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PYQ 2020 of

Teaching Aptitude
Q. Which of the following will be considered ‘correct’ when
T-L model is adhered to?
A. Teaching and learning are independent acts
B. Teaching and learning are in integral relationship
C. Teaching can be so called even if there is no learning
D. There can be learning with no act of teaching taking place
जब ‘टी-एल’ मॉडल अपनाया जाता है , तो ननम्‍
नललखित में से किसे
‘सही’ माना जाएगा?
A. लिक्षण और अधिगम स्‍
वतंत्र िायय हैं।
B. लिक्षण और अधिगम में अलिन्‍
न संबंि होता है ।
C. िोई अधिगम न होने पर िी लिक्षण िहा जा सिता है
D. लिक्षण िायय िे बबना िी अधिगम हो सिता है
Ans: B
Solution :
Teaching and learning is a process that includes many
variables. These variables interact as learners work toward
their goals and incorporate new knowledge, behaviours, and
skills that add to their range of learning experiences. Teaching
through relationships posits that teachers who have
knowledge about their students will be better able to teach
them. It is a fundamental idea that most progressive educators
have long embraced. But teaching through relationships is
more than that. Ultimately, it describes the complex social
environment in which students and teachers converse, share
experiences, and participate in activities that, together, make
for engaged learning. Hence one could say teaching and
learning are an integral relationship.
Thus, Option B is correct.
Q. Facts and information get focused in which level of
A. Memory level
B. Autonomous development level
C. Understanding level
D. Reflective level
नललखित में से किस स्‍तर िे लिक्षण में तथ्‍
य और सूचना पर
वविेष बल दिया जाता है ?
A. स्‍
मनृ त स्‍
B. स्‍
त वविास स्‍
C. अवबोि स्‍
D. ववमिी स्‍
Ans: A
Solution :
It is the first and thoughtless level of teaching. It is concerned with
memory or mental ability that exists in all living beings. Teaching
at memory level is considered to be the lowest level of teaching.
At this level,
• The thinking ability does not play any role.
• Students only cram the facts, information, formulas and laws
that are taught to them.
• The teaching is nothing but learning the subject matter by rote.
• The role of the teacher is prominent and that of the student is
• The study material is organized and pre-planned.
• The teacher presents the study material in a sequential order.
Thus, Option A is correct.
Q. A teacher intends to use transformational approach in teaching
in order to ensure effective way of influencing student's learning.
Which of the following activities will be deemed appropriate in
this context?
(a) Providing a sense of respect and trust for students.
(b) Promoting contingent rewards for efforts of students.
(c) Intervening in student’s task only if standards are not met.
(d) Communicating high level expectation.
(e) Promoting careful problem solving and individual
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given
below :
A. (a), (b) and (c) only B. (b), (c) and (d) only
C. (c), (d) and (e) only D. (a), (d) and (e) only
एि लिक्षि ववद्याधथययों िो अधिगम िो प्रिाववत िरने िा उधचत तरीिा
सुननश्चचत िरने िे ललए लिक्षण में रूपांतरणपरि उपागम िो उपयोग
िरना चाहता है । इस संििय में ननम्‍
नललखित में से िौनसे कियािलाप
उधचत माने जाएंगे?
