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Present to the State of Islamic Institute (IAIN) of Madura
In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement
For Degree of S1 in English Teaching Learning Program (S. Pd)




This is to certify that thesis of Gemma Muhammad Maulana entitled The Analysis of

Educational Values on the Characters of King Speech Movie has been approved by

the advisor further approval by the board of examiners.

Pamekasan, 19 March 2021


Mulyadi, S.S.,M.Pd


This is to certify that thesis of Gemma Muhammad Maulana entitled The Analysis of
Educational Values on the Characters of King Speech has been approved by the
Board of Examiners as one of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana.

Board of Examiners:

1. Mulyadi S.S., M.Pd. (The Chair) ( )

2. Hj. Kristanti Ayuanita M.Pd. (Member) ( )

3. Achmad Baidawi M.Pd (Member) ( )

Acknowledged by:
The Chief of State Islamic Institute (IAIN) of Madura

Dr. H. Atiqullah, S.Ag., M.Pd.
NIP. 197305041999031015


Gemma muhammad maulana, 2021, The Analysis of Educational Values on the

Characters of King Speech Movie, Thesis, English Teaching Learning Program
(TBI), Tarbiyah Department, Institute Islamic State (IAIN) Madura, Advisor:
Mulyadi, S.S.,M.Pd
Keywords: Character's educational value, Movie, King speech.
Education is the socially organized and regulated process of
continuous transference of socially significant experience from the previous
generations to following.
There are two objectives of this study. Frist To analyze character
educational value in “King Speech” movie and the second to know-how is the
character can give educational value in “King Speech” movie
In this research, the researcher uses descriptive analysis method in
library research though a subjective and psychological approach to literature.
the technique used to collect the data consist of some procedures. The ways
of collecting data Observation King Speech movie. Identify the dialogue
(expression) in the film that contains education value.The data dealing with
the purpose of the study. Data analysis is used to answer research problem or
examine the hypothesis itself. The researcher combines 2 ways to answer the
research focuss, namely descriptive analysis and content analysis.
After analyzing the data that was taken from the King’s Speech movie
The researcher found 10 educational values can perform in this movie, such
as how one of the characters in the movie talks, does something, and does an
activity. and most charater educational values can be found in this movie
through a conversation. 10 kind educational values can found in this movie,
there are religious, discipline, hardworking, creative, national spirit,
appreciating achievement, like to read, environmental care, sociality and
responsibility. This study can be a new motivation for them to be more
courageous in speaking in public, whether it's during a presentation in front of
a class or something else. remember how King George VI wanted to try to
cover up his stuttering by treating this stuttering and continuing to practice.


Gemma muhammad maulana, 2021, The Analysis of Educational Values on the

Characters of King Speech Movie, Skripsi, Tadris Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Tarbiah
Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Madura, Pembimbing: Mulyadi, S.S.,M.Pd
Kata Kunci: Nilai pendidikan karakter, Film, King speech.
Pendidikan adalah proses yang diatur dan diatur secara sosial dari pemindahan
pengalaman yang signifikan secara sosial secara terus-menerus dari generasi
sebelumnya ke generasi berikutnya.
Ada dua tujuan dari penelitian ini. Pertama Menganalisis nilai pendidikan
karakter dalam film "King Speech" dan yang kedua mengetahui bagaimana karakter
dapat memberikan nilai edukatif dalam film "King Speech"
Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif dalam
studi pustaka melalui pendekatan subjektif dan psikologis terhadap karya sastra.
Teknik pengumpulan data terdiri dari beberapa prosedur. Cara pengumpulan data film
Observasi King Speech. Identifikasi dialog (ekspresi) dalam film yang mengandung
nilai pendidikan. Data yang berkaitan dengan tujuan penelitian. Analisis data
digunakan untuk menjawab masalah penelitian atau menguji hipotesis itu sendiri.
Peneliti menggabungkan 2 cara untuk menjawab fokus penelitian yaitu analisis
deskriptif dan analisis isi.
Setelah menganalisis data yang diambil dari film The King’s Speech, peneliti
menemukan 10 nilai pendidikan yang dapat ditampilkan dalam film ini, seperti
bagaimana salah satu karakter dalam film tersebut berbicara, melakukan sesuatu, dan
melakukan suatu aktivitas. dan sebagian besar nilai pendidikan karakter dapat
ditemukan dalam film ini melalui percakapan. 10 macam nilai pendidikan dapat
ditemukan dalam film ini, yaitu religius, disiplin, pekerja keras, kreatif, semangat
kebangsaan, menghargai prestasi, suka membaca, peduli lingkungan, sosialitas dan
tanggung jawab. Pembelajaran ini dapat menjadi motivasi baru bagi mereka untuk
lebih berani berbicara di depan umum, baik saat presentasi di depan kelas maupun
yang lainnya. ingat bagaimana Raja George VI ingin mencoba menutupi
kegagapannya dengan mengobati kegagapan ini dan terus berlatih.


Alhamdulillahirabbil ‘Alamin, All praise be Allah SWT, Who has given

blessingg and miracle. Peace may always be upon His Apostle Muhammad who

encouraged us to help needy people, including impaired ones so that I can complete

this thesis becomes an effort to follow this teaching and get God’s blessing. This

thesis is presented to the English Teaching-Learning of Tarbiyah Faculty State

Islamic Institute (IAIN) Madura as partial fulfillment of the requirement for the

degree of S1.

On this occasion, I would like to express my great thanks and the deepest

appreciation to all of the people who have given me support, help, and motivation so

that this thesis can be finished. I would like to give my great thanks to :

1. My beloved parents (Andhi Rachman and Nurul Hasanah), thanks for giving

me all the precious things in my life. Thanks for your supports, prayers,

advice, and your endless love for me.

2. My brother (Mas Dika and Kintora ) Thanks for all your support.

3. All of my family. Thanks for support and all your motivation me whenever.

4. Dr. Muhammad Kosim, M.Ag as the Rector of State Islamic Institute (IAIN)


5. Dr. H. Atiqullah, S. Ag., M. Pd as the Chief of Tarbiyah Faculty of State

Islamic Institute (IAIN) Madura.

6. Drs. Mosleh habibullah, M.Pd. as the head of the English Department and as

my academic advisor. Thanks for your guidance.

7. Mulyadi, S.S., M.Pd y best advisor for giving great guidance, support,

suggestion, and advice. Thank you so much.

8. All of the lecturers and staff of the English Department.

9. All of my best friends always support me to finish this thesis and always

given me strength. And also all of my friends in TBI 2017.

10. Someone whom I love can’t I have.

11. For everyone, thanks for your support.

Hopefully, may Allah SWT bless and replace them with suitable repayment.

This thesis is far from being perfect. So, I hope for critics and suggestions for this

thesis perfectness. Finally, I hope this thesis will be useful for all readers.

