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COVER STORY INETALS TESTING trom page 6 Don't rely blindly on acid testing Use your eyes, hands, and head Observe the color of the gold. Seruti- nize the piece. [Fit looks like junk jew elry and tests to be gold, something may be wrong, Most karat stamps are ccomect, but don’t rely completely on of them. Think! ‘After repeated testing you should be able to develop an instinct for the dif ferent pieces you will encounter. Note: Conducting a nomdestructive test means rubbing a streak of metal on the black stone, which won't damage jewelry or other items. Destructive tests mean taking 2 file or knife and fil- ing or scraping through the surface layor of metal Caution: Use extreme care in han- dling testing solutions as they are cor- rosive acids. In case of skin contact, flush with large amounts of water. ‘Then treat the affected area with sodi- uum bicarbonate (baking soda). If swal- lowed, contact a physician or hospital in case of spills, treat with ‘water and then sodium bicarbonate, How To Use the Test Kit Important! Accurate readings will be difficult unless the test stone is thor- hhly sanded with #240 to #400 sandpaper. Remove accumulated metal streaks with the same sandpaper. Breaking in a new gray-colored stone: After the stone has been very thoroughly sanded on both sides, take a squirt bottle of 14K acid and cover the entire surface one side at a time, You will see numerous microscopic bubbles as the acid is absorbed into the stone. After five minutes, remove the acid and sand it again, then coat it again with the 14K acid. This is the only time you will have to do this, You may hear many exotic methods of removing built up streaks on the stone, but simple sanding with 400 8 TODAY'S PAWNSROKER! FALL 2008 sandpaper is the best and actually will improve the testing surface for future metals testing, Black stones might not need much sanding Preliminary Screen Using the Magnet The use of an extremely powerful 32-pound-pull neodymium magnet will save you alot of time and money When the customer lays out silver colored items from her box on your counter, touch the magnet ‘o.each item. Anything that leaps to the magnet is either pure nickel or has strong iron content. Refuse these items without further testi, Spring rin, have steel spring: ‘othe magnet: ign Any items that a the magnet re items that don recommend taking 2 deeply into OF course. customer why do before proceeding Apply the 14K acid & bubbles green, the it silver. If it tums a is at least 90 percent si brown with very is 8K gold or below If it just tums brown bles, itis likely 10K gold. If t does not change color, itis likely AK gold or bette: Note that 10K white gold will nor mally bubble green when the acid is applied, Test it on the stone to confirm thatit is 10K gold. Use the following instructions pro- vided here for further testing, Caution: Most plated and gold filled items and most costume jewelry won't be attracted to the magnet. The prelim- inary sereening is basically a time-sav- ing test to eliminate items that are obviously not gold or silver and also to point out suspicious items. Normal claw clasps be attracted 3d will attracted to than and ith no bub- testing as outlined throughout this arti- leis still required. Test for 10K Gold Rub the item being tested on a well- sanded, smooth fest stone, leaving @ ng Visible streak. Apply 10K acid Observe the reaction 1. [test mark fades completely, item has zero gold content. If the test mark stays bright, itis atleast 10K gold. 2. If the test mark stays on the stone but fades to brown, the item is less than 10K but has some definite gold content To determine approximate gold con- tent, proceed to the Destructive Test for 10K Gold, Destructive Test for 10k Gold File into the metal. Apply 14K (not 10K) acid cirectty upon the cut 1. Bott sold metal conds there are no green bubbles, en the item tested is true 10K gold. Observation of the green bubbles is best conducted with a 10-power loupe. The color of the bubbles can also be confirmed by blotting the acid with a white Kleenex. The green will be visi ble on the tissue Ifafter 10-15 seconds there ace only ‘one of two green bubbles, the item is OK. If there are numerous green buib- bles after 10-15 seconds, the item is about 8K. If bubbles appear instantly, the item is 7 karat or less. If there are profuse bubbles, the item is 6K or below. Remember: The information in this paragraph is applicable only after the COVER STORY METALS TESTING from page 8 streak faded but not completely with the LOK acid. Note: True 10K white gold will ve slightly bubble green when the 141 acid is applied. This is normal due to the high nickel alloy Test for 14K Gold Rub the item on the tes stone, fom- ing a strong sireak. Apply 14K acid t0 the streak 1. If test mark stays on the stone with no fading afier 10 seconds, the metal is at least 14K. If it fades completely, there is no gold conten 2, IP est streak stays on the sione but immediately fades 10 brown, the mets is considerably lower than 14K. On most American jewel, itis very likely 0K, Note: Some jewelry with a factory stamp actually may be slightly less than 14K. Prior to about 1982, it was 1 to stamp 13.5K gold as 14K. will cause only slight change in the streak, causing it to brightness and after a while turn a rusty yellow. You will encounter some jewelry mnarked 14K P. Th 4K “plumb Note: 18K “pink” or 14K white gold usually weaker than yellow gold, est slightly ‘Test for 18K Gold Rub the item on a clean spot on a well-sanded test stone. Apply 