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Nuclear Chemistry 291

49. (b) The atom which have lower value of packing fraction is stable.
7. (b) 3 Li 6  0 n 1  2 He 4  1 H 3
50. (d) Number of neutrons in 88 Ra 226  226  88  138 .
8. (c) 7 N 14 0 n1  6 C14  1 H 1
51. (d) Nuclear reactions involves exchange of nuclear energy.
9. (c) 17 Cl 37  1 H 2  18 Ar 38  0 n 1 52. (a) Na 23  1 H 1  12 Mg 23  0 n 1
10. (d) Because of its high unstability.
53. (b) 92 U 235 is radioactive because it is most unstable.
 
12. (c) 90 Th
 91 X 234   92 Y 234 
 90 Z 230 . 54. (c) Equate atomic no. and mass no.
13. (c) Isotopes of an element have similar chemical properties but
57. (b) 4 Be 9  2 He 4 6 C 12  o n 1
different physical properties.
14. (c) A nuclear reaction must be balanced in terms of mass and 58. (d) According to group displacement law.
energy. 59. (b) 9
Be  1 H 1  63 Li  4
4 2 He
15. (c) 52 Te 1 H 2  53 I131 0 n1
130 ( p) (  particle)
16. (c) The emission of positron takes place. 40
60. (c) 18 Ar having 40 – 18 = 22 neutrons
18. (c) An ion is electrically charged atom or a group of atoms.
While 40
21 Sc having 40 – 21 = 19 neutrons.
19. (a) Charge on positron and proton is about  1.602  10 19 C .
61. (b) Nuclear reactivity depends upon the number of protons and
20. (b) 12 Mg 24  2 He 4 o n1 14 Si 27 neutrons.
21. (b) The radioactive isotope 14
is produced in the atmosphere 63. (d) 29 Cu
 28 Ni64  1e 0

by the action of cosmic ray neutrons on 7 N 14 65. 24

(a) 12 Mg  1 D 2  2 He 4 11
66. (b) Equate atomic no. and mass no.
N 14 0 n1 6 C14 1 H 1
67. (a) X 227  Y  4  5 
23. (b) Tritium is the isotope.
On equating mass number
24. (d) 21 Sc (n, p) 20 Ca 45 according to Beath’s notation
227 = y + 4 × 4 + 0, y  211
25. (c) 7 N 14  1 H 1 8 O 15   On equating atomic number
96 = y + 2 × 4 – 5, y = 93.
26. (c) 93 Np 239 94 Pu 239  1 e o 68. (a) Meson was discovered by Yukawa
27. (b) Equate atomic no. and mass no.
28. (c) Magic no. are 2, 8, 20, 28, 50 and 82 protons in nucleus or 2, Radioactivity and ,  and - rays
8, 20, 28, 50, 82, 126 neutrons in nucleus. These numbers
imparts stability to nucleus. 1. (c)   rays does not contain material particles.
30. (a)
of 82 Pb 208 
 1 .53 2. (d)  -rays are neutral energy packet.
p 82 3. (a) The order of penetrating power is :  <  < -rays. It is due to
n 126 lower mass and high speed.
of 83 Bi 209
  1 .51
p 83 1 1
4. (b) -rays travel with a velocity which is th to th of that
31. (c) According to Beath’s notation 13 Al 27 (n, p) 12 Mg 27 . 10 20
of light.
32. (d) Azimuthal quantum no. is related to angular momentum.
5. (c) -rays have maximum penetrating power.
238  218 20 (b) -particles are 4 time heavier than neutrons.
33. (b) The value of n    5 1  4 6.
4 4
7. (c) 92 U
 0 n1  56 Ba145  36 Kr 88  3 10 n
34. (d) Mass number increases by one unit.
36. (b) Equal atomic number and mass number. 8. (c) Rutherford first of all used zinc sulphide (ZnS) as phosphor in
37. (b) 1 amu = 931.478 MeV. the detection of -particles.
38. (a) Positron is anti-particle of electron. 9. (b) -rays consist of a stream of He 2  .
39. (a) Isotopes are formed by the emission of one  - and two  - 10. (b) -rays are positively charged, -rays are negatively charged, -
particles respectively. rays carry no charge and thus not deflected in field.

