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and Interrogation)
Sub-topic: Special Crimes Concept and Its Organizational Structure

At the end of the lecture/discussion/week, the students should be able to:

1. Be conversant as to the scope and legal meaning and principles of special

2. Familiar and can use technical and legal terminologies in relation to special
3. Know the Attributes of Organized Crime Group
4. Identify the Organizational Structure and its function/duties


SPECIAL CRIME- commonly consider as crime without crime scene such as

corporate crime. Its commission is not physically inflicted but by the use of
strategies that are conceived by the mind.


Understanding how to investigate special crime is a need for us to first have a
glimpse on the development and interconnection of international laws to local laws
since there are of value in the investigation of special crimes because of its nature
that are commonly transnational.

International Criminal Law- a body of public international law designed to

prohibit certain categories of conduct commonly view as serious atrocities and to
make perpetrators of such act conduct criminally accountable for their
perpetrations. The core crime under international law are genocide, war crimes,
crimes against humanity, and the crime of aggression.

Criminal Law generally deals with prohibitions addressed to individuals, and penal
sanctions for violations of those prohibition imposed by individual states.

Transnational Crime (TOC)- are crimes that are actual or potential effects across
national borders and crimes that are intrastate but offend fundamental values of the
international community. It is carried by crime organization. Examples of
transnational crimes include: human trafficking, people smuggling,
smuggling/trafficking of goods such as arms trafficking and drug trafficking and
illegal animal and plants products and other goods prohibited on environmental


a) Special Crime- refers to crime outside of the Revised Penal Code; these are
defined by special criminal laws anchored on the definitions provided by
United Nations and the International Laws.
b) Organized crime- a category of transnational or local groupings of highly
centralized enterprises run by criminals who intend to engage in illegal
activity, most commonly for profit.
c) Transnational Crime- are crimes that have actual or potential effect across
national borders and crimes that are intrastate but offend fundamental values
of the international community.
d) Political Ideological crimes- in criminology, is an offense involving overt acts
or omissions (where there is a duty to act) which prejudice the interests of
the state.
e) Religious related crimes- where there is no separation between the state and
the prevailing religion; the edicts of the church may be codified as law and
enforced by the secular policing and judicial authorities.
f) Corporate Crime- crimes committed by corporation or by individuals acting
on behalf of the corporation
g) White Collar Crime- typically involve stealing money from a company and
that is done by people who have important positions in the company; crime
committed by white collar crime workers embezzlement is a white-collar
h) Professional Crime- crimes committed by persons for whom criminally
punishable acts are a permanent occupation and the primary source of
i) Case Build up- refers to the process of gathering interrelated evidences
against someone who violated the law such that there will be a basis for
j) Cognitive interview techniques- the use of the mental faculty of persuading
someone to tell the truth without any element of compulsion.
k) Scientific Interrogation- refers to procedural means of conducting an inquiry
in relation to a case for a future court evidence.
l) Terrorism- People convicted or suspected of certain crimes classified as
terrorism by the government of their country (or some foreign countries)
rejects the classification.

 Aludig Gang
 Akyat-Bahay Gang
 Bahala na Gang
 Budol-Budol Gang
 Kuratong Baleleng
 Martilyo Gang
 Salisi Gang
 Zesto Gang
 Satanas Gang
 Gucci Gang

Organized crime groups in the upper class involved in the perpetration perpetration
of the following white collar crimes:
1. Money Laundering
2. Corruption
3. Malversation and the likes

 A complex set of people and functions interrelated in hierarchical
structure specifically for the purpose of attaining set goals.
 A system of crime in which group of individuals create and maintain a
corporate-like organization its member s having individually
recognized responsibilities and obligations
 The crimes in the modern world represent the latest and the most
dangerous manifestation of the something-for-nothing complex
problems of society and this includes ORGANIZED CRIMES.
 Organized crime or criminal organizations is a transnational grouping
of highly centralized enterprises run by criminals for the purpose of
engaging in illegal activity, most commonly for the purpose of
generating a monetary profit
 A criminal activity by an enduring structure or organization developed
primarily to pursuit of profits through illegal means.

Attributes of Organized Crime:

1. Has no political goals

2. In Hierarchical
3. Has a limited or exclusive membership
4. Constitute a unique sub culture
5. Perpetuates Itself
6. Exhibits a willingness to use illegal violence
7. Is monopolistic
8. Is govern by explicit rules and regulations


The Boss – oversees all organizational endeavors and has the final word on
decisions involving virtually all aspects of family members. Bosses are older
members of the family who have their allegiance over number of years during
their affiliation with the family.

The Consigliere- a close associate (Adviser) of the boss who enjoys considerable
amount of influence and status in the family, serving the boss as trusted

The Underboss- Acts in behalf of the boss when the boss is incapacitated. Their
primary role is to relay instruction to those occupying lower positions in the

The Capos- mid-level manager. One of the primary roles is to serve as a buffer
between the lowest level members and the upper level members.

Soldiers- lowest member of the family, also known as the ‘’wise guys’’ ‘’ made
guys’’ or ‘’button men’’ who report directly to the capo and will often operate at
least one specific criminal enterprise.

Commission- links the most powerful Mafia bosses to one central authoritative
body. Commission members are from families in New York, Buffalo, Chicago and
Philadelphia. The purpose of the commission is to arbitrate disputes between
families, approve new members, facilitate join ventures between families, and
manage relations between American and Sicilian Mafia functions.


1. Draw the Organizational Structure of the MAFIA FAMILY TREE and explain its
role and Function.
2. Give at least TWO (2) Notable-active Gangs in the Philippines and HOW they
commit Crime.
3. Distinguish the International Law to Local Laws.


 Special Crime Investigation with simulation on interview and

interrogation 2020 by Mario A. Garcia
 Abadinsky, 2010:3
 Cressey 1969, Hess 1973

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