18K acid, L. If test mark immediately goes “lights out” to brown, the unknown is almost surely 14K (if it has passed the 14K tests). No further testing is neces- the test mark stays on the stone for 10 seconds or so and then slowly WNBROKER I FALL 2008 Handy Tips and Advice Silver Sfamps and Halimarks fc piece, fiaiware or holiowmare, is American made ang there Is a hallmark oF a makers name, Ifit doesnt say sterling, then you can be 100 percert sure thot tis siver plate or such. Ne American company would make something sletling andi forget io stamp ii STERIING, fil reads Geimen Siver, of Alas«a Siver, of Deep Silver oF other nefarious sik ver pseuconym, itisnotsiver. ‘A quick vay to fell, even with flatware, without looking, Is fry 1o bend the Piece fits sf cs a board ond would bond only with brute force, then itis not silver. you ry bend an lien and It gives ¢ Iie, then it's probabyy siver, Biitsh and Briish Commonwealth siering wil have hollmarks and within the litle squares there will be a ite lion, three fest on the grounc and tront pow Up. This is called the passant fon and is how Englth stotling owe are marked, In Mose same litle squares you might see the letters EP. This mears Electio Plate, On some flatware you might sce the *rempant lion.’ This one is stancing ‘on iistwo back feet wih ifs paws Up, This iz not c symbol for sterling — [ust the opposite, I aways means silver pale In older Europe, the standard for silverware, holowwore and jevelry was 60 percent anc &3 percent These will be marked 800 ard 830 or 835. You vill also see German fiaiviare marked 90. These are never siver, always siver picte. Use tne “ty to bend’ testo confi this. ‘You might encounter olde: European hollowware ond even some flahvate ‘that has no markings or unidentifaile hallmarks. Take the piece and ub it on the black sione; make three or more rubs sce by side fom the same place on the fem: then opply the 18K acid fo all hie= shoals. fall hiee tum an even blue color. you can be prety sue the Bem i atiecst 80 percent sive. the los couple of steaks on ihe Sone are less blue orfoding: ut. You ale reading incications ior siver piste Caution: Sheffield piaie hos very thin sheets of siver over base metal. You really have to gate good rub of fue or more sheaks to get through he piaies. Once you ore sure the fem is really siver, you won! know the percentage: luniess you actully apply acid directly on the item. Find an inconspicuous Place; scrape the surface win the Act of a knife oF fle; and apply 14K aci. Only 1K ithe area tums a gh! milky giay color hen its very Ikely stering slver. rit ‘ins an off-color, darker grey its likely 800 or 830 cilvor. IF! bubbies light green but not profusely, itis 60 percent silver or less. Profuse {green bubdling mecns you better recheck what you cid, Decoute it proba biy silver plate, Pewter wil produce gray budbing. ‘Of course if this tem is sorop or you have pormistion from the customer, don't \wasie time on the sone. Take the flat of a big ualy fle cnd go deep. Apply he 14K acid and observe the reation, item is platinum, proceed to the test for platinum, If an unmarked item has a more yellow color and heft for siz than is typical for 18K gold, refer to the section on testing for 22-24 Karat gold, to brow ander karated 18K 3. If the test mark is unaffected by the acid and remains bright on the stone, it is at least 18K. If you are testing white metal and suspect the is it likely just a bit Testing for Gold Filled You may encounter items belonging to a customer that have no karat stamps and you suspect might be gold filled Ask the: ’s permission to test it on the stone. Rub a sharp comer or edge on the stone, Then rub another strong streak from the same edge or com the first streak Then do it a third time, three streaks next to each otha Apply the same 14K acid to all the streaks. I hird streak fades out or significantly color, the piece is heavy gold most gold filled, one streak is all that is needed. If it fades away completely there is no gold content. ing all the second o} Test for 21K to 24K Gold Assaying 21K-24K cult ofall tests, The best way is to rub a steeak from a known 21K or 22K coin and a siteak of the unknown, side by side. Apply 22K or platinum acid the lower karat metal will fade firs This takes some practice and educated guessing, If the item tested is said to be 24K rub it on the stone. If you get x nice, smooth, even streak, it is not 24K. Pure gold will nat “ite” into stone, It will be impossible to get nice, oven streak; instead, it will le litte flecks of gold on the stone. the most didi Test for Platinum Rub the item on the stone. Apply COVER STORY 22K or platinum acid. Observe the reaction Ifthe streak gradually fades 10 brown it is surely 18K, already passed the 18! white metal remai ‘a minute or so with no trace of fading, ‘the metal is platinum, Important notice! This is where you should start using your head. Genuine platinum should rub relatively soft or the stone and should have a much more than average hefi or heavy feel- ing relative to its size. Te the item is so hard that it practical ly squeaks across the sione, it can’t be platinum Iron and steel items will pass the stone test for platinum. Use your ma net to eliminate thes presuming is has test. If the Pe aotarss WORLDWIDE)BIAMOND CO. BUYING DIAMONDS! ee ee ty. renter oar baer ne See Us at most Pawnbroker Conventions South Hill St. #811 Los Angeles, CA goorg * EMAIL* FALL 2008 | TODAY'S PAWNEROKER 11 COVER STORY METALS TESTING ‘rom page 11 There are many other white non~ magnetic metals that will