Contemporary Philippine Arts From The Region: 3 Quarter, 2

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Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region

3th Quarter, Week 2

Development and Quality Assurance Team

Developer: Menerva P. Luarez

Learning Area Supervisor:

Illustration Credits:
Title Page Art: Marieto Cleben V. Lozada
Title Page Graphics: Bryan L. Arreo
Visual Cues Art: Ivin Mae M. Ambos

Competency: Describes various Discuss Various Art Forms Found in the Philippines.
Objectives: At the end of the week, the students should have:
Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Learner’s Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides released by
DepEd Central Office. Furthermore, utilization of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational use and
constitutes fair use. All Rights Reserved.

o Identify the various art forms in the Philippine.

o Make a collage on the various culture from ethnic art to present era.
o Value Appreciate our various artist and their works in order to know more about contemporary arts.

Learner’s Tasks

Lesson Overview

Discuss Various Art Forms Found in the Philippines

In the previous lesson, we defined Contemporary art as the art of today, produced by artists who are living
in the twenty-first century.

The 7 Major Contemporary Art Forms in the Philippines:

1. Music - art form that appeals to the sense of hearing, composed by combining notes into harmony.
2. Literature - art form of language through the combined use of words, creating meaning and experience.
3. Theater - art form of performance. Dramatic text is portrayed on stage by actors and actresses, enhanced by props,
lights and sounds.
- form of art in which artists use their voices and/or their bodies, often in relation to other objects, to
convey artistic expression.
4. Film - a technological translation of theater, special effects are utilized to enhance the story telling.
5. Dance - art of the human form, body is used, mobilized and choreographed in a specific time, form and space.
6. Architecture, Designs and Allied Arts - structure that meant to be used as shelter, its art relies on the design and
purpose of the structure.
7. Visual Arts - Artwork, such as painting, photography, or sculpture, that appeals primarily to the visual sense and
typically exists in permanent form.

Contemporary Art Practices from Various Regions

 Tinikling - Philippine dance, which involves two individual performers hitting bamboo poles, using them to
beat, tap, and slide on the ground, in co- ordination with one or more dancers who steps over and in between
 Cariñosa - is a Philippine national dance from the María Clara suite of Philippine folk dances.
 Haladaya Festival - The northernmost town of Cebu, Daanbantayan, celebrates a festival in honor of the
warrior Datu Daya of Kandaya.
 Sinulog- Sinulog Festival – Dance ritual of the miraculous image of Sto. Niño.


 LAPU-LAPUS SHRINE - Is a 20-meter bronze statue located in the Mactan Shrine in Punta Engaño, Mactan
Island, Cebu.

 Nine Muses (Siyam na Diwata ng Sining) by Napoleon Abueva (1976) -

 Cultural Center of the Philippines - is a government owned and controlled corporation established to
preserve, develop and promote arts and culture in the Philippines.

Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Learner’s Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides released by
DepEd Central Office. Furthermore, utilization of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational use and
constitutes fair use. All Rights Reserved.

 Spoliarium painting of Juan Luna - working on canvas, spent eight months completing the painting which
depicts dying gladiators.
 The Sketch, Portrait of the Professor, and Poinsettia Girl . By Victorio C. Edades emerged as the “Father of
Modern Philippine Painting”.


Gangsa (Flat gong) - played by the groups in the Cordillera region, played among the Islam and animist groups in the
Southern Philippines.

 Solibao - hallow wooden Igorot drum topped with pigskin or lizard skin, this played by striking the drumhead
using the palm of the hand.

 Tongatong - a bamboo percussion instrument used by the people of Kalinga to communicate with spirits
during house blessings.

 Diwdiw-as (Buntok) - 5 or more different size of slender bamboo that is tied together.

Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Learner’s Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides released by
DepEd Central Office. Furthermore, utilization of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational use and
constitutes fair use. All Rights Reserved.

 Saggeypoit is a bamboo pipe that is closed on one end by a node with the open end held against the lower lip
of the player as he blows directly across the top.

 Bungkaka - Bamboo buzzer.

 Kulintang - refers to a racked gong chime instrument played in the southern islands of the Philippines, along
with its varied accompanying ensembles.

 Rondalla - performed on ensembles comprising mandolin instruments of various sizes called banduria
composed on the Iberian tradition.

Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Learner’s Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides released by
DepEd Central Office. Furthermore, utilization of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational use and
constitutes fair use. All Rights Reserved.


 OPM (Original Pilipino Music) - originally referred only to Philippine pop songs, particularly ballad.

 Harana and Kundiman - In the 1920s Harana and Kundiman became more mainstream musical styles.

 Filipino hip-hop or Pinoy hip-hop (also known as Pinoy rap) - is hip-hop music performed by musicians

of Filipino descent, both in the Philippines and overseas, especially by Filipino-Americans.

Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Learner’s Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides released by
DepEd Central Office. Furthermore, utilization of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational use and
constitutes fair use. All Rights Reserved.

Formative Test

Activity 1.

Direction: Identify the most appropriate answer. Select from the Column A to match Column B.


_____1. Cultural Center of the Philippines


_____2. Spoliarium

_____3. The Sketch


_____4. Harana at Kundiman


_____5. Kumintang

_____6. Pinoy Hip-hop


_____7. Siyam na Diwata ng Sining


Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Learner’s Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides released by
DepEd Central Office. Furthermore, utilization of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational use and
constitutes fair use. All Rights Reserved.

_____8. Buntok

_____9. Rondalla

_____10. Gangsa

Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Learner’s Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides released by
DepEd Central Office. Furthermore, utilization of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational use and
constitutes fair use. All Rights Reserved.

Activity 2
Direction: COLLAGE MAKING (Cut or Draw). Make a “Timeline of Philippine Arts” from Ethnic Art to
Contemporary Era.


The collage is related to the assigned

Theme them, clear without explanation. 4
Interesting shape and well-arranged
Organization design. 3
Object used reflect creativity and
Development masterpiece. 3
Total 10

Activity 3

Direction: Explain your thoughts on the given question below. Write your answer on your answer sheet.

Describes our present artist, their works and theme used today from our previous artist and their work of arts.


The content was well - thought,

Content guide questions were thoroughly 4
The content was well - thought,
Organization guide questions were thoroughly 3
Points are thoroughly developed.
Development 3
Total 10

Self – Check

Direction: Write the missing word/s to complete the sentence.

1. After the ______________ forms in the Philippines has been discussed, there are seven major art forms found
identified and commonly used by Filipinos.
2. _________________ is another term for Filipino Pop Music.
3. Describing our own Filipino instruments played especially in the ____________ and (4) __________________ in
Mindanao serve as our own identity of enriching our culture and traditions.
5. ________ usually appeals to the sense of seeing and hearing.

Post Test

Direction: Read the sentence carefully, select the letter of your choice and place it on your answer sheet.

1. It is a form of art that refers to the staging and execution of a production like drama, opera, festivals.
A. Dance
B. Architecture
Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Learner’s Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides released by
DepEd Central Office. Furthermore, utilization of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational use and
constitutes fair use. All Rights Reserved.

C. Theater
D. Sculpture
2. Refers to a racked gong chime instrument played in the southern islands of the Philippines, along with its varied
accompanying ensembles.
A. Kulintang
B. Rondalla
C. Bungkaka
D. Tongatong
3. Identify the 7 major arts form in the Philippines.

4. Is OPM considered a contemporary art?

A. Yes
B. No
5. Metropolitan is what contemporary art form in the Philippines?
A. Painting
B. Architecture
C. Dance
D. Theater


Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region Luzviminda D. Sandangan, Ayesha H. Sayseng pp. 137-146

https// Artist of the Philippines arts?next_slideshow=1,
Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Learner’s Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides released by
DepEd Central Office. Furthermore, utilization of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational use and
constitutes fair use. All Rights Reserved.
ed76d0645af5&v=&b=&from_search=2 m_the_Regions

Online Learning Material (week1) (week2) (week3)

Answer Keys
Activity 1
1. J
2. H
3. G
4. E
5. C
6. I
7. F
8. D
9. A
10. B
Self – Check

1. Contemporary Arts
2. Original Filipino Music
3. Cordillera region
4. Southernmost region
5. Art forms

Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Learner’s Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides released by
DepEd Central Office. Furthermore, utilization of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational use and
constitutes fair use. All Rights Reserved.

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