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Preparation of pharmaceutical co-crystals through

sustainable processes using supercritical carbon
Published on 20 July 2016. Downloaded by Northern Illinois University on 03/08/2016 04:22:42.

Cite this: RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 71134

dioxide: a review
Concepción Pando,* Albertina Cabañas and Isaac A. Cuadra

The preparation of pharmaceutical co-crystals using supercritical CO2 (scCO2) is reviewed. Co-crystallization is
an emerging and powerful technique to improve the physicochemical properties of an active pharmaceutical
ingredient (API). The solid-state and solution co-crystallization methods usually employed present several
disadvantages that may be overcome using the supercritical methods. All the methods employing scCO2
have low environmental impact and operate at relatively low temperature avoiding API degradation and
producing solvent-free pharmaceuticals. The role of the fluid varies from one method to another. In the
rapid expansion of supercritical solutions (RESS) the API and the coformer are dissolved in scCO2. In the co-
crystallization with supercritical solvents (CSS), the fluid also acts as a solvent that facilitates molecular
interactions in a suspension of the API and coformer powders. However, in the supercritical antisolvent (SAS)
and the gas antisolvent (GAS) crystallizations scCO2 acts as an antisolvent that induces precipitation of the
Received 27th April 2016
Accepted 14th July 2016
API and the coformer previously dissolved in an organic solvent. In the atomization and antisolvent (AAS)
technique and supercritical fluid enhanced atomization (SEA) the fluid may act either as a spray enhancer or
DOI: 10.1039/c6ra10917a
an antisolvent depending on the process conditions. Each method is described and its application, advantages and disadvantages are discussed. Future perspectives and areas to be investigated are outlined.

1. Introduction
Co-crystallization is an emerging and powerful technique aimed
Dpto. de Quı́mica Fı́sica I, Facultad C. Quı́micas, Universidad Complutense, E-28040 at improving the physicochemical properties of an active
Madrid, Spain. E-mail:; Fax: +34 91394 4135; Tel: +34 91394 pharmaceutical ingredient (API). Properties such as the

Concepción Pando is Professor Albertina Cabañas is Associate

of Physical Chemistry at Uni- Professor in the Physical Chem-
versidad Complutense de istry Department at Universidad
Madrid (UCM), Spain. She Complutense de Madrid (UCM)
received her PhD degree at UCM Spain since 2007. She received
in 1979 and was a Fulbright her PhD degree at UCM in 1998
scholar at Brigham Young performing thermodynamic
University, USA (1981–82), per- studies of mixtures involving
forming calorimetric studies of supercritical uids. Aerwards,
mixtures involving supercritical she investigated the synthesis of
uids. She has studied phase metal oxide nanoparticles in
equilibria and thermodynamic supercritical water using
properties of uid and liquid continuous reactors (1999–
mixtures formed by CO2. She has experience in supercritical uid 2000, University of Nottingham, U.K.) and the deposition of high-
extraction and is currently involved in the fabrication and quality metal lms from supercritical CO2 solutions (2001–2003,
micronization of materials in supercritical CO2 aimed to applica- University of Massachusets, USA). She was “Ramón y Cajal” Fellow
tions in catalysis and pharmacology. (2003–2007, UCM, Spain). Her current research focuses on the
synthesis of nanomaterials using supercritical uids as green

71134 | RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 71134–71150 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016
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solubility and chemical stability are modied by establishing

a new solid form through the interaction of the API with
a coformer at a supramolecular level.1–3 Coformers are usually
molecules included on the generally recognized as safe (GRAS)
list4 that can interact with the API. Nutraceuticals are another
class of compounds with an established safety record that may
be used as coformers.5 Pharmaceutical co-crystals resulting
from the interaction of two different APIs have been also
prepared.6 A co-crystal may be dened as a multiple component
Published on 20 July 2016. Downloaded by Northern Illinois University on 03/08/2016 04:22:42.

crystal that consists of two or more solid components in a de-

nite stoichiometric ratio held together via noncovalent and
nonionic interactions. Usually, two components are involved.
The co-crystal structure is the result of weak but directional
molecular recognition events very oen based on hydrogen
bonding.7 These intermolecular interactions or synthons are
classied either as heterosynthons (e.g. carboxylic acid–amide,
pyridine–carboxilic acid synthons) or homosynthons (e.g.
carboxylic acid–carboxilic acid, amide–amide synthons). Fig. 1
shows the molecular structures of the anti-inammatory drug
diunisal and nicotinamide, a member of the vitamin B family
widely used as a coformer, together with the supramolecular
structure of the 2 : 1 diunisal–nicotinamide co-crystal showing
the heterosynthons involved. This co-crystal has been recently
prepared by liquid assisted ball mill grinding and by solution Fig. 1 Molecular structures of diflunisal, nicotinamide, and the 2 : 1
crystallization from ethanol,8,9 and by a method based on using diflunisal–nicotinamide co-crystal showing the supramolecular het-
supercritical CO2 (scCO2) as antisolvent.10 The 2 : 1 diunisal– erosynthons involved.
nicotinamide co-crystal exhibits an enhanced dissolution rate
with respect to that of pure diunisal.
Pharmaceutical co-crystals can be prepared by solution
methods, evaporative or cooling crystallization or solid-state by solution and solid state methods, several authors proposed
grinding and mixing.11 Solution co-crystallization is the to use co-crystallization methods based on the utilization of
method preferred if single crystals are desired for crystal supercritical CO2. These supercritical methods are also aimed
structure elucidation although sometimes this method fails in to the development of production processes with very low
the preparation of a co-crystal already obtained by a mechano- environmental impact, fewer steps and a reduced used of
chemical method. These preparation methods bear the risk of organic solvents, therefore fullling the requirements for
producing the homocrystals (single component crystalline sustainable processes in the pharmaceutical industry. In this
phases) together with the co-crystal. Either the experimental paper, the supercritical co-crystallization methods are reviewed,
conditions are established empirically by trial and error or each method is presented in a separate section, and the oper-
a considerable effort is devoted to obtain ternary phase ating conditions, the properties of the co-crystals obtained so
diagrams of the two components and the solvent that allow far and the advantages and disadvantages of the methods are
understanding the mechanism of a solution co-crystalliza- examined. Usually, the co-crystals obtained by a supercritical
tion.11–13 In addition, remaining residues of the solvents may method are compared to those previously prepared by a solid-
pose a problem. To overcome some of the difficulties presented state grinding or solution method. Another section is devoted
to modeling efforts. The state-of art, the future perspectives and
the problems related to the application of these methods in the
B.Sc. Degree in Chemical Engi- pharmaceutical industries are also discussed. Finally, the
neering at the University Com- possibilities for application of the co-crystallization methods
plutense of Madrid (UCM), M.Sc. based on supercritical CO2 in other elds different from that of
in Industrial Processes Engi- pharmaceutics are summarized.
neering at UCM, Ph.D. student
working on the micronization of
particles using supercritical
2. Supercritical carbon dioxide and its
carbon dioxide as an antisolvent. use in the field of pharmaceuticals
Research on enhanced oil
Supercritical uids are pure substances or mixtures at a pres-
extraction at the Research and
sure and temperature higher than their critical coordinates, Pc
Development Centre of the
and Tc. Fig. 2 shows the pressure–temperature phase diagram of
Spanish oil company CEPSA.
carbon dioxide and the area where CO2 exists as a supercritical

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uid. Carbon dioxide is the most commonly used supercritical can accelerate undesirable polymorphic transformations. Poly-
uid because it is nontoxic, non-ammable, inexpensive, has morphic purity is an important parameter in a pharmaceutical
moderate critical temperature and pressure (31.0  C and 7.39 product. Conventional crystallization techniques usually lead to
MPa) and is a byproduct in ethanol and ammonia plants. a mixture of different polymorphs. However, supercritical uid
Therefore, scCO2 is considered a green solvent.14 Supercritical techniques may allow the crystallization of a single polymorph
CO2 densities and solvation power are intermediate between because there are additional variables to play with such as the
those of gases and liquids and can be easily modied with small pressure and density of the uid and furthermore they can be
changes in temperature and pressure, the uid behavior may be one-step processes.
tuned from that of a liquid at a high pressure to that of a gas at Very oen API formulations consist in a core material (the
low pressure; meanwhile the uid maintains good transport
Published on 20 July 2016. Downloaded by Northern Illinois University on 03/08/2016 04:22:42.