(a) ववद्याधथययों िे ललए सम्‍मान और ववच‍वास िी िावना रिना।
(b) ववद्याधथययों िे प्रयासों िे ललए पुरस्‍
िारों िो बढावा िे ना।
(c) ववद्याधथययों िे िायय में िेवल तिी हस्‍तक्षेप िरना जब ननिायररत मानि
पूरे न हों।
(d) उच्‍
च स्‍तरी प्रत्‍
यािाओं िा सम्‍प्रेषण।
(d) साविानीपूवि
य समस्‍या समािान और ननजी पहल िो बढावा िे ना।
नीचे दिये गये वविल्‍पों में से सही उत्‍तर चुननए:
A. िेवल (a), (b) और (c) B. िेवल (b), (c) और (d)
C. िेवल (c), (d) और (e) D. िेवल (a), (d) और (e)
Ans: D
Solution :
Transformational teaching is based on the idea that an instructor’s
purpose is greater than delivery of information. Rather than being
content-focused, transformational teachers help students become
meta-critical participants in the learning process and well-practiced at
critical thinking, goal setting and reflection. Inquiry-based learning,
service learning, and project-based learning are all forms of
transformational education. Teachers who use these methods have a
high burden of preparation and flexibility, but the short-term time
investment has long-term payoff, particularly when a classroom of
learners becomes a tight-knit and engaged community capable of
reflecting on their needs and interests as learners. Providing a sense of
respect and trust for students, communicating high level expectation
and promoting careful problem solving and individual consideration are
the activities that will be deemed appropriate in this context.
Thus, Option D is correct.
Q. Given below are two statements:
Statement I: Use of support materials during teaching can
replace teaching act if used carefully.
Statement II: Online methods are effective supplements for
improving quality of teaching and learning.
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct
answer from the options given below:
A. Both Statement I and Statement II are true
B. Both Statement I and Statement II are false
C. Statement I is correct but Statement II is false
D. Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is true
नीचे िो प्रच‍न िथन दिए गए हैं:
िथन (I): यदि लिक्षण िे िौरान सहायि सामग्री िा साविानी पूवि

उपयोग किया जाए तो वह लिक्षण िायय िा स्‍
थानापन्‍न हो सिता है ।
िथन (II): ऑन लाइन ववधियां लिक्षण और अधिगम िी गण
ु वत्‍
में सुिार िरने िे ललए प्रिावी अनुपूरि हैं।
उपयक् ुय ‍
त िथनों िा आलोि में ननम्‍
नांकित वविल्‍
पों में से सही उत्‍तर
A. िथन I और II िोनों सही हैं।
B. िथन I और II िोनों गलत हैं।
य है किंतु िथन II गलत है ।
C. िथन I सत्‍
य है किंतु िथन II सही है ।
D. िथन I असत्‍
Ans: D
Solution :
Online learning is a computer-based instruction that students
typically access over the Internet from a desktop or mobile device,
outside of the physical classroom or other traditional learning
environments. There are many modalities of online learning, each
with a spectrum of educational applications. Moreover, each variant
requires consideration of different strategies for integration into
courses and the broader curriculum. However, the development of
best practices for these tools is still in its infancy. Educators need
guidance to help them select online learning modalities to utilize in
different educational contexts and to integrate them effectively into
individual courses and across the curriculum. Online methods are
effective supplements for improving quality of teaching and learning.
But the use of support materials during teaching can never replace
teaching act even if it is used carefully.
Thus, Option D is correct.
Q. Given below are two statements:
Statement I: Measurement is a set of rules for assigning
numbers to represent objects, traits, attributes and
Statement II: A test is a procedure in which a sample of an
individual's behaviour is obtained, evaluated and scored
using standardized procedures.
In the light of the above statements. Choose the correct
answer from the options given below:
A. Both Statement I and Statement II are true
B. Both Statement I and Statement II are false
C. Statement I is correct but Statement II is false
D. Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is true
नीचे िो िथन दिए गए हैं:
िथन (I): मापन वस्‍ तुओं, लक्षणों, गुणों और व्‍ यवहारों िो प्रिलियत
िरने िे ललए संख्‍याएं प्रिान िरने हे तु ननयमों िा समुच्‍
चय है ।
िथन (II): पररक्षण एि प्रकिया है श्जसमें मानिीिृत प्रकियाओं िा
उपयोग िरते हुए किसी व्‍ यश्क्त िे व्‍
यवहार िा प्रनतििय प्राप्‍त किया
जाता है , मूल्‍
यांिन किया जाता है और उसे अंि प्रिान किए जाते हैं।
उपयक् ुय ‍
त िथनों िे आलोि में ननम्‍
नांकित वविल्‍पों में से सही उत्‍तर
A. िथन I और II िोनों सही हैं।
B. िथन I और II िोनों गलत हैं।
य हैं किंतु िथन II गलत हैं।
C. िथन I सत्‍
य है किंतु िथन II सही है ।
D. िथन I असत्‍
Ans: A
Solution :
Measurement is the process of systematically assigning
numbers to objects and their properties to facilitate the use of
mathematics in studying and describing objects and their
relationships. Establishing that a particular measurement is
accurate and meaningful is more difficult when it can’t be
observed directly. A statistical test provides a mechanism for
making quantitative decisions about a process or processes.
