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This course covers all the topics of English

grammar for this preparation of English portion
UNIVERSITIES and all Govt jobs Scale 8 to 17.
This course has been designed by observing the
need of candidates; I have also created a
whatsApp group for the candidates so that I
could send practice test as well as informative
material related the course. If you want to be the
part of this course, Contact us 03413081062.
Syllabus for all General test E-CAT,MCAT, NHTP, STHP.
General universities, and Govt jobs preparation Scale 7 to 17
Mcqs Type Test
Sentence correction
Sentence completion
Subject verb agreement
Part of Speech
Tenses, modal perfects
Passive Voice
Narration (Direct Indirect)
Conditional Sentences
One Word Substitutions
Different uses of Grammar
Preposition with its all aspects
In the last, candidates will be provided with 1000 Mcqs for
Future Building Course FBC
Future Building Course.

This course covers all the topic of English grammar for the preparation of English portion for
MDCAT,E-CAT,NTHP,STHP,GENERAL UNIVERSITIES, and all Govt jobs scale 8 to 17.
This course has been designed by observing the need of candidates. I have also created a
whatsapp group for the candidates so that I could send practice tests as well as informative
material related the course.

If you want to be the art of the course contact me

Shujat ali chandio (M.A ENGLISH IN LINGUISTICS, B.ed, M.ed 03413081062

Lecture 1
Words are divided into different kinds or classes, called Parts of Speech, according to their
use that is, according to the work they do in a sentence. The parts of speech are eight in

1. Noun 2. Adjective 3. Pronoun 4. Verb

5. Adverb 6. Preposition 7. Conjunction 8. Interjection
A Noun is a word used as the name of a person, place, or thing

Examples: Akbar, Asad, Lion, Dog, Karachi, School, Book, Pen, Bravery, Childhood, etc.

Note:- The word thing includes (i) all objects that we can see, hear, taste, touch, or smell and
(ii) something that we can think of, but cannot perceive by the senses.

An Adjective is a word used to add something to the meaning of a noun.

Example: Large, Honest, Foolish, Some, Little, No, Any, Five, First, Each, Either, This, That,
What, Which, Whose, etc.

A Pronoun is a word used instead of a noun.

Example: I, Myself, Himself, you, Who, What, Which, That, One, Some, Somebody,
Nobody, Few, Many, Each, Either, whoever, whose, etc.

A Verb is a word used to express an action or state.

Example: Appear, Is, Am, Are, Was, Were, Will, Would, Should, Must, Read, Write, Go, etc.

An Adverb is a word used to add something to the meaning of a verb, an adjective, or another

Example: He runs fast.

He is very intelligent boy.
I am so glad.
He runs very fast.
He reads quite clearly.
A Preposition is a word used with a noun or a pronoun to show how the person or thing
denoted by the noun or pronoun stands in relation to something else.

Example: In, On, To, For, Of, With, At, etc.

A Conjunction is a word used to join words or sentences.

Example: And, But, Or, Because, Always, Before, While, etc.

An Interjection is a word which expresses some sudden feeling.

Example: Interjections may express—

(1) Joy ; as, Hurrah ! Huzza!

(2) Grief ; as, alas!
(3) Surprise ; as, ha ! what !
(4) Approval ; as, bravo !

‫شف ب ب‬
1. Affection for
‫مت‬‫قت ح‬
2. Anxiety for
3. Appetite for ‫خوااہش ح‬
4. Abstain from (Something)
5. Refrain from (Action)
‫ووااقفی ت‬
6. Acquaintance with
‫د ب منی‬
7. Enmity with

8. Agree with (Sb)

9. Agree to (Something)

10. Abhorrence of ‫ب‬

11. Want of
12. Access/ Approach to
‫پت ب‬
13. Disgrace to
‫بع ت‬
‫رن‬ ‫ح‬
14. Key to
‫لح–چ حانت‬
15. Abstinence from

16. Deliverance from

‫ا ارراادی‬
17. Affectionate to
18. Addicted to
‫م ب‬
19. Assiduous in

20. Absorbed in
Abandon Leave, vacate, give up
‫چوررد اتی‬
‫ب‬ Abrogate, Annul
‫خکرد یا‬
Abate Moderate, decrease
Alien Foreigner, outsider
‫قس ب‬
‫بح منی‬
Adversity Misfortune

Accidental Incidental
Arrival Departure
‫ا ام‬
Obvious/ Apparent Hidden/Obscure
Foe, enemy Friend
Forbid Allow
Lecture# 2
Demonstrative pronouns & Demonstrative.
This That These Those
Demonstrative pronouns Demonstrative adjectives
This is your car. This car is yours.
That is her car. That car is hers.
These are my book. These books are mine.
Those are their books. Those books are theirs.

