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Set fort11 i l k this llu~idbwkure lainirnuln public-health istandards

relating to general ahnitation urid ratproofmg i n the construction
uf vesuulu. T l ~ w nt~t~rclurdu lrrtvo bcrr derelol,cd over a ~ ~ c t of i d
twverlil ilecudes; exl~cric~rctr Iius slruw~itliut tlreir O ~ S B ~ V O Idur- I ~
iug constl.uction, recoustn~ction,or jnujor rcpuir, will make it nruclr
easier to muintain the vessels in u ~ racceptuble, srrrlitnry co~!diliorr
during ol)errrticin.
l'roviuio~~sof tlris cditioti ~rl)l)lyto vessels c-~lrrt~.;rr.ted for' rrfkr
1 JIII~~ I ,IlU!J(I.
~ I ~lJrcl);irctl
Y Ity I11e I I I ~ ~ I S ~II[C
C111-1.icr l ~ r i r ~ ~ cXI\-
riorr~rl(:ihrrlcr fur. Url,;rrr rrrrtl 11rtlrtstr.irrlllcrrlllr of tlrc Public IIerrlllr
Scrvicr, ~ ) ( * ~ ) I I I ' ~ I I I ~ofI I ~IZcnltlr, lCtItrc~~tiorr, rt~rd\Vclfrrre, llliv IIrr~rtl-
book s:~peisctlcs (Ire ~)ublirrrtioi~ /IcrrrclLooX: or1 Snnitrrtioa u/ I'e.r.rrl
/!oaalr~trcliorr, ilatct\' 1'335. 'l'ltu s t a ~ l t l r ~ ~r~o t~l ~s t a i ~ rIrcreiu cd ~ t r crs-
scrii inlly tlrc snare 11s tlroso i~rc.lrrdetli r r the fo~.rrrer~)rrl~licrrt iort, but
I rr'p~)ro~)~irrtc revisions 111tvelrcerr lllil(l~i ~ trccog~ritio~rof ol)err~(i~rg
t!sl)i~l.iulrccu,tcclrrrologir~rl~rdrrrrrcc~~rerrts, rrirtl clrairgeu i l l llre Iirtcrstnlc

i ( > I I I I ~ ' I I I I ~i11tt itt8gl~1l~i

ollrcr Cio\.cr~inrc~lt
io113. . i t j ~ u.~i%

b i.eijiii%t~;!!r::$:: ::!i~!!!

'l'lreir sr~ggestio~rs
\.rsse1 owlieru 1111tlol)er~rlor.s,i ~ ~ t l r ~ s t rSiI~I rI l) ~ I ~ C nut1
lrlicl co~iri~re~rls
~irr\tIcit. possil~lcl o pr*otI~rce 11 IIIOI-c ~)rrrctic~rI ltit~rtlI)oulc.
Intprovetl rnetlloclv ~rrldequipment, u~rtloubtedlywill be ds\*elopcd
from time to t i m a I t is the policy of tlie Public IIerrl~hService to re-
quest that i~idividt~als, wliow disciplines are closely nssocirrted with
vessel dwign bnd. co~rstcuction,provide u~forrrrationand advice on
teclurological developine~rlswhich can affect shipboard snnitcttion.
From time to time, nu the Ilealth significance of Lltcse iterris is evnl-
u~tteda ~ r dus circu~nsl~rtrccs pe~.aiit,inrproved ~netlrodsn ~ r dnew topica

i I
will be included in revisio~lsof this ~~ublicnlion.Siictl developr~rents
will lend to clrungcs i l l existing stnrrdrirds of s~rnitntionfor vessel
coristructiorr. Tlris lia~itlbook will Lw! revised accordilrgly, ea cir-
cut~rslr~~iccs rnriy require.

?'Iris ~)t~llic~rliorr i s orre of Itvo Irrr~iill)ookstlealirry with vessel srt~ri-

trrtioil. Tlre otlrer, elllitled ~ ~ ~ r r r d b oOIL o k Sttnilatiun u/ Peaseta irr
Opelrrlion, P l l S l'ublicstio~l No. 68, wrrs revisctl irr 1063.
\'cssrl l111r11sSIIOIIILI I)c S I I L I ~ I ~for I~C ~.cvie\\.
~ of their sir~rit~rtiort
furrtt~rcs. Ttvo copim sl~ualdla seirt. to: ('lricf, Irrte~sl~rlc C~rrricr
11r1111~1t, K~htioilrilC'e~rterfor 1Trbi1~. rr~rtl I ~ r t l t ~ s t ~ -Ile~rlllr,
i~rl 1'11blic
1 11~111~11 S r r v i ~ ,~ ~ E ~ I I I I ~ ~ I I IofC I I11~111t11,
I I<~lrrt-rrlio~~: 1t11t1\\.i*lfrrri~,
i ( ' I I V I - ~ ('llilsl~, lfll., 20015.
I 111yrririesregitrtlirrg this vessel ~ ~ ~ t r i t i r It )i Iu~~O~~ I ~ IIII(I ~ I I I this 11; 1 1 ~ 1 -
I,wk s11o1110Le tlirected Lo ill; nl)l)rol)ri~~~e l{cgiorlnl ORice li.tetl
i u i < i ~ l w1 IIP 1)irckcorer.
-- -. ---.
CONTENTS I. Ger~ernl.-,----- -.-- -------- - - - - -- - - --.. .. . , 20
Pars 2. Defir~itiona.,: --..----------------.-- --.------.------ 19 -
P.AcE --.,-,,-,-,,---------
.................................... ill 3. h2aterlnh.- - - . , - - - - - - . . . - - - - - - - - - - 30 .---
1. Daign and Constr~~ctiun --,---- - -.- .--- ----------- - - - - 30
-.----- - - -.---.
6. I ~ ~ u l n l l ~ l t i o r-~-- -.---. ..................... - . 33
I. C l e n e r d - : - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - . - . . - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - -
2. PUllng Hose , - - - - --..-- ----- -
-- .- - - ---------- -- --- - ----------
3. Filling-Hose Stowage-- -.- - - ---------. - ..-.- - - - - - --.--- ,----
-- - -
4. CUll~lgLine-, -- - - - . - -,- - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - -- -
2. A i r ~ n p s - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ----------- -..- 34
5. Storage Cupnclly , - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - -
- --- ,- - - - - ----- 2 3. Uackflow Preventem- - - - ---.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-- - - 34
8. Slocagc Tanka ---.. - - - - - - - - - - - -.- - - - -
-- - -- - --- -- -
-- -- - - -. - 4. Uircliwater Valves
------.---------- ---------------- - - - 36
7. 8toraga Tank Vents 5. I : i n t u r a - - , - ~ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 35
8. Storage Tunk OverBona- - - - - - - - - - .- --- -, -- ..-------,
- -- ----- --. - 36 '1
0. Storage TPIIL hfanholes- -.
10. Water Level Gnugea ------ ----------------- -----------------
- - - - - - ,.---,----,-- --------
8. Prevention of Backflow Into Lire Potable-IVrter Bystern-----
7. I ) r i ~ ~ k l rF'ounluins
8.I)ruinuguSyslu1ns --,----
-- - - -.----
---- .....................
------.---- 36
11. Ta11k D r u l n a - - - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
12. Diatributlun S y n l e ~ r r - - - . - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----.--------- D. Veub and Trnps ------------.--------- ---- ----------------- 37
10. C l c u n o u t s - , - - - . , - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 37
18. Purnpy - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11. Yrsvcr~tionof Uuckllow of Waste- - .. - - .- - - -.---- --- - - --- --- - - 37
14. 1'11eanratiu (Preuaure) Tul~ka
16. ldeoli0uutlon aud h l a r k l n .---, ~
----,--- -.
- -----
---- ---
-- ---- - - - - - -- - - - - -
- --- -
---------a -
13. gawngu 1tetw1llo11 ..r r ~, dTrentraenl Syslcmr.- -- - - - - -- - ---
. .
----- ' 40
18. Dlalnlectloo, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------
17. ProceJure lor Dblnfeetion - -, -
18. Purldcailon of Water,-- --, --
, ,
--- - - - -.-- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -
--- -
1. Be!:-Wctcr Pm!-
3. Recirculation Type Pool---
-_------_= _---- -..- -.--- ---- -- ----
=, - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -
- --- -- ----.---
-.- - . - - -
~ B ~ I O D.NWASHWATPR81871il:
I. O r ~ ~ e r a l - - - , - , - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2. S t o r u ~ Tank3
s -----...-------------------------------------
3. Distril~utlouSystem ------ . - - - - - - - - - --
- --- --- --- --- - --------
4. Purlficnllon of Wwh \Vater- ------.,,-------..-.------------- SECTION J. P PA TI NO, VENT.ILATINO, A N P LIOIITISO:
S ~ m l o nC. ~ A N I T AOa~ OIERIIOARD ~ WATERS Y ~ T E Y : I. General ------.---------------- .- - - - - - 44
I. Oeneral,-,--,------.,------------------,,--,--------------
1. Salt Water Baths ----- ,.--, -------------- ------------- .- _ _ .,-_

1. O e ~ ~ e r r ~ l - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - . -- - 46.
~ . ~ I O D.
N YE~SEL-TO-SRO~U P I I E ~ ~ O R ~ - W ACONNECTION: TE€~ 2. Defioltlons - - - - - - .-------------- -- -- - - - - - - - 46
I. Guuarul.---,---------..---.-.---.----------.,-,-------,,--- 3. llutproof M n t e r i a l . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40
4. Acceptable Nonrntproof Matcrlalj .- - ..- - ----- - -.- - ---- - ----- 47
8mcr10~E. S v r c ~ sr o a THE S T O ~ A O E PRCPARATIOX,
5. Itatproof-Exc111pt Surfaces--,--.
1 - - - - -- --- --- ----- - - - ----- 47
6. Cclleral Itatproofing Crlterin---. . - - - -- - - -- ------- --.--.---- 40.
I. Decka ---.---,,---------------------,_..--------------,-,-
2. Bulkheads, Deckheads and Other Oyerlrend Instullatiom---,---- DETAILEO RATP~OOI'INO:
8. Piping In Deckheads- . - - - - - ----------.-.------------------- 7. IIull n ~ l dSlrpporls- -,- ----- - - - -- - - -
- - ..--- -...----- ---.
4. Dralnrge of Spaces.---
6. lnrecl Screeos.. - - - - ---.
---. -
--- --- - -.-
- -
- - - -- - - - - - - -....-. . - - - - - - - -.,.
- - -,..- - - - - - - - - - .,---
6. Tolleb and Luvatory Facilities - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
8. Llgt~tcningHoles A I I ~Void Spncej.. - -
0. Illtcrior F o t ~ ~ ~ d u t i o r u .-----------
10. Sldcl Tal~k-Topiu 1,ower Hold- - ...- - - - - .- -
- - .-- - -
--. ----.---------
-. - --- - --
7. Wuler Supply- - - - - - - - - - - ..- -..----------------------
-----. I I . Wooclc~tCar80 l'acls ---... .. .,- -.- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- -
.- - - - - - - --
8. 1,l~hting ...-,------.---...-.....------.--------_-.._--_----, 12. Cl~nin1,ucl;crs.-- -- . - - - - - - . .- - - - - - - - - -- - -- - ---- - ------
- -- -:
0. Ventilation .-,.,------------------------------------------- 13. 1)oora .---...--.----.-------..-.------------- --1
10. Dlspo~ulat Refuse - .-, - - - .- - .- - - - --
- - - - - - - - .- .. - - - - - - - -,-- - - 14. \Villdow Cueing-- - --.- - - -..- - - - ----,---.----
.--..- - --. - -----
11. Equipment , - - - , , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15.-B- n l l-
tr~- L- -.--
---- - - , .-- - --
. - --
- - --- . --
- . --- - --
- - --- - --
12. Wushing and Baclrricidnl Trentmei~tFneilitirs-. - - - - - - - -.
. .- - - 10. Skyligl~t --. - ---
13. Slowaye of Equip111e111-:----. -
- - - - - - - - - ....-.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - _
17. ~ I ~ I I ~ ~ O ~ U S - - - - - - - . - . . - - - - - - - - . . - - - - . - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4.4. Ilefrigeratlon--------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Btnncfi F A O I L ~ T I C ~ - ~ H ~ T A L L ~ T I O ~ ~ B :
alr. Gooeral . . . , , - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - -70- - - - - - - . . '

25. P I ~ k ~ - - - - . - - , - - - - - - - . - - - . - - - - - -+ -
71- - - - - .
2.1. Cablee-EleuLrio, Telrgrupbic, alrd Mecl~unicul.--.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 71
26. Ve~rllluLlng,Alr-Cooling, .llr-CondlLlo~~ing, and Hcntir~l;Systcnra- 73
. - - - - - - - - - - .-
26. Screr11111gof Volrt O p e ~ ~ i u g s - . - -
- - - - - - -... - - - - - 76

27. G e l r e r e l . , , ~ - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 75
-- --- ----- - - - - - ----- - - -- -
28. Cenoral-Curgo H o b - - - - - -.- - -, 77
29. Refriheruted-Cargo Spaces- -----. ------- ---------- - -- - -
30. I~e!riyeratin~-41ac11i1rery Spaco. ---....-.-..- - - - - --.
78 . .- - - - - - - -
31. Engills IIII~h I a c l ~ l ~ r e rCirailr(l.--.
y .--. 78 - - ----
-- - - - - .. - - - - - - --
32. -
Onlley, Pt111lryund Food Storeroo~lru. .- - - - - - ..- -.- - - - - - - - - - -
8a. Bluuvea .----...------.-.-.-..---------.-..-----------------7L1
34. Plpeq- - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - . . . - - - - - - -70- - - - - - - -
a8. VenLil~rtlng,Alr-Co~~dltlonlug, .---------
and Ilealing Ducts---, 70

as. Cunernl---,-.----- - - ------------- - - - - - - -- - -- - - 81

37. Rope and Cable I l e e L---.--.---------.-..-..---. .--------- 81- - -
~ - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - -.---.-
38. h l o o r i r ~ gF l t t l n g- ------82- - - - - - - - .
I 8 r o w ~ a a S ~ ~ cFACIUTIES:
30. Bhelv a---..----------....-----------.--------------------- 82
40. B I m ~ , - , - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -83 -
41. Spare-Parts Box- -------------- ....................... 83
42. Locken---, -----.-----.
.--.--- 84
! 48. D o x e s - , - - - - - - - - . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 84
Fo n ~ ~ ~ uAND
n r FIX'
44. Oe~~erul---.-.----------------------------------.------- 81
48. Oolloy Fixtures--- - -.. ... . -- - - -
--- - -,- -.-...-....-.- - - ..--- - 84
48. Eleclric ncfrlgerators, Drinking Foc~ntal~rs, and Dri~rklng-Water
o l e . 85
A r ? i ~ ~A-hllniruum
l x Thickness- Approved Ilntproof Jlnterial-- - - - - - 87
A~YENDIX D - M l n i m u ~ n Tblct~rees-AccepLable h'ol~ratproofhlaterlal- . - 80
; Arrr.uors C-U.B. Standard Gauges tor Sheet and Plate I r o n U I I ~Steel- - OU

--- iiiLLJi
8 .' :. . .
Y it
ji :. 1;

, ;Ill;liiill]!~
1; ;.
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:: .!,:.. i : ,..I i i ~&i ! :J! ~Ji iI i ~ ,i lilij,
;;;: !;ii ;:;;;ii!;:;ii;!l;;];j;;!i;i/ i ; i ~ ~ ! l l ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ; ;l :i l;* !i : ~: ' ~ ! : t : : :
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' I'

p r o r i d d . T h e potnLle water filling hose should be e ~ e r r l yma~kad

-0204 wilh one-inch ( n ~ i ~ ~ i a r u nletteringr) renclir~g L*VL',~~LEWATER 1108t.
UNI.Y. All potctble \vr ter I~oseadu Jters should b properly identified. .
lM4DBOOK ON SANITATION OF VESSEL 3. /ILIING-HOSE STOWAGE. &e potnble voter hoes and tiuch
lrydrunt rrclirpte~sRY Inay be required sholrld be sto\\.cd in r self-
CONSTRUCTION r l r n i ~ ~ closet
i n ~ c~tbii~et o r 011 11 rnct oig see^, or 11u1rg011 rackets and
located irelrr tlre vesscl's f i l l i i ~line ~ co~~nection.'l'hese f~rcillties
slrould bu i~rst;rlledI I ~ler~st16 illclres nhove tlre deck nnd use(\ for no
Section A. POTABLE WATER SYSTEM o t l ~ e rpurpose. Wlren the 110% is btotved on u rnck o r ~ x e lo r hullg
OII brncltots, Inenns slror~ltlbe pro\.icletl to secure tbe hose t o its sup-
1. GENERAL. Tlie term potabls water, hs used Ircrtli~~, menus d a t e r ports or to tlrc bulkl~eatl. -4 hose \vlticlr is not delved in 8 c l ~ d
which 111cetsthe require~rre~rts of the Pr~blicIlenltlr Service Dri~rkiag crlbi~retshoulcl lrnve its ends c~rpped Ivitlr thrended fittings. The
Water Stundurds.' lrose c ~ r l ~ i or ~ ~ sto\vcrge
et sprrce slrould be pcrlnn~\elrtlynlnrlted. by
IVl~er~uver ~)~.ucticrrble, o111y O I I ~writer systcn~sl~ol~lcl be i~rstnlled, nrenns of ~/z-i~rch let tering (uriiri~rru~rr ) on a r~o~rcorrovive label
~ u p p l y i ~11otabIe
~g 1~11terfor drialci~~g, cooku~y,disllwnsl~ing,ablu- plut~.,or eqrtivnle~~t, ref~tli~rg PUTALILE W.YI'EI~ 1 1 0 s OSLH.
tio~rnry, I~ospital, ~ ~ ~ lrat ~l ~ ~ ~ t l plirouses. erh~g 1Vl1e1-udual s y s t e ~ ~ ~ s 4. FILLING LINE. A potgble-~utertnnli systen~\vliicl~I I I I L ~be filled
must Lwl instrillecl, tvntel- slrould be pilwd to outlcts where i t by hose should l ~ n v errlr i~~tlepe~rdeirt filli~rgliiro \vlricl~ul~ouldnot be
miry Lw, r~setl for d r i ~ ~ l i i a gcooliing,
, clisl~\\-trsl~ing, or n~eclical-cnre cross-conaected with airy line of rr ~~o~rl)otnble systenr, nnd.ehauld
purposeu' (crclasive of l~ydrotl~crnpy), but it ~reccl110t be piped to not prss through crny no~\potrrbleliquicl.
slop s i ~ ~ l i slav~rtories,
, laundry Iacililicu, bntlrtl~b~, tilrowr~s,wcrter The lillitrg 1i11osl~or~ld b c y i ~ citl~er
~, Irorizo~~tully or in n goose~~eck !
c l w ~ t ulicl~.ts,
, r ~ ~ l~ose
~ c l cor~~~ectio~rv t~setlfor t1ec.k rvrtsl~ii~g purposes. p o i r ~ t i ~dowrrw~rrd,
~g a1 11 point rt le~rst 18 inches thove ii16:iop .of
O ~ i l y11olublc tvutcr slro\~ldLe supl~lietlto food ~~rupanrtioa spfrcev the tr~rlcor of tl~c?deck \vl~iclrtlic line ~)enetratcs. Scrcn tl~reuds,
uxccl~las~rotui l l wet io~rE, itc~rr10. or otlrer tlevices ~ ~ e r ~ n i t tlrose
i n g rrtt~rclr~~re~~t
on tlre cild of the potable-
Water for pot~rl~le i)ulposcs sl~orrld be obtai~recl f r o ~ naeceptuble water filli~rglic~e,preferably sl~ouldbe different from the thre ~ d s
wnterirrg ~loi~rts.\\'lre~r purificrrtion or trcnt~rrelrton bonrcl is neces- or deviccs on other filling lines crad o ~ fire r hydrnnts. T h e filling -line .
st~ry,t l ~ er~retlrotlselectetl for use s l ~ o ~ ~bcl t tl~rrt l \vl~icl~ is best suitecl shot~ldl ~ a v ea screwcnp or ping fastened by a c l ~ a i nt o an rrdjaount
to the n~rdmost eusily undo~stoodby the operrrting personnel. bulkhend or surfnce i ~ suclr r I, nlrrlllrer tl~ntthe cap or plug yill .'not ,.

A11 prrrts of the potable wuter syste111sll~ur~lcl be locntecl so they \\-ill touch tlre tleclc \vireo I~nngilrgfree. Elrcl~filli~rgline should be clemllj"
irot be srilb~~argetl in bilge wuter (n ~ I ~ I I ~ I I I I I of I I I 18 ii~chesabove tlre marked by merits of lh-i~~clr lettering (alir~iaru~n) st~rmpedo a
b i l ~ elevel), 11or ~ I I S tl~ror~glr t r r ~ ~ ks ts o r i ~ ~~ro~rpotrrble
g liq~~ids. no~~corrosive lnbel plnte, or equivnlent , rr~~tl locc~teclnt o r lrenr the
2. FILLING HOSE. A special 11ose slroulcl be p~-ovidedfor loading point of hose cor~trectionrending POTALILE WATER PILLISO. The filling * -
potnble wu ter Irolrr slrore sources, except on vessels wlrere distillu tion line within the vessel slro~~lcl be p~ri~~tecl ._. '
or stbirciled, ns recoln~rended
or other t rent~nentprocess is used to provitle potnble wuter und w11e1.e irr sectiot~A, item 15.
slrore sources crre irever used. The l~oseshould be durable, shoulcl 5. STORAGE CAPACITY. Adeqvnte storage slrould be p r o v i d d fur "
liave a s~nootl~, impervious lining, nntl sl~ouldbe equipped aitlr the 1 potnble wrrter. I n cleternlini~rgtlre.~~mount, considerntion should k. I .

Ilecessar.y litti~~g-ti for. f t ~ s t e r ~ iti ~L~o gl l ~ efillit~glitre 1111tl the hyrlrent. give11 to the size of tlre crew, the lrrr\xiaru~nnumber of pnsse!rgers .
I t is 1)rcfcrablu tl~rrtthe t i t t i ~ ~ yr~~rtl s llrresds be clilfereat from those to be ~rcco~~rn~odnted, tlre f~-equeacy\vitIr \vlricl\ wnter cnn be londed
orr other l~osesor1 the vessel, a ~ r dsr~italble~rdi~ptels for colrrrecti~~y from nccclitnble sources, the nvrilnbility of ivrter suitnble for' t q a t -
these f i t t i ~ ~ gtos l~yclrn~\ts slrould be ~)rovi(lcd. For vessels wl~ose nrent ~ r r ~fr~cilitiev
tl for trerti~rgit, nad tlre types of \ratela ~ y s t e ~ ~ ~
specific ncecly are not known, rrt lenst two 3O-f00t sections slroi~ldbe nhcrrtl.
The consun~ptio~rvnlues give11 in tnble I, belo\v, nre intended
'.Siil,l~t~rt.I nf the Il~ter?rt~ite
Q I I I I ~ I I ~ I ~nr~ulatlaus.
~II~ us aotendd. inerely us plicles for the r~nrou~rt of stolagq required. Tlre actual
unit values will c1ej)ead U ~ J O I I the type of vessel n~rdthe service in
\rlriclr it is e~lgtrgecl. P ~ v s e t~l c~sti g ~pri~ctice
~ esceetls this rlnount .-
-- ,
l t ~ ~ ! i l ~ ' l ~ [ ~111~111
t ~ --
j l Lj l i j s
~ . h i l .~Lii ~ l ~ i l l .. !
1.-Apprmin~ulr minimu~nr o t a of conr~cmptio*of rlot~~ulic
wder un vsrrdr

n w dar
tunlc. Xo toilet or rlrinrrl slrould be instctlletl over tlrnt purt of n deck ."
O.WDU v wl~iclrfo1.1rrs tlro top of n potnhlo~~vnte~~ tnlrlc. ;t deck nay form tlrt!
1- bottorrr of n I)otnble-w~rtc~b ttrlllc, pro\-icled tlrut it does rot also fornl'tlle
~r~mk~orW- U ~ . comblnal
mokbt wrkr rmbm top of a talrl; ~vlriclrIrolcl~~~o~rl)otirl~le \vrrte~* or otlrer liquids. '

--snkm r~slrm
'l'lru bottolrr of ~ I I J1)otable-\rater ta~rkill the lo\ver part of the ship
UrluLLna wutut:
Cnw. ptucurcrr
Oooklny wrbr:
........................................ at ............ LT tllrorlld be locuted so t l r l r t tlrr: tn~rkdrlrilr is ut leust I8 i~rclresnl)o\*etlre
Coakbs rrgclabla a d h l i
................................................... *.I ............
A o ............ :.3 top of ilrlier-hot to111t1r1ll;s used for the storllge of liquids ( S Cfi
When nrl opcrnting rlwk, plutfor~ri,or grrrting is installed in the vicin:
~g. 1).
~ . l t S.................................. - ............................. I&0 1L I '
l ~ m a l a l ..................................................................
. AO 1.0 ity of the potable-\vntcr tnlrl; nlrrl lrelrr llre i~irter-l>otto111 plsting, it i d
Laundry .................................................................... 1.9 1.0
In g r u y , ppntry, urd dlnlrrl rmlu ........................
GIOIUIL~~ 1.1 ............ I.4 prefenrble tllut tlre Lttolll of tile pot~rble-wtert n ~ ~bek nbove d ~ c h
Tulrl.. ....................................................... &a a o 10.0 opkrrtilrg rleclc, pllr t fonn, or1 grlrring (see fig. 1 R ) . '111 the nbsellce
--- ---- -------- --- of irrner-bottoln plutilig, the J~otto~rl of the ~)ot~rble-water tarlk drrriu
Tlre s~~routrt
of s t o r n y limy be dwrsusecl wlratr the potnblewater sllorlld I)u aL IensL I8 illclres itbo\pe tlie lo\ved 11oilrt OF tllc bilge space.
upp ply will be sul>l)le~nea
tell with \vn tcr purified nbosrd, but only 'rho bottom of 11 ~~otnble-\vater tarrlc Irr11r11e fortlre(1 by the illner-
by sucll nn trlrrourlt 11scnll be supl>lietl dcpendnbly by the purification Lotto111I)lirt illg 1)rovi(leiItllnt :
I process. n. An 18-iuch-deep void spncc e x i s t s ' u ~ ~ d a ~ ~ ~and ~cntll;
When the eatire ~)otnble-wrrtcrsupply is obtni~ledby distillntion of b. There is no \\-ayfor tlre void to I Jtillctl; ~ irlrtl
I ove~.bonrdwrrter, or by rtccel)trrble trcutnre~rtof overbonrd fresh water,
) elraicicnt stortrge drotlid bo l~rovidudtir ii~eclrrdethe need for twutillg I
I ! .
overbonrtl \va ter from 4rurbors or otlrer lrenvily cootaminated nreaq I I '
' u~rdto ~ r u v i d bfor 1)oriod~ of m l t i l ~ t c ~ ~ ~
l r rrepuir.
~e The treatnlelrt !
of wuter fro111Ire~ivilycolrtnnlilrnted urcns cntr be avoided by londing
from eccapt~rbleshore truurccs \virile ia pol.t, or by tlru treatment of
i water from \vnsh-wnter4n11ks\vIriclr h0t.e been filled froth sntisfnchry
nources. I n the lntter cuse, total stornge requirerrrents can be mnde .
up of B colnbi~lntionof wuslr-wter storrge and potable-water storage, I
but in no ctlse sl~ouldt l ~ epotable-\ be less thnn a %day 1

