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Patient Name : RAJESH CHHAJER Registration :
Age/Sex : 52/Male Registered : 23/08/2021 6:30 am
Patient_ID : TMD-0000168998 Collection : 23/08/2021 11:05 am
Barcode : 10213129854 Received : 23/08/2021 12:31 pm
Ref. By : Reported : 23/08/2021 6:15 pm
SRF No : 0914400314869 Panel : TATA MD Check
Aadhar/Passport No. :
Test Name Value Unit Bio Ref.Interval


SARS COV-2 Detection Negative

Method: * Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT PCR) – CRISPR

ICMR Registration number for COVID-19 is TDHSLNUP Interpretation:-

· 'POSITIVE' test results indicate RNA from SARS COV-2 was detected and the patient is presumed to harbor infection of
COVID-19 and could be contagious.
· 'NEGATIVE' test results mean, RNA from SARS COV-2 were not found in the specimen or not present in detectable limits, to
have been picked up.

· SARS COV-2 also known as 2019 nCOV is the causative agent of the corona virus disease 2019 (COVID -19). ICMR
approved kit/s is/are being used for reporting.
· All positive cases are notified to ICMR for future surveillance.

· Negative results do not rule out possibility of COVID – 19 infection and should be in correlated with clinical observation,
patient history and epidemiological information.
· Positive results will not rule out co-infection with other viruses.
· Optimum sample type and the stage of infection in which sample was procured, plays an important role in reporting of COVID
19 infection.
· In advent of delayed onset of symptoms or persisting ILI symptoms, kindly repeat test after an interval.


CBC, Ferritin ,D-Dimer,CRP(Quantitative),IL-6.

*** End Of Report***

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