Use of have, has, had, Will have,

Have / Do - I, We, You, They, Np,
Has / Does - He, She, It, Ns
I have a book. He has a book.
I do not have a Book. He does not have a book.
Do I have a book? Does he have a book?
Do I not have a book? Does he not have a book?
Had (Past) Will have (Future)
He had a book. He will have a book.
He did not have a book. He will not have a book.
Did he have a book? Will he have a book?
Did he not have a book? Will he not have a book?
To be are used to tell introduction, state and profession.
Sub + is, am, are + complement He is a doctor.
He is not a doctor.
Is = He, She, It, Ns Is he a doctor?
Am = I Is he not a doctor?
Are = we, You, They, Np
PAST TO BE: I was a doctor.
Sub + was, were + Complement I was not a doctor.
Was = I, He, She, It, Us Was I a doctor?
Were = We, You, They, Up Was I not a doctors?
Sub + will be + Complement
He will be a doctor.
He will not be a doctor.
Will he be a doctor? Will he not be a doctor?
Tense is time or period.
It is used to describe habits, repeated action or events general truths Instructions
or directions for fixed arrangements with future constructions.
They watch television regularly.
They drive to Monaco every summer.
Water freezes at zero degrees.
You take the No. 6 Busto watney and then No. 10 to Bedford.
His mother arrives tomorrow.
She will see you before she leaves.
Syntax: Sub + Vi + Obj
Helping Verbs: Do = I, we, You, They, Np, Does, He, She, It, Ns
I go to school. He goes to school.
I do not go to school. He does not go to school.
Do I go to school? Does he go to school?
Do I not go to school? Does he not go to school?
NOTE: The simple present tense is used with the words.
 Always, Every day, Every Week, Every Month
 Once a week, twice a week, frequently, Generally
 Sometimes, usually, quite often, seldom etc.
His marriage comes off next week in exclamatory sentences beginning with
here and there to express what is actually taking place at the time of speaking.
Here comes the gardener!
There she hides!
This tense can be used in place of present continuous tense with those verbs
which cannot be used in continuous. For Example.
Verbs of appearance e.g appear, look, seem
Verbs of thinking e.g agree, believe, consider, deem, forget, know, Imagine,
Mean, mind, remember, think, suppose, understand.
Verbs of emotion e.g Desire, feel, hate, hope, like, prefer, love, refuse, want,
Verbs of perception e.g. Hear, Notice, Recognize, See, Smell.
Verbs of passion e.g Belong, Contain, Consist of, Own, Possess.
It is used:-
1. To express an action completed in the past with reference to the time of
I saw many birds in the Zoo.
An accident took place in front of our house.
2. To express habitual action or regular action in the past.
I want out for a walk in the morning last year.
The habitual past can also be expressed by using “used to”.
He used to read a few chapters of the Bible every day.
3. To express an action where same word, showing past (yesterday, ago,
last, etc.) is given in the sentence Pakistan got freedom over six decades
Syntax: Sub + V2nd form + obj
He received your message yesterday.
He did not receive your message yesterday.
Did he receive your message yesterday?
Did he not receive your message yesterday?
It is used to express the actions which are assumed to be done in the future.
Syntax:- Sub + will + vi + Obj
He will help you.
He will not help you.
Will he help you?
Will he not help you?
There are several ways of expressing future time in English.
We can express future action / events in following ways.
In these sentences the present indefinite tense
Expresses the worked planned for the near future
(i) By using present indefinite tense.
 Our party leaves for Cairo tomorrow morning
(ii) By using present continuous tense.
 I am leaving for Lahore next week.
 Are you coming on Monday?
(iii) By using „going to
 I am going to buy a new car.
 It you don‟t admit your mistake. I am not going to pardon you.
In both the sentences given above the speaker is certain about the occurrence of
the action. But mostly we use „going to‟.
When we know that the decision of getting an action done had been taken
probably some steps have been taken towards it and the action is certain to be
 My uncle has bought a plot of land in Lahore he is going to build a house
next year.
 Khalid has broken the window pane. He is going to be fined.
(iv) By using „be + + o + verb‟ as:
 I am to reach school at 7 Am.
(v) By denoting the principal clause of conditional sentences as.

If she works hard, she will get a scholarship.