I ...
6. STORAGE TANKS. Potable water sl\ould be stored in one o r I

j more tnrks \ ~ l i i c lnrs ~ so co~utructetl,l a ~ t e c l arid

safe ognirst nny contnmit~ntionfrom tlre orltside. SucL a tank should
, protected as to be
I, be constructetl of nietrrl or otlrer suitl~bletllrrterial. I t slrould be inde- I
~~elrclent, \citlr Iro co~irrnonbourrtlury wit li ,n tank holding nonpotltble
\vrrter 01. otlrcr liquitls. Tlrc trrrrk slror~ldbe ilrclapellde~rtof the ahell .
of tlre slrip, urlless tlie buttori~of the tlrrlk is I I ~lrltst 2 feet nbove the
nrnri~uu~rr-load \veterlilre, triril 1\11 slrell seritns l i ~ l c lc o ~ ~ r ~ c c tiai oway
of the ta~rknre continuously \velcletl nrr tlre inside of the talrk. There
slroulcl be no rivets in tllnt prrt of tile slrell or slrell co~r~rectio~rs which
f o r ~ utire side of tile tnak. No tlrrot~glr-ljolts slro~~l<l be used in or on
pot lrble \rlitel. Irrnks. \VOID TANU
1 1 d t . k lrlrry be used us tlre t o l ~ of ir potnlle-wutur tulrk, provided t l ~ ~ r t C 0
rlre~sirre IIO rrccess or iuqrrctio~rol)eirir~gstlieruirr, nut1 thnt tlte senlris '
~IIIIOI~SIY\velded 011 the inside of tlro ~nrdc. Tlrere slrould be ACCLPTABLE LOCAIION OF P ~ T A B I EW A I E I TANKS IN lELATlON TO BILGE 01 I N N f I
5 1t1.t) C O I I ~
. . . . . .......... I 1 - .C &La
c. The void space ulrd the inner-bottonr plating nround the tunk
truntlrlont of writer cIrc~\vnfronr those t1111ksbeiora its vsm ns potabld
am provided with meuns for ndequute drainage.
If tire u~turiorsurface of a tank sllould q u i r e cuatttg, an socept- 7. STOllAGE TANK VENTS. Potnble wnter stomge tanks &odd be
able tank lilring inaterinl sllould be used.'
provided with 11 rent so locnted snd ro~~strlrcted as to prorent ths en-
No druirrlilre or pipe currying riolrl~otnble liquids should pass trnrrce of co~rtn~rrinnting slrlstnnces. -1 sirrgle pipe \vithout takeoffs
tlrrouglr the tnuk unless n \t~ttt~'i-tight tunrrel is provided (sce fig. 2).
. ~ ~ r nboy used as n co11Ji11ei1 vent nnd ovrrflu\v. A potable \rater tnnk
Turu~elss11011ldbe tnnds of Irenvy plnte orqpipe, hnvo a continuous slope
vent slroulcl not be colr~rectcdto tlre vent of ~ r ~ rtni~k y holcling or in-
for clrj~inugoprlrposes, enrrd be open for inspectiolr. Lines currying tended for Irollling nol~pol~ible liquid. Tlre vent or combined vent
mrvugtr or other co~~tnnri~rrrted liquids slrould irot puw directly ovcr tlre
nncl overllo\r sltortld tern1io:rte Ivitlr the opeo end poilrtiog dotvntvard
in tlte tunk. ~r~rcl slrot~lclbe screel~eclwit11 16-n~esl~ corrosioll resistunt wire. f t
Tlne 1)otrble\st1ter tnrk ril~ouldhclearly m~rrkedby menns of '/;-inch
alror~ldtennilrate 11 nlinilurrm distnnce of 18 irrclres ubove the deck.
lettering (nri~rirrrual)s t s ~ ~ r l ~ocr
c t la ~ro~rcorrosivc lnbel yluto, or equi-
W11en the c1rc1is exposed to \\.are nctio~r,it ~Iro111d 1x3 eqvipped with n
valeal, r e ~ i c l i ~W~~gA ~ L\VJ'I'EH.
bnol;\\.l~ter (cl~ecli)valve.
Vwels using tulrlis for tlro stonrge of potublu wuter whicll do not 8. STORAGE TANK OVERFLOWS. Tlru ~)otaMewater tnnk slrould be
mwt tlre lrbove recon~nlendctio~ls should luivo provision for ncceptnb1,le
~,rovitletl\\.it11 1111 overflorc. or I-clief r~rlre,wlticlr sl~otililbe so locnted
'd Ilet ut Polullc Il'nfrr Ttbr~k IA~tirlgrdc.ceptcl f u r I ~ ~ l e r r f u fUnrrIer
e V8s
t l ~ u ttlle test Irecrcl of tire tirlrli is rrot rxcrecled. l'lre 01-erflow sllotrld
may be lubtulued f r o ~ utlre Publlc neulth Bervlce RcgLunul OfHce servlng tba be corrstructe~lnrld proteetetl in the solrre II1nrrlrer nu reconleleirded for
currler coucerned. verlts in itel117. An overflo\v nra? be ~ ' 0 1 1 1 ~ ~\i'itll i l l ~ dn vent, but the
provisiolrs clescriletl for tlre co~lstr~lcliulr ~r~lcl ~)rotectiol~ of both vents
NON-POTABLE LIQUID LINES THROUGH nnd overfio\vs slrolild lie observed.
9. STORAGE TANK MANHOLES. Tire potal~le\rater tnnk slio~ildbe
provided \ritl~u n r ~ ~ ~ ~ l lo r o l1)luride
e, tlceera illto the tliak for clennirrg
prrrlwses. TI16 lor~rlroleslrould be locntetl in the side, but m y be
in the top \\.hen tlre top ir: not fol-rrred br 11 deck. \\'heir locnted irr tlre
top, it slror~ltlbe 1)roviilrcl wit11 11 coanri~lp,or curb, I-riueclnt l e ~ ~one- st
half inch el)ove tlre tnslc-top. Tlre cover slrould extend to tlre outer
edge of the C I I or ~ flnrcre 7 ' nnd shor~ldbe wit11 n gnslret n ~ ~ d
a device for secllrir~git 111 plsce. F l ~ r s l~~rn~rlroles ~ \rill be ncceptable
, in tlre sides of taalzs. I
10. WATER-LEVEL GAUGES. -1ny menns provided for determining
the dept It of t s ~ ~ tiel lrthe ~otnble-antert ~ ~ l ~shotlld l i s b so coirstructed
11s to preverlt the entrcrlrce of co~rtnl~li~r~rlcd s~~l)shrrrccs or liq~iicls
I hrto
the tanlrs.
Devices wllicl~lire co~rsidereclsntisf~~ctol-y for rleterrnir~iugtlre \vater
lerul in 11 potable-\rater t~rukirtrluclc, blrt nr-e rrot restricted to:
n. l ~ n t e r - ~ n tglnss i ~ e wit11 ~lrutoff\rnlse on n side of the tnnk.
1). Prtrocl;s at n()l)~.opriate irtte~.vl~ls I)II l l ~ e
side of the t~\l\Ii.
c. Pctcnc-b-s i~~str~lletl i l r II to.lir~rl,oliset pilie \rlrirlr is co~rnectcc\
Lo tile L I I I I I ~Irerlr tllu bottom lllrcl to[).
<I. tt'~~tc~r-le\.el ir~tlicirtorsect11111rtlb~ air 1)ressjsure. ( 1 ' 1 1 ~11ir I I ~ I I J
Ire s l l ~ ~ l ~ lby i e t11l l l i ~ l ~ t l ~ , ~O~I . nI ~rI Ipi~rdc~)r~rde~rt
, colrrl)ressor,or tlrl*ougl~
I I 1 II " l ) ~ u s s - o ~ \-r~l\-e
~ " \ritlr 11 lirl~~itl tl.111) i11d11llec1 in the sul)l)ly line f r o ~ r ~
EXAMPLES OF SELF DRAINING IUNNEL DESIGN the 111ili11 coc~rl)~.esserl-~rir syste~~r.)
P . .\II eltcIose(I ~II);II g1111gt.
11. TANK DRAINS. T h e potable-water tauk slrould be so designed
tlvrt it el111ba conrpletely druilred. Tlre d r a i ~ ro l ~ e ~ r i ~should rg be of
st least olrtl lr~rdone-hnlt illclr tlinmetor. II'lle~l drninage is by grnvity
How, the opeaiag slroultl be i ~ the
nrinate fluslr with, or below the i ~ r ~ rsrlrflrce
r botton~of the tnnk rind slrould ter-
er o f tlre trllrk h t t o ~ l i . : Tlle
i~\stnllalio~\ should bo sircll 11s to avoiil a reillforcing plute, 11 rnised
welcli~rgbead, o r a prolrlrtli~~g pipe in w~ryof tlre Irole, wllich iroultl
preve~rtcoll~pletedrtril\age. Tlliv CIIII bu IICC'OIIII)I~SIIC~as S I I O ~ Y Iill ~
fig11re 1. \Vben tlre p o t ~ ~ b l e - \ v a t e r - lsrrctio~~ ) r ~ ~ ~ ~line ~ ~ is uscrl to h i 1 1
tlre tlrrrki it slroulcl clrlri~lfro111 a S ~ I I I I ~IIU ~ , 'slro\v~rirr figurc 3C. A
tlr~ri~r ill tllu iliscl~n~*ge lir~esl~orrlilLe locuteil rll~et~cl of I I I L ~bru~rcll
tlrlceolr to the clistributio~rsjste~rr. .\ vlrlve sllonld be il~stulledo ~ r
tire nr~rirri111111cilintely Iwyo11(1l l i11.1ri11li11e
~ t~tl;eolr. !
,I ~ c r e \ v ~ )or l ~ c1rpl)etl
~g ~ripplutll~orrldbu installed o ~ ra tank drain
olrly \vlle~.cit is elrsily 11rcessil)ler r ~ r t livlrere tllc water colt be \vr\sted
di~.cctly tlre~.efrol~r.\\'llelr 11 p i l ~ etlr~lir~ayc spte111 iu il~stl\lletl,it
YIIOUI~Ibe i~ltlel)e~rcle~rt of rrll otlrcr tln~ill~\ge sy~renlu,111rcl slrorrld be
~)~.otwt'?'d 11s speeifietl i r r sectiorr 0,itc111 6. 'I'lle clr.r~ir~!ir~e s l ~ o l ~ lLe
plugged or clrl)l~ed,to !)re veul the loss o f \veter i r ~clrse t Ire ilrail~valve
~l10r110~ I ) ~ ~ ~ ~ I UI IOI SB~ J I CIiy~ vib1-11tio11, i111less 11 lociii~~g-type vlllve is
12. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. T h e distribution li~rw,includi~lgthe
s u r l i o ~lirres~ of 1116l)oti~hlc-w~tle~- l)ul~rl),slror~llllrut In! cross-cu~r~~ected
willr t11(: 1)il)ilrg or slol+age t1111liof IIIIY I I O I I ~ ) O ~ ~ \ ~ ) ~ ~ - \ Vsystela. I\~~I'
Tllere slror~lclbe IIO blilrtl or sl)uctncle 111\11gcs,I I ~ I -111ryr e l ~ ~ o v ~ lor ble
1 swing sections of pipe ill tlre lines, wlrerel)y srrclr 11 co~rnectiol\crtn be
Tile tlist~.ibutio~r lines, i ~ r c l l ~ r l itlre
~ ~ gs r ~ c l i oli~res
~ ~ of tlre potuble
\\*~rter I I I I I I I ~ ) , sl~or~ltl he locirretl so tl~ey\\.ill rot be s t ~ L ~ ~ ~ cin r g bilge
. .
trr~lul-,(sca sccliolr (;, ~lelrrU ) 11or plrss t l ~ r o r ~ gt ilr~~ ~ kstorilrg s nolr-
1~olablc* licluitl?l, r\.itllor~tbcl~ulitof 1111 I I ~ L ' L ' J ) I I I ~ I Cself-ilr~rilri~rg
', t\~rlne\.
'l'lre ilistribrrtioa system slrorrld be protected ngllinst the introduction
of contt\nri~rntionby bnckllo\v, ns specified in scctio~ta, ibm 0.
h'o direct connectio~lfro111the pot111)le-~vnter systela should be lnnde
for tho I)url)ose of cooli~rglrrnclrinery o r opernti~rgnn aspirator, ejec-
tor, or otlrur. Ilytllar~licnllyol)enrted cluvice. -1hot-wntcr Irentin6, air-
c o o l i ~ ~ gor, a i r - c o r r d i t i o ~ l icirculrrti~rg-ivater
~~~ s y ~ t e ~should
~r not be
sirl)l)lici\ dil-cctly froin IL ~)otal)lc-w~rtcr syste~rr,1111leuuit is u closed
systc~n\\.it11 no nonpotnble ~ v n t e ~connections, : irnil rurless the wutor
is irot used for [rent-excLnnle purposw ill n r ~ i r i teotltnilling to xi^ 01nte-
I. 7
l'otlrllu \r.ater sl~oirld1101 be trscd for c o o l i boiler
IHII.~M~SW 1111less
, it is sillq)liril to 01-tlisl:l~;r~,~c,l
~ ~ ~ wrrter for t s t i a g
froll~ tile cooler throogh
I Potable-water outlets slrould be provided in or near rclasenger, om- .
cel; and crew qunrters, nnd in the engine und boiler rooms Drinking
water fountl~ias (see section G, item 7) should be installed, if
j. plrcticuble.
i Coolers \r.lrich pcl~uitdirect col~tactof ice with the water, or which
d consist of r cooli~~g clr~r~~lberinto wlrich n lvnter-filled bottle33 inserted
(I S
in alr ilrvertcd positiolr, sllould not I,e used for dispensirrg, drinking
5 wnter.


. I .
Hot und cold potnble water slrould h supplied under pressure to the
ylley, pantry, nnd scullery. Steam \vLich is to 'be npplied directly to
! food slrolrld be nlnde frorrr potable l~nter. Boiler stectm is sntisfactory

s i4
f ns u uleans of lreating potnble water and food if npplied indirectly, as

tlrrougll coils, tubes, or separnte cl~n~obers.
0 f * IIot and cold pdnble water slrorlld be supplied under pressure to
3 8 the hosl)itnl nlrd otlrer ~nerlical-cnrespnces for lr~md\\-nslring nnd medi-
3A I
5: IJ '0 2
csl-care purposes (but [rot necessurily for Irydrotherupy, toilet nnd
a b d p e n Iluslrirrg, or butlring).
' r
;* U
6 5 E! Only potubla wlrlcr slrould be user1 for nlakil~gice that \rill come
11 \I--;. t>' r* t in cotttnct wi~lrfood or drink.
, \G- \._,.--

I' 13. PUMPS. The potable-water pump sliould hnve adcquate copac-

ity for survico dewnlrds, nlld slrould be used for no purpose other than
for pu~rrpingpotnblc Irnter. The instullntion of n stnndbp pump is
reconrlnended for ealergcncies, sucll ns n breakdown in the main
k 5 i" i! unit serving tbe potable-11-trter system.

1 .
a Hmdpumps, rlrich are to be installed on some vissels to serve galleys
. -
A b

- 1 nnd pantries for emergency or routine use ns a supplen~entto pressure'
1 orrtlets, sllould beso constructed and instnlled ns to prevent the entrnllce .
-0' I : \
t of contn~~rination ilrto tlre potnble-wnter storage tnnk or into tlre water
being pumped. No pump-hencls with slotted tops, nor pitclrer-type
J I ~ :0
; pumps, sl~ouldbe instnlled.
14. PNEUMATIC IPRESSURE) TANKS. Compressed air which ie to be

r- 5 'i
, introdircod into a pneumatic tnnk sllould be supplied by :


15 er
. a

r. A "snifter" (air-intnke) airvnlve on the potable-water pump, or
b. An i~lde~~enclent compressor, or a

c. A mui~rcompressed-air system using n press-on vnlve with n liquid

trnp irlst~lllddilr the supply line (the liquid trap being instnlled in the
line learlilrg dircctly to tlre pressure tnnk, and r~otless thuq 2 inches
Eg E! in dinr~~eter and 8 inclres in length), or
d. Any otlrer device mlrich will prevent contaminution of the potnble
water. 4)
Whare -e coa\lnolr co~nl~ressed air systenr supplies pr-essure to both
-. . .. . . . . I an
nlrould be via a press-on type of nir valve nnd hose. A press-on type
~kirvnlvo is one which ulust be held in p l ~ ~ mallually ce nnd which cnn-
not 1-elnui11connected without nuch mnnunl holding.
15. IDENTlFlCATION AND MARKING. Tlle piping of tho potable-
watur system, i~rcludingtlro filli~rgli~rc,sliould be suitnbly stenciled,
pniated liglrt blue, or striped with O-iaclr light blue bu~rds,or a light
blue ntripe, ut tit ti~rgs,ua enclr siila o t p~lrtitio~rs, decks, ~ i n dbulkheuds,
u~rdnt i ~ r t e ~ v not
d s to esceed 16 feet in 1111 spaces except quurters, din- PPUII& Poundr O#U.r# Orllorr
I. m
a 4.2 1.1 0. a I 0. 1
a. 8.8 8.2 1.2 t 1.0
ing roonls, snlons, a i d similnr public plnces lvlrere the decor would be 6. da, ao. 0.0 8.0 1.0 . 6 3.8
LO. OIY) 41.1 18.0 h0 10 4.0
~ r ~ ~ l rby
r e s~wlr
d nrurkings. I .

\%*henpot~'blelvuter is produced nbonrd tlre vessel by treatment,

llle ide~~tifying ~rrurkiagsof tlrs pi[~ingsystem s110uld begin a t n point W m m : A b e a ~ l n gtrbleryoon boldr r p p r o r l m r t c l ~ W o u n n ; r m u r u h # cup. 8pproXl-
m a t r l y 0 ounces.
lmyo~rdtlre lttvt t re~rtmeutu~rit. 1Vlren srryerchlul~inutionu~rd(techlor-
i~~utiun Irrc i~rvolvelli l k tlru trclrtnterrt process, the lrl~lrkin~s should \V~ICIIchlorilre eo~~poencls or solutions otllar tllnll tlrose noted in the
h g i u i~rmleciintel~ follo\ving cl~loriunticia. \\%en chlorinntion alone table nre used, tlre dosnge slloulrl be:
is used, tlre piping beyond the rotentiot~tank sl~oulclbe marked.
'l'ha bodies of v~rlvesiautalled i ~ that r part of tlre potnble-water sys-
tem wlricll is nrarked slrould le approprintely Inkled. >: nmot~rrt irr 70-~I;i-cerlt column.
All nonpoi~ibicrivtiier iiutlcts sllould be l!rbe!r?d UNFIT EWR DRINKINO.
In eu~necnseu, fnucels for I~otlrpotable u~rd~~orrl)otublo water rnay be
so Iwutecl ns to le i~rrliuli~rguiul~able fro111encl~otlrer. To t~voidcon- X n~rro~rrlt
ill b-percent colnmn,
fwion in suclr cuses the potnl~la-w~iter oi~tlctsliould be labeled F W ~ ~ D L L .
c. Prepare tho clllorine solution ns follows :
16. DISINFECTION. Defore being put into srvice, the potable-
( 1 ) Chlot.innted l i ~ n e . Plnce the proper amount of clllorine corn-
water storuge turrk and distribution system sliould be clenned, disin- p o u ~ ~inda clatn, dry bucket. Add n snlnll nmount of water, and mix .

fected, and flusllecl. Where .e water distiller is connected to the pot- to a thick pnste. Dilute tile pnste by ndding writer gradually and
rille-wuter tank or system, tlre pipe tuld nppurtenances between the stirring constarrtly u~rtiln gnllon or two of solution is obtained.
clistiller n~rrlthe potable-\vnter tank or system slloi~ldle disinfectad Warm water is better tlrnn cold for this purpose. Allow the solution ,..
by the sulne trerita~e~rt us tllut given tlre potnble-water system. I to staird for 30 arinutes so tllnt the unclissolved particles mny settle:. -
17. PROCEDURE FOR DISSINFECTION. Clrlorine compouds which to tlre bottom. P o i ~ roff the clear liquid (wlrich is tlre cl~lorinemlu-
ure used for disiafecting wuter systems ore clrlorinnted lirne, high-t8Bt tion) aad, if nocessnry, filter it tl~r-ouglrrnirslin or cl~eeseclotlr. .
! hypoclrlorite, or com~lrercinllyprepnred liquid sodium hypochlorite.
Chlorinntecl lime rrrld liqi~idsodium lrypoclllorite cnn ba purchased rt
( 2 ) HigA-teat A~yoclr2prita. Place the proper nmou~ltin a bucket,
fill witlt wcttet. to within n few inches of the top, and stir until the I
rrlrrrost nny grocery or t11.11gstore. As these compou~ldsdeteriorate on
erlJosu1.e to oir, ilrrr slro~~ld be ~ ~ ~ r c l r a sille dsnrnll coutniners, which
powder is dissolved. Disregird slight tul-bitlity, if any.
(3) Liquid sodium hypochlon'te. Tlrese solutions require no prepu- ;
a rrlroirlcl ~ J Utiylrtly closed \rsl)erlr~otill use. ,111 si~clrproducts should
il. Pour the clllorine solution illto the pot~lble-writer tanka.
be kcpt ia 11 cool, dnrk place. Tlre follorring i~bstr~rctio~rs slrould be e. Inurleilaitely after i~rtroclucingthe clrlorine solution, the tnnks
ulilizecl i l l tlre ilisi~lfectio~r of pot~rlle-\vntrrs y s l e ~ ~by ~ uthe use of should be co~~lpletely l'illecl with potnble irtrte~b. SuRicie~~t
ch101-inecompounds :
usurllly will ba obtnirred by the swirling oction of the incoming water. .,
n. Thorouglrly scrub the irrsitle surfvces of tile storage tnnks, nnd
f. Open the t~rpsnncl outlets on the tlistribution aystem nearest the
ll~~slr the tnr~lrsa~rdclistributiorl syste111with 1)crtuble \rater. storrrge tanks, u~ldnllon the w~iterto flow until chlorinated water -is
b. I)eter.rr~ir~e tlre voluu~eof \r.arter lr'u.css;rry to f 11 tire tal~lisarid dis- detected. Aftor tho !rarr.est taps lrnve been opelrecl, tlre process slrould
I 11 t~.ibutio~rS ~ S ~ C I ICOIIII)~CIL']Y.
I The I I I I I O I I I I ~ of tlisinfccti~lg u g e ~ ~ t b corrtinired outrvnrd fro111the tti~rksuntil all tul)s rind outlets Irava . . . L 'I

I that the pressare tn~rkis filled wit11 olllorinnted \\'ntcr. Since u certaill DISTILLATE
a ~ n o u ~ufr ttlreclrlori~~ntcd wuter will llnveieell drs\vrr from the stolage
tu~rks,tIr&y slroi~ldbe ~rfilledto overflo\\.i~rg,nrrd clllol-ille solution OILER FEED RESERVE
t~l~ould be uclcled, i f necessrrry, to obtain the 50-p.p.111.(loso in Llre tnnks. WATER '
6. After tliu s t o ~ n g otnrrks rr~rcltlro piping syste~irhuvc bccn filled, WASTE
the chlorinlrted wnter el~or~lil bu nllowccl to stand irr the111for nt least
4 hours before clischnrging the wuter. I n nlr enrergency, tho contact AIR GAP PROTECTION OF DIRECT D I A I I A T I DELIVERY
tiwe mny be shortened to 1lrour by incrensi~rgtlru clos~rgcto 100 p.p.111. R~UI. I
Ir. After tlria corittict poricnl, tlre tnnka 111rc1distribrrtio~rsyste~n
b;lrouIcl bu .drui~redn~rdh e l l f l ~ ~ s l ~with e d potnble ,voter u~rtil!Ire
F o r a plnnt whicll will produce writer for both nonpotrrble l ~ n d
cl~lori~re t~rsteis not objectioonble.
potuble wnter systems, the distillate sllould be supplied to the potnble
i. Fill tlre stornge tanks wit11 potable wrrter.
18. PURIFICATION OF WATER. Watcr \\hicll is to be purified on
water tn~rlronti clistributio~rsystem via n pcrmnnent. connection. Dis-
tillrrle supplied to lro~lpotnblesystems slror~ldbe via un uir gup (see
, board for use ns potnble water nllry be stolvtl in tn~rksforrnctl by the
fig. 5). A ~ w i a gco~r~lect.ion (reversible ell) betIveen the distillate
slrell of the vessel, provicleil tllnt suclr tnnks nru free from uppnrent
dischnrge pipi~rgor cliutillnte t n n b a l ~ dthe potnble water system is
lenknge, Irnvo no no~~potnble pipirrg passing tlrrougll Iheni, unless a
not nccel)table.
wrtter-tigilt, S U I E - ~ I - U ~ I I trr1111e1
~ I I ~ is ~ ) r o v i d ~ tlor I srrch piping, a ~ r d
A copy of the ~ n u n u f u c t u ~ oprrutiagr~s instructions el~ouldbe
ul-e neIcclrt~\telyprotectecl ug~ii~rst botlr t l ~ bbaclcflow 111rc1 tlre disclrnrge
posted lrcnr t l ~ ediztillntion plant.
tlre~atoof bilgo c r l~iglllycorltan~i~r~ited
.a ..,...,,
id=!!, s!rcu!c! be euitub!r? tor the
(1) B i g h - p c m c - ~ *rc.rrita.
e Atmospheric-pressure distilling plank,
a r ~ dtltose operniiug rbor-e nimosphcric; pi.fisua, i ~ h i dsup& i +sble
\vatel. to'be purified, nnd slror~ldbe desig~redto itrsure efficient opera-
wnlergslrould be provided with n lllerlns to wnste tlre distillate when I
tion nrrcl the ~)rocluctionof n potnble wnter wbicll confonr~sto the
it is unfit for 11se.
Ylrblio Henltlr Service D r i n h h ~ g1Vater ,Ytandu~ckn. Overboard water l
(2) Low-preaa~tre~ t t ~ i t a Lo\r-~)ressi~re
. or purtinl-vncuum distil-
wlriclr is to 1,u treated o ~ rvessels slror~ltlbu taken fro111nreua ~elativcly
latio~r~)lurrts,wlriclr ol~erstewit11 pressureu lower tllnn nt~xlovplierioin ,
free fro111c o ~ r t ~ r ~ n i ~ ~1i11i1
n t i opolli~tio~r.
~r 1 J y ~ ) u s slror~ld
s ~ ~ not be ia- I

etnlled arouncl t r e n t ~ ~ r eu~rits,
~ r t except wlrero lrecesslrry n s pnrt of the
tlantme~rtprocess. A suficient srrpply of v i t ~ ~irnd l frugile yurts of
the boiling clrnrnlers, slroulil b so designed tlrnt they \\.ill consistently
pwtluce writer contninisg I Inore thn~rone-fourth groin (4.8 p.p.m.)
of suliuity per gallon, from sea \rater. h plnrlt of this type ehould
1 1I
tlie t reut~nz~rt uppnru tus should be nvnil~~ble. be equippecl with a lo\v-~-~\~rge, electrical srrlinity indicator for deter- I
I River writer should be distilled before rise ns potnble wuter.
nlining. the salinity of tlre distillnte nt n point beyorld the final con- I
\Vater clrn\cn fronr n1-errs in tile G I - ~ Lnkes, I I ~ \ r l ~ i c nre
l ~ ~olntively

free fro~rrcont nminntio~r,if properly disio fccted will be acceptable
ue l)ot~rllewo ter.
'Clre \vntel.-slol*ngecapacity ill co~r~~ectiorr wit11 u purificution system
derlvltte cooler. A flow-divelsion vnl\?e should be provided to divert I
tire flow of muter from tlre potuble-11-nter system \vllen the snlinity of
the distillate exceeds one-foilrtlr gruin per gr\llon (see fig. (1). This '
vnlve slrould openite i~lstarrtn~reo~~sly, nrrtl slroulcl be controlled by a

slror~ldbc ns reco~n~nendecl in section A, item 6.
\\'he11 overlonrd writer is tre~rtedon bonrd, the dischurge of sewuge . s~rlirritycell. T h e electric111control for this vnlve sllould bq so or-
(in relnlion to the \rnter intnke) should be ns spmified in scctio~l(3. rnnged Hrut the vnlve !rill opernte regardless of the positiod of the '
I ite~u8. selecto~* switclr on tlre salinity-i~rdicrrtorp~r~rel, u~rdtlre Row of nnter
11. Diufiltatiott. -4 distilli~rgplu~rtwlrich srrpplirs ~vaterto the slro~rlclbe cliverted from tlre potnble-\vnter syete~n\vllen the current
1I ~)otublu-\vnIersyste~uslro~~ltl he of such tlesigu t lrnt it will produco is oll. I n edtlil ion, u r r nlrrl.~rrsl~or~ld be pro\-ided'to \Turn tlre operntor
1)olrblc \vster coasiatently. whet\ tire salinity of the co~rtlenscrleexceeds one-fourth grain per
I gnllorr.
1'1.oviuio1r sllor~lclbe mtrde i ~ tlre r evu1,olaror to p~.ave~rt flooding rind
to rnirrir~rizefoa~rringo r carryover of \vrrtcr iuto the tlistiller coacle~rser. When evicle~rceis llrckilrg of the clel)e~rtlabilityof ri low-pressure
'l'lro S ~ V I I I Icoil
~ or tubes in the evnporaring clru~rrber,nnd the cooli~rg pln~rtto prodoce wuter of olre-fourtlr grallr s ~ ; l i l r i llrnder ~ operuti~rg
t.c,ils i l l tire tlisliller collelelrscr n~rdt l r ~vorrclerrsnte cooler, slrould be co~rtlilio~rs, or wlren fresh- o r brnckislr-\vnter feed is used, one of tire
13 . I . I . . . .. p .. . . I .
tlb~~ItL~ .;II;, .
. I , , , ~ ~ I , ~I ~ ~ I ; P I , id
operutiag eficiency of the feeder. A co~rl~llrrcinl testing kit for deter- '
nrining the cldorine resicluul sJrould be obtai~~ecl\~-itlr tlie hypoclilorina-
tor. Waste dluinage - from tlle clllorinntor should discharge - to the
druinrrge systea~tlrrorrgll nn nirgnp. 'i " -

' Wlien \vlite~\is trelrte(1 regulnrly by cl~lorinutiou,1)rovisioe should

be ~~raclu for 11 b11l1udlloltIirrg tn~rlrof sullicient cnpacitp to provide n
auitnble c o ~ ~ t nperiod ct for tile clllorirle snd \vnter (see fig. 7). This
period of co~rtlrct~llorrldbe provieled before nny \\*nter is delivered to
tIie,next successive trerltme~ltunit or to tlre clistritiution system, and

SALINITY CELL7 11: should be coriputed on tlre bnsis of nllrsi~riumrnte of flow t l ~ r o i ~ g l ~

Wlrs~irr uormul dosi~geof cltlorirre is al)pIietl, the contnct period
rrllor~ltlbe 11t lellst 20 ~ i r i ~ r ~ ~witht e s ,n resultru~tf ~ o clllorine
e residulrl
VALVE of 0.2 y.p.ln. When superclrlorination is practiced a contact time

of 6 ~ o i ~ ~ uwith t e s 3 p.p.111. of free clrlorirre residurtl is reqoir-ed.
Sr~~)ercl~lorirratccl water nrust be declrlori~~r~ted
chlorir~er a d re~iclel.the \vrrter pnlatnble. Declllori~rntio~~
to renlove excess
lnny be nc-
corrrplisl~etl either by introclucirig tlre proper r;rilouat of reduciiiy
uye~rtssr~clr11s socliu~utlriosulfnte, sotliuo~sultite, or sodit~nlbisulfite,
ur by prtssirrg tlte rrett!r tl~rouglr g1.11nulrlr ~rctivnted cnrhon. The
latter 111etliw1is usu~illy1)1.11cticecIolr slriphnrtl Ly \rater c o ~ ~ t ~wit11 ict
a bed of C I I I - ~ O IiIl l a pressure-filter type utrit. All such cleclrlorinnto~s
trlrolrlil bu equil)l)eil wit11 n st CIIIU coturcct iolr at .the bottour, because
neglocled units inrry becorrle incubntors of after-bjronrth bacterin. All
carbon particles slroulcl Iw herrted to nt Ierlst 1115O F. drrily for,sntia-
( a ) blailrtain r ten~perirtiircof 185" I?. or Irigher for 7 seconds o r flrctory co~ltrol. Declrlori~~ntion nlrry ~rccomplishedterminnlly by
lrrore ill the boilillg chrrn~her,or nn clemerrt type filter (if ncceptnbly co!;$tructed) \ r i t l ~ o ~sten]; d ron-
(b) Pro\.itle for Ireatirg the distillate to 16.5" F. or l ~ i g l ~ efor r 7
nections. ' ~ e c h l o r i n a t i nunits
~ c l designed on the basis of 1
s l ~ ~ u ltie
s e c o ~ ~ord surore, or
grrllon per lninute pee squnl-e foot of stirfnce nren for encll 10 incl~es
(c) Yru\*irle fncilities for rrdsqunte clisinfectiorr of l l ~ edistillute.
of depth. \Virile rlrtes i l l excess of this I I ~ I I Ybe lrr~ndleclia new filtels,
I b. Chlotv'~rution. \Vlreu wt~teris to be regirla~.l!. diui~rfcctecllvith' a

i clrlori~re,tlrc clrlorinr! slror~lclbe rrpplied in rlre for111of a Irypochlor-ite VENT

: s o l ~ ~ t iusi11g
o ~ ~ ,n co~~ln~ercirrl l~yl)oclrlori~rntor \ lins bee11 clesijped
to produce the reqr~iretlcl~lo~.i~re resiclu~rls. It is rlesirrrble to 11pl)ly
tlle clrlo~.i~~u i l l direct yrol)ortio~lto t l ~ ci ~ ~ s t ~ r ~ r t ~flow-rnte r ~ ~ e o vofs the
\\-lrter beiug tre~rted. Tlrert! furc, 1\11 atrtouvrt ic., ~)roportio~raI-colrtrol
ly~)orlrlori~~irtw d;o111clbe vsecl. It sllorrlcl be colr=~ nlcted or equipped
so t1111t the flow of t l ~ cIrypoclrlorite sulrrtio~r1111r.vbe ohservccl. Its
caprrcity slrut~ldbo tleterrrri~retlo ~ rtlre bl~sisof the I I ~ I I ~ ~ I I I Irille I I I ~ of
llo\c of \VII ter ~ r ~ i cthe l t reirt ~rlc~rt r.equirctl l o ~)ro~lur.c 11 a~tiuf~rctorj
clrluril~urcaiclu~ll rot less tlrali 0.9 p.l).lrr (if free clrlorir~eaftor 20
itti1111cc.s clrlrr~tiurror. 9.0 I).~).IIL of c l ~ l o t ~ iitfrc~.
~ ~ ~:j~l~ottlv
i ~ ~ tleter~tior~).

-1 ~i1111pli11g W v I i s l ~ o ~ ~ h l)ruvi~le~l l i l l 1111 ~ ~ ~ ) ~ , l)l~~co~ ~ u ill~ tlre

, ~ i ~ ~ t e
\ . r . . r ....,..I.: .... r . . . r . . . . . . . . . I . .8 r I. t t . . 1 n * a m
f d5
'I'II ~ ! i i j i l ~.liil l,i,i...i ,~ l.i.,,l ~ l 1i l l l i l , i i l l l ; ~ i I I ' l i I ~ ~ ~ li~ ~ . ~ ~ l ~ ; l l l ~ I ~ ~ ~ i l ! i ~
!!!!: : t : ;
! :j!i . i::~i:{.:~ 1 i 1
1 ;
ii I ! I l i
, - L ~ ~ ~ i'j'/'!l.: iiIll. :
! . . . : : . : . , ;.
,iliiiilii ! 1 ~ 1 l1 ;1i,.:,. I l!! 1 . : 1::
i .:il;!liii
: l : l : I i

I , I
i!l ill
. I ij I,

tlre ability of c ~ r r h nto retrrovo clrlari~reclecre~rses\vitll the pussnge of

tinre. (8) Sittce tlrere is no disinfecting tusiduel from ultraviolet, pro-
If tleclrlori~l~itioti is ellective Iefore the \cater etrters tlre distributioa vision slrar~lclb nl~rcle for the ndclitiutr of chloritre to the water
diatribrrtiott systetr~on n rolltine basis.
. nystenr, it is still desircttle to ~ttnintaina cltlori~reI-esiduel it1 the dis- (Dl hkxitllunr \\.ater depth frotn the tlrlb surhlce tlrroltglr tlre water - . -
tribution system. Tlrb m11y h accottll~lislredby I?ypassing a sttrull
slruuld not escecd 3 i~rclres.
I I I I I ~ U I Iof~ tl~e.s~~~r-cl~lor ~v~rter
i ~ t ~ ~trorrtrtl
~ t e ~ l tlru tlwl~loritr~ttit~g
d: Filtration. Filtrntion slloulcl be used o~rlywhen it is n neceeeary
pnrt of 11purification systetn \vhich includes n bnctericidnl treatment.
c. Uft~~irviulet. Ultl.llviolet liglrt is at\ awc.ul)t~~blu disitt fwtua t for Filtrutiotr of potuble I~nter,tlrrouglr cllnrconl, pctivnted cnrbon, or .