40. (a) The

ratio of stable nucleoide is
 1. 11. (a) -particle is identical with 2 He 4 helium nucleus.
p p 12. (a) -rays have maximum penetrating power.
41. (b) Neutrino have no mass and no charge and thus known as ghost 13. (a) Henry Becquerel noticed the emission of penetrating
particles. rays from potassium uranyl sulphate and Madam Curie named it
42. (b) Equate mass number and atomic number on both sides. as radioactivity.
43. (a) Due to mass decay. 15. (c) Penetrating powers   rays    rays    rays
44. (d) Mesons () have 200-300 times mass of electron and + ve, 0
or – ve charges. 17. (a) -rays are positively charged, -rays are negatively charged, -
rays carry no charge.
45. (b) 1 e o is positron. 20. (b) Deflection in  -rays is large.
46. (d) Pb is the most stable atom.
21. (a) Penetrating power of  -rays are less than  ,  and X-rays.
47. (b) Anderson discovered positron in 1932.
48. (a) Even-Even are most stable 22. (c) Lead is a stable isotope.
Odd- Odd are most unstable 23. (d) Neutrons carry no charge.
292 Nuclear Chemistry
24. (b) -rays has least penetrating power. No. of neutrons in C 14  14  6  8 .
25. (c)  -rays carry no charge. 
12. (c) 92 X 238 
90 Y 234
26. (d) Proton is not emitted by radioactive substances.
27. (d) Due to it’s nature. Number of neutrons = 234  90  144 .
n 13. (d) Z Am Z 1 Bm 1e 0
28. (c) 88 Ra 226 is radioactive because ratio for it is 1.56 which is
p 14. (b) r  . N
greater than 1.5.
15. (a) o n1  1 P1  1e 0 (  -particle comes out)
30. (a) Cf – 98 belongs to actinid series.
31. (d) Photons are not carry any charge. 16. (a) Element 57 to 71 are placed in III group.
2 
32. (c) N 14  2 He 4 (  particle) 8 O 17 1 H 1 17. (a) 5 X 14  7 N 14 than no. of neutrons in
33. (a) Definition of binding energy. 5 X 14
 14  5  9 .
34. (b)   particle is 2 He . 4 18. (a,b,c) An emission of -particle means that atomic number increases by
1 but mass number remains unaffected and neutron- proton ratio
35. (a) Gamma ray doesn’t deviate from electromagnetic field, the decreases.
main reason of it is that there is no charge on gamma rays.
36. (c) Energy liberated = loss of mass  931 19. (c) Suppose the no. of -particles emitted = x and the no. of -
particles emitted = y, then
 0.01864  931  17.36 MeV
38. (acd) Beta emission causes increase in atomic number by one unit. 92 U 82 Pb206  x  2 4  y 1  0

39. (a) Mass loss = mass of reactant – mass of product. Equating the mass number on both sides, we get
 (2.014  3.016)  (4.004  1.008) 32
238 = 206 + 4x + 0y or 4x = 32 or x  8
 5.030  5.012  0.018 amu 4
Hence 8 -particles will be emitted.
20. (c) Pb is the end product of each natural radioactive series.
Causes of Radioactivity and
Group Displacement Law n
21. (b) The ratio of 13 Al 29 places it above the belt of stability and
1. (b) In Am 241 the mass no. division by four gives a residue of 1. thus it emits  -particles.

In Th 234 the mass no. division by four gives a residue of 2. 22. (d) Y A X  Y 10 B X  32  m 2 He 4  n 1e 0
2. (d) On emission of  -particles daughter element shift 2 group to X  ( X )  32
Value of m = 8
the left. On emission of  -particles daughter element shift 1 4
group to the right. Value of n = Y – Y – 10 – 2 × 8 = 6.
3. (d) Protons + Neutrons = Nucleons 23. (d) During  -decay atomic mass is unaffected while atomic no.
4. (d) Radioactivity is characteristic property of unstable nucleus. increases by one unit.
5. (c) Chemical change is extra nuclear phenomenon. 24. (a) Equate atomic number and mass no.
8 
6. (c) U 
 X 206

25. (b) 2 
X 232   92 Y 232  82 Z 212  x 2 He 4
6 
92 82

Number of protons = 82; Number of neutrons = 124 232  212 20

No. of  -particles   5.
124 62 4 4
Neutron/proton ratio in the product nucleus  
82 41  
26. (d) 92 X 238   90 Y 234   91 Z 234
X 218  84 Y 214  x  2 y 1 
4 0
7. (c) 84 no. of neutrons = 234 – 91 = 143.
 
218  214 4 27. (b) Z A
 Z  2 B M 4 
  Z 4 C M 8 .
no. of -particle =  1 Gr.2 Gr. 18 Gr.16
4 4 28. (b) Equate atomic no. and mass no.
no. of -particle = 84  84  2  1  2 . 29. (b) The mass no. on division by four gives a residue of 2.
8. (a) When an -particle is emitted by any nucleus than atomic 30. (a)
weight decreases by four units and atomic number decreases Series Name of the series Parent End stable
by two units element element
 4n Thorium series Th-232 Pb–208
88 Ra 224 
 86 X 220
4n + 1 Neptunium series Pu-241 Bi–209
231  207
9. (b) Number of -particles = 6 4n + 2 Uranium series U-238 Pb–206
4 4n + 3 Actinium series U-235 Pb–207
Number of -particles  89  82  2  6  5 .
31. (a) 8O
 1 H 2  9 F 18
10. (a) 90 Th
83 Bi212
32. (a) 84 A 218  84 B 214  2 He 4  2 1e 0 .
228  212 16
No. of  -particles =  4 33. (c) It is also called Soddy and Fajan rule.
4 4
34. (b) Po 215  82 Pb 211  2 He 4
No. of  -particles = 90  83  2  4  1 .

35. (a) 92 U
 90 Th 234  2 He 4
11. (a) 6C
 7 N 14  1e 0
Nuclear Chemistry 293

No 24 Hence 8  and 6  are emitted.