If you run fast, you will win the race.
1. The present continuous tense in used with the words such as:
at this time, at present, at the moment, now, nowadays, still etc.
2. To describe an action in progress and / or the continuity of the action.
She is singing a song.
The ducks are swimming in the pond
3. To describe an action in progress, but not necessarily at the time of the time of speaking.
I am writing a book on English.
Pakistan is exporting onions to the Middle East.
4. To express an action has become habit for doing it ever and over again.
She is always borrowing money.
Syntax: Sub + in, an, are + Vingferm + obj
He is playing cricket.
He is not playing cricket.
Is he playing cricket?
Is he not playing cricket?
1. The past continuous tense in used to express an action that was happening
in the past at the time of speaking. The time of the action may or may not
be mentioned as: They were not making a noise. The old lady was crying
at the top of her voice.
2. The use of this tense with past indefinite tense denotes that the previous
action was going on when the latter action took place; as ………..
My mother was cooking the food when I reached home.
I was ironing my clothes when my friend called me.
Syntax: Sub + was, were + vingform + obj
They were waiting for you.
They were not waiting for you.
Were they waiting for you?
Were they not waiting for you?
It is used to describe an action that is assumed to be continuous in the future.
Syntax: Subj + will be + vingform + obj
They will be waiting for you.
They will not be waiting for you.
Will they be waiting for you?
Will they not be waiting for you?
Syntax: Sub + do, does, + vi + obj Subj + did + vi + obj
He does help me. I did go there.
I do go there. He did inform you.
We do work hard. Usage of “had better”.
Ali does write a letter. Subj + had better + vi + obj
You had better go there.
You had better go there.
You had not better go there.
Had you better go there?
Had you not better go there?
1. Compassion for ‫مہدردی‬
2. Compensation for ‫احموہض‬
3. Contempt for ‫رفنت‬
4. Intimacy with ‫قلعت‬
5. Doubt of ‫قش‬
6. Proof of ‫وبثت‬
7. Exception to ‫ےکالعوہ‬
8. Obedience to ‫ادب‬،‫فرامربنداری‬
9. Objection to ‫ارتعاض‬
10. Applicable to ‫اانپےنےکاقبل‬
11. Beneficial to ‫افدیئیمن لدد‬
12. Loyal to ‫وافدار‬
13. Involved in ‫وہنا‬
‫شالم ل‬
14. Experienced in ‫مل‬
15. Interested in ‫وہنا‬
‫وشق ل‬
16. Acquainted with ‫وافق‬
17. Contended / Satisfied with ‫نئمطم‬
18. Afraid of ‫وخزفدہ‬
19. Aware of ‫ناربخ‬
20. Certain of ‫رپنیقی‬
1. Allure ‫الچلدانی ل‬ Entice
2. Occur ‫وہنا ل‬
‫واعق ل‬ Happen
3. Accord ‫اعمدہہ ل‬ Agreement
4. Devoid ‫اخیل ل‬ Vacant, Empty
5. Abhor ‫رکنا ل‬
‫رفنت ل‬ Detest, Hate, Disgust

1. Artificial ‫اہھتاکانبوہا ل‬ Natural
2. Compliment ‫زعتاوررعتفی ل‬ Insult, Disgrace
3. Cause ‫سل ل‬ Effect
4. Attract ‫دالنا ل‬
‫ششک ل‬ Repel
5. Attempt ‫رکنا ل‬
‫وکشش ل‬ Omit
1- Depend on ‫خصرروہنا‬
2- Comment on ‫راےیدانی‬
3- Delight in ‫وخیشدانی‬
4- Atone for ‫دصہقدانی‬
5- Care for ‫ایخك‬
6- Take care for ‫ایخكرانھک‬
7- Mourn for ‫اممت ال‬
8- Yearn for ‫وخاشہرانھک‬
9- Beware of ‫ناربخرانہ‬
10- Boast of ‫یخیشامرنا‬
11- Complain of ‫ت‬
‫یکاکشی ال‬
12- Complain against ‫ت‬
‫ےکالخفاکشی ال‬
13- Die of ‫رمنا‬
14- Despair of ‫اموییس‬
15- Associate with ‫قلعترانھک‬
16- Comply with ‫ےکاطمقبرانھک‬
17- Clash with ‫ت‬
‫ا‬ ‫رکٹان‬
18- Meddle with ‫دلخادنازی ال‬
19- Differ from ‫االتخف ال‬
20- Prevent from ‫روانک‬
21- Recover from ‫حتنااب ال‬
22- Beguile ‫دوہاکدانی‬ Delude, cheat
23- calamity ‫ابتیہ‬ Disaster, destruction
24- ecstasy ‫وخیش‬ Delight
25- fabricate ‫انبنا‬ Manufacture, invent
26- felicitate ‫ابمرکناددانی‬ Congratulate
27- abundant/ Ample ‫اکیف‬ Scant
28- Adore ‫دحےسزنادہاچانہ‬،‫ایپررکنا‬،‫ ابعدترکنا‬Despise
29- Adamant ‫دضی‬ Flexible
30- Barren ‫ریغآناد‬ Fertile
31- Suspicion ‫کشوہنا‬ Trust
This course covers all the topics of English grammar for this preparation of
and all Govt jobs Scale 8 to 17. This course has been designed by observing the
need of candidates; I have also created a whatsApp group for the candidates so
that I could send practice test as well as informative material related the course.
If you want to be the part of this course, contact via whatsapp 03413081062.