wuter tritl~itrcertuin limitations. other types of filter, is consiclered unnecessnry escept.for dechlorination
Ultr~tviolutis not acceljt~tble11s tltu sole t rcat~~~uttt of river \\;uter, purl)oses. F~ritcetutrd other types of ten~~innl filters often collect and
or \~ctterwith a high org~rniccontent. Turbidity R I I cert1~i11 ~ COIOI~ uccelernte the growth of bncterin, nncl the stor~lgennd manual insertion .
11lsoham 1111 i~rterferingullect. of rel)lt~certblefilter eletllelrts nrny be n nreclns of introcli~cingcontanrinn- '
Xo I ~ y ~ ~nrortt~dt s s tlru r~ltr.avioletclisi~rfuctiorlrrlrit will h ~wl-111itted. tiotr. Ileceuse of tlrese potcnt in1 Irealtll Ilnznrds, tlre use of terminal
'I'l~erlltra\.iolet uait sl~ol~ltl ~,rotlrrceliglrt witlr 11 ~)culiinlerlsity of filters is cliscourttged tttlless some tirerlns is provided for disinfecting
2,537 -111gstroll1 units. 1lulLs slrorrld LH! j~rclictetli l l q~rartzor vycor yo tlre Altering nrediil trfter insertion t111dperioclicnlly thereafter. If re-
t l ~ c t Lt i tet~tpe~alttru tterlr Jt)B0 1'. is trrrri~rl~rir~ctl i r t tlru bulb ivall. Pro- plnce~rblefilter cartriclges nre utilized, provision niust be rnnde for
visiorr 11i11stbe ~nl~cle for frequent cleutriag of the esterr~nlsurf~iceof clenning ntlcl clisinfectitlg tlrrlt 1)ottiotl of tlie clistribittion systetn sub-
tlre bulb j~rckets. T l ~ eilllit trlust $6 designetl to pt-ovicle nn energy jected to ~nnnilalcotrtnminntion.
dusa of tit J ~ t i i1,OOO ~t ~ i ~ i ~ ~ ~ w i t t t pcr - ~ eq cu oa r~e tce~rtiltreter
l~ uL all Water thut is lorrdcrl fro111npproved sources through cloan, separate
points throughout the wuter chamber. hoses nntl into properly constructed n~rd~nairrtainedstoruge tanks
ellould not rcquire filtlation. I f filtrr~tionis uecessnry, it sllould be
'I'lre fullo~vit~g cor~troluIIIW t l ~ urrtitritrlurrt Irecessary to ~tclrieveproper
acconrplislred with npprot-eel types of pressure filters after adequate
~ ~ J L ' ~ I I OF I~U I I11Itr11~~i~lc1
1111 d i s i ~ ~ f c ~ triltt rtigt : ptwtt-c~rtrne~rt.\Vltere tlte plrsstu-e type filter is used, tlre filter-
( 1 ) -111 a u t o ~ ~ ~ aIluw t i o corrtrol vrllve otr the line to or from the ing medin sllould consist of nt lenst 24 inches of suitnbly sized hard filter

unit tv restrict tho fIo\v t11rotrglr tlre i l l l i t under 1\11 operuting con-
clit ions to ao tno1.e tltnn its nrtecl cnpncity.
(2) An nccurutely c~tlibr~lted nnd 1)rope.rly filtered illtensity meter
sknd, or other suitnble filtering mnterinl, supported eitjrer on a poroue
stone filter bottom or oa n 12-inch bed of grnrel. Them alloul$ be B
free bonrd space above the snnd of not less thnn 24 inches.
/ :,
! .

to conti~ruously nlerlsuro tlre ultraviolet irnrdiat ion renclling .the Tlle optillturn rate of flow through annd or qunrtn should not exceed I
i f~rrtl~est ljoitrt i t t tlte unit f w n 111eLuIL or bulbs. 2 gtrllo~rsper minute per squnre foot of filter bed nren. A method for i ;
(4) -1volt~~reter to i~~clicrrto line voltilgu ot the unit. nutomaticnlly controlling the rnte of flo\~should be provided, such '
ns 1t putnl), tlte nlnxinrutn disclrarge of \vllich is not grenter thhn the I
i (4) An electricnl circuitry coupling tlre ultmviolet intensity meter
10 It ~ ~ U Idivewiotr
I YIIIY. U I I ~1111101) ~111tt01rswitcll. Wl~ent l a ultra-
violet itrte~rsityclmps lalow t1111tt~ecess~rry to nclrieve tlre minimum
rntecl cnpncily of tlte filter.
Bnckmsl~isg.with n-nter of a qunlity at lenst equnl to thnt of the j .
I filtrltte slro~~lcl
be ncco~nplislleclnt n rnte of n t lenst 16 gnllons per min- I
11,000 rnicro~rntt--tieonclsper squnre cetrti~neterfor disinfection, tlre
I ciiauitt.y slrottltl crtuse the utrit to 11uto111111icrrllj divert flow from tho ute per squnre foot of filter bed nren for n period of at lenst 10 minutes. f
I potal~lu\\*ater systerl~feed l i ~ l utl~t.o~tglr 1111 air-g~rp.
Tlrtl filter slroulcl be equipped with n loss-of-Iread gtiuge, to itldicnto
tlre need for bnclcwnslring the filter meclin.
! (5) X i-~ni~;i~ttr flow tlelrly should Ln, rlrsigned into tlre circuitry to
rtllolr cutrt~)leteirnrllr t11) of the LuIbs Lrfol-e \\.~~ttlr is delivered to the
The vnlve nast or multiple port vnlve con(ro1ling tlte operntion of
! be desig~ietlso tltnk Ilre filter crr~rnotbe bypnssed t~nless
tlre filtel~sllo~rlrl
1 potuble \vllter systenr \\*Iltl~ltlre clisi~lfe~'ti~~,v 1111it is ft-st ~rctu~rted or the writer is preclllorinatecl nnd filtrrltion is not, in fact, n necessnry
f follotvi~r~ aey rutonintic: iulernrptiotr. part of the purificrltiotl process.
(6) An c~urliblenlnrnl lo \v111'11 of nny ~~trrl~tt~rctio~r causing\~tl
of tlre u ~ ~ i t .
( 5 ) I'roriniotr s11o111tlIN! I I I I I I ~For ~ ~ ~ ~ I\-lletr it is
~ l ~ . i \ i 1~ I lr0 i 1111it
Wash water rney be piped into the hospitul or other medical-tmt-
Section 8. WASH-WATER SYSTEM tnent space tor use in hydrotherupy, ond for any other purposea except ;
handwashing, medical cure, nnd d r h k i ~ ~ g .
1. GENERAL. A single wuhr systenr, supplying potable water for Wash svuter sllo~rld~ ~beo piped t into the gnlley, pantry, or eculle~-y,.
drillking, cooking, dislr\vnsl~iirg,nblutioririry, Irospitul, n~rdluu~tderiag ercopt to a foal \rnslu-grinder eductor line where the delivery ; . .
purposes, sliould be installed tvl~enyructicuLle. IIowever, when a line is protected ngninst bnckfloa. .. , .
\vnsli-\vntet. system is installed ill iidditon to u potuble-water systern, 4. PURIHCATIONOF WASH WATER. If river water is to be Bltered I:
wash \vatel: rnuy be piped to slop sinks, lavntorieu, laundry facilities, before use for wnslritig purposes the filtrlition should be accomplished :!
buttitutm, slioicurs, writer closets, Irose coni~eitotisusetl for dcck wasb- with properly designed pressure filters. Tlie filtering media ahodd. 'i
i i ~ gpiirl~oseu,cirrtl otlrer sl~ecialuscu, 11s iirdicutetl irr i l e ~ 3,
~ i l~Ao\v. consist of at lerrst 24 inches of Irnrd properly grnded filter snnd, or
All wnsli \vnier f~iucetvslroiil(1 l ~ eclearly urirl ~)c~.ruurrerrtly labeled, other suitable filtering ~nnteriul,supported eitlrer on a porous stone
UNPVC YO11 D I t l N I I I N U . filter h t ton1 or oil u 12 inch Led of g~lrvel. Tliere slr6uld be a free-
Orent Lrikes \vriter is take11 fi.0111 arccis uiiciffectetlby slrore or vessel board spwe r~bovethe sund of not less tlinn 24 inches.
r:ontat~rinrttio~i,is gelrerally sritisfnctory to use 11s tvnsh water without Tlio optinium rute of flow tlirougli the rnedia slrould not exceed 9 '
prior troatnrent. Wlieii wntcr for wasliing p i ~ r isp to~ be ~ taken
~ gallons per minute per square foot of filter bocl area. Some method .
frorrr rivers, equiprrierit slcorrlil be instnlled to provide fdtrtion and for nutoliiuticully controlling the rote of flow slrould be provided. a
diui~rfuctio~r prior lu use. \Vlielr wrislr lvnter is to be taken fro~irnc- Coirtrol rrrrry be uclrierecl wit11 n piitrip, tlre maximum: disclrnrge of
cc;l;table v!!ar& POIIL.I:~Y,
storeye ttirrlcs Itley Lu lilletl tlrt~ouglrtlru poluble wlricli is irot greuter t l i c i ~tlre
~ rrrted cri~~ricityof tlro filter,
wuter. filliirg syshtn providutl ttir uir g ~ r pis iilutallecl irr tlio fillirrg lLie Suclr\:.asliir~g\.vir!l \!-li!er of n qi~rrlityat lerrst equnl to that of the RI-
to the ~viisllwuter systear. trrrte slrould be rrccomplislrecl at n r~rteof rrt least 16 gallons per minute
I; 2. STORAGE TANKS. ~ r n s l ~ - w a t e r - s ~ ntnriks
r g u slrol~ldbe so con- per sqlrwe foot of fillel- bed area for n period uf at Ieast 10 minutea . 1
The fi her slioulc! be eqrripl)ed with n loss-of-l~encl gnuge, to indicnte tlre
dructed as to ~irini~trizc tlio possibility of the writer tlrurein becoming i
need for buckwrrslritrg tlre filter media.
colrtiitni~ruted. Double-bottotii, fora'nri uft pe~lli,wirlg, ulld topside The valve nest or mirltiple port vulve corltrolling the oyerntiorr of

tuaks and tuiILs with airlea cormiiorr lu otl~erroayotnble-~valart u h , hl~efilter slrorrld be designed so that the filter cnnnot be bypassed unlese
are sntisfoclory, provided tlrrit no druinliires pnss tlirouglr tlrenr (unless
I provided with ncceptrible, sslf-druiniirg tunlal), that t h q have cov-
the water is chlorinnted nnd filtration is not, in fnct;a necessnly part
of the purificntion process.
ered mrurlroles, rrncl thirt nll sounding tubes nre cnppd or plugged. 'L
\Vl~enR d w k forms tlre top of a mnslr-~vntertnnk, rrll opening should
be curbed uncl covered. Tho tnnlrs slrould be uclequately prdected
uguinst the bl~cliflo\\ror diwlrrirgo thereto of bilge or corrtnniinated
3. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. Tlre distribiitio~r li~leu, inclucbng the
siictiorr liirev of n \virslr-\rater piu~rp,slroulJ not be connectal clirwtly
to the fire, bilgo or; any otlrer coritnminnted wiiter systeti~
Tlte sirctiort line to n \ca3li-water l)iirrip sl~ouldbe so locnted ns to
pl.avent its sirbtnergeece in bilge 11.11 tor.
Wuulr-\\.nter lines sho~rldbe ~)rotectetlugainst backflow, in u matrrler
siinilnr to tlint I-equired for llotuble wrtter 11s specified in sectiorr GI
iiL!ll1 li.
~I-OIII falling tl~roughthe holes u ~ t dsenals. I\Iren perforuted slrcuts the toilet f a c i l i t i and include hot and cold running trnter, potnl~leo r , 1
rtw used i ~ rtl~r,decklle~rdunder a fibrius t j p e of sound-lrbsorbing or w u h water, single service paper o r cloth towel dispenser, o r eleotrio ; I

irlsulnting rr~uteriul,11 close-rrreulr, ~ r o ~ ~ c o ~ ~ ~ bf u~s~t bi lrsl~ould

~i cl e be in- hot-air drying mnolrinw, a suit. ble soap, detergent, o r otlmr acceptable ;, '
terposed between tlre Hbrons muterial nnd the perforated slreut to pre- cleansing a p n t , nnd n permnnent s i p in the toilst spnce cautioning
v t ~ particles
t of the fibrous rn~hterialfro111til~uringtlrrough. Tlre etnployces to \vosli lrnnds. I!
no~lconrbustiblefubric lnriy be ritlucl~ecleitlter to tlre irrsula~~t-iibsorle~,t 1 Han!wasl~ing facilities should also be provided in t11e food p r e p a n - !
o r to tlre upper fnce of llrr prrfora t etl slreet. Or Ircr nrr~l~rger~re~rts III~I~ t'io~larena listed belo\v f o i use b~ the pelsonnel working in thcae arena
I b~reeptdupo~~npylie~~tio~r. 'lo keep (Iteir 11a1lcLY c l r n during their activitisaj Them fedlitiea I.
3. PIPING IN DECKHEADS. P i p s iu ur~sl~eatl~ed deckheuds over
~I~odld'includa (Ire u b v i upiurtenancaa except onIy hot and cold pot- I ,

~ p u w \\:Irere
s food is sto~.rtlor preptrretl, or wllcrr r~terrsilslire \vyslletl, uble weter slrould be used, and a permanent uign rending, waeu naNw i
or over ~)orliollsof sl~accsfro111 ivlriclr foot1 i; regulnrly dispc~rsctl, O E ~ - E X ,slr0111d LH loc~itedover the Invatory. Tlriy wording should be I
1 should be insr~lrledif co~~tlr~rsntion is likely to f o r u ~~ I ll~cur.
I used, also, wltere a conrnlon Iavntory serves both the toilet facility and
Ths passugu of dr*ai~l~rge lilres ill the i l e c k l ~ e ~of
~ t lfood
j sl)rtccud~ould the food prepuration spncr. Iiand\rnsl~ingfrtcilitiw should be pro-
le avoidecl where possible. lIrl~ereiuravoicl~~l~lr, they sl~ouldLo con- vided uu follows :
atructcd n3 specified ill e e c t i o ~G~, iterrr 8. 8. Colltrul conr~nissnry(wvernl lt~vrtories may be needed when die- '
4. DRAINAGE OF SPACES. Deck druirrs slrould be provided in all stuncc, purtitions, or otlrer obstacles ~riightimpede convenient use of
~pncoswlrere tlecks rrro s~~bjectccl t o tloodi~rgtype c l e ~ ~ ~ ror i r ~wlrew
g tlre fncilitics).
norrr~el~ operntio~~s rclense or tlisclrnrge rvaler or otl~er.licluitl \vastes b. !~r(~ivblunli;nlleys, rullerirr, bnkcn a h o w butcher
u r the deck. Dr~iinageglitters luay Lc used, provitlrtl tlr~rttl~uynre
ahopr, y!!!l ytb.e~lille prepnrnt~on .. rooms.
ao locrrted as to he e a s i l ~sccesuible for c l e a r ~ i ~ ~Igf. cowel. ~~lr!!esaru Slop s i ~ r ! iiiiiil
~ wuliel-y s i n l ~ stiro not sntisfnctory ne hnndwaahing ,
i~letnlledover the gutterivay, they slroulil be ensily rernov~rble,nrrcl facilities.
ellould l a mude of Ircavy, flut, erpn~rcledlrletnl o r perfo~.~\tcd pl11te. 7. WATER SUPPLY. Only potable \rater should be piped into spaces
Declc dr~iinsslrould h locrrletl in the lo\\- poir~tsin 11 space. I)r~rir~ wl~erefootl is stored, prepnred, o r served, except for food waste-
locatio~rtlesig~rs l ~ o l ~ lco~rsitlur
tl shenr 1111tl cllrr~l~er ~ r ~ p~e rt ~l ~ ~ ~ r t~rill1
rerrt grinder ednctor lines as noted in section E, item 10. Tlre potable water
a ~ r dlist. Deck d r n i ~covers
half inch (nee fig.17).
~ s110~11cII~tiveno o p e ~ ~greutcr

Drains from refrigornted spnzes slrould 1 ) protected

flow, us indicnted in section G,iten1 11.
i ~ ~ g tlrnrr one-

systenr slrorrld l u protected against backflow, us reconlnlended in sectior,
(3, i tern tl.
8. LIGHTING. All working surfnces in spucea whe& food o r drink

5. INSECT SCREENS. An effective means should be provided for

the exclusion of insects from spnces in wlricl~footl is stored, prepnred,
or mrvetl. S c r e e ~ ~ i n\vlricl~
g, is c o n ~ ~ r ~ ousetl
n l g for this purpose, sl~ould
is prepared, or wlrere utensils are clenned, sllould be p r o v i d e with
illun~i~rntiorr of not less tllnn 20 foot-crmdles. This standard of lighb'
ing does not apply to the dining arens. Storage rooms should be

be riot less tlran 18-~aesl~, preferably of corrosion rcsistnr~trrraterinl.

Door screens slrould be self-closi~~g.Skylights \\*lriclr nre located
lighted s u f i c i e ~ ~ t ltoy promote cleanliaess and to fucilitate sanitary
o l ) e r ~ions
~ t (10 foot-candles alinimurn) .
9. VENTILATION. All spaces in which food is prepared o r &red .
*!! 8 -

nbove food splices, 111rclwlliclr crrlr be ol)r~~rcl, slror~ltlbe ecluipped iVitlr

i ~ r m screens
t wlrich rlre er~silyrerno\-al)le for cleaniog. All screens ~ i n dlrtensils washed, nnd nll toilet spnces should tre ventilated sufficient-
rrhoulcl be tight-fitting. ly to be reilsonnbly free of disagreenble odors nnd condensation. Natu- !
Forced-drnft-ventilntionopc~ringsillto food spnces do rot require rul .\~entil~~tion al~ould be n ~ p p l e ~ n e n t eby
d mechnnic~lventilating
illsect s c r e e ~ r i ~if~insects
g nre otl~erwiseercl~rtlttl. Tight-filtir~g,self- s y s t c ~ ~ usu , ~~rccled.Louvers, filte~s,or registers a t ventilation ter-
clwilrg louren -should be inslrrllecl in t Ire out lrrs of fvrt:cd-drnf t-er- ~rri~rnls in food repur urn ti on nrees should be reudily removable, without

haust openi~rgs. tools, fot.cle~rui~~g. Wing 1111tso r sanl)-o~rdevices are recommended f o r 1 ' .
6. TOILET AND LAVATORY FACILlTlES. ~ t l e ~ u d toilet te fllcilitic?s this purpose.
should be lorrted convenient to food prepnrrt ion spaces. Toilet roonls Ver~tilnt.ionlroods in food spnces sllnll be designed to prevent grease
should be adrquntely ventilnteil. Toilet room doors opening dircctly or contlenst~luf ronl tlripping into food o r onto food preparation Bur-
l d be placed
f u c ~ ? ~R. ~ c l r sfor the stosrtlgo of cooking vessels s l i o ~ ~not ..
~' 3 into food prepnratiorr - .
or servirlg nrees sl~oudbe self-closing rrntl tight
. ... . . - . . .. .. .. .... I .... . I .. . 1:1 I ! . I. . 1. ?A
10. DISPOSAL OF REFUSE. Dfennu slrould be provide11 for the snni- corupnrt~ue~rt a t 170° F. or Iiigl~erdrrring dislnvnslring operntion.'
tr11.y storrrge rr~ltldispossl of refuse.' If grrrbuge crr~rsure used, v tlcjiy- This rlrrry be ~~cco~rrl)lisl~etl \\.it11 orle of I he fol lo\ving deviceo:
nrrted space, o r areii slroulcl be provided for \vuslriug gnrbrrt~ecruru u ~ r d.
(11) ..\ slerrrn or eleclricirll!. Irentetl j~rcket uncler or nroil~idtlrc
slrorrld irrclude steurri or lrot \\-titer rulder I)ressure, 11 lrose ec~u~pl)et\ wit11 Colll]~lLrr lllellt.
~idjust~ible spmy nozzle, nrrd u scrub bruslr. (1) S~cirnrcoils i v i lrirr ~ the comprrl nrerit pr-o\*idecltlrnt t 110 unii. i s
1 f potcrble water or \viisI~11-11 tor is utilized UCI:CI)~ 11bl0b~~ckfloiv [)re- .~.rr~rov;rl)ln o r ru~trrivc lo 11 vertical ~)osirior~ f o r rorrtiae clenning.
vurrturu, ~l~ountclcl nt leust 4 i~rzl~eu ubovu tlru llood luvel of wry cull that (c) .$ ~.~rrro\.rrWc,i~,lrnersio~r-l>.pc,electric~il unit in llle cam-
~trriybe tvaslrecl in tlre space slror~ldbc l)~.ovidetl.'Tlrc lrosc nozxle slror~ltl ~"lrllllclrt.
not be adjustable to n co~upletelyclosed positiur~. '
( d ) Orre o r 1rrol.e sterrlrr i~rjector-srrt the bottonl of tlie coa~prr&ment,
Only potnble \vnter slroirlcl be intruducecl into tlre I~opprr,or tho irrs111IIet1irr srrclr 11 i11;~trcr11s to elfect llroro\rgli nlisi~rgof steam and
grirlcler bocly of food tv~rste-yrirrdersor clisyosril units locrited irr r I ~ I I I3oilrr . sre;rllr is ~ I Iisfactory I for !~sein this connection.
scullerieu or nny service nren. 0verbonr.d tvnter or wnsli Sleirnr irrjcclors sllr~llbe self-tlrnirring.
wirter eductors nlay be utilizctl in tlre I r o r i z ~ r ~ tilisclr~rrge ~il lirro fro111 (0) A steau~o r electric recirc~rlntion unit attached directly to the
srrclr gri~\clers01' disl)os~tl~r~;its.Ove;.board or wuslr ivrter supljlieu I~rclericitlal 1 1.e11lrr)errt co~iil)art~)reut.
rrruy bu usecl i ~ rfood ivrrste-grirrt1rl.y wlricl~rlre i~rstrrlletlirr arcuu otlrer \\'l~err 1104 tvaler is r~:ccl ns Ore I j ~ ~ ~ l e r ~ i cngent, i d n l the trentlnent
I ~ I I I I I food
I spirces. :\crcptrible vacu~~rrr bre~rliersor ~ r i r~ I I I I Y s110i11~1 b~ col~rl)i~rI~rler~t. s l ~ o ~ ~Irol t11r.ovitlec1
l \vi~lr11 lI~e~.r~ro~nelcr wlricli is ncourrte
irrstnllccl UI tlre s ~ ~ p p llirres y to food tvastu-gri~rtle~u o r cclrrclors llrrt to i v i l l ~ i ~So r V., I I I I ~011 \\.lric11 ~ l r esrrrrle not Inow tlrrri
nre lluslred with potr~bletvnter or rdr~ctorsulilizirrg \r-asll-\rater. All 2" I;. '1'11~ Ilrcnrro~r~clcr slroald Ile of lllc dial type, wit11 the din1
gru1111(1 looil \t.nstr slrlill bc discllrr rgccl to llru su\vagu trc~rtrrrc~rL irrril. I I I I I I C ~ lo I ~ ~111c ~ sl,l~rsl~ ~jl~rte of r 11es i l k or to (Ire adjoining balkl~end.
11. EQUIPMENT, Utn!!sIls irni! equ!pr::c?:rt dro11Ii1bo so dt:sig~i~(i,
Lliricnred,ascl inrlnllrd ns tu be free of siinit~rrytlcfe~tstvlricJr ~)rcse~rI
I f r~coess~rri
sllorrl(l be ~.c~r~ovrrlle
Lor c ~ l t : r r ~ r i r ~I)rrrsl)oschs,
f roll1 I Irc sink.
u I I I U (11~1~1111il-irn1neroIo11

11 l~e~rltlr ~ r t l to scctiorr F).

I ~ i ~ z ~(refer ( 2 ) lly ilr~~rrcr.sio~~ ol' r lrc rrtt~~rsil c j r * c~tlrtil)r~w~~l fur nt lcnst 1 I I I ~ I I I I I C
I Ivhs l l l i r r r ito I:.) cl~lorirrcI~ritIrC O I ~ ~ A ~ nt I I ~lcnst
I I ~
are sevel-111ncceptnble ~~retlrotls of \vrsl~i~rg u~rtlbrctericitlrl-trerilr~rerrt 30 11i11'ls per' rrrilliorr of i l \ . l l i l l l l ~ ~ L !C'IIIOI-~II~) if I~~~)ocIrloritcs n1.u 11m1,,
of enting nnd clrinki~~g utensils. Tlre f ~ l l o \ ~ i r discussion rg of these OI. it c.orrcc~rl~.i~tio~r of ecl~rrrlI~crclericiclirlstrc~rgllrif c l r l o r ~ r ~ ~ ~nil ~r i e s
nretlrocls will provide si~llicierrtin fol.nrntion for the tlesigr and constrrrc-

,I t
ncceptnble facilities.
c.or~rl)irrt~rrerrt si~rl;slr;rll be ~)roviclctltvlrcr~cvcr\virslrirrg 1111tl
ructl. llritll Illis ~rretl~otl
LhC ~)roviclc~I-o~~e
Ilri1.11 fur clrlori~rr.
of 1)nctericidnl r r~cnl~ncnt,
v ~ r tfor \vnsI~i~rg, llrc seco~~cl
three r ~ l l ssl1oulc1
for rillsing, nnd tlre . 1.

tlrc eqrril)~lre~rt
of c.qr~il)rrrc~rt or r ~ t ~ ~ rrrc
~isetlfop I I I I I I I I I I I ~I V ~ I S I I ~ 111lil
~ s icor~ductctl

tvicltlr, irrrd tlel)tlr to ller~r~it

nut1 ute~~sils,

tllc co~l~plelc
nncl c~rclrc o ~ r i ~ ~ aof~ s~rclr
be supplied \\-it11hot nncl colcl runni~rgwnlcr. Dish bnskets shull be
I I ~ sirrritizirrg ~1)crirtiorrsSIIIIII bc of I I ~ C -
i ~ l r ~ r ~ e ~ .osii o. ~ r
~ t ~sirrlc
~ ~ s1111ll
(3). Equil~nentso desig~reclor: i~rstnlletlns to ~rrirkelrri~ilersioninr-
plactiurl n ~ r ybe give11 I)nctericidnl t r e s l n ~ e r ~ (8)
frorrr a Ilosc, wlren the slerlnl caarr I)e confined in the equipment; (b)
by 11I~oilir~g tlvnler rirrse; or (c) by s p r i ~ j i n go r s\\-nbbinguitll a mlu-
t : 1Titlr lire @team
t ion of i ~ lerrst t 100 p ~ r t per s ~rlillio~l chloriue. .-
provided nnd slr~illbe of srrch clesig~i11sto perrrrit coroplete irrrr~~crsion ( 4 ) Ally ot her nrcl lrod delenai~ird118 Ire Surgeon Gencml,' upon
of llre utensils a~rcleqrri~trre~rt corrr~)onerrlsljeing s~uritized. d f t c r uterr- nl)l)licrrtiorr of 1\11 o\vrrer. or*operntor of u co~l\-qnace,to h effective "
silv Ira\,e 1)eerr ~vrrslretl,rr~rdri~rsedtlrey slror~ltlbe subjectcul to lbucteri-
in 1110 bi~cte~~ic.idiil ~ I ' C I I ~ I I I ~ofI I ~~ ~ l e ~ r srbrrd i l s eqr~iprnent.
cilll~ltrestmerrt by orle of the follotvi~rgt ~ ~ e ~ l r o i l s :
( 1 ) By irr~arersior~ of the rrterrsil or cclr~ip~rrc~rt for rrt Icirsl oi~e-lrrilt Dislr~vuslri~r):~nnclri~res,i f r~sccl, slro\lltl be clesigned, installed?.
olwrirIcd, I I I I ~I I I I ~ ~ I I I I I ~ ISOI C t1111t ~ [Ire rile~~sils ~ t r c~-ende~.ed free of
I I I ~ I I I Ii ~~~r . c l e\\.atel.
~~~~ I I ~II le~rrl)errrturcof a t Icird liOO F. '1'0 ovcr-
visiblo soil, ~vrrsl~ u-11tcr nnd detergerr t, lenving then1 clenn, rensonab1y
corrrtr the loss of lrer\t fro111\vater0 in tlre I) ~ ~ ~ c i r r r nco~rr-
( l r ~ ' 1111tl
, free of oric11.u-orgirrrisrrrs ivlriclr p l o s e ~ ~al poter~tiullrenltlr
~ ) r i r t ~ a enr ~Ireati~rg
t Oevice slror~lilI)e i~rslalleil\vlriclr \\-ill be irltcgnrl
i ,\cccl)lrrljlc tlisl~\~ir~lrirry ~~rirclri~res r r e lisled ill Ilro "1,ist of
tvitll the cornpr\r-tnrer~t1111cl ~vlriclr,~ j r e f c r . a l ~slror~ltl l~ Ije therr~rostnt-
.\t.cel~trrblcEtluil)r~rerr~ for I~r~erstirle Cnrricr I.'se."
icrrlly corrtrolletl. Tlris tlut-icc s l r o ~ ~ lbe d ca~;rl)leo f : ( d l ) \\'iOri~r 5
Sc~.irl)l)i)r~ flrcililics al~or~ltl I>e ~)~.ovitlctl for rv~r~oving food particles
..., -6
r~ri~rr~tes r a i s i .~.~I gllc I rllrllernl 1rr.e of t lru t \ . i r l v ~ . i r r llrc ~.olrrl)tr~.t r)~e~rl f i I),n,.inr,;,brr f,rr.iliri~.: i f ntn.rr\-iclorl \\-ill m t r i n r l n i n ~ 11,-
\vesl~-tvateri l l a cler~rerc.o~iclitio~i; tlierel,~e ~ r l i a ~ ~ tlru ~ i oslfective-
g . - i
rress of tlra clislr\casl~i~~g ~rr~icl~i~re. :I
the \v~rnrreutzolre o t crlclr ref tigenttor, ~rrrtlsllor~ldbe placed where it I
T h e eUectivclress of a spritj-type disli\\~itslring~~rirclrinu is co~btingeat.
up011 severill hrctoru. S o ~ ~of r e lliese al-e ~ I I ~ I ~ I . CillI Itlreir ~ design untl
cltn be rend \\;it11 elwe. Tlie llrernloltreter scale divisions ehould not i
Lw, p e r t e r tlrall 52O F. o ~ l dtire thet-~rlorrretekshould 1m nccurute to ,
fnbl.icutio~r,wlrile otlterv clcpr~itlupo~rtlre proviuio~rof strtishrctory
uppr~rlelralrt'cquiplrie~rt ~ r ~ r tproper l ol,e~.~it
. i i 2 ~ l'lrern~o~netersneed brut be i~lstrllecto a deep-freeze
ion ir~rd ~ n ~ ~ i ~ r l c ~ i u n c o . r f r i r i o r s .I tl1er11ro11retcris riot reclr~ircdi n n smrll, eom~r~ercirl
A1no11gt l ~ uf~rctorsto Lt: co~~sitleretl 1tl.e rlre t e ~ ~ ~ l a ~ . irrrtl i r t ~v~orl c~ ~ l n e tefrigarnlor i~lte~ltled for ~)eno~rrrl we, suclr ns tlr~rtirrst~rlledin tlre
uf tlie rpplied w~rulri~lrtlril~sewittel.s; the tjlbe 111rtI C O I I C ~ I ~ ~ ~of~ I ~ ~ O I Iarplnin's pnlrtry.
detergent used; 1110 clea~ili~lesvnrrd rnui~rtenalrce of tha a!acllilie
(wlriclr; ill trll-n, aru rel~rtcclto its tlu~.ability~ r ~ relisa t l of c l e s t i i ~ ~ ;g )
tire tlrlr~ttionof tv11s11111rt1 13ilrse ~ ) e r i ~ ( Itlre s j s p ~ a ypa1tc1.11;i r ~ i c lllre
~rozalesizcs ii~rdol)cluti~rg~ ~ r c s s t ~ ~ .-1 c ssirtisfaclory
. tliulr\vasl~i~ry
( I ) I'rovisio~r for 111iii1111ti11i1rg the \ \ ~ ~ r s I ~ - \ \ ~ i ~ ii t c r I ~ I J I C I ~ i~l Il I ~
~ ilre
llio leirrl)eraliiru rliirg,rr! of 1-10" to lCiOO 1.: Si~rgle-la~rli convejor
~riirclri~res slr~tllbe 1)rovitIctl ~ v i t l i\v~~sIr-\\-irt~r of I I ~le~tstl(i0" F.
( 2 ) ~l'rovisio~rof 1111 ~itleqi~iite \r11ter SIII)I)IJ for I l l ( ! tlisl~\v~tslri~rg
o~mriition,tvitl~I\ tlel)el!tlaLlc ~) illl: rle\-icu (!low-co~rtrol
or ]w.etwirrc-rutli~ci~r;:v1111.c) i f ruclr~i~.ctl, to I I I I I ~ I I ~ I 15 ~ ~ Ilo I 25 1)0111rdu
of llbm pressrlre orr tlrr tilral-~*i~rse li~reat the 111it(41i1re, 1t11dnot lew
.thir~r10 pou~itlupersllual'c i~rclia t tlre 1.i11seIIUZZICS.
(3) Provisioo of ~ltlccli~~itu \vatc~.-lrc~~tiitg fi~cilities,\\-ill1 tlcl)c~rcl-
~rblutlrel.~~rost~rtic col~trol,lo rirtri~tt~ri~~ a t e ~ n p r l a t r ~ of ~ . e160" F. o r
~ ~ r o rilru tlre lilrrrl f~.rsli-~vrter ri~rseli~rea t tlre c ~ r t r ~ ~of ~ r llru
c e rillst!
~~rirlrifold OII IIIB 111ii~l1i1re.
(1) Provisiolr of lrlr ensily reaclirble ~ l r e l . ~ r r o ~ ~ for ~ e t ee~iclr
r tn~rli
nlrd tlre firrrrl rinse-tvirler line. 131rcl1ilre~-aror~reter slrould l m ~ r c c l ~ r r t e
to witlri~i2 O Y.
(6) 1'1.ovisio1~of sr~llicie~~t I'NCI~Y~ t ~ tclc~i~r-r~le~rsil-slor~rgu
tl nre* to
p e r ~ ~ rair
i t clryi~rg( u u i ~ ~ inl)~)r~t l l ~ 45 sec.o~rcls1wfo1-ure~rror~tl of r ~ t c ~ r s i l ~
froin rircks followilrg tv~~sl~ing.)
13. STOWAGE OF EQUIPMENT. P.rovision slrould bu mudo for the
sto\virge of 1111 11telrsil3ill 11 rlen~r,clry 1)lac.e libore llre tleck, for pl-o-
teclion agrillst. co~rta~~ri~ration. I ~ c k e ~for s sto\vrge of cleaning
nleteriiilu 111rt1e q i i i l ~ ~ r ~ s110111d e ~ r t be ~)roritlctlin or ntljnre~rlto tlre
fwcl ~)rel~rrntiolr slbacc. I)r~i\veruslrot~lclbe rc~~rovltblc, eltsily clerli-
able, ~rtrtlr r r ~ r t l i of
~ ~i~irtc~.ials tvl~icli rre i ~ ~ ~ l , c r v i o~r~rrl r ~ u col.rouio~r
resistittrt, Felt lilred tl~a\vers111.e!rot arccl)t sl~li..
14. REFRIGERATION. Refrigerutors for the storage of footls slrould
L J c~tpableof ri~aiiitiriiiiirgII ~ ~ I I I ~ ) P ~ I I I I I I .i Cr t 01' I J c I o \ ~ 45" Id'. 111 1111
tir~rcs. Iirle~.ior si~rfiicesof ~.ef~*igerir~ors hlrot~ltl I J ~s ~ ~ r o o l11011- l~,
~~l)sorleiit, e ~ ~ s icle~r~recl,
ly l r ~ l t ligI11
l cwloretl.
\ I ~ ~ I I I . I I I IS ~~ I IO ~I I ~~ I IIIJI'
~ II )II .~O II i111-11
. I I I i 1 1 1 l i 1 ; \ l i ~I (It. (I'III)II'I.~~I l11.1' i l l
.~CCTSSIBLE Ant.% is o~re'(hut cnli' he renclily e x p w t l for i~rspeclion
~rlrtl1wuper c!euaing \\.it11 tlre use of sinrple tools.
Section F. SANITARY DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, AND I$E.LUILY RE~U\-AOI.E 1)1rrts o r co~~rl)one~rts urn t11ose tlrnt cnlr be
disrisuernbled or ren~ooed\ritlrout tlre use of tools.
INSTALLATION OF VESSEL COMMISSARY EQUIP- Nox.\ssavu~sr B~.WKIII.\L is one tvhose surfnce is rcsistnnt to
MENT rrroiature po~~etnttiort.
1. GENERAL. These criteria pertrin chiefly to c~~stom-made or
D u n a u ~aroterinl
~ nnd constructio~lis tlrnt Irhiclr is nbleato.with- I
~turrd~rorr~rul use nnd ribuse. I
built-in equipment designed nnd fabricntecl by tlre sllipbuilders or rYowrus~c;1111\teriu1snru tlrostr wlricl~\\-ill not ilrtl-oduce lrnrmful or., I
their ssbcontrnctoru. C o n ~ ~ ~ r i s s ~equiporent rry to be purcl~used on
irrjurious ingrdionto or substnnces into the food. I
the ol)elr nrurket, suclr ns (lislr~vasl~i~rg nruclrines, foocl a ~ i s u ~ ntages
u, I
Ssrwrrr. T o be s~nootlr,th2 ~netnlsurfnceo shall have the following ,
rr11tl o t l ~ r rfood Ir~~nilli~rg, prep~rratio~r, or storlrgu erluip~rre~\t, sl~or~ld
LW3 p r o c ~ ~ r eonlyd if dee~r~etl accept~rl)le,for llrc prlrpose iate~~tled, 'by
( a ) Corrosio~rresistnnt rrlloys slrrrll Irure ~ r leirut t s No. 4 mill finish
tho Public Heultlr S e r ~ i c e . ~ Suclr ncceptarrre is b ~ ~ s eon d t t c~treful !
~ ) r o l ~ e rapl)lied.
review and ernluntiou of tlre equip~nentrrnd its cotl~l)o~re~tt ptrts und (1) C~rstiro~r,cnst u ~ r dforpecl steel, rind cnst nickel nlloy, in the