Pamekasan, 19th March 2021

The Researcher


APPROVAL SHEET....................................................................................................i
CERTIFICATION’S SHEET....................................................................................ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS..........................................................................................vii
LIST OF APPENDIXES............................................................................................ix
CHAPTER I.................................................................................................................1
A. Research Context.........................................................................................................1
B. Research Focus.............................................................................................................5
C. Research Objectives.....................................................................................................5
D. Significance of The Study............................................................................................6
E. ScopeAnd Limitation of Study.....................................................................................7
F. Previous Studies...........................................................................................................7
G. The Definition of Key Terms.......................................................................................9
H. Review of Related Literature......................................................................................10
CHAPTER II..............................................................................................................29
RESEARCH METHOD............................................................................................29
A. Research Approach and Kind of Approach................................................................29
B. Data source.................................................................................................................31
C. Data Collection procedures........................................................................................31
D. Data Analysis.............................................................................................................32
E. Checking of Data Validity..........................................................................................32

CHAPTER III............................................................................................................34
FINDING AND DISCUSSION.................................................................................34
A. Research Finding........................................................................................................34
B. Discussion..................................................................................................................41
CHAPTER IV............................................................................................................54
CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION.....................................................................54
A. Conclusion.................................................................................................................54
B. Suggestion..................................................................................................................55
DECLARATION OF AUTHORSHIP.....................................................................58



Appendix 1 : Surat Tugas Penyusunan Skripsi

Appendix 2 : Kartu Bimbingan Skripsi

Appendix 3 : Surat Keterangan Pergantian Judul

Appendix 4 : Surat Keterangan Bebas Plagiasi

Appendix 5 : Character and Characteristic



The researcher discusses the introduction of the study. This chapter consists of

seven parts. They are research context, research focus, research objectives, the

significance of the study, the definition of key terms, previous study, and review

related literature.

A. Research Context
Education is the most important thing in our life. It means that

everyone has the freedom to be always growing in education. Education

commonly means a process to improve self ability to survive in our life.

Education gives us knowledge on how to have a certain attitude, to talk, and

to learn science which is finally can be taught to others.

Education is the socially organized and regulated process of

continuous transference of socially significant experience from the previous

generations to the following. The main way to receive an education is to take

a course of training in the system of educational institutions.0

Based on the explanation above, education can be done everywhere

and also can be taken from everything. One of the biggest things that had a

great influence is mass media. In this globalization era, mass media is

growing rapidly. Mass media is blooming like a fire burns woods in the dry

season. Especially the big five mass media that are newspaper, magazine,

radio, the Internet, and television. That all five are information to take
Aslan Naziev, ”What is an education?” Ryazan State University, ( June, 1974),1


people’s interest by giving the best service. Because of high technology, any

information can be gotten easily. A communicator’s mind also can easily

reach in public. A variety of technological appearance gives openness and

freedom to choose media to be used. It makes the media become an important


Not only information that attracts the public, but also a type of media

and its presentation become important factors are determined. Finally,

audiovisual media that has a good presentation becomes the prime and drives

the public majority to automatically choose it. One of the audiovisual media is

television. Television is the most influential than other mass media because

almost everyone has it.

The movie is very effective to persuade people's minds because it is

covered with an interesting plot, and it is easy to watch. Because of its

persuasive, the consumption of movies is being a basic need, even a lifestyle.

The movie can influence people easily. Movie itself is inspired by real-life but

it was added some flavors to make it more beautiful for entertainment

purposes. From the movie, the viewer will be easily persuaded by the actual

content presentation that engages audiovisual sense so that messages in the

movie will be easy to arrive in the viewer's mind.

There are three functions of movie. That is to inform, to educate, and

to entertain. From the understanding of the three functions above, the public

especially 3 educators have the right to use mass media for the importance of

the education field. At the first, the educators have to be given the

understanding of using mass media for education because today their students

also learn from the outside school area. As one of the most attractive

programs on mass media, the movie should not only for entertainment but

also should give education as its function. The messages carried in the movies

should also contribute to build character and create educational people.

Besides entertainment, the movie is also to educate, so that’s why there is the

word “edutainment” in the movie term. In this case, the movie cannot be

detached from media education.

Moreover, recently, there are many movies released in the world

movie industry. Most of them are adapted from a real-life story. Even some of

them contain bad influences such as violence, sex, murder, horror, and so on,

but there will be a good movie that contains many good values for educational

purposes. Muhammad Rizal, a student of Maritim Raja Ali Haji University,

had conducted research entitled “Analisis Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Dalam Film

3 Idiots Karya Rajkumar Hirani” that proofs there are many character

educational values in “3 Idiots” movie directed by Rajkumar Hirani. In his

journal, he analyzed 18 educational values stated by “KEMENDIKBUD”. 0

From the 18 character educational values above, he got 15 character

educational values in “3 Idiots” movie that is religious, honesty, tolerance,

hard-working, creative, independent, democratic, curiosity, love the

homeland, appreciating achievement, friendly, love peace, environmental

Hartono, “Character Education in Curriculum 2013” BalaiPelestarian Nilai Budaya Bali, NTB, NTT,
(20 July 2014), 263

care, sociality, and responsibility. While, only 3 values could not find in “3

Idiots” movie that is discipline, national spirit, and like to read.0

The research conducted by Rizal above shows that education is not

only gotten from formal class but also can be gotten everywhere, especially

from the movie. Many educational values can influence the viewer to build a

better character in the educational field from that movie.

Meanwhile, there is also a movie that has a good value and very

suitable for educational purposes, example is King Speech movie. This movie

tells about King George's journey to VI (Prince Albert Frederick Arthur

George who is a Duke of York) to the highest throne in the British empire.

The struggle he had to go through was not easy because he was stuttering in

speaking. Queen Elizabeth was the only person trying to find the best solution

to free King George VI from the stutter he had suffered from the age of 4 or 5.

With great confidence that the stutter suffered by her husband could heal,

Queen Elizabeth went to every competent doctor or therapist in the British

empire, until one day she met Logue. Logue is a 50-year-old talk therapist

from Australia, and also a theatre actor. The meeting between Logue and

Prince Albert made a major difference to his second life.0

For the reason above, the researcher has a high interest to conduct a research

study entitled The Analysis of Educational Values on the Characters of King

Speech Movie.
Muhammad Rizal, “Analisis Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan KarakterDalam Film 3 Idiot Karya Rajkumar
Hirani”,UniversitasMaritim Raja Ali Haji (2015).
0, acsessed on 14 October 2020 0:30

B. Research Focus
The research focus is a condition based on the relationship of two

factors or more resulting in a confusing situation or enables a question,

attentively, and situational based on the real phenomenon and it needs to solve

or effort to answer.0 The reason why the researcher uses King Speech as the

object of this research because this film is adapted from a true story from

King George VI as the king of the United Kingdom. However, researchers

also focus on the problems that will be presented in this study to make it

easier for us. The focus of this research is:

1. How do the character perform educational values in the “King Speech”


2. What kind of educational values are found in the “King Speech” movie?

C. Research Objectives
According to John W. Creswell, Educational Research Design stated

that research objectives are a statement of intended use in quantitative

research that specifies a goal that the investigator plans to achieve in a study. 0

By determining the formulations of a problem, of course, we have the intent

and purpose to be achieved as well. As has been explained above about the

focus of research, researchers find the objectives to be achieved in this study,

are as follows:

1. To analyze character educational value in “King Speech” movie

PedomanPenulisanKaryaIlmiahEdisiRevisi, (Pamekasan: STAIN Press, 2015), 18.
John W. Creswell, Educational Research Design: Planning, Conducting and Evaluating Quantitative
and Qualitative Research (Boston: Pearson Education, 2012), 111.

2. To know-how is the character can give educational value in “King Speech”


D. Significance of The Study

The significance of the study is how the research helps the

development of science, or how the research gives the contribution in solving

the problem in the social aspect.0 The significance of this study is aimed at

teachers, students, and other researchers.

1. For the public speaker, this study can be a new motivation for them to

be bolder in oration in public and the character can be to inspire

2. for the student's university, this study can be a new motivation for

them to be more courageous in speaking in public, whether it's during

a presentation in front of a class or something else. remember how

King George VI wanted to try to cover up his stuttering by treating

this stuttering and continuing to practice.

3. For the next researchers, this study can be an inspiration and

secondary data to the other researcher who interests to conduct a study

about character educational values in other movies, so there will be

many movies analyzed and many values gotten and applied.