1- The present perfect tense is used with the words:
Yet, as yet, already, just now, so far, since, ever since, presently once,
twice, thrice etc.
2- To express an action that has been recently completed.
 I have just received the letter.
 We have won the match.
3- To describe an action the time of which is not given.
 They have left for Australia.
 I have seen a snake in the garden.
4- To express an action that began in the past and still continuous.
 He has worked in tis school for five years. (is still working)
 He has lived in Lahore for fifteen years
Syntax: Sub + Have/Has + v3rd form +Obj.
 He has gone to school
 He has not gave to school
 Has he gone to school?
 Has he not gone to school?
1- The past perfect tense is used to express an action completed:
 Before another action took place as:
 When he came to me, I had posted the letter.
 The match had begun before I reached the ground.
 The rain had stopped, when we entered the cinema hall.
2- In simple sentence we never use the past perfect tense unless it has in
it some such words, as:
 Still, before, never, already, till, since etc.
 My mother had already cooked the food.
 She had not travelled by train till then.
 I had not written to her since, I went abroad.
 She had never seen such a terrible sight before.
3- It also used to express an unfulfilled action in the past as:
 If she had worked hard she would have passed.
 If you had come in time we would have taken you with us.
4- It is also used to express an unfulfilled wish in the past as:
 I wish I had won the election.
 I wish I had accepted the job.
5- To denote the action or event this has been completed before some
point of time.
 By afternoon, he had completed his work.
 By sunset, we had watered the plants.

Syntax: Sub + had + V 3rd +Obj

o I had told you.
o I had not told you.
o Had I told you?
o Had I not told you?
Past simple + after +past perfect
I recited the Holy Quran after I had performed ablution.
She took tea after she had washed her face.
Past perfect + before + past simple
The train had gone before we arrived at station
Sir Asif had gone before I reached there.
1- The future perfect tense expresses an action which is expected to be
completed by a certain time in the future as:
She will have covered half of her journey by coming Monday next.
I shall have revised my lesson by 8:PM tomorrow.
The plane will have landed by time you reach the airport.
2- It is also used for an action which at a given future time will be in the
past as.
In two years` time, I shall have taken my degree.
When we reach Lahore, we shall have completed the major part of our
round tour to south Pakistan.
Note: In a complete sentence we use “shall/will” only in the principle clause.
I will go to play when I finish my work.
I will go to play when I have finished my work.

Syntax: Sub + will have + V 3rd + Obj

They will have arrived in USA by Sunday morning.
They will not have arrived in USA by Sunday morning.
Will they have arrived in USA by Sunday morning?
Will they not have arrived in USA by Sunday morning?
1- Eligible for ‫الہ ل‬،‫اقب‬
2- Eminent for ‫وہشمر‬
3- Notorious for ‫دبنال‬
4- Assurance for ‫نیقی‬
5- Beneficial to ‫افدئہدنم‬
6- Aptitude for ‫ذینھراھجم‬
7- Related / relevant to ‫رھکےہ‬
‫قلعت ا‬
8- Deficient in ‫یمک ال‬
9- Envious of ‫احدس‬
10- Satiated with ‫نئمطم‬
11- Ignorant of ‫ےبربخ‬
12- Attend to ‫وتہجدانی‬
13- Listen to ‫سا‬
14- Surrender to ‫ےکاسےنمکھج ال‬
15- Belong to ‫رھکےہ‬
‫قلعت ا‬
16- Derive from ‫احلص ال‬
17- Deviate from ‫اٹہنا‬
18- Prohibit from ‫روانک‬
19- Excel in ‫برانھ‬
20- Acquit of ‫نازعتبری ال‬
21- Accuse of ‫ازلال ال‬
1- Zest ‫جدہب‬ Enthusiasm

2- Zealous ‫وخادنمشہ‬ Enthusiastic

3- Yearn ‫وخاشہرانھک‬ Desire, long

4- Virtue ‫ااھچیئ‬،‫یکین‬ Rightness

5- Vexed ‫رپاشیین‬ Troubled

1- Arrogant ‫رغمور‬ Different

2- Amicable ‫دواتسہن‬ Hostile

3- Amnesty ‫اعمیف‬ Punishment

4- Debacle ‫زواك‬ Rise

5- Conform ‫یکناتامانن‬ Dissent

Present perfect continuous tense
1. The present perfect continuous tense is used to describe
an action that began in the past, is still continuing; as:
She has been waiting for you for three hours.
They have been playing cards since 10 A.M
Since: Since is used for point of time.
Since morning, since Monday, since 1 june, since 1988
Since 3 0’clock, since 1947
For: for is used for a period of time.
For two hours, for a week, for a long time, for five years.
Syntax: Sub+Havebeen+Vingferm+obj+Since+complement
has been For
He has been reading a book since morning.
He has not been reading since morning
Has he been reading since morning?
Has he not been reading since morning?