muterinl, to nscertni~r its freedo111fronr undesirnble sit~~itntion fen- Euoil areit, s l ~ ~ tIravu ll 11 surEace ~ O I I ~ I I I I P J S rot to exced Americnn
~ I I N Y ; i1s ~ ~ b i l i tto
y perform its sanilery f ~ r r ~ c t s~rlisfacto~-ily;
ia~~ nnrl KO.115.
its f ~ ~ c ifur l l ensy
~ cle~tni~rg. (c) Other 11let111s s l ~ ~ rbe l l 1tt leust 11s sn~ooth11sconinrerci~\lgrnde ,

1. DPFINITIONS. Foou is arry mw,cooked, or proceusotl edibla sub- rolled sheet steel 111rclfree of loose scale.
ehnce, lerersge, or irrg~~~lie!!t used or i!~tc~rtleclfor uscr or for aalu 3. M.I?TE!?!ALS. Pcmt! cn!!!!?ct s!!r_f~!cru!JI!!!E!"IuI~!!bu!d be carmion
in \rl~oleor irr purt for I I I I I I I coasun~pt
~~ io~r. resistuut, nontosic, nonnbsorhent, e~rsilyclenanble, s ~ n o o t land ~ dur-
F o u ~ - C o ~ ~ . iSGI~F.\CEI
cr ure tlrose s t ~ r b c e sof cqc~ipinerrt nnd nble. Galvrr~rieed~rletlilfor food cont~lctsll~.f~rces is not recosunended..
utensils \vitlr 11-hiclr foocl ~rorarallgcollres i ~ contnct, r v11c1tlrosu sr~rfncev Pnirlt sl~oaldrot be applied to these s~trfrrces. Cutting bonrds slrould '

with \vliiclr foocl nrng colrre in contact nr~dd ~ n i nbr~cko ~ t surf~~ceu o be of n mstel-in1 equal to, or better tlrnrr select lr~rldmuple.
~~ornlrrlly ill cqnt~tctsvitl~ food. Solcle~.,~ I I ~ ~I ~I s ens t l a food colrtact surface, slroi~ldbe limited t o .
i Coumos~oxRE~IST.\STJ~.\TERI.\Lis R 1111rteri111 \vlricIr ~n~rirrt~ri~rsits joinir~g ~netnl or serrli~rgseams bet\reen ~llruttilrgmetal surfacee; '
oriyi~~ltl surfuce clrnr~~cteristics urrder ~~rolongeil influe~rceof food, sl~ouldbe of suclr fornrr~lutio~r os to be lrontoxi~under use mndi-.(
I c l e r n i ~ ~compounds
g rr~rdsu~~itizing solutio~rs\rlriclr lrray corrt~rctit. tions; s l ~ o ~ ~co~ltnirrlcl rro rrrore lend tlrnn is necessnry under good
Eas1t.r CLE.~NIBLE is r e ~ ~ d i lnccessible
y ~rndof suclr m~tterinlancl n~~rnufuctnri~rg prnctice; 111rc1slro~~ld, consistent \vitlr good ilrdustrirrl
finish n ~ r dso fabricuted tlrnt ~-esidlrenriry be corn~)letely~ro~rrovad by l>nrctice ill tlre refinirrg of its constitue~rtelements, be free of cod-
n o r ~ r ~cleurring
al nrethods. uriu~n, n~rti~nony,bisnruth, nnd otlrer toxic m~rterinle. Welding
S r r r x o is free of cr~rcksor other ol)e~rings\rlriclr nray ~ x l n r i ttlre nrn teri~rls r~secl in welcling together noncorrosive mn terinls ehohd ;
reucler the \relcl nrert co~.rosioa~.esist:~~rt. 1
entry or 1)usurrgeof moisl we.
RL.\DILY ,\CCESBILII.L! pertains to ~rrelrsor S I I ~ ~ I I Ct1111t ~ S nre oy crtn lkI~rterinls, other t11111r tlrose n1re11d~wcepted and listed f o r urn
ba esposecl f o r c l e e ~ ~ i \rithout
~rp tlre l!se of tools. , 11s food cootuct strrfeces 01. co~rtaiaei*~: sllould be approved b j the j
Public I-Icaltlr Service before inst~~lli~tiott. Plastic, or other non- :
'A Ilat of acceytthle eql~ll~rlert bihvlr~gw ~ ~ ~ l t e r slp~lHcuncrlo~r Is ~ ) ~ r b l l s b e ~ l ~ ~ ~ e t n lnr~r
l i cterinls i~rte~lded for food co~rt~rct eurfnce use, will be
red dlstrlbeted arrr~ualt)-bf [lie Etlrrlpr~~rr~t
of equlpr~ieutnot furloll olr lbls l l ~ uruy
t h r u t ~ g hthe Ptrbllc LIrultb Servlrr R ~ g l o ~ l OfUte
nevlen I t t l v l t g , Iuterstuts Currler
Br*nc.b, Dlvlnlon ot E u r l r c ~ ~ ~ r i r s u tEullc g l n r e r l ~ ~ny~ i t lYootl IBrutc.ctlt~n.Itcii18
be ~ L ~ u c fur s I revlew
~ ~ 111rde v n l r l ~ ~ t l o ~ r
g currier cul~cerritrl.
s r r v l ~ ~Ibc
i l l rest ig~tted'to dcte~.~rri~re tlreir toxicologic status.
4. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION. Food co~rtncteurfnces should be .
Free of ol)en selrrlrs, crit~lis,or crevices nod slrould be easily clennable. 1
E x ~ o s e i lbolls, rrtrts, tl~rcuds,screw I ~ e ~ ~ tI lI sI .I ~rivets ure 11ot accept- '
r~ble011 tlrese s r ~ r f ~ ~ c eAll s . illtc1.11111 col-lrers in c q ~ ~ i p ~ ~slrol~ld
I J ~rorr~~clctl \ v i l l ~ 11 I I I ~ I I ~ I I ~ I I III' LI I ~ ~ I I of
S olre-fo~~rtlr i~rclr,nnd edges ..
0 1. . . . a la1 1.0. I;,,i<II,.,I .
,111, I , ( ) ,
for t r i ~ s hcleaning nnd provided witlr plug nnd drnin to fadlitate .
* I . . -- _
Soldel-od rrnd welded areas, trwd es food contuct surfacee, el~ould
b a~r~ootlr u11J durulle. l'l~edepositbtl lnel~rlsl~ouldbe fitrislrccl to llusbing nnd dnrilring of tlre wntor bntlr compartment. I

elitaiatiteslru.l, nngleu, cr~rcks,or crevice$. Sliding doom on gnlley ~ttldpantry equipment should. be removable
Fwd areas slrould be protected against leakage or seepage of . and their tracks or guides so fabricated us to be free of inaccessible
lubric~rntuor other ext rrr~~eous or foreigu tiul.;lat~ces. . openings or slots. 1,ower tracks should be slotted a t ends to,facil- '
1)rtrwors lrtld bins usecl ria foocl co~rtlrcttlut.flrcc.s til~ouldbu ~ t a d i l y 'it~rtero~novnlof dust 111lc1c1etl.i~. Equil)~~rent Boors, \vlretl~ereliding '
M I I I O V I I ~ II ~I I I ~UIIY~IYclea~~al)le.'l'l~ey slror~ltlbe free of opurr su~r~rrs
or cracks uad fbriulled s~~roolll
c l a for u~~l)uckuged
o~rnll side^. Covel-s,iauets, or rccq,trt-
foods or 1)everages slroulcl be reudily rer~rovsble
ur hinged, s h o ~ ~ lnot
g ~ i ~ k eare
replace~ible,ntld should fit tightly.
d co~rtni~ropening^ into. inaccessible arena ' If
t s used on insulated doors, they al~ould'beensily cleanable,

or designed for elrsy cle~raingin plirce. . Dour cntcll openings, lntcll striker plates n;d other fastening !
B q u i l ) ~ ~ rI~ousilrg
c ~ ~ t or co~~rponeot ~)nrtvslror~ldbe free of oI)eningy rlevices should be free of o p e n i ~ ~into p chnnnels, door panela or
into in~rccessiblelrrerrs wl~eroinf o d , liquid, or dust lnny enter and otlrer componeat pnl-ta of t l ~ e'equipmelrt \vlriclr could permit the
irruects Irrrrbol.. blirel-s, ~-efrigcr~rtor co~rrl,rcsso~~s 111111 s i ~ ~ ~ units,
il~~r uutruace of V ~ I - I I I ~ I II I I ~debris. I~ttclres,I~i~ryes, nrrd other l~nrdnare
i if provideil witlr o p e ~ ~ i ror
Ile ir~sl~eclion
r ~louvers,
s slrould c o ~ r t re~rdily
1)orts or ~)ir~rcls.Co~ttrolnrecl~u~~is~rrs,
~~i~~ re~~rove-
corrpli~rgs,I I I I ~
elrould be frrbricrrted of st~rootlra~rcleusily clenn~iblemntorinl,
Cutting botrrdu sho~tldbe ~aendilyrenro\-able for clentri~rgor ~ a s i l y
i otlrer cor~rl,ol~e~~tu nrou~rtetlon the 11o11si11g of tlie equil)~rretrtsl~oultl cleu~~~rble io place. They slro~ddbe free of open sennrs or drncks
be so desigtred t r ~ ~it~slulletl tl as to preclude tlre c.rrlr~r~rcc of dirt cr~rd n ~ ~slroultl
rl be li~risl~ed s~nootlron 1111sides. I

verminhand tlre forn~rrtiotrof i~ruccaibloareas \vlricll lnrLy provert Tlrsulation mirteriul slrould be protected from ceepuge aud conden-
IWOI)W cleat~i~rg n~rcli~rsl)ectio~~. autioa. Plnulri~rgor closing strips slrould rot p e r ~ ~ rolrtry it of1 f w d .I
Top ol)e~~iag;ls OII Irorixc~~~t~rl food siorr~gccubit~etssl~ot~lrl
tected arovtltI tlreir perillIrery by i i c o ~ ~ ~ ~titree-sixteeniIr
inch or rrroru ~tl~ove
tlrc sr~rfucuof l l ~ acrrbi~tct01. al,o\u llre overflow
bu pro-
of all
f r ~ r ~ l n e ~orr tdebris.
carbs, or el.vntec1 islfi~rdsfor supl~ortinge q u i p ~ ~ Lbbve
dcck level, if provicled wit11 toe spuce, sl~ot~lrl
not be indented u distance
. I i ~ ~ I i c ~ r b lOel.) r r ~ i ~ rit1g \vorlc ur clislr ti~l~lcs
waste reccpttrbles ullairlcl 111r1.oa wutc~.tight t~tr~rrtl-clow~r
to gnrbtrgu I I I I ~
edge extctrd-
gruater tlrn~rt l ~ eheight of the lower f~-ntnit~g
ment above the declc. Toe spnce should lrnve a minimum height of '
member of the equip-. ,

i ~ r gu t le~rstoue-lrnli i~rchbelow the tal)le surface, u111essllre o p e t ~ i ~ ~ g 2 inches. Wlrer~the nren under deck nrounted equipment is not en- '
is provlded wit11 n scmp block. tirely enclosed, legs supporting such equipment ?houlql k so axi-
strucbd as to prevent collectiotl and harborage o t dirt, vermiq and . I
I Exposed edges und nosings on l~orizontnlsurfnces sucll us t o p
of dressers, tulles, und slrelres slrould lruve lur~redclown or return dsllris. Enclosed spaces such rs colum~ls,vertical supports, legs! eta., '

I flanges wWr n apuce of ot leist tl~ee-fourtlrsitre11 between shoured
edge und the frrr~lrea ~ ~ g l ror s , tlrey slro~~ltlbe totally e~rclosecl. Range
alrould be sealed n'gainst vermin entmnce.
Coun~i~rg nround equipment sucll ns sten111kettles, should be haled
aeo rails slror~ldbe.rerrdily removuble IIIILI er~silyclea~~able.Buckets rcguinst seeljuge, infiltr~rtio~r end vermi~rentmnce, n~rdshould be pro- ,
I for ru~rgesen rnilsshoulrl be eusily cle~rnrble. vided wit11 drnius hnving romovable struioers. The drain alrould bea
located a t tile lowest point witlrin the nren. Drains for galley and .' ,
Hoods over steam kettles, rullges, I I ~ otlrer cooki~rgunits slrould . .,. ,
buve s r ~ o o t l endly ~, c l e ~ ~ ~ r t interiors.
I ~
Gut ters, and glitter drnins, : eink equipment slrould be sized as follo\vs :
(a) Sinks-1 Wi~rchesminimum diameter.
i t provided, sl~ouldbe designed and sized to fncilitute clenning.
Filters, if used, slrould be so i~~sli~lleil 11s to direct drippi~rgsinto (b) Stenm tnblev and Bnin Maries (wet type)-1 inell minimum
C --,.-".
guttsrs. n~~flles,vnaes, dntnl)ers, 1t11d otlrer liir cont~;olfucilities dia~rreter.
d ~ o u l dbe rendily accessible or removlrble.
Where ell)-qsed refrigerrrtlt coils tire locrrted i l l food conrl)nrt~~re~ttu,
Esposec! horizo~rtnldrnitr pipes, -including the tmp, sllould be 00
instnlled ns to permit proper clenninp of the deck area beneatll. Such I

tlrey ~Iroultlbe of a finless type ir~rdI I ~ ' ~ ' ~ I I ISO ! ( I to nllow ~ I I I . O U ~ I I

