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Airborne infections of childhood in adults (16)

Code Question Answers
2543 The causative agent of mumps A: Paramyxoviridae
belongs to the family of B: Orthomyxoviridae
C: Hepadnaviridae Крок-2
D: Retroviridae
E: Herpes viruses
2569 Who are especially susceptible for A: children aged from 5 to 15
mumps B: adults
C: new-born children Крок-2
D: animals
E: old people
2597 The source of infection of mumps A: human beings
is B: animals
C: air Крок-2
D: water
E: soil
2598 The incubation period of mumps A: from 15 to 19 days
lasts B: from 1 to 24 hours
C: 5 days Крок-2
D: from 30 to 60 days
E: 1 day
2624 The patient with mumps is A: from the last days of the
contagious incubation period and remains so
for 7-9 days
B: during the prodromal period
C: during the incubation period
D: during the all periods of
E: all mentioned
2626 The morbidity of mumps rises A: in the cold season
B: during the full year
C: in summer Крок-2
D: in the warm season
E: all mentioned
2684 A 2–year-old girl has been ill for 3 A: Measles
days. Today she has low–grade B: Scarlet fever
fever, severe catarrhal symptoms, C: Pseudotuberculosis
non-abundant maculopapular rash D: Rubella Крок-2
on her buttocks and enlarged E: Adenoviral infection
occipital glands. What is your
2688 A 7-year-old girl suddenly fell ill A: Rubella
with fever, headache, severe sore B: Measles
throat, vomiting. Minute bright red C: Enteroviral infection
rash appeared on her reddened D: Pseudotuberculosis
skin 3 hours later. It is more E: Scarlet fever
intensive in axillas and groin. Крок-2
Mucous membrane of oropharynx
is hyperemic. On tonsils there are
greyish patches. Submaxillary
glands are enlarged and painful.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
3065 A child, aged 4, has being ill for 5 A: measles
days, suffers from cough, skin B: scarlet fever Крок-2
rash, t 38,2 С, facial hydropy, C: rubella
photosensitivity, conjunctivitis. On D: adenovirus infection
the face, neck, upper part of the E: enterovirus exanthema
chest there is bright
maculopapular rash with areas of
merging. Hyperemic throat.
Seropurulent nasal discharge. In
lungs there are dry crackles. What
is the most probable preliminary
3066 A 2 y.o. girl has been ill for 3 A: rubella
days. Today she has low–grade B: adenoviral infection
fever, severe catarrhal symptoms, C: scarlet fever
non-abundant maculopapular rash D: pseudotuberculosis Крок-2
on her buttocks and enlarged E: measels
occipital glands. What is your
3067 A 2 y.o. girl has been ill for 3 A: rubella
days. Today she has low grade B: measles
fever, severe catarrhal C: pseudotuberculosis
presentations, slight D: scarlet fever
maculopapular rash on her E: adenoviral infection
buttocks and enlarged occipital
lymph nodes. What is your
3068 A 7 y.o. girl fell ill abruptly: fever, A: scarlet fever
headache, severe sore throat, B: rubella
vomiting. Minute bright red rash C: pseudotuberculosis
appear in her reddened skin in 3 D: measles
hours. It is more intensive in E: enteroviral infection
axillae and groin. Mucous Крок-2
membrane of oropharynx is
hyperemic. Greyish patches is on
the tonsills. Submaxillary lymph
nodes are enlarged and painful.
What is your diagnosis?
3069 A child is 4 years old, has been ill A: measles
for 5 days. There are complaints B: adenoviral infection
of cough, skin rash, t 38,2 C, face C: rubella
puffiness, photophobia, D: scarlet fever
conjunctivitis. Objectively: there is E: enterovirus exanthema
bright, maculo-papulous, in some
areas confluent rash on the face, Крок-2
neck, upper chest. The pharynx is
hyperemic. There are seropurulent
discharges from the nose.
Auscultation revealed dry rales in
lungs. What is the most likely
3070 A 3-year-old child has been taken A: poliomyelitis
to a pediatrician. He has no recent B: pertussis
history of any diseases. Objective C: measles, rubella, parotitis
examination revealed no D: diphtheria and tetanus
pathology of the internal organs. E: type B hepatitis
The child needs the routine
immunization against the
following disease:
3071 A 5-year-old child developed an A: measles
acute disease starting from body B: enterovirus diseases
temperature rise up to 38,5 C, C: acute viral respiratory infection
running nose, cough and D: yersinia
conjunctivitis. On the 4th day the E: rubella
child presented with maculo-
papular rash on face. Body
temparature rose again up to 39,2
C. Over the next few days the
rash spread over the whole body
and extremities. Mucous
membrane of palate was
hyperemic, there was whitish
deposition on cheek mucous
membrane next to molars. What
is your provisional diagnosis?
3072 A 3 year old child has been A: measles
suffering from fever, cough, B: allergic rash
coryza, conjunctivitis for 4 days. C: pseudotuberculosis
He has been taking D: scarlet fever
sulfadimethoxine. Today it has E: rubella
fever up to 39 C and
maculopapular rash on its face.
Except of rash the childs skin has
no changes. What is your
Botulism. Food poisonings. (23)
Code Question Answers
2548 What is duration of the food A: 1-12 hours
poisonings incubation period? B: 2-3 days
C: 4-6 days Крок-2
D: 10-14 days
E: 14-20 days
2549 Water for lavage of stomach must A: of ”room” temperature
be: B: hot
C: cold Крок-2
D: worm
E: of any temperature
2550 Clinical manifestation of food A: high temperature and intensive
poisoning is characterized with: watery diarrhea
B: nausea, repeating vomiting,
subfebrile temperature
C: protracted signs of the disease
D: admixture of mucus in stool
E: spastic pain in the lover part of
2551 For bacteriological investigation of A: contents of vomiting, lavage
patients with food poisoning we water of stomach, stool
have use such specimens as: B: stool, blood
C: stool duodenal drainage
D: contents of vomiting, stool
E: contents of vomiting, blood
2552 The general factor of the A: toxemia
pathogenesis of the botulism is: B: bacteremia
C: bacteremia and toxemia
D: inflammatiive processes in
E: dehydration
2553 What is the medication for specific A: trivalent botulinus antitoxin
detoxication in case of botulism? B: interferon
C: vaccine Крок-2
D: reopolyglucine
E: Ringer’ solution
2572 What complication is characteristic A: hypovolemic shock
for food poisonings? B: meningitis
C: edema of the brain Крок-2
D: pneumonia
E: all mentioned
2573 The toxin, formed by the A: exotoxin
pathogen of botulism, belongs to: B: endotoxin
C: exo-and endotoxin Крок-2
D: no one from mentioned
E: antibodies
2600 What is the basic method of food A: lavage of stomach
poisonings therapy? B: antibacterial
C: symptomatic Крок-2
D: diet
E: immunocorrection
2601 The volume of fluid for A: degree of dehydration
rehydration in case of acute B: intensity of intoxication
intestinal diseases is determined C: intensity and duration of fever Крок-2
with: D: frequency of defecations
E: all mentioned
2602 System, that is selectively A: nervous
affected with toxin of botulism is: B: cardiovascular
C: digestive Крок-2
D: respiratory
E: urinary
2603 On reception to the doctor the A: botulism
patient complained on acute B: poisoning with belladonna
development of disease with C: viral encephalitis
repeated vomiting soon followed D: poisoning with methyl alcohol
with disorders of vision. At E: poisoning with mushrooms
physical examination of the
patient mydriasis, bilateral ptosis,
and dryness of mucous of the
mouth are detected body
temperature was normal and
abdomen was slightly inflated.
What is most likely diagnosis?
2604 What is the main method of A: antitoxic specific
treatment of the botulism? B: antibacterial
C: symptomatic Крок-2
D: nonspecific detoxication
E: all mentioned.
2627 What clinical symptoms are most A: bulbar symptoms (dysphony,
important for early diagnostics of disorders of swallowing, dysarthria
botulism: etc.)
B: dryness of mouth
C: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
D: progressive weakness and
disorder of vision
E: high fever, intoxication
2647 A 24-year-old patient felt sick in A: Botulism
16 hours after dried fish intake. B: Food toxicoinfection
There was nausea, vomiting, C: Acute gastritis
weakness, flabbiness, double D: Acute encephalitis
vision. On physical exam, there E: Salmonellosis Крок-2
was decrease of a muscle tone,
anisocoria, flaccid swallowing and
tendon reflex. What is the most
probable diagnosis?
2675 In the morning a patient had A: Botulism
nausea, abdominal discomfort, B: Food toxicoinfection
single vomiting, dry mouth. In the C: Intoxication with unknown
evening, the patient presented poison
with the increasing general D: Acute ischemic stroke
weakness, double vision, difficult E: Poliomyelitis
swallowing of solid food.
Objectively: ptosis, mydriasis,
anisocoria, absence of gag and
pharyngeal reflex, dry mucous
membranes. The previous evening
the patient had dinner with
canned food and alcohol. What is
the presumptive diagnosis?
3044 The patient 25 y.o. was admitted A: botulism
on the 1st day of the disease with B: salmonellosis, gastrointestinal
complaints of double vision in the form
eyes, heavy breathing. The day C: leptospirosis
before the patient ate home-made D: yersiniosis
mushrooms. On objective E: lambliasis
examination: paleness, widened
pupils, disorder of swallowing,
bradycardia, constipation are
marked. What is the diagnosis?
3045 An outbreak of food poisoning was A: tinned food
recorded in an urban settlement. B: pasteurized milk
The illness was diagnosed as C: boiled meat
botulism on the grounds of clinical D: cabbage
presentations. What foodstuffs E: potatoes
should be chosen for analysis in
the first place in order to confirm
the diagnosis?