Past Perfect continuous tense.

 The past perfect continuous tense is used to describe an
action that started before past and was still continuous in the
He had been waiting for you for two hours.
 The past perfect continuous tense is also used to express
an action that had been going on for some time before another
action look place in the past as:
We had been standing in queue for half an hour before the bus
Syntax: Sub+Had been+vingform+obj+Since/for+complement
I had been waiting for you since morning.
I had not been waiting for you since morning.
Had I been waiting for you since morning?
Had not been waiting for you since morning?
Future perfect continuous tense
The future perfect continuous tense is used to express an
action that will have been going on at or before some point of
time in the future as:
We will have been waiting for you for a long time
She will have been waiting since 3PM
Syntax: Sub+will have been+Ving form + Obj + since/for+ complement

He will have been waiting for you for 2 hour.

He will not have been waiting for you for 2 hour.

Will he have been waiting for you for 2 hour?

Will he not have been waiting for you for 2 hour?

1- Honest in ‫ا بایاباارر‬
2- Experienced in ‫حتربح گارر‬
3- Lax in ‫یمکہاتون‬
4- Temperate in ‫ااعاالپت‬
5- Delighted with ‫خوشت‬
6- Assured of ‫یدلاتان‬
7- Write in(ink) ‫لکھناا‬
8- Write with (Pen, pencil) ‫لکھناا‬
9- Lavish of ‫فضوول‬
10- Worthy of ‫ےکل ت‬
11- Ready for ‫ب‬
12- zealous for ‫خوااہشمت‬
13- Occur to ‫ہونا‬-‫لگناا‬
‫ی‬‫ج‬ ‫ب‬
14- Prefer to ‫رپ عد اتی‬‫ح‬
15- Responsible to ‫ررماارر‬
16- Indebted to ‫شرنوارتار‬،‫قرضاارر‬
17- Essential to ‫ضروورری‬
18- Angry with (sb) at (sth) ‫ناررااضت‬
‫ب ب‬ ‫ب‬
19- Call on (sb) call at (place) ‫بوررےووقےکیل حچاتان‬
20- Compare with (same kind) ‫ب‬
‫م حابکرنا‬
21- Compare to (different) ‫ب‬
‫م حابکرنا‬
1- Mandatory ‫ضروورری‬ Optional
2- Massive ‫ب‬ Tiny
‫حب ح رپاا‬
3- Impede ‫ررکاووت حبا‬ Expedite
4- Conceal ‫چھنااتان‬ Reveal, disclose
5- Commence ‫سرووعکرنا‬ Finish, terminate
1- Conversant ‫ووا ت‬
‫اق‬ Acquainted,
‫ب‬ familiar
2- Admire ‫تریک ارن‬ Praise, extol
3- Foe ‫دشت‬ Enemy
4- Alleviate ‫مککرنا‬ Mitigate, allay
5- accumulate ‫اا ھےکاترن‬ Gather, amass
Shujat Ali Chandio 0341-3081062
Subject and verb must agree with one another in number (Singular or
plural) Thus, if a subject is singular, its verb must also be singular; if a
subject is plural, its verb must also be plural.
In present tenses, noun and verbs form plurals in opposite ways.
Nouns add an “s” to the singular form.
But verbs remove s from the plural form.
 The dog chases the cat  The dogs chase the cat.
Rule 1. A phrase or clause between subject and verb does not change
the number of the subject.
 A can of lima beans sits on the shelf.
 The women who went to meeting were bored.
Rule 2. Singular indefinite pronoun subject take singular verbs.
 Singular: each, either, neither, one , no one, nobody, nothing,
anybody, anything, someone, somebody, something, everyone,
everybody, everything.
 Each does a good deal of work around the office.
Rule 3. Plurals indefinite pronouns subjects take plural verbs.
 Plural: Several, few, both, many.
Rule 4. Some indefinite pronouns may be either singular or plural;
 With uncountable, use singular
 With countable, use plural.
Rule 5. Compound subjects joined by “and” are always plural.
 A pencil and an eraser make writing easier.
Rule 6. With compound subject joined by or/ nor the verb agrees with
the subject nearer to it.
 Neither the doctor nor the subordinates are following the lines
Rule 7. Collective nouns (group, crowd, team etc) may me singular or
plural, depending on meaning.
 The jury has awarded custody to the mother.
 In this example the jury is acting as one unit
therefore, the verb is singular.
 The jury members have been arguing for five days.
 In this example the members are acting as twelve
individuals, therefore the verb is plural.