The intent is to determine whether there is enough evidence
to "reject" a conjecture or hypothesis about the process.
Therefore, a test is a procedure in which a sample of an
individual's behaviour is obtained, evaluated and scored using
standardized procedures.
Thus, Option A is correct.
Q. An open classroom environment marked by sharing and
caring by teachers and students in their interchanges will be
most helpful for which level of teaching?
A. Memory level
B. Understanding level
C. Reflective level
D. Autonomous development level
िक्षा िा मुक्‍
त वातावरण जहां अध्‍ यापि एवं छात्र आपस में सहिागी होते हैं
और एि-िस ू रे िा ध्‍यान रिते हैं, ऐसे वातावरण में िौन सा लिक्षण स्‍तर
सहायि होगा?
A. स्‍मरण स्‍तर
B. अवबोि स्‍तर
C. ववमिी स्‍तर
D. स्‍वायत वविास स्‍तर
Ans: C
Solution :
Reflective level of teaching is also known as
introspective level. Reflecting on something means
giving careful thought to something over a period of
time. It also means thinking deeply about something.
Reflective level of teaching is considered to be the
highest level at which teaching is carried out.
• A student can attain this level only after going
through memory level and understanding level.
• Teaching at the reflective level enables the students
to solve the real problems of life.
• At this level, the student is made to face a real
problematic situation. The student by understanding
the situation and using his critical abilities succeeds in
solving the problem.
• The role of the teacher in this level of teaching is
democratic. He does not force knowledge on the
students but develops in their talents and capabilities.
• The role of the students is quite active.
• Reflective level of teaching is that which is problem-
centered and the student is busy in original
Thus, Option C is the correct answer.
Q. Which will be the correct hierarchical sequencing for the
following types of learning?
(A) Discrimination learning
(B) Sign learning
(C) Concept learning
(D) Problem solving learning
(E) Rule learning
Choose the correct answer from the options given below :
A. (B), (A), (C), (E) and (D)
B. (A), (B), (E), (D) and (C)
C. (D), (C), (B), (A) and (E)
D. (C), (D), (E), (A) and (B)
नललखित प्रिार िे अधिगम िे ललए सही पिानुिम क्‍या होगा?
(A) वविेिीिरण अधिगम
(B) संिेत अधिगम
(C) अविारणा अधिगम
(D) समस्‍
या ननिान अधिगम
(E) ननयम अधिगम
नीचे दिये गये वविल्‍
पों में से सही उत्‍
रर चुननये:
A. (B), (A), (C), (E) और (D)
B. (A), (B), (E), (D) और (C)
C. (D), (C), (B), (A) और (E)
D. (C), (D), (E), (A) और (B)
Ans: A
Solution :
• Signal Learning. This is the simplest form of learning, and
consists essentially of the classical conditioning first described
by the behavioural psychologist Pavlov. In this, the subject is
'conditioned' to emit a desired response as a result of a
stimulus that would not normally produce that response
• Discrimination learning. This involves developing the ability
to make appropriate (different) responses to a series of similar
stimuli that differ in a systematic way. The process is made
more complex (and hence more difficult) by the phenomenon
of interference, whereby one piece of learning inhibits
another. Interference is thought to be one of the main causes
of forgetting.