36. (b) N  and n  3
2n 8 0 .693 0 .693
59. (c) k   0.000693  6.93  10 4 s 1
40 40 t1 / 2 1000 s
N   5
23 8 60. (a) Bi is a stable end product of Neptunium series.
37. (c) 42
21 Sc 42 1e 0 62. (c) Pb – 208 is the stable end product of thorium series.
20 Ca
63. (d) Definition of disintegration series.
38. (b)  A 2 Y M 4
X M  
64. (d) 6 X 14  6 1 N
39. (c) 24
12 Mg   11 Na  11 H . in X 14 no. of neutrons 14 – 6 = 8.
40. (d) An element formed by losing one -particle occupies two
position left to parent element, Pb in IVA, thus Po should be in 65. (a) 18 Ar 40
VIA. Total no of protons = 18
41. (a) According to group displacement law. Total no of neutrons = 22
238  206 Mass defect  [m  p  m  n]  39.962384
42. (b) Number of -particles = 8
 [1.007825  18  1.008665  22]  39.962384
Number of -particles = 92  82  2  8  6 .
 [18.14085  22.19063]  39.962384  0.369
43. (c) X 41 Y 1e 0 (-emission)
Binding energy = mass defect  931
90 600  0.369  931  343.62 MeV
44. (c) n  3  N  3  75 atoms .
30 2
45. (d) Equate mass no. and atomic no. 66. (d) 90 Th
 82 Pb 208
46. (b) 92 U
 90 X 232  2 He 4 232  208
No. of  - particle  6
X 232 have 90 protons and 142 neutrons.
No. of  - particle  82  [90  6  2]  4

47. (b) -rays have high I.P. due to high kinetic energy.
48. (d) Going two positions back from 2 group gives zero group.
67. (b) 92 M 238  y N x  2 2 He 4
49. (a) Ra belongs to (4 n  2) series. End product will also belong to
y N x  B LA  2  
the same series.
50. (d) Ra contaminated with uranium mineral shows appreciable y N x (92 22) N (238 42)  88 N 230

51. (a) 92 U
 82 Pb206  x  2
y 1 
88 N 230  (88 2) L(230 )  86 L230
238  206 Total no of neutrons in L330
no. of -particles = 8 90
4 230  86  144
no. of -particles = 92  82  2  8  6
68. (c) 90 E 232  86 G 220
Total no. of particles = 8  6  14 .
52. (a) According to Group displacement law. 232  220
No. of  particle = 3
53. (d) Rate =  × number of atoms. 4

54. (d)  82 Pb208  x 2 He 4  y 1  0

232 No. of  particle  86  [90  2  3]  2
90 Th
Equating mass no. 0 .693 0 .693
69. (b) K 
232 = 208 + 4x + 0 y or 4x = 24 or x = 6 t1 / 2 1600
Equating atomic no.
 4.33  10 4 year 1
90 = 82 + 2x –y or 90 = 82 + 2 × 6 – y or y  4
Hence 6 and 4 particles will be emitted. 70. (a) 92 U
 90 Th 234  91 Pa234

(b) Z Am Z 1 Bm 1e 0 238  234 4

55. No. of  particle   1
56. (a) The mass no. division by four gives a residue of 1 4 4
 No. of  particle  91  90  1
57. (d) AX
 A 1 Y m
0 .693
58. (c) Suppose the no. of -particles emitted  x and 72. (c) K
t1 / 2
the no. of  -particles emitted =y. Then
0.693 0 .693
92 U
82 Pb206  x 4 2  y 1 
t1 / 2    1.2 hrs
K 0 .58
equating the mass number on both sides, we get
238 = 206 + 4x + 0 y or 4x = 32, x = 8 73. (d) A radioisotope first emits  or  particles, then it becomes
equating the atomic number on both sides, we get unstable and emits  -rays.
92 = 82 + 2x – y 2  
74. (a) 180
72 X 
 172
68 P  69 Q  69 X .
172 172

92 = 82 + 2× 8 –y
75. (b) Loss of beta particle is equivalent to decrease of one neutron
y=6 only.
294 Nuclear Chemistry

n  p  e  v .  N 
No N
 o  10 .
10 N
Rate of decay and Half-life No 100
16. (d) Amount left    12.5 %
23 8
16 N 16.0 16.0
1. (c) n  2, N  no  2   4 .0 gm. No N
8 2 2 4 17. (b) N   6o n  6
2. (a) Mass of 6 neutrons = 6.05358 amu, Mass of 6 protons = 64 2
6.04884 amu, Mass of n + Mass of p =12.10242 amu Thus total time  2  6  12hr .
Mass defect = 12.10242 – 12.00710 = 0.09532
Binding energy = 0.09532  931 = 88.74292 MeV. 18. (c) -decay occurs by the nuclear change n  p  1e 0 .
Binding energy per neucleon = 88.74292/12
=7.39 MeV loge 2 1
19. (b) t1 / 2  , Average life 
80  
3. (b) T  t1 / 2  n,  n  4
20 No 60 1 1
1 1 1 20. (a) N  ,n   3; N o  1g, then N  3  .
Amount left  n  4 
. 2 20 2 8
2 2 16
21. (b) t1 / 2 of zero order reaction is independent of the
4. (a) X 232 89 Y 220  x 2 He 4  y 1 e o
92 concentration.
232  220 22. (a) Half-life is 1 hr and thus in each half-life, half of the sample
no. of  -particles = 3
4 decays.
no. of  -particles = 89 –[92 – 2 × 3] = 3. 2.303  t1 / 2 N
23. (c) t log o , N  0 .798 N o
5. (d) It is occurs by  -decay. 0.693 N
n n 24. (a) Half-life is independent of initial amount.
1  1
6. (a) N     N o = 125 mg =    1000 mg 25. (a) 80 years = 4 half lives
 
2 2 1
n Activity after n half lives  n  a .
1 125 1 2
   
2 1000 8 26. (b) t1 / 2 is independent of all external factors and is constant for
n 3 a given species.
1 1
     , n  3, so number, of t1 / 2  3 27. (a) In nucleus electrons formed by the following decay.
 