~ ~ IIS pipes slroald not be locnted above food storago, ~mparntionor mning
clearring. Blower or fin type ev~q>or~rlors sl\ould be e~rclosecl01. nceus, unless designed nnd installed ns per section (3, item 8.
slrielcled to protect tlre~rlfrom ~l)illi~ge of footl ~r~rtl to l~rotecttho Water inlets to s t r u ~ tubles,
~ ~ kettles, nnd other sink type equipment
Eootl fro111contlerrurtte ciripi)r~ge. Ellclosed t yl)e ~'efriget.~~ tion ev111)- shorild be locntnd a tninit~lumdisturrce of twice the diameter of the
ornlo~sshor~ldle ~)rovitletlwitlt c o ~ ~ t l e ~ r~sI Ii.~R ~tI~I S . Refrigerrrnt water inlet but trot less than 1 inch ubove tire flood level rim. Vncuum '1
-- .. . I .. 1 I , , 1!I . . ... . . : I 1.. I ) ~ ~ ! H ~ P I . . So f 1111 ~ ~ r : r ~ ~ r ~t tv: ~nI ~>
l n ~,rol,r~.lvinstulled nre satisfnc- r ,
tory wlrere the water supply line is recluired belo\v this lreiglrt (see 'Section G. PLUMBING
. soction (3, plumbing, for detaila and further exylunation). 1. MATERIALS. Only new pipe, tubing, or fittings should be used
Shelves used ns fnlse b o t t o ~ ~sllould
~ v be renclily I-enlovableor seulad in tlro potabla-water system, and all nrnterials used should he mxapt-
irl place to p~.ecludethe e~itriurceof food Iruy~eartunnd vermin to
ablo to the Public IIealWr Servicu. Idend pipe and cadmiu-lined
space beneath,
Silverware containers elrould be remo\-able ant1 so designed und
f i t t i ~ r pslroald not be rred. Plumbing slrould comply nit11 require- ,
~nentsof llre current edit io~rof the Nn t i o ~ rPI
~ ~urnbing
l Code.
fnbricnted ns to permit lrot water or clremicul sa~ritixation.
Dipper wolls, for ice creuar dippers, slrorrld be ecluipped with run-
ni~rgwutel- from alr above-tlrc-rim inlet and cooslrucled of s~~kootlr,
5. AIRGAPS. An nirgup is the unobstructed vertical distance
tlrrouglr tlte free stmospher~betwee11 the lowest ope~lingfrom any ,
strpply pipo or fixturo drain nnd tlre flood-level rim of the receiving I
senmlws eraterial. receptnclu. Tlre la~rgtlrof m nirgrp should be nt lenst twics h e inaide
5. INSTALIATION. All peltn~rnentlyinstnllecl or stntio~rniyequip-
diunruter of tlro delivery pipe or drain tlrnt it protects, with a minimum :
nrerrt slrould be constructed or tlirslrecl to exclude operri~r~s in way of
ndjnce~itstructures or otlrer ecluipmorrt u~rlessutleyuirte cleirrunce for
of 1 inch. IVlren a receiving fun1101is provided, the gnp should be 1
nrensl~retlfrorn the top of tlre ful-llr~elto tlre end of the pipe or drain i
proper clen~ri~rg is providecl. (see fig. 0).
Daclc or bulklleitd nrotrntad ecluipnre~rtivlriclr is not c~rcloscclunder- 3. BACKFLOW PREVENTERS. When an nirgup cannot be provided
r~o~rth ~boultllravo I\ m i ~ r i ~ ~cleitl-u~rce
r u ~ ~ r of 6 i~rclreubatween llre lowevt

in tho w t e r supply li~reto a fixture, n sl~itnhle'bncldompreyenter
Ilorizorrlnl frnmieg ~rrenrberof the equipment ~ ~ ~the r tdeck.
l Counter
~ h o u l dbe installed ia tlre supply line. I n e n a vncuum breaker is
~aounteclequip~ilentslro~ildIrevu a cle~rrirucoof rt least 4 inclrw
used for tlris purpose, it slrould be instulled on the discl-llurgeside of
between lowest horizorrtnl rner~~bel- ur~dtlre counter-top.
t.he lnst control vnlve u t leust 4 inclres nbove the flood level rim of :
Clenrunco between the beck of enclosed equipmont, such us ranges
~ r ~ rufrigeritto~s,
rd tad Lire bullclresd slro~rldbe governed by the coln- tlre fixture us slrown in figure 10, or in nccordunce with the critical .
Lined le~rgtlrof tlre itenrs. Equipme~rt1111 to 2 feet lo~rgelrould be distance 11s indic~rtedin tlre Irtest edition of Public Health Service

i ut lenst 6 i~rcliesfro111tile bulklieud; 3 feet lorrg sllould be O i~rclres;

4 feet lo~rgslrould be 12 i~rclres;etc., up to a muri~~runr of 24 inches. If
the sl3nce between equipment u~rdbulkl~endis rendily accessible frorn
both eads, tlre nbove clerruncea miry be recluced in half, e x a p t that
"List of f~ccoptedEqnipnrent for Interstate Carrier Use." The back-
flow preventer slrould be so designed tlrut a complete cycle of any

A i r gap a t l e a s t twice the,

i n s i d e d i a m e t e r of t h e p i p e
the minimum in nny cnveslrould be 6 inclres.
If two items of equip~ne~rt, such ns oven or ruages, are located
adjncont to eucll otlrer, tlre spuce between slro~rldbe at lenst 6 inches, 1" Min.
if the tleptlr is 2 feet 01- less. For dcptlrs greuter tlrttn 2 feet, llre I

i elidir~gscalo inclicated above slrould be upplied. I n lieu of this, tlre -. .-

Ypnce between slrould be euectively closed on nll sides by tiglrtly fitti~rg
I Equipment instrlled witlrout tlre clenrnnces stnted above should
have th6 spnca under, ndjirce~rt, and in buck tlrereof effectively
e~rclosedu~rdeenled to deck and/or bulklrend. Penetmtions, such ns U
cctble, corrduit or pipe openings, ehould be provided with tightly fittiug
I collnrs, or other' closure fittings und arnterials ncceptnble to the Public AIR OA? FOR ?OtABlE-WAIER SfRVlCI LINES
i . 8

I-Ienltlr Service.
The delivery of potiible n a t e r to sinks, mash bash, bathtube, ; -
upn~wiorr tanks, Inurrdry truys, clotlres-\vnslring m a c h i n q b o i l s ~i
( v ~ u u ue A u n r R )
water spill-tnnks (Irot \\..ells), waste-disposnl white, laboratory rnd
Ilwpitnl equipment, aspirntors, certain q u l p m e n t used in the prep- !, I
nrntion or processing of food, o r equipnrent for the wnshing of eating
natl drirrking utu~ruils,slrould be t l ~ r o u g tin l ~ i~irgrrp. M ~ e r nn'nirgnp e I
ie ir~r~ruclic~ible, n bnck[lo\\. prave~rterslrot~ldbe instnlled.

A direct corr~~cctiun of tlre polnble-wrtcr system to tlre jncket of
n stc~inrjicttle is 9~tisEucto1-y.
7. DRINKING FOUNTAINS. Bomls o r btrsins of drinking fountain8 . '

nnd coole~vslrotrld be corrstructed of inrper\.iouu, nonoridizing mnte- ',

rial, ~ i n dslrould be so clesigr)ed nnd cor~strrrctedna to be eneily cleaned I;
nnd protectccl ugtiinst bltckflow. Tlru jet of 11 tlrinking fountain sllould
NON-POTABLE, OkI Lw til~~ntilrg, and tlru orifice of the jot sl~oalrlh protected by n guard I:
CONTAMINATE0 LlOUlD ill suclt a Irranlrer 11s to prevent corrtu~~~inntiorl by droppings fl-o~nthe ;, .
motrtlr or by sl~ltiulringfrom tlre basin. The orifice of euch a jet
INDIRECT W A N E AND VACUUM BREAKER allould bu a t lolist tlrree-fourtlrs i~rclrnbove the rim of the basin. '
Tlru \vatcr-supply pipe slroi~lcl be pro\*ided with a pransure-
flgura 10
regululi~rgv~tlve,wlriclr will permit the regtrl~~tiorr of the flow of water .
b tlre far~irhiir,MI Z.!!nt tlro vulva ~nl~nipuluted by t!la usel. of -tha
~ ~ r o v i ~purts
r g is ~irscluel~clitime the co~rtrolvulve and the supply
lirru is upelled und closed. Accuptable buckflow prever~teranlny be
foturd in the "List of Accepted sdquil~~rre~rt for Intertihito Currier Use."
fou~rtuirrwill ~rrerelytrrr~rtlre \\-utero~r
Tlre wnulu o p e l ~ i ~and
o r oil.
l g pipe slrould be of sr~llicie~lt
tlre wntcr, ulrd slrould be pro\-ided with n s t n ~ i ~ ~ eThe
size to carry off
r . druirh should
4. BACKWATER VALVES. A bnckwnter vulve is u mechanical dovicu h trripped, i f it ties into a drninnge systern.
installed in u soil o r waste line to prevert tlre reverstll oE How under
conditions of bnck pressure. I n the check-vulve type, the flap should
swing into R recess wlren the line is flowiag full, to preclude obstruct-
ing the Ilo~c.
5. FIXTURES. All fixtures elrould be resistant to the corrosive effecb
of salt water and mlirre atmosphe~s. Fixtures should be easy to
clean, nnd so designed ns to function efficie~rtly.Ilrterrrnl corners of a
fixture slrould be rounded, wherever pructicnble.
Tlre ptnble-water systerrr should not be cross-con~rectedto uny non-
8 . DRAINAGE SYSTEMS. Druins slrould be of ndequnte size to pre-
veut cloggirrg n ~ r dsltbsequerrt bnckftoir of se\vnge.or contuminated
waste into tlre fistures n ~ t dspnces they serve. Provision ehotdd be
rnnde to prevunt tlre pipes from freezi~rg.
No clrui~rtlgeline of nny kind, Itor 111ry pipe c111.rying ~vusliuVater, i
s r l t wuter, or other ~~olrpotnble
nble-water tu~rlc,unless ns specifiecl in section A, iteni 6.
Soil-waste dn~i~rsslrould
liquid, slrotrltl puss tlrrouglr n~rypot-

rrot pnss over 1)ot1rble-w1tter-t1111k

Toilets ~urdbutlrroom sptlces slrorrld not extent1 over nlry pnrt of n deck
which Ior~rrsthe top of n gotuble-\ruler tank.
I - '

potnble-liquitl ~yslern,urrcl 110 ~)rovisiorrsl~ouldbe rirnde for such a All ~ro~tl~otnble pipi~rg(servico uncl clrl~irr~~ge l i ~ ~ e seliould
) be so
co~~nection.Overflowti, v e ~ ~ tund s , drnins from tnrlks, und drains from nrru~rgetltlrr~tthey do rot pnss directly over. o r througlr spltces where j
the distribution system (iaclutling nny irnter tl-eutarent plu~tt),sllould food isstorerl,'l)rel)arelI, or servecl, or sl)ltces \\Irere irte~rsilsIII.~,\\wnelred. ,
not be directly connected to sewage dmins. IVlrea dmin lines are I n inst~urceswlrero st ruct u n ~ llinrit~ttiol~s mn? co~~flict wit11 tho locn- f
extended to*drd the b o t t o ~ ~ofl tlre vessel, they slrotrld te~minntea t tion of ilrnirr l i ~ ~ einu ~~c.col*tlalrce \vill~tlris criieritt, sl~ecialconsirleru- '

least 18 irrclree ubove the inner-bottom plating, or above the highest ti011 ~ u a y I N given to olternrrte clcsigns nriui~nizi~rg cornections,
point of tlre bilge in the uhence of suclr plnting, unless tire lrydruulics
of the potnble-water system are suclr tlrut btclcflow is inrpxsible. Air-
yaps ~ u l dreceiving fu~rnelssliould Le ilrstirlletl in these lilies when
tlre possibility of Icakaye. Es~lrr~l)lcs
t l r u i ~ ~ i ~li~lu
I I I I ~instnllatiorr ~)rt~cticeu irr or(lerato pr-cyludo
of atronjiur I I I I ~less corarouive
g u ~rrilterirrls\I lriclr arrlly be I I C V C I ) ~ C Cill ~ 11lterr111te co~rslruc-
- .. .
t l ~ e ydisclllrrge to n closecl tank of n ~lo~rpot*ble-wuter
. - - .. -..&;.. ,,,.,, ,I,.,,i,, systcm, or to a tion nre est1-1r-lle11vygirl\-iririzerl stccl ill1 \vcltletl joi~rts;g ~ ~ l v ~ ~ ~ r,i z c d , I
-., , . . . . I .....1 .......,,..I,t t t - i i l , tc.,.lll.-,I i , t i l l ~ c . . I ~ I I I ~ ~ . ~ I - I ~1 1~l l Ir 1. \ \. ; 1u1 1
;I-,.,, . l~
li114r 3.
( c o u t ~ r i ~ l ut g 10.perce11t~ricliel)\\-it11 silver bruzed joints; or
i ~ ~leust
other upl)ro~eclr~~nteriula orr lile wit11 l l ~ e.lJulrlic I [errltlr Service. 111
additiotr, tlte sjstenr slroulcl be I~ydrostaticallytestcil for Icukuyc, u~rd
no ulen~~outs sllottld be provitled over sucl~sl)uccs. Joirrts may be
butt-\relcletl provided tllut 110 tvcltlil~yh ~ r t lI T I I I N ~ I I S \viLlti~rthe pil~e.
Uutt-\velding.n~aybe nvoidetl l y the a p p l i r a t i o ~of~ o sleeve c o ~ r l ~ l i ~ ~ g
which is welcled u t the end3 of the sleeve.
Food tvrrate-grinders or diuyoslrl units locutucl in sculleries or UIIJ
othor food sorvice ararl nlny cause rn aerosol. Tllerefore n.n eductor
whiclr n ~ r ~utilize y overborrcl wuter sl~ouldLxr plvvided ill tlre 1rorie41r-
tal clischtrrie line fro~rlsr~cllgrinders or clis1~os1rlu ~ ~ i t sSr~clr . rrn 111- -
sLr~llutionis not required for food \vnste-griadcrs iustalled in seperrte
purbnge clisl)osol nrers or. food \\.astc-gri~r(ler~ W I I I Y .
IVlrea fruvl~w~rterfroar ovc~bourtlis to Ire tretttetl ubuurd a vessel INDlPtNDENf GRAVITY DRAINAGE
for use 113 potuble wrtter, t l ~ usr~~ritary overboard disclrurge slrould not
Hgurr 11
be o ~ rtlre slrrllu sicle ns 1l1e \vuter i ~ ~ t c ~ k\\'l~e~r e. it is not practic?l tu
locute tllu srr~rituryoverbortrtl or1 Ll~eul)positc side of tlro
vessel from l l ~ etv~rteri ~ ~ l r r l i uit, s l ~ o ~ ~bel tlocr~tetl l 11s frrr nft rr~rdtry fur storxs slJace, clislr\v~~sl~ers, r111t1 eqr~ip~rrerrtr~setlin tlie ~)rcl)tlr~itiol~ or
above tlre Iv~tterilrtnke 11sforsible. ~)roccssir~g of footl, \vlrerr such t l r s i ~ ~ s gise to 11 s p t e a l \\.lriclr reccivev
l)rai~rli~~cu c ~ r r r j i ~B ~U \g\ ~ I I ~ U ,food ~)~~rticIes, or otlrer 1)utrcscible lrr~rnnl~ eowsge4 or hospitnl Ivnstcs. I~itlivitlunln i r p p s will not be I

matter, sl~oulduot be clisclurrged to tlre bilge. Deck tlrtrins from ken-

nels n~rdotlrcr Irreau wlre~sa ~ ~ i ~ n will i t l s 1% Irouued u l ~ o r ~be
l ~con~reclecl
required in tlrese cl~*rrinlineswhen m e of tlre follo\ving conditions ia
sntisfiocl : I
I .

lo tlre S ~ \ I I I ~systea~. U
n. Tlre drninli~iesnre inclepentle~~t of erlcll other and of all other
9. V6NTS AND TRAPS. 1)rrrillugu s y s t u ~ ~wlriclr ~ s receive sowuge, tlrui~~oge syslc~rrs(see lig. 11).
nblutio~~rrry \VII ter, or other l~ulrescillcwasle, slro~rltlbe provitled wit11
1. The clro i ~ ~ l i ~discl~arge res to ope~rtlroi~r\\.ells, IVII~IIthe drui~i-

vents rind wuter-senled trnps 11s 111-0 rrecersnry lo preveat gnses or

line runs from equil)~ne~rt \vlliclr Intry be sr~bjectto.subrrt~rios~~lreric ,
obnoxious odo~vfrom entering nlly spnce sel.vetl. The wuter-sealed
traps ehould be so clesiglred 11sto rr~i~ii~rrize the clepositior~of settlenble 1 pressure, it sl~oulclaot be submerged in tlre cIrniu\vell. , I 1.;*
solids. A trrrp slro~rlclbe of the srrrrle size ns the d r ~ i nto wl~icliit ie c. Tlre droirrli~resfro111suclr equip~nentn~rdslJtrces nro co~l~lected to , ;, ,
coa~reeted. lV1rc11tl~ereiu IIII ~~irgrrl) i ~ the
r tlrni~r,the trup slrould be i o r r system sepernte f r o o ~rrl~ysystem carryilig humnll 1"'
I; c ~ ~ ~ ~ ndroilroge

i~rst~tlled below the nirgap. d rr re telltale cleck-clrni~isin each food-storngt, and food- .
\iensteu,r r ~ ~tlrere
10. CLEANOUTS. Clennout and LLrodcling"plugs slrould bo in- preperatio~r spnce; except thot u cleclc-clrtria outside tlre spnco will
stalled nt upproprinte plnces in tlre dlrinage system. Tlrey sl~ould
uot be i~rstnlledill tlrosct p~rrtsof clrrrinrrge systenrs \rhich nre nenr
potable-mnter-tnuk ~n~rlrlloles or i ~ rspuces lvlrere food is stored, pre-
/ suffice iu rcfrigen~teclsprccs. 111 the latter case, the telltnle 4wk- ,.: i t..
dr~rilrshould be in nn ncljnceat, fraque~~ted spnce or pussnge\ray,'and . f
ut n level nt lcnst G i~iclieslower tlrnn tlirrt of the cllairi in tlie floor of
pnred, or sorvctl. 3fe1111sof ol)enil~grr~~tl clerr~~ilry traps shovlcl be the ref r i g e r a t d spnco (see fig. 12). N o ~ ~ r e t u vulva rn fire proferrsd to :
~wovitlecl. telltulu declc tlrui~rsin clroi~rogelines f r o ~ nrefrigelated cnlpo spucea.
11. PREVENTION OF BACKFLOW OF WASTE. Ilrdividuul ail-gups
ul~oulclbu placetl i ~ tr l ~ ut l r ~ r i ~ ~ lfro111
11s\ v ~ t l e r b ~sterilizers,
i ~ ~ cccrtri11
s tyl~c3oE fixtul-es, such
110sl)itrrlwriter slills, euloclrrves, steunr kettles,
\Vl~er~ s refrigel-ated ~ p a c uis lucutetl u ~ rLllu irrrrcr-botlo~~i
uatl its clrnias go to u plul)erly rb~rtedclnlir;\vcll tvllich is en~l)tiedwith
a ~ c t l ~ u r ~~iItIoI I I I ) , sterr~n-ol)erntedejector, or bilge pump, u tolltale 1
clri~~kiag-gluss rillsere, vegetable l ~ e e l e ~1111tl s , colice I I ~ I I S ,as \\-ell as CII-uin111rtybe co~rrlectetlto the druin\vell. I f rr telltnle tlrni~iis in- .
frorn all 11osl)ilnla ~ i dfood 1~rel)lwntion arrtl srrvici~rye q r ~ i p n ~\vlriclr e~~t sl~tlletl,it slrooltl be nt least of tlrc srlrrle ilinoieter 11stlie sl~c'tio~r line
~ u a yb subject to eubut~~roul)l~eric prcsslrrr. Lo the pump (see fig. 13).
. \ ~ I F I I I J S R I I O I I I ~be ])la(.etl, 1rlso, i l l tlre ir~tlivi,lutrl t l n r i ~ ~ l i ~~rIrWs I I I
.I ,.. C ' c . I... .

Eitlrcr of tlre drtrilragu systerrls ~ ~ ~ c ~ r t i oi l rl ~11,c tb,l rrr~ilc, 111uybe

cliscllnrgod by grcrvity (lircctly overboi~rtl,or tlrr~~uyll sirgirl~sto other frolu these Efoodsturuge ur~dpreparutioo s111rceslrre disclr~rrpcltlrrough '
clruir~agqyysterl~s. 13urr~l,sor sle11111-ol1clatcc1 ejccloru rrru sntis:;c- all rirgrrp to s su~el), eject ion fro111tlre S I I I I I ~ )by Irrelu1a of att o v c r h ~ r d ,
tory i l l co~rlirrrrouutlrsi~re~tl S Y S ~ L . I I I S\vlric11 dis~'1111rg~I I ~ O V Uor hlo\sp
1 ..
~ratcr-ol'crtrtcilujuctor is s~rtiuftrctory.
tlre tvrtlurli~re,rcglrrillcsj of l l ~ oelevrrt i c ) r ~ of IIIE S I ~ I I C C Y drrlirl~il,pro- .,I(.I2,-SEWAGE RETgr\lTl?p AND TREATMEECT $Y;TTEMS.*' Facilitiw to
vitbtl l u l t tallt~rle,o\-crflow tlcclc-rlnri~rsure illst r~lletlns reco~nrr~et~~lod tre J \\-ustcs f 1.or11toilets, u~innls,facilit its i ~ Irospital r arclrs Ir~\odling
iu c, ~rbove(see tig. 1-1). Ejectors \vl~iclrare ol)e~.rrtedby overhnrcl fecnl nlntorinl nrrd wnstes from food wuste-grindel%,wlren such grind-
\\-nter s l ~ o ~ ~not
l c l bo irrstrrlled i l l cor~lirr\ror~s sys(el~~s.Wlrtlr ~vrrsles e n nre instullud, slroulcl be provided. 111liou of treatment,' them .
\\-rrstus lrruy be collectetl irr lrolcli~~g tnlllts properly equipped *wit11 '
pullips lrnd l~ipirrg,SO tll~rttlre Ivnsteu c~rrrIN cliuclrnrged to n p ~ m v e d
sl~or-e-base11 or flontirrg ir~d~rllatioas. . . , .:
R E F R I G L R A TE D - -111 p l l e y \rnstes, exeli~siveof grou11d food ~vuste,w11icl1midit con:
C A R G O SPACE t r r i l ~grense slrotrld pnss through grease interceptors prior t g their
disclr~rrgo overboard or to tlre treatment unit nboerd tlre vessel.
\\'hela grerrst, intercer,tors nre iastlrlletl, the grease collected drould
be disoosecl of ,by iaciae~.ntior~, stored for disposal asllore or diepored
of ill nnotlrel- rrpprovcd 1111r11rrer.Orease i~~telreptors slro~~ld be de- ',
nigIled r~rrtlinstalled ia uccordance \\.itlr the npplicltble provisione of I !
tlre Nutio~uulI'lurnbi~~gCocle, -4SA .A-10.8.
The dcsipr of treatmul~t hcilities n11d holding t n ~ d i sslrould be
bosecl orr ~ur,'r~vern~o flo\\. of nt lcnst 30 girllone yer cnpitn per day.
For vessels with 1111orm111complement (passengets and crew) of
-11 or rnore, rr~inirnlrtr~ tl.entrnerrt' sllould be-such us to ~>roducea11
elller~~t, witlrout the benefit of dilution tritli u~rterill rrddition to
tlrut rerluired for tlrc lrorlrrnl ol~erationof coatributing snuitary fix- !
lNN6R BOTTOM turcs, wit11 50 BIG/L or less of Tliocl~er~ticulOxjger~ Derl~rrrrd (
(D.O.D.), 150 MG/L or less of suspe~~iletl solids, llrrcl 1,000 01. less
coliform blrctbrin pel. 100 1111. I~rrcilitiesslrould bu p~~oviileil for tllc I
NOTLI Vnnl whnn nrme~arl, 8tol.n~uof C S C C ~ Sd ~ l t l u uf u r l~l~ollt!l~
\ l ~ ~ i l l l t\i~llo&~I.
For veseels with a norrnul conrplement (passengels nnd crew) of 40
or'"le&, minlmum'thiutnient should donsist of puyying tho wnslus '
tl~rougha grinder followed by disinfect iorr \vlriclr will y roducc un
elfluent having 1,000 o r lese colitoma per 100 ml. witlrout berrefit of
dilutio~rwith water ia uclditio~lto tllut required for tlre ~rorrrrulopera- Section H. SWIMMING POOLS
tion of the contributing sutrilsry Bstures.
A r~retllodof disinfection equully e4ective to cl~lori~~utiorr irruy l o 1. GENERAL. Fill-und-dmw swimming pools alrould not be h- I,
w w p t a l l e wlrere disinfuciion is rcquired to PI-ocl~lrn
arr eflluerrt. nreet- stulled. Recircululing swilanring pools slrould be constructed in nc- .
i~rgthe colifornl q u i r e ~ r \ e n t specified.
s corclance with the ~.ecoa~lnendations i ~ rthe lntest edition of Suggeatsd
Tlre dischnrge piping f-roln the sewagc tre~itnre~rt. unit s11ouId be Ordilrat~csand Regulation Couering Public Stuimn~ingPook, pub- i
provided wit11 a valve for sa~rrplirlgthe t renter1 efllueat. lished by tlre Americnn Public Melrlth Association, 1700 Broudmay, i
New Yock, N.Y. Flowing-througlr, sult-\virt er swimming pools-the
typo ~rrost practiclible for sengoirrg vessels ltnd tlreir water-supply
syatcars-sl~ollld be si, clesipred 11s to pro\*ide nrliximum protection

Ooc h c u n n b c l l o n
or a m a r p r n c y
, C O ~ I ~ C I ~ O hI bI a d b r
for s\villl~rre~~.
2. SALT-WATER POOL. Tlre ~rulnbcr of lilthers tlrnt cnn use a
s w i l ~ l r t ~pool
a pool dr~l-ing
i ~ ~ gsafuly a t olle tilllc, ulrtl tllo tot111 ~ l u l ~ l b tllnt
one tlsy, nre governed by the arerr of. the pool lrnd tlre
rule of ~.cplucelrru~rt of its ~vuterwitlr clc1111wrrter. Tlrereforc, tlre
p o l s!rc?!!!r_l be desIg11~1wit I? special lrtte~rticnto tlre prolnble peak
e r cun use

Wolar llnb
hutlri~lg10t~ilulrd i111:lntixinru~nS ~ I ~ CUVIL~IIILI~)
U for the constrl~ction
of a pool. Tllc follo\vi~rgprinciples slrould be applied in the desigrr
of Ilowi~~g-tlrrougll, salt-wnter pools: I

Tile d e u i ~ ycnpacity of tlre pool slrould lm judged on the basis of 24 i!