E. ScopeAnd Limitation of Study

Scope and limitation explain the limitation of the variable that was

observed, the population or subject of the study, and the location of the

study.0The scope describes the areas covered in the research. Here, the scope
PedomanPenulisan, 19.

of this research is only analyzing 18character educational values which are

stated by Kemendikbud in the “King Speech” movie. The limitation in this

research just focus on character educational value can founded in this movie.

F. Previous Studies
Nowadays, researching movies or films for education is not something

new. Many researchers research movie to observe the characters, values, even

to use them for educational purposes. Here, the researcher finds some relevant

researches with his research.

The first is the thesis of Wahyu Rahmawati, a student of the State

Islamic University of Yogyakarta, entitled “Peran Guru Dalam Film Laskar

Pelangi dan RelevansinyaDengan Pendidikan Agama Islam”. This research is

based on less understanding of teacher character toward his duty as an

educator. Many teachers are still disturbed about salary problems. The result

of this research shows that the teacher character in the “Laskar Pelangi” movie

can be divided into three types that are a teacher character toward his/her

potential, a teacher character toward his/her students, and a teacher character

toward society. Beside the title of the movie is different from the researcher’s

study, the focus of this study is also different because this study is to observe

the teacher character of the movie. While the researcher's study focuses on the

educational value of the movie.

Furthermore, the thesis of AnangIkhwanto, a student of the State

Islamic University of Yogyakarta, entitled “Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Islam Dalam

Film Ayat-Ayat Cinta Karya Hanung Bramantio”. This research is based on


Islamic terms used before married called “ta’aruf”. Ideally, “ta’aruf” (see:

introduction) is done before married, and after. that, there is a time between the

man and the woman to be closer to prevent quarrels later. But in this movie,

there is no time after “ta’aruf” for the man and the woman to be closer. So

that’s why this study is conducted. This study is focused on what are the

Islamic educational values of the movie that can be used for the learning

process, the concept of values, and its relevance for recent Islamic education.

Moreover, the result of this study shows that: (1) “Ayat-Ayat Cinta” movie as

an educational media, entertainment, and information. (2) There are many

Islamic educational values “Ayat-Ayat Cinta” movie that is “iqtiqodiyah,

syari’ah, and khuluqiyah”. (3) There is the relevance between the “Ayat-Ayat

Cinta” movie and recently Islamic education

Thus, this study has a little similarity with the researcher’s study that

is focused on the educational values of the movie. But, this study is focused on

observing the Islamic educational value of the movie, while the researcher

observes educational values in general. Besides, the movie that is used in this

study and the researcher’s movie is different.

From the previous study above, there are many similar studies about the

movie, but it has a different focus itself. The movie title used by one researcher

and the others is also not the same. As far as the researcher knows, no study

observes the educational values in “The King Speech’s” movie in general.


G. The Definition of Key Terms

The title of this research is “An Analysis Character Educational Value

in King Speech Movie”. To avoid misunderstanding and ambiguity of terms

which will be used, the researcher defines key terms, as follows:

1. Education Values are educational values that include individual attitudes in

personal and educational life.

2. Movie or Film emerged as one of the fir st mass-produced cultural forms of

the twentieth. As they came to be known, were a modern, technologically

mediated art.

3. The King's Speech is a 2010 British historical drama biographical film

directed by Tom Hooper and produced by Iain Canning, Emile Sherman,

and Gareth Unwin. The script for this film was written by David Seidler.

This film stars Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush, and Helena Bonham Carter.

H. Review of Related Literature

1. Value

a) Definition of Value

Value is important and lasting beliefs or ideals shared by the members of a

culture about what is good or bad and desirable. Values have a major influence

on a person’s behavior and attitude and serve as broad guidelines in all situations.

According to J Halstead values are used to refer to principles, fundamental

convictions, ideals, standards, or life stances that act as general guides to

behavior or as points of reference in decision-making or the evaluation of beliefs

or action and which are closely connected to personal integrity and personal

identity.0 In other words, Values shape the way people live their lives, how they

interact with others, and how they feel about themselves. Values are learned,

usually passed down from generation to generation.0

The true value and universally accepted is the value that produces behavior

and behaviors that have a positive impact on people that to do this and for the

other. The principle presented above can help to achieve peace and also prevent

the loss or hardship either to themselves or other children because this is an

effective way to establish a moral child a clear and strong. Values relate to the

norms of a culture, but they are more global and abstract than norms. Norms

provide rules for behavior in specific situations, while values identify what

should be judged as good or evil. Whether values are part of the intrinsic nature

of the thing or simply a matter of how humans respond to the thing is

controversial. In sociology, values theory is concerned with personal values that

are popularly held in a community and how those values might change under
J. Mark Halstead and Monica J. Taylor, Values In Education and Education in Values, (Washington,
D.C. : The Falmer Press, 1996), 13
ZeenaTrinita Cornelio, “International Research Journal of Management Sociology & Humanity” Shri
Param Hans Education & Research Foundation Trust, 10 (2010), 119

particular conditions. Different groups of people may hold or prioritize different

kinds of values influencing social behavior.

b) Education Value

Education value is education is concerned with the development of the total

personality of the individual intellectual, social, emotional, aesthetic, moral, and

spiritual. It involves developing sensitivity to the good, the right, and the

beautiful, ability to choose the right values following the thought and action. In a

row educational value is to develop rational critical thinking, to educate the

emotions, to cultivate the imagination.

Kohlberg explains that value education is engineering towards the following.

1) and developing structures and potentials/components of

affective components and experiences or “identity” or the human

conscience (the conscience of man) or the human conscience with a set

of values-moral-norms.

2) Fostering the process of experiencing and/or

transactions/interactions in a person's affective world so that there is a

process of clarifying values-morals, proposing moral-values (moral

judgment), or reasoning of moral-norms (moral reasoning) and/or

controlling values-moral-norms (moral control).0

Moh. Najib, Pendidikan Nilai Kajian Teori dan Praktik di Sekolah(Bandung: Pustaka Setia, 2014), 65

According to Winecoff, value education is related to three

dimensions, namely identification of a core of personal and social

values, philosophy and rational inquiry into the core, and decision

making related to the core based on inquiry and response. He also

revealed that value education is education that considers objects from

a moral point of view which includes ethics and norms including

aesthetics, namely assessing objects from personal beauty and taste,

as well as ethics, namely assessing right/wrong in interpersonal


From some of these definitions, it can be concluded that education

value is teaching or guidance to students to realize the value of truth,

goodness, and beauty through a process of proper value consideration

and consistent acting habits. The term education value here is

intended to represent all educational concepts and actions that pay

great attention to the development of humanistic or theistic values.

In Indonesia there is 18 educational character value stated by

Indonesian Law,0 as follows:

Act of The Republic of Indonesia Number 20, Year 2003 On National Education System, 8

1) Religious. Obedient attitude and behavior in performing

the religion they believe, tolerance with other religions,

and make a harmonious life with other religions.

2) Honest. Behavior-based on efforts to be trusted human

3) Tolerance. Appreciates different religions, ethnicities,

opinions, attitudes, and different behavior.

4) Discipline. An action that always shows orderly and

obedient in any regulations.

5) Hard-working. Behavior that shows an effort to solve any

obstacles in a learning activity.

6) Creative. Thinking and doing to create something new or a

new result from something that had been owned.

7) Independent. Be able to do his/her work by his/her self, not

depend on the others

8) Democratic. Realize that people have the same right and


9) Curiosity. Always curious about what he/she learns and try

to find something widely and deeply

10) National spirit. Take a place on national importance than

self or group importance.

11) Love homeland. Behavior and attitude that shows up the

loyalty, care, and respect to the language, environment,

politic, social, and culture.


