíd easily fast
new carefully small
young carelessiy expensive

The O méchame Q fíxed the © car.


EXERCISE V Read the Information, FUI out the check and sllp.

1. Fill out and sign a check to Mr. Davis for $25. Use your ñame and today's date.

(finir narne) 501

300 E, Main 20.
San Antonio, TX
Pay to the
order of


Western Bank
San Antonio, TX
1 I F n' - •
1 F - -•


2. Depoait one check for $45, one check for $25, and a $20 bilí, You want to get $3 in
cash. Use your ñame and today*s date. Your actount numberis Ü1020 577.


Western Bank
San Antonio, TX DOLLARS cEms
Sign here for cash TOTAL
. J j ?J h h i CASHBACK
Doposit to the account of: TOTAL DEPoarr
A^mmf Mn
EXERCISE W Wrile a q u es t ion with Howand an answer from the Information,
Number 1 ¡s an example.
1. Fred is walking home. He hurt his foot and doean't want to fsll down.
How \& Fred walkina home?
He's walking very slowJy.

2, Para is driving to work. It is raining, and there have been many aceidents.

3. Bob is answering the test questions. He studied and knnws al] the answers.

4. Jan is starting to eat her lunch, She has only 20 minutes tí) relurn Lo wcirk.

EXERCISE X Choose someone, anyone or both to complete the sentence.

1. We didnTt see someone / anyone at the mess hall.

2. Are yon waiting for someotte I anyone?

3. Did someone / anyone anrswpr the phune?

4. Is xnmetme í aayoíis in the building?

5. They didn't stay with someonc / anyone in New México.

6. Did you tell that story to someone / anyone?

1. Someone f anyortc was waiting at the gate.

8. We don't visit someone f anyone in Los Angeles.

9, Will someorie f anyone be at the post office?

10. Yes, someone / anyone will be there.


EXERCISE Y Write atívice with shoutdor shoufdn'L
Nuinber 1 ¿a an ttxample.

1. T w0ut to visit New Orleans, but I don't like to drive.

You ehould fly there on an a3rplañe.

2. My car ísn't working well, but I don't have money for a new une.

3. I like my bíg apartment, but the rent is expensive.

4. We need to study in the evening, but our barracks is very crowded.

5, Fred's new Job will start in 2 months, and hc's borcd in his apartmcnt.

6. Pam wants to talk often with her friend, but she líves in a different city

7, We like snow on Christmas day, but we seldom see any snow in San Antonio.

8, Jan wants to have an animal, but she doesn't like dogs.

9. I don't have to work today, and the weather is nice.

10. We want to eat lunch^ but don't have muth time.

EXERCISE Z Choose the íetter that best describes the sentance.

1. Bob asked for his mechanic'a advice about his car.

a. Bob will buy a new car from his méchame.
b. Bob's car ian't working well.
c. The mechanic will park Bob's car.
2. The driver of the sniall car obeyed the traffic lawa.
a. He huckled his seat belt.
b. He ran a traffic light.
c. He was driving very fast near a
3. Ellen will forgive her roommate.
a. Her roommate paid the rent.
b- Her roommate hurt her feelings.
c. Her roommate cooked a delicious dioner.


APPEND1X A Word List

could 3
alittlewhítelie 3 credit card I
accident 2 cross 2
account 1 curve . . ,2
acnm,,,. - -- 2
advice 3 dark
alarm clock 4 debit card .,
almost , - 4 dcnt
anyone 3 deposit ín)(v)
apologize (fbr/to) 4
atiault 2 easily 3
auto 2 empty 4
automobile - . .2 cnd., 4
B enjoy 3
badly 3 excitad .3
baggage 4
bath 4 face(v) 2
bathe 4 fast(adv) a
bathtub 4 fasu-ii 2
behind 2 fault 2
bicycle r ...2 feel-'feltílv) 1
bike '2 feelings 3
bilí (paper raoney) 1 fiJlout 1
bilí (statement) 4 filHupJ .4
bitter 1 finMn) 2
blanket 4 fií: 3
borrow 3 ftrgive -' forgave 4
bother 2 form IdocumentJ 1
brcak -• taroke .2 friendship 3
buckle (upt 2 full 4

card 1 garage 3
care abüut 3 gas/gasnline. - 4
care fnr. 3 gas station 4
careful 2 gaugc 4
careñilly 3 ge out -* went out 3
carelcss 2 guess 3
carelessly 3 H
cash |n)(v) ,1 hang -* butig (up) 4
cause (n)(v) .,, 2 hanger 4
checkhofik 1 happen 2
checking account 1 hard (not soft) .4
cióse an account 1 heavy traffic . , , , . . 2
closet 4 hide * hid 1
complete (v) 1 hupe (to) - 4
correctly 3 how (manner) . 3
hurt-' hurt 3 (u) ..... , . , ...... . ........ 3
hurt (HomeoiHí's) feelings -, 3 restroom .............. . ........ 4
ridf -* rodé ..... . ...... - ........ 2
immüdiatífLy 1 rider ....... .................... 2
in back of - ,, - -2 right ........................... 2
in front of. 2 right away ..... - - ..... ... ....... 1
in my opinión 3 right he re ...... . ............... 1
Information , . , . , , - 1 roommate ...................... 3
insurance. . .2 nin -* ron (pasa Ihrough) ......... 2
J run -* ran out (of) ......... - ...... 4
keep * kept ion) safe (adj) . ....... . ...... 1
safely 3
ludias' ruom ...... . ...... . - ...... 4 salty 1
lady ........................... 4 save .................... - ...... 1
laundry ........................ 4 BüLVJtttfi accoimt ........... - ...... 1
law ............................ 2 seatbett ........................ 2
Joft ............................ 2
lemon, . , , - ..................... 1 sheet . . , , - ..................... 4
lend -* lent .............. -, ...,, 3 should . ........................ 3
lie(n)(v) ........................ 3 signature ......... - ...... - ...... 1
light íiú(adj) .................... 2 similar (to) ...................... 2
look(lv) ........................ 1 slip (n) .................. . ..... ,1
lose -* lost ....... - .............. 1 slowly ............ . ...... - ...... 3
M smell (lv) ....................... 1
maybe .................. ....... 3 so (adv} ................. - ...... 4
mean -* meant (to) ....... - ...... 4 soft ............................ 4
men's rnom ..................... 4 sorneoue ........................ 3
motel . . , , - ...... - .............. 4 soon ..... - ..................... 1
N sorry .................... - ...... 4
not care for .............. ....... 3 sound (lv), . ....... . ............. 1
sour ..... . ..................... 1
obey ........................... 2
open an account ................. 1 sppnd -• spent ..... . ............. 1
opinión. ... ..................... 3 spill ........................... 4
step Con) ......... - ............. 4
park (v) ........................ 3 stop (n) ........................ 2
party . , , , - ...... - .............. 3 story ..... - ..................... 3
pasgport ................. ....... 1 sweet ................... . ...... 1
pillow ................... - ...... 4
take * took ....... . ...... - ...... 1
place (ti) ......... - .............. 2
pleased .................. - ...... 4 toke a bath ....... - ............. 4
take out (of} .................... 1
pole .......... ................. 2
tank ............. - ............. 4
pólice/pólice officer ........ - ...... 2 tatítt(Jv) ....................... I
R telJ -* told ísomeone) a lie / a secret/
ready a story / the time / the truth ........ 3
renlize ticket .......................... 2
really , toaL ,3
traffic, , . ,
traffic jam
truth ,
wallet .,,--,..
withdraw -* withdrew
worried abosit .


APPENDIX O Structure List
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^™ ""^


Adverb Conjunction because Jan went to the benk 1

becaase she needed raoney

Adverb Suffix -ly careftil/y 3

Adverb Manner She is walking slowly. 3

Adverb Interroga ti ve how How is he working? 3
íin what manner?)
Adverb Direct Object I'm happy (that) it'a Friday, 4
C lause predícate adjective +
thaí cfause
Adjective Comparison AppLes are different from
same, different, similar, oranges.
like, alike
Noun clause Direct Object I know (that) it's early.
mental activity verb +
that noun clause
Verb Present Progressive We are leauing tomorrow.
(future tense)
Verb Linking Verbs It looks expensíve.
be, feel, look, soutid,
í, taste
Verb Past Progressive HE was reading yesterday.