Sauaga Iraalrnmnl u n l l or r r t a n l l o n t o n h squnre fcet per l~utlrel.. F o r tlre lnnilrtelrnllce of sntisfactory clean I
anter ill the pool, the rote of flo\v of c1e111rsen wnter~holrldeffect corn- 11
plete replacernelrt nt leust once every (i lrours o r less. Tlre floming- 11
t)lru,lgIl r a t c r shoi~ldbe delivered to the pool thmllglr nrultiple inlets,

.W*%L( ClUl
.lu M U L l l P L I IMLIT.(ALL .IOL~)


flpull I I


* X I l l ~ at1111b Iblm ~ ~ I l m Wmm l o ~ bellty yrlated. tllcre mere (~r~~dlus A m e n r l r ~ ~ c o tlo r the F)Iutm 16
1111rratnlr ( ) t ~ a r r u l l n eH r ~ u l n l l u u n a18d l l ~ eFurrlL.~1Q u r + r ~ ~ t t t l ~I l r ~ u I m ~ I ur~~~hdl e hr U I
l r vn e w vr.arrlr u r rrr*tl* u l : d r r p u l l ~ gu l u j o r r t r l l t r r y l l ~ uI" I,r , . t l u l l ~ ~ t vl l l h l u r l l l l l ~ ~ u
r ~ * q ~ ~1111
... . . . . .- ... .
locvled eo as to i11aul.e u~riformdistributiorr. 'I'heso inlets should be
mrved by a brurrcll liue t n k i n ~off ttk~rrtlre rrruirr sr~pplyline, at tlte
pressure sideu of tlre filling valve nerrl; the pool. This branch line
should be designed to offect replucerne~~t of th:! in the pool every ... _.
6 hours or lcss. Control oE tlre flow slrould be independent of the *..
AUhg valve. ,
Tlre overflo\r slrould Le dislrul.ged irrto SCIIIII g u t t e ~ sor a rjirnilur Section I. ACCOMMODATIONS
burrdary overflow, with multiple outlets speced rrot more than 15 feet 1. GENERAL. Accommoclations for possenpk and crew should be
ripurt, disclrnrging to lllo overlourd drrrin or tlre bilge. suclr ns to protect the lrcultlr of tlre occupnnt and to prevent tlre intro-
A dnrir sltorrld iw irrst~tllalI I tlre ~ lotvest. poilrt irr the I)ooll'~,urrdi(s duction, trnnsmissiorr, rrnd spread of corrrmunicable diseases.
irruiila c1iualete1-sl~ouldLo of sufficierttsize lo iasuro quick emptying.
Tlre clrnios from the ~ ~ otjl~ould ol preferribly h irrc\epeudent; however,
\\-lre~tcolr~icctetlto nlry ot lrer ilruirr~r~u syste~n,u bacli\vster vulve Section J. HEATING, VENTILATING, AND LIGHTING
slrould be installed in llre swimnring-pool dn~irrline.
l'lre hottorn of the pool slrould slope totvnrcl (Ire d ~ u i nor drai~rsirr 1. GENERAL. I t is beyond the scope of this handbook to set forth
YIICII 11 11r1111rier 11s to eltcct of tlro tvuler fwrn tlrc stnndurds for tlrise nrens. I n gerrorul, Irutvever, heating, ventilding,
~ ~ o o lIII . tlre irrteresl of err [sty, tlru slol~eof tlru httorn of u~rypurt rlnd liglrting slrould be ndeq~rntein livi~rgspeces. to.nraintain a health-
of llrd ~ o o ilr r n-lriclr llru \\,rrtcr is lcss Lllru~5.5 fcet deep slrorrld Lu not ftrl urrd co~rrfortnlle e ~vimunerrt.
rllora tli11111 foot irr eoclr 15 fcet. 'l'lrcre slrutrltl be rro ~udilcrrclrarrge Lightills rrrrd verrtilation, as nidv ia tlru n~rinturlar~ce of good mni-
. of nlopj \\.itlri~rllru rrcii \\.lruru tlro w~rlur.doplli is less tlrulr b.6 fwt. tury co~rtlitio~ls irr f o ~ t l - p r e ~ ~ n l a t ifwd-storuge,
or~, ant1 food-service
~ t ' i prcfelable
s to lr~irc11 sep~rrutewriter-supply system, including spnceu, should co~rformto recom~nendntio~ls in section E,nnd'itame
111; ~ I I I I I ~ Tlre
. \v~rterirrtrrlce slrould b for\var.d of all sunihry druirrs 8 nrrcl 9.
.. fronr tlre vessel. I-Io\vever, if the p w l will be filled and tlre flowing For sta~ldurdsof g o d pructice, reference is nlnde to the following
t lrl.otrglr will uccur orrly wlrcri t lru vessel is ulrtlerw~~y, it will be satis- publications :
factcr~.)to use tlre lire or s~~rrit~rr~-ove~~l)onrtl-\\-ater pumps, or u cola- Cftridu cb Data Boob, (Pundamentala A S E R A 6 a d Equipuwd
binatio~rof illeve puerl~s,providetl tlrr~t: dpp2ication), American Society of Hen t ing, Refrigernting, and Air-
. a. Tlre delivery line to tlre pool is irrclependrnt of otlrer lines origi- Conditioning Eugineers, United Engineering Center, 840 Enst 47th '
~rnt,ingnt or neur tlrc disclrirrge of tlro pump or. tlre valve nranifold, or Street, New York, N.Y., 10017.
~ rut poirrt where tlre runxinrum or near-rnaxirrlunl flusliing of the fire or ZES Lighting Handbook, Illuminating Engineering flociety, 1
srtrritary-overbonrd-\rtlturpimp and ~r~nirr is rotttir~elyeffected.
b. -4 readily ucccsuiblu drrrtoff vnlvo is locrrted close to tlru point of
United Engineering Center, 846 47th Street, New York, N.Y.,$0017. ,I .
(ukc-olr fronr tire fire or slrrritury-overhard-\\.nter systern, and is per-
~rrnnerrtly~rrrdconsl)icuously lnbeled xt:srhCLUSED \VIIILE I N CONTAMI-
N A T E ~\v.tT):ns.
3. RECIRCULATION TYPE POOL. All swim~ningpools of tlle m i r -
culrr t ion type slrnll --. be designed irr nccordnnce with tlre ~rbovereferenced
~uu~runl so t l r ~ t ,wit11 proper ol~erution,the di\r\ger to tlre Iie~ilthof
~ ~ u s s e a gurrcl
e ~ s crew is ~rrir~iarizecl.\\'oler tlr~rtis irrtroducecl illto the
pool tlirectly or tlrrouglr llro recirculatioa sjste~nfror~rtlro potable
\\-uter systcnr or intc, the recirculutiorr systtr~rif r o ~ ~the r waslr water
system slrould be tlrrough nn nirgnp.
Tlre systenr slrorrlcl pro\pitlu liltlation, irrcluding necessary water
contlitiorling, wliich \\-ill cl~rrifyid1 water in tlre ~ ~ oevery o l 8 lrourv or

I .a
less. 1I:rltril)rnerrtslroultl be provitled so tllnt water can bc prol~crly
t l i ~ i ~ ~ f ~ ~~ It If (. It11e
t l 111~i1iIi11ilv~o~rtroll~~l
1. GENERAL. Ruts l~uvofollowed man lo 11111rostall inlrabitod
parts of tlre world c n r r y i ~ ~with g tl~enlcertui~rhu:unn diseases, destroy-
ing his possessions, ~ t l ~ iaterferi~rg
rl with lris eco~ro~iric n~rtlphysical
well-bei~~g.Rats were probably first brouglrt into tlre U~ritedStates
in enrly colo~rinltinres by vessels. Severit1 epiclenlics of plague ia sea-
p ~ r cities
t are believed to have been transmitted through infected sldp
nrh. I11 addition to plngue, murine typlrus fevur, sdmonullosis,
tricl~irrouiu,Ire~norrlr~rgic jnuridice or \Veil's clisei~so,und 1.111-bilefever
at-e knoivu to be trnnsnritted by rnts. T o guard ngainst f ~ ~ r t l rintro- er
duction of diseuse-cnwying ~ l t i prats, this scctiu~rof the mnnud is
included i ~ crder
r tlrlrt vessels Intry be constructed in u rutproof nrnlrncr.
Rntproof co~rstructinllof 11 vessel co~~sists of clesig~~ tr11<1fabrication lXAMPlES OF MAXIMUM OPENINGS
in su'clr n milmer ns to eli~ni~late or render incrccessible tllose spaces
w l ~ i c lrlny
l ~ nlforcl s rut 111trborsg~ or I J rr~ source for food and wutor for
lk iiit6iitl~il1 0 ~ i 3 i i b ~f i i !llf"diitiUli
t i\;iil ti; i;r~~i3il&
t ! i ~i)UtIS-
nge dr ruts from olle sectio~ro i n vessel to n ~ ~ o t t ~ erllre
recluire~nuntslistod l~erei~r
r . rutproofing
11p1)lyto U.S. 1l11gvessels engaged in foreign
closed placcu ure ope11 to vieiv for ir1ul)ection 1l11c1 rtccessitile for mslnte-
nnnee. I
CLOSED-TYPE CONL~'~ICCTIOX.-COIIS~~LIC~~OI~ by \vl~ichplncrs that are
tra5c. Rntproofing of intcrvtnte carriers is required only in arms not ensily inspectable are closed by nrelrrrs of clepcndnble ratproofing.
wlrere food is stored, prepared, or served. EASILY IWSPECT.\DLE.-P~~C~S \vhicIr nre open to view from the deck
. or converrielrtly accessible f ~ inspection.
I F ~ a e t ~ ~ ~ a . - Tcupping
he or covering of cornem, boundariee, and
RATPROOF - 4 n ~ ~ - A anrcu wlriclr is co~npletelyisolnted from other . : other exposed edges of acceptnble nonrntpmof material in n L p m f '.
~ r e a by
e lneltns of dependable rntproofing. arene. The flnsl~ingstrip ~lloilldbe n nrtproof mnterial, wide enough
RAT-TIOIITh m . - A n nma all bounduries of which are rasistant to ; to cover tlro gnnwing edge or edges nclequntely, and be firmly fastened. ;
the ensy pnssnge of ruts. All ope~ringsinto tlro nren should be tight- 1 3. RATPROOF MATERIAL. Rntproof materials slrould be thick
fitting, nreeting tlle nioximu~nope~ringdefinitio~r. Exposed edges enough to resist tenring by rnts and nble to \vithstnad any blows to ;,
need not be Atphi?d witlr n rntproof mnteriul.
RATPROOF ~.IATE~I.\I,.--A muteriul, .tile surfirce nnd edgcs of whicll
which they nlny be subjected within the nrens of use. Suclr materiala ;
include steel plnte, sheet iron or steel, sheet ~luminurnor metal alloy
are r t s i s t u ~to
~ tt l ~ e g n u \ r i nof~ rats.
of suiluble l~nrdnessand strength, perfornted sheet iron, erpnndecl : i
,QCCEP~AULD NONI~.\TI'ROOY M A T E I ~ I . ~ L~~r~rteriul,
.-~~ tlle surfnce of nletnl, flnttened expanded rnetnl, wire r~ndIrurdwrre cloth.
wlriclr is resistnut to tlre g~rutvingof ruts \vl~enits 2xposecl edges are 1
Eapnnd3cl metul, fl nttened expunded a~etnl,perfon~tedsheet metal,
flusl~eciwit11n rntproof ~nnterinl. and wire ~nisllor hardware clot11 used for rntproofing slrould meat
bI.rx~~ruar O 1 s ~ ~ l ~ a . - T l 1largest
0 openi~rgtl~rouglrwlriclr n rnt cnn- tlre ~ ~ l u x i ~ nopening
l u ~ r requirealents, as define?.
not pnss. Regnrdless of Llle slrupe of t l ~ enpcr~ilty,it slrot~ldIx,one-hnlf I
bfi~ii~nurn tl~icknessesof r~itproofmnterialn for various arena m y be :
iaclr or less in the nininrtun dimension, as shown i n figure 17. I
found in cl~nrtfor111in nppendix A.
OPEN-TYLBE CONSTRUC.L'ION.-COIIS~~UC~~OI~ by wliiclr purti~rllyell- l'l~rougl~or~t Llris section of the Ila~~clbook, the gnuges of n~etolor
sheet 1netn1 specified refer to iro~ronly. '1\7ren a l u m i ~ ~ uis m substi-
tuteil for irorl, it s l r o ~ ~Iru\-e
l d u tlrick~rrssby the n r o a ~Lel Slrnrpe gauge *

---A ..-C-.

iro~r. F o r exlr~liple, ulurilillurll of 16~gui1ge( n r o w n & Sl~urlre) is
suitnble to replrrce irou of It)-yuugu (U.S. Stul~dard).'
. nruterials are strtisfuctory ia ratproof nrens provided thnt tlie boulrdu- 8M6hlMI

ria0 and uliscellrneous giinwiug edges ure flusllecl, ns defined. I\'l'ood MO O ~ S M I * * C a l ytg
t ~ ~W ~~ U~ .
uncl ilrorgaaic co~npositiolrnlsterinls tire nccel)tallu r~riilcrtlte follo\v- a ~ . ~ * 1 ~ ~ ~

I ing conilitione :
11. Wuocl slioultl be dry or suawneil, ri~itlfrcu of \\.ItrlJS, t;ljlit+, u i ~ d
knote. l'lywootl slroillcl be rwill-bounrlc? nlid writerproof. '

b. Inotgaoio collrl~ouitiolrslreets rrlrtl ~)rraelssllo~lldbe relubvely

stmag, hrrrd, nnd \\.itlr surhces 11-lricll nre s~rrootlinnd rcsistnnt to
p a w i n g of rats. II list of iicceptelle nonrillproof nukerials may
bu oltni~iedfrom uiie of tlie Public Ilenltll Service oniccj listed. If
I 11 new 11111terirrlis ilrleedetl for b~se,the nearest P11l)lic EIerrltli Survice
1 oflice s11oriIil be colrtr~ctccli r ~orilcr In irlitiate al~provallbrocerl~~res.
c. Certriir~colnyositiori sl1cet.s alrd ~)nlrelsivl~icliclo uot lrlucl b rrlove
liruy I)u,i~i~lilu
acceptirble by beirig 111ettr1-lea~i~~utcil or faced or) one ..ClIOU SL(1101(
. .
sido with 24-gauge sliwl 111ot:~l. Arlolliec r~letlrotl is to face boll1
sides of st~clicolnposition slieots or ~jrlrelu\vitIl 24-gauge shwt metal RATPROOF EXEMPI SHEATHING
or n I~nrc!s!!rI!!cetl :ol:ipositior~ ~ l i ~ ~ t e r i i-1II
gory ure sul~jectto Public I-Iealtlr Service nlll~rovrrl
the ncceptlille rrorrr~rtl)roc)f r~lrrterirrlslist.
~ l .i~~uterinls
-- for
irk iiris cate-
il~clusioo orr
ngur. 18

and the top of the screen is extended to \vitllin three-fourths inch of

A cliurt ilrdir~rtirlg~uiaiarulntli iclcnesses of acceptable nonrutproof
tlre cleck-Irerid, but is not erte~lcIedillto the bosooia of the bannis, girdam, ,: li
airitcrial~for v~lriousal.ei\y 1111iybo fo~liitlin ~iljpeutlixB.
or bl-uclretu (see fig. 11)). 1W1er1so colistrtlctetl, overlapping joinb in i
Ceuients, putties, plastic sanling conrpounda, loud nnd other soft tlre screen brrllrheud 1r1.e not nocesstiry. From a rntproofing atandpoiat,
n~~iterials or ~rirrterialucriprrlle of being gnntretl tlirougli and subject this type of scree11 bulklleutl is prefernble to metul-slrentlred o r flnahed
to breaking loose sllould not tm used ill lieu of rutpl-oofing mnterinls to types.
close anloll 01)eninb.s. Finn, Iinrcl setting mnteririls used to close open- Single subdivisionel bulkheads between two rut-tight. areas need'.
I i n p around cilbles within ferrules aro subject to upprovnl by the field not hrntproofed.
! irrupector.
j Fiberboerilu 111iiI plnutcrh~trduurs gonertllly ~ i o t~~owptuble

I 5. RATPROOF-EXEMPT SURFACES. No~rrntproof shentlibrg need

nd ratproof when placed flus11 ngniast, or 11ot more than three-
fourths inch from steel plnte, or flusli uguinst ratproofing materiul over
insulution. Overl~ippirrgjoilrts or ~niniriltimtliicknessas ltre not necea-
yury for slieritliilig SO p l ~ ~ c e(see
d fig. 18).
Woodelr-screen bulltliet~rlu!iced uot be rst1)roofucl when plnced flusli
crgiiinst, or not n ~ o r etliun tlrrce-fourtl~sinch f r o ~ usteol
, plnte or rat-
1moofi11g~nriterinl,or so co~istructedtllnt tlre screen bulkhend is oli ut
leiist 4-ilrcll vei-ticnl benrors, ternlili~rteulit lerist U iliclles ubove tlie
deck or otlrer Iiorizontrrl lcrlgu \vliicl~rilny be l e l ~ i a dor iatersect it,





i :
Rpura 1 1 Rpurr 1 2 . .i.
Parltltan nan-

1 2 Go ir0aa1mat
~ t l l( Ul l n . 1

aha. n o n - # a l p r o e 1 Bhd, n o n - r m l p r o o l I.UI~. H


' //



I W a I. Nan-rolproal
I a1 ~/4*~loa.
Shall or bltd.

d o w a r 1/*-
18qa.w1ra mash



Rluro 24
The deck covering over i~rsulationthicker than tlrree-fourths inoh
in rutproof arens slroirld be ratproof. T o rutproof, t l ~ eineulation
should be completely covered with 18-gnuge expanded .metal, '18- to .,
20-gauge flcittenetl, expanded metnl, or 16-gauge steel-wih cloth ir) .
refl.igw1.sted sprrceu. !

When mesh nraterinl is essentinl, it mu)- be placed just above the in- .
yulntion, or witlrin or between Inye13of the covering material (see fig. . :. '

Permnnent flooring with a void beneuth greuter than three-fourths :
ilrcll nlust be 11rade rntproof by flusl~ingnll pnlving edges and collar- I
ing 1111 penetrntions lenving no openings grenter than one-half inch.
F l w r i ~ ~ofgcotlcretc or of lrnrd cotnposition rn~rterinlover void0 con- F .
tai~ri~ig i~isulatior~ thicker thnn tlrree-fourtirs inclr, slrould be not less 1,
tlinn 2 irrcliev Illick, ~irlcld ~ o r ~be
l d~-ei~~for.cccl
with large-mesh ~nnterial.
DETAIL AT MON- DETAIL AT M l e ~ 1r1 lloori~lgconsists of n l~tyerof collcrete nnd n lnyer of cornposi-
ti011mubriul, the concrete slloi~ldbe nt lenst 1% inclrm thick, and one .

of llie 1nye1-ssl~ouldbe reirrforced. In all cnscs, the cove a t the bound-

aries, 111rdtlie curb 01. slle~tthingabove the flooring and $luting, slrould 'I
be latproofcd. \Ylien tlie bulklrend sl~eatl~ing is nlr acceptable non-
rulpruof ~~rciterinl ~uldt 11el.eare o p e r r i ~ greater
~~r tlrnn one-ilall inch ;
between tlle hottor11 of tho bulkl~endsl~eathingnnd the stsel deck, the
cove of the flooring slrould l o rutproofetl by plncing 18-guugo wire
1neu11 (18- to 20-gn11geflnttened metril, or 10-gauge uvpnlrded metal
will be ncceptnble) 4 inches into, or on the bottom of, tlle'composition 11
&A. MIN flooring nnd extending it up 1 inch above the bottom of the gn~wing '
sueti nrlrk
MUHDIP v edge of tlre bulkllend slrent hing (see fig.6). I f the bulkhead sheathing ,/
' is en acceptnble nonrntproof material and there are no openings greater '1
than one-lralf inclr bet wee11 the bottom of the bi~lkhendsheathing and
the eteel deck, rntproofing nt llle core of the flooring ie not required I
(see fig,27).
Portnble flooring, ~vlrethersolid or open type, sl~ouldbe i ~ ~ectionsr
01 euclr size nnd weight ns to be easily Iinnclled. When a lloist iq not .
' ,

available, the portnble sections should not exceed 30 q u a r e feet in.rmn

llor 190 poulids in \s.eight. \Vhen n lioist is nvnilnble, enclr section
ruttl uc14i
sorr11 ehould be less thnn 76 square feet in nren and slrould be provided
RAT h W H r G
with n flus11ring or other menns for tlie nttacllment of n hoist cable.

7. HULL AND SUPPORTS. IIorizontnl stiffeners, including - struc- 1
turd members over d o o ~ snnd cnrgo poi-ts, slrould be instnlled toe
dowr wherever pmcticnble, to elinlinnte tho pnrtially hidden area
fornletl ,belrillcl lire flrr~lye\\.lren i t is l)I:~cerltoe up.
" .I - A.! - ,:-.. .

c o N r l H u O U 5 F L A T E)AR OR
Hgun 17

, .
or clme nppronch of several stnlctaral n~crnbsrsAnnot bo w i l y
inepocted lllu s p r e slroultl be e~~rlosetl (see fig. 28).
8. 1iGiiiENii.iG riOiES AND iiOiD SPACES. ~ ~ g i l l ~ c i iIrolw, c l g when
' used as n cllennu of o p e ~ ~ i spncesng trucl ~nnkings~~rfacos visible, ehould
b e ~ n p l o y douly where tiley open tlre spice sl~nicientlyto make it
w i l y visible, tllus imnttructive to rnts n s rr nesting place. In no
crlse slrould tlre c u t t i ~ ~ofg l i g l r t e ~ ~lloles
i ~ ~ gbe recommended where the

strength of rrtntcturnl members will be atiected ndversely.
Void or concenled splices, euch ns cofferdnms, spaces around the . I
chai~llockem or ln~lltsn ~ between ~ d the brensthooks, nnd epacea opened
by lightsuing lloles, either shoeld be mncle accassible, easy to illepst,
open to ligllt, or ndequntely ratproofecl. Such a spacs, wliw intended .

for tlre ato~vngeof clunnngc, geer, or n~iscellnneot~s inaterial, should be
encloeed rrrlrl provided ~r.itllIli~~yed entr~rllcedoui.rr o r manl~olecoVON, 1,
-I I with mencis of secl~ringthem. Such doo~vnncl manllole covexa ehould ;
be llingecl at the top n11d shot~lclhe self-closing. If made of meall
mnterinl, the cut eclpes sllould be ssubstnntinlly bound with steel barn I
or aheet metal crimped orer edges. D n ~ i nor ventilntion lrolea or
: slob in solid sl~uet-rrretnlskirts nrountl void spuces sllo111dbeno greater
tl~nnoue-lral F inclr (See fig. $9.). I

Void spncas aluttnd, a~icler,~\ndover tcl~rksCnd other should 1

HOORlNO AND DECK COVERING IN RATPROO? AREAS be left open, i f envily inspwtnlle from nt least two aides. T h b do- .
not npply in food-stornge nncl food-prepnrntion nrens, lvllere all 'void . i'
spaces s l ~ o l ~bed sealed (see fig. 30):
9. INTERIOR FOUNDATIONS. Other thrrn in ec~gineboiler and f l ~ n
rooms, 111u ~;ISI!Y u~ldf o ~ ~ r ~ c l ~of ~ t n~nclrit~ery
io~rs n11i1 eq~~iprneut in both '
111'1'115 s1ho1110I)&-(l~a.ii~l~\e(\
r n t t r r n r r f 111111 1 . 1 1 t - t i 1 r I 1 t a11t1i11st1111~d80 ns to 51'
, 1 ie iiiiii1lii/lii/~l;!il~l];!iii/$ij!~!/i~i~j/I~:~"l,.,
~ ~ ! l l : ~ j ~ ~ , ~ j i i i [ i ~ i l 1:. l' ! ;1 ; . : ~
.. # I .-..
A. .. j [ i j !w!;i
; ;;!; . ~ ; \i: : i! ! s! I ~f ~ i1 2 ~ 3
. . ~i!:i


i '





Flgurr I 8
eliminate any partinlly enclosed epnces. Open-type etructural steel
fou~ldntio~ia nre p1-eferl.ccl. Wlioro liglituniny I~oleuaro not euflciu~lt etmtions, by pips, through the covor 811 olosad to within one- '
to permit inspection und ndditiorial lighteni~iglioles cunnot be cut, the fourt11 ir!cl~ ou all sides. ' !'
exieting opeaing eliot~ldl~ cloyed to \vill~inoue-l~ulfi~lclrwith a t louet 1 1. WOODEN CARGO PADS. Wooden cargo pude in goneral-oarp
22-gauge sheet, I n iormnissn1-j spaces, all foundatiolia ehould llolds slloulcl be i~istlllledin direct contnct with the tank-top or on
I be completely closed. three-eig!!tl~s inch, flat bur benreru. I n no c ~ s el~oilld e tlre space be-
O p e ~ i i r ~ gb se h e e n tlie top ef box foilndntiolls uud the bnse of ma- tween tlie crwgo p41d n ~ i dthe tunk-top be p e n t a r tlrnu tl1t.e~-fourtlis
chieery o x m d i n g one-l~alfii~cltsliould be n~tpl-mfed(seefig. 31). i~rcli. 1\11en tlliclcer b e r r e ~ snre, ~~lncecl ilnder n cnrgo pnd, tlre space
10. STEEL TANK-TOP IN LOWER HOLD. IVllero fensiblo, tlie steel ill ekcess of three-fourths inch shoultl be filled witli nsplinlt cament,
11;-top sl1011ld be exte~lcledto Llic sl~il)'ssitle, to uvoid 1110 c r e n t i o ~ ~ or b i t u ~ ~ i i n o tnnteri111,
i~s or other 111.teri.1 ~vliirl,is impa,etnble by /:
nn open bilge spllce nnd Llle uertl to iost~lllR bilge cuilieg. Pipes rets. Cnrgo rnmps ~ h o u l dbe constructed of steal plate; Iiowever,
n t the sliipts side can be protected by bnttens. Coverplabs over open if l~ooden,they slloiiltl be coin~~letely co\-ered' \\-it11 11-gnuge sheet
drainwells sllould .be p e r f o r u t d or slotted, wit11 IIO oyetungs greater metnl when the spnce hnerlttr is greater t l ~ n lthree-fo~~rtlls~ inch.
th111i oae-hnlf inclr. Opeili~lgsillto tlie tll.r~ir~\~rlt \.oitl rirorr~lil the Wwdeil c~irgopuds over cork illsull~tio~l ill refriprtlnltetl-cargo lioltls

59 pc~.i~neter of the cover shorlld I)e closed to \villliil 0110-llnlf inch. Pen- sl~ouldhe nt least 2% ilrcll tl~iclitongue-~rnd-grooveor sliiplnp, n ~ l d M)
WTAUI WATER 'on orncn
A O~CCCROAM E t r n E n


PLAN A T DECK MUSTraw C " H I N ~ ~ UC~U A I L W ~ ~ ~ L T W C L HLDWL)i
H O I I I Z O N T A L F M I N G gUl0R AH0 f l N l S h C P OELYo



C o n s T n u c r l o n , *a WOWM, IS USED r n E ~OCLOWIMG RATPROOFIMQ Y E A L U ~ C S
HI~GEO AT r o P WITH A norip MARKER s r A T l N a *10 EI UEPT CLOYO I
locker, and lightening lioles into the spnce on encll side of tlie locker,

should be of n~tproofconstruction.
Whuu tlie cllni~l-storngespace is rot pnrtitiotled from the forepeak,
the entire spnua sl~oulclbe consideved the clrnin locker, and any i t o r - .'
age lwlie~sIrxritell hi this space slro~~ld be rntyroofecl.
13. DOORS. Doors of ncceptnble rionn~tproof~nnterinlwhich lend
sl~ould~be bound wit11 steel. I t is preferable tl~ut18-guuuge or hellvier illto r11tl)rooflireas sl~ouldbe closely fitted, and covelac1 on the outaicle
steel-wire clot11 be plriced between the, ceililrg nnrl the cork, but a
ceiling witll tightly fitted sliipl~lpor cnullied butt joillts is ucceptable
(see fig. 8.2).
12. CHAIN 'LOCKERS. Cllr~inlockers sl10111dbe so designed to retain
utly r ~ d s\vlliclt ~nigl\tenter Ijy wny of the cl\niu pipe. The bulklrer~rl
surrou~rdingtlre locliar slro~~ld be of rnetnl, and sl10111dlinvo no holes
. larger ~IIIIII ol~e-llc\lfillcll. h bullcltentl divicli~r~ tl\u locker into hvo
t s I J~~
~ ~ ~ ~not
61 . . l l l l l ~ l . l ~ t ~ ~ llectl . ~ r t ~ ~ ~ * o o fEc - Ic l~
. ~ ~ . ~ illto
doors ~ ~P ~cltnill
. .-.- -
or Iw. Tlris limitntion is not essel~tinlfor ent~ilncedoom to toilets;
brtlrruoulu, und wnrtlrok \vitlrin tl~esesl)uces. 1\
llecesses for slitliag dw~sslloi~ldbe nltproofed (see Bg. M ) . .
14. WINDOW CASINGS. Window cnsings in double Galls or bulk-
Ireudr sIio1rl(l bo of tight cor1strl1tti~11, 111111 pnfer~tblyof ~tmtal. If
rrot rlilproof, tlrert, sl~orildLH1 no 6j)t~cel~irget* ilrn~lone-lrulf illclr be-
t w e a the wii\rlow srsh or glnss nad the etlga of tlre olmlling, whether
tlicr winclo\v is ope11 or closed. For rr \rinclo\v \vhiclr does not elide
ilr n tight groove, this openiag slloultl be limited t,o one-fourth inch
011 eacl\ sidu of tlre snslr or glass, to nvoid llrr o l ~ n i i l g
exceeding one-
ofwF*i& WACS. lrnlf irrcll \vheli tlre \yintlo\v shifts to one sicle. Tlrie is not nccessnry .
if tlru \\-i~ltlow\\ell is rlitproof. For 11 \vi~rdo\rsash \vhiclr does not
FOR CARGO D O O R 5 ,ONLY HOT drop to \vitlrio we-lurlf irlcll of the well, 11 rc~novubleinspection panel .
slroirlrl LH) provided. Windows t l r l i t slide I~orizontrillyinto a cloirble i
\veil or bu~k~rcnd s1i~i1111j~tlssinto s pocket const~ucteclilr tI1e snnre I
111a1\uur11s Llre wi11tlo\v wall recolrralentlec\ ubove. .. I

WOR TO 5 T w A G t 3PAr.LS - c;drsr\rjcr o b o TO~ STOWAGL JPhCtSm

W ' l M I u IN&A m 6 SPACIS.

