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Eiman Mgeed

MLS(ASCPi) Sep 2014

Labce Free Questions

Question (37 points)

Gestational diabetes is diagnosed with the same testing and criteria used for the diagnosis of diabetes for a
nonpregnant adult.

Please select the single best answer


uestion (32 points)

A laboratory test flags as a critical result. The technologist repeats the test and it again flags as a critical
result. Which of these scenarios correctly describes all the actions that need to be taken after this occurs?

Please select the single best answer

The technologist immediately releases the result.

The technologist phones the clinical person handling the patient's care (caregiver) and reports the
critical test result.
The tech phones the patient's caregiver, reports the critical result, documents who placed the call, who
was notified, time and date of notification.
The tech phones the patient's caregiver, reports the result and asks the caregiver to read back the
information; documents who placed the call, who was notified, time and date of notification.
Critical laboratory test results that are given over the phone must only be given to a clinical person (person in
charge of the patient's care). The person who receives the result should be asked to read back the
information that is given to verify that it was heard correctly. The person who reported the result, the person
who was notified, and the date and time of notification should be documented along with the test result.

uestion (48 points)

Increases in blood ammonia levels would be expected in which of the following conditions:

Please select the single best answer

Obstructive jaundice
Eiman Mgeed

MLS(ASCPi) Sep 2014

Labce Free Questions

End stage cirrhosis

Ammonia levels in the blood rise when the liver is not able to convert ammonia to urea, such as in
end-stage cirrhosis. Blood ammonia levels may be useful in monitoring treatment of hepatic coma as


uestion (47 points)

Which of the following reagent strip tests is based on the Ehrlich- aldehyde reaction.

Please select the single best answer

specific gravity

The urobilinogen reagent strip tests is based on the Ehrlich- aldehyde reaction. In this test, a pink-red
color forms in proportion to the amount of urobilinogen present.

Question (48 points)

Select the primary reagent components used in the Jaffe reaction for creatinine.

Please select the single best answer

Alkaline copper (II) sulfate

Saturated picric acid and sodium hydroxide
Sodium nitroprusside and phenol
Phosphotungstic acid

Saturated picric acid and sodium hydroxide are the main reagents used in the Jaffe reaction for
Eiman Mgeed

MLS(ASCPi) Sep 2014

Labce Free Questions

creatinine determination. These chemical components usually cause the creatinine reagent to have a
bright yellow color.

Question (46 points)

An osmometer can use any of the following principles except:

Please select the single best answer

Freezing point depression

Vapor pressure
Colloid osmotic pressure
Electrostatic charge

The most common type of osmometer uses freezing point depression. It is also known as a cryoscope.
Other types of osmometers can use either vapor pressure, or colloid osmotic pressure.

Question (31 points)

Which of the following cells when found upon microscopic examination of the urine would be most
indicative of kidney disease:

Please select the single best answer

WBCs and bacteria

Tubular epithelial cells
Squamous epithelial cells

Squamous epithelial cells are usually vaginal contaminants.

Question (61 points)

Absorbance (A) of a solution may be derived from percent transmittance using which formula?
Eiman Mgeed

MLS(ASCPi) Sep 2014

Labce Free Questions

Please select the single best answer

1+ log%T
2+ log%T
1 - log%T
2- log%T
log%T x 2

A = 2 - log %T , is the formula used to calculate absorbance from percentage transmittance data. This
Beer-Lambert Law relates the transmittance of light to absorbance by taking the negative logarithmic
function, base 10, of the transmittance observed by a sample, which results in a linear relationship to
the intensity of the absorbing species and the distance traveled by light. So, the Beer-Lambert Law
states that the absorbance of a sample is directly proportional to the
path length of the sample holder and the concentration of the sample.So, if all the light passes through
a solution without any absorption, then absorbance is zero, and percent transmittance is 100%. If all
the light is absorbed, then percent transmittance is zero, and absorption is infinite.

Question (48 points)

Which of the following analytes would not be significantly increased in a plasma sample as a result of

Please select the single best answer

Uric acid

Potassium, LDH, and AST are found in much higher concentration in intact RBCs than in serum.


Question (31 points)

The migration rate of proteins on cellulose acetate is primarily the result of:
Eiman Mgeed

MLS(ASCPi) Sep 2014

Labce Free Questions

Please select the single best answer

Molecular content of the protein

Ionic charge on the proteins
Concentration of the proteins
Type of proteins


The ionic charge of the sample proteins in protein electrophoresis is a paramount factor in establishing
the migration rates for the proteins being analyzed.


Question (48 points)

How would one prepare 3 mL of a 5% albumin working solution from a stock 30% albumin solution?

