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A Portrait of my Political Identity

This image represents my “Political Identity”. This image represents my love for giving. I
really like to help and give money or anything that will help other people, in short I want
to build a charity that will help not only the poor and sick but everyone who needs help.

Journal Entry
The politic related song that I chose to reflect is “UPUAN”. This song was very powerful,
the song is about the comfy existence of those in the leading rank, or those who are
"seated" in Malacang. The rich got richer, while the poor get poorer. Instead, those in
positions to lead us in the right direction simply sit and do nothing to make our society
more harmonious; they never dare to stand up and look around, thinking about the
people around them. The song's only message was that they (the politicians) needed to
look out for the poor in order for them to realize what they'd done only for themselves.
The poor cries out for attention, good governance, and a better life. It develops the
political self of the listeners thru the eye opener of verse per verse message by the
song, it reveals the life of those who seated in how they enjoy their luxurious life while
the normal and poor citizen struggles for their living. It influences my political self, yes, I
want to have money a lots of money and I will help every people in need. I don’t need to

be a politician to help the others, I just need to earn a lots of money a give it to those
who need it. Instead of making big houses, buying super cars, spending for vices, I will
spend it to the charities to help. I really disagree to those who close their ears when
people call for their help.

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