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20210821. Bree.

1. Kathy ____________ interested in ____________ her own business.
(A) appears to being : having (B) is appeared to be : have
(C) has appeared to be : to have (D) appears to be : having
2. Jean : Are you still angry ________ what happened last Monday ?
Frank : No. I ‘m just angry ________ myself that I didn’t notice the mistake earlier.
(A) about : with (B) with : about (C) about : about (D) with : with
3. No one, ________ her, likes the movie. (X2)
(A) apart from (B) besides (C) except (D) as for
4. Dave : My son has always confident ________ his English speaking abilities.
Peter : Is he confident __________ winning the contest this Friday?
(A) at : of (B) of : about (C) with : about (D) about : of
5. Japan is a place ________ is attractive _________ foreign tourists.
(A) which : to (B) that : to (C) X : to (D) that : for
6. This problem can’t _________ without ___________ experts for more help.
(A) be solving : being asked (B) solve : being asked
(C) be solved : asking (D) solved : asking
7. Meg : I suppose ________ you are cold, right?
Iris : Yes, and I ____________ some hot tea to warm myself now.
(A) to see : am supposed to having
(B) that : suppose to have
(C) seeing : supposed having
(D) X : am supposed to have
8. I can’t believe ________ Jack __________ on the sofa since this morning! Doesn’t he have
anything to do?
(A) that : has lain (B) whether : lay (C) X : has lied (D) if : was lying
9. Oliver doesn’t want to ________ his parents ___________.
(A) have : being down (B) make : down (C) tell : to being down (D) let : down
(A) Can you work out it today?
(B) How a cute dog it is!
(C) Don’t laugh at Henry because of the acne on his face.
(D) Always smile to your friends.
11. _______ yourself and take _________ to do what you desire to do.
(A) Be : action (B) Being : actions (C) To be : action (D) By being : actions
12. __________ with friend is more interesting than __________ a big meal alone.
(A) To barbecue : you have (B) Barbecue : have
(C) By barbecuing : having (D) Barbecuing : having

20210821. Bree.

13. Dad : I didn’t notice Mike _________ a kitten home last night.
Mom : I did notice he _________ some food in his room to feed the kitten.
(A) to bring : X (B) bringing : brought (C) brought : brought (D) bring : bringing
14. I have two dogs. One is a bulldog, and __________ is a beagle.
(A) one (B) another (C) the two (D) the other
15. I had no idea _________________.
(A) how to turn down them
(B) if to tell them the truth
(C) how to quit to smoke
(D) what the lighter was for
16. Did you know _______________ ?
(A) who abandoned the doll
(B) who Jessie is talking to
(C) who could we ask for help
(D) when she would arrive at Taipei
17. Do you have any idea _____________ ?
(A) why are they wearing masks (B) what did he talk about
(C) who we can ask for help (D) how old are they
18. I don’t know ______________
(A) where he has been?
(B) how much will I pay.
(C) why didn’t he come.
(D) who smoked in the restroom.
19. I have decided which high school __________.
(A) I choose (B) can choose (C) to choose (D) to be chosen
20. Gina hasn’t told you what she wants to order yet, _________ ?
(A) has she (B) does he (C) have you (D) didn’t she
21. I don’t remember how many times __________ to me about this.
(A) he lies (B) did he lie (C) he lied (D) has he lied
22. Jenny is not sure ____________.
(A) which one did Ken write
(B) where was Ken this afternoon
(C) who did Ken speak to last night
(D) why Ken didn’t come yesterday
23. Few Taiwanese students are confident _______ their English speaking ability, ___________ ?
(A) about : aren’t they (B) of : do they (C) about : are they (D) of : don’ they
24. We'd love to come and see you on Saturday,______________ I don't have to work that day.
(A) supposed (B) to be supposed (C) suppose (D) supposing

