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Data Analysis – Students Feelings about school

How much students enjoy coming to school

Words students use to describe school

Value of School
The Point of School
To learn

To prepare for the future

Career/job based



Social Skills

Enjoy learning new things

Hard parts of school
Subject specific (e.g. maths, English)

Work related (e.g. homework, deadlines, assignments, workload too much).

Social (e.g. friends, bullying, other people)

Motivation (small number)

Concentration (small number)

Most motivated when…
1. With friends
2. Its fun
3. Interesting
4. They like it
5. Listen to music
6. Group work
7. Useful
8. Teacher support

Who motivates you?

1. Themselves (140)
2. Teachers (64)
3. Parents (64)
4. No one/nothing (62)
5. Friends (45)
6. Peers (28)
7. Dog (3)

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