3046 A 12 year old girl complains about A: parenteral introduction of
abrupt weakness, nausea, polyvalent antibotulinic serum
dizziness, vision impairment. The B: gastric lavage
day before she ate home-made C: parenteral disintoxication
stockfish, bee Examination D: parenteral introduction of
revealed skin pallor, a scratch on antitetanus serum
the left knee, dryness of mucous E: parenteral introduction of Крок-2
membranes of oral pharynx, antibiotics
bilateral ptosis, mydriatic pupils.
The girl is unable to read a simple
text (mist over the eyes). What
therapy would be the most
adequate in this case?
3047 The 25 year old patient was A: botulism
admitted on the 1st day of the B: lambliasis
disease with complaints of double C: yersiniosis
vision in the eyes, difficult D: leptospirosis
respiration. The day before the E: salmonellosis, gastrointestinal
patient ate home-made form Крок-2
mushrooms. On objective
examination: paleness, widened
pupils, disorder of swallowing,
bradycardia, constipation are
marked. What is the diagnosis?
3048 In the morning a patient had A: botulism
nausea, abdominal discomfort, B: acute ischemic stroke
single vomiting, dry mouth. In the C: food toxicoinfection
evening, the patient presented D: intoxication with unknown
with the increasing general poison
weakness, double vision, difficult E: poliomyelitis
swallowing of solid food.
Objectively: ptosis, mydriasis,
anisocoria, absence of gag and
pharyngeal reflex, dry mucous
membranes. The previous evening
the patient had dinner with
canned food and alcohol. What is
the presumptive diagnosis?
3049 A 12-year-old boy presents with A: botulism
nausea, frequent repeated B: salmonellosis
vomiting that first occurred after C: yersiniosis
eating canned vegetables. D: cholera
Objectively: the patient has dry E: shigellosis Крок-2
mucous membranes, muscular
hypotonia, anisocoria, mydriasis,
dysphagia and dysarthria. What is
the most likely diagnosis?
3050 A patient, who had eaten canned A: botulism
mushrooms (honey agaric) three B: food toxicoinfection
days ago, developed vision C: fusariotoxicosis Крок-2
impairment (diplopia, mydriasis), D: honey agaric poisoning
speech disorder, disturbed E: lead salts poisoning
swallowing. What type of food
poisoning occurred in the patient?
Brucellosis. Sepsis. (3)
Code Question Answers
2696 A 40-year-old patient underwent A: Sepsis
an operation for a lumbar B: Allergic reaction
phlegmon. Body temparature rose C: Erysipelas
again up to 38oC, he got D: Putrid phlegmon
intoxication symptoms, there was E: Erysipeloid
an increase of leukocyte number
in bloo D. The wound that was
nearly free from necrotic tissues
and full of granulations started to
discharge pus, the granulations
turned pal E. What complication
dveloped in this patient?
2709 A 40-year-old patient underwent A: Sepsis
an operation for a lumbar B: Allergic reaction
phlegmon. Body temparature rose C: Erysipelas
again up to 38oC, he got D: Putrid phlegmon
intoxication symptoms, there was E: Erysipeloid
an increase of leukocyte number
in bloo D. The wound that was
nearly free from necrotic tissues
and full of granulations started to
discharge pus, the granulations
turned pale. What complication
dveloped in this patient?
3092 A 23-year-old woman, who works A: brucellosis
as a milk and dairy inspector, B: sepsis
after the miscarriage suffers from C: toxoplasmosis
high fever up to 38,6 C, recurring D: polyarticular rheumatoid
chills, excessive sweating. arthritis
Objectively: polyadenitis, pain in E: yersiniosis
the lumbosacral spine, swollen left
knee joint, enlarged liver and
spleen. What diagnosis is most
Cholera. Salmonellosis Shigellosis (39)
Code Question Answers
2557 What is the duration of the A: 1
incubation period of cholera (in B: 5
days)? C: 10 Крок-2
D: 15
E: 20
2558 What is most typical location of V. A: in lumen of intestine
cholerae in human organism? B: penetrate into enterocytes
C: penetrate into mesenteric
lymph nodes
D: penetrate into bloodstream
E: penetrate through the BBB
2561 What pathogenic mechanisms of A: Dehydration,
acute renal failure are typical for hemoconcentration, blocking of
cholera? microcirculation, reduction of
renal filtration
B: Toxemia, loss of water and
electrolytes, disturbance of
peripheral microcirculation
C: Dehydration, metabolic
acidosis, decreasing of potassium
level in blood
D: Increase of vessels
permeability, hemoconcentration,
blocking of microcirculation
E: all mentioned
2562 Which saline solution we have to A: Ringer’ solution
begin use first for treatment of B: Trisole
cholera? C: Disole Крок-2
D: Acesole
E: Isotonic solution
2565 What specimens from patients A: blood
with shigellosis you have to obtain B: feces
for bacteriological investigation? C: lavage water from stomach Крок-2
D: rectal swabs
E: swabs from throat
2579 The general cause of death of A: hypovolemic shock
patients with the cholera is: B: infectious - toxic shock
C: acute renal failure Крок-2
D: edema and swelling of a brain
E: all mentioned
2583 What is a role of antibiotics in A: detoxication
treatment of cholera? B: reducing of stool output
C: shortening of the period of
excretion of V. cholere Крок-2
D: decrease of inflammatiive
processes in intestine
E: prevention of bacteremia
2584 What is the main specimen for A: urine
laboratory diagnostic of cholera? B: blood
C: stool Крок-2
D: rectal swabs
E: bile
2588 The typical site of multiplication of A: mucosa of large bowel
the shigellosis pathogen in human B: lymphatic formations of a thin
organism is: intestine
C: parenchymatous organs
D: blood
E: mesenteric lymph nodes
2589 What is the type of immunity A: antibacterial, short-time
acquired after shigellosis? B: antibacterial, long-time
C: antitoxic, long-time Крок-2
D: antitoxic, short-time
E: no one mentioned
2590 The main method of treatment of A: pathogenetic
moderate form of shigellosis is: B: antibacterial
C: symptomatic Крок-2
D: diet
E: no one from mentioned
2591 What is the main factor of the A: toxicosis
pathogenesis of shigellosis? B: bacteremia
C: specific allergy Крок-2
D: alteration
E: proliferation
2592 What character and frequency of A: Liquid, poor, frequent, with
stool is typical for colitic form of admixture of slime and blood
shigellosis? B: Liquid, plentiful, slime and
blood (jelly-like), frequent
C: Liquid, plentiful, frequent, of Крок-2
greenish color
D: Liquid, plentiful, ‘rice-water’-
like, frequent
E: Bloody, without feces, frequent
2593 Which data from patient’ history A: contact with carriers
may not serve as possible source B: contact with ill persons
of shigellosis? C: using of unboiled milk Крок-2
D: using of eggs
E: using of unwashed apple
2594 What characteristic for shigellosis A: slight hyperemia of mucous
changing from mucosa of intestine membrane and large, deep ulcers
does rectosigmoidoscopy reveal? B: catarrhal inflammation
C: catarrhal inflammation,
hemorrhages, not numerous
D: catarrhal and hemorrhagic
inflammation with numerous
erosions and small ulcers
E: all mentioned
2615 What pathogenic mechanisms of A: Dehydration, metabolic
tonic cramps are typical for acidosis, decreasing of potassium
cholera? level in blood
B: Dehydration, decreasing of
arterial pressure, reduction of
renal filtration
C: Toxemia, disturbance of Крок-2
peripheral microcirculation
D: Increase of water and
electrolytes secretion as a result
of activation of adenilatcyclaze
and accumulation of cAMP
E: all mentioned
2619 What is the mechanism of A: fecal-oral
transmission of shigellosis? B: contact
C: air-droplet
D: through the bites of
bloodsucking insectsq
E: all mentioned
2620 What is the reservoir of A: humans
shigellosis? B: domestic birds
C: large and small horned cattle Крок-2
D: rodents
E: cats and dogs
2621 What is the basic method of A: bacteriological
specific laboratory diagnostics of B: allergological
the shigellosis? C: biological Крок-2
D: clinical
E: serological
2622 What clinical symptom from A: liquid stool with slime (and a
following is characteristic for the blood)
shigellosis? B: indomitable vomiting
C: enlargement of liver Крок-2
D: pain in the upper parts of
abdomen of girdling character
E: no one mentioned.
