Delhi Statesman 28-09-2021

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Thoughts of suicide are 100 YEARS AGO

ccording to a report by
World Health Organisation OCCASIONAL NOTE

a medical emergency
( WHO), around 700,000
deaths occur by suicide A few years ago the doctor in charge of a
every year worldwide. In India, as per large sanatorium for tuberculosis cases in
the recent data from National Crime Denmark published a paper which showed
Records Bureau (NCRB), the number that while the majority of his patients
of suicides which was 1,13,914 in the increased in weight as the result of sanato-
year 2005 had increased to 1,39,123 contingency plan. Even friends of a rium treatment, the rate of increase was
in 2019. The actual rates may be person with mental health difficul- not constant but varied with climatic con-
higher as some deaths could be ties would not know how to help in a ditions, being greater in summer and less
inconclusive, still under investigation crisis. Stigma has been a major hur- in winter. It has occurred to the Superin-
or considered as accidental. Also, no dle in seeking professional mental tendent of the Union Mission Sanatorium
registry exists for attempted suicides, health help. at Arogyavaram in South India to make an
however there could be as many as There were nearly 11,000 suicides investigation to see how these results com-
25 suicide attempts for every suicide. in the 60+ age group recorded in 2019. pare with those of sanatorium treatment
Any suicide including an attempted Breakdown of family support, migra- in India and he has published a pamphlet
one impacts family members emo- tion to cities for work, other social dif- giving an account of his observations on
tionally, of which some may even ficulties and illness may be the fac- over 900 cases. It is satisfactory to find, in
need long term mental health care. tors involved. There are instances the first place, that judged by the very reli-
Most suicides are preventable though where older adults have gone miss- able test of increase in weight, the results of
the cause is multifactorial. ing, never returned and such events sanatorium treatment are as favourable in
The states of Maharashtra, Tamil may not have been reflected in the India as in Europe. The difference in aver-
Nadu, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh data. Expressing ‘wanting to go far age weight has to be taken into account,
and Karnataka together account for away’ or ‘leave home for ever’ are also and it is stated that the average weight of
half the number of suicides in India. to be considered as suicidal gestures. an adult in South India is 25 per cent less
Suicides are more common in males Loneliness, lack of activities and mul- than that of an adult in Northern Europe.
rather than females and are also tiple medical illnesses are factors that When this difference is allowed for the
found in transgenders as mentioned need to be addressed. Greater recog- increase in weight from week to week and
in the NCRB report. The proportion nition to existing Senior Citizens’ month to month is about the same. A strik-
of suicides in the age group 18 to 30 Forums, support in funding to devel- ing contrast, however, is afforded by the
and 31 to 45 were 35 and 31 per cent op Day Centres for the Elderly and influence of season and climate. In South
respectively. Breakdown of family even creating helplines could help. India it is the winter season that favours
support systems, unemployment, Awareness creation to ensure early under IPC Section 309. As per this called psychological first aid. At least cides; mere waiver of debts is not increase in weight; the hot weather is
stress due to transition of job or seeking of professional psychiatric Act, the provision of mental health one or two staff members, identified enough. Every employing authority unfavourable, heat and sunshine having
migration to different cities for work help is vital, as depression is one of care is to be made available to all. in the casualty of each hospital, should have a policy in place to opposite effects in this country from what
or studies, failure in exams or failure the treatable illnesses that can help Also, the Insurance Regulatory should mandatorily receive so called reduce mental health morbidity, they have in Europe.
in general, breakdown of marriages reduce risk of suicide. Media can Authority has issued a memorandum suicide gatekeeper training, so as to workplace stress and suicide preven-
or relationship separation are some involve senior citizens, and there can that insurance is to be made avail- confidently receive crisis calls and tion as rates are high in early adult- NEWS ITEMS