Verb Imperative (Indirectí Tell Sam to do it.

ask, tell + Indirect Ask Beth to buy it.
Object + Present Active He tola Sara to do it.
Infinitive Sbe asked Beth to buy it.

Modal should He should go to the doctor.

Verb Modal could You could leave early.


v> ~
en 5 f-r S 3


N 3 — üa E s

ro m
APPENDIX D American English Sounds

English is not spelled phonetically The same sound is spelled several difierent
ways. For this reason it is helpful t" assign sepárate symbols to each sound. The
following is the International Phonetic Alphabet UPA) systern. Twcnty-four (24)
consonant symbols, eleven (13) vowel fíymbols, and five (5) symbols representing
diphthongs are used to represent the significant sounds of American English.
These charts are only aids and not lo be memorized. However, the students muat
be aware of the different sounds represented in these charts. They must be able
to recognize and repeat them accurately

Symbol Examples Symbol E xa m pies
/i/ he h meet, teach, diief /P/ past, stop, put, paper
/i/ in, is, sit, big /b/ hed h baby, barher, lab
/ei/ dayf make, train, veín, steak /t/ take h sent, ten, genlle
/£/ met, let, said, bread /d/ date, student, do. hard
cash, half, laugh, liand /!(/ car, chemical, recorder, book
father, far, heart, pot, nol /gf gas, eggs, dog, cigar
all, sawh bought, caught /m/ arm h my, number, froni
go, know, coat h tow, polc fr\f no, line, find, noon
/u/ book, took, goodr should ff]f eing, long, wrong, rank
/u/ food, blue, blewh dü h soup Í\Í wellf laboratory, nlwEiys, Jet
W cup, son, sun, cnough /T/ read, cutirse, frr. write
/ai/ I, uíce, tie t buy, by, writc /f/ farmer, affirm h phone, laufíh
/^t/ noise, btjy, point, oil M very, give, live, seven
/au/ out, now, town, mouth /G/ thank, Thursday, bath, north
/a/ ago, alphabet, listen, student /O/ the, this, these, weather
/i/ her, bird, doctor, earn /s/ see, this, lesson^ lapes
/?/ zoro, rose, blows, dozen
/)/ ship, nation, should, push
/i/ pkasure, measure, usual
/h/ have, he, how, hot
/t[/ chair, teacher, picture, march
judge, bridgo, page, July
we, walk, wish, away
/j/ yes, you, yesterday, young
APPENDIX E List of Contractions

aren't - (are not) we'll - (we will / we shall)

can't - (cannot) we're - íwe are)
couldn't - (could not) we've - (we have)
didn't fdidnot) what's - (what ie)
doesn't - (does not) wherc's - twhcre is)
rion't - (do not) who's - (who ig/whohas)
hasn't - (has notj won*t - (will notj
haven't - (have not) wouldn't - (would nott
he'd - (he would / he had) youhd — (you would / you had)
he'll (he will) youll - íyou will)
he's - (heis/he has) you're - (yau are)
how'B - (how is) you've — (you have)
l'd - (I would/I had)
Til (IwiU/lshall)
Fm (I am)
Tve - (I have)
isn't - (is not)
it'a - (itís/ithas)
Lefs - (let us)
mustn't - (must not)
she'd - (she would / she had]
she'll - (she will/she shall)
she's - (she is / she has)
shouldn't - (should not)
that's - (that is)
they'd - ¡they would I they had)
they'Jl (they will / they shall)
they're - (they are)
theyVe - (they have)
we'd - (we would/we had)


APPENDIX F Spelling Rules for Regular Past Tense Verbs


talk talked
2 consonants CC
want wanted

2 vowele + 1 conso- WC repeat repeated

nan L clenn cleancd
W -ed playtíd
vowel •+• y play

voweí + consonant open opened

in a 2-syallable ve
word with stress on
first sy 11 able answer answered

Drop the -e circle circlud

consonant + e CE and add
-ed sil ave shaved

vowol + consonant VC stop stopped

in a l-syllable word
Duuble the
vowel + consonant and add occur occurred
in a 2-syllable word •ed
with stress on sec-
ond sy Hable prefer preferred

study studied
Change y to i
consonant + y Cv and add dry dried
try tried
APPENDIX G Patterns of Irregular Verba

LThree principal parts the same hit hit hit
quit quit quit
split spht - l>lu
bet bet bet
let Jet let
seL Bflfc aet
put put put
cut cut cut
shut shut shuí
bid bid bid
hurt hurt hurt
burst burst burst
coat cost cost
ghed ghed ghed
spread spread spread
Cflflt caat cast

2. Last two principal parts the

a. Final consonant change only have }jad had
make made made
build built buíH
bend benl bent
típend spenl s peni
gend gent gent

b-Vowel change only meet met met

read read read
bleed bled bled
feed fed fed
lead led led
light lit lit
slide slid slid
sil sat sat
shoot shot shot
hold held held
win won won
shine shone shone

find found íbund
wind wound wound
bind bound bound •

dig dug dug

stick stuck stuck
strike struck atruck

. Vowel change - Addition of -í or -d tileep ibltfpl slept

keep kept kept
creep crept crept
weep wept wcpt
thínk tliought Lhoufiht
l'Mll taught taught
buy bought buught
caten caugbt ciiugbt
fight fougbt fíjught
seek sought sought
mean meant meant
leave Icft left
flee fled fled
tell tnld Utld
sell aold snld
lose loat loat
hear heard heard
understand understood understood

3.Ttiree principal parís differ

a. No similarity be was been
EO went gone
do díd done

b. Vowel thangc - Addition of -n arise aróse aríse n

drive drove dríven
fly flew flown
ride rodé riddeti
riee rose risen

C- Vowel change - No ~n sing sang statg

ring rang rung
drink drank drunk
swjm swam swum
begin began bcgun


d. First and thírd vowels similar blow blew blown
know knew known
grow grew grown
throw threw thrown
njn ran run
come carne come
eat ate eaten
give gave given
see aaw seen
draw drew drawn

e. Second and third voweJs similar break broke broken

speak spoke spoken
choose chnae chosen
steal stoíe 9 tole n
tear tore tora
wear wore wom
swear sworc swom
bear bore bora
get got got (gottení
forget forgot forgotten



APPENDIX H Pu nctuati on a n d Capi ta I rzat i o n



1, Uae a period at the end of a ststement or command.

The pen and paper are on She íable.
Co ¡o the chaikboard and write your ñame.
2, Use a period after an abbreviation or an initial,
NOTE: Abbreviated military ranks do not require a period,
Feb. (February) Mr. Brown a.m.
Dr. Smtth {Doctor Smilh) Ms Ltttle p.m.
J. Jones (John Jones) Mrs. White Maj Johnson


Use & quefition mark after a question. Sometimes the question may be written
like a statement.
How many chitdren are in your family?
Hers here ioday?


an exclamalion mark aHer words, sentences, or expressions that sh&w excite-

ment, surprise, or emotion. Any exclamation, even if not a gentencet will end with
an exdamatioTí mark.
What a game!
Loofí OUtf
Wowi Qhl


1. Use quotüLion marks Lu show the words of a speaker. They're alwayg placed above
the Une and are used in pairs.
Johnsaid, "The commissarycSosesat2lQQhours today."
"Where are the chíldr&n?" $he asked.
2. If the words of the speaker are dívided into two partsÉ use quotation marks
around both parts.
"Do you," she asked, "go lo the iibrary after dass?"
3. Use quotalion marka around the tilles of chapters, articles, parts of honks and
magaztnes, short poems, short stories, and songs.
Last nighí, I read tne chapter "Grammar ts Easy" in our book. Then, ! read the articie
"Learning Engüsh"in the newspaper.