12) Appreciating achievement. Behavior and attitude that push

up to create something useful for others, appreciate and

respect other people's achievements.

13) Friendly. Like to communicate and corporate with others.

14) Love peace. Always make people happy, comfortable, and

safe of his/her existence.

15) Like to read. Manage time for reading many books.

16) Environmental care. Behavior and attitude that always

take care and prevent environmental damage and have an

effort to repair environmental damage.

17) Sociality. Behavior and attitude that always want to help


18) Responsibility. Doing the duty and the obligation that

should be done.

According to the explanation above, the researcher can

conclude that many educational values can build a better student’s

character. While, educational values are not only gotten informal

class but also can be found everywhere, for example, is from the


2. Movie

a) Definition of Movie

The movie is a series of moving pictures, often telling a story,

usually shown in a theater or on television. In other explanation,

Movie is the most famous entertainment media around the world.

The movie has many interesting sides we can see. Start from the

action, audio, visual, location, situation, technology, and many

more. A motion picture is a combination of movement, words,

music, and colors.0

By watching movies, people can get inspiration, ideas,

knowledge, learn some new from the movies. That will be

interested when somebody seriously understanding the movies by

watching the setting, plot, dialogue, and characters of the movie.

b) Relation Between Movie and Education

Technology is transformative. It changes as it is used and it

changes those who use it. Ideals to improve technology arise from its

use and new technology leads further, spiraling in speed and

complexity. Changes occur in other areas of life with the advances in

such as solar energy, radio, TV. Inline information technology is very

important for the community in terms of socializing and interacting.

The movie is not a language but is like language, and since language,

some of the methods that use to study language might profitably be

applied to a study of the movie.

Hamid Aoudah, A Study of Social Values In The Legend Of Korra; A Film Directed By Michael

Dante Dimartino And Bryan Konietzko, in English Department Faculty of Teacher Training and
Education Mataram University, 2016

A movie is a powerful teaching tool because it connects ideas

with emotions. Research shows that people learn and remember best

when their feelings are activated. The visual images of the film are

also a key element to their effectiveness as a learning tool. 0 The drama

of movie storytelling is another important feature that makes it a

useful learning tool.

Furthermore, movies and education have a very close

relationship, because now movie can be an effective medium that can

be used by parents to instill the values of life to their children. A

movie can be used as a medium of learning to inculcate good values to

the children by watching the movie.

From the explanation above movies can be used as a medium

of learning to inculcate good values when parents may be wise to

accompany the child when watching the movie. But parents should

still assist children when they see the movie.

3. The King Speech’s Movie

a. Characterization

Characterization is a literary device that is used step-by-step in

the literature to highlight and explain the details about a character

Nicole Markotic,PunchingUp The Story: Disability and Film,Canadian Journal of Film Studies, vol.
17, no. 1, 2008, p. 2

in a story. It is in the initial stage in which the researcher

introduces the character with noticeable emergence.

According to Francis Bacon Characterization is a name for the

methods a writer uses to reveal a character’s values, feelings,

goals, etc. to readers. When revealing a character’s traits, a writer

can do so using direct characterization or indirect characterization.0

Here the researcher will explain several figures which

according to the researcher can be analyzed about their

educational value, there are:

1) King George VI

King George VI in King's speech movie played by

Collin Firth, King George VI was a king who led the British

from 1936 to 1952. in the movie, it is depicted how Prince

Albert's efforts, The Duke of York (nicknamed King George VI

before becoming king) to cure his stuttering disease especially

when he had to make a speech in front of his people. he has a

stubborn and irritable nature, but there is a thing the researcher is

very salutary with his character that he wants to try hard to be

able to recover so as not to stutter again when speaking in front

of his people

2) Queen Elizabeth

Francis Bacon, “Literary Element Characterization”

Quee Elizabeth in King Speech movie played by

Helene Bonham Carter. Queen Elizabeth is the wife of King

George VI, who in the movie depicts one of the people who

support the healing of King George VI so that he doesn't stutter

anymore, especially when giving a public speech. here the

researcher thinks that queen Elizabeth has many positive sides,

for example how she is looking for a therapist who can cure her

husband's stutter and many more.

3) Lionel Logue

Lionel Logue in King Speech movie played by Geoffrey

Rush. Lionel Logue is the character that the researcher most

admires in this movie. Lionel Logue is an Australian native

language and speech therapist and amateur stage performer. The

reason why the researchers admire him is that he is a person who

has a firm stand whomever the interlocutors, there is a

conversation that reflects the nature of "My castle my rule," said

Lionel Louge, a speech therapist to King George VI who wanted

to cure his stuttering. Even though the patient is a prince, Lionel

does not hesitate to forbid smoking in his practice room.

b. Setting

According to the researcher, Gusti Agung GdeSosiowati said

Setting is an environment or surroundings in which an event or

story takes place. Setting as place and time influences the theme,

character, and action of a story. In this type, the setting controls the

characters and by controlling the setting, writers could control their

characters. If they confine a certain character to a particular

setting, it will define the character.0

So the researcher wants to explain the setting of time and

setting of the place in the King speech movie.

1) Setting of Time

This movie is set from 1934 to 1939, starting from before

Prince Albert was appointed King of Britain who later succeeded

his father King George V who died in 1936. to King George's

most memorable speech when he had to announce a British

declaration of war with Nazi Germany in 1939.

2) Setting of Place

This movie is set in the Great Britain region, more specifically

in the palace, in Lionel Logue therapist rooms, and several public


I Gusti Agung GdeSosiowati, Ni LuhNyoman Seri Malini, English Prose Analysis From Theories to

Practices1,(Denpasar, Bali: Cakra Press, January 2017), 180


c. Synopsis on King Speech’s Movie

The Kings Speech is a beautifully woven, compassionately

acted film about a man’s journey into the depths of himself. The

rise to power of England’s King George VI is a classic hero’s

journey tale. The screenplay, written by David Seidler 2010.

Duration in this movie 01:58:28. The King’s Speech tells the story

of a man compelled to speak to the world with a stammer. It must

be painful enough for one who stammers to speak to another

person. To face a radio microphone and know the British Empire is

listening must be terrifying. At the time of the speech mentioned in

this title, a quarter of the Earth’s population was in the Empire, and

of course, most of North America, Europe, Africa, and Asia be

listening and in particular, Germany.

The king was George VI. The year was 1939. Britain was

interring into war with Germany. His listeners required firmness,

clarity, and resolve, not stammers punctuated with tortured

silences. This is a man who never wanted to be king. After the

death of his father, the throne was to pass to his brother Edward.

But Edward renounced the throne “To marry to women I love” and

the duty fell to Prince Albert who had struggled with his speech

from an early age.

At the 1925 speech, we see Bertie’s wife, Elizabeth (Helena

Bonham), her face filled with sympathy. As it becomes clear that


Edward’s obsession with Wallis Simpson (Eve Best) is incurable,

her Bertie may face more public humiliation. He sees various

speech therapists, one of whom tries the old marbles in the mouth

routine first recommended by Demosthenes. Nothing works, and

then she seeks out a failed Australian actor named Lionel Logue

(Geoffrey Rush), who has set up a speech therapy practice.

Logue doesn’t realize at first who is consulting him. And one

of the subjects of the film is Logue’s attitude toward royalty,

which I suspect n is not untypical of Australians, he suggests to

Albert that they get on a first-name basis. Albert has been raised

within the bell jar of the monarchy and objects to such treatment,

not because he has an elevated opinion of himself but because well

it just isn’t done. But Logue realizes that if he is to become the

king’s therapist, he must first become his friend.

d. Critics

Film Criticism is a peer-reviewed, online publication bringing

together scholarship in the field of cinema and media studies since

1975.0 So film criticism is a value given by film experts about

films whether it includes the storyline, time and place settings, and

also the cast. here the researcher found several criticisms about the

King Speech movie, whether positive or negative.

