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Learning Activity #1

MERCADO, Micaella A.
MALABANAN, Angelika P.
Learning Activity: Life Skill Reading


Improving and upgrading the 19-year-

1. What is the main idea of
old air-traffic management system to
the 1st news article?
avoid cancelled flights.

The air-traffic management system was

upgraded and I agree with it. Our
country needs to keep up to other
countries that are already expert when
2. Which system was
it comes to modernization. It will also
upgraded by CAAP? If
help our economy and comfortability of
you are on the shoe of
the passengers. I also disagree in some
the officers, are you
sort due to it is not necessary this time
going to do the same?
for we are experiencing global
Explain your answer.
pandemic. The P159.9 million budget
for the improvement can be use in
donations and help to the people who
are struggling from unemployment.
The second article's main idea is the
3. What is the main idea of dismissal of disqualification cases filled
the 2nd news article? to Joseph 'Erap' Estrada, questioning
his validity in political office.

No. I believe the cases filed against

Estrada are valid. If he was capable of
committing plunder in the past, he may
do it again if he ever won the position
he coveted. It is better to presume
4. Would your decision be this. Plunder, in my opinion, is nothing
the same with the new in Philippine politics. The majority
Supreme court? of individuals in the higher levels of
government are sitting comfortably
while stealing people's money because
the law that should be helping to
eliminate these kind of people is
actually the ones who enable them.

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