1. Use an apostrophe in contractions.

l'm she's they're
isnt aren't can't
what's where's Bob's
o'cfock (ofthe dock)
2. Use an apostrophe to indícate possession.
a. If t,he noun is singular, add-TB.
thegirí's coat
b. When the noun is plural, add—'s, if the plural does not end in R-
íhe children rs do¡hes
1he men's shirts
c. If the plural noun ends in 3, add only an apostrophe.
the boys' shoes
the librarles' books

F. COMMA (,)

1. Use commas to sepárate Ítems in a series.

We ate sandwiches, potato chips, and fruií íor lunch.
She tooked bebind the chairs, under the bed, and in the kitchen íor ber notebonk.
2. Use a comma before the conjunctions and, but, or, ñor, for, yet when theyjoin
independent clauses.
We iived in Venezuela for three years, and ¡hen we retumed to the United States.
Frank can speak Chínese wel!, bul he can't read it.
3. Uae a comma afler an introductor^ clause or phrase to sepárate it frorn tbe rest
of the sentence,
Atíer we study íhis book, we want to take a break.
Because John was sick, he didn't teke íhe test.
Looking up al the sky, fhe smatí boy suddenly ran home.
4. Use a comrna after words such as yes, noh wcll when they begin a sentence.
Do yon want to go to the tibrary? I didn't psss the test
Yes, ido. Well, study more.
5. Use commas to sepárate the words of a speaker from the reat ofthe sentence.
"Listen íome,"she said.
Jackasked, "Where'smylunch?"
"I üon't know," said John, T/ie answerto the question."
6. Use a comma in dates and addreaaes-
June9, J970
J43 Main Síreeí, Los Angeles, California


7. Use a comraa in figures to sepárate thousands.
5,000 (of 5000)

1. Capitaliza the first word of a sentence.
The boy stood up and walked outstde.
Youi boato is benind lije chair.
2. Capitaliza thc ñames of people, cities, atates, CGuntries h and
Mark Bilí Mar y Linda
San Antonio Chicago Houston London
Texas California Fiofida New York
Spain Untted States Canadá Venezuela
Arabíc Chínese Russian Engfish
3. Capitalize the ñames of schools, streets, buildinge, bridges, companies, and orga-
Defense Language Instituto University of Chicago
Main Street Empire State Building
Golden Gate Brídge Ford Motor Company
Genera! Motors National Footbaii League
4. Capitalize the days of the week, months of the year, and holidays.
Sunüay Monday Tuesday
June July August
Christmas Easter Thanksgiving
5. Capitalize titles and military ranks hefore ñames.
Gen Roberts Capt Smith Sgt Jones
Professof Land President Lincoln
6. Capitalize the prünoun"!/1
Ican't go withyov.
l'm happy to see yon again.
1. Capitalize the first word of every direct quotatiou.
She asked, "Can I sil here?"
"We satu hert* said John, "al tfte university."
APPENDIX I Transparency Mastere and Activity Photographs

The following masters may be capied for use with an overhead projector or as

Bank information; B9L1#1 151

Bankgraph;B9Ll#2 153
Car ad; B9L2 155
Garage ads; B9L3 157
Motel ad; B9L4S1 159
White Sands information; B9L4S2 161

Western Bank is changing its

address and hours starting July 18t 2004.
New Address
415 N. Sprlng Street
(next to the post office)

New Hours
Monday - Friday 8:00 - 3:30
Saturday 9:00-12:00

New Bank Accounts



Month—^ Jan Feb Mar

Numberof new accounts

Savings Accounts
Checking Accounts
New & Used
Cars &Trucks
We atso seit automobüe Insurance. W XX
See our fríendfy agení todayf y
^pe/íí hours: '
Monday - Friday: 9to5

OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 11963 Long LakeAvenue
Mon - Sat: 9 tO 9 Lakevllle, Texas
o Hn + c ^ "S™^ 4^
Suri! 10 tO 6 SmNesnorlholRiverCity

Big or little accidenta. Open Monday - Saturday
Careful work. Good prices. 7am to 7pm
WELCQME —.—.—- _-_ - -. Milton St.


We are the CAR CARE specialists. We

FAST can do all the repairs your automobile
needs. We can loan you a car, too!
FIX Open Monday to Friday: 8am - 6pm
GARAGE Two garages to serve you:
Get back in your car fastí
405 Poste r St.

20 minutes from White Sands

200 rooms with Motel has

• phone • pool
* color TV • exercise room
* refrigerator • laundry room
• free hot breakfast • free airport bus

Best inthe West Motel
900 White Sands Blvd
Alamogordo, New México
White Sands National Monument

US Highway 70/82
15 miles west of Alamogordo
New México


Opening hours
every day
Summer- 8a.rn.to9 p.m
Winter- 8am to6 p.m.
closed Christmas

Ticket pnces
$3.00 perperson
EXERCISE A Read the Information and ful out the check and slips.

1. FÍ11 out and sign a chcck to Dr. Johnson for $75. Use your ñamo and today's date.

Milton Hernadez
300 E, Main March 21 20.12
San Antonio, TX

Pay to the Seventy Five 75

nrder of $


Wefiturn Bank
San Antonio, TX
Milton Hernandez
for Dr. Johnson

2. Deposit one check for $75, one check for $35, and a $100 bilí, You want to get $10
in cash. Use your ñame snd today's date. Your account number is 01020 577.


Western Bank
San Antonio, TX
Tíflfp March 21 2012
- j
:;;:. '
milton hernandez 35
Sign hete for cash TOTAL 210 L ,

Deposit to the account of; TOTAL DEPOSIT 200
milton hernandez Account Nn 01020 577. .
3- Withdraw S80 from your savings account. Use toda/s date. Your savingñ account
number is 01020 580.

llM'Jlf U
Western Bank ' 11 - . i
!• I I . ,

PO Box 555
San Antonio,
4* f
TX Date March 21/2012
. l . l f * • !• J

I I | í « • » •
L . Jl 1h . 1

Eighty DOLLA1ÍS 80

Milton Hernandez Savingu Accimnt Nci.

01020 580

EXERCiSE B Fíll in the blank with a linking verb.

:aste sound ieeJ smell

1. They tirod bccause they moved furniture all day.
2. I taste the milk and it was sour.
The (lowers are bcautiful and they smell good, too.
4. How did the tape sound when you listened to it?

5. Are you sick? You don't look well.

6. The cake taste sweeter than the pie.
7, We didn't eat any lunch, and we . feel hungry.
8. What are you cooking? It smell
9. Clara sound excited when I talked with her on the phtme.
10. That expensive dress look beautiful.
EXERCISE C Change the sentences to present progressIve for future tense.

He'll eat lunch late today.

he is eating lunch late today
2. They won't travel to Chicago on Friday
they aren´t traveling to Chicago on Friday
3. Will yon travel to Canadá tomorrow?
are you traveling to Canada

4. Flight 04 isn't going to depart at 9

Flight 04 won´t go to depart at 9 p.m
5. She won't leave on Friday
She isn´t leaving on Friday
6. Are you going to drive to El Paso tonight?
will you go to drive to El Paso tonight

7. They will visit their family tamorrow.

they are visiting their family tomorrow

EXERCISE D Match the sentences and responses.

Number 1 ia an esample.

L _.g_ May I help you? a. I'd like 5 twenty-dollar bilis.

2. f Fd like to cash this check. b. You can fíll out a withdrawal slip,
S. a How would you like your caah? c. Flease sign the check on the back.
4. h May I see some Identification? d. There's a machine over there.
5. . b How can I withdraw muney? e. I want to put $90 in checking.
6. e How much do you want to deposit? f. Put your signature on this form
7. c Whidí form should I sign? g. Yes, I'd like to open an account.
8. d Where can I use myATM card? h- Here's my passport.
EXERCISE E Fill In the crossword puzzle on the next page.

Across 1. begin an account at a bank (3 words)

5. I want to my money and not spend it,
7. bank account to save money (2 words)
9, ñame, address, date, etc
12. now, very soon (2 words)
13. to write information on a form (2 words)
14. credit
16. I carry my in my pocket.
19. something to keep new checks in
21. withdraw Í2 words)
22. use your money in a store
23. to take money ouL of an account
25. The flowers good.
27, Potato diips taste ,
30. savings or checking .
31. Be careful; don't your wallet.
32. I sleepy.
Uoivn 2. account to write checks from (2 words)
3. Chocolate cookies sweet-
4. the ñame that you sign
6, pul money in an account
8. I have a new, one-hundred dollar .
10. very near (2 words)
11, You need a to travel to another country.
15, strong, bad taste
17. sour, yellow fruit
18. to change a check into money
19. to finish something
20. a paper to write information on
24. not show; keep secret
25. A lemon tastes .
26, The clothes expensive.
27. The music cassettes good.
28. 1 can't lose my money because It's in a bank.
29. small piece of paper to deposit or withdraw money
EXERCISE F Expand ihe sentences by adding one word from each column,

Write the expanded sentences on the Unes below.