• Concept learning. This involves developing the ability to make a
consistent response to different stimuli that form a common class
or category of some sort. It forms the basis of the ability to
generalise, classify etc.
• Rule learning. This is a very-high-level cognitive process that
involves being able to learn relationships between concepts and
apply these relationships in different situations, including
situations not previously encountered. It forms the basis of the
learning of general rules, procedures, etc.
• Problem solving. This is the highest level of cognitive process
according to Gagn. It involves developing the ability to invent a
complex rule, algorithm or procedure for the purpose of solving
one particular problem, and then using the method to solve other
problems of a similar nature.
Thus, Option A is the correct answer.
Q. Which of the following research forms, aims primarily at
putting to use the theoretical advances with an eye on
exploring the potential for generalizability?
A. Fundamental research
B. Evaluative research
C. Action research
D. Applied research
सामान्‍ यीिरण योग्‍ यता िे ललए संिावना िी िोज पर िेंदित होने िे साथ
ननम्‍नललखित में से िौनसा िोि िा प्रिार मुख्‍यत: सैद्िांनति प्रगनत िे प्रयोग
पर लक्षक्षत होता है ?
A. मौललि िोि
B. मूल्‍
यांिन िोि
C. िायायत्‍
मि िोि
D. अनुप्रयुक्‍
त िोि
Ans: D
Solution :
Applied research is a type of research design that seeks to
solve a specific problem or provide innovative solutions to
issues affecting an individual, group or society. It is often
referred to as a scientific method of inquiry or contractual
research because it involves the practical application of
scientific methods to everyday problems. Applied research is
sometimes considered to be a non-systematic inquiry because
of its direct approach in seeking a solution to a problem. It is
typically a follow-up research design that further investigates
the findings of pure or basic research in order to validate these
findings and apply them to create innovative solutions.
Thus, Option D is the correct answer.
Q. Which of the following intellectual characteristics in a teacher
need nurturing in order to accomplish subjective well-being
leading to effectiveness in motivating and inspiring students of
college level education?
A. Cognitive intelligence related
B. Emotional intelligence related
C. Social intelligence related
D. Spiritual intelligence related
महाववद्यालय स्‍तर िी लिक्षा में आत्‍मगत ् सश्ु स्थनत ननश्चचत िरने िी दृश्टट से
छात्रों िो अलिप्रेररत एवं प्रोत्‍सादहत िरने में प्रिाववता लाने िे ललए अध्‍यापि में
ननम्‍नललखित िौन सा बौद्धिि गण ु संपोवषत िरने िी आवच‍यिता है ?
A. संज्ञानात्‍मि बुद्धि संबंिी
B. िावनात्‍मि बुद्धि संबंिी
C. सामाश्जि बद्
ु धि संबंिी
D. आध्‍याश्त्मि बुद्धि संबंिी
Ans: B
Solution :
Emotional intelligence is a confluence of developed abilities to:
• Know and value self;
• Build and maintain a variety of strong, productive, and healthy
• Get along and work well with others in achieving positive
results; and
• Effectively deal with the pressures and demands of daily life and
The development of emotional intelligence is an intentional,
active, and engaging process. Affective learning requires a person-
centered process for teacher and student growth and
When emotional intelligence skills are a focus of learning,
teachers and students are building human development behaviors
that are intricately related to the positive outcomes of
achievement, goal achievement, and personal well-being.
Becoming an emotionally intelligent teacher is a journey and
process, not an arrival state or end result. Emotionally intelligent
teachers are active in their orientation to students, work, and life.
They are resilient in response to negative stress and less likely to
overwhelm themselves with pessimism and strong, negative
Thus, Option B is the correct answer.
Q. Given below are two statements :
Statement I : Instructional technology is a network of
techniques pressed into service for realizing instructional
Statement II : Computer-aided instruction can replace the
teacher if the goal of education is personality development.