2623 Which antibiotics are effective for A: Ciprofloxacin
treatment of shigellosis? B: Erythromycin
C: First-generation cephalosporins Крок-2
D: Metronidazol (Trichopol)
E: Penicillin
2625 What is the mechanism of A: electrolytic diarrhea
cholerogen’ action? B: increased peristalsis of an
C: catarrhal inflammation of
mucous tunic of intestine Крок-2
D: catarrhal inflammation of
mucous tunic of small and large
E: all mentioned
2629 Typically cholera begin from: A: watery diarrhea
B: vomiting
C: abdominal pains Крок-2
D: fever
E: all mentioned
2630 Feces of patients with cholera A: undigested food
usually contain: B: slime
C: blood
D: slime and blood
E: do not contain neither slime
and blood or undigested food
2632 The main mechanism of diarrhea A: breach of function of enzymatic
in case of cholera is: systems of enterocytes (adenylate
B: high permeability of intestinal
C: hyperperistalsis of intestine
D: the increased osmotic pressure
in a lumen of an intestine
E: all mentioned
2633 What are the character and A: Liquid, frequent, plentiful, rice-
frequency of stool typical for water-like,
moderate gravity of cholera? B: Liquid, frequent, plentiful, with
admixture of slime and blood
(jelly - like)
C: Liquid, poor, frequent, with
admixture of slime and blood
D: Liquid, frequent, plentiful, with
admixture of
E: Liquid, plentiful,
2635 Active production of exotoxins is A: Dysenteriae 1
possible for shigellas: B: Sonnei
C: Flexneri Крок-2
D: Boydii
E: Dysenteriae 2
2636 The most severe course of A: S. Dysenteriae 1
shigellosis causes: B: S. Sonnei
C: S. Flexneri 2а Крок-2
D: S. Boydii 6
E: all mentioned
2637 The most effective antibiotic for A: Ciprofloxacin (Cifran)
treatment of shigellosis is: B: Levomycetin (Chloramfenicol)
C: Furazolidone Крок-2
D: Metronidazole
E: Biseptole
2638 Affection of what part of A: distal parts of large bowel.
gastrointestinal tract is typical for B: stomach
shigellosis? C: small bowel Крок-2
D: proximal part of large bowel
E: no one mentioned
2639 What are the clinical symptoms of A: Acute onset, moderate
colitic form of shigellosis? intoxication, spastic pain in left
lower quadrant of abdomen, poor
liquid stool with slime and blood
B: Gradual onset, absence of
intoxication, moderate spastic
pains in lower part of abdomen,
alternation of constipation and
diarrhea, sometimes slime in feces
C: Acute onset with sharp pain in
abdomen, symptoms of
intoxication on the beginning are
absent stool is bloody, frequently
without feces
D: Acute onset, moderate
intoxication, diffuse pain in
abdomen, vomiting, then liquid
stool with admixture of slime (and
sometimes of blood)
E: no one mentioned
2642 What parts of gastrointestinal A: sigmoid colon and rectum
tract are most affected in B: stomach
shigellosis? C: duodenum Крок-2
D: small bowel
E: caecum
2656 A 30-year-old patient complains of A: Acute dysentery
paroxysmal abdominal pain, B: Intestinal amebiasis
frequent liquid stools up to 10 C: Salmonellosis
times a day. Throughout the first D: Cholera
3 days he had a fever, since the E: Balantidiasis
2nd day of disease there were Крок-2
scant liquid stools mixed with
mucus. On palpation: tenderness
of all colon segments. Sigmoid
colon was found spastic. What is
your provisional diagnosis?
2669 A 30-year-old patient was A: Cholera
delivered to the admission ward of B: Shigellosis
the infectious disease department. C: Staphylococcal food
The disease had started acutely toxicoinfection
on the background of normal D: Salmonellosis
temperature with the appearance E: Campylobacteriosis
of frequent, liquid, profuse stool
without pathological impurities.
Diarrhea was not accompanied by
abdominal pain. 12 hours later
there appeared recurrent profuse
vomiting. The patient rapidly
developed dehydration. What is
the most likely diagnosis?
2676 A 30-year-old patient complains of A: Acute dysentery
paroxysmal abdominal pain, B: Intestinal amebiasis
frequent liquid stools up to 10 C: Salmonellosis
times a day. Throughout the first D: Cholera
3 days he had a fever, since the E: Balantidiasis
2nd day of disease there were Крок-2
scant liquid stools mixed with
mucus. On palpation: tenderness
of all colon segments. Sigmoid
colon was found spastic. What is
your provisional diagnosis?
2679 A patient complains of frequent, A: Salmonella
bulky, frothy stools with greenish B: Yersinia
mucus, cramping pain in the C: Shigella
umbilical region, abdominal D: Enteropathogenic E.Coli
murmur, body temperature at the E: Vibrio cholerae El Tor Крок-2
rate of 39oC. The patient
associates the disease with
consumption of soft-boiled eggs.
What is the most likely pathogen?
2686 A man fell abruptly ill. Frequent A: Cholera
watery stool developed 6 hours B: Dysentery
ago. The body temperature is C: Salmonellosis
normal. Then vomiting took place. D: Toxic food-borne infection
On physical examination: man’s E: Typhoid fever
voice is hoarse; eyes are deeply
set in the orbits. The pulse is
frequent. Blood pressure is low.
There is no urine. What is the
preliminary diagnosis?
2703 A nurse of the kindergarten was A: Salmonellosis
taken to the hospital with B: Dysentery
complaints of accute pain in C: Cholera
parumbilical region, convulsions of D: Food toxic infection
lower limbs, multiple bile E: Enterovirus infection
vomiting, frequent watery foul
feces of green color in huge
amounts. At the same time all the
staff in the kindergarden got ill.
Two days ago all of them ate Крок-2
cottage cheese with sour cream.
General condition of patients is of
moderate severity. Temperature
38,2oC. Heart tones: rhythmic
and mute D. Heart rate 95/min,
arterial pressure: 160 mm/Hg.
Abdomen is slightly swollen,
painful. Liver +2 cm. What is the
most likely diagnosis?
2705 An 8-year-old boy fell ill acutely: A: Dysentery
he presents with fever, weakness, B: Salmonellosis
headache, abdominal pain, C: Staphylococcal gastroenteritis
recurrent vomiting, then diarrhea D: Escherichiosis
and tenesmus. Stools occur 12 E: Cholera
times daily, are scanty, contain a
lot of mucus, pus, streaks of
blood. His sigmoid gut is tender
and hardene D. What is your
Diphtheria. (8)
Code Question Answers
2648 A 16-year-old adolescent was A: Immunocomplex
vaccinated with DTP. In eight days B: Hypersensitivity of immediate
there was stiffness and pain in the type
joints, subfebrile temperature, C: Cytoxic
urticarial skin eruption, D: Hypersensitivity of delayed Крок-2
enlargement of inguinal, cervical type
lymph nodes and spleen. What E: Anaphylaxis shock
kind of allergic reaction is
2649 In an inhabited locality there is an A: Immunization of the population
increase of diphtheria during the B: Hospitalization of patients
last 3 years with separate C: Detection of carriers
outbursts in families. What D: Early diagnostics
measure can effectively influence E: Disinfection in disease focus
the epidemic process of diphtheria
and reduce the morbidity rate to
single cases?
2650 A woman complains of high A: Larynx dyphtheria
temperature to 38C, mild pain in B: Infectious mononucleosis
the throat during 3 days. On C: Vincent’s angina
examination: angle lymphatic D: Agranulocytosis
nodes of the jaw are 3 cm E: Oropharyngeal candidosis
enlarged, palatinel tonsils are
enlarged and coated with grey
plaque which spreads to the uvula
and frontal palatinel arches. What
is the most probable diagnosis?
3074 In an inhabited locality there is an A: immunization of the population
increase of diphtheria during the B: early diagnostics
last 3 years with separate C: detection of carriers
outbursts in families. What D: hospitalization of patients
measure can effectively influence E: disinfection in disease focus
the epidemic process of diphtheria
and reduce the morbidity rate to
single cases?
3075 A 24 year old patient complains A: action of bacterial exotoxin
about general weakness, B: bacteriemia
dizziness, body temperature rise C: action of bacterial endotoxin
up to 37,5 C, sore throat, neck D: accumulation of suboxidated
edema, enlargement of products
submaxillary lymph nodes. E: allergic
Objectively: mucous membrane of
oropharynx is edematic and
cyanotic, tonsils are enlarged and
covered with films that spread
beyond the tonsils and cannot be
easily removed. What is the
leading mechanism of this illness
3076 A 4-year-old boy had untimely A: oropharyngeal diphtheria
vaccination. He complains of B: pseudomembranous tonsillitis
painful swallowing, headache, C: follicular tonsillitis
inertness, fever. Objectively: the D: infectious mononucleosis
child is pale, has enlarged anterior E: lacunar tonsillitis Крок-2
cervical lymph nodes, swollen
tonsils with cyanotic hyperemia,
tonsils are covered with gray-
white pellicles which cannot be
easily removed. When the pellicles
are forcibly removed, the tonsils
bleed. What is the most likely
3077 An 11-year-old girl has been A: diphtheria and tetanus
immunized according to her age B: polio
and in compliance with the C: pertussis
calendar dates. What vaccinations D: hepatitis
should the children receive at this E: TB
3079 A woman addressed a doctor with A: oropharyngeal diphtheria
complaints of increased body B: Infectious mononucleosis
temperature up to 37,8 C and C: pseudomembranous (Vincent’s)
moderately sore throat for the last tonsillitis
3 days. Objectively: mandibular D: agranulocytosis
lymph nodes are enlarged up to 3 E: oropharyngeal candidiasis Крок-2
cm. Palatine tonsils are
hypertrophied, covered with grey
coating that spreads to the uvula
and anterior pillars of the fauces.
What diagnosis is most likely?
Helminthiases. (3)
Code Question Answers
3051 A 4 y.o. child attends the A: helminthic invasion
kindergarten. Complains of poor B: lymphoprolipherative process
appetite, fatigue. Objective C: duodenal ulcer
examination: skin and mucous D: atrophic gastritis
membrane are pale, child is E: hypoplastic anemia
asthenic. In the hemogram:
hypochromatic anemia 1st,
leucomoide reaction of the
eosinophile type. What pathology
must be excluded first of all?
3052 A 30-year-old patient was A: ascarids
hospitalized with a diagnosis: B: guinea worms
intestinal obstruction. During the C: cysticerci
surgery it was revealed that the D: filarial worms
obstruction of the small intestine E: pinworms
had been caused by a mass of
helminths. What helminths are
3053 A 30-year-old patient has been A: ascaris
hospitalized with diagnosis of B: guinea worm
intestinal obstruction. The surgery C: filariidae
revealed the obstruction of the D: cysticercus Крок-2
small intestine to be caused by a E: pinworm
helminth ball. What kind of
helminth is it?