API) surrounded by a coating or carrier material. In other

properties. Values for the scCO2 viscosity coefficient are low and formulations the API particles are embedded in a carrier
similar to those of gases while values for the diffusivity coeffi- material. Usually, a natural or synthetic polymer is used to
cient are high in comparison to those of liquids. A pressure prepare both types of formulations, although fats or sugars may
reduction aer scCO2 treatment allows the preparation of be also used.23 Composite microparticles present several
solvent-free pharmaceuticals. Other advantages are operation at advantages, in the rst place, they are easier to handle and dose
moderate temperatures in an inert atmosphere thus avoiding than the pure particles of an API. The material selected as shell/
the product degradation and the substitution or limited use of carrier depends on the intended use of the composite micro-
organic solvents. particles and improves its properties. A biodegradable carrier is
Different supercritical techniques have been widely used to used to achieve a controlled delivery of the active ingredient into
improve an API physicochemical properties.15 The solubility the targeted media.24,25 If the API is susceptible of degradation,
and bioavailability of pharmaceuticals may be increased via size the carrier acts as a protection against aggressive agents. If the
reduction. Several supercritical methods for drug micronization API is poorly soluble in the targeted media, the carrier facilitates
are available.16 The possibility of tuning the uid properties its solubilization. This is the case of a number of poorly water-
through changes in temperature and pressure allows the soluble drugs. For drugs with low solubility in the crystalline
control of particle size and morphology. Moreover, the solvent- state, the possibility of improving their solubility, dissolution
free particles exhibit narrow size distributions very appropriate rate and bioavailability due to the formation of an amorphous
for pharmaceutical applications. In comparison with traditional form in a solid dispersion presents additional advantages. On
methods, the production of drug microparticles using scCO2 the other hand, in some cases composite particles exhibit
requires fewer steps thus allowing a simplication and better smaller sizes than that of the pure drug processed under the
control of the process. same conditions.26 These formulations can be prepared by
Changes of the crystal habit or polymorphic form through coprecipitation, encapsulation or impregnation in scCO2 or
scCO2 treatment are also possible.17–22 APIs can exist as different extraction of an emulsion using scCO2.15,23–31
solid phases classied as polymorphs that differ in crystal The adaptation of the already existing supercritical tech-
structure and exhibit different thermodynamic, spectroscopic niques and the proposal of new ones aimed to the preparation
and surface properties. Consequently, the various polymorphs of pharmaceutical co-crystals started in 2002;32 its fast devel-
of a given API can have different bioavailability, activity and opment in the last ve years10,32–51 prompted us to undertake
even toxicity. Moreover, the presence of different crystal phases this review. The supercritical co-crystallization methods are
listed in Table 1; all of them share the advantages associated to
the use of CO2 already mentioned and have specic advantages
of their own that will be discussed and compared. The order of
presentation of the methods follows the chronological order of
the application of each method in the literature. The role of
scCO2 differs from one method to another. In the rapid
expansion of supercritical solutions (RESS) the API and the
coformer are dissolved in scCO2. In the co-crystallization with
supercritical solvent (CSS), the uid also acts as a solvent that
facilitates molecular interactions and thereby nucleation and
growth of co-crystals in a suspension of the API and coformer
powders. However, scCO2 acts as an antisolvent that induces
precipitation of the API and the coformer previously dissolved
in an organic solvent in the supercritical antisolvent (SAS) and
gas antisolvent (GAS) crystallizations. In the atomization and
antisolvent (AAS) and in the supercritical uid enhanced
atomization (SEA) techniques the uid has the dual role of
antisolvent and spray enhancer. Prior to the description of the
supercritical methods and in order to present the results of
Fig. 2 Pressure–temperature phase diagram of carbon dioxide.

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Table 1 Methods used to obtain pharmaceutical co-crystals using scCO2a

Method Acronym Role of CO2 Reference

Rapid expansion of RESS Solvent Vemavarapu et al. 2002,32 Vemavarapu et al. 2009,33
supercritical solutions Müllers et al. 2015 (ref. 46)

Co-crystallization with CSS Solvent and molecular Padrela et al. 2009,34 Padrela et al. 2015 (ref. 44)
supercritical solvent mobility enhancer

Supercritical antisolvent SAS Antisolvent Padrela et al. 2009,34 Chen et al. 2015,47
Published on 20 July 2016. Downloaded by Northern Illinois University on 03/08/2016 04:22:42.

crystallization Cuadra et al. 2016,10 Hiendrawan et al. 2016,48

Neurohr et al. 2016 (ref. 49)
Atomization and antisolvent AAS Spray enhancer or antisolvent Padrela et al. 2009 (ref. 34)

Supercritical uid enhanced SEA Spray enhancer or antisolvent Padrela et al. 2010,35 Tiago et al. 2013,40
atomization Padrela et al. 2014 (ref. 41)

Gas antisolvent crystallization GAS Antisolvent Shikhar et al. 2011,36 Ober and Gupta 2012,37
Ober et al. 2013,38 Neurohr et al. 2013,39
Harscoat-Schiavo et al. 2015,42 Neurohr et al. 2015,43
Erriguible et al. 2015 (ref. 45)
Two co-crystallization patents should be added to this table: Mazen and Townend50 led a general process including GAS, SAS and SEDS (solution
enhanced dispersion by supercritical uids); Hoand and Van Rosmalen51 patented a method similar to CSS.

their application, it is necessary to briey review the techniques when organic solvents are required the absence of solvent
involved in the evaluation of pharmaceutical co-crystals. residues should be conrmed. Differential scanning calorim-
etry (DSC), infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-ray diffraction
(XRD) are used to establish the co-crystal structure and inter-
3. Evaluation of pharmaceuticals co- actions. X-ray diffraction (XRD) of single crystals obtained from
solution co-crystallization is the preferred tool to determine the
crystals solid state structure of a given co-crystal. Powder or microcrys-
The methods used to evaluate pharmaceuticals co-crystals talline samples are usually the result of supercritical methods.
prepared using scCO2 do not differ from those used for co- Therefore, if a new co-crystal is obtained by a supercritical
crystals prepared by conventional methods. Most co-crystals method a parallel solution preparation is recommended.
obtained using scCO2 have been previously obtained by these Aerwards, XRD is used to identify the co-crystal and to study
methods and the co-crystal characterization available in the the commercial coformers and establish their polymorphic
literature serves as a guide to evaluate the co-crystal obtained by form. Padrela et al. also proposed a method for the quantica-
the supercritical method. The characterization methods are tion of co-crystals in the precipitate based on power XRD data.52
aimed to study the crystal size and morphology, its purity, DSC is used to obtain melting point data and thermal data such
structure and interactions and the physical properties such as as the enthalpy of melting. Usually, the co-crystal melting point
the dissolution rate involved in the co-crystal pharmacological is either comprised between those of the API and the coformer
use.1 Crystal size and morphology are usually investigated by or lower than both of them.1 DSC is also used to assess the co-
scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Optical microscopy has crystal purity. The appearance of one or two peaks corre-
been also used. Particle size distribution may be obtained from sponding to the homocrystals together with the co-crystal peak
SEM images or in a separate laser diffraction experiment. The indicates that conditions of the co-crystallization method need
co-crystal size is an important characteristic although micron- to be modied. Raman spectroscopy is sometimes used to
ization is not the principal objective in the scCO2 co- complement the DSC and XRD ndings. Interactions between
crystallization techniques. The pharmacological benets are the API and the coformer in the co-crystal are investigated using
expected to derive from the new formulation. Nevertheless, FTIR. The functional groups in the co-crystal spectrum show
a small particle size would also help in the case of poorly- differences in the wavenumbers and intensity of the vibrational
soluble APIs. modes in comparison to those of the two coformers individual
The composition of the powders produced is a key issue. The spectra. Furthermore, bands characteristic of the synthons
coformers homocrystals may precipitate together with the established are observed. For instance, for the diunisal–nico-
desired co-crystal. High performance liquid chromatography tinamide co-crystals whose structure is shown in Fig. 1 bands
(HPLC) may be used to establish the co-crystal purity. Using the characteristic of the acid–pyridine nitrogen synthon and the
adequate mass balance equations, the amount of co-crystals in carboxylic acid–amide hydrogen bonds were observed in the co-
the produced power can be determined. On the other hand, crystal spectrum.10

