Instructional Plan IPlan Template

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Instructional Plan (iPlan) Template

Name of Teacher Alicia Concepcion Grade/Year Level 9

Michelle Gravito
Learning Area: ENGLISH Quarter: 3rd Module No.:
Competency: Explain the sentence patterns and how each pattern differs from other patterns.
Lesson No. 7 Duration (minutes/hours) 45 mins.
Key Sentence Patterns
to be developed
Learning Knowledge Differentiate the basic sentence pattern from one another.
Skills Write meaningful sentences using the basic sentence pattern.

Attitudes Understand the differences of each entences according to their patterns.

Resources Visual Aids, Props(strips of colored paper)

Needed Reference: College English for Today 1( A New Edition)
Pacita L. Habana
Alicia L. Cinco
F 428.40711 A11 2010 c7
Elements of the Plan Methodology

Preparations Motivation/Introductory
- Before starting the Activity Teacher:” Good morning class! “
lesson, prepare the Opening Prayers
Students: “Good morning Ma’am….”
students by giving them -Checking of Attendance
Teacher: “Let’s pray first….”
a warm-up activity
through a game which (A student will lead the opening prayers.)
they can enjoy. This will
help the students to be (The teacher will check the attendance and the students will
motivated and be ready tell who’s the absent for the day.)
for the lesson of the day.
Teacher: “So how was your day today? Did you sleep well last
Students: Yes Ma’am….”
Teacher: “That’s good to know. So for today we are going to
have our new topic which is about the sentence patterns. Are
you ready to learn the different patterns of sentences?”
Students: “Yes we are….”
Teacher: “Okay. That’s good to know. So first, we are going
to have an activity.

Presentation Activity Teacher: I have here seven strips of paper with

- Present the lesson by 1. The teacher will words/phrases written on it and you have to arrange it to
engaging them first in a present and distribute form a sentence. Is that clear?
group activity which can strips of colored paper Students: Yes Ma’am!!!
give them a preview on with words or phrases
(The teacher will call 7 volunteers to answer)
what will you discuss for written on it. The
the day. students have to arrange

- Present the lesson by words or phrases

using materials/props accordingly to form
that would catch their sentences and write their
attention so that they answers on the board.
will be interested with The students will come up
the lesson and keep their with the following
focus on what you are sentences.
1.(S-V) Abraham speaks
2. (V-S) There were no
leftovers after the buffet.
3. (S-V-DO) Andrew
composes music.
4.(S-V-SC) Mother looks
5. (S-V-IO-DO) May sent
Carol a birthday present.
6.(S-V-DO-OC) The class
picked Sussie class
7.(S-TV-IO-DO) Joy made
Jane a basket.
Analysis Teacher: Very good class! Everyone got the correct answer.
1. The teacher will ask if What do you think will happen if words are arranged in that
the students some way? Would you be able to get the idea/thought of those
questions: sentences?
-What will happen if the ( Students will give their answer)
words are arranged in a
Teacher: Do you think following a definite structure is
different pattern?
important? Why?
-Do you think following a
(Students will state their reasons why they think following a
definite structure is
important? Why? correct structure is important)
Discussion of the answers Teacher: “Before we discussed your answers, let me ask you
of the students in the first if you have any idea what is a sentence pattern?
activity and discussion of
the lesson Students: (a student will volunteer to answer)

Teacher:(Thank you)/We could also say that it/ It is orderly

putting together the elements to construct a sentence.

Teacher: So a sentence is composed of a subject, predicate

and object. Subject is the main noun doing the action in the
sentence while the predicate expresses action or being
within the sentence, while objects are those other elements
that add detail in a sentence. Did you get it?

Students: “Yes Ma’am….”

Teacher: “So now let’s discuss your answers. Let’s start with
the first sentence: “Abraham speaks fluently.”

Teacher: The first sentence is an example of Subject-Verb (S-

V) pattern. This pattern is the simplest because it only
consists of a subject, a verb and possibly some adjectives,
adverbs or prepositional phrases. There are no direct or
indirect objects or complements here.

Teacher: Abraham is the subject in the sentence and speaks

is the verb, while fluently is an adjective describing the verb.
Did you understand?”

Students: “Yes Ma’am….”

Teacher: “Now let’s move on to the second sentence: “There

were no leftovers after the buffet.”

Teacher: u!So the second sentence is an example of a Verb-

Subject (V-S) pattern. It’s just the reverse of the first pattern.
In this pattern, the verb comes first then followed by the
subject. Some examples of this pattern are sentences that
begins with there was, there, are, and there were. Some
examples of this pattern are these…. (The teacher will show
some examples)

Teacher: “Now let’s proceed to the third sentence: “Andrew

composes music.”

Teacher: So this sentence is an example of Subject-Verb-

Direct Object (S-V-DO) pattern. Let’s discuss first what is a
direct object. Direct Object is a noun or pronoun receiving
the action.For you to easily identify the direct object in a
sentence, there’s a trick to it. The identification is that it
answers the question “what”. Let’s take a look at the
sentence. Andrew is the subject while composes is the verb
or the action word. So what is being composed?

Students: “Music….”

Therefore music is the direct object in the sentence. Did you

get it?”

Students: “Yes Ma’am….”

Teacher: “Ok, moving on. Let’s discussed the fourth

sentence. In the sentence “Mother looks tired”, the subject
in this sentence is Mother while looks is the verb. Now what
do you think the word tired represents?”

Students/ Teacher: “It describes what the subject is


Teacher: “Okay. Tired is the complement in this sentence.

Complement is a word or group of words that describes or
rename the subject and it follows a linking verb. Complement
has two kinds. It could be a:

Predicate nominative-a noun or a pronoun that renames or

classifies the subject of the sentence.

