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Educational Quality Deviation And Its Impact On Trainees Performance In Case

Of APTC-Department Of ICT Questionnaire - Trainers

 Gender  Male  Female

 Experience  Below 2 year  Three Years Above Four year
 Stage  Level  B.A  Bsc.  Masters and Above
 COC  Three  Four  Five  Assessor
 Position  Trainer  Department Head  Director  Other
Please Answer the following survey questions openly and honestly and help us solve our
problems together. The information you provide is only used for research purposes! Thank You.

Please tick on the open box of your choice and try to fill the entire questions as much as possible.

1. Do you think APTC – Department of ICT has educational quality deviation?

 Yes  I’m not Sure
 No  I don’t know
2. If your answer is “Yes” for the above question, what do you think are the cause for the educational
quality deviation?
 Incompetent Students  Pay System for trainers
 Bad leadership  Other: _________________
 Incompetent Trainers
3. Do you believe there is Strong cooperation between students and trainers in APTC – ICT
 Yes  I’m not sure
 No  I don’t know
4. Have you ever taken part in training and development program of APTC – ICT department?
 Yes  There is no training and
 No development program
 I’m not sure
5. How well do you prepare yourself before giving a lecture to your trainees?
 A little  I don’t prepare
 Very Well  Average
6. How well do you think your students prepare themselves before coming to the class?
 They don’t prepare  Average
 A little  Very Well
7. Do you think everyone who passed COC exam is competent?
 Yes, Absolutely  I’m not sure
 No  I don’t know
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Educational Quality Deviation And Its Impact On Trainees Performance In Case
Of APTC-Department Of ICT Questionnaire - Trainers

8. Do you think all of your students are competent?

 Yes, Absolutely  I’m not sure
 No  I don’t know
9. Which one of the following trait best expresses you? You can choose more than one.
 Charismatic  Motivated
 Open minded  Other:_______________
 Punctual
10. Rate APTC
       

11. Rate APTC – ICT Department.

       
12. Rate your trainees.
       
13. When is the class beginning time?
 2:00  I’m not sure
 3:00  I don’t know
14. How many times do you think you started your class after 3:00 in the morning?
 All the time  Never
 Sometime  I’m not sure
15. Have you ever come to the class and thought nothing?
 Yes  I don’t remember
 No
16. If you say “Yes” for the above question, why do you think is the reason?
 Absence of electricity  Bad trainee.
 Absence of the trainees  I don’t know.
17. Do you teach all the learning outcomes for a given level?
 Yes  I’m not Sure
 No  I don’t remember


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