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The determination of the solubility of APIs and coformers in Aer solid precipitation CO2 is exhausted through a lter and
scCO2 may be necessary in order to optimize the experiments passes through a 5 m tubing before entering a ow meter that
when solubility data are not available in the literature. Also, allows to obtain a reliable estimate of the average ow rates
phase diagrams for the quaternary systems formed by the API, through the system.
the coformer, a solvent and CO2 are required in order to Although many APIs are scarcely soluble in scCO2 the RESS
understand the co-crystallization mechanism. This type of data method has been used to produce micro and nanoparticles of
is not directly related to the crystal evaluation although it is several pharmaceuticals.16 As to co-crystals, the rapid expansion
essential to understand the co-crystallization mechanisms. of chlorpropamide–urea–CO2 solutions was used by Vemavar-
Co-crystal dissolution proles need to be obtained and apu et al. in 2002 (ref. 32) to disrupt the crystalline structure of
Published on 20 July 2016. Downloaded by Northern Illinois University on 03/08/2016 04:22:42.

compared to those of the API. For poorly soluble APIs an chlorpropamide with urea. Chlorpropamide is an API poorly
improvement in the dissolution rate is considered a benet of soluble in water that belongs to the sulfonylurea hypoglycemic
the new formulation. Physical and chemical stability studies are agents. Although the aim of Vemavarapu et al. was crystal
also conducted; relative humidity stability experiments need to doping, this study can be considered the rst attempt to obtain
be carried out if hygroscopicity leads to form changes or a co-crystal using scCO2. RESS recrystallization of commercial
degradation. Finally, the yield should be also studied because it chlorpropamide (polymorph A) resulted in polymorph conver-
gives an idea whether the process can be applied in the sion to forms C and V depending on the temperature and
industry. pressure. Temperature was varied from 46 to 103  C and two
levels of pressure (27.6 and 55.2 MPa) were tried at each
temperature. The evidence of crystal disruption through RESS
4. Rapid expansion of supercritical was conrmed by changes in the XRD patterns and the lowering
solutions, RESS of the melting point in comparison to those of the pure crystal
polymorphs. SEM images revealed a particle size reduction of
In the RESS process solutes are dissolved in supercritical CO2
up to one order of magnitude as a consequence of RESS pro-
forming a homogeneous supercritical solution. Solute nucle-
cessing. The doped crystals thus formed are expected to show
ation is induced by rapidly reducing the solution density
a dissolution rate enhancement. In contrast, chlorpropamide
through expansion to atmospheric conditions. This expansion
recrystallizations from liquid organic solvents lacked the ability
causes a high supersaturation that leads to a very homogeneous
to produce polymorphic changes. Also, the incorporation of
nucleation rate. Fig. 3 shows a scheme of a RESS setup.32 Liquid
urea into the drug lattice was found to be insufficient. Although
CO2 is pressurized using a pump and is fed to a preheater where
minor reductions in the melting temperatures and the heat of
the temperature of the pressurized liquid is raised to that of
fusion values were observed with respect to those of pure
a supercritical uid. scCO2 is then fed to the saturation vessel
chlorpropamide, powder XRD patterns revealed no signicant
that contains the solutes to be co-crystallized and glass beads
disruption in the crystallinity. A few years later, Vemavarapu
aimed at improving the extraction efficiency and buffering the
et al.33 used this technique for the coprecipitation of twelve
turbulent ow of the uid through the vessel. The saturated
drug-additive mixtures and observed several phenomena
uid solution ows from the temperature-controlled reaction
including co-crystal and hydrate formation and polymorphic
vessel into a pre-expansion chamber maintained at 50 degrees
transitions. Temperature was varied from 35 to 100  C and
above the extraction temperature. Temperature is also
pressure was varied from 7.6 and 62.1 MPa. According to
controlled in the lines and connectors to avoid premature
Vemavarapu et al., different crystallization mechanisms
precipitation of the solutes. The saturated solution passes
competed depending on factors such as the interactions
through a micrometering valve maintained at 100 to 150  C
between the drug and the coformer and their relative solubility
prior to the rapid expansion. The expansion device is a stainless
in the supercritical uid. In this study, the composition of
steel capillary inserted through the cap of the collection vial.

Fig. 3 Schematic representation of a RESS process:32 (V) valve, (P) pressure measurement, (TC) temperature controller, (MV) micrometering

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several co-crystals of theophylline and caffeine was determined simultaneously dissolved in a polar organic solvent such as
by HPLC and found to be dependent on that of the starting ethanol or acetone and scCO2 is used as antisolvent to induce
mixture. Depending on the relative amount of API and additive the co-crystal precipitation. SAS has been widely applied to
in the co-crystal varying levels of crystallinity ranging from pure obtain pharmaceutical particles.16 As to co-crystals, the group of
crystals to amorphous mixtures could be found. These results Prof. Gomes de Azevedo was the rst to apply this method in the
led these authors to conclude that RESS could not be used to preparation of indomethacin–saccharin co-crystals.34 Recently,
consistently dope crystals. Cuadra et al.,10 Chen et al.,47 Hiendrawan et al.,48 and Neurohr
Recently, Müllers et al.46 have used RESS to obtain co-crystals et al.49 prepared by this method piracetam–salicylic acid,
with coformers that have sufficient solubility in scCO2. diunisal–nicotinamide, paracetamol–dipicolinic acid, and
Published on 20 July 2016. Downloaded by Northern Illinois University on 03/08/2016 04:22:42.

Ibuprofen and nicotinamide were dissolved in scCO2 at 30 MPa naproxen–nicotinamide co-crystals, respectively.
and 50  C with molar ratios of 0.5 : 1, 1 : 1 and 2 : 1. The A scheme of the SAS setup is shown in Fig. 4.10 Supercritical
difference in solubility was taken into account in order to obtain carbon dioxide is introduced in a precipitation chamber using
a supercritical solution with the correct stoichiometry. The co- a high-pressure pump at constant ow rate. Then the organic
crystals obtained were thoroughly characterized. A 1 : 1 solution containing the drugs is fed through a second pump
ibuprofen–nicotinamide co-crystal of high purity was produced also at a constant ow rate reaching steady state operating
with a yield of 20%. The RESS co-crystal was shown to be conditions and an adequate supercritical uid/solvent ratio. A
equivalent to the co-crystal prepared by slow solvent evapora- given amount is sprayed in the precipitation chamber through
tion. The crystalline micronized co-crystal product was a nozzle. The chamber is heated and both temperature and
produced by RESS in a one-step process without the need of pressure are controlled. When the uid dissolves in the solu-
organic solvents or further processing such as drying or size tion, the mixture becomes supersaturated and precipitation
reduction. The disadvantages of the RESS method are the low starts. The co-crystals are collected at the bottom and walls of
solubility of many APIs in scCO2 that oen requires the use of the precipitation chamber. At the end of the precipitation
high pressures and the low yield and throughput rates. A mole process, the chamber is washed with excess CO2 to remove the
fraction solubility of at least 10 4 is required for RESS crystal- residual content of the liquid solvent. The CO2 + organic solvent
lization of a pure API.16 As to the low throughput rates, Müllers mixture is introduced into a separation chamber where the
et al. suggested that they could be improved by implementing solvent is recovered. The solvent-free particles exhibit narrow
a continuously running process. size distributions. The pharmaceutical co-crystals obtained
using SAS are listed in Table 2 together with the solvent,
temperature, pressure, concentration, and the mass ow ratio
5. Supercritical antisolvent of the solution to the supercritical uid used.
crystallization, SAS Cuadra et al.10 used the SAS setup shown in Fig. 4 to obtain
co-crystals of the anti-inammatory drug diunisal and nico-
The SAS method is based on the relatively low solvent power of tinamide. The drug and coformer molar ratio in solutions fol-
scCO2 for solutes such pharmaceuticals and its good miscibility lowed the 2 : 1 stoichiometric co-crystal composition. The
with many organic solvents. The API and the coformer are

Fig. 4 Schematic representation of a SAS setup:10 (BPR) back pressure regulator, (P) pressure measurement, (V) valve, (TC) temperature
controller, (T) temperature measurement.

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Table 2 Pharmaceutical co-crystals prepared via the SAS process and experimental conditions: T and P are the temperature and pressure in the
precipitation vessel, and R is the mass flow ratio of the solution to the supercritical fluid. The API and coformer molar ratio in the solution follows
the co-crystal stoichiometrya

Co-crystal Solvent T ( C) P (MPa) R (g g 1) Reference

1 : 1 indomethacin–saccharin Ethanol 50 9.0 0.05 34

Acetone 50 8.4 0.12 34
Tetrahydrofurane 50 8.5 0.04 34
Methanol 50 8.6 0.06 34
Ethyl acetate 50 8.6 0.19 34
Published on 20 July 2016. Downloaded by Northern Illinois University on 03/08/2016 04:22:42.

