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Hi I’m Sam by the
And I’ve got to be honest…
It’s hilarious to me that my husband I are even
having these arguments.
Just a few short months ago…
It never would have happened…
Because at that point, I’d been overweight for over
a decade…
Anywhere between 30lbs to 50lbs too heavy on
And I had a whole section of my closet filled with
outfits from my early twenties...
That I was pretty sure I was never going to be able
to wear again.
It seemed like “skinny Sam” was just some dusty
relic of my past…
Not a person I could be in my early forties, like I
am today…
And this probably would have been true…
Dr. Eric J. Wood. N.D., M.A. NPI 1164677076
If it wasn’t for the help of one of the nation’s top
hormone experts…
A man named Dr. Eric J. Wood.
Dr. Wood showed me that the real reason I could
never lose weight…
And the real reason why fat seemed to be
continuously migrating to my belly and my
Had nothing to do with my eating habits…
Or even how much time I spent in the gym…
But with 5 Hormonal Blocks…
Blocks that are affecting millions of women, and
men, right now…
And leading to something called “weight loss
Where it can feel impossible to drop even a single

Discovering these 5
Hormonal Blocks
changed my life…
Especially once Dr. Wood showed me how to fix
each of these blocks…
And because I’m sure you’re asking…
Of course I’m going to share all 5 hormonal blocks
with you inside this letter…
Plus, I’m going to show you how to fix them too…
Which is something that I normally charges people
over $1,000 for…
So let’s keep this between us ;)
Once I fixed these 5
Hormonal Blocks,
I lost 34lbs in just
under 90 days...

And what’s even better…

Is that the weight has stayed off too…
Even though I didn’t make drastic changes to my
Or have to cut out a whole bunch of my favorite
Now I know what you’re thinking too…


“She’s saying I can lose weight
without having to give
up all my favorite snacks, this must
be B.S.!”

If that’s what just went through your mind…

I totally get it…
Because for decades, I was conditioned to think the
same thing too.
You can’t lose weight without slaving away at the
gym and eating rabbit food right?
That’s what I was always told…
And here’s why:
These 5 Hormonal Blocks I’m about to share with
They keep your body in fat storage mode all the
And they keep your metabolism feeling like it’s
stuck in a puddle of glue.
When that stuff is going on behind the scenes…
It doesn’t just come down to what you are eating..
• You could be eating a juicy bacon
• Or be Keto Karen who acts as if she’s allergic
to carbs....
• And the weight still just isn’t coming off.
I’ll explain more in just a second…
But first, let me go ahead and share exactly how I
came to meet Dr. Wood in the first place…
Then we’ll jump right into the 5 Hormonal Blocks
he showed me…
And right after…
I’ll give you the simple, at-home-fix he created…
Which is something you can start using today…
And that can finally end your weight loss resistance
for good.
So about me.
I used to feel trapped
in a body I didn’t
Okay, so as I mentioned my name is Sam.
And while today I’m finding any excuse possible to
slip on a bikini and run to the beach…
For most of my adult life…
I felt trapped inside a body I didn’t love.
It started in my late twenties…
At first, I just noticed that I wasn’t losing weight as
easily as before…
And even though I was pretty active and tried to eat
Each year a little more unwelcomed fat would
show up on my body…
Mostly around my butt, face, arms, and neck…
And because this fat didn’t ever want to leave…
I started joking that my fat was like some awful
house guest who overstays their welcome.
I’d later learn that what I was dealing with…
Is something called weight loss resistance…
Which is the term for what happens when your
body refuses to burn fat…
But at the time I just felt frustrated…
And thought maybe this weight gain was my
Or that there was something wrong with me.

So I worked out even

harder, and ate even
Yet by the time I hit my mid-thirties…
Things had gone from bad to worst…
Because not only was I starting to gain more fat
around my tummy and my thighs…
Suddenly there was a lot of other weird stuff
happening in my body too.
I started experiencing these waves anxiety that
would hit me out of nowhere…
My energy felt ZAPPED all of the time…
Plus my sleep was getting worse and worse:

I’d wake up in the middle of the night covered in

Or I’d get into bed exhausted…
Then suddenly get these booming adrenaline
The cherry on top was the brain fog though…
It felt like my brain was shutting off on me…
I had the hardest time focusing at my job…
And even little things…
Like trying to help my children with their
Became very hard because I just couldn’t focus.
I started feeling

