Solution To The Fluid Problem

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Solution to the Fluid Problem

Let’s start by creating a sketch of the velocity profile of the fluid to get a clear understanding.

Distance of the vertex of the parabola from the plate = 20 cm

Velocity at the vertex of the parabola (u) = 120 cm/s

Viscosity μ = 8.5 poise = 8.5 N s / (10 m2) = 0.85

So, equation if this parabolic velocity profile will be

u = ay2 + by + c ----- equation (1)

where a, b and c are constants whose values we’ll determine by the given boundary conditions.

(i). At y=0, u=0

Substituting in equation (1)

0= 0 + 0 + c


(ii). At y = 20cm, u = 120 cm/s

Substituting in equation (1)

120 = a(400) + b(20)

400a + 20b = 120 ----- equation (ii)

(iii). At y= 20cm, gradient du/dy=0

Differentiating equation (1),

du/dy = 2ay + b

Substituting boundary conditions in the above equation,

0 = 2a(20) + b

40a + b = 0

b = -40a ----- equation (iii)

Now we solve equations (ii) and (iii) for constants b and c

400a + 20(-40a) = 120

400a – 800a = 120

-400a = 120

a = - 0.3

Thus, b = -40a = -40 (-0.3) = 12

We now have a = -0.3, b = 12, c = 0.

Substituting the values in equation (1), we get the velocity profile

u = -0.3y2 + 12y ----- equation (2)

The velocity gradient is given by du/dy. Differentiating equation (2),

du/dy = -0.6y + 12 ----- equation (3)

Thus velocity at a distance of 10 cm from the plate

vy=10 = (du/dy) y=10

= -0.6(10) + 12
= 6/s

Now the shear stress is given by the formula

τ = μ (du/dy)

Thus shear stress at a distance of 10 cm from the plate

τ y=10 = μ (du/dy) y=10

= 0.85 (6)

= 5.1 N/m2

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