1, O
tired sour
hungry aalty later
healthy sweet immediately

The O customers will eat the Q food

2. 0 O O
new sma.ll wül
1 llTN-Iü 1^1 iiy
iu nú

chocolate white don't

The O cookies on the @ píate 0 taste good.

EXERCISE G Rewrite the paragraph with correct punctuation.

last week mark went to the bank first he went to the Information desk he said
you help me please i want to open an account the clerk asked what kind of account
do you want to open a checking account he said she gave hirn a form he filled it out
and then he deposited $150.00 the clerk gave him a new checkbook now he has a
fí account
B3515H5J?B Wrile a paragraph. Select one word or phrase from each box.

The Captain open a checking account.

Ms. Joños cióse a savings account.

wanled to
The students ha ve a credit card.

My wife and I get cash.

He completed bank form.

She wrote information on slip.

They signed chodL
We inserte d ATM card.

a bank card him.

teller gave to
the money her
the slip them.
machine took from
the form US.

The capitan Wanted to open a checking account

Ms. Jones wanted close a savings account

he completed the bank form

she wrote information on the cheeck

the teller gave a bank card to him

the machine took the slip from them

EXERCISE I Write because in the correct blank.

Number I ib- an exampie.

1. geoause_ ifs raining, _ we won't play soccer

2. _ we'll gü to the parkbecause
_ it's sunny.
3. _ it's coldh _ ITL wear my jacket.
4. _ we must study because
_ thrrp'.s a t(?st tomcirrow.

5. _
because we don't have food, _ we'll stop at the grocery store.
because John's car isn't working, _
G, _ hell take it to n coechani
7. _ I must aee a doctorbecause
__ I don't feel welL
S, _ she'll use an alarm cJockbecause
__ she has to get up early.
9. _ they have a reservation, _ theyTI go to the aírport.
he'll go to the barber because his hair is long.

EXERCISE J Complete the sentences.

1. I'!! take an umbreJJa because , it´s running

2. i´ll go to buy a shirt because it's cheap,

3. Because the weather ¡3 nice, she going to the park

4. because the weather was ranny , he didiVtgo toschool.

5. He went to the store because he needed buy some thing

6- they didn´t go to work because they were tired.

7. Because her car isn't working, she will take it to the mechanic
8. because they didnt work , they went hom e early.

9. The students carne Late because they have a large test

10, he didnt eat fish because it didn't taste good,

EXERCISE K Number the sentences in the corred order. Write a paragraph.

3 Then, select checking or savings.

4 Next, push buttotis for your PIN numben
2 ATM machines show instructions,
1 First, put in your ATM card
Finally, select deposit or withdrawal.

Next, stand in line for the teller.
2 You can wíthdraw money from a bank account.
5 Finally, take the cash from the teller
4 Then, give the slip and show Identification.
1 First, flll out a withdrawal slip.

3 Next, fill out the bank forms for the account.

4 Then, sign the forms and show identification.
2 You can open a checking account at a bank.
5 Finally, take the bank card and checkbook.
1 First, tell the bank person that you want to open a checking account
EXERCISE L Choose the letter that best describes the sentence.

1. Pam walked to the ATM machine.

a. She needed to write a check.
b. She needed to withdraw some cash,
c. She needed to upen an account.

2. Tim signcd a check on the back.

a. He wanted to cash it.
b. He wanted to withdraw money from an account.
c. He wanted a new credit card.

3. The teller gavc May a form.

a. He needed some information from May.
b. He needed May's ídentificatlua.
c. He needed May's bank card.


EXERCISE A Fin In the blanks with the woids in the box.

caused place law behind

accident happened insurance obeying
ticket lights fine fault

I saw an on the highway this morning. The traffic

waa not moving near the of the accident. Pólice ofílcers were there.
They turned on the red on top of their cars. The accident
near a grocery store on Main Street. The young driver of a brown
car waa fast and careless. He was breaking the He waa
a yellow car, That car's older driver was careful and was
the lawr The young driver the accidenl. The pólice
said he was at and gave him a , Now he will haue
to pay a .His will have to pay for the accident.

EXERCISE B Hewrile the paragraph with the correct punctuation.

would you like to eat lunch with ellen jane and me we can meet at the library after
the fourth pcriod class we can go to the mexican rostaurant near the school il
belongs to janes family her fathers also the cook hes terrific the prices are good will
you come with us
EXERCISE C Rewrite the sentences with the opposlte of the underlined words
Yon may need io change other parís ofthe sentence, too.
EXAMPLÉ: Because David is a carelesg driver, he hes many accidenta.
Because David is a careful driver. he ¿Jogsn't hava many

1. The red car is ¡nfront of the green car.

2. Many drivers obev the lew.

3, Jira stopped at the red light.

4. The summer uniforma are dark green.

EXERCISE D Gírele the letler that best expJains the semen ce.

L Grace put on her raincoat before she left the hoase.

a. It was raining outaide.
b. It was evening.
c. She didn't like it.

2- Helen smiled when she saw Jim-

a. She was leaving.
b. She arrived early
c. She was happy.

3. Alex arrived late to work this morning.

a. There was heavy traffic.
b. Alex ate a big breekfast-
c. Alex likes fast cars.


EXERCISE E Rewrite the sentences with worcfs similar to those underlined.

EXAMPLE; The men in the red car waa at fault.

The man in the red car caused an accident.

I. Mrr Reed sells car5.

2. The post office is in back of the grocery store.

3. Jim fastena his aeat belL when he drivea.

4. Go across the street when the light is groen.

5, He usad his bicycle to go to the store.

EXERCISE F Change the statemenls to questions. Use the words ín ( ),

EXAMPLE: Jerry was h'stening to th^ radio, (a CD)
Jerry IfotenfMfl to a CP? _

1. The boys were watching a movie, (football

2, The driver was breaking the law, (obeying)

3, The people in the car were wearing seat belts, (on the bus)

4. Bill and Jane were walking in the park. íatore)

EXERCISE G Change the statements to questions. Use the words In ().

EXAMPLE; The doctor tütd Ed to exercise every day. (wet?k)

D\á the doctor tell Ed to exercíse every week?

1. The pólice told people to keep on driving around the accident. Ithemí

2. Linda's parents told her to come lióme bcíbre 11 p.m. (midnigbt)

3. You aaked me to give you a piece of paper. (pen)

4. The agent asked 113 to sign a yellow forni. ítakej

EXERCISE H Write sentences with the words like Ihe example.

EXAMPLE: autumn / not / same / winter

Autumn ís riotthe sarneag w\nter.

1. a penny / one cent / same

2. a gate / similar / a door

3. a circEe / difíerent / a square

4- apartments / barracks / not / same

5- midnight / same / 2400 hours

EXERCISE I Read the paragraph Write the topic and select the mam idea.

Many people practice one or two sports. Some people like tu play games Hke
volleyball, tennis, baseball, and football. These people like to play games in groups.
They nave fun when they can play with other people. But swimming and running
are sports you can practice wíthout a group of people. One person can practice these
sports. Many people like these sports bccause they can practice them at the time
they want to. They don't have to wait for anyone else. Finally, sports are good for
your health, both in a group or not.

a. You can practice sports in groups.

b, Many people don't like to wait for other people.
c, A person can practice sports with or without other people.
d. Baseball is a game you can play with a group of people.

EXERCISE J Match the phrases and write a

1. Ted was in a- a ticket and a small fine,

2, Also, he didn't have b. will be more expensive.
3- The pólice said that c. his seat bolt on.
4. Tedgot d. an auto accident.
5, Now his auto insurance e. Ted was at fault.
EXERCISE K Read the directions and complete the key.