Herpesviral infections of 1-5 types (7)
Code Question Answers
2567 What are the main clinical signs of A: prolonged fever, generalized
the mononucleosis? lymphoadenopathy, liver and
spleen enlargement
B: prolonged fever, diarrhea,
abdominal pain
C: prolonged fever, meningeal
syndrome, liver and spleen
D: prolonged fever, generalized
lymphoadenopathy, diarrhea
E: generalized lymphoadenopathy,
petechial rush, kidney affection
2568 What are the typical for the A: leucocytosis, lymphocytosis,
mononucleosis changing in the atypical mononuclears
blood cell count? B: neutrophylic leucocytosis,
eosinophylia, anemia
C: neutrophylic leucocytosis,
atypical mononuclears, Крок-2
D: neutrophylic leucocytosis,
drum stick shift to left,
E: all mentioned.
2595 What is the causative agent of the A: Epstine – Barr virus
mononucleosis? B: Hepadnavirus
C: Klebsiella pneumoniae Крок-2
D: Myxovirus
E: Paramyxovirus
2596 Chose symptoms, typical for A: fever, generalized
icteric form of infectious lymphoadenopathy, function of
mononucleosis:: kidneys is normal, liver and spleen
are enlarged, moderate serum
ALAT elevation
B: fever, lymphoadenopathy,
oliguria, significant serum ALAT
elevation Крок-2
C: fever, lymphoadenopathy,
oliguria, significant serum ALAT
D: generalized
lymphoadenopathy, petechial
rush, kidney affection
E: lymphoadenopathy, oliguria
2651 On the 5th day of a respiratory A: Zovirax
disease accompanied by fever a B: Glucocorticoids
24-year-old man developed C: Ceftriaxone
progressing headaches, systemic D: Lasix
dizziness, double vision, facial E: Haemodezum
muscles paresis on the right, Крок-2
choking from swallowing. He was
diagnosed with acute viral
encephalitis. Identify the main
tendency of the emergency
2652 A 24-year-old man on the 5th day A: Zovirax
of acute respiratory disease with B: Glucocorticoids
high grade temperature started C: Cephtriaxon
having strong headaches,
systemic dizziness, sensation of D: Lasix
double vision, paresis of mimic E: Hemodesis
muscles to the right, tickling by
swallowing. Diagnosis: Acute viral
encephalitis. Determine the basic
direction of the emergent therapy.
2694 2 days ago a patient presented A: Herpes zoster
with acute pain in the left half of B: Herpetiform Duhring’s
chest, general weakness, fever dermatosis
and headach. Objectively: C: Herpes simplex
between the 4 and 5 rib on the D: Streptococcal impetigo
left the skin is erythematous, E: Pemphigus Крок-2
there are multiple groups of
vesicles 2-4 mm in diameter filled
with transparent liqui. What
diease are these symptoms typical
HIV-infection. (14)
Code Question Answers
2559 What is the screening - method of A: immune-enzyme analysis (IEА)
diagnostics of HIV-infection? B: radioimmune analysis(RIA)
C: immunoblot analysis
D: molecular hybridization (DNA-
E: polymerase chain reaction
2560 What is the coefficient Т4/Т8 (the A: 0,5
ratio of subpopulations of Т- B: 1,5
lymphocytes) typical for AIDS? C: 2,0 Крок-2
D: 3,0
E: 4,0
2580 Which envelop glycoproteins A: gp160, gp120, gp41
submit antigenic structure of the B: gp41, gp20, gp160
HIV 1 type virus? C: gp41, gp110, gp120 Крок-2
D: gp120, gp180, gp41
E: all mentioned
2581 Where does replication of the HIV A: macrophages and T-helpers
occur? B: plasmocytes and macrophages
C: T-helpers and В-lymphocytes
D: В-lymphocytes and
E: No one from mentioned
2582 What is the AIDS-indicatory A: pneumocystic pneumonia
disease? B: pulmonary tuberculosis
C: candidiasis of a mouth Крок-2
D: herpes labialis
E: intestinal amebiasis
2611 What opportunistic infections and A: pneumocytosis and
invasions are typical for AIDS? disseminated histoplasmosis
B: generalized candidiasis and
pulmonary coccididomycosis
C: leishmaniasis and Крок-2
D: extrapulmonary tuberculosis
and leishmaniasis
E: shigellosis and amebiasis
2612 What clinical syndrome is A: discirculatory infringements of
characteristic for dementia in a cerebral circulation
patients with HIV-infection? B: syndrome of liquor
hypertension Крок-2
C: multifocal leukoencephalopathy
D: edema of the brain
E: spongiform encephalopathy
2613 Which one of the following clinical A: enlargement of any 3 groups of
syndromes is characteristic for lymph nodes, freely movable and
HIV-infection on stage of painless on palpation
persistent generalized B: enlargement of any 3 groups of
lymphoadenopathy? lymph nodes, painful on palpation,
tendency to suppuration
C: enlargement of inguinal lymph Крок-2
nodes, soldered and painful on
D: enlargement of inguinal and
axillary lymph nodes (more than 3
sm.), soldered and painful on
E: enlargement of mesenteric
lymph nodes
2614 When the diagnosis of AIDS can A: pneumocystic pneumonia
be proved clinicaly, disite of B: diarrheas of isospore etiology
negative results of antibodies to C: Kaposi`s sarcoma in persons
HIV testing? senior than 60 years
D: histoplasmosis of lungs
E: all mentioned
2631 What is the basic medication for A: Azidothymidine
the specific treatment of HIV- B: Remantadine
infection? C: Pentamidine Крок-2
D: Interferon
E: Acyclovir
2659 HIV displays the highest tropism A: T-helpers
towards the following blood cells: B: T-suppressors
C: T-killers Крок-2
D: Thrombocytes
E: Erythrocytes
2661 The 28 years-old woman applied A: Examination for HIV
to doctor because of limited loss B: Examination for
of the hair. In the anamnesis - neuropathology
she had frequent headache C: Examination for gonorrhea
indisposition, arthromyalgia, D: Examination for fungi
fever, irregular casual sexual life, E: Examination for trichomoniasis
drug user. RW is negative. What
examination must be done first?
2663 Medical examination of a 19-year- A: ELISA for HIV
old worker revealed generalized B: Immunogram
lymphadenopathy mainly affecting C: Sternal puncture
the posterior cervical, axillary and D: X-ray of lungs
ulnar lymph nodes. There are E: Lymph node biopsy
multiple injection marks on the
elbow bend skin. The man denies
taking drugs, the presence of
injection marks ascribes to
influenza treatment. Blood count:
RBCs- 3,2x1012, Hb- 100 g/l,
WBCs- 3,1x109, moderate
lymphopenia. What study is
required in the first place?
3089 A 4-month-old boy has been A: HIV/AIDS
undergoing in-patient treatment B: Infectious mononucleosis
for pneumocystic pneumonia for 4 C: pneumonia
weeks. The diagnosis has been D: tuberculosis
made based on clinical signs, E: adenovirus infection
typical X-ray presentation,
presence of severe hypoxemia,
positive dynamics caused by
intravenous introduction of
Biseptol (Co-trimoxazole).
Anamnesis states that enzyme-
linked immuno sorbent assay
(ELISA) detected antibodies to
HIV in the umbilical blood.
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
was performed on the child at the
ages of 1 month and 3 months,
and proviral DNA was detected in
the child’s blood. Viral load and
number of CD4+-lymphocytes was
not measured. Make the
Infection diseases with transmissive mechanism. (5)
Code Question Answers
2678 A 47-year-old patient came to see A: Erythrocytic schizogony
a doctor on the 7th day of B: Tissue schizogony
disease. The disease developed C: Exotoxin of a causative agent
very fast: after the chill body D: Endotoxin of a causative agent
temperature rose up to 40oC and E: Gametocytes
lasted up to 7 hours, then it
dropped abruptly, which caused
profuse sweat. There were three Крок-2
such attacks occuring once in two
days. Two days ago the patient
arrived from Africa. Objectively:
pale skin, subicteric sclera,
significantly enlarged liver and
spleen. What is the cause of fever
attacks in this disease?
2691 A woman, aged 23, complains of A: Malaria
periodical febrile chills with fever B: Epidemic typhus
up to 400С, sensation of heat C: Leptospirosis
alternating with profuse sweat. D: Sepsis
During last three months has lived E: Hemolytic anaemia
in a tropical African country. The
patient has already suffered 3
such attacks, which appeared
every other day, lasted 12 hours,
were accompanied by the
headache, lumbar and muscular
pain. The face is pale with
yellowish tinge. Cyanotic lips.
Liver, spleen are enlarged. In
blood: RBC - 2,5*1012/L. What is
the most likely diagnosis?
2704 A 27-year old patient with malaria A: Chloroquine resistant strain of
caused by P. falciparum was P. falciparum
treated with Chloroquine (600 mg B: Late recognition of infection
base followed by 300 mg base in 6 due to P. falciparum
hours, then 300 mg base a day for C: Inappropriate route of
2 days) without clinical and administration Крок-2
parasitologic responses to the D: Glucose-6-phosphate
treatment. What is the most likely dehydrogenase deficiency in
reason for the failure to respond patient
to the therapy? E: Hypersensitivity of the patient
to Chloroquine
3090 A 28 y.o. patient who has no A: spotted fever
permanent residence was B: delirium alcoholicum
admitted to the hospital with C: leptospirosis
preliminary diagnosis "influenza", D: typhoid fever
on the 5-th day of disease there E: measles
are appeared maculopapular and
petechial rash on his body and
internal surfaces of his
extremities. Body temperature is
41 С, euphoria, hyperemic face,
scleras reddening, tongue tremor,
tachycardia, splenomegaly,
excitement. What is the most
probable diagnosis?