0, acsessed on 14 October 2020 0:30 AM

David Elliot said The film is richly rooted, with splendid

trappings, including pea-soup fogs. For all the pomp and protocol,

it’s an intimate story about a scarred man who must find his voice if

he is to rise, in regal stature, above his epaulets. Writer David

Seidler, up from an animated version of The King and I, and

director Tom Hooper (best known for the hit mini-series on John

Adams) deliver an impeccably British, deliciously human, and

moving film. I thought Firth should have won the Oscar for A

Single Man, and tongue-tied Bertie may bring the prize. Rush

(winner for Shine, 1996) can coach him in a great acceptance


Another critic said a powerful back story does not necessarily

improve a movie, but "The King's Speech" has a pretty irresistible

one. It might even end with a dramatic night at the Oscars in

February. First, the on-screen narrative: In pre-World War II

England, Albert, Duke of York (Colin Firth), suffers from a

debilitating stammer. Public events, toasts, even one-word replies

turn into gut-wrenching nightmares. Worse, he's about to become

King George VI. But when Albert visits an eccentric vocal coach,

Lionel Logue (Geoffrey Rush), he learns something new: The

tongue is connected to the psyche. If you've seen "Shine" or "Good

0, acsessed on 13 October
2020 10:30 PM

Will Hunting" or any other movie about a dedicated teacher and a

difficult student, you'll recognize the pattern in "The King's

Speech." But it also offers some interesting angles. Logue, who

insists on breaking down Albert's aristocratic facade, is surely the

only commoner who calls the king "Bertie." At the same time,

Albert recalls one of Shakespeare's reluctant royals, struggling to

grow into his crown. "The King's Speech" is briskly directed by

Tom Hooper and often very funny. But Firth is the main attraction.

Albert is hugely complex - victimized, defeated, confident,

ambitious - and Firth makes it look effortless. He's also supported

by a wonderfully engaging Rush and a satiny-smooth Helena

Bonham Carter as the future Queen Mother. The story is grounded

in history, of course, and it was George VI's wartime radio

addresses that inspired the screenwriter, David Seidler, to control

his childhood stutter. No pressure, but there could be an Oscar

speech in his future. For Colin Firth, and for director Tom Hooper,

the biggest challenge of "The King's Speech" was getting King

George VI's stammer right. Firth studied some existing early

recordings of the king's voice, pre-therapy, but says that he was less

interested in imitating the voice than in learning how it sounded. "I

wanted to make it my own," he told The Seattle Times, noting that

George VI was hampered both by his stammer and by "the tightness

that so many members of his class and across the system suffered

from, that terrible reserve." The recordings captured the king on

formal occasions. Firth said it was a source of much discussion in

rehearsals as to what "Bertie" sounded like at home with his wife

and young daughters, Elizabeth (later Queen Elizabeth II) and

Margaret. "There was an argument for saying that he barely stutters

at all with his family," Firth told the Times, "and then Tom felt that

lowered the stakes too much. If there's ever a time when he's free of

it, it makes speech therapist Lionel] Logue's struggle a lot easier. I

think you have to feel like there is no time he can escape, even a

time when he's at his most secure."0

Apart from positive criticism, there are several negative

criticisms about this film, one of which is Brent McKnight, he

said: Over the past few months I’ve said many times, in many

places, that I’m sure “The King’s Speech” is a wonderfully-acted,

well-crafted motion picture, but one that I have no interest in. So

now it’s on DVD and Blu-ray, and I figured, what the hell, I’ll

watch anything once, and you know what? “The King’s Speech”

is exactly what you expect. It is a wonderfully acted, well-crafted

period piece. It practically screams, “Give me an Oscar, sweet

baby Jesus I want an Oscar!” And oh my god is it fucking boring.

You should take this with a grain of salt, after all my favorite

acsessed on 13 October 2020 0:30 AM

movie of 2010 was “Piranha 3D”, but I imagine most of you who

read this site regularly share similar proclivities. Maybe that

assumption is incorrect, but I doubt it, and I don’t see what all the

fuss is about. “The King’s Speech” starts with the Duke of York

(Colin Firth), Bertie to his family and friends (except he has no

friends), falling on his metaphorical face in front of an enormous

audience, and before an even larger audience listening in on one of

those newfangled radio machines. See, Bertie has a serious

stammer, which is further exacerbated when he gets flustered, like

when speaking to a giant throng of devoted followers. He’s tried

everything, including smoking cigarettes to relax his esophagus

and speaking with a mouth full of heated marbles. Bertie’s wife,

Elizabeth (Helena Bonham Carter), ever the dutiful spouse, locates

Lionel Logue (Geoffrey Rush), a failed Australian actor who has

had some purported success curing speech ailments. This is not

the kind of place royalty usually hangs. Logue’s office, where he

demands they meet, is on a sketchy street in a seedy

neighborhood. For crying out loud, the paint is peeling off the

wall, the royals have no business being within miles of this place.

But Lionel’s combative style, he insists on calling Bertie Bertie

instead of Your Royal Highness, yields results, so Bertie keeps on

keeping on with the illicit meetings. The scenes between Firth and

Rush are the only things that make “The King’s Speech” worth

watching. These are two great actors at the top of their respective

games, and their time together invariably turns into the acting

equivalent of a cage fight, or at least a jousting match. Firth is

especially powerful if you’ve ever tussled with a speech

impediment, and at least in the performance realm, the acclaim is

warranted. As their unlikely friendship grows and solidifies, it

does feel a bit like a romantic comedy, especially when Lionel’s

wife discovers the true identity of her husband’s mystery patient.

Unfortunately, the entire movie is not just Firth and Rush having a

sparring match, and every time the story moves away from those

two, “The King’s Speech” becomes bland, toothless, and

predictable. It is what you expect it to be, and nothing more. It’s

the exact plot of an up-by-their-bootstraps underdog sports story,

complete with a training montage. Only in this instance, the big

game is a big speech.

The filmmakers take what should be an interesting story and

mostly ignore it, or at least deal with it in the most truncated

manner. Bertie is third in line to be king, his father dies, and his

brother (Guy Pearce) is in love with a married American woman

and abdicates the throne, magically transforming Bertie into King

George VI (I didn’t know) they got to pick their name) right


before the start of World War II. For a second right before the

climax, as Lionel rushes through the streets with Zeppelins

hovering overhead and sandbag barricades all over the streets,

“The King’s Speech” gets incredibly tense, and you think shit is

about to get awesome. Britain is on the brink of war, and WWII

was some crazy shit, and then, just when you think things are

looking up, bam, all they do is talk. I guess I deserve that. After

all, the title does tell you right out of the gate that this movie is

about talking, and I shouldn’t expect anything to blow up. That’s

one of the biggest problems with “The King’s Speech”, for a

movie about power struggles, the looming specter of war, and

family intrigue, there isn’t any real tension or conflict, and the

stakes never feel high enough. After the fact, they try to pretend

that the relationship between Bertie and his brother was taut and

rigid, that there was some sort of power grab for the throne, but it

is never portrayed like that. There’s not even any strife between

Bertie and Elizabeth, she is loyal and dutiful and they are very

much in love. Like I said, any time the movie moves away from

Firth and Rush it gets so painfully dull you want to pop out your

eyes with a teaspoon.0, acsessed on 13

October 2020 0:30 AM



This chapter discusses the research method that which consists of several

parts. They are consist of research approach and kinds of research, data source,

data collection procedure, data analysis, and checking of validity.

