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Contemporary Philippine Arts.

from the Regions.

The expression or application of human creative
skill and imagination.
A visual form such as painting or sculpture,
producing works to be appreciated primarily for
their beauty or emotional power.
is a fraction of
a bigger branch of
What is Humanities?
• came from the Latin word “Humanus”
which means the study of how humans have
expressed themselves through the arts
throughout the history.
• Refer to the study of human experience, on how
people process and record their thoughts,
beliefs, and longings.
Does Contemporary Arts
and Modern Arts are the
Contemporary is NOT the same as Modern

- Although they can share some

characteristics, sources, and influences.
- It is also possible to integrate and
transform element from Modern Art into
Contemporary Arts
Modern Arts
- Refers to works produced during the
approximate period 1860-1970. (19th to mid 20th
- Throwing out of the old, embracing of the
- There are more of experimentation in new
ways of seeing ideas about how art functions.
Modern Arts
- It was about the people, places, and
ideas that the artist had direct contact
- It also witnessed the emergence of new
media like photography.
Contemporary Arts
- con tempo means “with the times”
- art of the present time
- includes artwork produced during
the late 20th and early 21st
Contemporary Arts
- It provides instances for people to reflect
- respond to contemporary social concern
- Issue pertinent to themselves and to the world
- It has become a collaborarative process and
audience plays an active role in reacting and
constructing meaning about the work of art.
Integrative Art
- In contemporary art, not only movements can
be integrated into an artwork.
- Different art categories can be melded together
to produce combined art (integrated).
- These art forms are interactive and
multi-disciplinary in nature, thus is consisting
of ideas and practices from different branches
of learning- the outcome, being the unity of
separate areas of learning.
Mont Sainte - Victoire
by Paul Cézanne (1887)
Oil on canvas
by Antipas Delotavo (2007)
Oil on canvas
Twittering Machine
by Paul Klee (1922)
Watercolor and ink on paper

“Each should follow where the pulse of his

own heart leads. [..] What springs from this
source, whatever it may be called, dream,
idea, or phantasy — must be taken
seriously only if it unites with the proper
creative means to form a work of art.”

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