Because what had started as a little weight gain…

Was now me fluctuating between 30lbs and 50lbs
overweight all the time…
And not only did I no longer feel sexy…
Or have any confidence in myself…
But I was worried about the long-term effects of the
weight on my health too.
I thought about my mom…
How she’d gotten bigger and rounder as she got
Until she became pretty seriously overweight…
And ended up having a fatal heart attack in her
Which was far too young.
When my mom died…
I’d promised myself that I wouldn’t ever follow in
her footsteps…
Yet here I was…
The weight piling on…
My blood sugar becoming more erratic…
My energy levels at an all-time low…
And I just didn’t know what to do.
As all of this was going on…
I’d tried countless diets…
Yet those certainly didn’t seem to be working.
The most recent
failure had been
Which had started off so promising (I’d lost almost
3lbs in the first two weeks!)…
But then ended in disappointment…
As I quickly plateaued…
Became fatigued and moody 24/7..
Then gained back all the weight back…
Plus a little extra for good measure.
I’d later discover that the reason Keto didn’t work
for me…
And this is the same reason it doesn’t work for a lot
of women…
Has to do with those 5 Hormonal Blocks we’re
going to talk about in a second…
But at the time…
I just felt frustrated and depressed…
Like I wanted to crawl into my bed and never come
It was like…

What the hell

I’d gone from being a fun-loving, energized
To someone who felt shocked that her friends had
the energy to go out and do anything at all.
When I had to go out…
Like to a birthday party or a work dinner…
It took me two days to recover…
And it got to a point where I realized that this just
wasn’t normal…
Something had to give.
So I did what
everyone does…
I started Googling all the stuff I was dealing with
And while most of what I found was ridiculous…
I did find one article that caught my eye.
It was an interview with New York Times
Bestselling Author Dr. Sara Gottfried…
And in the interview…
Dr. Gottfried said something that really grabbed my
She said that…
“After digging into the research, I learned that 99
percent of weight loss resistance is hormonal” she

And then later she added that…

“It amazes me how easy weight loss becomes once
hormones are back in their sweet spots.”
Now this really made the hair on my neck stand
Because, like any woman who is honest…
I’d blamed my hormones for stuff before…
But I’d never really thought that they could be the
reason why I was having so much trouble losing
So I made an
appointment with my
And during the visit, I asked him to test my
I was expecting him to say “sure Sam, whatever
you want!”…
So I felt CRUSHED when instead of doing that…
He let out this arrogant little smirk…
Then literally rolled his eyes!
My dear old doctor told me that hormone testing is
expensive and unnecessary…
Then he proceeded repeat the same tired advice
he’d been giving me for nearly two decades:
“If you want to lose weight, you just need to burn
more calories than you put in.”
My doctor said it was all simple math…
Then he asked me if I belonged to a gym…
And by the time he was done talking…
Oh my God. I wanted
to explode…
My face must have been beet-red as I walked out of
his office…
It was so humiliating and embarrassing how he
lectured me…
He was always just assuming that everything was
MY fault…
And yet when I - the patient - asked him to do a
hormone test…
He pretty much said “NOPE”…
And that really ticked me off.
“I’m done with him” I thought…
And I wasn’t lying…
I haven’t been back to that doc since.

But even though I got

the thrill of
dumping my doc that
I still felt lost…
And I needed help.
I wasn’t sure where to turn…
I did look for other doctors in my town…
But I was scared they’d just have the same reaction
my doctor did…
And I was afraid to go through that humiliation and
embarrassment again.
So I thought about just giving up…
Just “letting go” and accepting that I’d never feel
normal again…
And that might have been where the story ended…
If I hadn’t gotten a call from an old friend.
It was a Thursday night and I was standing
exhaustedly in the kitchen…
When my cell rang.
It was my girlfriend

She’d been overseas with her husband for the past

But now she was back in the U.S. and she was
calling to say hi.
So at first we just chit-chatted and caught up…
But then, as we were talking…
I remembered something important.
Jen had struggled with estrogen problems a while
But then she’d seen some hormone expert that
she’d really liked…
And I remembered how she’d felt a lot better
Plus she’d lost a ton of weight too.
I’d always assumed that Jen just did estrogen
replacement therapy or something like that…
But when I asked her during our conversation…
She let out this huge, belly-splitting laugh…
Then said that I had it all wrong.
“No way!” Jenn told me.
“Estrogen therapy is expensive and scary
as heck.
Seriously you don’t even want to know
about the side effects.
I did fix my estrogen, but it was entirely
And it just wasn’t just my estrogen
It was all my hormones.
And really I owe it all to Dr. Wood...
He’s the hormone expert I saw…
Seriously the guy’s the best.”
Well that was all I needed to hear…
I got Dr. Wood’s
information from