A. Research Approach and Kind of Approach

Method is a way or strategies to understand the reality systematically

to solve cause and effect, it purposes to make simple the problem, therefor it is

easier to be solved and understand. 0 In this chapter, the researcher would like

to deliver the research method, it covers with approach, kinds of research, data

source, procedures of collecting data, data analysis, and data validity.

1. Research Approach

Approach is the way to close the object of research while method is

the way to collect, analyze, and describe the data. The purpose of approach is

acknowladge to the true science of the object of science while the purpose of

method is to make eficience and make a simple.0 In this research, the

researcher uses descriptive analysis method in library research though a

subjective and psychological approach to literature. This researcher used two

approach combination, those are, subjective and psychological approach.

Subjective approach is subjective approach begins with personal interest and

Nyoman Kutha Ratna, Teori, Metode, Dan Tekhnik Penelitian Sastra, 34.
Ibid, 54.

molded by individual experience of the author, such the actors are

making remark about the characters their selves. Psychological approach

relates with author, literary work, and the process of creativity, and the

reader.0 It means that both of them have role in psychological approach.

The researcher used subjective approach to know how the author of

King speech movie put moral value in every act of the actors, while the

function of psychological approach is to know and come close to the

characters of film, how they do correlation each other among of the

researcher, the listener and the characters of film.0

2. Reasearch Method

The kind of research in this research is descriptive analysis

method.This method is conducted by describing the fact then analyze it.0 This

method is used to describe the result the analysis on character educational

value in king speech movie. For this research, the researcher takes library

research, it means that the researcher needs to investigate the central

phenomena to get deeply understand.0 Library research is used because in this

research, the researcher collects the data use library source in analysis on

character educational value in king speech movie.

Nyoman Kutha Ratna, Teori, Metode, Dan Tekhnik Penelitian Sastra, 61.
Ibid, 44.
Ibid, 53.
John B Creswell, Educational Research, 19.

B. Data source

1. Subject of Research

The subject of this researcher is King speech movie.

2. Object of Research

The object of this research is analysis on 18 character educational value in

king speech movie.

C. Data Collection procedures

Data collection is a way to collect and get valid information. The data

collection procedure develops the techniques data which collect used in

research, such as observing participants, doing in-depth interviews, and

documenting.0In qualitative research, the collecting data based on words from

a small number of individuals, that the participant view is obtained. In this

research, the researcher searches in King Speech Movie using documentation.

There are many kinds of documents, such as written, pictures, or the work of

someone. The researcher watch, listen, write, and analyze the film as data


In this research, the technique used to collect the data consist of some

procedures. The ways of collecting data the author uses as follow:

a) Observation King Speech movie.

b) Identify the dialogue (expression) in the film that contains

education value.

c) The data dealing with the purpose of the study.

PedomanPenulisan, 20.

D. Data Analysis

Data analysis is used to answer research problem or examine the

hypothesis itself. Here the researcher combines 2 ways to answer the research

focuss, namely descriptive analysis and content analysis.

a. Content analysis

The way to collect the data by analyzing the content of

communication, either in verbal or nonverbal.0 In literary work, the

researcher would like to find out the analysis on character educational

value in king speech movie by watching the film repeatedly. Then

mention what are the character educational value can be found in this


b. Descriptive analysis

Descriptive analysis is the way to describe, give an understanding and

explanation enough to the text that will be describe. 0 In this process, the

researcher would like to describe the analysis on character educational

value in king speech movie and use printscreen to show the scenes

character educational value in this movie.

E. Checking of Data Validity

Data validity explains about the way of researcher to acquire the

credibility or accuracy of the finding. By using extension in field, serious

observation, triangulation as technique to collect the accuracy using some source

Nyoman Kutha Ratna, Teori, Metode, Dan Tekhnik Penelitian Sastra, 48.
Nyoman Kutha Ratna, 53.

to (means used different source to make sure the validity of the data), method or

technique, and theory (one or more theory to make the validity of the data),

colleague explanation, and checking the members.0 Then the researcher choose

the type of triangulation, that is source triangulation. Source triangulation is a

technique that checks the credibility of the data is done by examining the data

obtained through several source.0 Because the researcher would like to check the

validity of the data source about the analysis on character educational value in

king speech movie. Then, the researcher mention some data sources contained in

king speech movie

Pedoman Karya Tulis Ilmiah, 21.
Andi Prastowo, Metode Penelitian Kualitatif (Dalam Perspektif Rancangan Penelitian), 260.


In this chapter, the researcher presented the finding and discussion of the study.

In the finding, the researcher only mentioned the data based on the movie. In the

discussion, the researcher finds the analysis on character educational value in king

speech movie and to describe how the character makes the educational value in this


A. Research Finding
In finding, the researcher collected character educational value which is found in

king speech movies based on the statement of the research problem that the

researcher mentioned in chapter I.

1. How does the character perform educational values in the “King Speech” movie?

a) Religious

King George V the father of King George VI wishes his citizens a merry

Christmas via radio broadcast.


A priest prays for the recently deceased King George V

b) Discipline

Lionel Logue is firm in his rules even though it's a king.

Lionel Logue who does not want to do a therapist if not in his room.

Lionel Logue still does not allow smoking in his therapist room.

c) Hard-working

Speech paper containing scribbles of the hard work of King George VI and

Lionel Logue.

d) Creative

Lionel Logue applies one of the therapies by having King George VI read

while listening to music.

Lionel Logue and King George VI who were making a strange move to flex
the jaw.

Lionel Logue and King George VI and Queen Elizabeth who were shouting in

front of the window.


e) National spirit

A bishop who gives full attention to his king (king George VI).

f) Appreciating achievement

Lionel Logue allows king George VI to complete his son’s toy plane as a token

of appreciation.

A palace maid congratulating King George VI


g) Like to read

One of Lionel Logue's children in one of the scenes is shown reading a book

even though his condition is not possible

h) Environmental care

Queen Elizabeth annoyed with people who cut the oak tree carelessly.

i) Sociality

Lionel Logue tries to calm the nervous King George VI.

King George VI and his family welcomed their people


j) Responsibility

King George VI was principled in what he said would represent the people.

2. What kind of educational values are found in the “King Speech” movie?

There 10 kinds of educational values are founded in king speech movie there are:

a) Religious

b) Discipline

c) Hard-working

d) Creative

e) National spirit

f) Appreciating achievement

g) Like to read

h) Environmental care

i) Sociality

j) Responsibility

B. Discussion

1. How does the character perform educational values in the “King Speech” movie?

a) Dialogue

1) Religious

In this scene minutes (29:20 – 29:46) King George V gives Christmas

greetings to his people through live radio broadcasts. This scene shows a

religious attitude from King George V because he gives Christmas

greetings to his people who are celebrating Christmas, it can be looked in a

dialogue King George V “for the present the work to which we are all

equally bound is to arrive at a reasoned tranquility within our borders, to

regain prosperity at this time of depression without self-seeking, and to

carry with us those whom the burden of the past years has disheartened or

overborne. To all, to each, I wish a happy Christmas. God bless you.”

In other scene minute (44:06). When King George V died, there was a

pastor who was praying for King George V to be calm in nature there, this

scene show a religious edication by dialogue by a pastor, he praying for

King George V, in dialogue the pastor said “Let’s us commend our brother

George to the mercy of god.”

2) Discipline

In this scene minutes (22.53), when Lionel Logue does not allow King

George VI who is upset with the therapy process to smoke in the therapist

room by saying “my castle my rules”. Lionel Logue remains disciplined

with the rules even though the patient is a king.