Rule 8. Titles of single entities (books, organizations, countries, etc)
are always singular.
 The Grapes of wrath takes a long time to read.
Rule 9. Plural form subjects
 Plural form subjects with a singular meaning take singular verb
(e.g. News, measles, mumps, physics, electronics etc
 Mumps is a contagious disease.
Rule 10. Plural form subjects with a plural meaning take a plural verb.
(e.g. Scissors, trousers)
 The scissors are on the table.
 The pair of scissors is on the table.
Rule 11. With subject and subjective complement of different number,
the verb always agrees with the subject.
 My favorite topic is poems by Longfellow.
 Poems of Longfellow is my favorite topic
Rule 12. With one of those ---- who, use a plural verb.
 Asad is one of those people who like to read comic books.
Rule 13. With the only one of those ----- who, use a singular verb.
 Asad is the only one of those people who likes to read comic
Rule 14. With the number of ----, use a singular verb.
 The number of volunteers grows each year.
Rule 15. With a number of ----, use a plural verb.
 A number of people grow tomatoes each summer.
Rule 16. With every_ and many a ---- use a singular verb.
 Every man, woman and child participates in the competition
many a child dreams about becoming famous one day.
Rule 17. Words like “With” together with, along with, besides, as well
as, including, in addition to, e t c do not affect the number of verb. If
the main subject is singular, the verb has to be singular, If the subject
is plural, the verb has to be plural.
 The television, along with the cabinet, is to be sold.
 I as well as, you am a doctor.
 The teacher, together with his students have gave to Karachi.
 The decoration of the room, including all the paintings on the
walls, is the most pleasing.
Some nouns are usually plural verb.
These include belongings, clothes, congratulation, earnings, goods,
outskirts, particulars (=information), premises (=building), riches,
savings, stairs, surroundings, thanks:
The company’s earnings have increased for the last five years.
The nouns Police, people, and cattle also always have a plural verb.
The noun where about can be used with either a singular or plural
Some nouns always end in –‘s’and look as if they are plural, but when
we use them as the subject of a sentence they gave a singular verb.
No news is good news. Politics is popular at this university. Statistics
was always my worst subject. Economics has only recently been
recognized as a scientific study.
With any of/each of, neither of, or, none of and a plural noun we can
use a singular or plural verb.
However, we prefer a singular verb in careful written English.
I don’t think any of them knows where the money is hidden.
Neither of the French athletes has won this year.
Either of the houses is to let.
None of trains i/are going to London. (The singular form of verb is
used in a formal style in British English)
Source: Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary/Advanced English
Grammar/Practical English Grammar
None of my friends in interested. (more formal)
None of my friends are interested. (more informal)
Each of the members is paid for his work.
With a/the majority of, a number of, a great/large/small number of,
plenty of, all (of), some (of) and a plural noun we use a plural verb. But if
we say, the number of, we use a singular verb.
A number of refugees have been turned back at the border.
The number of books in the library has risen to over five million
A lot of books were found missing from the library during the
With any of, none of, the majority of, a lot of, plenty of, all (of), some (of),
and an uncountable noun we use a singular verb.
None of the work was done.
A lot of research is required to be made on this subject.
Some of the milk turns sour every day.
All the furniture was destroyed in the fire.
with each and every and a singular noun we use a singular verb.
Every room has its own bathroom. Each chair costs me Rs. 500.