And three days later…

I was sitting in his office…
Trying hard not to show my nervousness or
It was pretty crazy though…
We’d barely even shook hands…
But Dr. Wood was already describing everything
I’d been dealing with in amazing detail…
The weight loss resistance, the exhaustion, the
brain fog, the anxiety…
It was like he’d been living inside my head this
whole time.
Seriously, he knew EVERYTHING…
And when I asked him how this was possible…
He said it was because even though we’re always
being told that weight loss is some mysterious
That’s simply not the case…
“The vast majority of
our weight challenges
are hormonal…
And they almost
always come down to
5 Hormonal
That’s what he said…
And he told me that these 5 Hormonal blocks can
all happen in our body simultaneously…
Resulting in a sluggish metabolism…
Cells that are pumped full of fat…
And brains, moods, and emotions entirely out of
Then Dr. Wood
proceeded to share
what these 5
Hormonal Blocks
And I’m going to share them with you right now
So make sure you pay close attention…
Because this is going to remove so much confusion
from your life…
And it will finally make sense why you haven’t
been able to lose your excess weight.

The first hormonal

block Dr. Wood told
me about has to do
with your Thyroid.
You’ve probably heard of your thyroid before…
It’s a small, tiny gland located in the front of your
And your thyroid’s role is to take iodine, which is
found in a variety of foods…
And convert it into two thyroid hormones…
Which are known as T3 and T4.
These thyroid hormones are then released into the
Where they control your metabolism.
When your metabolism is functioning normally…
It turns calories and fat into energy…
Then sends this energy to your cells…
Where it’s used to perform all kinds of essential
functions that keep you healthy.
But when your thyroid hormones are NOT
functioning properly…
It means that your metabolism doesn’t function
properly either…
And instead of burning calories like it should…
Your metabolism stores those calories as fat.
This is why, if you have issues with your thyroid
You can starve yourself and workout all day…
But you’re STILL going to encounter weight loss
resistance and feel frustrated…
Because even though you’re doing activities that
normally WOULD burn calories…
When your thyroid hormones are out of whack…
They tell your metabolism to keep storing those
calories as fat.
This can leave you feeling exhausted, by the way…
Because over the course of the day…
You’re doing all of these things that require
Yet your body isn’t releasing that energy…
It’s holding onto it…
And if you frequently suffer from brain fog…
Your thyroid hormones could be to blame for that
as well…
Because your brain uses up a lot of energy…
But if your metabolism is broken and there’s no
energy available…
Your brain is starved of fuel.
Pretty crazy, right?
And your thyroid is just one of FIVE different
hormonal blocks you may be facing…
Imagine what it would be like to fix all 5 hormonal
blocks at once?
It could seriously be like the difference between
being blind…
And having perfect 20/20 vision…
The difference is that dramatic.

The second hormonal

block that Dr. Wood
told me about has to
do with Cortisol
You have two adrenal glands that sit above your
And they produce a hormone called cortisol…
Which is often referred to as a “stress hormone”…
Because it’s released when you experience stress.
Cortisol is very important to your survival…
But when your cortisol levels are always high…
Which can happen due to everyday stressors like:
• A demanding job
• Arguments on social media
• A rocky relationship
• Sitting in bad traffic
• A challenging child
• Plus anything else…
Your brain thinks you’re in survival mode…
So it shuts down your metabolism…
Your digestion…
And even parts of your brain.
Why does it do this?
Because even though your stress might be due to
something “harmless”…
Like your boss nonstop texting on a weekend…

Your brain can’t differentiate between “harmless”

And a real threat…
So it takes energy from anywhere in the body that it
views as “non-essential”…
Which includes your metabolism, your digestive
system, and even parts of your brain…
And sends this energy to places like your muscles
and your heart…
Which your brain considers essential to your
Think of it like this:
• If you need to fight, your muscles better
• And if you need to run for your life, your
heart better be able to pump blood…
But you know what’s NOT essential to fighting or
running away?
• Your metabolism raging and burning fat…
• Your digestion operating smoothly so you
don’t experience irregular bowel
• Or your brain being able to solve math
equations or complex problems.
So the fact that those places get robbed of energy
makes sense…
In fact, it’s actually smart of your brain to do this.
The problem though…
Is that if your stress isn’t coming from a real
But from your 24/7 job…
Or family commitments…
Then your metabolism, digestion, and brain always
remain robbed of energy…
It’s impossible to burn fat…
And you constantly feel like your brain is in a fog.
Pretty crazy, right?
And we’ve still got three more hormonal blocks
So let’s keep things going.