2 : 1 diunisal–nicotinamide Acetoneb 35 10.0 0.04 10

Acetoneb 35 12.0 0.04 10
Acetoneb 40 10.0 0.04 10
Acetoneb 40 12.0 0.04 10
Ethanol 35 10.0 0.04 10
1 : 1 piracetam–salicylic acid Acetone 45 10.0 — 47
1 : 1 paracetamol–dipicolinic acid Methanol 40 10.0 0.03 48
2 : 1 naproxen–nicotinamideb Acetone 37 10.0 0.09–0.50 49
In the case of the naproxen–nicotinamide co-crystal a 2 : 2 molar ratio was also used. b Two different concentration values were used.

inuence of solvent (acetone and ethanol), concentration (two application of the SAS technique to pure diunisal led to
levels), temperature (35 and 40  C) and pressure (10.0 and 12.0 a change in the diunisal polymorphic form.
MPa) was shown to be weak. Fig. 5 shows the SEM image of the Chen et al.47 obtained the 1 : 1 piracetam–salycilic acid co-
co-crystal obtained at 35  C, 10.0 MPa, and concentrations in crystal at the conditions shown in Table 2. The co-crystal was
the acetone solution of 30.00 and 7.28 mg mL 1 for diunisal characterized by SEM, XRD, FTIR, DSC and thermogravimetric
and nicotinamide, respectively. A similar crystalline material in analysis (TGA). The formation of the co-crystal and its satis-
the form of needles of uniform width was obtained in all factory thermal stability were conrmed. Dissolution studies
experiments. A yield of 70% was obtained for the co-crystal indicated that at a given time the co-crystal concentration is
prepared with the lower values of concentration in acetone at close to half of that for pure piracetam. Therefore, the side effect
the lower values of temperature and pressure. This pure co- caused by a high dissolution rate of pure piracetam can be
crystal was shown to exhibit the same crystal structure, regulated.
melting point and FTIR spectrum as co-crystals previously ob- Hiendrawan et al.48 obtained the 1 : 1 paracetamol–dipico-
tained by assisted ball mill grinding and solution crystalliza- linic acid co-crystal at the conditions shown in Table 2 and
tion. The dissolution prole of the 2 : 1 diunisal–nicotinamide compare it to that obtained by a traditional solvent evaporation
co-crystal was better than that of pure diunisal. The method. The formation of new crystalline phases was conrmed
by XRD, DSC, FTIR, SEM and polarized light microscopy. The
SAS co-crystal particles had a mean diameter of 4.18 mm
(considerably smaller than that of solvent-evaporation particles)
and showed an enhanced dissolution rate with respect to both
pure paracetamol and the co-crystal produced by solvent evap-
oration. Both co-crystals were found to be stable and exhibited
better tableting properties than pure paracetamol.
Using a SAS setup similar to that shown in Fig. 4, Neurohr
et al.49 have recently prepared the 2 : 1 naproxen–nicotinamide
co-crystals. An acetone solution and CO2 were introduced into
a cylindrical vessel through two separated inlet ports. The vessel
was equipped with 8 sapphire windows distributed at top,
medium and bottom levels to visualize the injection and the
precipitation. The conditions of temperature and pressure were
kept constant at 37  C and 10 MPa while the CO2 and solution
ow rates were varied. The co-crystal particles exhibited a thin
plate-like morphology, a size distribution ranging from 20 mm
to 1 mm. Also, the SAS co-crystals showed the same hydrogen
bond interactions and crystalline structure than co-crystals
previously obtained by conventional and GAS techniques.42,43,45
Fig. 5 SEM image of the 2 : 1 diflunisal–nicotinamide co-crystal ob-
tained by SAS at 35  C, 10.0 MPa, and concentrations in the acetone By processing a 2 : 2 naproxen–nicotinamide solution instead of
solution of 30.00 and 7.28 mg mL 1 for diflunisal and nicotinamide, a 2 : 1, Neurohr et al. obtained a co-crystal-pure powder. The
respectively (2 : 1 molar ratio). yield of precipitation ranged from 60 to 70%. A simulation was

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developed to obtain supersaturation distribution proles that observed in the microparticles obtained at different processing
helped to establish conditions favoring co-crystallization conditions.
instead of homo-crystallization. The solubility data previously The one-step SAS process has the advantage of being appli-
obtained by Revelli et al.53 for the quaternary system naproxen– cable for APIs and coformers poorly soluble in scCO2. The use of
nicotinamide–acetone–CO2 were taken into account. More a polar solvent may be mentioned as a disadvantage. Never-
details about this simulation are given in Section 10. theless, this solvent is easily separated and solvent-free co-
Fig. 6 shows a scheme of the SAS setup used in the experi- crystals with a narrow size distribution are obtained. Yield
ments carried out by Gomes de Azevedo and coworkers34 which values similar to that of 70% reported by Cuadra et al.10 and
has the versatility to be used for three different micronization Neurohr et al.49 and to those found for other pharmaceutical
Published on 20 July 2016. Downloaded by Northern Illinois University on 03/08/2016 04:22:42.

techniques using CO2: the SAS process and the AAS and SEA crystals obtained by SAS may be expected.
processes which will be described in the next sections. The
supercritical uid is introduced in the precipitation vessel until
the desired pressure is reached, being regulated by a metering
6. Co-crystallization with
valve located at the exit. Next, the solution containing indo- supercritical solvent, CSS
methacin and saccharin is pumped through a coaxial nozzle that
Padrela et al. observed in 2009 that indomethacin–saccharin co-
includes three sections: the inlet where the two lines for each
crystals could be obtained if powders of the two coformers in
phase are introduced, a small mixing chamber where solution
a 1 : 1 molar ratio were suspended in scCO2.34 Pure co-crystals
and uid mix prior to their full mixing inside the precipitation
could not be prepared and Padrela et al. attributed this fact to
vessel and the orice disk where droplets are formed. The pre-
the poor dissolution of the coformers in scCO2. Recently,
expansion pressure (before de nozzle) is approximately 1 MPa
Padrela et al.44 further explored this co-crystallization technique
higher than the post-expansion pressure (aer the nozzle) that is
and found conditions for preparing pure co-crystals. A scheme
listed in Table 2. Indomethacin–saccharin co-crystals were ob-
of the CSS setup is shown in Fig. 7. The pure co-crystals ob-
tained at 50  C using 1 : 1 molar ratio solutions in ve different
tained via the CSS process and the experimental conditions
solvents, at pressure values of approximately 9 MPa and mass
used are listed in Table 3. The desired amounts of the two
ow ratio of the solution to the supercritical uid ranging from
powders are placed in a stainless steel high-pressure vessel with
0.04 to 0.19 g g 1. DSC, XRD and Raman spectroscopy were used
monitored temperature and pressure. Since suspensions
to identify/characterize and estimate the purity of the co-
replace the polar solvent solutions used in GAS or SAS, the size
crystalline phase that was shown to be the same as that one
of this high-pressure vessel is relatively small. Prior to its
previously obtained by a solution method. SEM analysis revealed
introduction into it, the CO2 is loaded using a compressor into
a mixture of needle and block shaped microparticles. Padrela
a second vessel that acts as a CO2 reservoir. Both vessels are
et al. attributed these two morphologies to competing mecha-
placed inside a temperature-controlled air chamber. In a typical
nisms in SAS co-crystallization. No remarkable differences were
experiment the API and the coformer are mixed with CO2 at 20.0

Fig. 6 Schematic representation of a AAS, SAS and SEA apparatus:34 (MV) metering valve, (TC) temperature controller, (P) pressure measurement,
(T) temperature measurement.