3091 A 34-year-old male visited A: malaria
Tajikistan. After return, he B: typhoid fever Крок-2
complains of fever up to 40 C C: leptospirosis
which occurs every second day D: infectious mononucleosis
and is accompanied by chills, E: sepsis
sweating. Hepatosplenomegaly is
present. Blood test results: RBC-
3 10 12/l, Нb-80 g/l, WBC- 4
109/l, eosinophils - 1%, stab
neutrophils - 5%, segmented
neutrophils - 60%, lymphocytes
17 24%, monocytes - 10%, ESR -
25 mm/h. What is the provisional
Infectious diseases with airborn mechanism of transmission. (18)
Code Question Answers
2566 What is etiological agent of A: virus
influenza? B: chlamydia
C: bacteria Крок-2
D: mycoplasmas
E: protozoa
2646 A patient, aged 16, complains of A: Influenza with cerebral edema
headache, mainly in the frontal manifestations
and temporal areas, superciliary B: Influenza, typical disease
arch, appearing of vomiting at the duration
peak of headache, pain during the C: Respiratory syncytial virus
eyeballs movement, joint’s pain. D: Parainfluenza Крок-2
On examination: excited, t 39 C, E: Adenovirus infection
Ps 110/min. Tonic and clonus
cramps. Uncertain meningeal
signs. What is the most likely
2654 A 24-year-old man on the second A: Influenza
day of the disease with a sudden B: Parainluenza
onset complains of a strong C: Respiratory mycoplasmosis
headache in temples and in the D: Pneumonia
area of orbits, dull pain in the E: Meningococcus infection
body, dry painful cough. His Крок-2
temperature is 39°C. Adynamic.
Mucous membrane of oropharynx
is "flaming", rales are not
ausculated. What is the most
probable diagnosis?
2660 A 22-year-old patient is a clerk. A: Legionella
His working day runs in a B: Mycoplasm
conditioned room. In summer he C: Streptococcus
was taken by an acute disease D: Staphylococcus
with the following symptoms: E: Pneumococcus
fever, dyspnea, dry cough, pleural
pain, myalgia, arthralgia.
Objectively: moist rales on the
right, pleural friction rub. X-ray
picture showed infiltration of the
inferior lobe. In blood: WBC -
11x109, stab neutrophils - 6\%,
segmented neutrophils - 70\%,
lymphocytes - 8\%, ESR - 42
mm/h. What is the ethiological
factor of pneumonia?
2681 A 45-year-old patient, a sailor, A: Pneumonic plaque
was hospitalized on the 2nd day of B: Miliary tuberculosis
the disease. A week ago he C: Influenza
returned from India. Complains of D: Ornithosis
body temperature of 41oC, severe E: Sepsis
headache, dyspnea, cough with
frothy rusty sputum. Objectively:
the patient is pale, mucous
membranes are cyanotic,
breathing rate is 24/min,
tachycardia is present. In lungs:
diminished breath sounds, moist
rales over both lungs, crepitation.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
2690 A patient, aged 16, complains of A: Influenza with cerebral edema
headache, mainly in the frontal manifestations
and temporal areas, superciliary B: Respiratory syncytial virus
arch, appearing of vomiting at the C: Parainfluenza
peak of headache, pain during the D: Adenovirus infection
eyeballs movement, joints pain. E: Influenza, typical disease Крок-2
On examination: excited, t0- duration
390С, Ps - 110/min. Tonic and
clonus cramps. Uncertain
meningeal signs. What is the most
likely diagnosis?
2695 On the next day after being taken A: Influenzal meningoencephalitis
by influenza a 46-year-old woman B: Ischemic stroke
presented with intensified C: Bacterial meningoencephalitis
headache, dizziness, nause A. D: Parenchymatous
Objectively: the patient is subarachnoidal haemorrhage
conscious, psychomotor E: Subarachnoidal haemorrhage
excitement is present; there is
general hyperesthesia, moderate
meningeal syndrome, nystagmus.
Tendon teflexes are higher on the
right, right extremities display
muscle weakness, right-sided
pathological Babinski’s sign is
present. Liquor is transparent,
pressure is 220 mm of water
column; cytosis is 46/3 with
prevailing lymphocytes. What is
the most likely diagnosis?
3033 An infant aged 1 year on the third A: acute infectious croup due to
day of common cold at night viral laryngotracheitis
developed inspiratory stridor, B: bronchopneumonia without
hoarse voice and barking cough. complications
Physical examination revealed C: acute bronchiolitis with
suprasternal and intercostal chest respiratory distress
retractions. There is a bluish skin D: acute epiglottitis Крок-2
discoloration moistly seen over E: acute laryngitis
the upper lip. The respiratory rate
is 52 per min and pulse- 122 bpm.
The body temperature is 37,9 С.
What disease does the infant
3054 An infant aged 1 year on the third A: acute infectious croup due to
day of common cold at night viral laryngotracheitis
developed inspiratory stridor, B: bronchopneumonia without
hoarse voice and barking cough. complications
Physical examination revealed C: acute bronchiolitis with
suprasternal and intercostal chest respiratory distress
retractions. There is a bluish skin D: acute epiglottitis Крок-2
discoloration moistly seen over E: acute laryngitis
the upper lip. The respiratory rate
is 52 per min and pulse- 122 bpm.
The body temperature is 37,9 С.
What disease does the infant
3055 Ambulace brought to the hospital A: influenza
a patient with acute respiratory B: enterovirus infection
viral infection. The illness began C: adenoviral infection
suddenly with temperature rise up D: parainfluenza
to 39,9 С. He complains of E: RS-infection
headache in frontotemporal lobes,
pain in eyeballs, aching of the
whole body, nose stuffiness, sore
throat, dry cough. At home he had
a nasal hemorrhage twice. What
type of acute respiratory viral
infection is it?
3056 A 3 m.o. child fell seriously ill, A: acute respiratory viral
body temperature rised up to 37,8 infection, bronchiolitis
С, there is semicough. On the 3-rd B: acute respiratory viral
day the cough grew worse, infection, bronchopneumonia
dyspnea appeared. On percussion: C: acute respiratory viral
tympanic sound above lungs, on infection, bronchitis Крок-2
auscultation: a lot of fine moist D: acute respiratory viral
and wheezing rales during infection, bronchitis with
expiration. What is the most asthmatic component
probable diagnosis? E: acute respiratory viral infection,
focal pneumonia
3057 A 19 y.o. girl admitted to the A: beta-hemolytic streptococci
hospital complained of pain in the B: ricchetsia
knee and fever of 38,6 С. She is ill C: autoimmune disorder
for 2 weeks after acute tonsillitis. D: viral-bacterial association
On exam, hyperemia and swelling E: staphylococci
of both knees, temperature is
37,4 С, HR- 94/min, BP- 120/80
mm Hg, and heart border is
displaced to the left; S1 is weak,
systolic murmur is present. Total
blood count shows the following:
Hb- 120 g/L, WBC- 9,8 109/L,
ESR of 30 mm/L. ECG findings:
the rhythm is regular, PQ = 0,24
sec. What is a causative agent of
the disease?
3058 It is planned to make complete A: bathroom unit
isolation boxes in the infectious B: doctors consulting room
department in order to prevent C: patients examination room
nosocomial airborne infections. D: nursing room
The boxes consist of a tambour, a E: manipulation room
ward and a lock chamber. What
structure should be also included
in a complete isolation box?
3059 A 23 year old man complains A: beta-hemolytic streptococcus
about face edemata, headache, B: alpha-hemolytic streptococcus
dizziness, reduced urination, C: pyogenic streptococcus
change of urine colour (dark-red). D: staphylococcus aureus
These presentations appeared E: saprophytic staphylococcus
after pharyngitis. Objectively: face
edemata, pale skin, temperature - Крок-2
37,4 C; heart rate - 86/min, AP -
170/110 mm Hg. Heart sounds
are muffled, the II sound is
accentuated above aorta. What
etiological factor is probable in
this case?
3060 A 25 year old patient had A: b-haemolytic streptococcus
pharyngitis 2 weeks ago. Now he B: virus
complains about body C: staphylococcus
temperature rise up to 38 C, D: pneumococcus
general weakness, dyspnea during E: fungi
walking, swelling and shifting pain
in the articulations. Objectively:
cyanosis of lips, rhythmic pulse of
poor volume - 100 bpm. Left
cardiac border deviates outwards
from the mediaclavicular line by 1
cm. The first heart sound is
weakened on the apex,
auscultation revealed systolic
souffle. What is the most probable
aetiological factor that caused this
pathological process?
3062 A 22-year-old patient is a clerk. A: legionella
His working day runs in a B: pneumococcus
conditioned room. In summer he C: staphylococcus
was taken by an acute disease D: streptococcus
with the following symptoms: E: mycoplasm
fever, dyspnea, dry cough, pleural
pain, myalgia, arthralgia.
Objectively: moist rales on the
right, pleural friction rub. X-ray
picture showed infiltration of the
inferior lobe. In blood: WBC – 11
10 12/l, stab neutrophils - 6%,
segmented neutrophils - 70%,
lymphocytes - 8%, ESR - 42
mm/h. What is the ethiological
factor pneumonia?