of the factors. be a dedicated channel that runs pro- able for mental illness like any other offer help, like the cardio-pulmonary hood. A person who has attempted
The adolescent period is a tran-
sitional phase from being dependent
grammes exclusively for them, like
those for students.
medical illness. Some insurance
companies do not deny death cover
resuscitation skills they are supposed
to have. Even if there is suspicion of
suicides should have a mental health
assessment before leaving hospital, a DACOIT GANG
to becoming an adult with autono-
my and is usually a sensitive phase
Natural disasters such as
drought and floods lead to crop fail-
due to suicide if it is after a few years
of buying the insurance policy.
suicide threats as part of manipula-
tive behaviour or personality issues,
policy followed in many hospitals.
On the eve of World Suicide Pre- ALARMS LUCKNOW
in one’s life. All educational institu- ure in addition to the burden of debt Most health promotion activities these issues can be dealt with at a later vention Day (10 September), it is Lucknow, Sept 7
tions need to have trained counsel- that a farmer may be carrying, with talk about walking, exercise and curb- stage. But gestures must be taken seri- important to emphasise that mental Several meetings have been held in Luc-
lors or clinical psychologists to pro- perceived poor support or a reduced ing a sedentary lifestyle to reduce risk ously. An ambulance can be called to health needs must get their due pri- know since Sunday to consider what steps
vide support. All teachers must be support system. These can be factors of heart disease, but there also needs transport a person with high risk of ority in health care. Crisis support should be taken to allay the panic caused
sensitised and trained to identify dif- for farmers’ suicides. Agriculture offi- to be focus on activities to promote suicide to hospitals as it is also a med- helplines through dedicated, trained by the recent dacoities. It is stated that in
ficulties in students. There must be cers and local health authorities mental health. Life skills training pro- ical emergency like chest pain for a mental health professionals or coun- Narhai, even in the daytime, thieves go to
counselling for choosing careers and could collaborate to develop pro- gramme was conducted in several heart attack. There is no reason to sellors offering support, supervised by houses when the men are away and secure
for exam preparation. Academies and grammes such as one in Dharwad schools through NIMHANS in Banga- ignore mental health. After all, the the Departments of Psychiatry, could valuables by threatening the women. The
institutions mostly highlight the best called “raitha chetana”. Crisis lore with some success. Suicide pre- WHO says there is no health without generate a ray of hope, and many sui- merchants of Aminabad have resolved to
rank holders, but hardly anyone helplines aimed to support farmers vention is also part of the National mental health. cides could be prevented. Every form themselves into patrol parties armed
comes forward to offer support to could also be useful. Mental Health Programme along with Most suicides are preventable. thought of suicide must be considered with lathies. Mr. F. Sladen, Deputy Com-
students who have failed to achieve. As per the Mental Healthcare Act Workplace stress management, coun- Health authorities need to focus more as a medical emergency. The cause for missioner, states, there were three dacoities
There need to be ongoing workshops of 2017, in any suicide attempt, an selling in colleges and life skills pro- on reducing mental health morbidity the crisis must be identified early for in the city on successive nights at the end
to equip youth to develop resilience underlying mental health problem gramme in schools. These need wider in youth and at the same time imple- intervention. of August and in all cases the dacoits were
and tolerance to adversities in life. No should be ruled out and therefore the implementation. ment programmes in schools, colleges armed with guns. A band of dacoits who
one teaches us how to face a difficult individual should seek psychiatric Health care workers need to be and the workplace. Collaborative work The writer is a Bengaluru-based consultant met a police patrol fired injuring two con-
situation and hardly anyone has a care, without fear of prosecution trained to help people in crisis, the so- is required for reducing farmers’ sui- psychiatrist. stables but not seriously. Precautionary
steps taken include the deputing of armed
police, in addition to the civil police for

