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Islamic Studies Indonesian International School Yangon Tr.

Nay Zaw


Online Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic,

Academic Year 2021/2022, Grade II Java and Mozart

Islamic Studies Grade - 2
Islamic Studies Indonesian International School Yangon Tr. Nay Zaw

Chapter 4

Iman is an Arabic word. It means faith. Faith means complete trust in

someone. It means if you have faith in someone, you believe in him with all
your heart, and you do not have any doubt about it.

Remember doubt and faith are two opposite things. If you have doubt in
something, you believe that it might not be true. Iman is a state in which
the heart accepts the truth and lives by it. The heart believes in the truth.
The lips and tongue declare the truth, and the limbs carry out what the
truth requires.

Islamic Studies Grade - 2
Islamic Studies Indonesian International School Yangon Tr. Nay Zaw

Faith (Iman) is light. Doubt is darkness.

A Muslim has faith (Iman) in:

1. Allah

2. His Angels

3. His Books

4. His Messengers

5. The Day of Judgement

6. Divine Destiny — in the truth that everything good or bad comes from

Islamic Studies Grade - 2
Islamic Studies Indonesian International School Yangon Tr. Nay Zaw

A. Write answers to the following questions in the grid below.

1. ……………………… is an Arabic word. It means faith.

2. Faith means complete ……………………… in someone.

3. Iman is ………………….. Doubt is darkness.

4. The …………………… and tongue declare the Truth.

5. A Muslim has faith in the …………………… of Judgement.

6. Doubt and ……………………… are two opposite things.

7. Everything good or bad comes from …………………………

8. The carry …………………… out what is required of the Truth.


8 5 2

Islamic Studies Grade - 2
Islamic Studies Indonesian International School Yangon Tr. Nay Zaw

B. A Muslim has faith ( ‫ ) االيمان‬in

1. A………………………………

2. His A……………………………………

3. His B……………………………………

4. His M……………………………………

5. The D………………………………… of J……………………………

6. D……………………………………D……………………………………

C. Colour the following.

Islamic Studies Grade - 2

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