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Composite Structures 202 (2018) 590–602

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Numerical methodologies for simulating bird-strike on composite wings T

A. Riccio, R. Cristiano, S. Saputo, A. Sellitto
Department of Engineering, Università Degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Aversa, CE, Italy


Keywords: During its service life, an airplane can experience impact events with different foreign objects. In case of impact
Bird strike with a flying bird, the term “Bird Strike” is commonly adopted. Bird strike can be catastrophic, especially when
Bird modeling small general aviation airplanes are involved. Indeed, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), to prevent
Lagrangian method catastrophic failures with casualties, obliges airplanes to be able to complete the flight after an impact with a
ALE method
medium dimensions bird. Hence, it is clear that, when designing aerospace components, the potential effects of
SPH method
CEL method
the bird strike events must be taken into account to guarantee the structural integrity and, as a consequence, the
Composite structures passengers and the pilot safety. In order to optimize the costs, the experimental activity for certification purpose
should be suitably prepared and driven by an extensive campaign of numerical simulations. Therefore, the
accuracy and the effectiveness of the numerical models able to simulate the bird strike event and its con-
sequences on the structural integrity become of major concern when designing aerospace components. In this
paper, the numerical methodologies, commonly adopted for the simulation of the bird strike event, are presented
and assessed focusing on their capability to predict the induced damage and the composite components’ residual

1. Introduction pressure, are shown in Fig. 1. The results uncertainty is due to the
piezoelectric transducers (mounted on the rigid plate) limited fre-
Impact with flying birds also called “bird strikes” can be critical for quency response, which did not allow to measure the pressure for
flight safety especially when small general aviation airplanes are in- period exceeding 5 µs. Fig. 1 shows that the maximum pressure value is
volved. Nowadays, collisions between airplanes and birds are becoming next to the impact point and then it goes through a gradual stabilization
much more frequent because of the increasing air traffic. The Federal around the stagnation pressure value. Moreover, the normalized Hu-
Aviation Administration airworthiness rules obliges an airplane to be goniot pressure value decreases with the increasing of the impact ve-
able to complete the flight after an impact with a bird of medium di- locity value because the Hugoniot pressure value is punctual and the
mension. Indeed, during the certification process, an airplane must impact phenomenon duration is very short. Taking into account the
prove its capability to land safely after a representative impact event above considerations, the bird strike event can be characterized by two
[1]. The bird strike event is a short duration (milli-seconds range)/high stages: the initial shock and the steady flow. The initial shock pressure
intensity loads event characterized by a strong interaction among the (Hugoniot pressure) is evaluated by means of Eq. (1) whereas the
impact energy, the bird deformation and the airplane component steady flow pressure is represented by Eq. (2) formulated according to
structural behavior. During the bird strike, the target (airplane struc- the Bernoulli’s theory:
ture) and the projectile (bird) are both subjected to large deformations Pshock = ρ0 νshock νimpact (1)
and inelastic strain rates.
To obtain an accurate prediction of the bird strike event induced 1 2
Pstagnation = ρ νimpact
damage, it is important to model carefully the bird shape. Actually, 2 0 (2)
several bird models have been developed, based on test data during the From Eqs. (1) and (2), it can be stated that pressure values do not
last 30 years [2]. One of the first researchers investigating the bird depend from the projectile mass. Furthermore, the Hugoniot pressure
mechanical behavior during an impact was Wilbeck [2–4]; he defined can be considered as the maximum pressure value for an impact event
the bird shape (Fig. 1) and the mechanical properties to be used during while the steady flow pressure is representative of the final pressure
the numerical simulations. value once the flow stabilizes.
During the tests, Wilbeck impacted the projectile on a rigid plate Among the several materials tested during the last decades, the
within a 100–300 m/s velocity range. The peak pressure, changing with ballistics gelatin with 10% porosity and 950 kg/m3 mean density has
projectile velocity, was monitored at different position on the plate by been found the most suitable to mimic the bird impact behavior.
transducers. The normalized results, in terms of time vs. stagnation Indeed, the ballistic gelatin is characterized, as for real birds, by a mean
Received 26 January 2018; Received in revised form 28 February 2018; Accepted 7 March 2018
Available online 09 March 2018
0263-8223/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Riccio et al. Composite Structures 202 (2018) 590–602

Fig. 1. Geometrical characteristics of the bird model and simulations results by Wilbeck [5].

