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1 ang
shown in fiqurei
loaded as
1.4 The plane frame is
3 inhs and
beam suported

shounin thetgure isS Hinge

stable and deteminate

unstable (a) stable and statically determinate
cstable and indeterminate (b) unstable and statically determinate
Cunstabie but determinate
(c)stableand statically indeterminate
[ 1991: 1 Mark] (d) unstable and statically indeterminate
1.2 A piane structure shown in the figure is [1993 2 Marks
1.5 The kinematic indeterminacy of the
plane frame
shown in figure is
(disregarding the axial
deformation of the members)

a)stable and determina C
()stableand indeteminate
C) unstable and determinate
(d)unstable and indeterminate
[1992: 1 Mark]
1.3 A piane frame
ABCDEFGH shown in figure has (a) 7
clamp support A, hinge supports at G and
at (c) 6 (6) 5
aial force release H (d) 4
(horizontal sleeve) at C and
morment release (hinge) at E. The
kinematic (D,) indeterminacies are
static (D.) and 1.6 The kinematic [1993 1 Mark]
(a) One
frame fixed at the
base is
single bay porta
(c) Three (b) Two
(d) Zero
1.7 A
beam fixed at the
ends and
(1994 1 Mark]
loads only is
degree of statically subjected
to lateral
D D (a) One indeterminacy indeterminate
is and the
(a) 4 9 (c) Three () Two
(b) 3 11 (d) Four
(c) 2 12 1.8 The degree of
(d) 1 kinematic [1994 1Mark]
frame with clamped
the figure is at
[1992 2 Marks] Aand Das he
shown in
MRDE ERS| Structural Analysis

(d) Zero
[1997: 1 Mark] (a) d 3 and k 100
9The oliowng two statements are made with (b) d 3 and k 13
eeece to the plane truss shown below (c) d 9 and k = 10
(d) d 9 and k = 13
[2004 2 Marks]
1.12 Considering beam as axially rigid, the degree of
freedom of a plane frame shown below is

The truss is statically determinate

(a) 9 (b)8
1. The truss is kinematically determinate
Witn reference to the above statements, which of (c) 7 (d) 6
e tollowing applies? [2005 2 Marks]
a) Both statements are true 1.13 The degree of static indeterminacy of the rigid
) Both statements are false frame having two internal hinges as shown in the
C) Ilis true but I is false figure below, is
C) i is true but ll is false
[2000 1 Mark]
1.10 The degree of static indeterminacy, D, and the
cegree of kinematic indeterminacy, D, for the
plane frame shown below, assuming axial
Ceformations to be negligible, are given by

(a) 8 7
(c) 6 (d)5
[2008 2 Marks]
1.14 The degree of static indeterminacy of a rigidly
(a) D = 6 and D, = 11 jointed frame in a horizontal plane and subjected
(b) D, = 6 and D, = 6 to vertical load only, as shown in figure below, is
(c) D = 4 and D, = 6
Ends clamped to
(d) D = 4 and D, = 4 rigid wall N

[2001 1 Mark]
1.11 For the plane frame with an overhang as shown
below, assuming negligible axial deformation, the
degree of static indeterminacy, d, and the degree
of kinematic indeterminacy, k, are
GATE Previous Years Solved Papers: CE mRD
(a)6 (b) 4
c) 3 (d) 1
(2009: 2 Marks]
1.15 The
degree ofsstatic indeterminacy of a rigidjointed
frame PQR supported as shown in figure is
(a) 11 (b) 8
(c))3 (d) 0

[2016:1 Mark, Set-in

1.19 A planar truss tower structure is
shown ins
Cable figure



(a) zero (6) one Consider the following statements about the
(c)two (d) unstable external and internal determinacies of the
[2014:1 Mark, Set-I] P Externally Determinate
1.16 The static Q. External Static Indeterminacy = 1
indeterminacy of the two-span R. External Static
Continuous beam with an internal hinge, shown Indeterminacy 2
below, is S. Internally Determinate
T. Internal Static
Indeterminacy =1
Intenal Hinge U. Internal Static Indeterminacy 2 =

Which one of the following options is correct?