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scCO2 and its application requires that the API and the
coformer have sufficient solubilities in scCO2.
Padrela et al.44 have studied the mechanism of the CSS
process using the theophylline–saccharin as a model system.
Convection was revealed as the key parameter for successful co-
crystallization with high yield. Different conditions of pressure
(8–20 MPa), temperature (30 to 50  C) and convection regimes
were selected to study the CSS kinetics in the gas, supercritical
and liquid phase. The effect of temperature and pressure on the
Published on 20 July 2016. Downloaded by Northern Illinois University on 03/08/2016 04:22:42.

co-crystallization yield aer 2 h in CO2 was investigated. High

values were obtained at 50  C and pressures higher than the
CO2 critical pressure. On the other hand, experiments carried
out at constant pressures of 8.0 and 20.0 MPa and temperatures
increasing from 30 to 50  C revealed a slight decrease in the
yield as temperatures rise which may attributed to the decrease
in the CO2 density. Co-crystallization rates improved as the CO2
density increased. When different APIs were studied with
saccharin as coformer (namely, indomethacin, carbamazepine,
Fig. 7 Schematic representation of a CSS setup:44 (BPR) back pressure caffeine, sulfamethazine and acetylsalicylic acid), the rate
regulator, (P) pressure measurement, (V) valve, (TC) temperature improved for the API more soluble in CO2. Therefore, a disso-
controller, (T) temperature measurement. lution step seems to be involved in the co-crystallization
process. The use of CO2 together with the cosolvent ethanol
allowed the preparation of co-crystals that could not be ob-
MPa and 50  C under magnetic stirring for two hours. Then the tained in pure CO2. Some co-crystals could be also obtained
high-pressure vessel is slowly depressurized and the resulting using supercritical N2 instead of CO2. However, the latter was
material is collected. In the CSS method, the uid acts as shown to be a better media for the co-crystallization process.
a solvent that facilitates molecular interactions and thereby Equimolar amounts of the API and the coformer saccharin, and
nucleation and growth of co-crystals in despite of the low a 300 rpm stirring were used in all cases. Homogeneity in the co-
solubility of the coformers in scCO2. Nevertheless, similarly to crystallization medium caused by stirring was determinant for
the RESS method, the CSS method relies on the solvent power of a successful co-crystallization due to the enhancement of

Table 3 Pharmaceutical co-crystals prepared via the CSS process and experimental conditions: T and P are the temperature and pressure in the
precipitation vessel

Suspension Reaction time

Co-crystal molar ratio T ( C) P (MPa) Cosolventa (h) Reference

1 : 1 indomethacin–saccharin 1:1 50 14 — 3.5–90 34

1:1 50 22 — 22 34
0.9 : 1 50 14 — 20 34
1:1 50 20.0 — 0–2.0b 44
1:1 50 20.0 Ethanol 2.0 44
1 : 1 theophylline–saccharin 1:1 50 20.0 — 0–2.0b 44
1:1 30 20.0 — 2.0 44
1:1 40 20.0 — 2.0 44
1:1 50 8.0 — 0–2.0 44
1:1 30 8.0 — 2.0 44
1:1 40 8.0 — 2.0 44
1:1 30 8.0 — 0–2.0 44
1:1 50 20.0 Ethanol 2.0 44
1 : 1 carbamazepine–saccharin 1:1 50 20.0 — 2.0c 44
1:1 50 20.0 Ethanol 2.0 44
1 : 1 caffeine–saccharin 1:1 50 20.0 — 2.0c 44
1:1 50 20.0 Ethanol 2.0 44
1 : 1 sulfamethazine–saccharin 1:1 50 20.0 — 2.0c 44
1:1 50 20.0 Ethanol 2.0 44
1 : 1 acetylsalicylic acid–saccharin 1:1 50 20.0 — 2.0c 44
1:1 50 20.0 Ethanol 2.0 44
1 mL of ethanol per mg of powder was added. b Reaction time was varied from 0 to 2 h. The 2 h experiment was repeated without stirring. c The
experiment was repeated without stirring.

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molecular interactions between the two coformers. When stir- ne droplets when depressurized simultaneously with liquid
ring was omitted either a mixture of the API and saccharin or solutions. SEA is closely related to the solution enhanced
a mixture of co-crystal, API and saccharin was obtained. dispersion by supercritical uids (SEDS) or the supercritical
CSS is a novel, simple and solvent-free batch process that assisted atomization (SAA) that have been used previously to
presents the additional advantage of using a small reactor thus produce pharmaceutical microparticles16 and the AAS tech-
minimizing the volume under pressure, which is a problematic nique described in the previous section. The SEA setup is
factor for scale up. In 2009 Hoand and Van Rosmalen51 essentially that shown in Fig. 6 for SAS and AAS. CO2 is
patented a method similar to the CSS method in which the API compressed until the desired pressure using a gas compressor
and the coformer are brought simultaneously into contact with and is kept in a temperature-controlled gas storage cylinder.
The coaxial nozzle is essential for SEA and its ow is measured
Published on 20 July 2016. Downloaded by Northern Illinois University on 03/08/2016 04:22:42.

a supercritical or liqueed gas.

by a mass ow meter. Temperatures are controlled inside the air
chamber or in a water bath. A tetrahydrofuran or ethanol
7. Atomization and antisolvent solution containing the API and the coformer is pumped
crystallization, AAS through the nozzle where it mixes with scCO2 before depres-
surization in a precipitation vessel. A considerable volume
The AAS technique proposed by Padrela et al.34 is closely related
reduction (10 times) takes place causing a strong pre-nozzle
to the SAS and SEA techniques and the same apparatus shown
acceleration that impulses the liquid breakup. Therefore, the
in Fig. 6 is used to carry out the three processes. The solution
purpose of the small mixing chamber is the atomization
containing the solutes is pumped through a coaxial nozzle into
enhancement due to the high density and velocity of the
the mixing chamber where it mixes with scCO2 prior to its
supercritical uid phase. It is not necessary to saturate the
depressurization in a precipitation vessel. In the SAS technique
solution with the antisolvent; this process does not rely on the
the precipitator is lled with CO2 at high pressure while in the
miscibility of both phases. The temperature of the precipitation
AAS technique it is at ambient pressure. CO2 may be replaced by
vessel (usually 50  C although values of 40, 60 and 70  C were
N2. Also, a secondary stream of dry N2 is fed into the precipi-
also used) is controlled and droplets are dried at this temper-
tation vessel to enhance the solvent extraction from the parti-
ature near atmospheric pressure (0.1–0.5 MPa). The liquid/gas
cles. In order to prepare indomethacin–saccharin co-crystals,
mass ow ratio was chosen to be below 50% solvent satura-
a 1 : 1 molar ratio mixture of indomethacin and saccharin
tion at atmospheric CO2 at 50  C. Particles are collected in the
was dissolved in different solvents: ethanol, acetone, tetrahy-
precipitator walls and from a lter at the precipitator exit.
drofurane, methanol and ethyl acetate. The pre-expansion
Critical data for the CO2 + ethanol or tetrahydrofuran mixtures
pressure, before de nozzle, was varied from 6 to 12 MPa and
are required to control the coprecipitation mechanism by
the post-expansion pressure was comprised between 0.1 and 0.9
choosing a value for the pressure of the mixture before the
MPa. The mixing chamber temperature was set between 50 and
nozzle. Above the critical pressure particles may precipitate by
70  C. The mass ow-rate ratio of the solution and the scCO2
the CO2 antisolvent effect, while below the critical pressure
was varied from 0.03 to 0.19 g g 1. DSC, XRD, and Raman
supersaturation is driven by spray drying.54 The co-crystals ob-
spectroscopy were used to identify/characterize and estimate
tained by SEA and the experimental conditions used are listed
the purity of the co-crystalline phase that was shown to be the
in Table 4. In contrast to AAS, SEA does not require the use of an
same as that one previously obtained by a solution method.
additional stream of N2 to enhance the solvent extraction from
Pure indomethacin–saccharin co-crystals were prepared by AAS.
particles. In a rst study Padrela et al.35 obtained co-crystals of
No remarkable differences were observed in the microparticles
six different APIs with saccharin using ethanol as solvent,
obtained at different processing conditions. SEM images
a temperature of 50  C and a pressure before the nozzle of
showed small spherical co-crystal particles with similar size
approximately 8 MPa. Co-crystals were characterized by DSC,
distributions obtained using a laser diffraction aerosizer.
XRD, laser diffraction aerosizer and SEM. A new co-crystalline
Average diameter values ranged from 0.5 to 0.7 mm. Padrela
form was found for theophylline–saccharin. No residual peaks
et al. attributed this uniform behavior to similarities in the
of homocrystals were observed in the DSC thermograms.
solvents used and a common co-crystallization mechanism. In
Particle size distributions were in the 0.3–10 mm range. The 1 : 1
a previous study, Rodrigues et al.54 showed that, depending on
theophylline–saccharin co-crystal was later obtained at 50  C
the pre-nozzle conditions in the AAS process with CO2, crystal-
and 8.0 MPa using tetrahydrofurane as solvent.40 This co-crystal
lization may be governed by supercritical antisolvent or spray
was shown to extend the API stability at 92% relative humidity
drying. In the indomethacin–saccharin co-crystal experiments
by 6 months with respect to that of the pure API. Dispersions of
the spray drying mechanism prevails.
theophylline and the co-crystal in hydrogenated palm oil were
also prepared. Padrela et al.41 also prepared and characterized
8. Supercritical fluid enhanced the co-crystals of theophylline and different coformers using
atomization, SEA tetrahydrofurane as solvent. Particle size distributions were in
the 0.3–5 mm range. The inuence on the size distributions of
The supercritical uid enhanced atomization proposed by the the SEA process variables, the chosen coformer, the concen-
group of Prof. Gomes de Azevedo35,40,41 is based on the super- tration of API and coformer, the value of pressure before the
critical uid ability to enhance the breakup of liquid jets into nozzle, and the temperature in the mixing chamber was studied