density which is lower than the water’s one. To represent the pressure- composite wing-box.
density relationship in a medium sizes bird, the equation of state (EOS)
can be used. The most frequently adopted equation for the re- 2. Numerical approaches for modelling the bird and the structure
presentation of a bird strike event is the third-degree order equation,
defined in Eq. (3) [2]: During the design phase, the projectile can be modelled as a soft
ρ body which behaves as a fluid and spreads the impact force on a great
P = C0 + C1 μ + C2 μ2 + C3 μ3; μ = −1(3) area of the target. Even if, accurate results prediction depends on bird
ρ0 (3)
model, different numerical approaches for modelling the bird are
where ρ is the current density and ρ0 is the reference state density. As available in literature which lead to a relevant variation in numerical
defined in [2], the constant Ci in Eq. (3) are function of the initial bird predictions: Lagrangian Model, Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian Model
density, of the sound speed in water, and of an experimental constant k. (ALE), and Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) [25–27].
Concerning the bird shape, circular cylinder, sphere, hemi-spherical The Lagrangian method has been widely used for modelling the bird
cylinder, and ellipsoid [6–9] shapes can be adopted. However, in lit- and the structure involved in a bird strike event, even if this method has
erature, detailed bird shapes can be found such as in [10], where a been proved to be unsatisfactory for simulating the bird behavior.
detailed bird shape with wings, feathers, and beak is introduced. Indeed, according to the Lagrangian method, which considers the same
Budgey [11] and Stoll [12], after using truncated cylinders and ellip- element formulation both for the bird and the structure, the bird mesh
soid bird shapes, realized that the most suitable shape was a hemi- distorts (due to great deformation after impact) together with the
spherical cylinder with 2:1 length-diameter ratio. Other authors per- structure affecting the results accuracy. This is the main drawback of
formed studies considering variations in bird mass, speed and impact using the Lagrangian method, commonly adopted in solids mechanics,
angles. As a matter of facts, Barber at al. [13,14] conducted tests to represent the bird which is characterized by a fluid dynamics be-
varying the bird mass (from 60 g to 4 kg) and the impact velocity (from havior, best represented by a Eulerian formulation.
50 m/s to 300 m/s), considering the impact angles from direct normal More realistic prediction of the bird strike, which can be regarded as
to oblique at 25 degrees. From these tests, non-dimensional impulse- a fluid-structure interaction problem, can be obtained by means of the
impact velocity curves, non-dimensional impulse-impact duration ALE and SPH methods. According to these approaches, bird and
curves, and rise time-impact velocity information have been plotted structure are individually modelled by using the most suitable tech-
with a considerable improvement in knowledge about the impact re- nique and then they are coupled in the same simulation. The ALE
sponse. Edge and Degrieck [15] focused on the relations between the method models the fluid-structure interaction problems by means of a
bird mass, bird density, and under/over-wing diameters determination. Lagrangian structure and a Eulerian bird. On the other hand, the SPH
Budgey [11] investigated the influence on the main bird mass and method models the bird as an agglomerate of particles and the structure
geometrical parameters on the impact response providing a compre- with a Lagrangian mesh.
hensive insight on the advantages of using detailed artificial birds for In recent years, a great number of studies on these methods have
impact events experiments. been carried out by numerous researchers. Hormann et al. [28] in-
As recent developments, some authors pointed out that, during a vestigated the bird strike phenomenon on a horizontal tail leading edge
bird strike event, the bird behaves as a high deformable projectile using the non-linear finite element code LS-Dyna, modelling the bird
characterized by a yield strength lower than the sustained stress. Hence, with the Lagrangian and the Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian methods.
the impact phenomenon can be seen as a hydrodynamic impact The plastic strain was compared with the experimental data.
[4,5,11–13,16–24] and the bird can be modelled as a mass of water, Guida [29] compared the computational time needed to simulate a
being the hydrodynamic impact characterized by three bird loading bird impact event by adopting Lagrangian, Eulerian, and SPH methods.
stages: shock pressure, shock pressure decay, and the steady state The bird shape and the composite material lay-up influence have been
pressure. discussed. Moreover, the material energy absorption, at different im-
In the following sections, several literature numerical approaches pact phenomenon stages, has been examined by using the MSC Dytran
are explored both for the modelling of the bird and the composite wing. software.
A specific section is dedicated to the damage mechanisms to be taken Blair [30] numerically validated the cylindrical bird shape with
into account when simulating the impact event on composite structures. hemi-spherical edge by impacting the bird with a rigid plate, con-
Finally a numerical application is presented which allows to compare sidering different mesh densities. The contact elements between the
the effects of the bird modelling approaches on numerical results in rigid plate and the bird have been changed and noted during the ana-
terms of leading edge deformation and damage distribution in the lysis. Blair tabulated also the bird’s dimensions, the material properties,

A. Riccio et al. Composite Structures 202 (2018) 590–602

Fig. 2. Lagrangian elements description.