(a) P-False; Q-True: R-False; S-False: T-False:
[2014 1 Mark, Set-1I (b) P-False; Q-True; R-False: S-False: T-True:
1.17 A guided support as shown in the U-False
figure below
is represented by three (c) P-False; Q-False;: R-True: S-False;
springs (horizontal, vertical
rotational) with stiffness k,
k, d
respectively. The limiting values of
k, (d) P-True; Q-True; R-False; S-True; T-False; U-True
k, and k
are [2017: 2 Marks, Set-1]
1.20 Consider the frame shown in the

(a), 0, (b)o, co, co

(C) 0, o, o
(d), ,0
[2015: 1 Mark, Set-I]
1.18 The kinematic indeterminacy of the plane truss
shown in the figure is
mADE ERS|Structural Analysis 75
It the axial and shear defomations in
members of the trame are assumed to be
negigible, the reduction in the degree of Hinge
KinematiC indeterminacy would be equal to
) 6
(d) 8
2017: 1
Mark, Set-11]
at-11] 1 The degree ot static indeterminacy of the plane

the tramme as shown in the tigure is [2019 1 Mark, Set-11]

Answers Determinacy and Indeterminacy

1.1 )1.2 (a) 1.3 (c) 1.4 (a) 1.5 (d) 1.6 (c) 1.7 (b) 1.8 () 1.9 (d)

1.10 (C) 1.11 (d) 1.12 (b) 1.13 (d) 1.14 (c) 1.15 (a) 1.17 (a) 1.18 (a) 1.19 (a)

1.20 b)

Explanations Determinacy and Indeterminacy

1.1 12 (a)
Method-1(By Formula)


R R2 Ra

Dse 3 2 1
2F, =0 & ZM=0

D = 1 Static determinacy
(Indeterminate of degree 1) D=3 m+ Ie-3-,
Note: Link will carry only axial force = (3 x 7) + (3 +2+ 1)-(3 x 8)
(AA', BB', CC') -

[1 (at E) +2 (at G)]

FBD = 0

= The structure is stable and determinate

Method-ll (By Cantilever Method)

R D=3C-R
R R2
All reactions are parallel, but the structure is Where'A is the number of release in a structure

stable only for vertical loading. 3 x 2-[1 (at B) +2 (at C)

the structure is
+1( ast E) +2 (at G)}
Note For general loading
GATE Provious Years Solved Papersi C menDE.
Method (By Formula)
The deqree ot stati inloterminay )
Where m
mher nf mernberg
ntber ol oternal roar,r
numberof joints-4
,totalmember of intornal roar tu.
released due to th0 proronrs
h e a tes a'e eleased at internal roller hybrid joints -2( 1)
bensing myet arnd aval force) m number of mermbers meeling
- joint
, 2- 1 = 1
D =3x3+ 4-3x 4-1 =0
. The frame is stable and statically
Method (By Cantiever method) Method-Il (By Cantilever method)
Degree of static indeterminacy. D = 3C-R
O3C- 3 x 1-[1 (at (A) + 1 (at C)
O= 3x 2-1 (at H) - 1 (at G) +1 (at D)
1 (at E) -
1 (at C) 0
O= 2
(D. by simple counting of DOF's of joint)
Degree of kinematic indeterminacy,
= 3 (at B) +3 (at D) +3 (at A)
1 H)+(at 1 (at G) +
4 (at C) Straight
4(at E)
= 19
members are considered inextensible, then
D. = 19-Number of inextensible members
Hence, the structure is stable and determinate
D.=19-7 = 12 Stability can be established by visual inspection.
Hence best possible option is (c)

Method-Il (By Formula) 1.5 (d)

Total DoF (0A
Op. Og.
Static indeterminacy.
CB cD 4
But fore the given loading, the elastic curve can
D 3m + fe- 3j- r, be represented as,
= (3 7) + (3 +2+ 2)-(3x8)
1 (at C) +1 (at E)) = 2
Kinematic indeterminacy.
D, = 3 - , - + , BcB
Considering all the member are rigid, m" = 7 MBcDStraight
D, = (3 8) - (3+2 +2)-7 ine
[1 (at C)+ 1 (at E)]
ERS Structurel Analyste
Karveratc rndetermray 4( A " ,-D
becAe thers diepiacermerte are deperndent
s gver

=4 , 3- (3
3) 3-3
As onty lateral loads are acting on the bearm,
ege kinematic horizontal reactions and ZH-0 equation will not
indeterminacy is given
be considered
D,3, 18
rumber of joints =4
ate Degree of kinematic indeterminacy D,is given
umber ol external
reactions6 by
number of rigid members 3
total member of
internal reactions D, =3-e
released due to the presence of Where = Nurnber of joints = 4
hybrid joints m 1)- 0 N o . ofreactions = 6
0, 3x4 6-3 0 =No. of rigid members 3
12 6 3 3
D, = 3 4-6 - 3 =3
B B) (9C, C)