Each of the boys was given a reward. Every one of them was opposed to the

With everyone, everybody, everything (and similar words beginning

any-, and some- and no-) we use a singular verb.
Everyone/everybody was happy. Everything has been done according
to the plan. No one comes here at night someone has to play it.
Two nouns qualified by ‘each’ even though connected by ‘and’, require a
singular verb; as,
Every boy and every girl was given a packet of sweets.
After an amount of money, a distance, a weight or length of time, we
normally use a singular verb.
Eight pounds seems a fair price. A hundred meters isn’t far to
Ninety kilos is too heavy for me to lift. Five minutes doesn’t seem long to
We are talking about the amount as a whole, not the individual pounds or
Some nouns ending in” s” have the same singular and plural form.
This means of transport saves energy. Both means of transport save energy.
This species of insect is quite rare. All these species of insect are
quite rare.
Works ( a factory) and headquarters (a main office) take either a singular
or plural verb.
The steel works has/have closed down.
A Pair noun is plural and takes a plural verb.
My jeans need washing. These tights were quite expensive.
Some pair nouns are: Binoculars, glasses, jeans, pants, pajamas, scissors,
shorts, trousers.
If the nouns suggest one idea to the mind, refer to the same person or thing,
the verb is singular; as,
Time and tide waits for none. Bread and butter is his only food.
The rise and fall of the tide is due to lunar influence.
The novelist and poet is dead.
Some important sentences regarding sub-verb agreement.
Her hair has turned grey now.
Neither of two students is able to deliver the presentation “The Pakistan
times” is my interesting magazine.
Every one of you wants to play cricket.
Nobody knows the trouble, I have seen.
These poultry are ready for sale.
The cattle are grazing the grass.
One believes in one’s God.
The number of board members is very small.
3 months is too long a time to wait.
The committee has agreed to submit its report.
The majority has made its decision.
The committee were not in agreement on the action to be taken either
January of February is going to be her wedding month.
Neither the quality nor the prices have changed.
He has taken the first position.
1. Many a student ______________ because of poor attendance.
(a) Fail (b) fails (c) are failing (d) Have failed
2. The police ______________ arrested three bike-snatchers.
(a) Have (b) has (c) are (d) is
3. He who ______________ is lost.
(a) Hesitate (b) hesitated (c) hesitates (d) are
4. The Governor, with his advisers, ______________ left abroad.
(a) Is (b) have (c) has (D)are
5. The Principal and the Office Superintendent ______________ discussing
tree plantation at college yesterday.
(a) Ware (b)was (c) is (d) are
6. Four and Five ______________ nine.
(a) Make (b) makes (c) is making (d) are
7. The committee ______________ today at 2 p.m.
(a) Meet (b) are meeting (c) are meeting (d) meets
8. My jeans ______________ too tight.
(a) Are (b) is (c)was (d) have
9. A large number of people ______________ rejected his reforms.
(a) Has (b) have (c) was (d) are
10. Every one of the books you have in your library ______________
(a) Was (b) were (c) are (d)is
11. His son and heir ______________ born is August last year.
(a) Was (b) were (c) are (d) is
12. All possible means ______________ tried.
(a) Is (b) was (c) have been (d) has been
13. Every one of the boys ______________ to ride.
(a) Love (b) loves (c)is loving (d)have loved
14. None ______________ so deaf as those who will not hear.
(a) Has (b) are (c) were (d) was
15. Fire and water ______________ agree.
(a) Do not (b) does not (c) were not (d)are
16. The introduction of tea and coffee and such other beverages
______________ without some effect.
(a) Have not been (b) has not been (c) were not (d) are
17. ______________ your father and mother at home?
(a) Are (b) was (c) were (c) was
18. No nook or corner ______________ left unexplored.
(a) Are (b) was (c) were (d) have been
19. To take pay and then not to do work ______________ dishonest.
