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“Marriage Planning”

❖ November 2022
Family Introduction

Turkey Indonesia

Turkey Indonesia

Turkey Indonesia

Turkey Indonesia

Note :
1. Travel tickets are the responsibility of each individual.
2. The host must prepare a temporary residence.
❖ 2023

Turkey Indonesia

Turkey Indonesia

Turkey Indonesia

Note :
1. the travel ticket is the responsibility of the men.
2. The woman must accept whatever money is given for the dowry and wedding expenses.
3. All forms of deficiencies in weddings in Indonesia are the responsibility of the women.
❖ Terms and Conditions

1. starting from now both parties should be more in learning the main language
2. From now on, both parties must be serious about saving and managing finances
3. From now on, women have to learn more so they can easily get jobs in Turkey.
4. the men may not forbid the women to work after marriage.
5. All forms of economic needs after marriage are shared responsibilities.
6. You can't depend on anything to your parents after marriage.
7. House cleaning is a shared responsibility.

“getting married is not something that is difficult, what is difficult is to meet all

expectations that are beyond your ability.”

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