In another scene minute (10:41), When Lionel Logue asked for Queen

Elizabeth, who at that time was still disguising her name as Mrs. jhonson to

be met directly by the person who wanted therapy, namely King George

VI, but Queen Elizabeth could not, with his discipline Lionel Logue did not

want to receive guests if the person who wanted to be treated did not come

to the therapy room. According to the researcher, this includes discipline,

which can be seen in the dialogue from the lionel logue "I'm sorry, Mrs.

Johnson, my game, my turf, my rules".

And in another scene minute (37:44). when King George VI was

exhausted after doing exercises for the therapy, then he took a cigarette, but

the Lionel Logue snatched it swiftly saying "You have a short memory,

Bertie. Come on." This, according to the researcher, is included in the

discipline, considering that Lionel's first meeting had said not to smoke in

the therapeutic room

3) National spirit

In this scene minute (1:28:07), a bishop is worried about his king

(King George VI) knowing that Lionel Logue is not a medical therapist,

and tries to find a therapist who is truly experienced. The form of the

national spirit that is displayed in this scene can be found in the

conversation when the bishop said "my concern is for the head on which I

must place on the crown". in the national spirit, it means worrying about

the king.

4) Appreciating achievement

In this scene minute (51:28), King George VI was worried because his

brother, who at that time was the King (Duke of Windsor), was indifferent

to his government and forgot his obligations, and at that time King George

VI came to Lionel Logue and told everything, to make it easier for King

George VI to tell stories. By saying it with a tune, as a token of

appreciation, Lionel Logue invited King George VI to apply glue to his

son's toy plane.

In other scene minute (01:48:21), When King George VI had just

finished a very amazing speech at that time, there was a palace maid who

gave appreciation to King George VI, the palace maid said

"Congratulations, Your Majesty. A true broadcaster". This, according to

the researcher, is included in appreciating achievement in the form of


5) Environmental care

In this scene minute (56:25), Queen Elizabeth and her husband, King

George VI, are on their way to an invitation from King George VI's

brother, the Duke of Windsor, on the way Queen Elizabeth is annoyed to

see two people cutting erk trees that can be seen when she says "an old oak

tree. 100 years of being cut down to improve the scenery, they think who

he is "that is one attitude of environmental care even though Queen

Elizabeth only vented her frustration at her husband (King George VI).

6) Sociality

In this scene minute (1:42:16), King George VI will broadcast a

speech via radio live in a few seconds, and King George is very nervous

because this speech will trigger national enthusiasm considering the

coming war. To calm and relax King George VI, Lionel Logue said a

sentence that shows a social attitude that is "forget everything else and just

tell me, say as a friend". the researcher thinks it includes society because of

the Behavior and attitude that always want to help others.

7) Responsibility

In this scene minute (1:37:05), King George VI is preparing a speech

for the people, remembering that Britain is no longer allied with Germany

and soon war will come, in that case, King George VI feels he has a

responsibility to his country in the scene. King George said "the country

believes when I speak, I speak for them "in this case according to the

researcher is a form of responsibility, because King George VI does not

want to disappoint his people who are waiting for a speech from him

because of that King George VI practices hard so that his speech can be

conveyed well.

b) Physical appearance

1) Hard Working

In this scene minute (1.41:38) a speech paper is displayed full of

scribbles from King George VI and Lionel Logue, the scribble was made

as a maker where King George VI should pause because remembering

King George VI who has a stuttering disease, so that when he speaking for

the people sound more authoritative and stuttering in not heard considering

this speech called for the people to fulfill themselves because the people

will pass a war that will be passed by the people of England shortly.

2) Creative

In this scene minute (1:28:07), a bishop is worried about his king

(King George VI) knowing that Lionel Logue is not a medical therapist,

and tries to find a therapist who is truly experienced. The form of the

national spirit that is displayed in this scene can be found in the

conversation when the bishop said "my concern is for the head on which I

must place on the crown". in the national spirit, it means worrying about

the king.

In another scene minute (36:22), when King George VI and Lionel

Logue performed a therapy in which they performed a unique and very

creative movement, in this scene it was explained by the Lionel Logue that

the movement functioned to "Feel the looseness of the jaw". This,

according to the researcher, is creative because Lionel Logue instructs

unique and creative movements to be carried out.

And in another scene minute (37:57), When King George VI, Lionel

Logue and Queen Elizabeth did an activity, namely shouting in front of the

window simultaneously, which according to Lionel Logue works for

Anyone who can shout vowels at an open window can learn to deliver a

speech. This, according to the researcher, is creative.

3) National spirit

In this scene, the bishop shows a worried face when he finds out that

Lionel Logue is not a medical therapist but just an ordinary person who has

the courage to cure the king's stuttering (King George VI), so the

researcher concludes that the bishop's worried face is included in the

national spirit. because he was anxious and afraid that something untoward

would happen to the king. Besides being shown in the dialogue "my

concern is for the head on which I must place on the crown". In this movie

the national spirit is also shown in physical appearance.

4) Like to read

In this scene, Lionel Logue is having dinner with his family and wants

to tell how he has a new and interesting patient, but his son instead leaves a

sign that he is not interested in his father's story and one of the Lionel

Logue children is shown to focus on the book he is reading.

5) Sociality

In this scene minute (01:50:48), When King George VI, who had just

finished making a speech, then King George and his wife and children

greeted his people who were waiting in front of the palace. them while

waving to the people. This, according to the researcher, is included in

sociaclity physical appearance.

6) Environmental care

In this scene, the queen (Ratu Elizabeth) is shown on her way with her

husband (King George VI) to an invitation from the Duke of Windsor. The

queen was annoyed to see two people cutting erk trees just to beautify the

scenery. Queen Elizabeth's annoyed expression, according to the

researcher, was included in environmental care, because Queen Elizabeth

felt that she cared about it.

2. What kind of educational values are found in the “King Speech” movie?

a) Religious

In this scene minutes (29:00 – 29:46) King George V gives Christmas

greetings to his people through live radio broadcasts. According to the


researcher, this scene shows a religious attitude from because he gives Christmas

greetings to his people who are celebrating Christmas. Indeed, in this scene in the

context, King George V wants to give an example to his son, King George VI,

has a good and correct and as authoritative speech so that the people as a listener

feel that they have received Christmas greeting directly from King Geoge V as

the leader of Kingdom.

But, the researcher thinks this scene still kind of religion because religion

itself according to the researcher is the attitude and behavior that is obedient in

practicing the religion they profess, tolerance with other religions, and living in

harmony with other religions.

b) Discipline

In this scene minutes (22.53), when Lionel Logue does not allow King George

VI who is upset with the therapy process to smoke in the therapist room by

saying “my castle my rules”. Lionel Logue remains disciplined with the rules

even though the patient is a king.

The researcher thinks that the scene is included in disciplinary behavior

because Lionel Logue still enforces its rules in front of the king. After all,

discipline according to the researcher is an action that always shows orderly and

obedient in any regulations.

c) Hard-working

In this scene minute (1.41:38) a speech paper is displayed full of scribbles

from King George VI and Lionel Logue, the scribble was made as a maker where

King George VI should pause because remembering King George VI who has a

stuttering disease, so that when he speaking for the people sound more

authoritative and stuttering in not heard considering this speech called for the

people to fulfill themselves because the people will pass a war that will be passed

by the people of England shortly.

The researcher assesses that this scene shows one of the hard work where the

speech paper which is full of scribbles. That shows hard work so that when

giving the speech the message is conveyed well and sounds very authoritative,

even though is in this movie several scenes show hard work. Because hard work

is Behavior that shows an effort to solve any obstacles in a learning activity.

d) Creative

This scene minute (27:38) is shown King George VI told to read by Lionel

Logue while listening to music through headphones, to prove that King George

VI can still read without stuttering because King George VI said that if he talks

to himself he does not feel stuttered by because it was carried out the test which

according to the researcher was very creative.