Measuring progress through history

patrol work.
history and its contestations should
be part of a new curriculum. I recall
my own undergraduate years in
ADNAN ZILLUR MORSHED way they imagine their nationhood
and perceive themselves on the
country routinely torn down to devel-
op multi-storey flats or bland office
develop a particular historical con-
sciousness. Instead, Bengal’s tradi-
Dhaka during the 1980s. History stu-
dents were frequently ridiculed, as if

or quite some time now, peo- world stage. blocks? Why is there a boat club (now tional huts were built with perishable they could not find a more “useful” SCHOOLS
ple have been discussing if But PCH, I propose, is a differ- infamous) built on vital wetlands materials like mud and bamboo. To subject to study. The pervasive
there are more on-the- ent kind of dynamic, fluid, and connected to the Turag River? develop a dynamic sense of historical impression was that there were no Madras, Sept 7
ground, inclusive ways to organic micro-history that can shape How does one reconcile awareness, people felt the need of job prospects for a history major. But, The Madras Government has issued a
measure a country’s progress, rather and condition the daily lives of peo- Bangladesh’s consistent economic powerful, tangible, and time-defying of course, the problem was not the communiqué on the subject of religious
than supra-quantitative metrics like ple on various scales. People may or growth with a lack of broad public symbols with a lot of myths around discipline itself, but how we as a peo- instruction in schools, in which they
GDP. So, what could be other possible may not develop a meaningful con- awareness of both the built and nat- them. Bengal’s essential stories are ple imagine the humanities and their express the opinion that the time has now
yardsticks? Earlier, I had proposed a sciousness of micro-histories, ural environments? What is the about the heroism and struggles of values in society. Furthermore, how arrived for a partial removal of the embargo
few “experiential indicators” of well- depending on how economy, society, nature of the relation between eco- the peasant, the boatman, the fish- history was taught as an uncontested which has been placed hitherto on the
being, such as the quality of public culture, and education percolate in nomic growth and a nation’s collec- erman, and the rebellious yokel rising and linear chronicle was part of the introduction of religious instruction in
transportation, walkability, waste their imagination of themselves in tive mental “evolution”? against the village morol, not about disciplinary failure. publicly managed schools, and the com-
management, public spaces, and relation to their idea of the nation. If Bangladesh has a low level of Kantaji Temple in Dinajpur or the 60- I was browsing through the web- plete removal of minor restrictions which
internet accessibility. These types of histories can serve as PCH, let us consider a few possible Dome Mosque in Bagerhat. These site of the Department of History at at present are supposed to hamper such
Today, I would like to propose a bottom-up strategies for people to reasons why. First is geography. The buildings are magnificent, but they the University of Dhaka. Most full instruction, so as to remove an impression
qualitative indicator of social negotiate their immediate worlds, deltaic Bengal’s geography - criss- are not part of Bengal’s quintessen- professors have zero content under which is understood to exist that Govern-
progress: the public consciousness of their built environments, their nat- crossed by rivers and canals, always tial mental universe and did not their publication heading. There are ment are hostile to the encouragement of
history (PCH). ural ecosystems, etc. Are we talking changing course - is constantly shift- shape the worldviews of Bengal’s no hints at their disciplinary exper- religious instruction. The utilisation of
First, it would help to explain the about a society and its general well- ing, and does not allow any permanent agrarian society. When we think of tise. Nor are there any syllabi, nor school premises for religious teaching or
relationship between historical con- being when we are discussing the symbols, edifices, and allegiances. In the archetypal Bengal, deep down it content on recent doctoral work. simple prayers and deducting the time
sciousness and the idea of nation- quality of its public awareness of this process, as Akbar Ali Khan implies is still the tranquil sweep of the green Across the website, there is no trace of spent by any boy on religious teaching or
hood. One of the principal ways the microhistories? in “Discovery of Bangladesh” (1996), paddy field, occasionally punctuated debating history’s disciplinary shifts observance from prescribed curriculum
nation-state establishes its authority How, then, do we convincingly grassroots institutions that could foster by trees and the homestead. Howev- since the publication of EH Carr’s period, preferably at the beginning or the
is by demarcating a territory for the measure the state of such an aware- a consciousness of history could not er, it is slowly changing with the “What is History?” (1961) and the end of the school day.
nation. But geographic boundaries, ness? For example, would assessing take hold in Bengal. chaotic urbanisation of rural epistemological challenges of post-
as Ernest Renan would say, are hardly
enough - nor are common languages,
how the Dhaka University communi-
ty reacts to the slated demolition of a
Second is East Bengal’s agrarian
past. As French sociologist Pierre
Bangladeshis have inherited the
modernism, postcolonialism, and
post-structuralism throughout the
religious beliefs, and ethnicities. A
historical consciousness of unity,
historically significant building com-
plex, like the TSC, reveal the state of
Bourdieu’s study of Algerian peasants
suggests, within subsistence agrari-
burden of the ahistorical sensibility
of Bengal’s agrarian legacy. This is by
last decades of the 20th century. The
quality of research and reputation
centring on both real and imaginary PCH in Bangladesh? an economies, the repetitive basis of no means unique to Bangladesh. matter in the ranking of universities. Lucknow, Sept 7
events or places, is assumed to but- Does Bangladesh fare well in agricultural activities follows Mother Many countries with a strong agrari- Let us end with an optimistic An altercation arose regarding short weight
