GRADE 5 English DLP 5 - Using The Dictionary (Guide Words - Multiple Meaning - Cho

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Module 5

Using the Dictionary (Guide Words; Multiple
Meaning; Choosing the Correct Word)

A DepEd-BEAM Distance Learning Program supported by the Australian Agency for International Development
To the Learner
Dear Learner,

How are you today?

In your previous module you’ve learned about decoding words
with suffixes. In this module you are going to study on how to use a
very important tool in learning your lessons and familiarizing the
words you don’t know. We are going to study the dictionary.

Let’s Learn This

This module will guide/help you how to pronounce and spell the
words clearly and correctly. It gives you also information about correct
syllabication of words, how to arrange words in alphabetical order and
about the guide words at the top of each page which show the first and
last words listed on the page. More importantly it guides you how to
use the dictionary effectively.

Let’s Try This

Using a Dictionary
Directions: Use the dictionary entry below to answer the questions.

ad-he-sive (ad-he´-siv)adj. 1. Tending to adhere; sticky.

2. Gummed so as to adhere.n. 3. An adhesive substance
such as paste or glue. ad-he-sive-ly adv. Ad-he-sive-ness n.

1. Based on the first definition of adhesive, what do
you think adhere means?
2. Which definition of adhesive is used in this sentence?
The tape was so adhesive that we couldn’t peel
it loose.
3. Which part of speech is adhesive used in this sentence?
We put a strong adhesive on the package to keep it sealed.
4. How many syllables does adhesive have? _________________
5. Is adhesive used as a noun or an adjective in this sentence?
The adhesive we chose to use was not very gummy. _________
6. Adhesive and variations of the word can be used as what
parts of speech? ___________

* Are you done? Were all your answers like these?

1. to stick
2. sticky
3. noun
4. 3
5. noun
6. adjective, noun, adverb
* Write your score inside the ribbon.

Let’s Study This
Study the dictionary entry below.

summer / ‘s m – r / n [ME summer, fr. DE sum or year, season] 1: the

season between spring and autumn comprising in the northern
hemisphere usually the months of June, July, and August 2:
the warmer half of the year 3: YEAR < a girl of seventeen ~ s
> 4: a period of maturing powers

summer adj.: sown in the spring and harvested in the same year as
sown< ~ wheat>

summer vb. Sum-mered ; sum-mer-ing / ‘sm(e)ring / to pass

the summer

The word summer printed in deep black letter, is called dictionary

entry. The entry word shows the syllabication of the word. After the
entry word, the pronunciation of the word is given. The syllable that is
accented in pronunciation is marked with a stress mark that looks like
a single quotation mark (!). In the dictionary, the stress mark is placed
after the stressed syllable. After the pronunciation, the functional label
is given. The functional label tells how the word is used in the sentence
– as a noun, a verb, an adjective, etc. After the functional level, the
etymology of summer is given. The word came from the Middle English
(ME) word summer, which came from an old English (OE) word-meaning
year, or season. After the etymology, the definition of the word is
given. The dictionary also gives the inflected forms of a verb that is
enclosed in angle brackets – M < >. The dictionary entry in the box
shows that the dictionary gives different informations about a word.

Syllabication – sometimes a word is too long to fit into the space left
for it near the end of the line. You need to syllabicate or
divide the word so that part of it has to be written on
the next line. These dots serve as guide to syllabication.
Example: 1. personality -
2. occupation -

Guide Words – are the words that appear at the top of dictionary pages.
They show the first and last words on each page.



foster - frugal -
frail - fruitful -
frantic - fun -

Using a Dictionary: Multiple Meanings

- if a word has more than one meaning, you will find that
information in a dictionary.

re-cord v. (ri kord´) 1. a.) to put in writing, print, etc., for future
use; draw up an account of ( to record the day’s events); b.) to make
a permanent or official note of (to record a vote) 2. adj. surpassing
all others.