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct
answer from the options given below
A. Both Statement I and Statement II are true
B. Both Statement I and Statement II are false
C. Statement I is correct but Statement II is false
D. Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is true
नीचे िो िथन दिए गए हैं :
िथन (I) : अनुिेिनात्‍मि लक्ष्‍
यों िो पूरा िरने िे ललए सेवा में
प्रयोग िी गई तिनीिों िा नेटविय तिनीि है ा
िथन (II) : यदि व्‍
व वविास लिक्षा िा लक्ष्‍
य है तो िंप्‍
एडडड लिक्षण अध्‍
यापि िो प्रनतस्‍
थावपत िर सिता है ।
उपयक् ुय ‍
त िथनों िे आलोि में ननम्‍
नांकित वविल्‍पों में से सही उत्‍तर
A. िथन I और II िोनों सही हैं।
B. िथन I और II िोनों गलत हैं।
य है किंतु िथन II गलत है ।
C. िथन I सत्‍
य है किंतु िथन II सही है ।
D. िथन I असत्‍
Ans: C
Solution :
Instructional technology includes practical techniques of
instructional delivery that systematically aim for effective
learning, whether or not they involve the use of media. It
is a basic purpose of the field of instructional technology
to promote and aid the application of these known and
validated procedures in the design and delivery of
instruction. Technology cannot replace a teacher.
Technology is merely an augmentation to a teacher. It
can help the process of learning, but it certainly cannot
replace the role of the teacher.
Thus, Option C is the correct answer.
Q. In which method of research the independent variable is
manipulated to observe and measure its effect on
dependent variable?
A. Ex-post facto method
B. Experimental method
C. Case study method
D. Historical method
ननम्‍नललखित िौनसी िोि ववधि में स्‍ वतंत्र चरों िो आधित चरों पर उसिे
प्रिाव िो िे िने एवं मापने िे ललए व्‍यवहार में लाया जाता है ?
A. समयोत्‍तर ववधि
B. प्रायोधगि ववधि
C. िेस स्‍टडी ववधि
D. ऐनतहालसि ववधि
Ans: B
Solution :
Experimental research is a scientific approach to
research, where one or more independent variables
are manipulated and applied to one or more
dependent variables to measure their effect on the
latter. The effect of the independent variables on the
dependent variables is usually observed and recorded
over some time, to aid researchers in drawing a
reasonable conclusion regarding the relationship
between these 2 variable types.
Thus, Option B is the correct answer.
Q. Reflective teaching is a .................. .
A. Cyclic process of thinking about learning
B. Linear process of thinking about teaching
C. Cyclic process of thinking about teaching
D. Linear process of thinking about learning

मि लिक्षण .................. है ।
A. अधिगम िे बारे में सोचने िी चिीय प्रकिया
B. लिक्षण िे बारे में सोचने िी रे िीय प्रकिया
C. लिक्षण िे बारे में सोचने िी चिीय प्रकिया
D. अधिगम िे बारे में सोचने िी रे िीय प्रकिया
Ans: C
Solution :
Reflective teaching is a systematic process in which collecting the
thoughts, recording the thoughts and analyzing the thoughts.
Reflective teaching is a cyclic process of thinking about about the
teaching as
What am I teaching?
How will I teach it?
How will teachers know if students understand?
Who am I teaching?
It all is a thought process in mind. Teachers think while teaching
and it reflects.
The thought process reflects in teaching and how the teaching can
be improved or changed for better outcome.
So option C is correct.
Q. A teacher should identify ........................ and teach
A. economic condition of students
B. individual differences among students
C. economic condition of parents
D. individual differences among parents
एि लिक्षि िो ........................ िी पहचान िरनी चादहए और
ु ार पढाना चादहए।
A. छात्रों िी आधथयि श्स्थनत
B. छात्रों िे बीच व्‍
यश्क्तगत अंतर
C. माता-वपता िी आधथयि श्स्थनत
D. माता-वपता िे बीच व्‍
यश्क्तगत अंतर
Ans: B
Solution :
For proper implementation of the Teaching-Learning
Process, teachers must know the individual differences
of the students. Individual differences are- perception,
gender, ability, learning style, intelligence etc. of the
learner. When teachers plan teaching, they consider
the learning style and speed of the student, rather
than instruction.