2 2
1 P1 1e 0
Total time = 24 hours, Half-life time   8 hours . 28. (c) t1 / 2  2.95 days
= 2.95 × 24 × 60 × 60s = 254880
8. (d) 35 X 88 
 36 W 88  36 W 87  o n1 0 .693 0 .693
   2.7  10 6 s 1
9. (d) 75% of the substance disintegrates in two half lives. t1 / 2 254880
2 half lives = 30 min  t1 / 2  15 min . 29. (a) When a radioactive element emits an -particle, the atomic no.
of the resulting nuclide decreases by two units and atomic
10. (c)  -rays are electromagnetic waves. mass decreases by 4 units.
11. (a) Average life 0.693 0.693
30. (b) t1 / 2    0.3  10 4 yrs
( )  1.44 t1 / 2  1.44  69.3  99.7  100 minutes. k 2.31  10 4
n  3.0  10 3 yrs.
1 
12. (d) N     No n
2 1 40
31. (a) N  N0   . n  4
n 2 10
1 
1 .25     10 4
2 125 1 125
 N0   , N0   2  2  2  2  2g
n 3
1000 2 1000
1  1 .25 1  1 
 2   10  8   2  , n  3 127
 7 .94 MeV .
    32. (c) Binding energy per nucleon =
15 0 .693 0 .693
Half-life time =  5 days. 33. (d) k    0 .005min 1
3 t1 / 2 138.6 min
12 34. (a) Half-life period is independent of initial amount.
13. (d) n  4
3 35. (b) t = Feb 1 to July 1 = 28  31  30  31  30  150 days
 N o  N  2 n  3  2 4  48 g . 

log 2 5 
0 .693
day 1
150 0.25 150 30
14. (a) 6C
 7 N 14  1 e o , -active. 0.693
t1 / 2   30 days .
2 .303 0 .693 / 30
15. (c) 2.303   t1 / 2 log10
Nuclear Chemistry 295

2 .303  t1 / 2No 1

36. (d) t log 56. (b) N  N0   
0 .693 N 2
480 N 4 4 n
37. (d) n   4 , N  no , N  4  = 0.25 gm. 1 1
120 2 2 16  1  ; n 1
2 2
28 N 1 1
38. (c) n   4 , N  no , N  4   0.0625 gm. t  n  t1 / 2  1  6000  6000 yrs.
7 2 2 16
2 .303 [ N ] 2.303 1 57. (a) For I order t1 / 2  0.693 K 1 .

39. (c)   log o  log

t [N ] 96 1/8 58. (b) 75% of the substance disintegrates in two half lives 2 half lives
= 60 min.  t1 / 2  30 min .
2 .303
  0.9  0 .0216
98 0 .693 2 .303 100
59. (d)   log
0.693 0.693 t1 / 2 180 12.5
 t1 / 2    32.0 min .
 0.0216 0.693  180
t1 / 2   60min  1 hr.
1 
1  25
1 1 
2 2.303  3  0.3010
40. (a) 25     100,      
2  2  100 4  2  60. (b) Tritium (1 H 3  2 He 3  1e 0 ) is a -emitter.
n = 2, No. of half lives = 2 61. (d) t1 / 2  ln 2 / 
so time required = 2  5760  11520 yr. 0 .693 0 .693
62. (b) t1 / 2    3.0  10  3 sec .
41. (c) t1 / 2  100 years.  231 sec 1
1 128
42. (b) Average life ( )  . 63. (c) The amount of 53 I left after 50 minutes will be

100 1
1 1 1 1 = 25 minutes   .
43. (b)  or 4  n or n  4 25 4
16 2 n 2 2 25
 Required time  4  t1 / 2  120min . 64. (a) N N o (at t  2 hr)
44. (d) The time required for complete decay (I order) is always 2 .303 N
infinite. Thus t   t1 / 2 log o
45. (c) After half-life time the half of the substance will be decayed. 0 .693 N
65. (b) Radioactive decay is a first order reaction.
15 N 20 20
46. (c) n   3, N  no  3   2 .5 gm. 66. (d) t1/2 is independent of all external factors.
5 2 2 8
3 
67. (d) Rate of decay of radioactive species is independent of all
47. (c) 6 X 14  9 Y 14 external factors.
25 100 N 100 100
48. (b) N N o (at t  32 minutes) 68. (c) n   4 , N  no  4   6.25 gm .
100 25 2 2 16
2 .303 N 69. (d) 92 U 235  0 n1  56 Ba145  36 Kr 88  310 n
Thus t   t1 / 2 log o
0 .693 N 70. (c) Half-life is independent of initial amount.
49. (a) Half-life period is a characteristic of radioactive isotope which 0.693 0.693
is independent of initial concentration. 71. (d) t1 / 2    0.1  10 6  10 5 yrs .
k 6.93  10  6
24 N 1 1
50. (c) n   3, N  no  3  mg . 72. (a) 1 milli curie = 3.7  10 7 dps
8 2 2 8
51. (c) Because t1 / 2  4.5  10 9 years, so after 4.5  10 9 years the 1.5 milli curie = 5.55  10 7 dps
238 5 .55  10 7
amount of 92 U will be half decayed.    1 .37  10 11
0 .693
52. (c) r  No T 75
t1 / 2 N  1  t1 / 2 N  1  25 N 1 1
73. (c)   ;   ;   
0 .693 6 .023  10 23 No  2  No  2  No  2  8
 