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Table 4 Pharmaceutical co-crystals prepared via the SEA process and experimental conditions: P is the pressure before de nozzle, T is the
temperature in the mixing chamber, and R is the mass flow ratio of the solution to the supercritical fluid

Solution molar
Co-crystal Solventa ratio P (MPa) T ( C) R (g g 1) Reference

1 : 1 indomethacin–saccharin Ethanol 1:1 8.0 50 0.07 35

1 : 2 theophylline–saccharin Ethanol 1:2 8.2 50 0.12 35
1 : 1 theophylline–saccharin Ethanol 1:1 8.3 50 0.15 35
THF 1:1 8.0 50 0.28 40
THF 1:1 8.0 50 0.15; 0.19; 0.28 41
Published on 20 July 2016. Downloaded by Northern Illinois University on 03/08/2016 04:22:42.

THF 1:1 8.0 40 0.22 41

THF 1:1 8.0 60 0.27 41
THF 1:1 8.0 70 0.22 41
THF 1:1 4.0 50 0.18 41
THF 1:1 10.0 50 0.22 41
1 : 1 caffeine–saccharin Ethanol 1:1 8.0 50 0.06 35
1 : 1 sulfamethazine–saccharin Ethanol 1:1 8.1 50 0.11 35
1 : 1 acetylsalicylic acid–saccharin Ethanol 1:1 7.8 50 0.13 35
1 : 1 carbamazepine–saccharin Ethanol 1:1 8.0 50 0.12 35
1 : 1 theophylline–urea THF 1:1 8.2 50 0.09 41
1 : 1 theophylline–gentisic acid THF 1:1 8.2 50 0.28 41
1 : 1 theophylline–salicylic acid THF 1:1 8.0 50 0.12 41
1 : 1 theophylline–glutaric acid THF 1:1 8.1 50 0.16 41
1 : 1 theophylline–sorbic acid THF 1:1 8.4 50 0.26 41
1 : 1 theophylline–HNAb THF 1:1 8.1 50 0.09 41
2 : 1 theophylline–oxalic acid THF 2:1 8.1 50 0.13 41
1 : 1 theophylline–maleic acid THF 1:1 8.0 50 0.13 41
1 : 1 theophylline–nicotinamide THF 1:1 8.0 50 0.12 41
THF, tetrahydrofurane. b HNA, 1-hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid.

and the temperature was shown to be the only variable with nicotinamide in amounts corresponding to the co-crystal stoi-
a signicant inuence. Mean particle sizes increased as chiometric molar ratios 1 : 1 or 1 : 2 was introduced in a reactor
temperature rises. The nature of the coformer did inuence the and CO2 was pumped at 11.0 MPa and 40  C and a ow rate of
particles morphology and dissolution rate. The solubility of 90–95 mL min 1. CO2 was exhausted at regular intervals and the
each coformer in a phosphate buffered medium is related to the pressure was maintained above 7.5 MPa. 6–7 cycles of 200 mL
dissolving rate behavior of the co-crystal. Coformers with low were performed. DSC diagrams indicated that a pure 1 : 1 car-
solubility generate co-crystals with dissolving rates lower than bamazepine–nicotinamide co-crystal was obtained for the
those of the pure API while highly soluble coformers generate solution with a 1 : 1 molar ratio while the 1 : 1 co-crystal and the
co-crystals with dissolving rates higher than those of the pure crystals of the nicotinamide in excess were obtained for the
API. solution with a 1 : 2 molar ratio. SEM images showed needle
SEA is a simple, efficient and one-step method to produce co- shaped co-crystals, a morphology and size more favourable to
crystals. As Padrela et al. have pointed out,41 the SEA scale-up dissolution than those of pure carbamazepine particles that
seems relatively easy because with the exception of the high- exhibited an irregular form and dimensions exceeding the
pressure nozzle SEA consists essentially in a conventional- width of the co-crystal needles. Dissolution rates improved by
drying equipment which is already well established in the a factor of 2.5 with respect to those obtained for pure
pharmaceutical industry. carbamazepine.
Ober and Gupta used the GAS method to prepare itracona-
zole–succinic acid co-crystals.37 Fig. 8 shows a scheme of the
9. Gas antisolvent crystallization, GAS GAS setup used. The crystallization vessel is equipped with
In the GAS technique compressed CO2 is added very oen under multiple sapphire windows for observation. A 0.2 mm lter is
stirring to a solute-containing solution in a high-pressure vessel attached to the CO2 inlet line within the crystallization vessel
until a desired pressure is obtained. The CO2 dissolves into the which allows CO2 to be sprayed through the liquid solution thus
liquid solvent, causing the liquid solvent to expand, its solubi- enhancing mass transfer. A second vessel connected in series
lizing power to decrease and the solute to crystallize. GAS has prior to the crystallization vessel serves as a CO2 reservoir.
been very oen applied to obtain pharmaceutical particles.16 Temperature is controlled in both vessels. The outlet line to
The co-crystals obtained by GAS and the experimental condi- valve V3 is equipped with a 0.5 mm frit to prevent loss of parti-
tions used are summarized in Table 5. Shikhar et al. used for the cles during ushing. A ltered tetrahydrofurane solution con-
rst time the GAS method to prepare pharmaceutical co-crys- taining itraconazole and succinic acid is injected in the
tals.36 An ethanol solution containing carbamazepine and crystallization vessel. Then CO2 is introduced into this vessel

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Table 5 Pharmaceutical co-crystals prepared via the GAS process and experimental conditions: T and P are the temperature and pressure in the
precipitation vessel, and S is the stirring rate

Solution molar CO2 introduction

Co-crystal Solventa ratio T ( C) P (MPa) rate (g min 1) S (rpm) Reference

1 : 1 carbamazepine–nicotinamide Ethanol 1:1 40 11.0 59–63 — 36

Ethanol 1:2 40 11.0 59–63 — 36
2 : 1 itraconazole–succinic acid THF 1 : 2.40 40 10.3 — — 37
2 : 1 itraconazole-L-malic acid THF 1 : 5.25 40 10.3 — — 38
2 : 1 naproxen–nicotinamide Acetone 2:1 35 10.0 2–20 63–500 39
Published on 20 July 2016. Downloaded by Northern Illinois University on 03/08/2016 04:22:42.

Acetone 1:2 35 10.0 3 63; 200 39

Acetone 1:2 35 10.0 4 500 39
Acetone 1 : 1b 35 10.0 3 60 39
Acetone 3:1 35 10.0 2 60 39
Acetone 2 : 1b 37 10.0 20 500 43
Acetone 2:1 37 10.0 3 500 43
1 : 1 4-aminosalicylate–nicotinamide DMSO 1:1 36 11.0 20 500 42
THF, tetrahydrofurane; DMSO, dimethylsulfoxide. b Three different concentrations were used.

