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The constitution of biak-na-bato was the provisionary constitution of the philippine republic during the
Philippine Revolution and was promolgated by the philippine revolutionary government on November 1,
1897. the constitution was borrowed from cuba and it was written by Isabelo Artacho and Felix Ferrer in
Spanish and later on translated into tagalog. The organs of the government under the Constitution were
the Supreme Council which was vested with the power of the Republic headed by the president and
four department secretaries; Foreign Affairs Treasury in one second

the Paseo de Gracia it was Asia our

Supreme Council of grace and justice

which was given the rotating decisions

and affirm or disproved the sentences

rendered by other courts and select a

clause for the administration of justice

the third one listen they added it was

in dentists our destiny of

Representatives which was to be convened

after the revolution to create a new

constitution and select an apostle of

government and universal to stop the

people the constitution of the

omnipotent was never fully implemented

since the truce the pact of biak-na-bato

was signed between the Spanish and

philippine revolutionary army

1899 Malolos Constitution after the

signing of the truth the Filipino

revolutionary leaders accepted a payment

from Spain and went to a cell in Hong

Kong upon to the Cape of the Spanish to

the merchants in the Battle of him an

update on May 1 1898 the United States

Navy transport I've melted back to the

Philippines the newly refined philippine

revolutionary forces reported to the

control of the commander and the

philippine Declaration of Independence

was issued on Jim job it's an exam

together with several entities before

the first Philippine Republic the

minutest Congress is connected which

selected permission to drop a jerk

restitution on September 17 1898 which

was the post of body and spirit man the

document accumulate after the Congress

on November 29 1890 it was titled the

political constitution of 1899 the

document was patterned after the Spanish

constitution of 1812 with influences

from Terrace of Belgium Mexico Brazil

Nicaragua Costa Rica and Guatemala and

the french constitution of 1793

according to Philip II card on the main

author of the Constitution

this consciousness started because they

should similar social political

in governor's conditions with the

folkways as a direct challenge to owner

of hiatus of the spanish impart the

serenity was with Roberto to the people

I'll leave a principle underlying the

intuition actress ability to listen

particles of matter for detail the

natural rights and popular sovereignty

also who knows the enumeration which

does not imply the provision of any

other lights not express those two

totally Article five also declares state

recognizes the freedom and equality of

operates as well as aspiration of church

and state these are direct reactions to

features in Spanish government in the

Philippines by the fire ups for the

agents of the state the form of

government according to title to article

four is to be popular representatives

alternative and responsible and shall

answer sighs Davis new powers logistical

perspective end to this shop executive

power was vested in the president and

elected the Constituent Assembly of the

Assembly of Representatives and special

representatives the president will serve

a term of four years without the

election there was no vice president and

in case of a vacancy a president was to

be selected by the Constituent Assembly

the legislative power was vested in any

camera body poll there suddenly over

percent states members of which are

elected for terms all four years

secretaries of the government or given

seats in the assembly which meet

annually for a period of at least three

months feels could be introduced either

by the President or by a member of the

assembly some powers not legislative in

nature were also given to the body such

as the right to select its own officers

right-of-center and interpolation and

the right of impeaching the president

mm members the Chief Justice of the

Supreme Court in the city's Bar Canada a

permanent Commission of seven elected by

the assembly and run a specific powers

by the Constitution was to sit during

the intervals between sessions of

assembly the 89th anomalous Constitution

was never enforced resident going toin

the Philippines was effectively a

territory of the United States upon the

signing of the Treaty of Paris which is

Spain and the United States transferring

70 of the Philippines in 1898 so now

we're going to proceed 1935 Constitution

it is worth mentioning that after the

Treaty of Paris

the focus was subject to the power of

the United States of America effectively

in new colonizers of the country from

1898 to 1901 the Philippines would be

placed under a military government until

a civil government will be put into

place two acts of the United States

Congress will pass that may be

considered to have qualities of

constitutionality first was the

Philippine Organic Act of 1902 it was

the first organic law for the Philippine

Islands that provided for the creation

of a popular elected Philippine assembly

the Act specified that legislative power

would be vested in a bicameral

legislature composed of the Philippine

Commission as the upper house and the

Philippine Assembly s lower house key

provisions of the Act included a bill of

rights for Filipinos an appointment of

two men and voting Filipino resident

commissioners of the Philippines as

representative to the United States

House of Representatives

the second active function as a

constitution was the Philippine economy

Act of 1916 commonly referred to as

Jones law which modified the structure

of the Philippine government through the

removal of the Philippine Commission

replacing it with a snake would serve us

the upper house and its members elected

by the Filipino voters the first duly

elected national legislature it was also

this act that explicitly declared the

purpose of the United States to end

their sovereignty operative tokens and

recognize Philippine Independence as

soon as a stable government can be

established by 1934 another law

battalions McDuffie hat also known as

foreign Independence Act was passed by

the United States Congress that provided

Authority and find mechanisms for the

establishment of a formal Constitution

the Constitutional Convention platter in

Rockville and Clemson elected as

professional convention president the

Constitution created the Commonwealth of

the Philippines an administrative body

that governed Philippines from 1935 to

1946 it is a transitional administration

to prepare the country toward its full

achievement of in

it originally provided for a unicameral

National Highway with a president and

vice president elected to a six return

without pre-election it must remember

the 1942 have a bicameral Congress

composed of a Senate and House of

Representatives as well as the creation

of an independent electropollution and

linked to the term of the office of the

president and vice president to four

years with one reelection while the

dominant influence in the Constitution

was American it has a bear's recess of

the Malolos Constitution the German the