tress the concept of nationhood. PCH? Let us ask a few rhetorical Nature’s cycles. Such a similarity has an past demonstrate similar national note. As I have seen in Bangladesh in in the mandi between a woman dealer and
Nation-states exploit this type of con- questions. Why does the public most- traditionally conditioned rural peo- attitudes. The problem is not with the recent times, the new generation of two buyers. This attracted a sympathetic
sciousness rather conservatively, like ly remain silent when Chattogram’s ple to conceive a very localised and attitude itself, but being stagnant students are hungry for knowledge crowd who laid hands on the buyers and
a canopy holding together different historic area - Central Railway Build- fatalistic notion of time. This pre- about it. that empowers them to think, con- took them off to the tahsil, attracting many
ethnicities, political persuasions, reli- ing (CRB, established in 1872), a rare industrial idea of cyclical temporality We now live in a rapidly mod- test, and deliver. It is important that followers on the way. The tahsildar tem-
gious beliefs, and economic condi- ecology of centuries-old trees and is not conducive to a broader histori- ernising, urbanising, and intercon- we discover this hunger at every level porarily pacified the crowd and went to
tions under the banner of one nation. hilly terrain - is chosen as the site for cal consciousness. In “Bangali Musol- nected world. How do we enrich our of learning as a national asset. We report the circumstances to the District
Dominant groups often reinforce a 500-bed hospital? How would the maner Mon” (“The Mind of Bengali agrarian inheritance with a modern must re-evaluate the very notion of Magistrate. The police immediately took
and perpetuate this consciousness ambulance sirens impact this area if Muslims,” 1976), Ahmed Sofa exam- notion of historical consciousness (by the “quality of higher education” to up an enquiry and challaned the buyers.
on behalf of the state. For the French, this hospital is built after all? Why is ined the peculiar ahistoricity that no means uncontested), one that create a history-conscious learning An armed guard was at once ordered to the
the French Revolution is sacrosanct. there a blatant lack of public empa- complicates - or rather simplifies - would compel the masses to share the community that feels the need to mandi as a precautionary measure, but
For Bangladeshis, it is 1971. These are thy when government agencies cut the cultural imagination of Bengali burden of debating history’s symbols, continuously examine the complex before it could arrive the disorderly ele-
part of macro-histories that are down “witness trees” (trees present Muslims. contexts, and narratives that matter? relationship between the past and ment started looting and a number of
expected to galvanise a people with a during the surrender of the Pakistan Third, the lack of stone in a The first step should be to the future. shops were looted. On the arrival of the
common national purpose. How peo- Army) at Suhrawardy Udyan in the deltaic land failed to create an endur- reimagine history as a discipline from police the crowd dispersed. Later they
The writer is an architect, architectural
ple interpret and relate to these types name of developing the historic park? ing building culture around which primary school to the university level historian, and professor who teaches in attempted to loot Kaisergunj but succeed-
of macro-histories can determine the Why are heritage buildings across the the agrarian people of Bengal could with a new purpose and vigour. Both Washington, DC. The Daily Star/ANN. ed in looting only one mill. A large number
of arrests were made.
ACROSS for good (3) specialists (6) CLOTHES BANNED
24 Some foreign ufologists returning 6 Go over part in Evita, with Paige's
1 Cash, perhaps invested in Wall On the occasion of Mr. Gandhi’s visit to
YESTERDAY'S SOLUTION Street, originally – company starts
to see black spots, say (5) focus, it's quite meaty (9)
with lower deposits? (7)
25 Moving bare hand to oil me up (9) 7 Content for Tony Blackburn line Barisal questions were addressed to him
26 Eno mostly sings good, moving to be cut out after the TV show – by the District Propaganda Committee, and
5 Retrospectively, detective is filling
standards (7) it's not a priority at this time
in a month-old document (7)
27 Aged beef, say, Jamie ultimately (2,3,4,6) answered by him in a public meeting. In
9 Deepest miner's not affected (9) effect Mr. Gandhi strongly condemned the
put out with refined wine (7) 8 Occasionally hard for pothead to
10 Oddly plants it on paved section
(5) DOWN
be made one of the family? (7) conduct of the local N.C.O.s in organising
14 Honouring two Beatles, without strikes, hartals, and boycotts, and insult-
11 Swimmer's shy on the radio (3)
1 Cinders' – case of character coverage, outside British Library (9)
12 Separate spacemen to absorb
taking delight in conveying 16 Stupidly start to cycle – it's more ing law-abiding people. He said such
thrust and temperature, showing actions were a disgrace to his cause. He
panto's essence (7) cold weather (3,5)
application (11)
13/15 Jane maybe trying to pull – in
2 Winter nudism isn't initially going 17 Ask if Fleabag contains music (7) maintained however that foreign cloth, and
badly – revealing organs? (4,11) 19 Harassed after deposing leaders, even Indian mill made cloth, must be boy-
love with comedian (7,6)
3 Be of one mind about boring one red fled (7)
17/18 Season meat for youngster
season (5) 20 Signal with Virgin was regularly cotted, and that enough hand made cloth
(6,7) could be produced to clothe everyone. He
4 Son with new cycle unused – it's dropping out – phone company
21 Vacuous Instagram is crashing
phone – daughter stopped (11)
cold weather (8) see extra text drops off (6) strongly denounced the unmannerly
5 Discourages less direct courses 22 Meaning of God preceding schism behaviour of some local N.C.O.s to Sir S.N.
23 Rubbish match official withdrawn
including English for home-study (5)
Banerjea, and said that he had the highest
respect for Sir Surendra and paid a tribute
NOTE: Figures in parentheses denote the number of letters in the words required. (By arrangement with The Independent, London)
to the great services he had rendered to the

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