3063 A child is 9 months old. The A: picornavirus
patients body temperature is 36,7 B: rotavirus
C, the skin is pale, humid, there is C: adenovirus
pain in leg muscles. There is no D: tohovirus
extremities mobility, sensitivity is E: paramyxovirus Крок-2
present. The child has been
diagnosed with poliomyelitis. The
causative agent of this disease
relates to the following family:
3064 An infant is 2,5 months old. The A: pertussis
onset of the disease was gradual, B: parainfluenza
the child had normal body C: congenital stridor
temperature but presented with D: respiratory syncytial infection
slight cough. Within a week the E: adenovirus infection
cough intensified, especially at
night; on the 12th day the child
developed cough fits occurring up
to 20 times per day and followed
by vomiting. There was one
instance of respiratory arrest.
Make the diagnosis:
Introduction in infectology. Infection diseases with faecal-oral mechanism of transmission.
Code Question Answers
2554 Pathogens of typhoid and A: Gram-negative rods
paratyphoids A and B are: B: Gram-positive rods
C: Gram-negative cocci Крок-2
D: Gram-positive cocci
E: All mentioned
2555 Specific complication of typhoid is: A: intestinal bleeding
B: arthritis
C: otitis Крок-2
D: intestinal obstruction
E: hypovolemic shock
2556 The specimen for early A: blood
bacteriological investigation of B: urine
typhoid is: C: feces Крок-2
D: sputum
E: nasopharyngeal secret
2574 Pathogens of typhoid belong to A: Salmonella
the genus: B: Shigella
C: Escherichia Крок-2
D: Klebsiella
E: Enterobacteria
2575 Toxins, produced by pathogens of A: exotoxin
typhoid belong to: B: endotoxin
C: exo-and endotoxin Крок-2
D: no one from mentioned
E: antibodies
2576 Immunity after typhoid fever is: A: antibacterial
B: antibacterial, short term
C: antitoxic, short term Крок-2
D: antitoxic long-term
E: all mentioned
2577 Specific complication of typhoid is A: perforation of a thin intestin e
B: intestinal obstruction
C: pulmonary bleeding Крок-2
D: encephalitis
E: polyradiculoneuritis
2578 Doctor has suspected the A: hemotransfusion and infusion
intestinal bleeding a patient H. on of the blood substitutes
the 20th day from beginning of B: urgent operative measures
typhoid. What is further medical C: increasing in a daily dose of
tactics? antibiotics
D: prescription of glucocorticoids
(prednisolone, etc.)
E: no one mentioned
2605 Which one of following is the A: humans
reservoir of typhoid infection? B: live-stock
C: rodents Крок-2
D: wild carnivores
E: all mentioned
2606 What is the fever pattern, A: constant
characteristic for typhoid in climax B: remittent
of disease? C: intermittent Крок-2
D: undulating
E: no one of mentioned
2607 What is the most typical cause of A: infectious - toxic shock
death in patients with the typhoid B: intestinal bleeding
during the first week of disease? C: hypovolemic shock Крок-2
D: peritonitis
E: encephalitis
2608 Typical onset of clinical A: gradual
manifestations of typhoid in B: acute
nonimmune persons is: C: subacute Крок-2
D: all mentioned
E: no one mentioned
2609 What is most typical exanthema in A: roseolous
the typhoid fever? B: urticaria
C: petechial Крок-2
D: erythematous
E: vesicular
2610 What peculiarities of blood cell A: leucopoenia, aneosinophylia,
count are typical for climax period lymphocytosis,
of typhoid fever? thrombocytopoenia, ESR elevation
B: leucopoenia, neutropoenia,
eosinopoenia, relative
C: normal count or insignificant
leucocytosis, tendency to Крок-2
neutrophils increasing, drum -
stick shift to the left, monocytosis,
plasmatic Turk cells
D: leucocytosis, neutropoenia,
lymphomonocytosis, atypical
E: no one mentioned
2628 Which antibiotic is the drug of A: Chloramphenicol
choose for treatment of typhoid B: Penicillin
and paratyphoids A and B? C: Metronidazole Крок-2
D: Furazolidone
E: Sulfadimesine
2640 The most common way of A: alimentary
transmission of typhoid infection B: contact through the injured
is skin
C: air-droplet
D: transmissible
E: sexual
2641 The early symptom of the typhoid A: fever
is: B: exanthema
C: enlargement of spleen Крок-2
D: relative bradycardia
E: diarrhea
2674 A 28 y.o. male patient was A: Abdominal typhoid
admitted to the hospital because B: Typhus
of high temperature 390C, C: Sepsis
headache, generalized fatigue, D: Brucellosis
constipation, sleep disorder for 9 E: Leptospirosis Крок-2
days. There are sporadic roseolas
on the abdomen, pulse- 78 bpm,
liver is enlarged for 2 cm. What is
the most probable diagnosis?
2698 A 50-year-old locksmith was A: Bacteriological study
diagnosed with typhoid fever. The B: Vaccination
patient lives in a separate C: Isolation Крок-2
apartment with all facilities. Apart D: Antibiotic prophylaxis
of him there are also 2 adults in E: Dispensary surveillance
his family. What actions should be
taken about persons
communicating with the patient?
2706 A 28-year-old patient was A: Epidemic typhus
hospitalized with preliminary B: Measles
diagnosis "influenza". Roseolous- C: Leptospirosis
petechial rash appeared on the D: Alcohol delirium
5th day of disease on the trunk. E: Typhoid fever
The temperature is 41ºC. Крок-2
Hyperemia of face, reddening of
scleras, tremor of tongue,
tachycardia, splenomegaly are
present. What is the most likely
3032 A 1,5 y.o. child fell ill acutely with A: polyomyelitis
high temperature 38 С, headache, B: polyartropathy
fatigue. The temperature declined C: viral encephilitis
on the fifth day, muscular pain in D: osteomyelitis
the right leg occured in the E: hip joint arthritis Крок-2
morning, there were no
movements and tendon reflexes,
sensitivity was reserved. What is
the initial diagnosis?
3034 An infant aged 1 year on the third A: enterovirus
day of common cold at night B: meningococcus
developed inspiratory stridor, C: Koch’s bacilluss
hoarse voice and barking cough. D: staphylococcus
Physical examination revealed E: pneumococcus
suprasternal and intercostal chest
retractions. There is a bluish skin Крок-2
discoloration moistly seen over
the upper lip. The respiratory rate
is 52 per min and pulse- 122 bpm.
The body temperature is 37,9 С.
What disease does the infant
3035 An 8-year-old child was A: enterovirus
hospitalized for fever up to B: meningococcus
39,8°C, inertness, moderate C: Koch’s bacillus
headache, vomiting. Examination D: staphylococcus
revealed meningeal symptoms. E: pneumococcus
Lumbar puncture was performed.
The obtained fluid had raised
opening pressure, it was
transparent, with the cell count of
450 cells per 1 mcl (mainly
lymphocytes - 90%), glucose level
of 2,6 mmol/l. What causative
agent might have caused the
disease in the child?
3036 An 9-year-old child was A: enterovirus
hospitalized for fever up to 39,8 B: neisseria meningitidis
C, inertness, moderate headache, C: mycobacterium tuberculosis
vomiting. Examination revealed D: staphylococcus aureus
meningeal symptoms. Lumbar E: streptococcus pneumoniae
puncture was performed. The
obtained fluid was characterised
by increased opening pressure,
was transparent, with the cell
count of 450 cells per 1 mcL
(mainly lymphocytes - 90%),
glucose level of 3,6 mmol/l. What
agent could have caused the
disease in the child?
3037 An emergency situation at a A: sanitary and epidemiological
chemical plant caused acute station
occupational intoxication. A doctor B: trade union committee of the
who revealed the case of ”acute plant
occupational disease C: ministry of Public Health of
(intoxication)” must notify the Ukraine
following authority: D: medical unit of the plant
E: plant administration
3038 A 28 year old patient was A: typhoid fever
admitted to the clinic with B: leptospirosis
complaints of the temperature rise C: malaria
up to 39,0 C, headache, D: sepsis
weakness, constipation on the 9th E: brucellosis
day of the disease. On
examination: single roseolas on
the skin of the abdomen are
present. The pulse rate is 78 bpm.
The liver is enlarged by 2 cm.
What is the most probable
3039 A 28 year old patient was A: typhoid fever
admitted to the clinic with B: leptospirosis
complaints of the temperature rise C: malaria
up to 39,0 C, headache, D: sepsis
weakness, constipation on the 9th E: brucellosis
day of the disease. On
examination: single roseolas on
the skin of the abdomen are
present. The pulse rate is 78 bpm.
The liver is enlarged by 2 cm.
What is the most probable
3040 A 50 year old locksmith was A: bacteriological study
diagnosed with typhoid fever. The B: dispensary observation
patient lives in a separate C: isolation
apartment with all facilities. Apart D: antibiotic prophylaxis
of him there are also 2 adults in E: vaccination
his family. What actions should be
taken about persons
communicating with the patient?
3041 A 28 y.o. homeless male was A: typhus
admitted to the hospital because B: alcogolic delirium
of initial diagnosis "influenza". C: abdominal typhoid
Roseolo-petechiae rash has D: measles
appeared on the trunk and E: leptospirosis
internal surfaces of the limbs on
the fifth day. Temperature is 41 С,
euphoria, face and scleras
hyperemia, tongue tremor,
tachycardia, splenomegaly,
excitement. What is the most
probable diagnosis?
3042 A 28 y.o. male patient was A: abdominal typhoid
admitted to the hospital because B: sepsis
of high temperature 39 С, C: typhus
headache, generalized fatigue, D: leptospirosis Крок-2
constipation, sleep disorder for 9 E: brucellosis
days. There are sporadic roseolas
on the abdomen, pulse- 78 bpm,
liver is enlarged for 2 cm. What is
the most probable diagnosis?
