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Online Learning Module 2


Term: Finals Week: 9 Session: 1
Task: Written Output
In this session, you will learn to practice nursing in accordance with existing legal,
ethical and moral principles in the application of information technology.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this session, you will be able to:
1. Adhere to ethico-legal considerations when using information technology in
providing safe, quality, and professional nursing care.
2. Adhere to established norms of conduct based on the Philippine Nursing Law
and other legal, regulatory and institutional requirements relevant to safe
nursing practice.
3. Customize nursing interventions with the use of information technology based
on culture and values.
4. Manifest integrity and honesty in the application of information technology
system in nursing practice.
Learning Activities:
1. Read and review the topic. (see the PDF file)
2. Read online supplementary references for the topic.
3. Answer concept exercises.
Part 1: Answer the following questions. Answers must only be within 30 to 50
words. (20 points)
1. Anne Fang Hei is a nurse informaticist in a private hospital. She made a
computer program to automatize their billing system and was used
subsequently. Anne never published or registered her computer program. The
next year, she learns that another hospital has copied her computer program.
What can/should she do?

2. Vina Ruruth registered a trademark for Sphygmomanometers and called it

ViViCo. A local company, Starducks, produced coffee and sold it under the
same name without the consent of Ms. Ruruth. What can/should she do?
3. Kent Thot works in a copy center called “Pakopya ni Edgar.” One of his
customers asked him to photocopy a 5-paged report. Upon seeing the report
to be copied, he learns that there is a list of names positive with COVID-19
infection together with their addresses and contact numbers. What can/should
he do?

4. Dina Thitira is a secretary in a city mayor’s office. She recently received a paper
report regarding the list of names currently positive for COVID-19 infection.
During her break, after encoding the report on the computer, she used the back
of the report to answer a math challenge she saw on Facebook. She disposed
of the paper thereafter. The next day, the garbage collector, who happened to
be the neighbor of one of the patients in the list, saw the report and helped file
a lawsuit against Ms. Thitira. What are the possible penalties for Dina?

Part 2: Suppose you are a Hospital Administrator. Provide 10 rules that should be
followed by all employees to maintain data privacy at all times. Explain why for
each. (20 points)
1. Write your answers in the following format:
a. Paper (any kind)
b. PDF file
c. Microsoft Word
d. Others, ask for permission/availability from the instructor
2. Submit your answers using the following portals:
a. E-mail (
b. Messenger
c. Others, ask for permission/availability from the instructor
3. Submissions are due until end of semester.
4. For paper submissions:
a. submission through pictures of paper is allowed.
b. can be done for a week after resumption of classes.
Part 1: 5 points for each selection using this rubric:

Idea 1 point The answer is clear and focused. It

holds the reader's attention. Otherwise,
no point.
Organization 1 point The organization enhances and
showcases the central idea or theme.
Otherwise, no point.
Sentence Fluency 1 point Sentences are well built, with strong
and varied structure that invites
expressive oral reading. Otherwise, no
Understanding 1 point Writing shows strong and clear
understanding of the topic. Otherwise,
no point.
Originality/ 1 point The writing followed the correct
Mechanics mechanics and was not copied from
any source. Otherwise, no point.

Part 2: 2 points for each rule using this rubric.

Understanding 1 point Writing shows strong and clear
understanding of the topic. Otherwise,
no point.
Originality/ 1 point The writing followed the correct
Mechanics mechanics and was not copied from
any source. Otherwise, no point.


Attached PDF lecture file.

Online resources.
Prepared by:
Alvin B. Kabigting

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