Because the creative from the perspective the researcher is thinking and

doing to create something new or a new result from something that had been


e) National spirit

In this scene minute (1:28:07), a bishop is worried about his king (King

George VI) knowing that Lionel Logue is not a medical therapist, and tries to

find a therapist who is truly experienced. The form of the national spirit that is

displayed in this scene can be found in the conversation when the bishop said

"my concern is for the head on which I must place on the crown". in the national

spirit, it means worrying about the king.

Because the researcher's perspective national spirit is taking a place on

national importance than self or group importance.

f) Appreciating achievement

In this scene minute (51:28), King George VI was worried because his

brother, who at that time was the King (Duke of Windsor), was indifferent to his

government and forgot his obligations, and at that time King George VI came to

Lionel Logue and told everything, to make it easier for King George VI to tell

stories. By saying it with a tune, as a token of appreciation, Lionel Logue invited

King George VI to apply glue to his son's toy plane.

The researcher thinks this scene is an attitude of appreciating achievement

because Lionel Logue tells King George VI to attach glue to his son's plane after

telling him about the problems King George VI has. This is following the

opinion of the researcher about appreciating achievement that is behavior and


attitude that push up to create something useful for others, appreciate and respect

other people's achievements.

g) Like to read

In this scene, Lionel Logue is having dinner with his family and wants to tell

how he has a new and interesting patient, but his son instead leaves a sign that he

is not interested in his father's story and one of the Lionel Logue children is

shown to focus on the book he is reading.

The researcher assumed that what the child was doing who was reading a

book belonged to the reading category because the child was still reading even

though he was having dinner with his family, and in another scene, the child was

shown reading too. because according to the opinion of the researcher likes to

read is Manage time for reading many books.

h) Environmental care

In this scene minute (56:25), Queen Elizabeth and her husband, King George

VI, are on their way to an invitation from King George VI's brother, the Duke of

Windsor, on the way Queen Elizabeth is annoyed to see two people cutting erk

trees that can be seen when she says "an old oak tree. 100 years of being cut

down to improve the scenery, they think who he is "that is one attitude of

environmental care even though Queen Elizabeth only vented her frustration at

her husband (King George VI).


because according to the opinion of the researcher environmental care is

Behavior and attitude that always take care and prevent environmental damage

and have an effort to repair environmental damage.

i) Sociality

In this scene minute (1:42:16), King George VI will broadcast a speech via

radio live in a few seconds, and King George is very nervous because this speech

will trigger national enthusiasm considering the coming war. To calm and relax

King George VI, Lionel Logue said a sentence that shows a social attitude that is

"forget everything else and just tell me, say as a friend". the researcher thinks it

includes society because of the Behavior and attitude that always want to help


j) Responsibility

In this scene minute (1:37:05), King George VI is preparing a speech for the

people, remembering that Britain is no longer allied with Germany and soon war

will come, in that case, King George VI feels he has a responsibility to his

country in the scene. King George said "the country believes when I speak I

speak for them "in this case according to the researcher is a form of

responsibility, because King George VI does not want to disappoint his people

who are waiting for a speech from him because of that King George VI practices

hard so that his speech can be conveyed well. and responsibility according to the

researcher is doing the tasks and obligations that must be done.



This chapter consists of two parts. They are, conclusion and discussion. The

conclusion contains the summary of the findings and discussion. Then, the suggestion

contains about some suggestions for the other reasearcher and readers.

A. Conclusion

After analyzing the data that was taken from the King’s Speech movie in

the previous chapter, where the data analyzed based on the use of character

educational value on the movie. As stated in chapter I, the researcher focus to

be answer in this study.

Based on the discussion, the answer to the problem of the study that how

does the character perform educational values in the King’s Speech movie,

and also what kind of educational values are found in the King’s Speech

movie. So that the researcher can take conclusion from this research, they are:

1. The researcher found how the characters can perform educational

values in this movie, such as how one of the characters in the movie talks,

does something, and does an activity. and most charater educational

values can be found in this movie through a conversation.

2. There are 10 kind educational values can found in this movie, there are

religious, discipline, hardworking, creative, national spirit, appreciating

achievement, like to read, environmental care, sociality and responsibility.


B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, the researcher want to give some

suggestion to the next researcher:

1. For the public speaker, this study can be a new motivation for

them to be bolder in oration in public and the character can be to


2. For the student's university, this study can be a new motivation

for them to be more courageous in speaking in public, whether it's

during a presentation in front of a class or something else. remember

how King George VI wanted to try to cover up his stuttering by

treating this stuttering and continuing to practice.

3. For the next researchers, this study can be an inspiration and

secondary data to the other researcher who interests to conduct a study

about character educational values in other movies, so there will be

many movies analyzed and many values gotten and applied.



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Name : Gemma Muhammad Maulana

NIM : 20170701031050

Faculty : Tarbiyah

Study Program : English Teaching Learning Program

Declare that

a. This thesis has never been submitted to any other tertiary education institution

for any other academic degree.

b. This thesis is the sole work of author and has not been written in the

collaboration with any other person, without due acknowledgment, the word

of any other person.

c. If at a later time it is found that this thesis is product of plagiarism. I am

willing to accept any legal consequences that may be imposed to me.

Pamekasan, 19th March 2021

Gemma Muhammad M.
NIM. 20170701031050

1) King George VI

King George VI in King's speech movie played by Collin Firth, King

George VI was a king who led the British from 1936 to 1952. in the movie, it is

depicted how Prince Albert's efforts, The Duke of York (nicknamed King George

VI before becoming king) to cure his stuttering disease especially when he had to

make a speech in front of his people. he has a stubborn and irritable nature, but

there is a thing the researcher is very salutary with his character that he wants to

try hard to be able to recover so as not to stutter again when speaking in front of

his people

2) Queen Elizabeth

Quee Elizabeth in King Speech movie played by Helene Bonham

Carter. Queen Elizabeth is the wife of King George VI, who in the movie depicts

one of the people who support the healing of King George VI so that he doesn't

stutter anymore, especially when giving a public speech. here the researcher

thinks that queen Elizabeth has many positive sides, for example how she is

looking for a therapist who can cure her husband's stutter and many more.

3) Lionel Logue

Lionel Logue in King Speech movie played by Geoffrey Rush. Lionel

Logue is the character that the researcher most admires in this movie. Lionel

Logue is an Australian native language and speech therapist and amateur stage

performer. The reason why the researchers admire him is that he is a person who
has a firm stand whomever the interlocutors, there is a conversation that reflects

the nature of "My castle my rule," said Lionel Louge, a speech therapist to King

George VI who wanted to cure his stuttering. Even though the patient is a prince,

Lionel does not hesitate to forbid smoking in his practice room.


Gemma Muhammad Maulana, People call him Gemma or Atilla. He was born in
Pamekasan, on 12th June 1999. He is the second brother in three siblings from the
couple of Andhi Rachman and Nurul Hasanah. He lives in Prenduan Kecamatan
Pragaan, Kabupaten Sumenep. His education background started from or the first
time at Elementary School of SDN Prenduan 1 and was passed on 2010, and then
continued at Junior High School SMPN 2 Larangan and was passed on 2013. After
that he continued in Senior High School SMAN 9 Bogor and was passed on 2016.
After finishing from the Senior High School, in 2017 the researcher continued her
study at Tarbiyah Departement of English Teaching Learning Program for state
Islamic Institute of (IAIN) Madura and has been a student there up to now.

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