Predicate adjective-an adjective that describes the subject of

the sentence.

So as I’ve said a while ago, tired is a complement in this

sentence. It is a predicate adjective because the complement
is describing how the subject is feeling. This sentence is an
example of S-V-SC pattern. Did you understand?”

Students: “Yes Ma’am….”

Teacher: “So let’s proceed with the fifth sentence The

sentence is “May sent Carol a birthday present”. This
sentence is composed of Subject-Verb-Indirect Object-Direct
Object so this pattern is called S-V-IO-DO pattern. Now let’s
look and carefully analyze the sentence. There are two
objects involve in this sentence, the direct and indirect
object. We already discussed what a direct object is so now
let’s focus in indirect object. Indirect Object is a noun or
pronoun that is affected by the action. So if the trick that we
used on identifying the direct object is by using the question
what, the trick on identifying indirect object is by means of
using the question whom. May is the one who sent the
birthday present, right? So what did May sent? A birthday
present, therefore birthday present is the direct object in this
sentence. To whom did she sent the birthday present?

Students: “To Carol…”

Teacher: Therefore Carol is the indirect object in this

sentence. Did you understand?”

Students: “Yes Ma’am….”

Teacher: So now let’s proceed with our next sentence: “The

class picked Sussie class representative.” Let’s examine first
the sentence. The subject in the sentence is the class and
picked is the verb. Sussie is the direct object because she is
the one receiving the action word which is the word picked
while class representative will be the object complement in
this sentence. An object complement is a word or group of

words that renames, describe or classifies the direct object.

They are nouns or adjectives and follows the object.

Teacher: “So in this sentence, class representative is the

object complement because it describes what Sussie is.This
sentence is an example of a S-V-DO-OC pattern. Did you

Students: “Yes Ma’am…”

Teacher: “Okay. So now let’s go the last sentence pattern

which is the S-TV-IO-DO pattern. Let’s take a look at the
sentence: “Joy made Jane a basket.”Now let’s analyze the
sentence. The subject in the sentence is Joy. Jane is the
indirect object because to whom did Joy made the basket
for? It’s for Jane right? What did Joy made? It’s basket.
Therefore basket is the direct object. How about made? We
all know that it is a verb but what does it mean when you say
that this is a transitive verb. Transitive verb-a verb that can
take a direct object. So it is said to be a transitive verb
because it takes the direct object. So if we will form this in in
other sentence ,it will be:” Joy made basket for Jane”. Did
you get it?”

Students: “Yes Ma’am….”

Teacher: “Any questions or clarifications about what we

discussed? If you don’t have any questions or clarifications,
then that would be the end of our lesson for today.

(the students will ask the teacher if they have any

Application Teacher: Now class, get a ¼ sheet of paper. I want you to
(10 items quiz) identify the pattern of the sentences I am going to give to
On a one whole sheet of you. Just write the pattern which you think is correct. Is that
paper,identify the clear?
sentence pattern of each Students: Yes Ma’am!!!
sentences.Write A if it’s
(The teacher will show the students the sentences)
(S-V) pattern,B if its (V-
1.Raine dances gracefully. (S-V)
S),C if it’s (S-V-DO),D if it
is (S-V-SC),E if it’s (S-V-IO- 2.The class voted John class president. (S-V-DO-OC)
DO),F if it’s (S-V-DO-OC) 3.Tom sent me flowers. (S-TV-IO-DO)
and G if it’s (S-TV-IO-DO) 4.There were no classes yesterday. (V-S)
pattern. 5.She looks exhausted. (S-V-SC)
6.Carl paints portraits.(S-V-DO)
7.She sings well. (S-V)
8.I sent grandmother a box of cookies. (S-V-IO-DO)
9.The children look scared. (S-V-SC)
10.Jamie made Philip a cake. (S-TV-IO-DO)

Assess- Assessment Matrix

Levels of Assessment What will I assess? How will I assess? How will I score?
(Refer to
Knowledge Assess the students’ Assess based on Give a point for each
(refers to the substantive content of knowledge on the accuracy and correct item that the
Order No.
the curriculum, facts and constructing correct grammar students will get.
73, s.
information that the student sentences according of the sentences.
2012 for
acquires) to the given
What do we want students to pattern.
(relevance and adequacy)
How do we want students to
express or provide evidence of what
they know
Process or Skills Assess if the Assess based on Give a point for each
(refers to skills or cognitive students can the correctness correct item that the
operations that the student construct a of the sentence students will get.
performs on facts and information sentence for a given constructed.
for the purpose of constructing pattern.
meanings or understandings.)
Skills as evidenced by student’s
ability to process and make sense of
information, and may be assessed
in the following criteria:
understanding of content and
critical thinking
Understanding(s) The concept of pattern is one of the essential principles of
( modern methods of language teaching English has basic sentence
patterns and grammatical structures which Filipino students
would do well to master in order that you can understand, speak
and write English well.Pattern is an arrangement that reveals or
suggest a design. It is the framework of an utterances and in study
of language, we must deal with patterning in every level of
linguistic analysis.

Products/performances Following a correct structure of sentences is similar to our society.

(Transfer of Understanding) Society have rules and laws that needs to be followed so that
orderliness will so that orderliness will be maintained. Sentence
structure is also the same as it also have rules that is needed to be
followed to construct grammatically correct sentence.
Assign- Reinforcing the day’s lesson Give five examples each of each sentence patterns.Write on a one
ment whole sheet of paper.
Enriching the day’s lesson Read a short story. List down each sentences and tell what pattern
each sentence is.
Enhancing the day’s lesson

Preparing for the new lesson


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