Gran Streei
Doctoijs ofílce
TaK Síreet Gas sintió n
Grocery store

B Poat office
Lincoln Slreel
Bus atation
T North Adams Streat
r - . .
i i r F tj

I U Oíd Adama Si
< B

Adams Crrcle


1. YDU are at home on Adams Circle. Go east on Adams Circle and keep on around
the turn, Drop ycmr children offat the school on the córner of Adams Circle and
North Adams Street, Which buílding ís the school?
2. Now, go to the córner of North Adams Street and Penn Avenue.Turn ríght,
Dríve north on Penn to Grant Street. Turn lefl and stop at the building on the
right. You re at the doctor's office. Which building is his office?
3. After you leave the doctor's office, drive east on Grant Street. Cross Penn
Avenue and go to the first building on the right, Put some gas in your car,
Which building is the gas station?
4. After that, keep on driving east on Grant Street to the next building That's the
grocery store. Which building ís it?
5. After buying somc tilinga, go back west on Grant Street. Turn left on Penn
Avenue. Drive 2 blocks then turn right onto Lincoln Street. Go sbout a block
and stop at the building on thc right, the post office. Which building is the post
6. Next, drive east on Lincoln Strt?t?t and go across Penn Avenue. The bus statioa
is on your left. Which building is the bus station?
7. Finally, go weat on Lincoln Street. Turn leíl on Penn and drive south to Hank's
Restaurant. It's on the right. Which building is the reataurant?

EXERCISE L Numberttiesentences in the corred orderWrite a paragraph.

Afler breakfast, I check my books and papers.

The first thing I du every morning is make my bed.
Finalty, I leave for work.
After this, I get dressed and have breakfast.

When you want to rent a car, the firat thing to do ia cali for prices.
You can cali two or three car agenta and compare the pnces to rent.
Select the agent who has the right price and car for you.
Finally, go to the agcnt's office and pick up your car.
Reserve the car with the agent you want.
EXERCISE A Complete the sentences with words from the box.

1. Jack didn't tell the truth. He tolda

2. Henry and Ed live in the same apartment, They are
» • ! • ' • * '

enjoys 3. Alien has a prablem and needs some from us.

4. Chadlikes hisnew job. He it

friendship 5, Debbie luid me something, but sbe wants ünTy me to know it.
She told me a
6. Mr. Jones told us sorne interesting from his
years in the army.
7. Hey, Bill! I want to do something tonight Let's
8. Verónica and Mary like each other and do many things together.
ecret They have a good
stories 9. We have a big soccer game toimurow. Fin very
about it. Are yon?
10. Fred: Adam's not at his dcsk. Where is he?
Wíll: T don't know. 1 he's at lunch.

EXERCISE B Unscrambte and write these sentences and questions.

1. carefutly will I the lesson study.

2- can this who question answer

3. do slowly you walk always?

4. easily I English can't speak.

5- doesn't to drive like she fast

EXERCISE C Complete the sen ten ees with someone or anyone.

1. Didyoutell the secret?

2. No, I didn't tell
3. Do you know in the ncw class?
4. Yes, I know in my class.
5. Didyou visit _ in Houston last year?
6. No, I didn't visit there last year.
7. Will play tennis with you?
8- Yes, Til find to play with me.

EXERCISE D Circle the letter that best expíains the sentence.

1. Paula walked in the door and went to see the teller.

a. She went to a drugstore.
b. She wag at a bank,
e* She walked to the BX.
d. She wanted to see a movie.
2. Jim fastened In - -rat bolt.
a. He's in the mess hall.
b. He's st the gym.
c. He's at thebank.
d. He'sin a car.
3. Mona nccds to borrow money for lunch.
a. She doesn't have any money.
b. She ate lunch early,
c. She brought her lunch.
d. She brought a lot of money.
4. That policeman gave Rita a ticket yesterday.
a. Rita doesn't have a car.
b. Rita broke a traffic law.
c. Rita always drivcs carcfully.
d. Rita was wearing her seat belt.


EXERCISE E Expand the paragraph.

Read the emaif message ftrst. Then rewrite it by ndding one word from each numbercd
to the space with the same nitmher.

0 O e O 9 e
big like to often nice well oíd
military have to carefully young often. new
language want to every day interés ting every day lung

From: Language Student

To: New Frienri
T'm a atudent at a O school. I © ñtudy my lessous O. I have a(n) O roommate,
play soccer 0. I don't care for © movies, but I like to rcad books. Please write
and tell me about you.

EXERCfSE F UnderHne the adjective or adverb for each sentence.

1. Lt Fall looks excited f excitedly abüut his new jnb.

2. I1]] have to drive slow I slowly with my broken foot.
3. Will you review this letter careful / carefttlly for me, please?
4. Oh, you fixedyourTV? Is It working gootí f well now?
5. Did Gina get a new job? She sounded htippy í kappily on the phone,
6. Lisa wasn't kungry / kungrily for dessort after she ate a large meaL
7. fm happy / happdy with ray test acores, and my studies are gomggood /
S. He didn't answer many questions corree/ / correctíy.
9. Wt? aren't bad t badly soccer players, and we don't play soccer bad f hadly
10. She can draw beautiful pictures easy f easily.
EXERCISE G Wríte a paragraph.

Match the numbered phrases with the ietiered phrases toform sentcitces. Next, ivtitv a
poragraph witk the sentences.
1. Ms, Ritz,
1. I'm writingthis note a. to tell you my prnblem.
2- I can't take b. and needs my hetp.
3. My bruther is sick c. from cÉasfi for a weñk.
4. I wilí be absent d. the English test tomorrow.
Your student, JHM

1. Two months ago, Ben lent a, borrow money from the bank,
2- Ben neverasktxl b, his roommate, Jeff, some money,
3. Now Ben needs some money, c, Ben shoulddo?
4. Ben might have to d, but JefF can't give him any.
5. What do you think e, JtífT to return the money.
EXERCISE H Write advice with shoulüand shouldn'í.
Pick íwo of these prttblems. Foreach onc, ufrite a sentence with should and another with
a, Your roomniate brought a cat to Uve in your apartment.
b, Your mother ia very sick and needs you, but she lives ín another city,
c, You want to speak Engíish better.

EXAMPLE: Your brathcr needs money from you.

You should ask him why hg needs the mgngy?

You shoLjLdn't borrow money to hglp him.

EXERCISE I Write suggestions wiíh cotila.

Pick two ofíhesn probíents, For eack one, write íwo seatences with could,

a, You have a flat tire at night downtown,

b, Your tooth hurts, but it's Friday night.
c, You want to stop smoking.


EXERCISE J Put the soníences in ¿líder. Write the paragraph.

The méchame fured his car, but needed three weeks Lo do iL.
Two months ago, Lt Ellis had a car accident near his hnme.
He took the car to a mechanic.
He waa not hurt, but his car needed repairs.

EXERCISE K Circle the best answer.

1, I lent Sara my watch because she aaked to . it.
a. fix
b. borrow
c. loae

2r did you spend your money last month?

a. Which
b. How
c. Who

3. In my , the movie was horíng.

a. opinión
b. feelings
c. lie

4. Ms. Marsh likea her atudents, She them,

a. hurts
b, guesses
C- cares for

5. Speak carefully. You don't want to hurt your

a. opinión s
b. feelings
c. secrets


EXERCISE A Read the Information and fill out the slip.

Fill out the checking account depusit slíp. Your account number is 01020 345. You
want to deposit a $100 bilí, 75 cents in changeh a check for $150, and a check for $55,
Add these together in the correct box. Subtract $15 that you want in cash, FiJl in the
total deposit to your aavings account.

ir tt '• ' -


Western Bank
San Antonio, TX DOlJJLÜtí CENT8

b + • f '

Sign here for cash TOTAL

Deposit to the account of: TOTAL DEPOSIT

ArnmiTit W"n

. ..

EXERCISE B Choose the letter that best explains the

1. We are driving lo a gas station.

a. Our gas tank is full h
b. We are runningout of gas.
c. We filled up the gas tank a few minutes ago,

2. The waiter apnlogized to Tim and Pam.

a. Their food was delicious.
b. They ordered from the menú.
c. He forgot to bríng thcir drinks.