(a) Is (b) are (c) were (d) was
20. The three Musketeers ______________ written by Dumas.
(a) Are (b) was (c) were (d) have been
21. The strain of all the difficulties and vexations and anxieties
______________more than he could bear.
(a) Were (b) is (c) are (d) was
22. The famous juggler and conjurer ______________ too unwell to
perform tomorrow.
(a) Is (b) are (c) were (d) was
23. The ebb and flow of the tides ______________ explained by
(a) Has been (b) have been (c) are (d) were
24. Five hundred rupees ______________ too much for this bag.
(a) Are (b) is (c) ware (d) have been
25. The cow as well as the horse ______________ grass.
(a) Eat (b) are eating (c) have eaten (d) eats
1- Take Advantage of ‫فابرااٹاتان‬
2- Gain Advantage over ‫چاوویہونا‬
3- Aim at ‫یاننحابھناتا‬
4- Alive to ‫ب‬
5- Alive with ‫ا انحادہتونا‬
6- Amazed at ‫حراانہتونا‬
7- Amuse with ‫خوشکرنا‬
8- Apologize to (sb) for (sth) ‫یسکےسیسکحرےکیلعمافمانگن اات‬
9- Arrive in (country) at (city) ‫ھندناا‬
10- Ashamed of ‫سرمر‬
1- Blasphemy ‫بحر ت‬
‫م‬ ‫ح‬ Impiety
2- Bliss ‫خوشت‬ Rapture, ecstasy
3- Chaos ‫ااقراانری‬ Confusion, disorder
4- Cajole ‫لالد تیا‬ Lure, tempt, entice
5- Endorse ‫پکرنا‬ Confirm
6- Endeavour ‫کوشکرنا‬ Attempt, effort
7- Exonerate ‫ا ارراادکرنا‬ Free
8- Humane ‫ررمحدل‬ Sympathetic, kind
1- Abbreviate ‫چوناکرنا‬ Expand
2- Adroit ‫چالاک‬ Unskillful
3- Bucolic/pastoral ‫گاووناتک‬ Urban
4- Bellicose ‫لرااوتک‬-‫حنگدحوو‬ Peaceful
‫ب‬ ‫ب‬
5- Despicable ‫ف حابن ت‬
‫رت‬ Worthy, respectable
6- Exhilarate ‫خوشکرنا‬ Depress
7- Generous ‫خی‬ Stingy
8- Germinate, grow ‫اا ُگا‬ Decay
1- Face the music ‫ائکاساماکاترن‬ ‫پ حت‬ To face the consequences
2- On the ball ‫ن ح ح ر‬-‫حردااترر‬
‫اح‬ ‫ح‬ Alert
3- The lion’s share ‫پح رااہصح‬ The biggest share
To rain cats and dogs. ‫سنا حررشہ اون‬ To rain heavily
Make a killing = ‫ پح رےپتاانا‬to make a lot of money from a sale or a deal of some sort
1- Affable to ‫خوشااخاق‬
2- Math for ‫مال‬
3- Averse to ‫خاف‬
‫ب ب‬
4- Acceptable to ‫ف حاب حقول‬
5- Compliant with ‫قرم حانرداارر‬
6- Absorbed in ‫صمرووف‬
7- Guilty of ‫قضوورروواارر‬
8- Innocent of ‫معضووذ‬
9- Emerge from ‫ظہووررہاتون‬
10- Cease from ‫ررووکا‬
1. To make both ends meet: To live with in his income
‫گرااررااکرنات‬,‫جااناحرچکاترن‬ ‫ح ا‬
2. Play fast and loose: Say one thing and do another
3. At one’s fingers ends: Know it thoroughly
4. Live from hand to mouth: Without any provision for the
‫ب‬ ‫ب‬
‫ح ا‬
‫جاانااا ُ ایھکانا‬
5. In hot water: in trouble in anger
‫غ‬ ‫ب‬
‫ ےمت‬،‫ت یفمت‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ک‬
1- Refute ‫رردکرنا‬ Reject
2- Detrimental ‫نانکارتر‬ Harmful
3- Fragrant ‫خ ح‬
‫وشوداارر‬ Aromatic
4- Roam ‫ا اوواارررگردیکرنا‬ Loaf
5- Baffle ‫حراانکرنا‬/‫پریانکرنا‬ Confuse, Astound
6- Elegant ‫ساباارر‬ Gorgeous, Splendid
7- Obvious ‫ظاہر‬ Apparent, Clear
8- Barbarous ‫غرتمھذ حت‬
‫ت‬ Uncivilized
9- Soul ‫ررووچ‬ Matter
10- Venerate ‫ب‬ Degrade
‫عرتد یا‬
11- Autonomy ‫مرری‬‫خود ا‬ Dependence
12- Precarious ‫خرےمت‬ Safe
13- Opaque ‫دھاتل‬ Transparent
14- Vanish ‫ائہو حچانا‬ ‫ع ح‬ Appear
15- Scatter ‫ن حھررنا‬ Gather
16- Miserly ‫کندحووش‬ Extravagant
1- Laugh at ‫انسنہ‬
2- Introduce to ‫اعترفرکوانا‬
3- Neglectful of ‫الرپواہ‬
4- Injurious to ‫اصقنماکر‬
5- Insist on ‫زوردانی‬
6- Long for ‫وخاشہ ال‬
7- Hinder from ‫روانک‬
8- Dedicate to ‫یسکےکنال ال‬
9- Die of (disease) ‫ال‬
10- Cheat of ‫دوھاکدانی‬
1. Through thick and thin (under all conditions)
‫م ت‬
2. Out of spirits (gloomy, sad)
3. At one’s wits end (Puzzled)
4. In black and white (in writing)
5. Leave no stone unturned (use all available means).
‫اینپوپریوکشش ال‬
1- Ample ‫اکیف‬ Sufficient
2- Triumph ‫اکایمیب‬ Victory, success
3- Predict ‫پوگیئ ا‬
‫رکن‬ Foretell
4- Expose ‫داھکنا‬ Reveal, exhibit
5- Asperity ‫یتخس‬ Harshness
6- Estrange ‫حتبیانھجمس‬ Alienate
7- Concise ‫وھچنا‬ brief
8- Thrifty ‫وجنکس‬ Stingy, frugal
1- Haughty ‫رغمور‬ Humble
2- Disgust ‫رفنت‬ Love
3- Adversity ‫دبیتمسق‬ Fortune
4- Usual ‫اعل‬ Occasional
5- Abate ‫مک ال‬
‫رکن‬ Increase
6- Abandon ‫وھچڑدانی‬ Follow
7- Magnify ‫براھنا‬ Diminish
8- Condense ‫مج ال‬
‫اجن‬ Expand

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