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Academic Year AY2017-18 Semester 1

Course Coordinator Erry Gunawan

Course Code EE3012/IM3002
Course Title Communication Principles
Pre-requisites EE2010/IM2004 Signal and Systems
No of AUs 3
Contact Hours On-line Lecture (26 hours); Tutorial (19.5 hours); Laboratories (3 hours)
Proposal Date 14 November 2017

Course Aims
Communication Principles is a foundational course for those majoring in the communication option in
final year. This course introduces students to: (i) the essential approaches, fundamental concepts and
design issues in communication engineering.

The course emphasizes the understanding of engineering principles. Mathematics is used only at a level
that is absolutely necessary; (ii) basic concepts of modulation techniques including amplitude
modulation (AM), frequency modulation (FM) and phase modulation (PM) that are widely used in
analogue communication systems, and basic techniques for analyzing such systems in the time and
frequency domains; (iii) basic concepts of a digital communication system including sampling theorem,
pulse code modulation (PCM) and principles of digital data transmission, and basic techniques for
analyzing such systems in the time and frequency domains.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)

By the end of this course, you (as a student) would be able to:

1. Apply signal analysis and noise representation tools (e.g.: Fourier Transform, Fourier Spectrum,
bandwidth, filtering, etc.), and various analog and digital modulation and demodulation techniques
in time and frequency domains to solve communication engineering problems.
2. Analyse and evaluate the performance of analogue and digital modulation and demodulation
techniques (e.g.: AM, QAM, FM, PM, ASK, PSK, QPSK, FSK, M-ary signalling) within a given scenario.
3. Design, transmit, detect, analyse, evaluate and improve the performance of analogue and digital
communication signals within a given set of constraints and requirements (e.g.: noise, bandwidth,
carrier or carrierless transmission systems etc.).

Course Content
Review of Signal Analysis and Noise Representations. Linear Modulation. Frequency and Phase
Modulation. Digital Communication Principles.

Course Outline
Lecture Tutorial
S/N Topic
Hours Hours
1 Review of Signal Analysis and Noise Representations 5 3
Review of signal analysis. White noise power spectral density. Time-
averaged noise representations. Band-pass white noise, Signal-to-noise
ratio. Noise Figure.

2 Linear Modulation 6 5.5
Baseband and carrier communication. Double-sideband suppressed
carrier modulation and demodulation. Amplitude modulation. Single-
sideband modulation. Modulation index. Envelope modulator and
detector. Vestigial sideband modulation. Super-heterodyne AM system.
Effects of noise in linear modulation systems.

3 Frequency and Phase Modulation 7 3

Frequency modulation (FM) and phase modulation (PM). Instantaneous
phase and frequency. Bessel functions. Bandwidth. Carson's rule.
Narrowband FM. Wideband FM. Generation of angle modulated signals.
Demodulation of angle modulated signals. Performance of FM system.

4 Digital Communication Principles 8 8

Elements of a digital communication system. Linear and non-linear PCM.
Delta modulation. Digital modulation schemes: ASK, PSK, QPSK, FSK. M-
ary signalling. BER of digital modulation schemes.

Lab Description
L3012 Amplitude/Frequency Modulation
This is a compulsory 3-hour lab module attached to this course, which contains two parts: 1) amplitude
modulation (AM) and 2) frequency modulation (FM). In the 3-hour experiment, the students are
expected to generate and detect AM/FM signals, and study the principles and characteristics of AM
and FM.

Assessment (includes both continuous and summative assessment)

Component Course Related Weightage Team/ Assessment
LO Programme LO Individual Rubrics
Tested or Graduate
Attributes *
EAB SLO a, b, c,
1. Final examination 1-3 60% Individual
2. Continuous assessment -
1-3 EAB SLO a, b, c 20% Individual
3. Continuous assessment - EAB SLO a, b, d,
1-3 10% Individual
Laboratory f
4. Continuous assessment - EAB SLO a, b, c,
1-3 10% Individual
Participation g
Total 100%

* From the school website: EEE & IEM Programme Accreditation (Refer to Student Learning Outcomes

Formative feedback
Describe how you would be giving feedback to students on how they are learning in this course.

Students’ participation exercises after watching the lecture-video for each week. Answers and scores to
exercises will be given after the attempts, and students are encouraged to discuss with lecturers

Quiz scores and answers;

Lab assessment;
Examination results;
Markers’ report on overall examination performance

Learning and Teaching approach

Approach How does this approach support students in achieving the learning outcomes?

Instructor can introduce how to apply algorithms and knowledge to solve

engineering problems.

