Adama Polytechnic College Department of Ict

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Educational Quality Deviation And Its Impact On Trainees Performance In Case

Of APTC-Department Of ICT Questionnaire - Trainees

 Gender  Male  Female

 Age  18-20  21-25  26-30
 Sector  ITSS  DBA  HNS ITSM
 Level  One  Two  Three  Four  Five
 COC  No  One  Two  Three Four

Please Answer the following survey questions openly and honestly and help us solve our
problems together. The information you provide is only used for research purposes! Thank You,
1. Have you ever failed a COC exam before?
 Yes  I did not take COC exam yet.
 No  I don’t Remember
2. If you say “Yes” for the above question, how many times did you fail? If “No” go to the 4th
 Once  Twice  Three Times  I don’t Remember
3. If you failed COC exam why do you think the reason was?
 I was not competent.  My teacher did not prepare me well.
 The assessor was a bad person.  I don’t know.
 Other Reason:____________________________
4. Why do you choose ICT (DBA or HNS) as your Field of Study?
 It is easier than other fields  It is my favorite field of study.
 My family told me to.  Other Reasons:_____________
5. Did you find ICT department (APTC) as you expected?
 Yes  Fifty Present.
 No  I don’t know
6. If your answer is “Yes” for the above question (5th), what do you think is missed from ICT
department (APTC)?
 Quality Education  Good Leadership.
 Quality Trainers  Nothing
 Time Management  Other:________________
7. What should you do to change the problem that you have selected above? If your answer is
“Nothing”, go to the 10th Question.
 I should leave the school  I should do my part to solve it
 I can do nothing about it.  I don’t know.
 Other_______________

8. What should the department do to change the problem?

 Appraise the trainers  Report to the school
 Appraise the Students  Other:_______________
 Do Nothing


“This Survey Information Can Only Be Viewed By The Project Reviewer”
Educational Quality Deviation And Its Impact On Trainees Performance In Case
Of APTC-Department Of ICT Questionnaire - Trainees

9. What should the school do to change the problem?

 Nothing  Working with the trainers and trainees
 Fire the trainers  Other: _______________
 Fire the students
10. Do you think at least some of the Trainers in APTC, ICT department are incompetent.
 Yes
 No
 I don’t Know
11. If you say “Yes” for the above question (10th), how many do you think are incompetent?
 Two  All of them
 Below Three  Other:_______________
12. What do you think they should do about that?
 Leave the school  Do Nothing
 Improve themselves  Other:_______________
13. Do you think there is educational quality deviation in APTC, ICT department?
 Yes  I don’t Know
 No
14. Where do you think this educational quality deviation lies?
 Students  The department and the school
 Trainers  All of them
15. What do you think the causes of educational quality deviation are?
 Incompetent Student  Bad Leadership.
 Incompetent Trainers  I don’t know.
16. When is the class beginning time?
 2:00  I’m not sure
 3:00  I don’t know
17. How many times do you think you started your class after 3:00 in the morning?
 All the time  Never
 Sometime  I’m not sure
18. Have you ever come to the class and learned nothing?
 Yes  I don’t remember
 No
19. If you say “Yes” for the above question, why do you think is the reason?


“This Survey Information Can Only Be Viewed By The Project Reviewer”
Educational Quality Deviation And Its Impact On Trainees Performance In Case
Of APTC-Department Of ICT Questionnaire - Trainees

 Absence of electricity  Bad Trainer.

 Absence of the trainer  I don’t know.
20. Do you believe you are competent up to the levels that you have studied?
 Yes  I’m not sure
 No  I don’t know.
21. Have you learned all the learning outcomes from the first to the level you are in?
 Yes  I’m not Sure
 No  I don’t remember
22. Do you think everyone who passed COC exam is competent?
 Yes  I’m not sure
 No  I don’t know
23. Rate APTC from 0 to 10.
 1-3  7-9
 4-6  10
24. Rate ICT department.
 Satisfactory  Very Good
 Good  Excellent
25. Rate your trainer.
 Satisfactory  Very Good
 Good  Excellent
26. Which one of the following character expresses you the most?
 Punctual  Motivated  Committed  Lazy Other:__________


“This Survey Information Can Only Be Viewed By The Project Reviewer”

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