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Transpiration flashcards

- the evaporation of water from surface of the leaf

- that occurs through small pores called stoma
- which increase transpiration depending on certain conditions

Function of Transpiration
- transporting mineral ions
- providing water to keep cells turgid in order to support the plant
- providing water to leaf cells for photosynthesis
- keeping the leaves cool by evaporation

Temperature effect on Transpiration

-Temperature increase rate of transpiration increase, as water evaporate faster from leaves due to high

Light intensity effect on Transpiration
-Light intensity increase rate of transpiration increase as stomata open wider allowing larger area for
water vapor to escape

- made up of dead cells
- carries water and minerals salts from root to leaves
- sugar moves in one direction which is upwards
- situated in xylem
- is strong and supports the xylem from collapsing under the pressure of the water.
- unlike xylem these cells are alive
- but pretty much empty
- got few bits of cytoplasm
- sugars move up and down the phloem

-Don’t have nucleuses

- transports sugar from leaves to rest of the plant
- either for respiration
- or for storage such as starch
Water uptake by roots
-Water enters root hair by osmosis,
passes through root cortex cells by osmosis then pass into xylem up the stem,
and to the leaves
- gets converted into another type of sugar called sucrose
- to move around the plant in the phloem
- to prevent any issues with osmosis

Structure of phloem
- sieve plates: the plates in them got holes
- the holes allow the sugar through
- cells themselves are simply called elements
- surrounding those are companion cells
- that has lots of mitochondria
- which create energy to help sugars move in and out of the phloem.

*the amount of water leaves the leaf is based on the amount of water surrounding the leaf because it’s
all do with the diffusion gradient so obviously water is moving from high concentration to low
- very few water molecules outside
- cause the air is dry
- which means lots more water inside the plant
Dry based on diffusion
- high rates of transpiration
- because there is little water surrounding the leaf
- so diffusion occurs quickly out of the leaf
- lot of moisture in the air
- lot of water molecules inside and outside
Humid based on diffusion
- low rates of transpiration
- diffusion rates are slow
- as the leaf is surrounded by moist air
Humidity effect on Transpiration
- Rate of transpiration decrease as humidity increase, water outside of leaf collide with water vapour
inside leaf reducing rate of transpiration

- water molecules will have lots of energy
- and will be moving away from the leaf very quickly
- as the water diffuses out of the leaf
- it gets blown away quickly that means there’s little water surrounding the leaf
windy based on diffusion
-high rates of transpiration
- water is blown away from the leaf
- so diffusion occurs quickly

Vascular bundles

Bundle of phloem and xylem with phloem on the outside and xylem on the inside of the bundle

Measure transpiration (potometer)

- Set up potometer to measure water loss by transpiration
- the movement of sucrose and amino acids from the leaves to regions of respiration, growth, and
storage through the phloem

Features of leaves
Adaption Purpose

Large surface
To absorb more light

Thin Short distance for carbon dioxide to diffuse into leaf cells

Chlorophyll Absorbs sunlight to transfer energy into chemicals

To support the leaf and transport water, mineral ions and sucrose
Network of veins
Adaption Purpose

Stomata Allow carbon dioxide to diffuse into the leaf and oxygen to diffuse out
Functions of tissues of the leaf

Adaption Purpose

Epidermis is thin and transparent To allow more light to reach the palisade cells

To protect the leaf from infection and prevent water loss without
Thin cuticle made of wax
blocking out light

Palisade cell layer at top of leaf To absorb more light and increase the rate of photosynthesis

Spongy layer Air spaces allow gases to diffuse through the leaf

Palisade cells contain many

To absorb all the available light

Structure of a leaf

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