Saxon 76 Book Part 1

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Math 76 An Incremental Development Third Baltion Stephen Hake John Saxon Saxon Publishers, Inc. ceo Sit en ee semen ee 2 tena ee reer Tin one te 80) —— LssSON 1 LESSON 2 LESSON 3 LnssON 4 1ssS0N 5 LESSON 6 LESSON 7 LBSSON 8 LESSON 9 Lasson 10 Lssson 11 LnssON 12 |LsSSON 13 LESSON 14 LESSON 15, LESSON 16 ursson 17 Contents eS esses senor ese aa e a Preface [Adding Whoo Numbors and Money * Subtracting Whola Numbers and Money + Pret Families ‘Multiplying Whole Numbers and Monay + Dividing Whale Nmbors and Money * aot Familios ‘Missing Numbors in Addition * ‘Missing Number in Subtraction ‘Missing Numbers in Maltiplication + ‘Missing Numbors in Division (Ordor of Operations, Part 1 Fractional Pars Linoer Measure Perimetor ‘The Number Line: Ordering and Compatng, Sequonces * Scalos “Some and Some Moro" and Some Went Away” Stories Place Value Through Trilions’ + ‘Multiple-Step Probloms Langs Smaller Difforonco” Stories * ‘Later aslo iffronce” Stories ‘The Number Line: Negative “Bqual Groups" Stories ‘Rounding Whole Numbers Fst Bar Graphs Number Line: Fractions and Mixed Numbers bees x 1 13 w 8 sa cy «6 o n ” LissON 10 LESSON 19 LESSON 20 Lasso 21 LESSON 22 LESSON 2 LESSON 24 LLBSSON 25 LESSON 26 LBSSON 27 LESSON 20 INVESTIGATION 1 LESSON 29, LESSON 30 1MESSON 21 {LESSON 92 LESSON 29 LESSON a4 LESSON 35 LESSON 96 LEssoN 97 LESSON 38 LESSON 39 LESSON 40 LESSON 41 rssow 42 ‘Average * Line Graphs Factors © Divisibility {Groatst Common Factor (CCE) (Comparing Fractions with Pictures “qual Groups” Storins with Frections Fraction Manipulatives, Part 1 ‘Adding an! Subtracting Fractions That Have (Common Denominators Fraction Manipulatives, Part 2 ‘Writing Division Answors as Mixed Numbers « Maltples Using Manipulative to Reduce Fra ‘Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers Fraction Manipulatives, Part 3 Frequency Tables + Histograms © Surveys Multiplying ractions + Reducing Fractions by Dividing by Common Factors ‘Least Common Multiples * Reciprocals ‘Areas ofRoctanglos * Comparing Diffrences Expanded Notation © Elapaod Time ‘Witing Porcents a8 Factions, Part Docimal Place Value Wilting Decimal Numbers as Fractions, Pat 1. © Reading and Writing Dacimal Numbers ‘Subtracting Fractions and Mixod Numbers rom Whole Numbers ‘Adding and Subtracting Decimal Numbe ‘Adding and Subtracting Decimal Numbe tnd Whole Numbers + Squares Maltiplying Decimal Numbers Using Zero as a Place Holdar + Circle Graphs ‘Renaming Fractions by Multiplying by 1 Bquivalent Division Problems » Missing [Number Probloms with Fractions and Decimals LassoN 43 LESSON 44 Lassow 45 LaSSON 46 Lisson 47 LESSON 48 LESSON 49 ssoN 50 LESSON 51 LESSON 52 LBSSON 69 LESSON 54 LESSON 55. LESSON 56 LESSON 57 LEssON 58 LESSON 69 1sss0N 60 LESSON 61 LESSON 62 LESSON 63, ssON 64 LESSON 65 LESSON 66 Simplifying Decimal Numbers * aa CGoniparing Decimal Numbers Dividing a Dacimal Number by a7 1 Whole Number ‘Waiting Decimal Numbors in panded aa Notation * Other Multiplication Forms Montlly Multiplying Docimal Numbers by 10 226 and by 100 Subtracting Mixed Numbers with an Regrouping, Part 1 Dividing by a Docimal Number a8 Decimal Number Lino (Tents) * man Dividing by a Fraction Rounding Decimal Numbors 27 Mentally Dividing Decimal Numbersby 10 251 sand by 100 Docimals Chart + Simplifying Fractions 234 ‘Moro on Reducing * Dividing F 288 (Common Denominator, Part 1 265, Coinmon Denominators, Part 2 270 ‘Adding and Subtracting Fractions: Three Stops 274 Comparing Fractions by Renaming with 270 Goramon Denominators ‘Adding Mixed Numbors 201 Adding Toe or More Fractons 205, ‘Writing Mixed Numbers as Improper Fractions 289 Prime Numbors 208 ‘Subtracting Mixed Numbers with 200 Rogrouping, Pat 2 Polygons 08 Prime Factorization + Division by Primes #908 actor Tree Multiplying Mixed Numbers au Using Prime Factorization to Reduce Fractions © 918 ‘Naming Solids LRSSON 67 LBSSON 69 LESSON 70 LESSON 71 LESSON 72 LnssON 73 INVESTIGATION 2 LESSON 75. LESSON 76 LESSON 77, LESSON 79 LESSON 79 ssoN 40 LassON #1 ssON #2 {LBSSON 3 LBSSON 84 LESSON 05 LESSON a6 LESSON 47 LESSON a LESSON 89) nwasticanions LESSON 90 LESSON 91 1SSSON 92 Dividing Mixed Numbers ines Reducing Fractions Bofore Multiplying Rectangular Coordinates Fractions Chart + Multiplying Theoe Fractions Exponents + Writing Decimal Numbers 1s Fractions, Part 2 Writing Fractions as Docimal Numbers Drawing n tho