3043 A 28 y.o. patient without A: epidemic typhus
permanent residence was B: measles
admitted to the hospital with the C: delirium alcoholicum
preliminary diagnosis influenza. D: leptospirosis
On the fith day of illness he got a E: typhoid fever
maculopapular petechial rash on
his body and internal surfaces of Крок-2
extremities. Body temperature is
41 С, euphoria, face hyperemia,
sclera reddening, tongue tremor,
tachycardia, splenomegaly,
excitement. What is the most
probable diagnosis?
Leptospirosis, HFRS. Toxoplasmosis. (3)
Code Question Answers
2643 A patient was admitted to the A: Leptospirosis
hospital on the 7th day of the B: Yersiniosis
disease with complaints of high C: Salmonellosis
temperature, headache, pain in D: Brucellosis
the muscles, especially in calf E: Trichinellosis
muscles. Dermal integuments and Крок-2
scleras are icteric. There is
hemorrhagic rash on the skin.
Urine is bloody. The patient was
fishing two weeks ago. What is
the most likely diagnosis?
3094 A 33 year old patient was A: leptospirosis
delivered to the infectious B: sepsis
diseases department on the 7-th C: typhoid fever
day of disease. He complained D: yersiniosis
about great weakness, high E: virus A hepatitis
temperature, pain in the lumbar
area and leg muscles,
icteritiousness, dark colour of
urine, headache. The acute
disease started with chill, body
temperature rise up to 40°C,
headache, pain in the lumbar area
and sural muscles. Icterus turned
up on the 4th day, nasal and
scleral haemorrhages came on the
5th day. Fever has lasted for 6
days. Diuresis - 200 ml. What is
the most probable diagnosis?
3095 A 25-year-old patient was A: leptospirosis
delivered to an infectious diseases B: viral hepatitis type A
unit on the 3rd day of illness with C: malaria
complaints of headache, pain in D: infectious mononucleosis
the lumbar spine and E: yersiniosis
gastrocnemius muscles, high
fever, chills. Objectively: condition
is of moderate severity. Scleras
are icteric. Pharynx is hyperemic. Крок-2
Tongue is dry with dry brown
coating. Abdomen is distended.
Liver is enlarged by 2 cm. Spleen
is not enlarged. Palpation of
muscles, especially gastrocnemius
muscles, is painful. Urine is dark
in color. Feces are normal in color.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
Meningococcal infection. (12)
Code Question Answers
2662 A 7-year-old boy had complained A: Tuberculous meningitis
of headache, nausea, fatigue for 3 B: Secondary purulent meningitis
weeks. His condition gradually C: Epidemic cerebrospinal
deteriorated, headache and meningitis
general weakness progressed. The D: Serous meningitis
boy had bronchitis at the age of 3. E: Pneumococcal meningitis
His father has a history of
pulmonary tuberculosis.
Objectively: body temperature
37,5°C, conscious, lies supine,
with the hip and knee flexed to 90 Крок-2
degrees, nuchal rigidity +6 cm,
partial ptosis of the right eyelid,
the dilated right pupil. General
hyperalgesia is present. Liquor:
transparent, pressure - 400 mm
of water column, protein - 1,5\%,
cytosis - 610/3 with predominant
lymphocytes, sugar - 1,22 mmol/l,
chlorides - 500 mmol/l. What is
the most likely diagnosis?
2664 On the 20th of June a townsman A: Tick-borne encephalitis
was brought to clinic. The disease B: Influenza
broke out acutely, starting with C: Omsk hemorrhagic fever
fever, rise in temperature to 38- D: Pseudotuberculosis
390C. There also was weakness, E: Epidemic typhus
acute headache, nausea,
vomiting, pain all over the body,
sleep disorder. On physical
examination: hyperemia of skin of
face, neck, thorax. Meningeal
signs are positive. 12 days ago
the patient returned from the
Siberia, from the forest. What is
the most probable diagnosis?
2693 A child, aged 5, is ill with fever, A: Chicken pox
vesicular rash mainly on the trunk B: Herpetic infection
and head skin. On the 8th day C: Rubella
there appeared severe headache, D: Measles
ataxia, lethargy, movement E: Enterovirus infection
discoordination, tremor of the Крок-2
extremities. On the second wave
of the fever encephalitis is
diagnosed. Complication of what
decease can be encephalitis in this
3080 The disease of a 21 y.o. patient A: meningococcal infection:
began with raise of temperature purulent meningitis
up to 39,0 С, headache, chill, B: secondary purulent meningitis
repeated vomiting. Rigidity of C: serous meningitis
occipital muscles is determined. D: meningococcal infection:
The analysis of liquor revealed: serous meningitis
cytosis - 1237 in 1 ml, including: E: infectious mononucleosis
84% of neutrophils, 16% of
lymphocytes. On bacterioscopy:
gram-negative cocci are found in
liquor. What is the most probable
3081 A 1,5 y.o. child fell seriously ill: A: soluble Levomycetine succinate
chill, body temperature rise up to B: penicillin
40,1 С, then rapid dropping to C: sulfamonometoxin
36,2 С, skin is covered with D: lincomycin
voluminous hemorrhagic rash and E: gentamycin
purple cyanotic spots. Extremities
are cold, face features are
sharpened. Diagnosis:
meningococcosis, fulminant form,
infection-toxic shock. What
antibiotic must be used at the pre-
admission stage?
3082 An 18 year old patient was A: infectious mononucleosis
admitted to a hospital with B: diphtheria
complaints of headache, C: acute lymphoid leukosis
weakness, high temperature, sore D: adenoviral infection
throat. Objectively: enlargement E: angina
of all groups of lymph nodes was Крок-2
revealed. The liver is enlarged by
3 cm, spleen - by 1 cm. In blood:
leukocytosis, atypical lymphocytes
- 15%. What is the most probable
3083 A 25 year old pediatrician fell ill a A: cerebrospinal puncture
week ago: body temperature rose B: sputum test for secondary flora
up to 37,6 C, there appeared a C: X-ray examination of lungs
slight swelling on his neck. His D: complete blood count
illness was diagnosed as ARD, E: puncture of cervical lymph
cervical lymphadenitis. Treatment node
course included erythromycin, hot
compress on the neck. In course
of treatment body tempearture
rose up to 39 C, there appeared
headache, repeated vomiting,
meningeal syndrome. What
studies are necessary for the final
3084 A 3 year old boy fell ill abruptly: A: chloramphenicol succinate and
fever up to 39 C, weakness, prednisone
vomitng. Haemorrhagic rash of B: penicillin and prednisone
various size appeared on his lower C: penicillin and immunoglobulin
limbs in 5 hours. D: ampicillin and immunoglobulin Крок-2
Meningococcemia with infective - E: chloramphenicol succinate and
toxic shock of the 1 degree was interferon
diagnosed. What medications
should be administered?
3085 A 4 month old child fell seriously A: meningococcemia
ill: body temperature rose up to B: rubella
38,5°C, the child became inert C: influenza
and had a single vomiting. 10 D: haemorrhagic vasculitis
hours later there appeared rash E: scarlet fever
over the buttocks and lower limbs Крок-2
in form of petechiae, spots and
papules. Some haemorrhagic
elements have necrosis in the
centre. What is the most probable
3086 A 3 year old boy fell ill abruptly: A: chloramphenicol succinate and
fever up to 39 C, weakness, prednisone
vomitng. Haemorrhagic rash of B: penicillin and prednisone Крок-2
various size appeared on his lower C: ampicillin and immunoglobulin
limbs within 5 hours. D: penicillin and immunoglobulin
Meningococcemia with infective - E: chloramphenicol succinate and
toxic shock of the 1 degree was interferon
diagnosed. What medications
should be administered?
3087 On the next day after being taken A: influenzal meningoencephalitis
by influenza a 46-year-old woman B: subarachnoidal haemorrhage
presented with intensified C: bacterial meningoencephalitis
headache, dizziness, nausea. D: ischemic stroke
Objectively: the patient is E: parenchymatous
conscious, psychomotor subarachnoidal haemorrhage
excitement is present; there is
general hyperesthesia, moderate
meningeal syndrome, nystagmus.
Tendon teflexes are higher on the
right, right extremities display
muscle weakness, right-sided
pathological Babinskis sign is
present. Liquor is transparent,
pressure is 220 mm of water
column; cytosis is 46/3 with
prevailing lymphocytes. What is
the most likely diagnosis?
3088 A 1,5-year-old child fell ill acutely A: polyomyelitis
with high temperature 38 C, B: polyartropathy
headache, fatigue. The C: hip joint arthritis
temperature declined on the fifth D: osteomyelitis
day, muscular pain in the right leg E: viral encephilitis Крок-2
occured in the morning, there
were no movements and tendon
reflexes, sensitivity was reserved.
What is the initial diagnosis?
Rabies, tetanus. Infection diseases with contact mechanism of transmission erysipelas.
Code Question Answers
2544 What clinical form is not typical for A: icteric
erysipelas? B: erythematous-hemorrhagic
C: skin-bubonic Крок-2
D: necrotic
E: bullous
2545 The most frequent localization of A: low extremities
erysipelas is: B: upper extremities
C: face Крок-2
D: chest
E: sexual organs
2546 What is the base for diagnostics of A: clinical manifestation
erysipelas? B: bisolation of causative agent
from blood
C: isolation of causative agent Крок-2
from skin and mucous membranes
D: serologic tests
E: skin allergic test
2547 What is the drug of choice for A: Penicillin
treatment of erysipelas? B: Nitrofurans
C: Sulfonamides Крок-2
D: Metronidazole
E: Albendazole
2570 Show the causative agent of A: Streptococci of group A
erysipelas B: Corinebacteria
C: Frysipelothrix Крок-2
D: Staphylococci
E: Neisseria
2571 Where does erysipelas localize? A: in skin and mucous membranes
B: in skin
C: in brain Крок-2
D: in sexual organs
E: in joints and muscles
2599 When ought you to suggest A: when it repeats 1,5-2 years
erysipelas as repeated form? after primary disease
B: when it repeats half year after
primary disease
C: when it repeats 1 year after
primary disease
D: when it repeats 2 weeks after
primary disease
E: when it repeats 2-3 month
after primary disease
2653 A 65 y.o. woman complains of A: Tetanus
complicated mouth opening B: Tetania
following foot trauma 10 days C: Meningoencephalitis
ago. Next day she ate with D: Hemorrhagic stroke
difficulties, there were muscles E: Epilepsy
tension of back, the back of the
head and abdomen. On the third
day there was tension of all
muscle groups, generalized
convulsions every 10-15 min.