B9Aya B

AB Rgd B =0 A
CD Rigid C= 0
BC Rigid B = C, = a Kl 3 (p Og O)
Total independent D, 3 (99)
A,B 4g tan 6
AcActan a=A,gtan a
It means,
Aa4c and Ac are dependent on A
Tre cegree of erternal indeterminacy is given by. 1.9 d)
Degree of static indeterminacy
D no of available equilibriun
uations D= m+ 2
Here, m = 12, j = 9 and r, = 6
nuner ofexternal reactions= 4
D =12+ 6 -2 x9 = 0
H 9 a , the bearn carries ornly lateral loads)
Degree of kinematic indeterminacy
avalatle eruatns-2(2/0, LM-0)
D=- r , -
Where m is no. of axially rigid members
internal inrdeterminacy = 9
Note: (P:am are alway, internally determiunato) 2x9-6-0=12
'Thus, truss is statically determinate and
Total dergree of static indeterminacCy.
kinematically indeterminate
GATE Prevheus Yeers SelvedPapers:
O-3m.',,3 ty f
Where m tota! riureber d merer
static indeterminaCy
toal numiber dererre rear
(32.2 36 21

total nurrter d roleased ta

knematvc indeterminacy. hybrid n t

aviay ngd members

m- 1) - (2 -

1) 2-1,.
= total nuriber dt gd orts
36-3. 2.2)-5 6
total rnumiber of ytrid prn
D = (3x 9) 4-2-3 (6 2

Method 274-2-24 31 -26-

(0, by Formula)
Method-1I (By Loop Method)
, 3 m.3
D 3C-,
totai members = 11
where C= no. i
.totalexternai reactions
3 2 1 =6 32-2 =4
De-3 = 1
total number of 10
joints D = D+D =4 1 =5
D, =
(3 11)
6-(3x 10) =9
Method-ll (Loop method) 1.14
For piane frame in general, total number ot equilibriu ea
tor a 3-D rigidly jointed frame are 6.i
3 x No. of closed loops
OP= R- 3 O. F 0. EF, =0. EM, O Zw

EM, = 0
O 3 x2 =6
But for vertical loading. these equlbUm
D6-3 3 Eazis
D = 6 3 =9
i.e. EF =0., EM =0 and EM, = 0
Kinematic ndeterminacy. D, =(3j-- m" Also, at fixed support ina3-D
where m" total
rigidly jointed
total number of external reactions
number of axially rigid are 6ie
. R,RM, M, M,
k =
(3x 10-6) - 11 =
13 But for vertical loading. these external
1.12 0 reduceto 3i.e.
Degree of kinematic indeterminacy or total R, M M
degree of freedom of joints. Thus for two fixed supports total
extenal reacors
will be 6
D, 3/- -
= 34-3-1 Note: If a horizontal grid frame
vertical loading, then there will be
is subjected
only 3 memoe
Note Only bearn is rigid, (not the colurnns) forces/support reactions.
(. m= 1)
D =6-3-=3
1.15 (a)
D, = D D
Method- (By Formula)
= (-3) +3C-,
The degree of static indeterminacy for a rigid
hybrid frame is given by. =
(4-3) + 3 x0-1
= 0
mADE ERS| Structural Analysis
Hence, the structure is stable.
Note Stable for vertical loading unstable for
horizontal loading. Do 3 -S = 4 3 =1
D=m-(2j - 3) 15 -

(2 x
8 - 3)
1.16 So 2
Number of member, Trick: For a truss formed due to combination of
m= 4 simple triangles.
Number of external reaction No. of double diagonal panels 2
R-3 4 3 1
4 Dge = =

Number of joint,
1.20 (b)
j= 5
Number of reaction released, DOF of Joints:
Degree of static indeterminacy,
D =3 m + -3-
3 x 4+ 4 -3 x 5 - 1
= 0

1.17 (a)
Guided roller support has 2 reactions:
When all members are extensible,
D 3- - =3 x 6-4 -0 14

D, (when extensible) =14

D,(when inextensible) D, (when extensible) =

- No. of axially rigid member

= 14 - 6 = 8

So, reduction in D, is 6 (O, g. O ep. Og. 6p)

Note Shear deformation is not considered in

calculation of D
For given support, k, =
oo, Ky =
0, k = *o

1.18 (a)
1.21 Sol.
Dg7-3 = 4
Kinematic indeterminacy,
D(3 x 4) -

(2 -

1) = 11
D, =2-
= 2 x 7 -3 11 D=15

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