The third hormonal

block Dr. Wood told
me about has to do
with Estrogen.
Estrogen is what’s referred to as a “sex
And when estrogen levels are too high, or too
And aren't in balance with progesterone...
Which is another important female reproductive
It can very easily lead to weight loss resistance.
One of the tell-tale signs of erratic estrogen
Is that you’ll notice more fat getting stored in your
belly and hips…
And you’ll notice that this fat is visceral and
To the point where it feels like it’s impossible to
get rid of it…
No matter how much dieting or exercising you do.
For many women…
Erratic estrogen problems start in their mid-
Then continue before, during, and after menopause.
The reason why…
Is because as a woman exits her prime reproductive
Which normally happens between the ages of 30
and 35…
The balance between estrogen and progesterone
can grow increasingly out of whack…
And her estrogen levels will start to peak…
While her progesterone levels begin to free-fall.
And as women enter their 40s…
This imbalance between estrogen and progesterone
only becomes worse..
Which can negatively affect your thyroid hormones

And lead to you putting on more and more pounds
of fat.
It’s for this reason that so many women are being
pushed towards hormone therapies once they enter
their 40s and 50s…
But wouldn’t it be better if you could just keep
estrogen levels balanced naturally…
Without continuously packing on more
pounds of fresh belly fat?
Well the good news…
Is that this is absolutely possible.
I’ll show you exactly how to do it…
Plus give you four more proven hormonal fixes…
In just a few moments.

The 4th Hormonal

Block Dr. Wood told
me about has to do
with Insulin.

Insulin is a hormone that’s produced in your

And you’ve almost certainly heard of insulin
Especially in in relation to diabetes.
The thing is though…
You don’t need to be a diabetic to have insulin
Because as world renowned health expert
Dr. Mark Hyman puts it:
“No contest: The monster hormone that causes
weight gain is excess insulin.”
Well with respect to Dr. Hyman…
There is a contest…
And it’s happening between all five of the
hormones we’re talking about today.
But while Dr. Hyman may be oversimplifying
things a little bit here…
There’s also a lot of truth to what he’s saying...
Because high insulin levels definitely are one of the
major reasons behind your weight loss resistance.
Insulin helps your body convert the carbohydrates
you eat into sugar (glucose)…
And then tells your body to store this sugar as
glycogen in your muscles.
The problem though is that your muscles can only
store a small amount of glycogen at any given
And once your muscles’ about to store glycogen is
maxed it…
Your body has no choice but to store additional
glycogen as fat.
Obviously, that’s not good if you’re trying to lose
And it’s especially brutal when you combine high
With the other hormonal blocks we’ve looked at so
Think about it…
• Insulin and estrogen are BOTH
telling your body to store more fat…
• While your thyroid hormones and
cortisol are BOTH telling your body
not to burn fat.
So is it any wonder that you’ve been struggling to
lose weight?
And all of this is before we add in the the last
hormonal block too…
Which we’re going to go over right now.

The fifth hormonal

block Dr. Wood told
about has to do with
Leptin’s job is to tell your brain when you’ve had
enough to eat.
This is why Leptin is often referred to as your
“fullness hormone”…
Because when Leptin is functioning normally…
You feel satisfied after each meal…
You don’t overeat…
And you don’t suffer from those gnawing cravings
that can strike out of nowhere.
That’s how Leptin is supposed to function…
But when you start putting on excess weight…
And you can’t burn fat no matter how hard you
(Which both happen due to the other four hormonal
blocks we’ve covered today)…
Your fat cells start producing more-and-more
And your brain becomes bombarded with leptin
signals non-stop…
Until it starts to ignore these signals entirely.
This is called leptin-resistance…
And as your brain becomes increasingly resistant to
You can guess what happens:

• You stop feeling full…

• You start overeating the wrong foods…
• You get almost addict-like-cravings for salty,
sweet, or crispy junk foods…
And it results in you putting on even MORE
Which in turn makes your leptin resistance even
Until ultimately…
You spend very day feeling hungry, angry, and
Because it seems like you can’t stop overeating no
matter how hard you try…
And you feel MAD at yourself…
Because you can’t understand why don’t have any
If that’s you right now…
Trust me, I get it.
That’s where I was at too…
And I’ve had all of those same thoughts….
Which is why I was so surprised when…
Dr. Wood looked me
in the eyes and told
something I’ll never

Something I’m going to repeat to you right now:

It’s really, truly, not your fault.
None of this is.
Your weight struggles aren’t due to a lack of
It’s not because you don’t “want to be skinny” bad
The weight gain that’s been accelerating…
The increased weight loss resistance…
Those things aren’t being caused by you…
They’re being caused by your hormones…
And particularly those 5 hormonal blocks we’ve
been going over today.

Think about it like

What good is two hours on the treadmill…
Or going Keto…
If your metabolism refuses to burn fat for energy?
And what good are drugs that target your thyroid…
Or risky estrogen therapies…
When each of those things only targets one specific
hormonal block…
Out of a total of 5?
So you see…
You’ve Been Set Up!
You’ve been BLAMED for your weight loss
resistance by the folks in the diet industry…
You’ve been NAMED as lazy by workout-addicts
in the fitness industry…
And you’ve been SHAMED for your anxiety and
exhaustion by pill-pushing health professionals…
When the truth is…
The vast majority of the time…

• Your inability to lose weight…

• Your low-energy…
• Your poor nights of sleep…
• Your brain fog…
• Your mood swings…
• And so much else...
They are all caused by something that’s out of your
The 5 Hormonal Blocks we’ve been looking at
So I want you to make a promise to yourself right
That you’re going to STOP thinking any of this is
your fault…
And START feeling confident again…
Because the truth is:
You can win this fight against weight loss
resistance and excess body fat…
And I’m going to show you exactly how to do it…
Right now.
You see, as Dr. Wood explained…
Even though these 5 hormonal blocks can come out
of nowhere…
And can stick around for years, or even decades…
It doesn’t have to be this way.
In fact…
Addressing all five of
these hormonal blocks
can actually be very

You just need to take proven scientific research…

Research that too many in mainstream wellness are
Apply it to each of the hormonal blocks you’re
facing simultaneously…
And once you do this…
You’ll find it’s shockingly easy to optimize
hormonal health…
While reducing the biggest blocks to your weight
All in one fell swoop.
So let’s go ahead and rifle through each of the
hormonal fixes that Dr. Wood showed me…
Then after we’re done…
I’ll share the easy trick Dr. Wood showed me…
Something that made it simple to apply all 5 of
these fixes at once…
And I’ve got to say that once started using this
It was like the floodgates burst wide open…
And the fat just came pouring off.
Sound good?
Okay then here we go:

Hormonal Fix #1:

As you’ll remember…
When your thyroid isn’t producing enough of its
two main hormones – T3 and T4…
Then these hormones can’t regulate your
metabolism like they should…
And fat storage, brain fog, and fatigue can all
So what’s the fix here?
Well as Dr. Wood explained…
You simply need to get your thyroid gland to
produce more T3 and T4 hormones…
Then make sure these hormones get released into
your bloodstream…
That way they’re able to control your
And the fastest way to produce more T3 and T4
Is to get more iodine into your diet…
Because as I mentioned earlier…
Your thyroid’s #1 function is to take iodine, then
convert it to T3 and T4.
It sounds simple…
But a recent study found that at least 2 Billion
people are deficient in iodine …
And if your thyroid’s not getting enough iodine…
Then how can it make enough of the T3 and T4
hormones needed to control your metabolism?
It can’t…
Which is why Dr. Wood recommends
supplementing your diet with iodine-rich kelp.
In a major double-blind clinical trial published in
the American College of Endocrinology…
It was found that “short-term dietary
supplementation with kelp significantly increases
both basal and poststimulation TSH [thyroid
In another major study that was published in the
journal Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology…
Researchers found that when human subjects were
given a daily supplement of kelp…
It “restored their thyroid function and normalized
their UICs [urinary iodine concentration].”ii
And in yet another large study that was published
in the journal Clinical Endocrinology out of
Researchers found that supplementing with just a
moderate dose of iodine rich kelp extract improved
the production of both T3 and T4.iii
Dr. Wood also recommends adding more Copper,
Iron, Zinc, Magnesium, and Selenium to your diet
as well…
Because these essential minerals help transport T3
and T4 into your bloodstream…
Where they power your metabolism and your cells.
For example, a 2016 study in the Journal of
Environmental Health found that supplementing
with these minerals led to higher levels of T3 and
T4 in the bloodstream…iv
While in a 2014 study published in the journal
Biological Trace Elements Research…
It was found that thyroid-stimulating hormones
were raised significantly in test subjects who were
given a supplementary dosage of Copper,
Manganese, Selenium, and Zinc.v
So this takes care of the hormonal block that’s
happening in your thyroid…
But we’ve still got four more places we need to get
So let’s keep going and turn our attention to:
Hormonal Fix #2:

As a quick reminder…
Ongoing stress can lead to an overproduction of a
hormone called cortisol…
And when cortisol levels remain high…
It can lead to a weakened metabolism, immune
system, and even brain.
So when it comes to addressing this hormonal
The one and only goal is to naturally lower cortisol
One way to do that is to never become stressed…
But that’s a lot easier said than done…
And if you’re a busy parent…
Have a thriving career…
Or really just live in the U.S. in the year 2019…
Eliminating stress from your life completely just
isn’t very realistic.
This is why Dr. Wood recommends supplementing
your diet with Rhodiola Rosea…
Which has been proven in numerous clinical trials

• Reduce stress

• Support normal cortisol production

• And help the body burn fat.
Rhodiola is a flowering plant that grows in the
remote regions of the Arctic...
And in a major randomized, double-blind, and
placebo-controlled study published in the Journal
Planta Medica…
When researchers gave test subjects either 576 mg
of Rhodiola extract, or a placebo, for 28 days.
They found that while the placebo group showed
zero improvements…
The Rhodiola group had produced significantly less
excess cortisol…
Even when they were presented with stressful
Plus they also showed less fatigue and better
mental performance as
Numerous double-blind, randomized, and placebo-
controlled trials have also found Rhodiola to…
Reduce stress, improve mental performance, and
decrease fatigue…vii viii ix x xi
It’s no wonder Rhodiola was used extensively for
years by the Russian Olympic medical training
team to help their athletes optimize their
performance and recoup faster from grueling
training sessions.
But most excitingly of all…
New research in both humans and animals is
finding that supplementing with Rhodiola can:
Significantly increase the rate at which our bodies
burn fatxii
Reduce the content of bad, fatty acids in the
And reduce the build-up of visceral white fatxiv
In addition to Rhodiola…
Dr. Wood also recommends adding Red Ginseng to
your diet too…
Because numerous studies have found that this root
extract decreases cortisol levels and reduce
stress…xv xvi xvii xviii
Plus a major 2017 study recently found that taking
red ginseng “can exert an anti-obesity effect in
Which is a finding that’s backed up by another
2014 human study…
Where researchers found Red Ginseng to exert a
“weight loss effect.”xx
Honestly both Rhodiola and Ginseng are such
exciting ingredients that I could go on and on about
But we still have three more hormonal fixes to get
So let’s keep trucking along.
Hormonal Fix #3:
As you’ll recall, having erratic estrogen levels can
lead to weight gain.
That’s why Dr. Wood told me that I should
consider supplementing my diet with
diindolylmethane (or DIM for short).
DIM is a natural compound that’s found in
broccoli, cauliflower, and other vegetables…
And a 2017 study published in the journal Tumor
Immunology and Immunotherapy…
Which was the largest human study on the effects
of DIM on human ever undertaken…
A team of 8 leading scientists found that DIM led
to a “favorable shift in estrogen metabolism”…
And concluded that this research led them to
support the use of DIM as a dietary supplement.xxi
Meanwhile, in another human study, this one
published in the journal Thyroid…
It was found that when patients received a DIM
supplement for just 14 days…
DIM “modulated estrogen metabolism”…
Which really means that it shifts how estrogen is
broken down in the liver into “healthier hormonal
metabolites” that are linked with lower risk of
various cancers and estrogen/progesterone
imbalance symptoms such as difficult or irregular
periods, fibroids, fibrocystic breast disease and
Instead of either too high, or too low…
Which is when fat accumulation is most likely to
Plus, in a 2017 study published in the journal of
Molecular Nutrition and Food Research…
When an international team of researchers from
Purdue University and Seoul, South Korea looked
at the effects of DIM…
They found that it “suppresses high-fat diet-
induced obesity”…
Which led them to conclude that DIM has the
potential to help protect against ongoing weight
Alright so let’s keep things rolling…
By turning our attention to:

Hormonal Fix #4:

When your insulin levels are continuously
It can lead to your body storing more and more of
the nutrients you eat as fat…
Which is one of the many reasons we want to keep
our insulin levels in a normal, healthy range.
The good news here is that is absolutely
And there are a few approaches you can take.
One approach is to reduce the amount of carbs,
processed foods, and refined sugars that you eat…
Since those are three things that can spike your
insulin levels.
Dr. Wood absolutely recommends cutting back on
those things as much as possible....
But HE/SHE also believes that supplementing your
diet with a cinnamon extract is something you
should consider…
And the reason why…
Is because cinnamon is one of the best studied and
scientifically supported ingredients out there….
When it comes to supporting healthy insulin levels.
In a 2015 study published in the Journal of
Traditional and Complementary Medicine…
Which was randomized, double-blind, and placebo-
Researchers gave 173 adults either 500 mg of
cinnamon extract, or a placebo, for two months…
And at the end of this 180 day period…
The placebo group showed no significant
While the cinnamon group showed reduced insulin
levels, lower cholesterol levels, and less erratic
blood sugar…
Plus those who took the cinnamon supplement also
showed a reduction in their Body Mass Index, or
Additionally, in a 2018 study, published in the
journal Phytotherapy Research…
Which was also randomized, placebo-controlled,
and double-blind…
Researchers worked with 66 women who had
erratic insulin AND estrogen….
And gave half of them a cinnamon supplement, and
half a placebo.
The researchers found that at the end of 12
“Supplementation of cinnamon significantly
reduced fasting insulin” when compared to the
Plus it also helped to support healthy estrogen
levels too.xxv
Those are just two of numerous double-blind,
randomized, and placebo-controlled trials on
cinnamon…xxvi xxvii xxviii
And when it comes to cinnamon and weight loss
You should know that:
In a 2017 randomized, double-blind, and placebo
controlled trial of 116 overweight individuals
It was found that taking a cinnamon supplement led
to a significant decrease in waist circumference…xxix
In another 2017 study, this one published in
Scientific Reports…
It was found that cinnamon supplementation
increased fat burning and reduced fat tissue
While in a major 2019 review published in Clinical
Nutrition looked at 12 trials on cinnamon that
included 786 human subjects…
A team of 6 scientists found that regular cinnamon
supplementation led to decreased body weight,
decreased BMI, decreased waist circumference, and
decreased fat mass in adults.xxxi
Pretty awesome, right?
And really these results do make sense…
Because insulin and weight loss resistance go hand
in hand...
And cinnamon is proven to directly help support
healthy insulin levels.
Alright, so we’ve only got one more hormone to
look at now…
And if you’ve missed any of the ingredients I
mentioned so far don’t worry…
Because after we get through this last hormonal
I’m going to repeat the entire list of ingredients for
Hormonal Fix #5:
As you’ll remember…
Leptin is your “fullness hormone”…
And when you start putting on weight…
Which can happen as a result of the four other
hormonal blocks we’ve discussed…
Your body begins to overproduce Leptin.
You’d think that would be a good thing…
Since Leptin makes you “full”
But when we produce too much leptin…
Our brain starts to ignore leptin’s message…
So instead of feeling fuller…
We feel increasingly hungry and crave the
wrong kind of foods.
Well fortunately…
Dr. Wood let me know that getting Leptin under
control is easy to do…
It just takes adding a single ingredient to your
And that’s African Mango.

In a major randomized and placebo-controlled trial

published in the journal of Lipids…
Researchers found that supplementing with African
Mango for just 4 weeks improved body weight,
body fat, and waist circumference…
And also led to “significant improvements in leptin
levels when compared with the placebo group.xxxii
Meanwhile, a 2011 study from Drexel University
found that African Mango:
“Is effective in reducing body weight and improving
metabolic parameters in overweight
Plus research published in the Journal of Obesity
concluded that:
Leptin levels decrease in patients
given African Mangoxxxiv
And in recent review of three randomized
trials that included 208 participants…
Researchers found that the average weight loss
when supplementing with African Mango…
Was a staggering 26lbs…
Compared to just 1.5lbs for the placebo groups.xxxv
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