1600  365  24  60  60 226 T 24
N  1  t1 / 2 N 1 4 N 1
= 3.7  10 dps .
74. (a)   ;   ;  
No  2  200  2  200  2 
2.303  t1 / 2 N 1
53. (c) t log o ; N  200
0.693 N 16 N  3 .125 g
0 .693
54. (b) t1 / 2  75. (a) 2
X y 
 7 N 14
k or  x

3 N 1 X y 14  5 X 14
x 7  2
55. (c) n  3; N  3o  Total no. of neutrons =14 – 5 = 9
1 2 8
296 Nuclear Chemistry

76. (c) K
0 .693
; K
0 .693
 0 .0693 yr 1 16. (d) Einstein’s law is E  mc 2 .
t1 / 2 10 17. (d)
T 192 192 18. (b) 11460 years = 2 half lives
N  1  t1 / 2  1   1  t1 / 2  1   1  t1 / 2 Activity left = 25% = 0.25.
77. (b)   ;    ;    
No  2   16   2  2 2 19. (a) The control rods used in nuclear reactor are made up of Cd –
113 or B -10. They can absorb neutrons.
t1 / 2  48 min
  
20. (c) The radioactive isotope 6C is produced in the atmosphere
78. (b) 92 U
 ( A) 
 (B) 
 (C)
by the action of cosmic ray neutrons on 7 N 14
(i) 92  2 A 235 4  90 A 231
22. (a) Heavy water (D2 O) is used as a moderator in a nuclear
(ii) 90 A 231 
 (90 1) B (231 )  91 B 231 reactor. It slows down the speed of neutrons. It also acts as a
 coolant.
(iii) 91 B
 (91 1)C 231  92 C 231
23. (c) Uranium or Plutonium are atomic fuel.
Isotopes are 92 U
and C 24. (b) atom bomb is based on the principal of nuclear fission.
25. (d) Hahn and Strassmann discovered the phenomenon of nuclear
0.693 0.693
80. (a) t1 / 2    0.296 sec fission in 1939.
K 2.34 26. (c) Rate of disintegration is not affected by environmental
0 .693 0 .693 conditions.
81. (a) K 
T1 / 2 5770 27. (b) It is believed that when an  or  -particle is emitted, the
nucleus becomes excited i.e. has higher energy and emits the
2.303 100 2.303  5770 100 excess energy in the from of radiation which form  -rays.
 t log  log
K 72 0.693 72
 19175.05  (log100  log72) 28. (a) Packing fraction  Isotopic mass  Mass number  10 4
Mass number
19175.05  0.143  2742.03 years.
30. (a) C is a natural radioactive isotope of C 12 .
82. (a) For 25% decay
31. (d) t1 / 2  10 yrs, t  20 yrs.
2.303 100 2.303
K log   0.1249  0.. 1438 t 20
20 75 20 n   2
For 75% decay, t1 / 2 10
2.303 100 No 1 1
t log  96.4 minute. N   N o   100% of N o  25 .
0.01438 25 22 4 4
1 N 1
n n 32. (b) Due to evolution of nuclear energy as a result of mass decay.
83. (b) N  N0     
 
2 N 2 33. (d) Heavy water (D2 O) is used as a moderator in nuclear reactor.
n 6 n 34. (c) It is a transformation of chlorine.
1 1 1 1
or       n6 35. (b) 48 gm of radioactive sodium will need 32 hours to become 3.0
64  2   
2 2 gm.
T  t1 / 2  n  2  6  12 hours. 36. (a) Mass decay occurs.
After 12 hours, sample became non-hazardous. 37. (b) In hydrogen bomb, the following reaction is occur,
84. (c) Half-life of same substance remains same. 2
 1 H 3  2 He 4 10 n  energy .

38. (c) A reason for the C-14 dating technique.

Artificial transmutation
2.303 a 99
39. (d) t log , (a  x )   0.99 a
1. (b) C  14 dating method is used in estimate the age of most k 0.99 a 100
ancient geological formation. 0 .693 0 .693
2. (c) Joining up of two lighter nuclei is fusion. But k    0 .0653 year –1

t1 / 2 10.6
5. (c) Equate atomic no. and mass no.
2.303 1
6. (a) For studies on carbon dating, W. F. Libby was awarded a t log  70.4 yrs.
Nobel prize. 0.0653 0.99
7. (a) Spallation reactions are similar to fission reactions. They 41. (d) D2 O is heavy water.
brought about by high energy bombarding particles or
photons. 42. (b) D2 O is used as moderator in nuclear reactor.
9. (d) Uranium or Plutonium are atomic fuel.
45. (b) Liquid sodium use in nuclear reactors as heat exchanger or
11. (a) It is the required technique. coolant.
n 49 .2 / 12 .3 4
1 1 1 46. (c) Due to heavy mass -particles can not easily pass through solid
12. (c) N t  N o    32     32     2 .
 
