Basic Questions - Short Answers

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Dibuat Oleh Made Sudiarta,S.S.,M.Par. Soal ini asli buatan sendiri.

Dilarang Memperbanyak Dan Menggunakan Untuk Kepentingan Sendiri

Tanpa Ijin Dari Pembuat Soal Ini. Pelanggaran Tentang Hal Ini Bisa Dikenakan Tuntutan Tentang Undang-Undang Hak Cipta Intelektual Dan


1. May I have your name please? Atau What is your name?

My name is........................................

2. How do I call you

You may call me ...............................

3. When were you born?

I was born on ..................(tanggal) of .....................................(bulan) ninteen

4. Where were you born?

I was born in Denpasar

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5. Where did you graduate from? Or what is your educational back ground?
I graduated from................................................... ATAU..My education back ground is.....

6. Where are you from?

I am from …………………..Village, ……………………………..District, ………………………………………………

7. Where do you work at present?

At present I am still working at………………………………………………………………..

8. What is your position there?

My position is ............................

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9. What is your nationality?

My nationality is Indonesian or I am Indonesian

10. What is your religion?

My religion is Hindu or I am Hindu
11. What is your hobby?
My hobby is …………………………………..

12. What is your mother’s name?

My mother’s name is..........

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13. What is your father’s name ?

My father’s name is..............

14. What is your father’s job?

My father’s job is a …………………………………………………….

15. What is mother’s job?

My mother’s job is …………………………………………………………….

16. What position would you like to apply for?

I would like to apply for …………………………………..position

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17. How do you come here?

I come here by motorbike

18. How old are you?

I am twenty ………………………..years old

19. What is your last job?

My last job is a …………………………………
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20. How big is your Hotel?

Our Hotel is an international Hotel, serve many people from many countries in the world.

21. Please tell me about your work/your responsibility

As a Hotel attendant my responsible is to serve the guest for breakfast, lunch and dinner,
including snacks and beverages

22. Do you have working experience? (ceritakan pengalaman kerja anda)

23. How long have you been working there ?

I have been working there for …… years

24. What hotel do you want to join?

I would like to join …………………………………………………… line

25. Why do you chose to work in....hotel?

I chose ................hotel Because ……………………Hotel is the best Hotel company in the world
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26. Where do you get the information about this vacancy?

I get the information of this vacancy from my friend /Social media ( sebutkan nama medsosnya)

27. Why do you want to work in Hotel?

Because I want to have more experience of working, more money and more earn for my future

28. How long would you plan to work on board?

I would plan to work for ten years

29. How much salary did you get from your last job?
At present I get based on the standard salary of working for hotel in Bali

30. Do you like smoking/coffee/ tea/ watching tv?

Yes, I like smoking but I am trying to reduce my cigarete every day
Yes, I like coffee, but only a cup of coffee every day/IN ONE DAY

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................................WE WISH YOU LUCK BON VOYAGE..........................................


1. How may I help you?

Thank you Sir/Madam,
I would like to have an interview, please.

2. Please tell me about yourself !

Thank you,
My name is.............
You may call me..............
I am from...............
My nationality is Indonesian
I am ................... years old
I was born at..............village, .........................Regency, on..........of.......... ninthteen................
(disesuikan dengan kelahiran anda)


I graduated from High School /vocational high school, I learn some subject of tourism related to
House keeping department.


I graduated from one year/two years diploma of tourism majoring at..................department
I have complete parents, my father is a...........(pekerjaan), my mother is a.............(pekerjaan)
I have………………brothers and …………………………..sister (sebutkan jumlah saudara anda)
That’s all about me Sir/madam

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3. Why do you like to work in Hotel?

I like to work in cruise line because working in cruise line was my dream since I was high school.
Besides that, as I know, the carrier in cruise line is better, therefore, I expect I am able to
develop my carrier on board, and have more earn for my future.


I like to work on in cruise line because I love to work while travelling to many differrent
countries, while working in cruise line, I want to get more earn for my future

4. Why do you like to work at..............Hotel? Atau

Why do you choose to work at ...........Hotel ?
I like to work line because ……………………… line is
the best cruise line company in the world. It has many luxury ships, and travel to many tourist
destinations in the world. Besides that ,.................................................. cruise line also has very
good reputation, and very good management.

5. What position would you like to apply for?

I would like to apply for..........................(post)

6. Why do you apply for .............................position?

I apply for ..................................position because I have basic knowledge, skill and experience, As
you may see from my curriculum vitae that:


I graduated from High School / vocational high school, I learned some subjects of tourism
related to................department.


I graduated from one year/two/three years diploma of tourism majoring

At present I am still working

from..................until now.

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7. What do you do at present?

At present I am still working as a............................(nama posisi) at....................(tempat kerja

8. How long have you been working there?

I have been working there for...........years.

9. What is your position there.

My position is..........(nama jabatan). I have been.............years at this position.

10. What is your responsible/duty?

As a House Man, my responsible is to keep the public area clean such as Lobby, public toilet,
corridor, business centre, pantry, gazebo, and office.

11. How big is your Hotel?

Our Hotel is an international Hotel, it serves many customers from many countries in the world
. we have ………………….rooms, and our hotel is completed with 2 swimming pools, meeting room,
Bar and restaurants, pool bar, Spa and Sauna, Money changer and laundry service.