3. They hung up their clothes.

a. The room had a big, soft armchair.
b. There were hangers in the closet.
c. The lady at the front desk gavc them a room keyr
EXERC1SE C Write a sentence from the words.

1. young boy / apologize / us / break / glass.

2. you / apologize / friend / be / late?

3. motel lady / apologize / not / have / more hangers?

4. Tiro / not / apoEogize / me / lose / my book.

5. waitress / apologize / them / bring / dirty píate?

6. you / should / apologize / them / hurt / their feelings.


8- She / not / apologize / forget / his birthday.

EXERCISE D Write a sentence or question from the sentences.

1. Pam fnrgot to give the letter to Tom. Did she apologize to him?

2. You left their party early You didn't apologize to them.

3. The waiter didn't bring menus. He apologized to us.

4. They broke your TV yesterday, Did they apologize to you?

EXERCISE E Write a question and answer with apoíogize about the plctures.




EXERCISE F Wrile short dialogs with apologies about the pictures.





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EXERCISE H Match the plirascs in both columns to form sentences.

Then. write a paragr&ph with the seníences.

1. Tim and Pam check into a. and watched televisión,

2. Their room had a large bed b. in a big bathtub.
3. Tim sHt in a big, HUÍ! chair ü. with blankets and plllows.
4. Pam took a long, hot bath d. and drive back home.
5. They wíll check out tomorrow e. a good motel-

EXERCISE I Rewríte the paragraph with correct purictuation.

john and mary drove from texas to new mexico when they looked at their gas gauge
they saw that tbe tank was aimust empty they filled up their gas tank at a gas
station at the motel they checked in and went to their rnom it haíí a hig hed with
warra blankets and sofb pillows there was also a soft chair and a big bathtub they
liked the rnom

EXERCISE J Rewrite the two senténces into one sentence.
Number í is an example.

1. Our class will begin in January. We heard that.

that Our clase will beain in Januarv.
2. The new bank is open. Did you see?

3. The test is on Friday. I didn't remember.

4. The library is closed on Sundays, He understands.

5, There is no achool toraorraw. Does she know?

6, It will be sunny tomorrow. We hope.

1. Their plañe will depart at 1 a.m. They didn't learn that.

8. There is a football game tcmight. Did he guesa?

EXERCISE K Expand the sentence with one word from each column.

new largo not
fast small half
expenaive almost

The O car's O gas tank was © full.


EXERCISE L Readthe paragraph and answerthequestíons.

An interesting place to visit is White Sands in New México. White Sands is a

large área: 275 square miles, The military ases 60% of it, and 115 square miles ÍR
open to v¡3itors. White Sands National Monument is on U,S, Highway 7Q/S2,15
miles weat of Alamogordo and 52 miles east of Las Cruces. There is a road in the
park, and it takes 40 minutes to dríve the round trip.
White Sands is filled with beautiful white sand dunes, The dimes mave; the
fastest ones rnove 30 feet every year. The park is very hot in the summer, cold in the
winter, and has almost no water Some kinds of animáis with white skin or white
hair can live there,
White Sands ifí the biggest park in the world with this kind of white sand.
Thousandsofpeopletravel to New México to visit it every year.

1. Wliat is the topic of this paragraph?

a. parka of New México
b. driving in New México
c* White Sands

2. What is the main idea of this paragraph?

a. New México ia a large state,
b. White Sanda is an interestíng place.
c. Parks in New México are very hot in the summer.

3, What is the best title of this paragraph?

a. Viait White Sands!
b. U.S. Highway 70/S2
c. White Animáis of New México

EXERCISE M Number the sentences ín the correct order. Write a paragraph.

Afler 5 hours, they stopped to buy

Early in the morning, they began to drive.
Tim and Para wanted to visit San Antonio.
They packed their baggage and made motel reservations.
Finally, Tim and Pam arrived at the motel.

Tim and Pam took their baggage and went into the room.
Tim and Pam checked into a motel in San Antonio.
Finally, they left the room and lockcd the
They opened their bags and hung up their
The lady at the front desk gave them a room keyr

3. They both wanted the chicken dinner with iced tea,

The waitress brought the food and spilled the iced tea.
Tim and Pam went Lo a restaurant for dinner.
She apologized and cleaned up the iced tea.
The waitress brought menus and water for them.
EXERCISE N Rewrite ihe two sentences Into one sentence.
Nitmber I í.s ati example,

1. John moved to Texas, He's happy.

John's happy that he moi/ed to Texas.
2, We returned to class late. Is the teacher angry?

3, Her friend didn't visit her. She's sad-

4. Your family is late. Are yon worried?

5. I bought a new car. I'm glad.

6. They didn't go to the game. Are they sorry?

7. He's leaving early. Is he upset?

8. Wc lost our tickets. We aren't pleesed.

9. We're going to Europe. Our family 13 excited.



EXERCISE A Listen to the paragraphs and lili In the box outlines.

EXERCISE B Match the sentences wlth the pictures.

1. He inserís his
ATM card

2. He enters his
PIN number.

3. He selects checkíng
and withdrawaL

4. He takea cash
from the machine.

5. He filis out a
withdrawaJ sJíp,

6. He signs the slip.

7. He filis out a check.

8. He shows his

9. Theteller
counts the cash.

10. He puts the cash

in his wallet.


EXERCISE C Change the sentences to presen t progressive for futura tense.

EXAMPLE: Her friends will visit her tonight.

Herfriends are vísiting her tonight*

1. 111 amve before lunch.

2. Are they guing to fly to New York on Tuesday?

3. Will you have breakfast with your friend tomorrciw?
4. The train is güing to Icave at 5 p.m.
5. She isn't going to play aoccer on Fríday.
6. Will they drive to Houston tomorrow?
7. The bus wili arríve at 3:00 p.m.
8. Flight 06 will depart from Dallas tonight
9. The bus isn't going to come this aflernoon.
10. Theyll eat dinner at 7 p.m.

EXERCISE D Ful in the blank with a linking verb.

look tasto Minnd feel smell

1. It's very hot and the children thirsty.

2. Betty angry today la anything wrong?
3. This soup very salty,
4. The music , beautiful.
5. That suit. expansive. I want a different one.
6. Wc need to clean the refrigerator. Something bad.
7. He veiy sick when I talked with him on the phone.
8. I. tíred because I walkod 6 miles.
9. We the cake and it was very sweet
10. Do you something good in the kitchen? Whal is it?
EXERCISE E Complete the sentences.
. We'll goto the bank bccause

2, because the school is closed.

3. Becauseit's raining today,

4. ., Lhey wtsnt to the airport.

5- He went to bed early because

6. because it waa sunny.

7, Because she felt sick,

8. ., shc bought a nt?w

9. Thcy wcnt home late hecause

10. because tbey lost their tickets.

EXERCISE F Listen tu the paragraph and select the best topic for It.

a. different places to live

b. big cities
c. people and cars in cities
d. city sports

a. the sun
b. the night sky
c. day and night
d. the earth


EXERCISE G FUI ¡n the blank with the best answer.
1. He wants to take money out of his account. He wants to . it,
a. deposit
b. save
c. withdraw
d. cash

2. Jim can't find his hat. He it this mornmg\

a. felt
b. lost
c. completad
d. looked
3. The teller wants his at the bottom of the form.
a. sign ature
b. bilí
c. slip
d. withdrawal

4. Pete wants to leave immedíately He wants to leave ,

a. right here
b. right away
c. soon
d. safely

5. Ted put $50 into his account. He the money.

a. cashed
b. fllleduut
c. hid
d. deposited

G. Mrs, Anderson needs a to travel to Germany,

a. bilí
b- deposií
c. pasaport
d. wallet

7. The bank needs about you: your ñame, address, phone number, etc.
a. credit card
b. checkbook
c. Information
d. account


8. Beíbre Bob rented the apartment, he illled out a
a. form
b. deposit
c. débil card
d. savitigs account
9. I can't buy a new TV because I want to my money for a vacation.
a. taste
b. sound
c. savc
d. lose
10. That small piece of paper is a deposit. complete it.

a. lemon
b. wallct
c. card
d. slip
11, I can't drink this medicine. It tastes very.
a. bítter
b. sweet
c. safe
d- soon
12. I want to a check because 1 need some money for lunch.
a. feel
b. spend
c. hide
d. cash
13, lleft a five-dollar on the table aa a tip for the waiter.
a, shp
b. bilí
c. checkbook
d, signature
14. The children are in the back yard. I can't fmd them.
a. filling out
h hiding
c. takíng out
d. losing

EXERCISE A Listen, Choose the best topic for the paragraph.
1. a. cities
b. fast food
c. places to eat
d. restaurante

2. a, libran es
b. books
c. places to study
d. diclionaries for students

3- a. different kinds of cars

b. people in different countries
c. going to work
d. living in cities

EXERCISE B Read the paragraph and write 5 questions and answers.

