Lesson Plan Resilience

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So why are we doing this?

Being able to develop resilience and push through challenging times is
vital for developing strong wellbeing and being happy. When we are
resilient, we are able to tackle more challenging things, and are more
willing to give things a go, because we will know that if we fail, or
something doesn't go to plan, that we will be okay! You have more
positive experiences and live a fuller life.

Today's Aims:
 To develop resilience
 To reflect on some challenges throughout your life and how you
might be able to push past them in the future.

Your task
As a whole class, complete a round of the human knot.
A refresher on the rules:
1. Everyone stand in a circle and close your eyes. Grab hands with
two other people in the circle. THEY CAN NOT BE STANDING NEXT
2. Work together to untangle yourselves without letting go of
other's hands.

Your task
In pairs, have a chat about what you found challenging and frustrating
about that activity. Did you want to give up at all? Why didn't you? Be
prepared to share back with the whole class.
Your Task
Get up your My Challenges document from two weeks ago when we
looked at embracing challenge. At the end of that activity, you made a
plan about one challenging thing you were going to work on.

Reflect with a friend about how you went embracing that challenge
and what strategies you used to be resilient when it became difficult.


Your task:
Use the following document What didn't I finish? and fill in the tables.
You will need to think about some tasks that you didn't finish, why and
what you could do differently next time.
These tasks could be skill related, a school assignment, a classroom
activity, a home project, learning an instrument, a dance move or new
skate trick. Anything you can think of.

What didn’t I finish?

Think about some times where you didn’t finish a task/project.

Aim: To realise what made you give up and to discover some strategies to help you embrace similar
challenges in the future.

Task What hindered your What might have What could you do
ability to complete helped you to differently next time
the task? complete the task? when you want to
give up?

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