from the CO2 reservoir heated at 40  C at a controlled ow analysis and the comparison of the powder XRD to that previ-
through valve V2. Pressure is then increased at constant rate ously obtained for a single crystal indicated that the powders
until a nal pressure of 10.3 MPa is achieved. For solvent produced likely contain excess amorphous pure coformers in
removal and CO2 ushing, valve V3 is opened and a back addition to the 2 : 1 itraconazole-L-malic acid co-crystal. The
pressure regulator is used to maintain the desired pressure. GAS co-crystals were also compared to those obtained using
Aer ushing with additional CO2, the vessel is depressurized heptane as an antisolvent. SEM images reveal that both
and the co-crystals are collected. methods produce a homogeneous co-crystal phase with
The starting amounts of itraconazole and succinic acid in different morphology from those of the pure components. The
the solution used by Ober and Gupta37 were in the molar ratio liquid antisolvent particles had an irregular shape and smaller
1 : 2.4 despite the co-crystal stoichiometry of 2 : 1. By using size than those produced by GAS. The brous GAS particles
excess succinic acid the amount of unco-crystallized itracona- formed spherical aggregates and exhibited better dissolution
zole, the more expensive compound, was minimized. However, rates than those obtained from heptane. Moreover, the GAS
this molar ratio led to the presence of excess unco-crystallized particles showed much better dissolution rates than the phys-
material in the nal co-crystal powder. A parallel co- ical mixture of itraconazole and L-malic acid or the commercial
crystallization using heptane as a liquid antisolvent was itraconazole alone.
carried out and gave a product yield of 69.4% while a product The group of Prof. Subra-Paternault obtained in 2013 (ref.
yield of 75.4% was obtained for GAS. Co-crystals of similar 39) the 2 : 1 naproxen–nicotinamide co-crystal using GAS and
crystallinity, size and morphology, and identical chemical continued to use this co-crystallization technique to the
structure were produced by the two methods. However, the present.42,43,45 The rest of this section is devoted to the ndings
liquid antisolvent co-crystals exhibited an agglomeration of this group. Their GAS apparatus presents some differences
tendency that seems to be responsible for a lower dissolution with respect to that used by Shikhar et al.36 or Ober et al.37,38
rate in comparison to that shown for the GAS co-crystal. Ober Fig. 9 shows a scheme of the GAS setup used by Subra-
et al.38 also used GAS following a similar experimental proce- Paternault and coworkers.19 The acetone solution containing
dure to prepare itraconazole-L-malic acid co-crystals. The HPLC the two coformers is introduced into the precipitation vessel

Fig. 8 Schematic representation of the GAS apparatus used by Ober and Gupta:37 (P) pressure measurement, (V) valve, (TC) temperature
controller, (BPR) back pressure regulator.

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Published on 20 July 2016. Downloaded by Northern Illinois University on 03/08/2016 04:22:42.

Fig. 9 Schematic representation of the GAS apparatus used by Subra-Paternault and coworkers:19 (V) valve, (MV) metering valve, (TC)
temperature controller, (P) pressure measurement, (T) temperature measurement. The stirrer consists in a magnetically driven impeller whose
end is fitted with an eight-bladed disc turbine.

and CO2 is added. The vessel is equipped with a magnetically nicotinamide and their 2 : 1 molar ratio mixtures in CO2 +
driven impeller whose end tted with a turbine is plunged into acetone mixtures at 25.0 and 37.5  C and 10 MPa over all range
the solution to allow the dispersion of the antisolvent CO2. The of CO2 compositions. The addition of CO2 to saturated solu-
temperature of the vessel is controlled and kept at 35  C. CO2 is tions produces the solute precipitation over all the range of CO2
introduced using a pump and a pressure of 10.0 MPa is compositions. For the quaternary system of naproxen–nicotin-
attained. Aer precipitation, the CO2-solvent solution is drawn amide–acetone–CO2 with an initial mixture of naproxen and
down at the vessel bottom and fresh CO2 is introduced in the nicotinamide in the 2 : 1 molar ratio, the solid phase is
vessel to maintain the pressure. A lter is used to hold the composed only of the 2 : 1 naproxen–nicotinamide co-crystal. In
produced particles while the CO2-solvent solution is evacuated. these two studies,39,53 the S-enantiomer of naproxen was used
Finally, the vessel is depressurized through the exit line and since it is the one providing the desired physiological activity.
particles are collected. Recently, Neurohr et al.43 investigated the GAS co-
In the preparation of the 2 : 1 naproxen–nicotinamide co- crystallization of naproxen racemic mixture and nicotinamide
crystal,39 the effect of the CO2 and the initial mixture compo- dissolved in acetone and obtained a novel racemic co-crystal
sition (naproxen : nicotinamide molar ratio) and of CO2 and containing both enantiomers of naproxen linked to nicotin-
acetone mixing conditions (CO2 introduction rate, stirring amide, the achiral coformer. The structure of the molecular
speed) was investigated. The purity of co-crystal powers was complex and its intermolecular interactions were thoroughly
evaluated by HPLC and homocrystal identication was carried investigated. The processed solutions had a 2 : 1 naproxen–nico-
out by XRD analysis. Results indicated that the co-crystal purity tinamide molar ratio. The antisolvent feed rate during the pres-
was closed to 98  2% for the initial molar ratios in solution of surization step was found to have a direct inuence on the co-
3 : 1, 2 : 1 and 1 : 1 but levelled down to 67% when a 1 : 2 crystallization outcome. The racemic co-crystal was obtained at
solution was used. The mixing conditions did not inuence the slow and moderate CO2 feed rates (2 and 11 g min 1), while very
co-crystal stoichiometry or purity but inuenced the precipita- fast introduction of CO2 (20 g min 1) resulted in the formation of
tion yield and size distribution. Agitation was found to improve a mixture of chiral co-crystals (conglomerate). The racemic phase
the size distribution with a pronounced effect at high CO2 was shown to be the stable form. This was the rst time that
introduction rate. At the best conditions, a solution of naproxen a conglomerate of co-crystals with nicotinamide was obtained. All
and nicotinamide following the co-crystal stoichiometric ratio powders produced were co-crystal pure, no signicant excess of
was used to collect 62% of the initial processed amount in the naproxen or nicotinamide homocrystals was detected.
vessel as a powder of sizes below 180 mm of 2 : 1 naproxen– Harscoat-Schiavo et al.42 also studied the inuence of isom-
nicotinamide co-crystals with a purity of 98%. The hypothetical erism on the GAS recrystallization of aminosalicylate (ASA) and
triangular phase diagrams of the naproxen–nicotinamide– its co-crystallization with nicotinamide. The experimental
acetone system and the naproxen–nicotinamide–(CO2 + conditions are described in Table 5. The isomers 3-ASA, 4-ASA
acetone) system served Neurohr et al.39 to establish a relation- and 5-ASA were recrystallized as single species and important
ship between the presence of homocrystals and the solubility of changes in the morphology were observed. In the case of 3-ASA
the component in the CO2–acetone mixture so that when the the crystal lattice was also modied and a new polymorph was
excess of one of the co-crystal coformers is lower than the obtained. Co-crystallization of each isomer with nicotinamide
solubility limit, it is ushed out during the continuous step resulted in the production of an ASA–nicotinamide co-crystal
of the process, whereas when it is above the limit, the only in the case of 4-ASA. This co-crystal has the same stoichi-
compound precipitates independently. In order to check this ometry and hydrogen networking than that previously obtained
hypothesis, Revelli et al.53 measured the solubility of naproxen, by conventional methods.

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The GAS technique shares with the SAS technique the hydrodynamics of mixing, solubility and kinetics of nucleation
advantage of not requiring a good solubility of the API and the and particle growth has been developed.59–64 Even though none
coformer in scCO2 while reducing the use of organic solvents of these studies is devoted specically to the case of pharma-
with respect to traditional solution-based processes. Moreover, ceutical crystals, their ndings can be applied for the homo-
solvent-free particles with narrow size distributions are ob- crystal production. The model proposed by Erriguible et al.45
tained and the organic solvent may be recovered by simple describes the GAS co-crystallization with the aim of estimating
depressurization. In the GAS co-crystallizations carried out by the key parameters related to nucleation and growth and is
Shikhar et al.36 and the group of Prof. Subra-Paternault,39,42,43 co- based on the solubility data of naproxen, nicotinamide and
crystals of high purity are obtained. Therefore, it seems that the their 2 : 1 molar ratio mixtures in CO2 + acetone mixtures
previously obtained by Revelli et al.53 The liquid–vapour equi-
Published on 20 July 2016. Downloaded by Northern Illinois University on 03/08/2016 04:22:42.

presence of other components together with the GAS co-crystal

powders of itraconazole–succinic acid and itraconazole-L-malic librium of CO2 + acetone was modelled using the Peng–Rob-
acid could be avoided by modifying either the concentrations of inson equation of state with quadratic mixing rules and its
the API and the coformer in the solution or other parameters effect on the equilibrium concentration of naproxen and nico-
of the GAS process. In addition, the group of Prof. Subra- tinamide in the liquid phase was taken into account. On the
Paternault has explored promising GAS applications in the co- other hand, the particle formation via primary and secondary
crystallization of the API racemic mixture and the coformer, nucleations and the co-crystal growth driven by diffusion were
and the inuence of the API isomerism on the GAS co-crystal. modelled on the basis of previous results for the GAS formation
The group also developed a GAS mathematical model45 that of the 2 : 1 naproxen–nicotinamide co-crystal.39 Four additional
will be discussed in the next section. GAS experiments for the same co-crystal at a temperature of 37