Coordinate Plane Coordinate Geometry ‘Comparing Fractions by Converting to Decimal Form Finding Unstated Information in ‘ractionalPart Problems Liquld Measure Classifying Quadvlatrals ‘Awa ofa Perallologram Arithmetic with Unite of Measure Writing Fractions as Perconts, Part 1 Ratio Order of Operations, Part 2 (Changing Percents to Decimals Operations with Fractions and Decimals Finding Missing Factors ‘Aron ofa Triangle (Comparing Negative Numb Faces, Edges, and Vorticos Platonic Solids Geometric Formulas Probability + Chanco Expanded Notation with Bxpononts * Exponeate + Square Root Powers of Fractions 08 ama 377 ae 8 08 06 409 a7 a0 430 LassON 93 LESSON 04 LESSON 95 LESSON 06 LESSON 97 LESSON 98 IBSSON 09 LESSON 100 essow 101 Lesson 102 LESSON 103 LESSON 108 LeSSON 1065 LESSON 106 nssoN 107 ssoN 108 LssSON 108 6SSON 110 LassON 121 LESSON 112 [LESSON 118 LESSON 114 LRSSON 115 sso 116 LESSON 117 LaSSON 118 LESSON 119 invesTicaTION 4 LESSON 120 Wirting Fractions as Parconts, Part 2 Redlucing Units Bore Multiplying Wiriting Decimals as Perconts Writing Mixed Numbers es Prcents Measures of a Circle Fraction-Decimal-Parcont Eguivalonts Volume of Rectangular Prism CGiraumforance Activity Proportions + Completing Proportions Perimotor of Complex Shapes Cross Proiucts + Using Cross Products to Complete Proportions Using Proportions ta Salve Ratio Word Problems Using « Compass + Pi le) ‘sea of Complex Shapos ‘Acute, Obtuse, and Straight Angles + “Two-Step Equations “Transformations Corresponding Pats * Similar Triangles Symmetry Applications Using Division Finding a Given Porcont ofa Number Ratio Problems with Totals “Mean, Medion, Modo, and Range ‘Adding and Subtracting Mixed Measures * Multiplying by Powers of Ten Unit Maltplion: ‘Mass and Weight Finding a Percent Salos Tax © Writing Percents as Fractions Part 2 ‘Compound Interest Classifying Triangles ase 450 a7 60 68 am a 02 a0 00 504 509 sis 520 526 saz saz 57 52 50 sor sm 875 80 sea x contents LESSON 121 LESSON 122 LESSON 123 LESSON 125 LESSON 126 LESSON 127 lwvasmicaTions LBSSON 128 LSSSON 120 LESSON 120 esson 191 LESSON 192 INESTIGATION 6 LESSON 192 Lesson 134 LESSON 135 LESSON 136 nssON 1397 LESSON 198 APPENDIE Adding Integers Finding a Whole When # Fraction is Known, Square Roots of Numbers Greater that 100 Functions atimating Arca Using Protractr to Measure an Angle Opposites + Algebraic Addition Finding @ Whole When a Percent is Known Sign Wars Estimating Square Roots Using Proportions to Salve Percont Problems ‘Aras of aGecle Probability ofa Se Volume of Cylinder Icorshadron + Buckyball Exporimental and ‘heoretial Probebility ‘Multiplying and Dividing Integers Constructing Hisoctors Surfaco Area ofa Prien Sum ofthe Angle Measures of a Tiangle Roman Numerals ‘Supplemental Practice Problems for Selected Lassons lossary Index of vente 50 5a 00 ma Preface To The Student ‘We study mathematics because it an Important pat of fur daly lives. Our school schedule, ou ep to the store, the preparation of our meals, and many ofthe gumes we play’ all involve mathematics, Many of the word prob- Frms you will seein the book exe eran frm our daily experiences. Mathematics ie even more important In the adult world: In fact, your parsonal future In the adult world Inay depend in part upon the mathematics you have Toaraed. This book wes written with the hope that more students ill legen mathomaties and foam It well. For this to happon, you must se this book propor. As you. ‘work throngh the pages ofthis book, you will find similar problems presented over and over again. Solving these problems day ater day is the secret to success In this book you wil fin daily lessons and invostisn- tions Each Tosson bogine with practco of basic number facts and montal math, These exercises will improve ‘your spood. your accuracy, amd your ability to do.math a your head.” Tho accompanying pattern and problsm solving ativitos will give you practice using strategies that eau help you solve moro complicated problems Near tho end ofthe leon is a sot of practice problems that focus on the topic of the lesson. Following each Teason i problem Sot that reviews the skills you are Tearing day by day. Invostigations sro variations of the daily lesson, The investigations included In Math 76 aro ‘activities that may fill an eatine clas period and contain theit own set of questions vathar than an integrated problem se

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