Let’s Do This

Using a Dictionary: Guide Words

Directions: Use the guide words and page numbers shown on the top
of the dictionary pages below. Write the page number where each word
would be found.

boat neck - body

blur - boatmanship

158 body check - boisterous

1. boast ____________ 6. blurt ____________

2. bodkin ___________ 7. blusher ____________
3. body language ___________ 8. bodiless ___________
4. bogie ____________ 9. blurb _____________
5. bode ____________ 10. bocci ___________

*Are you done? Look at the answer key again and check your
* Write your score inside the flower.
* If your score is 8-10 “ That’s Excellent”, go to the next module. If
your score is 7 and below, do your best in the next activity.

Let’s Do More

Multiple Meanings
Directions: Encircle the correct definition of the underlined word in
each sentence. The first one has been done for you.

1. Try to flag down a car to A. to signal to stop

get us some help! B. cloth used as symbol

Start Here:
2. We listened to the band play A. group of musicians
the National Anthem. B. a binding or tie

3. He was the sole survivor of the A. bottom of the foot

plane crash. B. one and only

4. I am going to pound the A. to hit hard

nail with this hammer. B. a unit of weight

5. He lived on what little game A. animals for hunting

he could find in the woods. B. form of entertainment

6. We are going to book the A. to reserve in advance

midnight flight from Miami. B. a written work

* Are you done? Look at the answer key again and check your
* What is your score? _________
* If your score is 4 –5 You’re Fantastic! Do the next module.
* If your score is 3 and below, then challenge yourself to do better in
the next activity.

Let’s Remember This

What are dictionaries?

Dictionaries are books that give definition of words.
Dictionaries list words in alphabetical order. Guide words at the top
of each page show the first and last words listed on the page. All
other words on the page are listed in alphabetical order between the
guide words. This helps you locate the word you want quickly and
In using the dictionary, you should always remember that there
are certain things to remember and understand. The pronunciation
keys are very important because they help you pronounce the word
clearly and correctly. Syllabication is also important especially when
it comes to spelling exercises or when writing too long words. You
can cut or divide the words in the right way.

Let’s Test Ourselves

Arrange the following words in alphabetical order to the

second letter. Number them 1 -5. Number 1 has been done for you.

1. 5 correct 2. _______ power

3 cheerful _______ picture
1 caterpillar _______ painting
2 century _______ pencil
4 city _______ punctual

3. ________ mischief 4. _______ garden

________ mother _______ gloomy
________ memory _______ grassland

________ mummy _______ gifted
________ maintain _______ gun

5. ________ amphibians 6. _______ father

________ artillery _______ fun
________ anthill _______ fish
________ airplane _______ feather
________ activity _______ founder
* Are you done? Look at the answer key again then check your answers.
* How much did you get? _____ Write your score inside the balloon.
* If your score is 4-5, answer the next module.
* If your score is 1,2 or 3, answer Let’s Enrich Ourselves.

Let’s Enrich

Using a Dictionary: Choosing the Correct Word

Directions: Use a dictionary to look up the words in parenthesis.
Then write the correct words in the blanks. The first
one has been for you.

gallery 1. Our class visited an art ( galley / gallery ) last

week to learn about painting and sculptures.
Start Here:

___________ 2. He didn’t ( scrutinize / scruple ) his essay very carefully

before handing it in.
___________ 3. She squeezed the clay in her hands until it became
( plentiful / pliable ).
___________ 4. The quarterback’s ( laudable / laughable ) performance
helped his team win the game.
___________ 5. The science that deals with the universe beyond Earth’s
atmosphere is known as ( astronomy / astrology ).
___________ 6. My mother was (grateful / graphic )that I helped her
with her dishes.

* Are you done? Look at the answer key again then check your answers.
* How much did you get? _____
* Clap your hands for a job well done!

Answer Key

Let’s Do This Let’s Do More

1. 156 1. group of musicians
2. 157 2. one and only
3. 158 3. to hit hard
4. 158 4. animals for hunting
5. 157 5. to reserve in advance
6. 156
7. 156
8. 157
9. 156
10. 157

Let’s Test Ourselves

2. 4 3. 3 4. 1 5. 3 6. 1
3 4 3 5 5
1 2 4 4 3
2 5 2 2 2
5 1 5 1 4

Let’s Enrich Ourselves

2. scrutinize
3. pliable
4. laudable
5. astronomy
6. grateful


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