2 2 2 matter so they are less effective for artificial transmutation.
14. (b) In hydrogen bomb, the following reaction is occur, 47. (b) Given N o  1, N t  0.70 and t1 / 2  5760 yrs.

 1 H  2 He
3 4
10 n  energy . 0 .693 0 .693
k  .
15. (a) Heavy water is D2 O . t1 / 2 5760
Nuclear Chemistry 297

We also know, k 
2 .303 N 0 .693
log 0 . 6. (c) Z Am z Bm  4  2 He 4  21 e 0
t N t 5760
7. (c) Co 60 is used in radiotherapy of cancer.
2.303  5760  0.155 8. (b) Atoms of different elements having different atomic no. but same
or t   2966yrs.
0.693 mass no. are called isobars.
48. (b) The splitting of a heavier atom like that of U-235 into a 9. (b) N 14  2 He 4 8 O17 1 H 1
number of fragments of much smaller mass by suitable
bombardment with sub-atomic particles with liberation of huge 10. (d) 1H
2 He 3  1e 0
amount of energy is called nuclear fission. 3 3
1H and 2 He are isobars (same mass no.)
49. (c) 13 Al
 2 He 4  15 P 31  0 n1
11. (a) The isotopes having an excessive n/p ratio exhibit e  -emission.
50. (c) Rate of radioactivity is independent of all external factors.
12. (b) 6 C 14 is an isotope of carbon (6 C 12 ) .
51. (d) I131 is used for goitre therapy, i.e. iodine deficiency.
14. (a) Isotopes differ in number of neutrons but have same number
52. (c) C-14 is found in nature abundantly and in definite ratio. of protons.
53. (a) Astatine (At) is resembles in properties with iodine.
15. (a) Z A m z B m  4  2 He 4  2 1 e o
56. (d) Equate mass number and atomic number.
16. (c) Atoms of different elements having different atomic no. but same
57. (b,d) D2 O is used as moderator in nuclear reactor. mass no. are called isobars.
58. (a) The rate of disintegration is expressed in terms of the number 17. (b) Isotopes differ in number of neutrons but have same number
of disintegrations per second. of protons.
14 18. (c) z A m Z B m  4  2 He 4  2 1 e o
59. (b) 6C is used in dating archeological findings.
40 19. (c) is minimum for this isotope.
60. (a) n 2 p
20. (a) In chlorine gas ratio of Cl 35 and Cl 37 is 3 : 1.
N 100
 Amount left n0  2  25 gm 21. (d) Isotones have the same number of neutrons but different
2 2
number of nucleons (n  p) . e.g., 18
39 40
Ar, 19 K.
61. (d) The definition of nuclear fission.
22. (d) Isobars have different no. of protons and neutrons.
62. (a) The huge amount of energy released during atomic fission is
due to loss of mass. 23. (a) Atoms of different elements having different atomic no. but same
mass no. are called isobars.
63. (a) Mass defect is the measure of binding energy of a nucleus. 24. (c) Isotopes differ in mass no. and hence in the number of
65. (d) Irene curie and Juliot studied the artificial radioactivity. neutrons.
No 560 1 1 25. (c) Isotones are the species which have same number of neutrons
66. (d) N n
and n   4; N  4  gm. and different number of nucleons (p + n).
2 140 2 16
67. (d) G.M counter is used to determine rate of decay. 26. (d) In 13 H their are 1 proton and 2 neutrons.
68. (b) Cd and boron rods are control rods used in reactors. 27. (c) Isotopes differ in mass number, and hence in the number of
69. (b) Graphite is used as moderator to slow down the speed of neutrons.
neutrons in atomic reactors. 28. (b) In isotones have same number of neutrons.
12 29. (b) Atoms of different elements having different atomic no. but same
70. (d) Isotope C is the modern basis of atomic weight. mass no. are called isobars.
71. (a) 6C is used to determine the mechanism of photosynthesis. 30. (b) Two isotopes of bromine are Br79 , 81
35 35 Br

74. (a) 28 Ni 60  0 n1 28 Ni 61 27 Co 60  1 p 1 No. of neutrons in 35 Br79 = 79  35  44

