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첫 번째 과제

Ÿ 아래 문장을 자신의 목소리로 녹음하여 녹음파일을 카페에 ‘과제제출하기’ 게시판에 올

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Ÿ 제출기한 : 2021년 3월 13일 24시까지

1. Maybe we should delay our trip.

2. You should try to get him to understand
3. I should have left earlier.
4. You shouldn’t turn at the corner to get to my house.
5. What should I order?
6. I’ve got to take her to the hospital.
7. I have to say I did everything for him.
8. You’ll have to wear a suit to enter.
9. You don’t have to help me with my homework.
10. Do I have to be put on the waiting list?
11. What do I have to prepare for the funeral?
12. The first thing we have to do is calm your mom down.
13. You’d better talk to him in person.
14. I think we’d better make an announcement
15. I have done something worthwhile.
16. I’ve heard there was an earthquake last night.
17. I’ve decided to take part in the marathon.
18. I’ve been considered for a management position before.
19. I’m sure that they’ll come back home.
20. I swear that I’ll get back home earlier tomorrow.

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