.' I..
' 5
. .


lotrer edge wit11 I6-iaclr aide strip of 23-gtiugs or lreuvier sllwt luehl.
Door c r l ~ i n pdioultl be i~rdrllkx\ill corrforn~n11cewith item Bc (m
fig. 33).
Construction lroles \vlricl\ n1uy be loft ill the top and lotton1 edges of
p~mfulrricatedn~etald o o ~ vu e d ltot be rittj,rooftrl. OPEN N P €
Slots ill louvelu, 1t11clIlie spuce Imt\\.reri tlte sill nncl tile bollo~iiof
63 crlt
. .. I ? ~of. tilbo~s
.. \ v i t t i i t l I i r i 1 1~~I I I ~ ~ I ~ili~Iit~g
I S , ltrltl

LNAWING t o ~ t sTO ar
f L 4 S H L D W l I H SMLCT

be li~letl'with %-gauge sheet metal. '

RElhFORCED CONCRETE OR sion, the entiro inside sllo~~ld
Only Ilnsl~i~rgof ilre gn~kwingedges \rill be required.if tnnye-and-
groovu or ply\vootI is 11uoi1(see fig. 30).


15. BALLAST. Por~llnnentbnlluvt sl~ouldhe so i~lstrrllcdus to nvoid 18. GENERAL. Servim fucilitiea guclr 11s pipes, cnbles, and ducts ,.
the crentio~~ of a rnt I~arbruge. Solid block, glavel, or snnd b~tllgst
uhould be cu~nl~letoly slkeallrcd willr v Isyer of ruilrforcd cor~cruluor
~l~oillcl, w l ~ e ~ ~ o~)ntctic~iblo,
vc~- be prolcctctl will\ open, elot-typo bar- ,
rieru, latlier llrnn with box or errclosctl types. i
cellrunt ~ ~ r u r t aotr uduq~~~rto l l ~ i c l c : ~ 1Voc~lc11
~~. olleatlri~~y for pur-

19. BATTENS. Stcul Ilat bnr, Irnlf-round bur, ahannul, or ma10
manelit grtivel, sand, or block balllrst slioulcl Le at le~tst2% irlclres bnl tells riru l~~.eferreil, Lu t \\*oodon Lnt tells n1.e acceptnble. Bgttenr
thick in finished eize. Sllentlling co~nposeclof to~~guu-and-groove or ulroulcl be so instnlled ns to for111rro trouglls or pnrtinlly hidden p k e t e
shiplap planking need not be covered \ritlr n~ett~l but tlre grrnwing i over slr11cti11-1rlrnelnk~s,cnbles, or \vila\vn~cnsings. Steel or wooden
edges a t the perimeter must be flnslled, ns defitled (see fig. 35). IIot-i- bnttel~sslioulcl Be nt l e ~ u 2t illclles apart, nnd nt Iawt 2 inches from
zontal sur fncev on wlrich airgo is plnced, pn 12ic1111~rIy
Iratulrcw, ~Iloi~Icl bu covo~vtlwillr stwI plate. TIio li~ri~rg
IJ€ 1ict:w9I I ~ I L I I -
I r t l j o i ~ r i ~i r or i l k l e ~ i d . Spree Let \veon them should be rum- 1
cicnt to ~ I I S I Ivisibility,
I.~ but ~is\*urless t l l l r ~ rtlro \vicltlr ot the batten, !'
lbole wolls ehoulil be ~utproofcilin tlre sllllle Irlnnner, a ~ tlre ~ dcclgcs of escupt in t 110 cnso of v u ~ -ic111 t I ~ ntells.
tllu co\.c~-trof t l r w wells sllol~ldbe. co~rrplrtelrbountl wit11 I(l-grii~gu 'l'lrero sl~oi~lcl be r i splice of nt le~rst2 inclres ktiveen the batteu h r e r 1 .
or hellvier slleet nletnl. Stri~cturnlsteel nngls slloirld Le usetl a t vul-
nenrble coiners in cnrgo holds.
16. SKYLIGHTS. Skylights ill fwd Iluncllilrg, l~repnrution,s t o m p
rlrrtl the ~ u r f r ~ cbeir~g e protected. Uattens slloi~ldhave n minimum ,
cleirrn~rce-of6 inches from tlre deck, escept tlrat the cargo fa'ce, i f ,
vertical, 1111iycxto~rclto tlre cleclc. Yertic.111,clrsnnel-imn pipegunrcls ,
or service nmns sllo~~ltl be screeaed rvitll Y~-~II'-II 111es1rsteel-wire clotll
1111tlcltsely ntljoi~li~rg nnglo-iron pipeii~artls\vhiclr ex tend to the deck .
of a prugo suited to tlio trprlr, splice, rrntl erl)osi~l.e,but in rro clise loss
or til~rkl o l ~slroi~ltl1r11t.e11alf:circle inspection holes at the bottom of :
than 18 gauge. Copper or utller corrosion-resistnnt inscct screens,
though necessary in these nreus, tire r~otr~~tproof.
17. MANHOLES. AInnlrole p~.otectioncorers 01. g~arcls,prcfcrehly
1 1 1 ~gllll~~tl.
Ilorizo~rt:ilbtitte~ruslioulcl llrlve 11 ~ l l i ~ l i ~clear~i~lce
11bot.etlie tleclc or tn~ik-Lopwlliclr tlrey pnrnllsl (me fig. 37).
~ l ~ ~ ~ r of
l 0 inches
I !
slror~ldLe n~ndeof steel plate, \\.it11110 o l ) e ~ ~ iprenter ~ t g tl111none-lr~rlf
20. PLATE GUARDS. IVido plute glriirds nre genernlly undesirnble,
itlrlr. 1Vl1e111111itIeof \i.oo(l, I I I I ~tvlle~rI I I ~void
~ ~1~1iccs crciltetl WIIL*II
. . . , a.I . I r . I : . . I . :.. ...... . I ; ,.,,,,, . I,c.c-;i~~so tl~cyesvlr~tlel i ~ l ~i~lterfer.~
t, tvitlr inipectiou, llicle rat nln\vnys, b6
loenled. *ad should be proridad with sitfficisnt lightening holes to. \ '
ovel.c;urrre these objections.
Sandeirctilar, Ehnnnel, not\ angle-type guarcls, when in a horizontal '
l~witio~\, dtot~ldL. toed dotvn uild so plueed ns to hide no surface
' 1 1 I v n n I i i . Cll~tn~lels itnd a n g l a i. u l~ori-
~ a i t ~pusitial
tl al~utildnot be toed up, t~~llcsr ills ledge c ~ b byd the
FLASH LONGITUDINAL EDGES l o r o r ilango iu rc~udilyvisible. Clin~lnelssllould not be used where'
OF WOOD BATTENS W I T H 16 tliov hitla tlie i11)l)ersurbce of, or s p t a betscsn, horizontal pipa,
AT TONNAGE OPEISING crtGeu and si~lriiarupl)t~rte~:nnces. ..
Prutectivb covers for henting pipgs or coils, and for kickplatu in '
\VI)J uf doois, sliot~ldIIUL exte~ldto t11a deck, ]lor horizontnlly belienth :
tllu pipn ur coil. It. is prafrlwbla tbnt pmtrcti\.a covels for p i p ter- :
a~iniltout loi~stD i~tcliesabove the dsl;, nntl t h t they be'opn a t both j
I . If co~sl,leto cnclosore is necessary, there should La no holm ? .
is 1110ca~si~lg I ~ i g wt1111r 011s-11nlEinch (pee fig. 38).
21. WIREWAY AND CABLE GUARDS. Wire~vayand cable guards of
t l ~ e~scinl-lutrt.yl)o &lo prefeluble, fmrn 11 n~tpraofing.stuadpoint.
Tlluy slio111d lba i~~slnlletl ~vllerevartba lofntiu~~ of the cnble or wire-
ally is such no to crcltte no rat l u r b o l u p nsd d m not prevent the -
. POKTABLG BATTEN inlslbw~ioaof Lllv iup uf LIio n.ir6c.y. I!: p!!~eeq~LrrI~arborngeL
crr?ntcd,tlle cl\lbls ur ivirerruy shoiild be e n c l d In n rntpmof casing.

r -





Ror-typa guards tilror~ldbe coastnded of llnm not over 2 ilrches in Cables slrould onter cusinga through nipplea or stuffing tubes. Sheet
width, wlrich are so pluced n s to linre n clea~*rr~rce between b~rrsof rnetnl collara sl~ouldbe installed at suclr penetrntions of expanded
2 to 4 inches. I n no crlse slrould the clesnllrre betweerr balv ut the nletnl if tlrere are ope~drgsgreater than one-half inch.
side be lass thatr 1% inch-. Tlle cnbles should be so placed tllut tlre
top of enclr lnyer is opposite the top of n bar. The crtblos slroulrl be
in groups, prefernbly not more tlrnn 8 inches wide, wit11 nn openilrg SERVICE FACILlTlE%INSTALLATlONS
of nt leest 2 inches between groups. l'lre slots tlrus cl-errted slrorrld
tm above ench other wlrere tlrere nre suvornl Inyelu of cables, and llre 22. GENERAL. Sumice li~jessl~ouldbe instolled in euch r manner
b a n ' which form the unrlelsicle of llle wi~-e\\.~t)- gunr~lslrould rot. bu l g Ir~rrborngesnnd spaces which cannot be in-"
as to lrvoid c l ~ ~ l i l rat
hlow.these slots (see fig. 3 0 ) . spwted nscl clunned.
Clrsing~t~pe wimway or crible p a r d s slroi~ltlbe of adcqrlute st ~ e n ~ a l r ,
rrnd of materiul suitnble to tho spnm in ~vhiclrir~stalled. hlclal casir~gs
are preferred, but nonrulproof ~nnlcrinlsr1r.e suitable, in glrssageways
a i d similar spucas.
Wirenny cneings should consist of port~rblesecliolrs. T l ~ ewciglrt
alrd sizo of euclr set-tiolr, and tlre lnetlrod of rrttuclrme~rts,slroultl bu
tluclr us to hcilitute ~xalovrland replacerrre~rt.
Cnsinp sl~uuldertdrrd conti~luorrslyt l ~ r o u g lnttproof
~ borrlrd~rrics
or double bulkl~etrds; otlrerwise, tho ol~ulrilrgsill tlrese bulkllearls,
tlrrouyll \vhiclr tlru crrblcu l~asu,rrlror~ldbu I-r~tl~roofcd.
Cable and wireway cnsings and junotion bores slrould be plucecl at
leciet 0 inclles ~tbovetho finivlred clwk, or the sprtco sl~orlldl o ntl 1,roofutl.
A t llle declcl~end,wire\ray ulsilrgs \vlriclr rre ~)nrrrIleIto tlru ~ C ; L I I I S
J o u l d lu plltced as recoall~~e~rded for velrtilatilrg turd I~errtil~gducts i ~ r
i b ~ 25.
n Tllove casilrgs \rl~iclrnre below, ulrrl run tr~r~~sversely to, the
deokl~eudbeu~xurdrould tenninnte w t the lower eurfrtce of Llru ilcclc-
head beams, and ellould not extend into tlre spnce bet\\-eerr bewnu.
N O T E : D I M C N S I ~ *A.
f D6CK

. .

AP~Ed u r ~ ~ s
I;,: :ll~~!l~'iul~~iii~~'ill
"ilj[i.!l]'l/il ~ ~ a ~ ~ . ! l !l ! ~ ~ ~ ! i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i i ~ ~ ~ ~ i ! ~ i t : ~ l ~ ; ~ ! : ~ l ! ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ! ~ i l i ; i ~ ~ ~ i
i I I;i
1 1 , ~Il'h(iiiil,ja;i I l i & ~ U i b l
Lu[; iziii
$!:I: i ' 1

Most eervice-line illstallntions should be left open. . I n e r e ullin-

a p t a b l e a n w are creatad, tlie need for r a t p ~ w f i ~ will
i g hafe to e~
determined with due eortsiderution of sudl f u c h s nh the amount of
liyllt above tho service lines, the space existing beti\leon them, ~illd
whutller o r not any of the lines o r rrcljrrce~ltfixtures nru ir~sulaterl.
Wlloll ratproofing is necessary, service lines slloi~ldl>e completely
snursed. When e~lclostrresare necessnry in pnssngownys, the fncil-
itiw should be placed high enolrgll to pcrrrlit tlio irist~illutio~~ of
! portrrble inspection panels.
' .

A11 penetriitioas (by p i p , crrbles, \vire\\.uy, arrcl dr~cts)of bulk-
I~eads,decks, declilrerrcls, aad pnrtitions wllicll form tho bounclnrieu o f
ratproof spnces, sliould be rntproof. Criterin for I I I I L X ~ I ~ ~ope~lirlk-, ~III~
aa dufined, slroulcl be follo\setl (see fig. IT, 46,n~rd46).
23. , PIPES. All exposed pipes, except ia PI-opelli~rg nnd tiuxilinly
~naclrir~ety s[Juces, slroulcl be it~sttdlctl~trvrryfro111 cornols, stiffcnors,
I bull!:c!~cltr, LOY~.B!I~S of I~cm,!rrs, bl~~rultotu, rrlld s i ~ ~ ~ ilixlrrrcu.
lsr l'lluy
et~ouldbe kept st~lIicierttlyspaced r v i l l ~resl~ectto olio 1111otlrerto per-
mit oclsy inupectioa. At lcast 2 i~lclrevsllor~lcloxist bctwcu~~ ~)il)i'~,
nnd between n pipe nnd arty surfttce tltttt p ~ ~ ~ i r l l citl u(see fig. 40).
When it is nocessnry to pluctl p i p a in coattrct \\.ill) olru anotlrer in
1lol.izontal layo~u,the grouping slloirld be li~~ritetl to 8 ir~cltuvirl \vitltIt,
wit11 2 i~lcllesbetween groups, W l o n these provisio~rsn1-a i~nprac-
ticable, and uni~~spwtrrble 3111-faces nnd rtr t Ilnrborrrga are cmntcd,
Horizontal pipes sllould La kept n t leust 8 inclles fro111 tlre deck ,
o r tank-top, and a sufficient dista~rcefro111br~lkl~ends, sllenthing, n ~ i d CLlllNG IN RATPROOF AREAS
structures on deck to prevent crention of an tlni~rspectublespace.
flgum 41

in groups
- - should be nttnclred directly to b r ~ l k h e ~ dosr docklieads, o r
witlrin one-lralf irlcll of tlrem, \vlrerever ~>n~cticrrble.The gt~oupiag Wlle~lslleet-iroa collnls are instnllecl, they d ~ o u l dfit to within. I! 1
should be limited t o 8 i~rcllesin wicltll, rind there slrould be u spnco of one-fourtll iricll of the outer surfnce of the individuul ,cable o r group t.
a t lenst 2 inches between groups. Wlrerr ctrl~lesitre iristrilled rrncl rtot f c b l e JVlrctr yl~lcedrlrol~~rtl n s i t a ~ v n y ,the lr~neredge of the /' '

enc~sed,the bucking plrrtar to \~lriclltlle clrbles lire n~ttilclredsllorrld collar slror~ldbe cut to conform to tlre outer su~&rceof the wireway.
be not more tllnn 8 inches \~icle,with a 2-invll spaco bat useen pnri\llol I\ strip of sheet lerrcl can be placed nr-ourid tlle cnble o r ~vilaway,as

plates (see Ag. 43). D s~lfeguardngiri~lstthe i~lsulutionk i n g cut by the collar.

W h e ~ iu ~ ropen, inspwtuble type of ctrble inst ~rllatioil is ilnpossiblu tlio two I~i\l\~es of tlie c o l l ~ ~tiglrtly
r ilg~rirrstthe urbles will
rind u rat lrnrbornge - is crmted, tlre ctrbles slrol~ltl1)e e~rclosed. vibratiorr rr11(I c ~ r t . t i ~
~ gfi-g.20).
Cables dlould plus ~lrrolrgl\stufliilg tul~es, ~ l r i ~ ~ r b lor es,~ril~ples A lrcrivy ll~lirguotr a strrfiillg box, ir \vrrsl~erbellind a nut, o r the
\rhel-ever they penetmte brrlkhends, clcckl~enrl~, I I I I ~p w t i t iotrs, o r erlter rut of a rripple, i f cover.irrg tlre gu~t\r.ingatlge of a penet~lrtionof j !
nntl nr~ll-.~ I I ~ P - n. r s\\-itt~l~-hoxeu.
- I N . ~ , I " - i r a ~ r n vm ~ n r f l q T)irect r)tbrrc 11i11.d c.o~lrl)ouitio~~ 1111ltcrir11 nt leilst orle-fol~r.tlrinch, \\.ill provide



Flgurr 4 1
ING SYSTEMS. Biushroom nnd torpedo ventilntors in the superstruc-
ture and deckhouses sl~oulcl be colrtinuous \ v l ~ e1)nssiag ~~ tl~rough
double bulklle~idso r decklleads. \\'lle~-e aecessaly, tile sleeve of the
ventil~ttur sllould be estendecl by the adilitio~r of sllcet alotal.
I Penetr~ttions of n o ~ ~ r ~ ~ t p l *bulkl~eads,
oof t l e ~ l i l l e ~ ~ot lr~ ,s l ~ e ~ i t l ~ i n g
i ehould be collnl.ed.
Air ducts eliould bo so constructed and loc~~tctl t l ~ n tnit lwrboruges
will not be created.. Tlley slloultl be c o ~ ~ t i ~ ~wllen u o u sprssi~rgtllrougl~
double bullcllends nnd insulntion. S o n r r t p ~ ~ o ~nnterinls of nre suituble
for cert11i11spaces otller tllu~igeaer;~l-cargoI ~ o l r l ~ibrovidcd , 1lr11tull
flawing edges n1-e Il~isbed. Air ducts \vl~icl~ 1l1e void sl~aco
withi11 clolible b\~lltl~encls or c l e c l i l ~ ~ ~slrol~ltl
t t l ~ I)e 1.111p1,oof.
Itectnnb'lrlar nir d ~ l c t ssl~ouldbe i~~slr~llccl eitlrer tigl~llyr ~ g ~ ~ or i~~st, -.
entirely nway from, decklleucls nnd b ~ i l l i l ~ e ~lo~ tpernlit l ~ , insl~ectio~~.
It not flush with the tleckllead pluti~lg,the iluct sllo~~lcl be s~~flicie~ltly Flgutr 43
below the clrckl~ead11e1r11lv to 1)elmlit i ~ ~ s p e c r of i o ~I l~~ etill,, but i l l 110 !
cam less th11112 i~lclles\ v l ~ the r ~ ~duct I.IIIIS1)11l:\llelt v i t l ~t l ~ cdeck YIII,-
barns, but not Bus11 with the clecklreacl. Wit11 this nrra~~yernent, tlre
al)nce.oll tlre sidu ~ l r o ~ rbe
l d ut lens1 10 irlcllev witle, I I I I ~tlre splrccs rrbove
Llro c u s i ~ ~ gt le~rst
t 3 to 4 inches, in order to perfirit i~rvpeclio~r (see fig.
Spuces made uui~rsl)ectnlleby the arr~r~rgenlent of vealilali~lgo r
heating ducts.sBoulcI be co~~lplelely errclosed willr slrcet nletltl, or tlre
need for rutproofing \rill hnvo to be delerrrtil~ecltvitlr clue colrsiderut ion
of such fucto13 us the nlrloi~ntof light ~lbovot l ~ eservice lines, the spuce
exicrti~rgIxt\rco~lt l ~ e n ~uacl , \vlre~lreror not nay of tile Illrev or ad-
jacunt fixtures are i~rvulnted. Exp~rrrile~l rrrelal or wiru clotlr is suitulle
in liou of sheel metal, except in clirgo sp~rces(see fig. 48).
26. SCREENING OF VENT OPENINGS. T I I ~ I I ~ exlrarrsts, ~S, rind 011t-
lets sliot~ldbo proteclecl by rntproof screeuing, ll~rlesvtlro oper~ilrg
is equipped with 11 louver ia \\.lrich 110 s l o ~or lrole is grcaler llrun olre-
half ioclr. Illsect scrce~ri~rg is not s~rt.isfuc.~ol-y ur ~ . i t t l ~ r o o f i(sea
app. -4).
All gr11vily alrd forcetl-tlrtrft i~rtaliulr~rtlexlri~usto l ) e ~ ~sl~ould i ~ ~ g1)e
r~ttproufetl. VI:IIIi11rli011 f11ciIilit:ss t : r r i ~ ~11gs i ~ r ~s1111t:e
l c I I I : I * ~ l)t! r11l-
1)ruofu(l o~rlyon llrr~t01rt1 \vI~icIris I I I O S ~elreclive i ~ rpreve~rtiagI ~ u r -
burngo lor latu 111rt1 tlubrir, t1111csr11 r.111I ~ ~ t r b o n ~isgc~-t!~trutl
u i)y rt lrc~ri-
zontol run of cluct. I)ucb extencli~rgfro111lire \velrlller declc directly
to the curgo Irolclrr, cagi~ler o o ~ ~e11t1 r , boiler r o o ~ ~ willr
~ u , ~ r oIlorizont~tl
extw~sions,need 1\01 be ~alproofcclat eitller p ~ ~ t lV. c ~ r t i l ~ r l tenlri~tulio~~
o p e n i ~ ~ ill t e r s , r00111s, 111rt1otller j11111lic
g slivi~rg( ~ ~ ~ ~ r rili~lillg sj)~rceulreetl
not be ratproofed, provided thnt they nre located irl tlre decklreud Irenr
tho center of tlre spuca, IIIICI tllnt there ure ~ r oavelrrlrs of appronclr ulrd
little likelihood of one being provided.
Veatil~ltingltooils ~ t n dca~ropiesslrould teralinnte fl~lslr\vitlr tlle cleclc-
Iread and slloulcl be ~crce~recl 11s specifietl nbove. l'ipes, cebles, nir RATPROOFING
duak, nncl similnr features over tops of l~oodssl~otlldbe grouped so ns
n d t o f o r ~ nspucw or pockets wlricll will IJU i~~~rccuuuillo for i~rspuctioa. w
I. D l M t N I l O I J *A* SHOULD 6 6 3UCM A 3
- .
arrroorua MOT RW'D;
It r u c l ~epuces RI'O forn~ed,they sllould be completely closed wit11 slreet 70 PLRMIr VISUAL lNIPECTlON OF TUL
metnl of 18- or 28-glruge, ~rccorclingto tile' rull)rooE nreir i~rvolvetl. CUCLOSCO JPACC. . .

WHCKE M r P l l O O F C C I L I N G 1 ARE I M S ~ A L L P D a .

-. . '

., I.
27, GENERAL. Rats llnve been observecl to burrow tlrror~gh,nrrd
Clgurm 44 . :
. 1
hsrbor ~ t n druise yo1111gi l l insulnt ion l c o ~ ~ r ~ r ~'tlsetl l y vessels. I n -
o ~ r oe 1

sulatio~rof 1 i11c11,or less, i ~ rt l ~ i c l i ~ ~\vlriclr

e s s is in clirccl. co~rlltctwith . .
the surfnce bei~rgi~rsulalec\neetl lot be ri~lpr.ooferl. I ~ r s u l t ~ t i oover ~l
1 inclr in thickness sllorrld be sl~e~tilrccl wit11 1111 111)provedr~dproof
rnnterial (see fig. 45).
75 Rxnunded ~ n e t s l\\-ill be silt isftrctory as sllcl~tI I ~ I of I ~ i r r s ~ t lio11
; ~ ~i ~ r
: j !:
SHELL flaahed -with a t least 16-gauge sheet metal. All penarations of \
rmlu f' o r D ~ C Kow
w d e n screen bulkheuds should be collared with a t least 10-gpugo . '

' slreet nletul. An exception to this.requirement ia covered in item 6,

prruyruplr 2.
29. REFRIGERATED-CARGO SPACES. Insulation within refrig-
slrulrld b rutproofed by corlrplete coveruge willr .
u r n h d - c ~ t r ~el)~tces
sheet nretnl or uccept~ible1ronnrtproo1 n~ateriul.
30. .REFRIGERATING-MACHINERY SPACE. Inaulrtion on machinery,
pipe, pipe nru~ifolds,vulve cabinets, and similar nppurtenances with-' .
in. rbfrigelntilrg ~r~r~clrinory spuces nre exempt from mtprdofing,
provided that tlre bourrclaly bulklreuds and deckheud, tlre thentlring
over voids or insulrrtion therein, arrd the pe~retrulionsof bulkheads
~ r n dtlre declilrend~nre rutproofecl, and the door is co~rspicuouslylibeled
31. ENGINE AND MACHINERY CASING. T~rsulntionon machinery,
pil)c, pipe ~~rn~rifoltls, vlilvo cabinets, rrlrcl sirrlil~trnppurtenances with- -
S H A L L COUTACI ilr elrgiae 111ri1boiler roonl ~nuclrirrerycnsirrgs need not be rutproofed.
galley, parrtry, rr~lclfoocl etoreroolrrs' decklrertds and bulkheads should
bu ~l~ulrllre'lwit11 ~rrel~il
( x e section E: ilelrl2).
or solrre otlrer Irnrd, ii~~roollr-surlnced

33. SLEEVES. Sleeves or stufling tubes slrould be installed nround

i~rsulntcdpipey ole service lilres wl~iclrprrss tlrlwugh double bulkllesde
ancl decklreltdv of refrigel-nted splrces. Tlre sleeve or etuffig tube ,
. slrould be of n r~ttproofnrnterial nrrd should extend for n distance of .
iI 12 irlclres on bo~lrsides of c ~ r ~penetration
h (see fig.' 48). When the . i
penetrated bulkllead is of iln acceptable nonratproof material, a sheet
~netrtlcollnr s l r o ~ ~be
l d plnced nrourrd the sleeve or s t u l h g tube a t the .
outer srtr face of ertclr bulklrend penetra t ion. When the bulkhead
extend to within olte-111tIf inch of s t n ~ c t u r l ~pl~rtes, l or sllot~lcljoin pelretrnted is of metnl, tlre n~rnularspnce in llre bullbeud around the
otlier mtproofi~rginnterinl. \Vhen esl)~r~rded 111etrrlis to be covered
1 ,
vritlr a plaster cont, the plnster slrould lrot be ~rpplieduntil tlrr e r p n t ~ d d
metal lras beon inspected.
28. GENERAL-CARGO HOLDS. \\'Irere i~lsrrlntionill general-curgo
ap~rcesis to be covelvcl wit11 metal, 14;-guuge slrect l~lelrllslroelcl be
plucud tlirectl? olr tlre i~rsr~lntio~r. dl tlre tlccltl~encl,I I lenst ~ 18-g.1111ge
I sheet rnetel sltould be rrsed. \Vlre~rspecinl I~I-otectio~r is I I C ~ C S S ~ I11~ . ~ GA. WIRE
lrenvier-gauge rnnterinl is ~~ecora~rre~~cletl.
, W o ~ l e oacreell bulkl~e~rcls ilr cnrgo Ilolcb 11rustI)e 1.111 l)~.oofecl\vlrclr !