20210821. Bree.

25. My grandfather always tells us ___________ children should be polite ________ their parents.
(A) that : to (B) to make : for (C) X : of (D) whether : to
26. It’s surprising __________ us to read the news _________ the newspaper.
(A) for : on (B) of : in (C) of : on (D) for : in
27. Mike : The man saved more than ten people in a fire. _________ a man!
John : __________ touching it is! He should be awarded.
(A) How : So (B) What : How (C) He’s : Very (D) How : What
28. I don’t know whether _________ is a good idea _________ on a rainy day.
(A) it : swim (B) this : to swim (C) this : swim (D) it : to swim
29. She walked ______________________ the bus.
(A) so slow that she missed
(B) too slowly to catch
(C) fastly enough to catch
(D) so slow to miss
30. The house is ______ expensive _______ them to buy.
(A) so : if (B) so : for (C) too : to (D) too : for
31. It’s fun _________ with friends, and I always have fun _________ food and drinks with them.
(A) to barbecue : to prepare (B) barbecuing : preparing
(C) barbecuing : to prepare (D) to barbecue : preparing
32. Dad : Have you already decided which ____________ on eBay, the old fridge or the used sofa?
Mom: Yes, I’ve already decided which ___________ and what the price is.
(A) will be sold : to be sold
(B) will sell : to be sold
(C) will be sold : to sell
(D) will sell : to sell
33. My dad is going to be transferred to another city. Last night, Mon and Dad told me that we
____________ next week.
(A) will move (B) were moving (C) have moved (D) move
34. Do you know who ___________ ?
(A) to talk (B) is talking to Bill
(C) is Bill talking to (D) does Bill want to talk to
35. It was hard to tell if Dave __________ make the right decision by the end of this month.
If he ______ make the right one, we’ll give him some useful advice and help him think straight.
(A) will : won’t (B) would : is not going to
(C) would : can’t (D) was able to make : doesn’t
36. When _________ at the Wayne’s mansion, Rita was told __________ anything in the house
without further permission.
(A) worked : no touching (B) working : not to touch

20210821. Bree.

(C) working : not touch (D) she worked : not touching

37. Mr. Jones appeared ________________ his job in order to have more experience.
(A) to be determined to change (B) to be determining to change
(C) being determined changing (D) to be determined changing
38. I believe _________ we will finally start our own business. I’m just wondering __________ we
need to look for more financial assistance from the bank.
(A) X : that (B) if : if (C) that : whether (D) if : that
39. Before _________ more about housing, Ben didn’t know ______________ all of his money on
buying an expensive house in the center city.
(A) he understood : if he will spend
(B) understanding : if to spend
(C) understanding : whether to spend
(D) he understood : that he can spend
40. Over the years, the idea of ___________ in a big city ____________ because of the rising living
(A) living : is abandoned
(B) people can live : abandoned
(C) live : is being abandoned
(D) living : has been abandoned
41. I am always against ______ a decision before ______ all necessary information.
(A) to make : to have (B) to make : having (C) making : having (D) making : to have
42. ____________ a stray dog, my brother has visited most animal sanctuaries(庇護所) in Taipei.
(A) By adopting (B) Adopting (C) Adopt (D) To adopt
43. Many students prefer _____________________.
(A) doing a report to taking a test
(B) to do a report to take a test
(C) to do a report than to take a test
(D) doing a report than taking a test
44. Judy : I can’t stand that Robert _________ talking about his past all the time!
Peter : Me, either. Actually, few people can even stand _______ to him because he is so boring.
(A) keeping : listening (B) keeps : to listen (C) keeps : listening (D) keeping : to listen
45. How about ___________ shopping after ___________ lunch?
(A) going : having (B) we go : we having (C) to go : to have (D) we went : we had
46. It’s a good way __________ English. I think I’d like ____________ a program on the radio, too.
(A) to learn : starting (B) to learn : to start (C) learning : to start (D) learning : starting
47. My mother has me _______ TV and __________ more attention to my study.
(A) stop to watch : to pay (B) to stop to watch : paying
(C) stop watching : pay (D) to stop watching : pay

20210821. Bree.

48. Irene : Why did Jessie keep ____________ last night ?

James : That’s because her new puppy kept her ___________.
(A) laughing : be happy (B) to laugh : to be happy
(C) laughed : happy (D) laughing : happy
49. My grandfather always says to me that ___________ is easier than ____________.
(A) you know : you act (B) knowing : acting (C) to know : acting (D) to know : you act
50. It’s almost 8 o’clock. I don’t know if Kevin __________ up for the movie tonight. If he
_________, we’ll have to buy the movie ticket and some popcorn for him.
(A) would show : will (B) will show : will (C) will show : does (D) cam show : could


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