So option B is correct.
Q. Which of the following are said to be style-related
competencies of an effective teacher?
A) Organized demeanour which means being orderly, clear
and in control
B) Literacy which implies general knowledge as well as good
at reading and writing
C) Self-efficacy which refers to a person’s self-perceived
capacity to perform a task
D) Flexibility which means being sensitive and lenient
E) Evaluating and providing feedback
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A. A and D only B. B and C only
C. C and D only D. D and E only
नीचे िी गई सच ू ी में से, किसी प्रिावी लिक्षि िी िैली संबंधित
प्रवीणताएं िौन-सी मानी जाती हैं?
1) व्यवश्स्थत व्यवहार श्जसिा अथय है - िमानस
ु ार, स्पटट और
ननयंत्रणािीन होना
2) साक्षरता श्जसिा अथय है सामान्य ज्ञान तथा वाचन और लेिन में
3) आत्म सामथ्यय श्जसिा तात्पयय है किसी व्यश्क्त िी किसी िायय
िो ननटपादित िरने िी आत्मप्रत्यक्षीिृत क्षमता
4) नम्यता श्जसिा अथय है संवेिनिील और मि ृ ु होना
5) मूल्यांिन और फीडबैि प्रिान िरना
नीचे दिए गए वविल्पों में से सही उत्तर चन
ु ें:
A. िेवल 1 और 4 B. िेवल 2 और 3
C. िेवल 3 और 4 D. िेवल 4 और 5
Ans: A
Solution :
* Organized demeanour which means being orderly,
clear and in control; Flexibility which means being
sensitive and lenient are Style-related competencies.
* Literacy which implies general knowledge as well as
good at reading and writing; Self-efficacy which refers
to a person’s self-perceived capacity to perform a task
and Evaluating and providing feedback are the traits
related to professional competency.
Thus, option A is correct.
Q. Which of the following constitutes the 'ability' (can do)
component for describing the competence of a teacher?
A) Confidence in performing teaching task
B) Knowledge of the subject being taught
C) Skill in analyzing the learning tasks
D) Experience in handling learning task related situations
E) Commitment to organizing teaching-learning tasks
Choose the correct answer from the options given below :
A. B, C and D only
B. A, B and C only
C. A, C and D only
D. C, D and E only
किसी लिक्षि िी सक्षमता िो वखणयत िरने हे तु ननम्‍
नललखित में से
िौन-से उसिे क्षमता (िर सिता/सिती हूूँ)?
a) लिक्षण िायय िरने में आत्‍
b) पढाए जानेवो ववषय िा ज्ञान
c) अधिगम िायय िे ववच‍लेषण िी िक्षता
d) अधिगम िायय से जुडी पररश्स्थनतयों िो संिालने िा अनुिव
e) लिक्ष्‍ााण-अधिगम िायय आयोश्जत िरने िी प्रनतबद्िता
नीचे दिए गए वविल्‍
पों में से सही उत्‍
तर चुननए :
A. िेवल B, C और D
B. िेवल A, B और C
C. िेवल A, C और D
D. िेवल C, D और E
Ans: A
Solution :
Being a teacher requires a significant amount of
knowledge and skill. The 'ability' (can do) component
for describing the competence of a teacher includes:
• Knowledge of the subject being taught
• Skill in analyzing the learning tasks
• Experience in handling learning task related
Thus, Option A is Correct.
Q. What is the hallmark of reflective teaching?
A. Clear, organized and well-structured content
B. Personalized, interactive and high level of cognitive
C. Systematic, planned and quick question-answer session
D. Logical, coherent and example based presentations
ववमिी लिक्षण िी ववलिटट पहचान क्या है ?