them ie spoce with or wit lrout i~rsr~l~rtion, g r e ~ ~ t ~cIrI I I I II Ime-forrrtl~s

ilrclr bet\vee~tu steel ljl~rlculrd tlre \vootle~rst.rce~rbr~llil~errtls.If 254,-
inch-tlrick to~~grlr-lt~ril-grooreorslripl~~~) l)Iulrkil~gis 1rsuc1,o~rlytlrc blltt
ellcls on11 C C L . I I ~ IICPII
I~ 1)s Hiwl~edtritlr nt Ipa,t I (;-~ilrlgesIlcct III(!~:~I.
77 If 1111tt irrirrt 1)lrr111;irlar i s 1 1 ~ t - 1 1 n.1,.0 ..... I .....I . . .... .. I . I I I
])s~ietrntingsleeve o r stufling tube sliovlcl be 110 \ricler droll one-fuurtll
of an inch.
34. PIPES. Pipe rind pipe fittings wlliclr cnr1-y brino o r ctlicr re-
f r i p r n n t s , urtd mlriclr nre covered \\.it11 Ilnirfclt or si~nilnri ~ u u l u t i o ~ r
of 2 ir~clreso r less in tlricknes, need not bc nrtproofod. F o r ilrstrlatio~i
wllich is tbicker tllnrl 2 i~iches,tlie rrrted for rntl~roofiri~ \rill bu judyecl
on tlre basis of ar~urlgelne~lt nnd loc~l~ioii.
Other pipw insuluted \\-it11Irnirfelt or ~ilrrilrirrrraterial ~lricliertl11itr
1 i~icllsllould be ~.~itprwfecl, naless tlie pil)c is \ritlri~in nttproof \.oicl
or u rat-tiglrt area.
Tlie ~ i e e dfor rutprooting cork insul~itio~r (rrgurtlluus of tlricli~~css)
around pipes, including those carrying refrigel-IIII~ s, \\.ill bu jllilyecl oli
the Lirsis of nrrungernelrt and locntion.
All h~sulutedpipes slloulcl be \\-ral)l~eclsrpurrrtcly, rrllcl sliollld bc
so sl)nced us to ~rlIu\v11t le11.d 2 iuclres bet \well \vrnpl)ings, i f ~wrrclicublc.
WJbere tivo or ~lioropipes are irlsulateil 1i1it1 \ \ - r ~ r l ) ~tog e ~elll re^', 01' i l l -
suluted supnnrtely 111it1elrclosed ill olle \\.l'lil)l)er, tllu l~cetl for lat-
proohrg nlruulcl be ji~dgedon the Iriluis of ar~*ellgc~rlcirt rlrrrl locntion.
Wlrerr ratproofing is Ircceswrry, it. s l ~ o l ~ lco~ruist tl o f Y I I C . L I I ~ Il~lI~I ~o
pipe, or pipes with at le~rst24-yat1ge sheet 11ict111or 18- to 20-g1ttlge
Irardwnre clotl~. The \\ire clot11 slrotiltl be applied belleritl~tlie \\ri.~ll)-
pilig, nlld lnuy be el~rbedilrtli l l the ilrsull~liorl rot ~irorct l ~ i ~ 1t l i~~(:lr
fror~rits oilter surfnce. ,111 penetlxtions of nccel)lable 1iollr111 proof
mnteriul by i~rsulatedpipe shorlld be coll~rretl(see fig. 47).
T h e ruluiremeuts for pl~rsticpipe \\it11 i~lstllr~t iolr I illcl~in tllick~ress
o r grenter nre thesnme ns for ~netrrlpiping.
Hairfelt o r similar insulntioil 11-lliclr is less tllun 1 irlclr tlriclc, over
ventilnti~rg,air-conditioning, ond llerrti~rgrlr~cts, need not be rut-
proofed. F o r insulu tion over 1 inch t lriclc, r~rtprooliitg will Ln! neces-
sary, except in rnt-tight nrens (see fig. 48). IVllea co~-lris uscd, tlie
need for rntproofiog \\.ill be judged on the bmis of nrrnirge~~\e~it nl~d
No ratproofing will be necessnry ill tlie cnse of vent ducts wliicll n1.e
located \vitliirr. double bullillends or cleclchel~ds\vllicll are ratproof, or
i n fun roo~<i-whichllnve ratproof boti~ld~rries riilcl wliosu doors lire
nlnrkcd KEEP GI.OBEU. Rlrtp~*vofi~~g, if ~ ~ e ~ e ~ s sIroi11(1 r t r y , collsist o f
complete coverage wit11 24-gauge ~netnl,18- to 20-gallgu steel-wire
o r Iii~rclwiirecloth, 20-gairge expandecl i ~ e t a l3- , L O 22-gl111geIliiI teaetl
uxpanded metal, or 3.4-poui~ds-per-sqt11~rc-~urd lttetal 111111 wit11 I ~ I Iac-
ceptable Irard-plnster co~lting. Tlre ratl)roofiug nr~iteriulslror~lclbe.
plriccd over the.i~rsulntioanrld belle~illrI I I ~ Xrot-cri11~.
In CHPEG SI)IICCS. tlrt! l . i ~ t l ) ~ - o ~~fl i~~~l~, trt l ~..liI:, ,Bl b ~I nI ,al.,In I.... . I ti.,. . . . . . . r
36. GENERAL. Deck mncllinery and equipnlent (and tlre founda-
tioirv tlrercof) slrorrltl be so colrslrucletl o r rutproofcd rru to provide no
lenrporury lridirrg pl~rceor per~lral~eat 11 rnt. It i~
preferable that open-type constrr~ctio~r be e~uployecl. All sprrces to
which n rut irlipht guin entlunce slrol~ltlbe sr~llicioi~lly open to uclrnil
liglrt nnd to facilitste ilrspection nnd cleuning. Wlrerc opeir construe-
ti011 is inrpr~cticable,tlre spnce slrorlld be closeel, wit11 no lroles greeter
tlrnn o!16-half inch. Closure sl~oilltlbe eflectud wit11 ut lcnst 10-gur~ge
sheet nrot~il,13-guuge uxpnncletl 11let111,13- to lr)-g~rklgoIlultenctl ex-
pnn~lednrctel, ctc. (scs app. -4).
\Vhea tlre space \vitlrin the founcl~ltio~~ o r Lr~reatlrIL solid base 01-
cover plate call be vie\vecl from opposite sidcs, the lreiglrt of tlre s1)uco
ahollld be sufficient to permit ensy iospection. ll'lru~r i L is less llrun
6 iuclros, crenting R ntt lra~.bornge,the splrce slroulcl bu closetl (yce
Bg. 48).
37. ROPE AND CABLE REELS. Rol~uarlrl cltblu rcclu slroulrl bu o i
~iietrtlcolruln~clion,uird slro~~lcl be ir1s11rllt:d or1 ol)u~r-tyl)u~ ~ r c tsup-
ports.' Tile center core slrould be of solid o r perforntcd ~aetnl. 1-101-

Fl#ure 49

low axlea lruving a dinmeter groator t t h n 1 inah
u~ilewtlre uren is inspectnble.
30. MOORING FITTINGS. Bitla, clloeks, cdinla, and otlm km&g !
fittings slrould be either open for inspection o r completalg aloed. ,
Ally rat Irrirbornge within o r ndjoining sucli f i t t i n p ellodd be rat- I
1)roofecl witlr heavy r~rtproofingmaterial. Holes in cnstings greater
tlrnn one-lralf inclr, sr~clras nre sometinles found in crucifix bitta, Bh~uld
n ~ ~ p q 0 0 ~ 1 UDUCT


, I T H A Be
4PFrrCb B€U€A[y T!lE ~ R A P P I M ~ , A L MAY
be s e a l d with rnetril.
. i
39. SHELVES. Shelves or platforms should be so instcrlled se to
nvoid the pockets o r hidden places. M l e n euch placee nre
.. ..
.2.2-gn11ge. Slrelvcs IIIILI I J ~ I I forlns
I usecl for tlre slorage of foods sl~o~rld material, rntproohg will be necessary, unless the parts ah, stowed in .
prefernbly be colrst rartetl of ~lleet11rct11 l (see fig. 50). M nrtywof colepttrtlne~rt.
40. BINS. Bins sl~ortldbe plnccd eillrzr flrlslr ngrirrst, or well nlrny S~rlallspare-parts boxes should be made of rnetal, unless they are to :
frolrr bulkl~eails~rrrclst rr~cctrrrrlrrrcnrlrrrs. If I I O ~flus11 wit11 tlru deck,
be stowed in n ratproof compurtnlent. I

tlre splice ~rndernentlrslrot~ldbe rat proofed tvillr rrt Icirst 29-g:rt~geslreet 42. LOCKERS. All lockers slrould be installed in such a manner m' -;
11retal. ;ill bins slror~lclIrrr\.u t iglll-lilt iog covers, 1rrcfcr.11ldyof I lru to fotar IIO rat l~c~rboruges at t h e deck or doolcl~endor: with adjacent ,
=If-closing type. structures. If ]rot plncccl Ails11 with the deck, the locker sllould be
41. SPARE-PARTS BOXES. Lnrgo slrnru parts, such as ~)rol)cllclu, elevntetl nt ICIIS~ (i inclles o r [Ire spnce closed with sheet metnl of a t
propeller blncles, nnd shrift sleeves, slror~ldIje stolved ilr r rutproof leust 8.2-gnuge.
nlrnner. E'rolri n r1111)rootillg st n r ~ ( l l ) ~ it~lrey
r t , slro~rltl11otIje e~rcrrse[l. 'l'l~e bountl~rriesof 11locker in wny of A void epnce crented by a fixed
f~rlsobottoal sl~ouldbe mlrclc ratl~roofor rut-tiglit nccordirlg to the
Whea this is rrot possible, r111d \rllen tlru cilsi~rgiu of ~ ~ o n ~ - u t l ~ l a o f
111-011. !
s~)rrcwutlrer llra~rra(l)roo[ or rat-tiglrt ureus, the lockera ehould
bu fabtici~teclof tiletel. Tlrey mlry be of woocl or otber nccoptable '
no11nr t 1)roof 11111terirrlprovided they rlre properly l h e d or flnshed with
111 ler~st22-grlugu sllect I I I ~ ~ I I 'l'ltt:
~. cclgc9 of 1ocke1-srnclde of wire
clollr or uxl~s~rcled slrolrld bu h111rdwith nt lerrst.22-gauge
~rrcli~l . sheet
43. BOXES. \Voatlicr clcclr boxes slrot~ldpl-efel-nbly be made of
I . l f of \rucrd, llruy slru~~lil b 111t1tlr: u l p w u f by lininy t l ~ mtin
s 1
bcrtlollr 111ri1 tlru lowest 1% illcllcs of tlro sitles wit11 rrt least 22-gauge I

1 1 cI : ~ 1I - II 11cs1. OtI~el*expoved eclges of such boxee '

slroulil bu 111.011crlyflrrul~ed.
Storeroolrr boxus or boxca plnced ia otlrer rutproof nrens shoud be :
nrntlc rat-tight.


44. GENERAL. Furniture irlcluding mnrdrobes, should preferably
bs llrnde of ~netul. Rntproofing will not Be required of wooden furni-
turo \vlr iclr lrns 110 opel~irlgsgreater tlrnn one-half inch, and which
n1Tords corllplete visibility of t lle iat?rior of the base by such meme M
tlre ~ . e a ~ o vof~ idrawers
l or loose fnlse bottoms. Wherever the intarior '. i
of tlre btise is not visible becnuse of n complete or partinl fixed bottom,
or because n dmlver c~lllnotbe renrovecl, the gnnming edges should be
~jrotecteil. I'
IVlrc~lcver~)ossil)lc,furnitrrls alrd fixtures elrollJ. be instnlled fludl
w i t l r tllu tleck or eluvetetl lit leust 6 incl~es. Pnrtially enclosed spaceil 1;
rirou~rtl f r11.11i t uru slroultl be closet1 \ri tlr 22-guuge or heavier slleet 1.
LEU NAM ~ A O Y w.
. nretlil. 'I
No1E :
N O R A 1 P R O O F l N 4 R E Q U I R E D WHERL 45. GALLEY FIXTURES. V i r t ~ ~ r c ins gnlleya should be eo designed . I

r~rrdlocirteil 11s to sIl'o~.d11eitlrer hnrborirge for rnts nor places for the
~rccu~nulntio~i of food. All galley fixtures slrould b of metal, and all
.sc:irrr~s Ilrcl.cirr dro11ltl I,e fittcd clujrly rrtrtl, prefenrbly, \valdcd or
I I I ,L 1 1 . I:. 1 ....... .. ,... ,I... ;,.),,.,I 1..\11\.t1.111.tne1( n n ~ r l instl~Il,.,li,, 84
eomplifincs witlt t l ~ ctitcria
s included i1; sce~ionsE ttnd F of thie L u ~ b l i ,
they \\.ill nlvo be sntishretorj- ~ I ~ I tlta
I I ratprooli~tgsttrodpoint.
ING-WATER COOLERS. Tile ~ n e c l r i n e rc~o e ~ l ~ : r r - l slrould
~ ~ ~ o ~be
t en-
closecl with 10-gnuge wire clot11 o r IS-gitrrge culm~)rlcr\ nl, or
equippecl with $-inch lo\\\-els. IVlrere lajles I I I .ctrt ~ i l l i11e 111eslrfor
I tire pnssnge of wnterpipes o r ele,ctric c:rbles, aletvl ~ o l l t YIIOUIC~ ~ ~ r be
i provided. Door3 of lnncl\ille~yco~r\l)urtotr~rls slror~ldbe tight-litli~tg
c l ~ r ull sides.
1 .
: I
"4 .,.
Minimum Thicknesr-Approved Ra1proof M a l e r i a l ! ...
-. - - . -- -- ---- - -- - .-
h.-bU.brL &UP . .. I
OM-beli-Lucb m u h u ~ oup a u l u ~
rlicat Flgura
Item ..%A!
IWI Rabid 7
IWknd W h o r -H. . !

RUM Flrllsoad Wlraa apandod erpndcd budrue

upuoJrd trprurdetl hudwnm nwhl ojW cblh
malul tualol cloth :
-- -- . .
Gaul, 01W
C l m a r r ~ ~ - a . t r oU
o o ~ w Oau#r Oaugd Oau#d Oaqa ' . R11-Tlasr A r r u Obu#r Oaqr

(To e l w openlnjr srarlrr l h r o one-hell Inch)
Bhorlblo# on bulkhrods.. ................... 18 ..............................................-. .................................. n 18 18-a0 10.
Bb*alblng on dsckl~c~~dr.. ...................
B*ttens u l louur&ao ca~luyi.. ...............
.................................... 17
CoUu y l r l u 81 ~ n o a l r r l l o o r :
......................... ....
Colhr 11cle.r 81 p e o a ~ r r l l o.. n....~
....... I8 .................................... 2a,II,M
V d d r end puekala 18 Wm
~ l i r a l h &over t ~ paru~uour~t ballurl............ I8 ................................... 11 A u INTAKC.
Einruatr rso O u r ~ c r r

Covrrr lor acccsi rnanl~ola wolla r l ywr-
mulaut b:rllart. ........................... .................................... ....................................
Covers or l u u r b lor s ~ u ~ l ~ o ...............
1" ....................................
O a t w ~ l ' e uo hol~ls
~ t ~ g u r tevrgo r d bulC .....-.-.-....--.--- .......... 1I d
II 8 .
t ~ t 8
I4 ...... .
L a ~ ~ l t ~(d~wpt l b ~ ru l lplll ullcl r e a l duels).. I0 16 lCl8 48 Elmwbertlnltrlor.. ..................... ............ II' I C 15 I4
n I1nc1at l ~ p l a #
I n r u l ~ r l l ~rvor
ovar Ilncla r l Vent clcml*. ........
18 1820
LC18 E L l n w b r r t a r y o w d l o weather........................ a I3 13-18 U !
Vulds ~ r ~puckclr ...........................
t l II II ? 13-14 lI 3n, *N,MI. 34 MUCIrUNZOFl
n r r r a o r r r r c o . C r n c o Ilur.os
811bblbltt#-wllh h u l l c ~..................... ....... !................
l w o l t u r r 811dnalurr vuldr ..................... n
M w b l n r q l w l ~ d u l l u r ~OI a w r r l h r r deck1
8 .........16.............47.
It-I8 .

Ir ............
~a 12 8 lY *la-%
............... ........................ blaehlnrrr eauipul111r11l8Iuletlor ralprool
I 8 .............
U ~ ................................................
S!!rc!!!!!!!-\r!l!a~~~~l IIU~~UII~.. IS 111 8 14-18 16m
................................................ n ........................
k a r r l ~ ~ l e r l............................
Collar 11lu1ur u l ~ r ~ ~ u l r ~ ~ l l u t u Id
20 ......................--
Cofrrr 11rguunls h r l o u ~ ~ l ~ u ...............
lar n ................................................ k h 8-arttrlor ............................ ir I
Crlrmal mrna:r ............................. IS ................................................ I
I r r l * r ~ ~~I)(IIU~I..
d 2.1 ................................................
I a ~ ~ u l urlnncblour
ld ......................... II ................................................ 1 OI p u l o r r l r d r b w l meld.
Fluor111 ....................... ..................... In Id-% 111 a
1 1 1 r u l u l ~u1v u 1 181~11 IN IP lh'N ............ a
brtloor.. ................................................................................. n 1
R ~ r r ~ a r u ~Brorca
8 b ~ l b b ~ .................................... 21 *1n Il W B .................. !.....
Doom.. ................................ n .................................... a8
Door c ~ a l n & ~ - ~ (surhce~ l ~ M................
e 22 .................................... 8l
floor wslr~gr-larldu nurho!. ................ 11 ........................ 16 a8
B b r l i l n vuldr ............................... 21 I8 18-20 I4 W
C o ~ a v!.h~ss
r at peuctrot~um ................. 12 .................... .,.............. 1411.w
Flooring. ...............................-.............. 18 18-10 18 3
C u r u r or &uotdj lor ntrobolea ............... ?? ................................... U
u n Iloch.......................
l t ~ a ~ l u l l over I8 18 1820 ............ ; 4s
V d d nod ~ pockclj ........................... I9 I8 1&10 I4 ............
Bhulblng .................................... la ................................................
Bholiln voldq............................... IS . 16 13-20 I4 10
COIIU .................
pfu~csut y ~ a t r o t ~ o t ~ s ~2 ....................................
Doors.. ..................................... n .................................... B~?I.$
Flwrlny..................................... IS 18 18-20 I4 i)
Volds ant1 yockals ........................... II 18 IS-% I4 ............
Co&lsttrarhr B r ~ c c a
Iltrn111I11#................................... Z! ................................................
Sllrlvlll vulll* ............................. .... ?I 80
C ~ I I&Lor ~ .................
at p u ~ ~ o l r u t ~ o ~ ~ ~ ?? **I.u
Flotjrlnp ..................................... 12 I4 a
l ~ u u l a on t over IIllch....................... 1.J .......... ......................... U
...... .....
.............-.. ...
Vollll ~1111 PUCkell 21 I4 i
Foutitlnllo~~~ ................................. IS ................................................
I l ~ u h l i I~ilefnol
~# ....................
ear~ctrr ?i ................................................
IS ................................................
Pluh111 cxlcrnnl corners ....................
f i l r ~ l l r l l..................................................................
t 18 ............

Mlnlmum Thlcknesr-Acceptable Nonralproof Malerial ; UJ. Slundurd Gauges far Sheet and plat. Iron and'st.@l

W d Trplcsl w~upuslllon111alm1& Owrr LSqul~Jml ltqulillenl

iblolPlu IhlcLm~
~ p u l d n t 1CqulrJo~

Loerlbtr Touues Bqllare
wrlcr- Rlpld Flunlblo
Iarul. T d
a .....................
21 ................-... hdua.a,
n ....................
. d bull
&r~0raor Jolnl
proof ubstac
1 1 l y w d centcul
nsld uberlor
r s l u r l m lnlulutlng 4 .......................................... .W
1.634 8 ....................................-..- .PA
. a

~hlplap 1 .U)
1..................... .m 6 16Q 24
t s ................-.-- . .a
ah1 - 7. .................... ..1r1
la8 i 7 u
16 ....................
.Ol9 .dl(
8 ..................... 4.w.

........ -
IncArr - Iachtr - IncAso lpnm
r let rl luckto
rl~eal Iac4ro
me1 . 0 .....................
1s 1.w
n ....................
..... .111
BeM#rmtadcuyo bola 1 154 .......... .......... .IU 20 ..................... -014 a1
11.................... 3.111
Jg . ...................
Ha .
.*.------- a18
I f .................... tn8 .an
Bhlp'r ~lorerrelrlyurled~ p n c u . 8 1% .......... 1 .- - - - - - - - -
l a ....................
2Jbl I 1.................... ,011 .m
n .................... ..m
Blarrooms .....................
C o m n ~ l j a uI --; )I ..........
r urns...
, 16....................
16. ...................
aa ....................
51 ....................
mo .
L l r l n g md yu llu rpuou 1.n
n d l o sod n r u rooma.......'..
Y ~ r ~ n n u t ballut..
N .......... 36 )Io.
2)L ........................................,
; "H 17....................
I b....................
1.270 88 ..................-.
37 ....................
19. ...................
2% 1.111 .001
Bhsll alley cslUna.............. 2 ................................................. .M4
............ . ........................................ m. ..---.,-....-- ..... .M agss ~II......... .MI
Ellye a c l l l u c . ~
Wer~leo~ l w n l l o #
orsr 1ua11lv
l)( ........................................
1T w o luyan . u r p l s b h or oomblnallon 01 lonyua nnd #ruora or rhllrlap UU
I p i f w d totallo# I)( h o b r
MCC tnbls.
I~ l l h ~ r l l~mL.cllon.
r o
. ~:I\~II,!14IIIIIII s111111ly
l i l t . III:I~II 1i11e~
at IIII-11r1-s~t1rraide e l l t11r fill it^^
vnl\*c I.RI 1111. J ~ '1I'11;s
li111- Ivv tIvsig11c.11~ vf11.1
II t 11-1~I;lrr-
I I I r I I I I 6 l e i r I . C:ol,lr(~l o f tltc f l o w
~111311ltl r (11t l l c f i l l i t ~ gvnlvc.
'IIlr n v r l IIIUV ~II~IIIIII 1"- l l i ~ ~ ~ l n ill r~t n~acuttll
. t ( ~11ttc'ra o r a s i ~ l l l ~ lII~IIIIII~~I.~
~ * ~ t ~ ~ l l tn ~i 1wl 1. ,111111t;plt: 1111tlrl3311n1.rcl 110t IIII~~I. t11a11 10 f r r t a1):11t, I l i a -
Ill~lR;ll~ I t 1 lilt* \\n*lte ~ y s l r l l l .

A 111ait1-III~IIIII 111- i t ~ t ~ a l l ~nt. t lt l l c 111tvvst 11tii11t 111 t l ~ t !pnt11, a1111tl111i11n~r

i l l l i t , < ~ 1 1 a t 1 1 l t I I~I-
~IIII~I.~I.III t t ~I-II~IIII- 1111it:k ~~IIIII~~IIR, 'I'III~ 11vni11- II~IIII I. GENERAL. l { ~ - g ~ l l : ~ t in11cI
t t ~ ~lqa w * ttt \taqst.ltcl-r
l ~ t I:I~II~II~!
* ~ a11t1t I V ~ V

1111. 1 w w * 1 -II~*IIIII
~ ~ v l t . ~ : ~111.
l r l iy~ ~ c l c . l ~ r ~ ~ rIr,u.c*vrr,
lrltt; w l l r t ~r c ~ l ~ ~ l ~ - c ,tci
lrcl ':arc n c l ~ ~ ~ i l t i ~IlY
n r t ~II~~I~IIII~III~~II~ t ~ r1,tllt.r
r~l I:t.tlt.tnl agr111,il.- It ic
dccy c*tl~l.r~ l ~ n i t t ~~I~I~IIIS,
n~~. n 11at.kwatrr vnlvi- ~IIIIIIIII
Or illttnll1.11 111 1110 , RX~IIIIIRI~I., II~I\VI:VIr, IIIRI
~ I . ( . I ) I I ~ I I I ~ I ~~IIIIII~I~ I ~3111 11 n* 113 1111*lt'1.t111t.
: I I ~ ~ I I01-
1 1 1 l l l l i l tJIOIII
nt, ~. ~lr:~itlli~~v. 11(.nItl1 I I ~
1111. ~IIt111n11t
I n111l ~ I I pII r v r ~ t t111r ~IIIIIII~~II~I~~I~, t t a t ~ - ~ t ~ i - at111
'Illr IIIIIIIIIII o f tltt. j1t101 a l ~ t , c ~ I altv1,c.
~l t t l w n ~ 111r
~ l 11rnit1o r t l ~ a i l l r111 s11c.11 s l ~ r nof~ tl ~ o ~ l i t r l ~ t t ~ itliqc.n\rs
11 IIInI)IIt*r : ~ q In ( * I l ~ * t .~.~IIIIO~~.II.
t t l r n i ~ l n ~o t .l 1111. tvnt~sr III.I 1111. IMIII~. III
1111. IIIII.I~~I , 311~111:(11 t l ~ t :IWIII,III
19f ~ ~ l , - t y1111. II~ ~IIY p a ~ 111 t t l w 1 1 t ~ 1 it1l

* * I ~ i ~ ~t111,1 1 \ v a ~ v ri*It-w t11n11 6 ft-I-t c l t : r l ~ s11(1111tlIII*110t l l t n t r t11n11 I f t n ~ t Seclioti I. IIEATING, VENTILATING, AND LlGllllNG
ill r:1!.11 I 5 ltv-I. ~ ' I I ( . I ~SII~IIII~I * 111- 111 ' a111Itlr11I.II~IIKC 01 sIt11~r\ v i t l ~ i n~IIC
n ~ r a\~III-II. 1111. l v n l r r II~~~VIII is 1t.s~111nt15 l(+t. I.(GENERAL. I t is I ~ r y n l l t lt l l c a c , t t l r r o f tllia Ilnlltll~twrh 111 slat f l * r t l l
3. WAIER-SUPPLY S Y S T E M . I t is 11rrI1.rnl111.11) I t n t ~ a S~*II:I:I~V watrr- ~~~IIII~IIII 111rIIII-W a r r a ~ . 111 R r ~ ! r r n l , I!c\vt.v~*r, IIIYII~II~, VVIII~~:II~II~, n111l
*llltl~lravrtr.tll. i l ~ r l ~ l ~t11(. l i lIlII~
IIIIII. '1'111- ..vnlrr i i ~ t n k ~s l:l o ~ l i c ll ~ fro l w n r c l l i g l ~ t i l l ga l l o r ~ l t lI,r ~(ICI~~I~II* ill l i v i l l a sltnrc:T t o i t l n i l ~ t : r i t ~n III.~IIIIIIII n110
( 4 n i l a.\tsncc. t~l\tIr.tq ~IOIII t l l r vt.1~1. l l ~ ~ * v r v ti ~f rIIIC , 1j11nI\ v i l l IIP fillr~l t ~ o ~ ~ l f c ~ ~,t:l~t.
n l l t l t l t r I l ~ n v i t ~ IIII~II~II
fi w i l l c*rt.ltr o l l l y w l l c l l ~ l l c rvnrn.1 i a 1111tl1.r way. i t I,~K~II~IIK RIICI v r ~ ~ t i l n t i nns~ ~a ,i ~ l till t l ~ t : III~~IIII*II;III~~- 111 ~ t ~ e -.III~I~I\
~ t l

\\illI t r snli.fnc.~or~I t r ~ ~ s ct l.l r filr I I r~ nltitn~ y - n v t . i l ~ c ~ a r t l - w n t rOIrIIOS, 01. a I.~PIII~~I~IIII~ ill f t ~ ~ > t l . ~ i r t ~ ~ ~f nt r~a~t ti tl ~- ~~ ~t c, ~n11t1
r n ft,~vtI-*t.t\~it
~t.~ I.-II:III.-. -II~,III~I
r t , o ~ l ~ i ~ l n111 t ~ l ~ IIIIIIIII*. ~IIIIV~II(~(I
~ i 111rqt. t l ~ n :t I.(~II~IIIIII t n I~~~~~IIIII~IIIII~IIIIIIS ill SI.~I~II E, itt.111~fl : t t ~ t l!I, II:I!!I. 70
n . '1'11~11t.Iit~t-lYIi11t. ttt 1111- IIIIIIIi t ~II~I~II~IIIII.II~ -
(11 (vt111:r I~III-3 n ~ i ~ i ~ ~ n t i t ~ ~ rnr
*ta11(1nrcIs I I ~
~ c ~ t 1,1111.tirr,
~ t l i a 111ntIt- I t ,
I~*~~-I~-IIvI* t11r f t ~ l l - ~ v i ~ ~ ~ !
nt UI IltS:lr 1111-cli~c.l~nl~:c. of 111t. ~11111111~II. 011- v111t.r 111nllifolt1, 111. 111 n JWI~II~ 1>1111Iir.nti1111q:
\tlll-lcr 1I1t. IIIIIV~IIII~~~~ o r ~~~.~~.I~I:I~~III~IIII f l u d ~ of i ~ IIIC~ ~l i l t . cpr * n ~ ~ i t n r y - . . ! f r # l i ~ t f , l ' f ~ ~ l i / # t i ) ~ f lA
, i ~ - ( : ~ , ~ ~ t t i ~ i , , ~(;t~itfr,
~ i t ~ c AIIIPI~I~II S-)I i+,tr 131
( ~ v t . ~ l ~ ~ a ~ t l . t~II~III~I
~ * : t t ~91111
* v 11tni11i q rt111li111.ly1.1lt.1~1t~l. I 1 t . n t i 1 1 ~n l l t l V l . ~ l l i l a ~ Ii: l. l~~ ~~i t l c . r ~ q , 51 h1atlia1111Avc.l~tlr, Nt-rv Y t l l k 111,
11. A ~ l . n t I i nc.ct.s<iI,Ic,
I~ ql,,lll,fr vaI\.v i q I * ~ r n ~ i I-loqt.
.tl t o 11lr11oi11tc ~ tnkr-olT
f N. Y.
II lilr: o l t : ~ l ~ i ~ : l l ~ - c ~ v r ~ l ~ t ~\ny r~t r~l l ~- w n t r ri~
, RIII~ C~IISO~C~ICIIIS~~ IE.7 I . i p A f i ~ ~Ipl ~ a d A n n k ,l l l ~ ~ ~ ~ i~ Si I ~I ~ ~~I ~rC C~I ~l I Ii~Stwicty,
~ l ~ 51 F ( a t l i * c l ~ ~ \ v i ~ t ~IN
. ~ IIAltnotas.
. A v r ~ l l l r ,N c w Y o r k 10, N. Y.

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