give false num stone readings, such as met- als used in stainloss flatware, sladium class rings, chromium cobalt dental material, ec There are numerous thick heavy wedding bands out there that are facto- 'y stamped “PLATINUM.” Unfortu- nately for those who buy them, they are some sort of worthless white stain- less metal Palladium Testing Ru the item on the stone and epoly 18K acid. If the metal has palladium content, the streak will very slowly turn a yellowish green color, I? th streak fades completely, it is not pal Test for Silver Clean the surface of the test item. The test will be beter if the surface has been seraped with a knife or a file Apply red silver acid on the cleaned area; the brighter the red color, the higher the silver content. Experimentation with the red acid will be helpful. The shelf life of the red acid is sometimes a problem, We actually prefer the following tests for silver Rub the unknown white metal on the stone. A smoothly sanded stone is «ssential for this test. Apply 18K acid to the streak and observe the reeetion, I the test mark tums to an intense, sil yery blue color, there is strong silver content. I? the test mark tums to a blotchy, uneven blue color, it is silver plate. Itit dissolves completely it has no silver content. Even silver coins that are just 10 percent pure will leave some faint blue streaks or blobs. 42 TODAY'S PAVINBROKER| FALL 2008 A false silver reading may be obtained if t 2 heavy silver plate or a Sheffield (silver filed) process Destructive Silver Tests Take a fi area of the it seep as value of th circumstances. the spot If the metal is 90 percent silver or higher, the spot will turn a whitish, mnilky gray color, it will likely de 9 sterling silver. The whiter the color higher the silver conten IE the spot grey color, imately 80 perc colo, the Lower the s If the silver is b green bubbles will f are immediate and very sx fuse, the item is not Silver below 50 pe encountered in jewelry or silverware or knife to a smooth fla being tested. Go as depending upon the being tested and the Then drop 14K acid on he 2 noticeably darker -ontent is approx- 1 darker the Comparison Te One of the best way mine karat values is to rub @ d item (test needles, 14K band, 10K class ring, 22K coin, ete.) on the stone and the unknown item next 10 it Drop the most applicable test acid on both streaks at the same time. The weaker will fade fist Some assayers keep a small 10K and 14K ring as standards, Testing for Dental Materials Little testing is usually required for yellow dental gold as it is so obvi- ous. A large group of dental gold will average to about 16K gold, and most metals buyers accept dental material based on assumed 16K without any testing, but individual pieces vary It is usually useless to attempt to get an accurate karat number using the stone and acid, as the alloy dental labs use palladium, ruthenium, plat- num and other exotic metals that make this material test higher than it ly is White Dental Materi: metals ade of alloys and do they Ext ed in mode chromium cobal contain ro al is impervious to all ci ‘© metal teeth are made up of silver, palladium and a little ld. These will test as 14K or 18K On the stone, but this is a false read White dental teeth will usually have 2 gold content of 5 percent to 20 per- cent, a palladium content of about 10 percent to 20 percent, and a small per- centage of silver. The remainder will be denial lab alloys of non precious metal. We recommend saving up the white tweth and shipping not less than 10 troy ‘ounces to a refinery British Commonwealth .375 & 333 Gold tems with these marks are usually fiom Great Britain, Ausiralia, New Zealand and South Africa. The sym- bols are for 9K and 8K gold ‘We have tested some of these that were significantly under-karated. Use the Destructive Test for 10K Gold if in doubt Placer Gold and Natural Nuggets These are very hard to figure, as they contain mineral impurities which vary depending upon where they were formed. Most placer flakes will assay at around 80 percent pure. Mest muggets are higher karat, but contain more ampurities and assays will vary from 70 percent to 90 peroent Many dealers bay both at 18K. None will be 24K, as is the common public belief Crematory Dental Material Dealers may encounter dental mater- jal recovered from crematoriur These are teeth and bridges that atc bummed dark and are sometimes partial- lyor completely meked Use extreme caution here, While most dental material is accepted at face, there are other prosthesis metals contained in bodies that are melted along with teeth but contain no pre- cious metals. Many of these look like melted toeth. Some are copper, nickel or brass and COVER STORY will bubble green when 14K acid is applied. Each piece should be carefully tested, X-Ray Recovery Silver Properly processed, dry X-ray recov ery silver will assay to about 90 per- cent to 95 percent, but lossos of 10 per cent or more before-after melt are common due to an amalgam that evap- orates daring melting The flaky, erusty, silverish material is always higher than the black dirt type that looks like potting soil Caution: Buying the black dirt X-ray material is quite risky. If it is improper- ly processed or if it is damp, the actual silver content per after-melt ounce can be quite low. got software? meee Providing Quality Software and Services for the Pawn Industry for over 20 years! PLATINUM Polishing-and Sweeps 47 West 47th Street 6th Floor New York, NY 10036 212-221-4500 FALL 20081 TODAY'S PAWNEROKER 13

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