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Should students of politics seek to be objective and politically neutral? Why or why not?

 As Political science students are concerned, we need and should seek to be

objective, BUT NOT politically neutral. As we study politics in general, we should
have enough knowledge about the law, and on how to react to certain scenarios
and particularly government and political phenomena. It needs to be objective
because being subjective pertains to selfishness as the world does not revolve to
a single person alone. Politics are present in the society, and so as hierarchy; but
that does not mean special treatment for those who are in the higher ups, hence,
it should be equal for all. In a nutshell, that is politics, that is law, no one should
be above that, not even politicians. However, we cannot assimilate objectivity to
become politically neutral. Human as we are, we are rational beings; we can
distinguish what is right from wrong. Being a political shows apathy since one
takes an unbiased position in regard to political matters. But if you are neutral in
the situation of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. 
 For example: My Family is having a partnership with a “Corrupt Official” they
can’t go opposite because half of the shares in our company is the share of that
“corrupt official”  but even though I know it from the start, and as objective I
should know that, no I mean I really know it. People surround me that “Corrupt
Officials’ will affect our family,  but I always claim I'm just Neutral, and that shows
biases. I know it because my family also gains benefits with that situation, as a
daughter all I can do is claim the idea that I am neutral, and the idea is wrong.

 Acknowledging what is objective does not require us to be politically neutral. We 

need to stick on what is objective but we must make a political stand.

2. What is state, and why does it play a crucial role in politics?

 In a very simple look “state” is a kind of Organizational Structure that makes and
enforce the laws of the land. According to (De Leon & De Leon, 2011) State is is
a community of persons, more or less numerous, permanently occupying a
definite portion of territory, with a government of their own in which the great
body of inhabitants render obedience and enjoying freedom from external
control.  State plays a crucial role in Politics because the State is one who limits
the individual. ‘The purpose of the State is always the same: to limit the
individual, to tame him, to subordinate him, to subjugate him (Max Stirner, The
Ego and His Own 1845). 
 For Example: Think about it, the state has the power to imprison, to tax, to
regulate, to give and take. What if the State didn’t exist? Can we have Good
Government?Can Politics stand without it?For me-No, the State should be, and
should have to be centralized power. Politics always depends on the State,
because the State offers the highest court appeal, Even though states are critical
in Politics particularly with the theories. Theories influenced state on how it looks
in the Politis and the people, There are some who believe that the State is only to
make good laws and others think the state is rather a tool for corruption. 
3. How has state power been analyzed and explained?

First of all what is Power?, According to Robert Dahl (1957) Power is the ability to
get your own way. As explained by the illustration of Robert Dahl (1957) there
are three faces of power which are “Power as decision making, Power as agenda
setting, and Power as Thought Control”. Power as Decision making consists of
conscious actions that significantly influence the content of the decision making.
Power as Agenda -setting it is when preventing a decision to be carried out.
Power as thought control is affecting the psychological component of a person. 
There are two Types of Power that are Soft Power and Hard Power, and also
There are Three inherent powers; the Police power, the capacity to utilize police
and military power; Power of Eminent Domain; and taxation. State power is only
limited to those who have political power, political positions and elites, State
power should be the central of all but in the situation of the Philippines. The result
of State power always depends on the Political official; it's either they are going
to corrupt or have good governance. 

4. Is liberal democracy the ‘default position’ for human societies?

- I do believe that Liberal Democracy is the ‘default position’ for human societies
especially here, in the Philippines. When we say Liberal democracy it is the rule of the
majority that is acknowledged and the rights of every individual are respected, in this
kind of position in the Philippines the Officials or the Government are lacked.Because
there are corrupt officials that are abusing their power towards human societies.

For Example. “President Duterte”, He’s known for being “strongest man, a Populist”. He
used his “drug war” to catch the attention of Filipinos until he won. But that’s not the end
but rather the beginning of abusing, and bullying in the Philippines. Pres. Duterte is a
bully, especially to those who do not have power, he used to kill a human without
hesitation- the person who should change. Liberal Democracy is absent with the
administration of Duterte, he doesn't think how he killed thousands of “drug addicts'' ,
and also he admits that he is above all, he makes church bullshit and he is not the kind
of Leader who can respect individuals rights.

5. Is politics intrinsically linked to ideology? Can ideology come to an end?

 Karl Marx didn’t believe that all Political Views had an ideological character by
citing his own work, he believed that it is scientific and it’s view clear distinction
could be drawn between science and ideology, between truth and false truth . I
also believe after the analysis and studying the modules I realized that not all
people/Politicians can be considered as Ideological. Because Ideology can be
examined only in the ruling class, which can be ideas full of their own intentions
or ambitions.”ideology as a closed system of thought which by claiming a
monopoly of truth,refuses to tolerate opposing ideas and rival beliefs”. Ideology
 can’t stand until the end, because Politics are not consistent. It always depends
on the “people” if this kind of ideological views can stand until the end. 

we must and therefore should strive for objectivity, but not at the expense of political neutrality. We
might have sufficient understanding of the constitution as well as how to respond to various scenarios,
and/or politicians and government anomalies, as we research politics in general. It has to be factual
although being analytical is a form of arrogance since this universe doesn't always take precedence
around a single individual. Politics and inequality are both prevalent today; however, this may not imply
that those in managerial positions receive special treatment; thus, everyone must be treated equally.
We would not be willing to integrate rationality in order to become politically independent. Humans, as
individuals, are intelligent beings who can differentiate between morality. Being a politician
demonstrates indifference when one takes an unbiased stance on political issues. However, if you stay
impartial in the name of the greater good, you have taken the aggressor's argument. For example, if I
remain neutral between two political parties and know that one has an excellent movement while the
other is an individual who is my friend, I must choose a side and not remain neutral, and I will choose
what will benefit, which is the party led by an excellent leader. Yes, I will consider all parties and make
my point as to why I chose what I did.

State is is a community of persons, more or less numerous, permanently occupying a

definite portion of territory, with a government of their own in which the great body of
inhabitants render obedience and enjoying freedom from external control (De Leon
2011). Because the state should be the one who controls the citizen, the state plays an important role
in government. ‘The goal of the state will always be the same since the early years. It is to confine,
restrain, delegate, and repress the citizen.

According to Robert Dahl (1957) Power is the ability to get your own way. Power as
decision-making entails deliberate decisions that have a profound impact on the
substance of the decision. When it comes to stopping a decision from being carried out,
power as agenda-setting comes into play. The generation cyber of an individual is
affected by power as thought control. The outcome of state power is often determined
by the derived from the job description, perhaps they will exploit or they will have
effective governance.

- Liberal Democracy is, in my opinion, the "default position" for modern populations, particularly in the
Philippines. If we say democratic government, we mean that the proportional representation is
accepted therefore every individual personal rights are respected; however, with in Philippines,
representatives or the administration neglect this capacity. Since there is incompetency in the country in
terms of leader, officials and government. For example, Philippines has many known politicians or
political leader. Some of them shows potential at their early position, but as times goes by, they start to
show incompetency towards leading the country.

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