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CHAPTER 1: AN INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN BODY *extracellular fluid- fluid outside the body cells (ECF)

ECF in the ff:

1.1 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY DEFINED Blood vessels=blood plasma
Lymphatic vessels= lymph
Two branches of science: Around brain and spinal cord=cerebrospinal fluid
1. Anatomy (ana=up;tomy=process of cutting) Joints=synovial fluid
-science of body structures and the relationships among them. Eyes= aqueous humor and vitreous body
-first studied by dissection, the careful cutting apart of body *interstitial fluid- ECF that fills up the narrow spaces between
structures to study their relationships. the cells of tissues.
2. Physiology (physio=nature;logy=study of)
-is the science of body functions-how the body parts work. Control of Homeostasis
* Homeostasis in the body is continually being disturbed
1.2 LEVELS OF STRUCTURAL ORGANIZATION AND -disruption from external environment such as intense heat
BODY SYSTEMS -disruption from internal environment such as fall of blood
1. Chemical level-includes atoms and molecules. glucose level when skipping breakfast.
2. Cellular level- molecules combine to form cells, basic -psychological stresses
structural and functional units of an organism that are
composed of chemicals. *the body has many regulating systems that can bring internal
3. Tissue level- tissues are group of cells and material environment back into balance
surrounding them that work together to perform a certain -most often the nervous system and endocrine system, working
function. together or independently to provide the needed corrective
4. Organ level- different types of tissues joined together. measures.
Composed of 2 or more types of tissues.
5. System level- consists of related organs with a common  Feedback System- is a cycle of events in which the
function. status of a body condition is monitored, evaluated,
6. Organism level- any living individual. All the parts of changed, remonitored, reevaluated and so on.
human body functioning together constitute the total
organism. *stimulus- any disruption that changes a controlled condition.
Eleven Systems of the Human Body 3 Basic Components of Feedback System
1. Integumentary System- protects body 1. Receptor- body structure that monitors changes in a
2. Skeletal System- supports and protects the body controlled condition and sends input to a control center
3. Muscular System- participates in body movements *afferent pathway- since the information flows toward
4. Nervous System- generates action potentials (nerve the control center. The input is in the form of nerve
impulses) to regulate body activities impulse.
5. Endocrine System- regulates body activities by releasing 2. Control Center- the brain for example sets the narrow
hormones range or set point within which a controlled condition should
6. Cardiovascular System be maintained, evaluates the input it receives from the
7. Lymphatic System and Immunity- returns proteins and receptors and generates output command when needed.
fluid to blood *Efferent Pathway- the information flows away from
8. Respiratory System- transfers oxygen from inhaled air to the control center.
blood and carbon dioxide from blood to exhaled air. 3. Effector- is a body structure that receives the output from
9. Digestive System- physical and chemical breakdown of the control center and produces a response or effect that
food. changes the controlled condition.
10. Urinary System- produces, stores and eliminates urine  Negative Feedback System- reverses a change in
11. Reproductive System- Gonads produce gametes that the controlled condition.
unite to form a new organism -the action of NFS slows and then stops as the
1.3 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE LIVING HUMAN controlled condition returns to its normal state.
ORGANISM  Positive Feedback System- tends to strengthen or
reinforce a change in one of the body’s controlled
Basic Life Processes
1. Metabolism- sum of all chemical processes that occur in -the response affects the controlled condition
the body. differently than in negative feedback system
*catabolism-breakdown of complex chemical -the control center provides commands to an effector,
substances into simpler components. but this time the effector produces a physiological
*anabolism-building up of complex chemical response that adds to or reinforces the initial change
substances from simpler components. in the controlled condition.
2. Responsiveness- is the ability of the body to detect and -If the action of PFS is not stopped, it can “run-away”
respond to changes. and may even produce life-threatening conditions in
3. Movement- includes motion of the whole body, individual the body.
organs, single cells, and even tiny structures inside the Homeostatic Imbalance
cells.  Disorder- is any abnormality of structure or function
4. Growth- is an increase in body size that results from an  Disease- is a more specific term for an illness
increase in the size of existing cells, number of cells or both characterized by a recognizable set of signs and
5. Differentiation- is the development of a cell from an symptoms.
unspecialized to a specialized state. -alters body structures and functions in characteristic
6. Reproduction- refers to (1) the formation of new cells for ways.
tissue growth, repair, or replacement (2) the production of  Symptoms- subjective changes in body functions that
new individual. are not apparent to an observer (nausea, headache)
1.4 HOMEOSTASIS  Signs- objective changes that a clinician can observe
*Homeostasis- (homeo=sameness;stasis=standing still) and measure.
-is the maintenance of relatively stable conditions in the body’s  Epidemiology- science that deals with why, when,
internal environment. and where the disease occur and how they are
-dynamic condition transmitted among individuals in a community.
-an important aspect of homeostasis is maintaining the  Pharmacology- science that deals with effects and
composition and volume of: uses of drugs in the treatment of disease.
*body fluids- dilute, watery solutions containing dissolved
chemicals that are found inside the cells as well as surrounding
*intracellular fluid- fluid within cells (ICF)
Body Positions

* Anatomical Position- description of any region or part of the

human body assume that is in a standard position of reference.
-the subject stands erect facing the observer, with the head
level and the eyes facing directly forward. Lower limbs are
parallel and feet are flat on the floor, upper limbs are at the
sides with the palms turned forward.
Two terms describe a reclining body:
o Prone position- if the body is lying facedown
o Supine position- if the body is lying faceup

Regional Names

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