76. (b) 6C
used for dating process. No. of neutrons in 35 Br 81 = 81  35  46 .
T T 31. (c,d) Isotopes have same atomic number but different mass number
N  1  t1 / 2 13  1  5770 and same chemical properties.
79. (a)      33. (a) Isotopes have same atomic number but different mass number.
No  2  100  2 
 82 Pb207  x 2 He 4  y 1 
235 0
34. (c) 92 U
13 T
Taking log  log  log1 / 2  16989 yrs
100 5770 235  207 28
no. of -particles =   7
4 4
Isotopes-Isotones and Nuclear isomers no. of  -particles = 92  82  2  7  4  .
35. (c) z A m  2 o n1  Z A m  2 , an isotope of A.
1. (b) The definition of Isotopes.
36. (b) Atoms of different elements having different atomic no. but same
2. (a) Isotopes of hydrogen is 1 H 1 , 1 H 2 , 1 H 3 known as protium, mass no. are called isobars.
deuterium and tritium respectively. 37. (a) A X M   A  2 Y M  4
3. (d) 8O
isotope of oxygen have 10 neutrons and 8 protons. 38. (a) Isotopes have same atomic number but different mass number.
4. (a) Atoms of different elements having different atomic no. but same 39. (a) In isotope 32 X 65 , 32 is atomic number and 65 is atomic
mass no. are called isobars. weight.
5. (c) Isotopes have same atomic number but different mass number.
298 Nuclear Chemistry
40. (b) Atoms of different elements having different atomic no. but same dx 1
mass no. are called isobars. 8. (b)  N 1 , 1  10 5  N 1
41. (c) Atoms of different elements having different atomic no. but same
mass no. are called isobars. dx 2
 N 2 , 3.7  10 10  N 2
43. (a) Mass no. will remain same as proton is replaced by neutron. dt
44. (d) Isotopes differ in number of neutrons but have same number
N1 1  10 5 1  10 5
of protons.    0 .27  10  5 .
45. (b) Atoms of different elements having different atomic no. but same N 2 3 .7  10 10
3 .7
mass no. are called isobars.
9. (d) 92 U
 o n1 54 X e139  38 Sr 94  3 o n1
46. (a) 11 Na 24  12 Mg 24  1 e 0 (-particle comes out).
0 .693 0 .693
47. (d) Isotopes differ in number of neutrons but have same number 10. (a) k   0 .231 per hrs.
of protons. t1 / 2 3 hr.
48. (d) Atoms of different elements having different atomic no. but same 0 .693
mass no. are called isobars. 11. (b) t1 / 2 of C–14 = 5760 year,   ,
49. (a) 1H
 2 He 3  1 e o
2 .303 C original
50. (a) Isotopes of same elements have the same number of protons Now t  log 14
but different number of neutrons.  C after time t
x  37  (100  x )35 3500  2 x 2.303  5760 100 2.303  5760  0 .9030
51. (b) 35.5 =  35.5   log 
100 100 0.693 12.5 0.693
2 x  50  x  25  Ratio 75 : 25 = 3 : 1 = 17281= 172.81 × 10 2 years.
52. (d) An ordinary oxygen contains a mixture of O-16 (99.8%), O-
17(0.037%), O-18(0.204%) isotopes. 12. (c) According to radioactive equilibrium  A N A  B N B
54. (c) They are isosters i.e, Number of atoms = same
0 .693  N A 0 .693  N B  0 .693 
Number of e  = same ;Physical properties = same or    
t1 / 2 ( A) t1 / 2 (B)  t1 / 2 
55. (ac) Isotopes have same atomic number but different mass number.
57. (bd) Both have 34 neutrons; Isotones have same number of Where t1 / 2 ( A) and t1 / 2 (B) are half periods of A and B
neutrons. respectively
NA NB N t ( A)
Critical Thinking Questions   or A  1 / 2
t1 / 2 ( A) t1 / 2 (B) NB t1 / 2 (B)
n  At equilibrium A and B are present in the ratio of their half
1. (a) 23
11 Na  ratio  12 / 11 1 1620
p lives 
2.8  10 6 Half life of uranium
11 Na  ratio  23 / 11  Half-life of uranium
n = 2.8  10 6  1620  4.53  10 9 years.
so decrease in ratio gives out  -particle
p 13. (c) Average life period = 1.44  t1 / 2

n  p  e (  ) . 1.44  1580  2275.2  2.275  10 3 yrs.

2. (b) Oxygen have 90% O 16 and 10% O 18 14. (a) N o  8 gms, N = 0.5g and t = 1 hr. = 60 min. find t1 / 2 by
 90 10  2 .303  t1 / 2 N
Atomic mass =   16   18  t log o .
 100 100  0 .693 N
1440  180 1620 0.693 2.303 a
=   16.2 . 15. (b) k   log
100 100 0.75 hr t a  0 .999a
3. (c) It is a neutron induced fission reaction.
2 .303
4. (a) Mass defect = mass of sulphur – mass of chlorine  log10 3  7.5 hrs .
 34.96903  34.96885  0.00018 g
Binding energy =mass defect  931 16. (c) T = 50 days, t1/ 2 = ?, N o  1, N  ,
 0.00018  931
n n
 0.1675 MeV 1 1 1
N  N o    or  1  ,
5. (a) The problem refers that rate is constant. 2 32 2
6. (a) 1C = Activity of 1 g of Ra226  3.7  1010 dps 1 1
5 n
or      or n = 5
Activity of 1g of Ra226  3.7  10 4 dps 2 2
So, the no. of  -particles are emitted per second by 1g of T  t1 / 2  2 , or t1 / 2 
 10 days.
Ra is 3.7  10 dps  3.62  10 / sec
4 4 5

7. (a) 2.92  10 4 -particles will be emitted per second.