Please select the single best answer

0.4 mL stock 30% albumin + 2.4 mL diluent

0.5 mL stock 30% albumin + 2.5 mL diluent
2.5 mL stock 30% albumin + 2.5 mL diluent
2.5 mL stock 30% albumin + 0.5 mL diluent
2.5 mL stock 30% albumin + 0.5 mL diluent

Use the following formula to determine the amount of stock solution to use in preparing a working
solution of lesser concentration:

(% Stock solution) x (V1) = (% Working solution) x (V2)

V1 = volume of the stock solution

V2 = volume of the working solution

Then: (30) x (V1) = (5) x (3 mL)

Eiman Mgeed

MLS(ASCPi) Sep 2014

Labce Free Questions

30 V1 = 15 mL

V1 = 15 mL / 30 = 0.5 mL

The total volume of working solution that is needed is 3 mL. Therefore, you would add 0.5 mL stock
albumin to (3mL total volume working solution - 0.5 mL stock solution).

In other words, add 0.5 mL stock 30% albumin to 2.5 mL diluent for a total volume of 3 mL of 5%
albumin working solution.

Question (45 points)

Which of the following methods may be employed to definitively identify Bence-Jones proteins:

The correct answer is highlighted below

Sulfosalicyclic acid precipitation
Heat precipitation at 40-60oC
Urine dipstick
Urine dipstick

Bence Jones protein is a protein that is excreted by persons with multiple myeloma, a
myeloproliferative disorder of the immunoglobulin-producing plasma cells. The protein, which is
markedly elevated in blood serum, is filtered through the kidneys in quantities that exceed the tubular
reabsorption capacity. Consequently, it is excreted in the urine. All suspected cases shoud have
protein and immunoelectrophoresis performed on both serum and urine.

Question (74 points)

In order to correctly prepare a 4M solution of NaOH, how many grams need to be added to 200mL of
solution? (GMW=40)

The correct answer is highlighted below

32 grams
200 grams
80 grams
Eiman Mgeed

MLS(ASCPi) Sep 2014

Labce Free Questions

20 grams
64 grams

A general formula employed to determine the weight (in grams) of a substance to use to make a
certain volume with a desired normality (or molarity) is as follows:

Weight = Molarity x (volume needed ÷ 1000 mL/L) x Gram Equivalent weight/L


Weight = 4 (200mL ÷ 1000 mL/L) x 40g/L

Weight = 32 grams NaOH (dissolved in 200 mL total volume will make a 4M solution)

Question (50 points)

The Clinitest® reaction is based on which of the following principles?

The correct answer is highlighted below

Copper reduction
Ortho-toluidine oxidation
Diazotization of sugars
Enzyme reaction

Clinitest is a reagent tablet that is based on the classic Benedict's copper reduction reaction.

Question (29 points)

How many standard deviations above and below the mean is accepted as being an appropriate control
limit range on a control chart utilizing the Westgard rules:
Eiman Mgeed

MLS(ASCPi) Sep 2014

Labce Free Questions

The correct answer is highlighted below

1 SD
2 SD
3 SD
4 SD

Two standard deviations(SD) from the mean is used as a control limit in QC charts using the
Westgard rules. However, a control value within 2 SD of the mean may still fail a Westgard Rule. For
example 10 sequential control values even slightly below the mean would fail the Westgard rules, and
would indicate probable systemic error. Four sequential control values exceeding the mean by 1 SD
would also be rejected by the Westgard rules, and would also indicate probable systemic error.

Question (56 points)

Ideally, what testing should be done prior to starting a new lot of control material in order to establish
its mean and standard deviation?

The correct answer is highlighted below

Should be tested consecutively by 20 different technologists

Should be tested for 20 days
Should be tested 10 consecutive times on each of three work shifts

Ideally, 20 days worth of testing should be performed prior to starting a new lot of control material in
order to establish its mean and standard deviation. It is best to include data from different shifts and
different operators, but the testing should not be performed all at one time.

Question (65 points)

Calculate the annual laboratory building depreciation given the following scenario:
A new laboratory building needs to be constructed. The laboratory director has informed you that the
estimated quote for the new building construction would cost $450,000. The building would be used
for 13 years. At this point, the salvage value is estimated at $37,000.

The correct answer is highlighted below

$31,769.23 per year

Eiman Mgeed

MLS(ASCPi) Sep 2014

Labce Free Questions

$37,000 per year
$68,769.23 per year

To calculate annual depreciation, you can utilize the following equation:

Cost of the project - salvage value / life expectancy
In this case, $450,000 - $37,000 / 13 years = $31,769.23 depreciation per year

Question (40 points)

The predominant cells seen on the CSF smear in this illustration are indicative of:

The correct answer is highlighted below

Normal cytocentrifuged smear

Viral meningitis
Bacterial meningitis
Fungal infection


Intracellular bacteria within neutrophils are indicative of bacterial infection.

Question (43 points)

You answered the question incorrectly.

A zinc deficiency in the elderly is often caused by:

Eiman Mgeed

MLS(ASCPi) Sep 2014

Labce Free Questions

The correct answer is highlighted below

Decreased intake and absorption

Decreased intake and excretion

Increased intake and excretion

Increased excretion and decreased absorption


Some elderly individuals can have poor dietary habits which can lead to decreased nutrient absorption,
including zinc.

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