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20210904. SAT. Heidi. Unit 1. Wonders of the sea.

Tenses Exercises.
1. My brother ________________(text) his friends a lot before, but now he ______________
(prefer) to make phone calls.
2. John must ________________ (wear) the uniform to school every day.
3. Peter _______________ (go) to the library every day because he ________________ (have to)
look for more information for his history report.
4. Where __________ the students ______________ (visit) last Friday?
They _____________ (go) to the history museum with their teachers.
5. In the past, my grandmother ________________ (make) fire to cook, but now my mother
_____________ (cook) food with a stove.
6. My father _______________ (not/take) the bus to work, instead, he _____________ (walk) to his
company every day.
7. __________ Mike and Ben your neighbors when you lived in Canada ?
8. My mother _____________ very angry with my little sister. She ______________ (not/do) her
homework and _______________ (watch) too much TV.
9. ___________ Nancy always _______________(read) novels before bed?
Yes, she ______________.
10. Did you ________________ (use to) have short hair ?
No, I didn't. I ________________ (use to) have long hair.


1. Ben used to buy bread at the supermarket.


2. Yes, we will. We will be able to visit new planets.


3. We won't use plastic bottles and plastic bags.


4. People will take care of the oceans in the future.


5. Jimmy didn't like to exercise in the morning.


20210904. SAT. Heidi. Unit 1. Wonders of the sea.

6. Yes, he must. He must take the medicine twice a day.


7. I must not throw food at a restaurant.


8. Sam has to go to bed before 9 o'clock.



1. top / will / near / the / of / the / dolphins / swim / ocean


2. ocean's / creatures / middle layer / the / most / live / won't / in


3. sun / won't / bottom / the / of / the / ocean / reach


4. protect / disappear / if / don't / we / the / oceans / will



1. 你明天將要做甚麼?


2. Helen 明天早上要去哪裡?


3. 誰將會保護野生動物?


4. 下周將會有很多考試。

20210904. SAT. Heidi. Unit 1. Wonders of the sea.


5. 我們將需要保護海洋生物。


6. 人們將不會住在海洋底下。


7. 我們將能夠回收塑膠。(recycle)


THREE. used to / didn't use to

1. How ____________ people ______________________ (wash) their clothes?

They _______________________ (not have) washing machine.

They _______________________ (wash) their clothes by hand.

2. How ______________ people ________________ (take) a bath ?

They _______________________ (not have) water in their houses.

They _______________________ (go) and collect water from the river.

3. ________________ children ____________________ (learn) with computers at school ?

No, they _______________________ (not learn) with computers at school.

They ______________________ (read) books to learn.

20210904. SAT. Heidi. Unit 1. Wonders of the sea.








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