12. How long will you be working for our company?

In my planning, I would like to work in your company for minimum ………years.
In ……. years, I would like to do my best for your company.

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13. What is your strenght?
As you know, I have good knowledge, skill, I also have relevant experience of working. Besides
that, I have good attitude, I am dicipline, and confident. So, I believe that I am competent to
work at your company.

14. What is your weakness?

I realized that I have never worked on board before.
I might get seasick because I have never travel at sea, besides that, I have never been overseas
or live far away from my home, I would probably get homesick. So far, I do not know the rules of
working on board. However, I have been preparing myself to get ready to the situation

15. Why should we hire you?

Thank you for your question, this is a very good question, as you know that I have good
competency to work for my position because I have good knowledge, skillful, and sufficien
experience of working, moreover I have good attitude.
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16. What is your goal to work on board?

Talking about my goal, I think this is a pleasant time to tell you. I plan to work for minimum…….
years, and developing my carrier well in order to get much better earn, I would save my money
well and after finish working, I would like to start to set a business that would be very useful to
employee the people around my village to work at my company next time to improve their life.

17. Do you like to work in a team?

Yes, I do.
Actually I am familiar to work in team, and working in team is important.
As I know that, there are some jobs that need to be handled by a team work, to make the job
faster and easier to do

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18. Do you like to work alone?

Yes, certainly sir/madam,
Working alone is worth for me, because by working alone I may perform my personal ability and
responsibility. Besides that, by working alone I can proof that I am not depended to other
people, although, I realised that for some jobs we need to work in a team.

19. What you don’t like about yourself?

I personally don’t like when I can not control my temper, sometimes I am selfish, and so far still
depended on my family or my parents. I think, this is the time to reduce them all, by being a
way from my family .

20. Where did you get information about the vacany you apply for?
I got the information from my...............who has been working on board for few years.

21. Did anyone motivate you to work on board?

Yes, certainly sir/madam.
The first person who motivate me to work on board is my parents. They give me lots of advise
how to increase our family’s life, and finally they suggested me to work on board.

22. What is your motivation to work on board?

I have clear motivation to work on board. My personal motivation is to develop my carrier well
on board and hoping I may get promotion to have betterr position, in my mind if I get better
position, it can make more income for my future.

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23. Do you Like your Job? Atau

Why do you leave your last job?
Actually I love my last job very much, however, I am thinking that I am still young, and I still have
lots of opportunity to develop my carrier. Therefore, I have to leave my last job, and prepare
myself to get more professional job to increase my earn for better future of my life.

24. What will you do for our company?

I will do all my best for your company. As you know that I have good knowledge, skill and
experience, I would like to do my best to service all passengers, I would follow the rules and
regulation applied by your company, avoiding to violate the rules, and of course I would
seriously work

25. How do you spend your rest time?

if I still have rest time, I usually spend my rest time effectively by doing some positif activities
like doing sport or jogging withmy friends
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26. How much salary/wages did you get from your last job?
As a………………………………… this present I get maximum two million rupiahs.

27. If I you are accepted to work for our company, When will you start to work?
Thank you Sir/Madam, I am accepted to work at your company, I will follow the procedure of
recruitment from your company, while waiting, I would like to complete all documents needed
to work on board.

28. How many languages do you speak?

So far, I can speak three languages.
I Speak bahasa, as national language, Balinese language as mother tounge, and I Speak English
at my workplace.

29. What is the difference between working on board and on land?

The difference between working on board and on land that working on board is similar as
working at five star hotel, but we may work while travelling around, because the ship is going
around during the trip. If working in hotel or on land, we just keep staying and it sometimes
makes me boring.

30. What do you do at present?

At present I am still working as………………….. at………………….Hotel in Kuta/ Nusa Dua/ Sanur

31. What problem did you ever find during working ?

As my experience, I used to get a problem with the schedule of working. At my department, we
have limited staff, and very hard to set the schedule for all, So, sometimes I have to work extra
to overcome this matter.

32. What is your educational bacground?

I graduate from………………………. Majoring at………………………department, in 20…………. (2010,

33. Do you have working certificate?

Yed I Do, I have some working certificate, such as certificate as a……………………., as
a…………………………… and certificate…………………………..

34. What documents have you prepared to work on board?

So far, I have only basic documents such as passport, BST, and seamen book. If I get this job, I
would like to apply all documents needed

35. What is your future planning? Atau What is Your Goal?

For my future, the most important is to increase the economic of my family, I plan to make

36. What do you know about our company?

As I know, your company is the best cruise line company in the world. It has very good
reputation, and you have many fleets which may carry more passengers than others.

37. Could you tell me about your family?

Thank you Sir,
I Have complete parents,…………………….(sama dengan soal no 2 ttg family)

38 Have you ever been travelling overseas?

Not Yet Sir. This is the first time for me to work overseas.

39 How do you spend your rest time?

When I get rest time or holiday, I use it well by relaxing with family or doing sport.

40 Have you got married

Yes, I have got married and I have got ……………….children/child
No, I haven’t got married. I plan to get married after working few years on board

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