At 7:30 p,m. last night, there was an accident. It happened at the intersection of
Main Street and Ist Street. A small, white car ran the red ]ight at the interscction
and hit a city bus. The drivers and passengers were okay The pólice said that the
driver of the white car, Bob Johnson, was at fault, and gave him a ticket,






EXERCISE C Changa the verb in ( ) to pasl progressive.

1. The Jones from evening uiitil this raorning. (drive)

2. What you when I called? (do)
3. _ lis about his trip at lunch, (tell)
4, the gante on TV yesterday afternnon. (w.itch)

5. She . at the iibrary from morning to evening. ü

6. We. dinner when John and Mary arrived. (satt
7. What all day at the gym yesterdayV íplayl
8- He_ to the game on the radio.
9. The children the car last weekend.
10. The students when class began, (talkl

EXERCISE D Wrlte an indirect command with Ask or Teíl.

Nttmber 1 is an example.

1. T don't want the window open. Tell Beth.

Telf Seth to cióse the window.

2, I want Bob to go to the store for milk. Ask h:m.

3. I want Sgt Jones to take the book. Tell him.

4. We would like Jan to visit us. Ask her.

5- We want the students to leave on time. Tell them.

EXERCISE E Report these commands with sskedor totd.
Number 1 tu an

1. Captain: Sgt Jones, bring the schedule.

_The captaín told 5at Jones to bríng the

2. Teacher: Tom, don't be late.

3. Mother: Beth, please turn ofT the TV.

4. Pólice Oííicer: Miss, fasten your seat belt.

5, Mary: John, don't open the window toílay, please.

6. Father: Tim, cióse the door, please.

7. Teller: Sir, piease sign the check on the back.

8. Ellen: Jan, mcct me at the bank at 2:00.

9. Teller: Ma'am, please ílll out a deposit slip.

10. Major: LtWilson^ go to the dispensary.


EXERCISE F Choose Ihe best answer.

1. A triangle is a square.
a. like
b. the same as
c. different from
2. A square ia a rectangle.
a. the same as
b- different
c, similar to
3. Dallas and Houston are both big cities in Texas. Dallas is
a. like
b. the same
c. differont
4. A dime is ten cents.
a. alike
b. similar
c. the same as
5. John and Tím have big, white dogs. John and Tim's dogs are
a. alike
b. the same as
c. similar to
6. A library is a bank r
a. tike
b. the samo as
c. different from
1. A hospital is a dispensary.
a. alike
b. similar to
c. different
8, A mess hall and a restauran! are ,
a. alike
b. símilarto
L. Lhc same aa


EXERCISE G Circle the best answer.
1. There was a(n) accident on Spring Street,
a. fault
b. ticket
c. pólice
d. automobile
2. A small car a red light and hit a bicycle.
a. ran
b. caused
c. bothered
d- faced
3, Tom was wearing a(n) and wasn't hurt.
a. insurance
b. seat bclt
c. curve
d. light

4. The other driver was fast and .

a. behind
b. aeróse
c. in front of
d. careless
6. The driver of the amall car caused the accident; he was
a. lea
b. at fault
c. dark
d- careful
6. Frankgot a(n) for the accident.
a. auto
b. law
c. ticket
d- cause
7. The driver didn't stop at the light and didn't the law.
a. obey
b. face
c. run
d- happen
8. The arrived at the accident.
a. pólice
b. stop
c. place
d- curve

9. John had to pay aín) for his ticket.

a. fault
b. insurance
c. fine
d. law
10. Beth was late to work because of the on tht¡ highway.
a. light
b. curve
c. fault
d. traffic jam
11. The city library is the Street from the bank.
a. similar
b- lea
c, at fault
d. acroas
12. Fred driving on the highway until morning.
a. rodé
b- bothered
c. kept on
d. obeyed
13. He his arm in a soccer game.
a. happened
b. broke
c. faced
d. buckled
14- What the problem in the barracks?
a. crossed
b. caused
c. ran
d. fastened


EXERCISE A UnderNne (he corred word to complete the sentence.

1- Harry drives careful 1 careftitly in the city.

Hairy is a careful t carefully driver in the city.

2, Jack is a bad I badly swimmer.

Jack swirns bad ! badly.

3, Their answers were correct / i-orrecíly on the test.

They answered corred / correctly on the test.

4, Mike arrived safe I safely at the airport.

Míke had a safe I safely arrival at the airport,

6- Thcy are careless I careiessly workers in the morning;r

They work caretess I carelessly in the moroing.

6. That was an easy ¡ easily test,

We passed the test easy ! easily.

7. Mr. fímith walks slow / slowiy.

Mr. Smith is a slov? I slowiy walker.

8, They work busy í busily in this office.

This is a busy I busily office.

9, Mary seng happy I happdy at the party,

Mary felt happy i happily at the party.

1Ü. Mike is agood 1 weli cook at the restaurant.

Míkc caoks good / weli at the restauranl.

EXERCISE B Write questions witli Hoivand answers with adverbs.
U&fi the moran in parenthesus. Ntimber I is an exnmple.

1. Frank will fill in the bank forma to open an account. (fill in / carciuliy)
How wMl frankfíllfu the bank forme?. __ .-
He'llfilltham ín carafíill __ _ _

2. A storm woke Beth up severa! times last night. (sleep / badJy)

3. John drínka coffee when he drives to work in the morning. (drive / carclcaaly)

4. Mary cooked dinner for her friends. The food was delicious. (cook / well)

EXERCISE C Choose soirteone, anyone, or both to complete the scntence.

1. Someone i anyone will be at the bank when it opens.

2. Is there someone I anyone in the swimming pool?

3. I don't know sofneone / anyone in Chicago.

4. She saw sameone I itnyone at the library.

5. Did you te]] someona I anyone the secret?

6. We didn't visit sorneone i anyone in New México.

7. Did someone i anyone come late to class?

8. Is someone / anyone in the classroom at 7;QG?

9. Are you looking for aomeone I anyone?

10, No, I'm not looking for someone ! anyone.


EXERCISE D Match the phrases ¡n both columns to form sentences.
The ti write o porograph wiíh the senfences. The phrases are in order alreody.

1. Mary talked with a. for some advice about her sistcr

2. She asked him b. John this morning.
3. John said that she c. should visit her sister

1. Tim borrowed a. tostudyfora test.

2. He used it b. the truth when he sees him.
3. After the test t. his friend's book-
4 He'll tell his friend d. he couldn't ñnd the book.

EXERCISE E FUI In the bfanks.

(a) lie (a) secret (a) atory (the} time {the) truth

Excuse me, the bus is late. Can you please tell me

2. Betty told me It wasn't true!
3. Frank told us a funny aboul his trip to Europe.
4. Don't tell anyone about the party; it's
5. Johnnyt tell me Where did ytiu go afler
6. The pie wasn't good, but we tald her ¡xnd saíd we likod it.
7. I heard an interesting about students st the bank.
8. Jan tnld Püm , and asked her not to tell Tim,
EXERCISE F Writeadvice with shouldor shouldn't.
Number 1 is un exampíe. Mure thait one answer i$ possible.

1. It's time for lunch, but I'm not very hungry,

You ehouldjust eat spme frufo for lunch. /You shouldrTt eat a bJa lunch.

2. It's sunny today, and I don't want to 3tay inaidc the house.

3- Bob likes his job, but he's very tíred of work.