and the adopted equation of state. de int

ρ − D : σ + ∇x · q−ρs = 0
Ubels et al. [31] simulated the bird strike event on a leading edge dt (6)
using low velocities, and suggested the use of SPH method for studying
the impact phenomenon. where ρ represents the density, v is the velocity of the material point, σ
Lastly, Ortecho [32] studied the bird strike event by using the La- is the second order Cauchy stress tensor, b denotes the force per mass
grangian, Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian, and Smooth Particle Hydro- unit, eint is the internal energy, D denotes the strain rate tensor, q re-
dynamics numerical models. The analyses were carried out at angled presents the heat flux applied, and, finally, s is the applied heat source.
and normal directions comparing the resulting peak force. The Smooth Each interaction time step during an explicit simulation depends on
Particle Hydrodynamics method has been recommended for modelling the smallest element size of the whole computational domain; there-
and simulating the impact phenomenon. fore, the time step becomes extremely small in case of great distortions
A brief description of the introduced numerical approaches for the and the simulation becomes very slow. For solving this issue, the
bird modelling is giver hereafter in the next subsections. warped elements can be deleted from the mesh by imposing a plastic
strain limit. The deletion eliminates mass and energy, violating the
principles of mass and energy conservation and introducing other kinds
2.1. Lagrangian formulation
of inaccuracies [33].
Hence, the Lagrangian method would need the remeshing of the
The Lagrangian technique is generally used for solving problems
model due to excessive mesh deformations [31], but this additional
connected to solid mechanics. The mesh nodes are coincident with the
remeshing step would increase the solution time. Moreover, great de-
material points, which identify the location of the material during the
formations would, in any case, lead to mesh quality decay and would
simulation, so the mesh distorts together with the structure during the
cause inaccurate results.
analysis, as shown in Fig. 2.
Some authors [33] introduced the “small-strain” option as a coun-
Since the material interfaces and the free surfaces move together
termeasure for the extremely small time steps associated to the La-
with the mesh, the Lagrangian solvers offer easier behavior for the
grangian formulation. The “small-strain” option allows to not update
boundaries. The material properties at each point can be easily mon-
the Jacobian matrix at every time steps; hence, wide structural distor-
itored because the mesh is embedded into the structure. For such a
tions are neglected. Unluckily, this option is not appropriate for solving
reason, the distortions and the deformations are reflected on the mesh
problems with very great deformations/distortions such as bird strike
with the risk to introduce great inaccuracies in the numerical model.
To define the spatial material motion for any domain, the mass
conservation, linear momentum conservation, and energy conservation
equations have to be verified. 2.2. Eulerian formulation
Mass Conservation:
The Eulerian technique is generally used for solving problems

+ ρ∇x · v = 0 connected to fluid dynamics [34,35]. The mesh is considered as a
dt (4)
control volume, the computational grid is settled in the space, and the
Linear momentum conservation: material gets through the mesh as shown in Fig. 3.
The computational domain includes both the region where the
ρ −∇x · σ −ρb = 0 material exists and the region where the material could exist later,
dt (5)
therefore the Eulerian method is very good for investigating problems
Energy conservation: involved in wide distortions. Moreover, more than one material may be

Fig. 3. Eulerian elements description.

A. Riccio et al. Composite Structures 202 (2018) 590–602

contained in a Eulerian mesh cell and the solver is completely able to simplify the governing equations by separating them into two sets. In
manage multiple materials in one cell. the first phase the material moves with the mesh (Lagrangian step), in
Studying objects in motion, involved in the impact analyses, is very the second phase the solution is mapped from the Lagrangian to the
difficult. Free surfaces and material interfaces move by the mesh, dif- reference domain. The Lagrangian and the Eulerian techniques are
fusing everywhere in the computational grid. To avoid this issue, pre- performed individually and independently to each other, but the solu-
ferential transport of materials [36,37], based on separated calculations tion could not be robust as the fully coupled equations.
for each interface material, is needed. To evaluate the ALE approach, the equation of mass conservation,
The material motion from the initial domain (t0) to the final domain the linear momentum conservation and the energy conservation are
(tf) can be described by a ϕ function. The latter associates each reported below in terms of Eulerian coordinates.
Lagrangian material point coordinate X to an Eulerian position x in the Mass conservation:
space. It is defined by Eq. (7):
+ ( v− v ALE )·∇x ρ + ρ∇ x · v = 0
x = ϕ ( X ,t ) (7) ∂t (9)