Nuclear Chemistry 299

2.303 a 2 .303 2
17. (d) K log  log 8 1
40 a  0.875a 40 28. (a) N t  N o   [  t1 / 2 = 22 years, T = 11 years, N o =2, N t =?]
 0.05199 min 1 t1 / 2 = 0.693/0.05199
11 1
= 13.33 min. = 13 min 20 sec. T  t1 / 2  n, 11= 2 × n or n  
22 2
18. (d) t1 / 2  10 days, N  125 1/2
2 .303  t1 / 2 N  N t  2 gm     1 .414 gm .
Calculate as, t  log o . 2
0 .693 125
2.303 15
19. (a) t1 / 2 

0 .693
 0.1098  10 4  1098 yrs . 29. (c) t  5000  log
k 6 .31  10 4 0.693 5

20. (c) T  t1 / 2  n,  3000  1500  n n = 2 2.303

  5000  log 3  7927  7.92  10 3 yrs.
1 1
 Amount left    0 .25 g .
22 4 6 .023  10 23
30. (c) 1g U-235  atoms
n 18 / 3 6 235
1 1 1
21. (a) N t  N o   , N t  256    256    4 .
2 2 2 6 .023  10 23
 energy released  3 .2  10 11  J  8.21  1010 J
15 235
22. (b) Quantity of radioactive element decayed 
 8.2  107 kJ .
15 1
Quantity left = 1   31. (a) Isotones have same number of neutrons.
16 16
85  3  87  1
1 1
1 1
4 n
32. (b) Average atomic weight of element   85.5
 1    or      3 1
16 2 2 2

one half-life =
 10 days.
Assertion & Reason
n 26 / 6 .5
1. (c) Atomic number defines identity of an atom because each atom
1 1 has a definite number of protons in its nucleus.
23. (c) N t  N o    48  10 19  
 
2 2 3. (d) The activity of 1 g of pure U  235 and that in U 3 O 8 is
4 same. Activity does not depend upon the state of combination.
1 5. (b) In some nuclides, the nucleus may capture an electron from the
 48  10 19    3  10 19 .
2 K -shell and the vacancy created is filled by electrons from
0.693 2.303 1 higher levels giving rise to characteristic X -rays. This process
24. (c)  log is known as K -electron capture or simply K -capture.
9 t 1  0.2
6. (c) Radioactivity of an element is independent of its physical state
0.693 2.303 16 its chemical environment or temperature, suggesting that it is a
25. (b)  log  560 days property of nucleus i.e., nuclear phenomenon.
140 t 16  15
7. (d) At onetime, it was believed that actinium series starts with
20 N 1 1 Ac  227 but now it is well known that it starts with
26. (b) n   5, t     ,  decayed
4 No  2  32 U  235 and Ac  227 is one of the main products.
 
 1  31 9. (a) 92 U
 0 n1  92 U 239 
 93 Np 239 
 94 Pu 239
 1 –   100   100  96.87 .
 32  32 In breeder reactors, the neutrons produced from fission of
U  235 are partly used to carry on the fission of U  235
27. (b) rnucleus  1.3  10 -13  ( A)1 / 3 , where A is mass number and partly used to produce some other fissionable material.
10. (a) The activation energies for fusion reactions are very high. They
rU 238  1.3  10 13  (238)1 / 3  8.06  10 13 cm.
require very high temperature ( 10 6 ) to over come
electrostatic repulsion between the nuclei.
rHe 4  1.3  10 13  (4 )1 / 3  2.06  10 13 cm.
12. (c) Loss of  or  -particle is to change N / P ratio so that it
Total distance in between uranium and  nuclei lies with in the stability belt. Loss of  -particle increases
= 8. 06× 10 13 + 2.06 × 10 13 = 10.12 × 10 13 cm N / P ratio while loss of  -particle decreases N / P ratio.
Now repulsion energy = 13. (b) It is correct that photochemical smog is produced by nitrogen
Q1 Q 2 92  4.8  10 10  2  4.8  10 10 oxide and it is also fact that vehicular pollution is a major
 erg source of nitrogen oxide but it is not correct explanation.
r 10.12  10 13
 418.9  10 7 erg = 418.9  10 7  6.242  1011 eV 14. (d) Binding energy per nucleon of 3 Li 7 (5.38 MeV) is lesser than
He 4 (7.08 MeV) as helium is found to be more stable than
= 26.147738  10 4 eV . 2
Li . As the atomic mass number increases, the binding energy
300 Nuclear Chemistry
per nucleon decreases. As the atomic number and the atomic
mass number increase, the repulsive electrostatic forces with in
the nucleus increase due to the greater number of protons in
the heavy elements. To over come this increased repulsion, the
proportion of neutrons in the nucleus must increase to
maintain stability. This increase in the neutron to proton ratio
only partially compensates for the growing proton – proton
repulsive force in the heavier, naturally occurring elements.
Because the repulsive forces are increasing less energy must be
supplied, on the average, to remove a nucleon from the
nucleus. The BE/A has decreased. The BE/A of a nucleus is an
indication of its degree of stability. Generally, the more stable
nuclides have higher BE/A than the less stable ones. The
increase in BE/A as the atomic mass number decreases from
260 to 60 is the primary reason for the energy liberation in the
fission process. The increase in the BE/A as the atomic mass
number increases from 1 to 60 is the reason for the energy
liberation in the fusion process, which is the opposite reaction
of fission.
15. (b) It is correct that during nuclear fission energy is always
released and it is also true that nuclear fission is a chain
16. (e) Neutrons are more effective than protons of equal energy in
causing artificial disintegration of atoms. neutrons are neutral
they penetrate the nucleus and do not exert any repulsive force
like positive charged protons.
17. (b) It is true that abeam of electrons deflects more than a beam of
 -particles in am electric field. It is also true that electrons
have –ve while  -particles have +ve charge. Here both are
true but reason is not a correct explanation.

Na 22  12 Mg 22  1 
18. (d) 11 .

Thus this change involves a  -particle emission and not a

positron. Also, proton emission convert proton into neutron as
: 1P 
 0 n 1  1  0

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