Spanish and Mexican constitutions

constitutions of several South American

countries and the in written English

Constitution the draft of the

constitution was approved by the

Constitutional Convention on February 8


and ratified by then u.s. President

Franklin D Roosevelt on March 25 1935

elections were held in September 1935

and Manuel Quezon was elected president

of the Commonwealth the Commonwealth was

briefly interrupted with events the

World War two with the Japanese applying

the Philippines after wide-open

deliberation the Philippines was

declared an independent republic on July

4 1946

1973 constitutional authoritarianism in

1965 Ferdinand Marcos was elected

president in 1967 Philippine Congress

passed a resolution calling for a

constitutional convention to change the

1945 Constitution Corrections of the

delegates that institutional convention

were hard November 20 1970 and

convention we plan firmly on June 1 1971

with former President Carter speaker SIA

being elected as convention president

unfortunately he died and was succeeded

by another former president yes madam

avatar before the convention finish its

work martial law was declared mark

beside a growing penis insurgency as

reason for the martial law which was

provided in the 1935 Constitution with

Marcos estate favor the direction of the

convention turn with accounts that the

President himself dictated some

provisions of the Constitution

manipulating the document to be able to

hold on to power first long as it could

President Marcos issued presidential

decree numbers of empathy setting the

fate of the producer to ratify or a

check of the first constitution this

leadership trust was formed later on

since Marcus forget the public might

vote to reject the Constitution instead

of a political citizen assemblies for

health where the citizen is coming to

get our and for Ibanez later on on

January 17 1973 the President issued a

proclamation announcing that the

proposed Constitution had been rectified

the Constitution was amended several

times in 1976 citizen a series once

again decided to allow the continuation

of martial law as well as approved

amendments the Constitution was supposed

to introduce a parameter style

government religious that the power was

mystic in a neural National Assembly the

president was to be elected as the

symbol in ceremonial head of state

chosen from the members of the National

Assembly the president will serve a

six-year term and could be development

on a limited number of terms which is

Big Pharma's repeated to the prime

minister who will sponsor the head of

the government the commander-in-chief of

the Armed Forces 1987 Constitution after

marshal length the President Corazon

Aquino government had three options

without in the Constitution revert to

the 1935 Constitution within the 1973

Constitution or start in it they decided

to make a new constitution that

according to the president herself shall

be truly reflective of the solutions and

ideals of the Filipino people in March

1986 President Aquino proclaimed a

transitional Constitution to last for a

year while Constitutional Commission

rejected permanent Constitution this

transitional Constitution called the

freedom Constitution in 1986 a

constitutional convention was created

composed of 48 members the convention

drew up a permanent Constitution largely

destroying the set up abolished by

Marcos in 1972 the Lin Constitution was

officially adopted on February 2 1987

the executive branch is headed by the

president and his cabinet when he

appoints the president is the head of

the state and a chief executive but his

power is limited by significant tax

relief to other coequal precious of

government especially during emergency

this is put in place to safeguard the

country and experience of martial law

despotism during the presidency of

Marcos in cases of national emergency

the president will declare martial law

but for longer than a period of 60 days

Congress through a majority vote can

invoke this decision or extended period

that may determine the supreme court may

also review the declaration of martial

law and decide if there were sufficient

justifying facts for yeah the President

and the Vice President are elected at

large rather than for serving a single

six-year term the logistic power resides

in the Congress divided into two houses

remain in the House of Representatives

the 34 senators are elected at-large

with Poplarville and conserved more than

two conservative six returns the house

is composed of district representatives

representing a particular geographic

area except around 80% of our

other side effects there are tumor

doctor for logistical districts and the

topping with electoral precipitates the

cert three-year terms the 1987

Constitution traded for the list system

to provide spaces for the participation

of underrepresented premier eight

chapters or groups party list

representatives we fill up not more than

three percent of the seats in the House

aside from exclusive power of

legislation Congress Lee also declared

war to each other its vote in both upper

and lower houses the power of

legislation however is all subjects an

executive chair mr. president poutines

the power to death or stop a bill conti

comment below
Congress me only override this power

with a two-thirds vote in both houses

the Philippine court system is vested

with the power of the judiciary and it's

composed of a Supreme Court and lowered

hurts is created by law the Supreme

Court is a 15-member Court appointed by

the president without the need to be

confirmed by Congress the appointment

the president makes however is limited

to list of nominees provided by a

constitutionally specified judicial and

Bar Council the Supreme Court justices

may hear an appeal any cases dealing

with the constitutionality of any law

treaty or decree of the government cases

where questions of jurisdiction or

judicial error are concerned or pieces

where the penalty is sufficiently grave

it may also exercise original

jurisdiction over cases involving

government or international officials

the Supreme Court is also in charge of

ever seeing the functioning and

administration of the lower courts and

their personnel the Constitution also

established three independent

constitutional condition

Civil Service Commission essential

agency in terms of government personnel

the second definition and elections

mandated to enforce and administer all

election laws and regulations and the

vague one the Commission and audit which

examines all funds transactions

improperly accounts of the government

and its agencies to further promote the

ethical and lawful conduct of the

government the office of what units man

is created to investigate problems will

pertain to public corruption and local

behavior of the public officials and

other public missconduct the Ombudsman

can charge public officials before does

anything violent

a special court created for this purpose

only the House of Representatives can

initiate the impeachment of the

president members of the Supreme Court

and other constitutionally protected

public officials such as the Ombudsman

this make you will then tried in

pitchmen case this is another safeguard

to promote moral and ethical conduct in

the government.

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