What is the most probable
2655 A farmer hurt his right foot during A: To make an injection of tetanus
working in a field and came to the anatoxin and antitetanus serum
emergency station. He doesn’t B: To make an injection of tetanus
remember when he got last anatoxin
vaccination and he has never C: To make an injection of
served in the army. Examination antitetanus serum
of his right foot revealed a D: Surgical d-bridement only
contaminated wound up to 5-6 cm E: To administer an antibiotic
long with uneven edges. The
further treatment tactics will be:
2657 A 43-year-old female patiet A: Erysipelas
complains of eruption on her right B: Microbial eczema
leg skin, pain, weakness, body C: Contact dermatitis
temperature rise up to 38°C. The D: Toxicoderma
disease is acute. Objectively: E: Haemorrhagic vasculitis
there is an edema on the right leg
skin in the region of foot, a well-
defined bright red spot in form of
flame tips which feels hot. There
are isolated vesicles in focus.
What is your provisional
2670 A 65 y.o. woman complains of A: Tetanus
complicated mouth opening B: Tetania
following foot trauma 10 days C: Meningoencephalitis
ago. Next day she ate with D: Hemorrhagic stroke
difficulties, there were muscles E: Epilepsy
tension of back, the back of the
head and abdomen. On the third
day there was tension of all
muscle groups, generalized
convulsions every 10-15 min.
What is the most probable
2672 A 40-year-old patient, the A: Deliver the patient to the
forester, complains of severe infectious disease hospital
headache, body temperature rise B: Deliver the patient to the
up to 39,5°C, trembling limbs. resuscitation department
From the patient’s history we C: Deliver the patient to the
know that he had seriously cut his neurological department
hand during the dissection of a D: Deliver the patient to the
killed fox. Objectively: depressed psychiatric hospital
mood. The patient asks not to E: Let him stay at home and
turn on the light or open the door. consult a psychiatrist
Any noise causes apparent motor
excitation. When he saw a carafe
of water, he developed convulsive
throat spasms. What tactics
should an emergency doctor
2700 A 5-grade pupil complains about A: Scabies
extensive skin rash accompanied B: Toxicoderma
by intensive itch, especially at C: Eczema
night. Objectively: there are small D: Dermatitis
red papules set mostly in pairs in E: Ringworm of body
the region of interdigital folds on
both hands, on the flexor surface Крок-2
of radicarpal articulations,
abdomen and buttock skin as well
as internal surface of thighs. In
the centre of some papules
vesicles or serohaemorrhagic
crusts can be seen. There are
multiple excoriations. What is the
most likely diagnosis?
The most dangerous infections (5)
Code Question Answers Тип Question
3096 A 43 y.o. patient was admitted to the A: anthrax
hospital with complaints of high B: carcinoma of skin
temperature of the body and severe C: erysipeloid
headache. On examination: carbuncle is D: erysipelas
revealed on the forearm. There are E: eczema
intense edema around it, insignificant
pain, regional lymphadenitis. The
patient is a worker of cattle-ranch. What
disease is it necessary to think about
3097 A 43 year old patient was admitted to A: anthrax
the infectious diseases hospital with B: erysipelas
high body temperature and intense C: eczema
headache. The iIlness has lasted for 2 D: skin cancer
days. Examination revealed a carbuncle E: erysipeloid
on his forearm. The area around it was
apparently edematic and slightly Крок-2
painful. Regional lymphadenitis and
hepatolienal syndrome were also
present. It is known from the anamnesis
that the patient works at a cattle-
breeding farm. What disease should be
suspected in the first place?
3098 A 47-year-old patient came to see a A: erythrocytic schizogony
doctor on the 7th day of disease. The B: endotoxin of a causative agent
disease developed very fast: after the C: exotoxin of a causative agent
chill body temperature rose up to 40 C D: tissue schizogony
and lasted up to 7 hours, then it E: gametocytes
dropped abruptly, which caused profuse
sweat. There were three such attacks Крок-2
occuring once in two days. Two days
ago the patient arrived from Africa.
Objectively: pale skin, subicteric sclera,
significantly enlarged liver and spleen.
What is the cause of fever attacks in
this disease?
3099 A 49-year-old countryman got an A: cutaneous anthrax
itching papule on the dorsum of his B: erysipelas
right hand. In the centre there is a C: carbuncle
vesicle with serosanginous exudate. D: bubonic plague
Within the next 2 days the patient E: lymphocutaneous tularemia
developed a painless edema of hand
and forearm. On the 4th day the Крок-2
temperature rose to 38,5 C, in the right
axillary region a large painful lymph
node was found. One day before the
onset of the disease the patient had
examined a dead calf. What is the most
likely diagnosis?
3100 A 35-year-old patient has been suffering A: plague
from an illness for 3 days. 5 days ago B: sepsis
he returned from a trip to Africa. The C: tularemia
onset of disease was accompanied by D: lymphadenitis
fever up to 40 C, chills, acute headache, E: anthrax
myalgia. In the axillary region the
lymph node enlarged up to 3x6 cm can Крок-2
be palpated. The lymph node is dense,
intensely painful, slightly mobile,
without clear margins; the skin over the
node is hyperenic and tight. Tachycardia
is present. Make the preliminary
Tick-Borne Encephalitis, Lime’s disease. Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever.
Leishmaniasis. (1)
Code Question Answers
3093 A 7 year old girl has mild form of A: encephalitis
varicella. Headache, weakness, B: myelitis
vertigo, tremor of her limbs, C: meningitis
ataxia, then mental confusion D: meningoencephalitis
appeared on the 5th day of illness. E: neurotoxic syndrome Крок-2
Meningeal signs are negative.
Cerebrospinal fluid examination is
normal. How can you explain
these signs?
Viral hepatitis (11)
Code Question Answers
2563 What is the biochemical A: activity of alanine
parameter, which constantly aminotransferase (ALaT)
changes in the preicteric period of B: level of a bilirubin
acute viral hepatitis? C: thymol test
D: sublimate titer
E: all mentioned
2564 In what group of patients lethal A: pregnant women
outcome of viral hepatitis E are B: homosexuals
observed more often? C: drag–abused Крок-2
D: recipients of blood
E: immunosupressed patients
2585 Which one of the following secrets A: feces
contains maximal quantity of the B: sperm
hepatitis A virus? C: urine Крок-2
D: saliva
E: all mentioned
2586 What is the most frequent clinical A: unicteric
form of viral hepatitis A? B: subclinical
C: cholestatic Крок-2
D: icteric
E: fulminant
2587 What is the basic method of A: pathogenetic
therapy of viral hepatitis A? B: symptomatic
C: immunocorrection Крок-2
D: antiviral
E: all mentioned
2616 What symptoms are most typical A: increase of jaundice and
for acute hepatic failure? decrease of the sizes of a liver
B: increasing of jaundice and
C: enlargement of level of Крок-2
common bilirubin and cholesterine
D: erythematic skin rash and
E: all mentioned
2617 What type of viral hepatitis more A: C
often cause chronization of B: A
disease and formation of cirrhosis C: B Крок-2
of liver? D: Е
E: F
2618 Choose symptoms, typical for A: Fever, generalized
icteric form of viral hepatitis A: lymphoadenopathy, function of
kidneys is normal,
hepatosplenomegaly, moderate
serum ALAT elevation
B: Fever, lymphoadenopathy,
oliguria, significant serum ALAT
C: Lymphoadenopathy and fever
are absent, function of kidneys is
normal, hepatomegaly, significant
serum ALAT elevation
D: Generalized
lymphoadenopathy, fever is
absent, the function of kidneys is
normal, significant serum ALAT
E: all mentioned
2634 What is the most typical syndrome A: influenza-like syndrome
for the preicteric period of the B: astheno-vegetative syndrome
viral hepatitis A? C: polyarthralgia Крок-2
D: dyspeptic syndrome
E: mixed
2645 A 48-year-old patient complains of A: Liver cirrhosis
heaviness in the right B: Cancer of the liver
hypochondrium, itching of the C: Cancer of the head of pancreas
skin.He had been treated in D: Gallstones
infectious diseases hospital E: Viral hepatitis B
repeatedly due to icterus and itch. Крок-2
On physical exam: meteorism,
ascitis, dilation of abdominal wall
veins, protruded umbilicus, spleen
enlargement. What can be
diagnosed in this case?
2685 A man, aged 30, intravenous drug A: Polymerase chain reaction
addict complains of weakness, (HCV – RNA)
moderate jaundice, sensation of B: Determination of НВs antigen
heaviness in the right C: Ultrasound examination of liver
hypochondrium. The patient’s D: Determination of AlATin
condition aggravated gradually. dynamics
Biochemical tests: Total bilirubin - E: Computer-aided tomography
48,2 mmol/L; ALT - 3,0
mmol/h*L. What examination will
verify the diagnosis?

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