C, a pressure of 10.0 MPa, and stirring rate of 500 rpm were
carried out at varying values of concentration and CO2 intro-
10. Modeling of co-crystallization duction rate in order to obtain particle size distributions. The
using scCO2 2 : 1 molar ratio in solution was used in all cases. The yield
varied from 60 to 72%. A minimization algorithm allowed the
Considerable effort has been devoted over the last years towards estimation of the nucleation and growth parameters. The
the understanding of the different supercritical crystallization supersaturation ratio was expressed as a function of the solu-
techniques.16,55–58 However, the formation of a co-crystal using bility product. A good agreement was found between predicted
scCO2 as a solvent, antisolvent or spray enhancer requires a new and experimental size distributions. Nuclei formation was
approach. The co-crystal formation is based on directional shown to occur mostly through secondary nucleation. The effect
molecular recognition events leading to a supramolecular of concentration and CO2 introduction rate on both the crystal
structure. We need to understand how these events take place in size and the kinetic parameters was analyzed. The initial solu-
the different supercritical co-crystallization processes. Ther- tion concentration was shown to have little inuence on crystal
modynamics, kinetics, nucleation and particle growth need to size. However, a relatively low introduction rate of 3 g min 1 led
be studied. to bigger particles exhibiting mean sizes of ca. 50 mm while
As described in the preceding sections, Prof. Gomes de mean sizes in the 25–30 mm interval were obtained for intro-
Azevedo and coworkers have made efforts to understand duction rates of 20 g min 1. Erriguible et al. attributed this
different aspects of the various co-crystallization techniques behavior to a lower supersaturation and longer growth time.
used by this group.34,35,40,41,44 The CSS, SAS and AAS methods This successful co-crystallization model represents a very
were simultaneously applied to obtain indomethacin–saccharin important contribution to our understanding of the application
co-crystals and their differences and analogies were discussed.34 of the GAS process in the case of co-crystals.
Based on a previous study for one-component crystals,54 Very recently49 the group of Prof. Subra-Paternault has also
a spraying drying mechanism was proposed for the AAS indo- developed a model for SAS co-crystallization that is based on
methacin–saccharin co-crystallization. The relation between the their earlier study dealing with single species SAS precipita-
SEA coprecipitation mechanism and the critical pressure of the tion62 and the GAS co-crystallization model discussed in the
CO2 + solvent mixtures formed was established; furthermore, preceding paragraph.45 The experimental investigations
the inuence of the SEA process variables (the nature of the described in Section 5 were focused on the effect of CO2 and
coformer, the concentration of API and coformer, the value of solution ow rates; their mass ratio was varied from 5 to 36. The
pressure before the nozzle, the temperature in the mixing jet disintegration and the efficiency of the mixing were not
chamber) on the size distribution was also studied.35,40,41 A modied in this range of mass ow ratios. Consequently, the
similar study was carried out for the CSS method.44 appearance of homocrystals in the SAS preparation of the 2 : 1
As to the GAS method, the modeling efforts and the ther- naproxen–nicotinamide co-crystals seems to be driven by ther-
modynamic data obtained by the group of Prof. Subra-Pater- modynamics. An innovative representation of supersaturation
nault39,42,43,53 have been already described in Section 9. Special mapping through histograms of uid volumes/saturation
attention should be given in this section to the GAS mathe- model was developed for the three species that may precipi-
matical model developed by this group,45 the rst of its kind in tate: the API, the coformer and the co-crystal. Experimental
the case of co-crystallization. Although less frequent, the results seem to indicate that conditions that create discrep-
complete simulation of SAS and GAS processes including ancies of supersaturation levels and volumes between the three

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species favor homo-crystallization while conditions leading to thermodynamics of co-crystallization. However, this type of
more similarities tend to favor co-crystallization. Therefore, data is extremely scarce. Co-crystallization modeling efforts
a richer environment in solvent provides better conditions for embracing both thermodynamic and kinetic aspects may be
the co-crystal production. classied as phenomenological (those based on studying the
inuence of the process parameters on the characteristics of co-
crystal particles produced) and mathematical. Several studies of
11. Conclusions and future the rst kind are available. The GAS mathematical model
perspectives described in the previous section45 should be recognized as
a pioneering study of the second kind.
Published on 20 July 2016. Downloaded by Northern Illinois University on 03/08/2016 04:22:42.

A variety of pure co-crystals have been prepared using different The generation of co-crystals from a racemic mixture using
supercritical techniques. The use of scCO2 in the co- GAS opens a promising line. Neurohr et al.43 have shown the
crystallization of pharmaceuticals reduces the thermal and versatility of this technology by switching from the production
mechanical stress on the API compared to grinding processes of a racemic co-crystal to the formation of a mixture of chiral co-
and also either eliminates or reduces the used of organic crystals (conglomerate) simply by varying the CO2 ow rate.
solvents compared to traditional solution methods. If a solvent Another area to explore is the possible manipulation of the
is required, depressurization allows its recovery and easy recy- molecular recognition events that occur during co-crystal
cling. Operation at moderate temperatures in an inert atmo- formation by analogy with the many examples of crystal poly-
sphere avoids the product degradation. Moreover, most morphic control reported in the literature for APIs crystalliza-
supercritical co-crystallization methods are one-step processes tions using scCO2. A few well documented examples of co-
that eliminate the need of further purication steps. The crystal polymorphism are found in the literature1 for conven-
solvent-free co-crystals are also micronized. This can be an tional co-crystallization methods and it would be interesting to
inconvenient with respect to structure elucidation but presents explore the possibilities of the supercritical methods in this
advantages with respect to the drug dissolution proles. These context.
proles are improved with respect to those of the API alone or The energy consumption required in scCO2 experiments, the
co-crystals prepared by other methods. Nevertheless, the product yield that can be lower than that of a conventional co-
structure and interactions of co-crystals obtained using scCO2 crystallization and the initial cost associated to the applica-
are the same as those of co-crystals previously prepared by tion of supercritical methods in pharmaceutical industries may
a solution or mechanochemical method. With rare exceptions be mentioned as disadvantages. However, pharmaceutical
co-crystals are rst prepared using a conventional method and companies are urged to develop production processes with very
the application of a supercritical method comes later. It is low environmental impact, fewer steps and a reduced used of
a challenge to reverse this order and use supercritical methods organic solvents and the number of supercritical processes used
as a mean to investigate new co-crystals. DSC and FTIR may help in the industry is steadily increasing in the last years. In
to identify the new structure. Next, a solution method will serve conclusion, this review shows the potential of several super-
to obtain the single crystals required for structure elucidation. critical methods for the design and preparation of pharma-
The possibility of tuning the uid properties through ceutical co-crystals, the fast development of this line of work is
changes in temperature and pressure that enable control of anticipated.
particle size and/or morphology has been demonstrated in
some cases such as SEA: mean particle sizes increased as
temperatures rise from 40 to 70  C.41 These trends should be 12. The application of co-
further explored. crystallization methods based on
Co-crystal purity is an important issue. It is important to supercritical CO2 in other fields
make sure that traces of homocrystals are not present. This
seems to be the case of most co-crystals obtained through the The co-crystallization methods based on supercritical CO2 may
supercritical techniques described in this paper. In addition, be also applied to obtain organic co-crystals. Compared with the
the product yield is an important parameter for scale up one-component organic single crystal, organic co-crystals
purposes. Unfortunately, very oen the yield is not reported. present advantages similar to those of pharmaceutical co-
The values mentioned in this review indicate that good recovery crystals: novel and unique properties derived from the new
ratios are obtained. solid structure. Organic co-crystals provide a strategy for the
Knowledge of the solubility of the API and the coformer in synthesis of novel multifunctional materials with a wide range
scCO2 allows a better design of the co-crystallization process. of applications.65–67 The interactions involved in these co-
Fortunately, solubility data are usually available for the binary crystals are classied into four categories: charge transfer, p–
systems CO2 + API and CO2 + coformer. These data may be used p interaction, halogen bond and hydrogen bond. Co-
to estimate the ternary data for CO2 + API + coformer. The study crystallization based upon halogen bonding usually involves
of the quaternary system formed by the API, the coformer, the iodines and sometimes bromines and has attracted much
solvent and CO2 is more complex and requires a considerable attention due to the resulting co-crystal potential applications
experimental effort. Phase diagrams such as those measured by ranging from molecular conductivity to phosphorescence.68
Revelli et al.53 are essential to better understand the Moreover, a diarylethene co-crystal based on the aryl–

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