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1. The soma forms a cone-shaped Axon or Hillock_as it projects to form an

2 Telodendria are small, distal branches of an axon.
3. Either Schwann cells or extensions of oligodendrocytes can form myelin
4. The gaps between segments of a myelin sheath are called
nodes of ranvier
5. A group of myelinated fibers may form a region of nerve tissue called
White matter.
6. The interneuron aka association neuron connects an afferent neuron to
an efferent neuron. 
7. A junction between two neurons, or between a neuron and an effector, is
called a(n) synapse
8. A bundle of parallel neurons encased in fibrous connective tissue is
called a(n nerves (in the PNS). 
9. A bundle of parallel neurons in the CNS is called a(n) Tracts. 
10. A muscle of the gland that is regulated by the nerve input is termed
a(n) effector
11. An action potential traveling down a myelinated axon travels faster
(faster/slower)than in an unmyelinated axon. 
12. Unmyelinated nerve tissue is called gray matter. 
13. In infants, the babanski response is normal when testing the plantar
14. When testing the plantar reflex in an adult, extension of the toes may
indicate damage to the myelin sheath somewhere along the reflex arc. 
15. In the strecth reflex, a muscle contracts when the
load increases. 
16. The center of the patellar reflex is in the spinal cord  
17. A stretch reflex involving the biceps brachii muscle causes flexion of the
elbow of the biceps muscle to be stretched. 
18. In the triceps reflex demonstration, the triceps muscle was the
effector, and one or more strecth receptors were the receptors. 
19. If the Achilles tendon is tapped, one would expect the ankle to
plantar flex
 20. When suddenly illuminated with a penlight, the pupil of the eye
normally constricts (dilates/constricts). 

Put in order: Put these components of the reflex arc in the order in which
nerve signals pass through them. 
Sensory neuron
Motor neuron

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