4. We don't like hot weather, and Texas is very hot in tho summer,

5. I want to see my famíly, but they live in Florida.

6. Jan wants to buy an animal. Sha Uves in a srnall apartmmit.

7. I want to pass the test, but I didn't read the lesson.

8. We need some ñarniture, but we'll move to another city very soon.

9. They need a new car, but they don't have much money.

10. I want to take a vacation, I like to drive.

EXERCISE G Clrcle the best answer.
1. The mechanic is going to Mike's car at the garage-
a. enjoy
b. lend
c, repair
d, hurt
2. Larry and Mike live together ín the same apartment. They're .
a. anyone
b. roommates
c. someone
d. friendship
3. Jack, can I a couple of dollars írom you for lunch?
a. borrow
b. guess
c. íie
d- lend
4. I'd like to hearyour of this book. Is it interesting?
a. advíce
b. opinión
c. truth
d. story
5. Jim toTd his father he was studying, but he wasn't. He to hia father.
a. enjoyed
b. parkcd
c. borrowed
d. lied
6. Sam had a prublciD. He asked his father for .
a. story
b. feelings
c. advíce
d. tool
7. Tedf willyou me fifly cents? I wanttobuy a soda,
a. fix
b. borrow
c. lend
d. care for
8, I can't ñnd Ed. I he left eariy today.
a. guesa
b. should
c. care about
d. Lie

9, John said he needed a new to fix my car.

a. opinión
b. story
c. tool
d. sdvice
10. Everyone ahould tell the_ _.
a. ]ie
b. garage
c. friendship
d. truth

11. Pam ia a nice person and doesn't want to peoplc.

a. hurt
b. borrow
c. park
d. lend

12. Jack works on cara and hisjob.

a. guesses
b. could
c. lies
d. enjoys

13. She doesn't know in her new school.

a. roommate
b. anyone
c. story
d. advice
14. Jack works in the biggest in town.
a, tool
b. garage
c. sccrot
d, opinión

EXERCISE A Rewrite the two sentences mío one seníence or questlon.

1. It's going to sníjw tumorruw. Did you hcar?

2. We can leave class early today. We hope.

3. Beth can't take the test. Does she underatand?

4. There was a dance after the gajne. We guessed.

5. The library ia closed on Mondays, Boh remembered.

6. The ticket costs $150. Did they íeam that?

7. Timleftat2o'ctui;k. I didn't know.

8. You are leaving tomorrow. We didn*t forget.

9. Our flight ia late. Did yon see?

EXERCÍSE B Listen and write the topic of the paragraphs.



EXERCISE C Wríte a new sentence or question from the sentences.

. We were late for the flight We're sorry.

2. The children broke hia window. He isn't upset.

3. Their plañe ÍK very late. They're worried.

4. Tom's buying a new hoxise, He's excited.

5, We forgot to tell Bob about the game. He's not angry.

6, She got a dress from her sister. Is she pleased?

7. Your family is arriving today Are you happy?

8. Trie weathcr's nice todoy. Pm glaá.

9. Diane's son moved to Chicago, la 3he sad?

EXERCISE D Match the phrases in both columns to form sentences.

1. I'm sorry that a- losing your book.

2. Forgívemefor b. excúseme.
3. 1 didn't mean to c. I didn't upset yon,
4. I'm late; picase d. I didn't cali you.
5. I hope that e. spill your drink.
EXERCISE E Read Ihe paragraphs and answer the queslions.

1. It can be good to have a roommate, but sometimes it can be difficult. Some

roommates can be careless ajid hurt feelings. A good rnummate can be like
a best friend. You and your roommate can cnjoy tilinga luguthar like meáis,
televisión, and conversation. You can borrow things from a roommate, but you
mufit also be ready to lend things to him or her. A good roommate can gire
you advice and listen to your opiníons and ícelings, You can ask him or her
for the truth when you necd it. Many pcoplc cnjoy long frk:ndrihip& wilh thüir

1- Whatis the topic of this paragraph? _

2. What is the main idea of this paragraph?
a. It can be difñcult to live with people.
b. You can do many things in apartments.
c. You can enjay a friendship with your roommate.

3. What is the best title of this paragraph?

a. My Friend, My Roommate!
b. Let'sWatchTV!
c. Enjoy your New Apartmcnt!

2, At the first base or post, new military people learn how to be snldiers,
sailors,, airmen,, or marines. The new people get haircuts and Lhen thangy their
civilian clothes for military uniforms. They eat together in the mess hall and
exercise together outside. They learn how to be clcan and how to ktcp thoir
barracks clean. They learn about military ranks, railitary time, and they also
learn how to aalute officers. When the new soldiers, AAÍlor, airmen, or marinéis
go to their next base, they learn the joba they will do in the military.

1. What is the topic ofthis parsgraph?

2, What is the main idea of this paragraph?

a. New müitary people learn many things at their first hase or post.
b. Soldiers, sailorsf airmen, and marines Uve on military bases or posts.
c. All military people are very busy.
3. What is the best title for this paragraph?
a. Welcome to the Military!
b. My First Militaiy Haircut.
c. Let's Exerdse!


EXERCISE F Match the phrases ¡n both columns to lorm sentenees.

h wriíe a paragraph with the seníences.

1. 1. John and Mary arrived a. and wekumud Lheni.

2r They psrked thtsir car b. and brought the baggage.
3. John brought the baggage c. to the Eront door
4. Pam went outsidc d. at Pam's house-
5. John and Mary went inside e. in front of the

2. 1. Pam walked with them íi. on the floor.

2. They put their baggage b. the alósete and hangerc.
3. Pam put more blankets c. for herheJp.
4. She showed them ti to an empty bedroom,
5. John and Mary thanked her e. on the beds.


EXERCISE G Cuele the bcst answer.

1. Did Bob that he locked the door?

a. sorry
b. really
c. reaEize
d. forgive

2. Do you have any more to hang up my shirts?

a. gauges
b. hangers
c. cluset
d. baggage

3. Jim for being late last night.

a. apotogized
b. pleased
c. hung up
d. hoped to

4- The room is co]d. Do you wanl another on the bed?

a. end
b. blanket
c. laundry
d. pillow

5. Hang that new dress in the .

a. motel
b. restroom
c. bathtub
d. doset
6. I stay ¡n California fnr ten days.

a. fill up
b. realize
c. hope to
d. worry

7. Here is a soft to pul under your head.

SL. closet
b. bilí
c. pillow
d. gauge


S. I cali Mike last night, but I gat busy and didn't do it.
a. meant to
b. apologized
c. ready
9. Ed's that he missed the show.
a. hope to
b. step on
c, sorry
d, spill
10. I need to the gas tank bcfore we dríve to New
a. hang up
b. run out of
c. almost
d. fillup
11. Please don't about the travel; it's safe.
a. worry
b. mean to
c. apologize
Peter ahvays her feet when he dances.
a. picases
b. runs out of
c. forgives
d. s t e f c on
13. Please that dirty dog.
a. spill
b. bathe
c. hang
d. fillup
14. We need to wail for Bill; he isn't
a. so
b, ready
c, almost
d. really
American Language Course

The American Language Course is a comprehensiva, multilevel

program for adults that teaches English for vocationaí aid professional
purposes. The ALC is designed primarily for intensive English language
trainíng in a classroom setting, but it can be adaptad fbr slower-paced
instruction. A signilicant feature of the ALC is the inclusión of basic
rniíitary tapies and vocabulary.
Usingtraditionalmethodsof language teaching as well as conteníporary
communicative approaches, the ALC's presentation is systematic and
carefully sequenced to ensure that learners can build on previously
acquired knowledge. Photographs, illustrations, charts, and tables
explain vocabulary and grammar, while dialogs and student-centered
activities introduce and reinforce language lunctions and skills. Each
book is supplemented by an instrucíionaf package that includes the
* Instructor text
Student text
* Audio recordings
* Language laboratory activities instructor text with audio scripts
Language laboratory actívities student texí
* Computer-delivered interactíve multimedia instruction (IMI)
* Ouiz kit
' Optional training aids
The ALC's second editíon features a completely revised student text
wíth an accompanying instructor text. Instructor notes offer detailed
guidelines for presenting classroom exerdses, supplemental activities,
and pertinent cultural information. A variety of teaching strategies are
provided to keep students motivated and enliven the classroom.

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