A. स्पटट, संगदित और सुसंरधचत ववषयवस्तु
B. वैयश्क्ति, अंतःकियात्मि और उच्च स्तरीय संज्ञानात्मि
C. व्यवश्स्थत, सनु नयोश्जत और ित
ु प्रचन-उत्तर सत्र
D. ताकियि, संसित और उिाहरण आिाररत प्रस्तनु तयां
Ans: A
Solution :
Reflective teaching is a process where teachers think over their
teaching practices, analyzing how something was taught and how
the practice might be improved or changed for better learning
outcomes. When instructors engage in reflective teaching, they
are dedicating time to evaluate their own teaching practice,
examine their curricular choices, consider student feedback, and
make revisions to improve student belonging and learning. This
self-assessment process requires information gathering, data
interpretation, and planning for the future. Reflective teaching
involves examining one’s underlying beliefs about teaching and
learning and one’s alignment with actual classroom practice
before, during and after a course is taught. Clear, organized and
well-structured content is the hallmark of reflective teaching.
Thus, Option A is the correct answer.
Q. Reflective level teaching is different from memory level
teaching because the pattern of communication that is
involved in reflective level teaching is basically
A. Linear
B. Bottom-up
C. Interactional
D. Transactional
ववमिी स्तर लिक्षण स्मनृ त स्तर लिक्षण से अलग होता है क्योंकि इसमें
िालमल सम्प्रेषण िी पद्िनत मूलतः ----- होती है ।
A. एिरे िीय
B. नीचे से ऊपर िी ओर
C. अंतरकियात्मि
D. कियाश्न्वनतिारी
Ans: D
Solution :
● Reflection is a form of conscious response to, or
processing a situation or event and the experiences
within that situation or event. For teacher and
students’ responses will include what they think, feel,
do and conclude both at the time and order/ or after
the experience. What, Why and How?
● Reflective level of teaching is also called
Introspective level of teaching. In this, the learner
dives one step deeper into the concept to understand
the myriad dimensions of it.
● This is the level of teaching where the teacher
inspires students to reflect and introspect on the
taught material. It requires continuous feedback and
improvement which in turn requires continuous back
and forth communication. That is why transactional
pattern is generally involved in reflective level
● Examples of the transactional model include a face-
to-face meeting, a telephone call, a Skype call, a chat
session, interactive training, or a meeting in which all
attendees participate by sharing ideas and comments.
Thus, option D is correct.
Q. Identify the correct sequence of cognitive behaviours in
the taxonomy of educational objectives:
(1) Knowledge
(2) Application
(3) Understanding
(4) Analysis
(5) Synthesis
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A. (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5)
B. (4), (5), (1), (2) and (3)
C. (1), (3), (2), (4) and (5)
D. (4), (5), (1), (3) and (2)
िैक्षक्षि उद्िे चयों िे अधििम में संज्ञानात्मि व्यवहारों िे सही िम
िी पहचान िरें :
(1) ज्ञान
(2) अनुप्रयोग
(3) अवबोि
(4) ववचलेषण
(5) संचलेषण
नीचे दिये गये वविल्पों में से सही उत्तर चुननए :
A. (1), (2), (3), (4) और (5)
B. (4), (5), (1), (2) और (3)
C. (1), (3), (2), (4) और (5)
D. (4), (5), (1), (3) और (2)
Ans: C
Solution :
Use of the taxonomy can also help one gain a perspective on
the emphasis given to certain behaviors by a particular set of
educational plans. Thus, a teacher, in classifying the goals of a
teaching unit, may find that they all fall within the taxonomy
category of recalling or remembering knowledge. Looking at
the taxonomy categories may suggest to him that, for example,
he could include some goals dealing with the application of this
knowledge and with the analysis of the situations in which the
knowledge is used. The correct sequence of cognitive
behaviours in the taxonomy of educational objectives is
Knowledge- Understanding- Application- Analysis and
Thus, Option C is the correct answer.

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