It provides an opportunity for students to discuss problems and ask questions on

part of the lectures they do not understand fully that can help them to
understand how to apply algorithms and knowledge to solve engineering

It provides a hands-on experience for students to design and implement the

algorithms and knowledge to solve engineering problems.

Reading and References

1. Couch Leon W, Digital and Analog Communication Systems, 8th Edition, Pearson, 2013.
(TK5101.C853 2013)

1. Proakis John G and Salehi Masoud, Communication Systems Engineering, 2nd Edition, Prentice-Hall,
2002. (TK5101.P962 2002)
2. Lathi Bhagwandas Pannalal, Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems, 4th Edition, Oxford
University Press, 2009. (TK5101.L352 2009)
3. Haykin Simon S and Moher Michael, Communication Systems, 5th Edition, John Wiley, 2010.
(TK5101.H419 2010)

Course Policies and Student Responsibilities

General: Students are expected to complete all online activities and take all scheduled assignments and
tests by due dates. Students are expected to take responsibility to follow up with course notes,
assignments and course related announcements. Students are expected to participate in all tutorial
discussions and activities.

Continuous assessments and laboratories: Students are required to attend all continuous assessments
and laboratory sessions.

Absenteeism: Continuous assessments and laboratories make up a significant portion of students’
course grade. Absence from continuous assessments and laboratories without officially approved leave
will result in no marks and affect students’ overall course grade.

Academic Integrity
Good academic work depends on honesty and ethical behaviour. The quality of your work as a student
relies on adhering to the principles of academic integrity and to the NTU Honour Code, a set of values
shared by the whole university community. Truth, Trust and Justice are at the core of NTU’s shared

As a student, it is important that you recognize your responsibilities in understanding and applying the
principles of academic integrity in all the work you do at NTU. Not knowing what is involved in
maintaining academic integrity does not excuse academic dishonesty. You need to actively equip
yourself with strategies to avoid all forms of academic dishonesty, including plagiarism, academic fraud,
collusion and cheating. If you are uncertain of the definitions of any of these terms, you should go to
the academic integrity website for more information. Consult your instructor(s) if you need any
clarification about the requirements of academic integrity in the course.

Course Instructors
Instructor Office Location Phone Email
Assoc Prof Erry Gunawan S1-B1c-80 6790 5392
Assoc Prof Guan Yong Liang S1-B1c-100 6790 5875

Planned Weekly Schedule

Week Topic Course LO Readings/ Activities
Compulsory participation
Introduction to Communication Principles
quizzes, lecture summary, face-
1 and Review of Relevant Mathematical 1
to-face discussion and Tutorial

Compulsory participation
2 DSBSC-AM and Frequency Translation 1, 2 quizzes, lecture summary, face-
to-face discussion and Tutorial 2

Compulsory participation
Frequency Division Multiplexing and
3 1, 2 quizzes, lecture summary, face-
Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
to-face discussion and Tutorial 3

Compulsory participation
4 Noise in AM Systems 1, 2, 3 quizzes, lecture summary, face-
to-face discussion and Tutorial 4

Compulsory participation
Basics of FM and PM, Narrow-Band and
5 1, 2, 3 quizzes, lecture summary, face-
Wide-Band FM
to-face discussion and Tutorial 5

Compulsory participation
6 Bandwidth and Generation of FM Signal 1, 2, 3 quizzes, lecture summary, face-
to-face discussion and Tutorial 6

Compulsory participation
Demodulation and Performance of FM quizzes, lecture summary, face-
7 1, 2, 3 to-face discussion and Tutorial 7
Quiz #1

Compulsory participation
Introduction to Digital Communication
quizzes, lecture summary, face-
8 and Review, Sampling Theorem and 1
to-face discussion and Tutorial
Linear PCM

Compulsory participation
PCM Transmission bandwidth, Nonlinear
quizzes, lecture summary, face-
9 PCM, PCM output SQNR, and Delta 1, 3
to-face discussion and Tutorial

Compulsory participation
quizzes, lecture summary, face-
10 Output SQNR for Single Integration DM 1, 3
to-face discussion and Tutorial

Compulsory participation
Baseband Transmission & Digital quizzes, lecture summary, face-
11 Modulations, Demodulation of ASK, PSK, 1, 2, 3 to-face discussion and Tutorial
and FSK 11.
Quiz #2

Compulsory participation
Detection Error Probability for Binary quizzes, lecture summary, face-
12 1, 2, 3
Baseband Signalling and Polar Signalling to-face discussion and Tutorial

13 Questions and Answers Session 1, 2, 3 Review of all the weeks.

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