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National Capital Judicial Region

Branch 54
Navotas City


Plaintiff, Criminal Case No. 80688-00
For: Rape with Homicide
- versus -
I, John Doe, Filipino, of legal age, with residence at Block 5 Lot 7 Nacional
Village A. Santos St. Malinta, Valenzuela City, fully aware and conscious that I
am subscribing under oath and may face criminal liability for false testimony or
perjury, if the statements herein contained are proven to be false, in response to the
questions propounded by Atty. Justine Mark N. Dagdag, do hereby depose and
state that:
The testimony of the witness John Doe, is being offered to prove that he was
the accused in this case to refuse the material allegations charged against him by
the private complainant Sharon Dacera. Accused, also, in the course of his
testimony, will identify documents pertinent to this case and will further testify on
other allied matters.
This Judicial Affidavit shall serve as the direct testimony of the witness in
this case.
1. Q: Do you swear before this court to tell the truth?
A: Yes, I do.
2. Q: You are being accused of raping your friend, Christine Dacera, and I saw
some of your tears with vehemence, and you denied this. If you didn’t kill
your friend, who did?
A: No one killed Christine. It was accident. I love her as a friend. As a show
of respect to our parents who are also women, that’s how we look at her. I
am her comfort zone. If she’s with me, she feels safe. That’s how we can see
how much I took care of her. For that reason, I can say that she was not
raped. No rape happened to her.

3. Q: What kind of accident?

A: She died due to natural causes.

4. Q: What killed her?

A: Her cause of death is aneurysm. There’s no foul play.

5. Q: Why weren’t you with your families or relatives during the New Year’s
Eve considering you’re currently residing in province?
A: I have family problems during that time that’s why I chose to celebrate
New Year’s Eve with my friends here in Manila.

6. Q: Under whose name was 2209?

A: Christine.

7. Q: How sure are you that the room 2209 was under the name of Ms.
Christine Dacera?
A: When I went to the lobby to check-out, I saw the paper that they had, and
I saw Christine’s photocopy ID. Her name was also indicated in the check-in

8. Q: On December 25, 2020, Christmas eve, Christine was in the City Garden
Hotel, tell me what happened during that time.
A: We had dinner.

9. Q: What time did you end your Christmas party?

A: Twelve midnight

10.Q: What happened on December 30, 2020?

A: I had dinner at the Firefly hotel. After that, at roughly 10:00 pm, I
decided to go to BGC. I went to the Loft Bar, and I started to drink around
11:30. That’s the time when I spotted Christine in the bar and I asked her
why she was there. She told me she just met with someone in the area.

11.Q: What was so interesting in room 2207 that you kept on going back there?
A: I was going back to that room to fetch Christine around two to three
times. But that was the only time I went there. There were times I was
carrying her back to our room.

12.Q: Why did Christine keep on going back and forth to room 2207?
A: She told me that there’s a handsome guy in 2207.

13.Q: When Christine kissed you, why did you not back-off?
A: I was tipsy that time due to alcohol.

14.Q: When you saw her vomiting, how bad was it?
A: For me, it’s like a normal thing when someone drinks a lot of alcohol.

15.Q: What happened when she stayed in the bathtub?

A: I was with her and she kept on vomiting.

16.Q: When did you leave her?

A: We transferred her to the bed. But before that I borrowed a bathrobe to
2207 and I told Christine that she needs to rest. I wrapped her with the
bathrobe and decided to rest already.

17.Q: How did you fit in the room?

A: There was an extra bed.

18.Q: How wild was Christine when she was drunk?

A: She was drinking like there was no tomorrow?

19.Q: How did she become a war-freak?

A: She’s war-freak through words or verbally.

20.Q: Why did you not call the hospital?

A: I was in a state of shock.

21.Q: How did you know that Christine was gone?

A: I found out through JP

22.Q: You went back to the hotel with the investigator and the policemen, what
did they tell you?
A: They investigated the room and they invited us to the precint for me to
give my own statement.

23.Q: What happened next?

A: I was told to wait in the precint after the representatives of Christine

24.Q: What torture were you talking about in your sworn statement?
A: It was an emotional and mental torture.

25.Q: Why did you retract your statement regarding the powdered drugs?
A: It was because of my mental state. I lack sleep and I was very hungry
during that time.

26.Q: You had a chance to meet with the father and mother of Christine, how
was the conversation?
A: It was not okay for me. It was forceful. For the sake of our freedom, they
promised me that they will allow me to go back to my work and they will
release my name from the list of the accused.

27.Q: What did you tell Marichi when you told her about the truth?
A: She told me that I will rot in jail. My family doesn’t believe in you.

28.Q: Why did you put in your statement “may”?

A: I was drunk that time. My mind was so confused.

29.Q: Why did you use you being as a “gay” as a defense?

A: When we became viral, I had to out myself.

I hereby attest to the truth of the foregoing.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my signature this 14th
day of March 2021 in Navotas City, Philippines.

Affiant Witness
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this 14th day of March 2021
in Navotas City, Philippines by the above-named affiant who exhibited to me his
identification document consisting of Driver’s License ID No. N04-18-013921
issued at Valenzuela City.
Notary Public for Navotas City
Notarial Commission No. 123
Until December 31, 2021
Unit 204, CRM Building,
Gorordo Avenue, Navotas City
Roll No. 477113; 04/20/2012
IBP No. 135790; 01/10’16 - Navotas City
PTR No.1161033; 01/10/16 – Navotas City
MCLE Compliance No. VI-008910; 08/11/2020
Telephone No. (02)254-7882
E-mail address:

Doc. No. 208;

Page No. 123;
Book No. 21;
Series of 2021

I, JUSTINE MARK N. DAGDAG, of legal age, Filipino, with office address
at Sycip, Salazar, Hernandez, & Gatmaitan Law Office, Paseo de Roxas, Makati
City, Philippines after being duly sworn to in accordance with law, do hereby
depose and state;
1. I conducted/supervised the examination of the witness, Mr. John Doe, at
the abovementioned office.
2. I have faithfully recorded or caused to be recorded the questions I asked
to the witness and the corresponding answers given by the witness.
3. Neither I, nor any other person then present or assisting me, coached the
witness in giving the answers.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my signature this 14th day of
March 2021 in Navotas City, Philippines.
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this 14th day of March 2021
in Navotas City, Philippines by the above-named affiant who exhibited to me his
IBP ID with Roll of Attorneys No. 45530 as evidence of her identity.
Notary Public for Navotas City
Notarial Commission No. 123
Until December 31, 2021
Unit 204, CRM Building,
Gorordo Avenue, Navotas City
Roll No. 477113; 04/20/2012
IBP No. 135790; 01/10’16 - Navotas City
PTR No.1161033; 01/10/16 – Navotas City
MCLE Compliance No. VI-008910; 08/11/2020
Telephone No. (02)254-7882
E-mail address:

Doc. No. 209;

Page No. 124;
Book No. 21;
Series of 2021

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