The Lagrangian coordinates are coupled to the material and in- Linear momentum conservation:
variant during time for the local configuration attached to the final
domain, whereas the Eulerian coordinates are invariant in time and ρ + ( v− v ALE )·∇x v−∇x · σ −ρb = 0
∂t (10)
( )
The material derivative dt is joint to the partial derivative ex- Energy conservation:
pressed in the Eulerian framework as reported below:
∂e int
ρ + ( v− v ALE )·∇x e int− D : σ + ∇x · q−ρs = 0
d ∂ ∂t (11)
= + v·∇x
dt ∂t (8)
where vALE is the ALE domain velocity.
The above mentioned computational problems, and some others
related to the Eulerian technique, increase the computational time with
2.4. Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH)
respect to Lagrangian technique applied to structural problems. For
these reasons, the pure Eulerian technique it is not suggested for impact
The Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) technique is a mesh-
phenomena investigations also because, generally, the Eulerian
less method based on Lagrangian formulation. It has been used in as-
methods needs a finer mesh than the Lagrangian method to have the
trophysics for managing the fluid masses in 3D space [27,48,49]. The
same accuracy level [38].
SPH technique can be used for solving problems involved in severe
deformations and for high projectile distortions after impact. First at-
2.3. Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) formulation tempts to use this approach have been made by Lucy [50], Gingold and
Monaghan [51] for astrophysical problems. Lately, it has been used also
The Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) formulation (also known in high velocity impact phenomena [52–57].
as mixed Lagrangian Eulerian method) is often used for studying en- In the SPH formulation, the continuum is considered as a set of
gineering problems involved in fluid-structure interaction. The spatial discrete independent particles interacting each other. Since the SPH is a
and material domains connected to the ALE method are, respectively, Lagrangian technique, it can prevent the issues associated to the
the same of the Eulerian and Lagrangian methods. In addition, the ALE Eulerian formulations [56] and it can be adopted in conjunction with a
method introduces a reference domain to deal with the computational standard finite element method. The mass, momentum and energy
mesh. The model, shown in Fig. 4, moves with a velocity w, with respect conservation equations are changed from partial differential equations
to the reference domain independently from the spatial domain and the to integral equations by using the smoothing kernel function.
material particles, as for the Eulerian technique. Mass conservation:
To use the ALE technique, the differential equations need to be
modified including also the referential domain arbitrary velocity effect. dρi mj
+ ρi ∑ (vj−vi ) Aij = 0
The ALE domain becomes a Eulerian domain when w = 0, whereas the dt j
ρj (12)
ALE domain becomes a Lagrangian domain when w is the material
particles velocity. In other cases, the reference domain is an ALE do- Linear momentum conservation:
There are two different ways for solving the ALE equations [39–47]. dvi ⎛ σj σ ⎞
+ ∑ mj ⎜ 2 Aji − i2 Aij ⎟ = 0
The first way considers the fully coupled ALE equations resolution, dt ρj ρi (13)
j ⎝ ⎠
managing a single material into an element. The second way (called
operator split approach) divides each solution step in two phases and Energy conservation:

Fig. 4. Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) elements description.

A. Riccio et al. Composite Structures 202 (2018) 590–602

Fig. 5. Particle spacing and Kernel function.

dei P equations of conservation.

+ i2 ∑ mj (vi−vj ) Aij = 0
dt ρi j (14) The SPH method is becoming more common for bird strike nu-
merical simulations because the mesh distortions do not exist anymore.
where Pi, σi, and mi represent the pressure term, the Cauchy stress, and
the particle mass, respectively. Aij is the kernel function gradient and is
2.5. Coupled Eulerian Lagrangian (CEL) method
expressed by the following equation:
∂ The Coupled Eulerian Lagrangian (CEL) method eliminates the ex-
Aij = W (x −x j,h)
∂x i (15) treme numerical bird mesh distortions related to Lagrangian formula-
W is the approximate Dirac Function based on the smoothing length The Lagrangian formulation is used to model the structure. The
h, whereas α is a linear coefficient. Eulerian-Lagrangian contacts [58] are considered for moving the im-
1 ⎛d⎞ pacting loads to the Lagrangian structure. The mesh is a stationary cube
W (d,h) = θ by means of which the Eulerian material goes and interacts with the
hα ⎝ h ⎠ (16)
Lagrangian structure. The flowing material through the mesh is tracked
The particles in the support domain of the kernel is described in by the Eulerian Volume Fractions (EVF) which represents the ratio
Fig. 5. whereby the material is filled with the Eulerian elements. EVF = 1
This latter supplies the kernel estimation of the relevant variable means that the element fills with material; EVF = 0 means that the
field in a specific location in the space. The smoothing kernel is pro- element is completely void.
portional to the smoothing length h. As soon as h → 0, the smoothing With Coupled Eulerian Lagrangian method, the advantages of
kernel moves closer the delta function. The kernel function describes Eulerian and Lagrangian methods have been implemented. The contacts
the datum point influence range in the continuum, and the smoothing between the two domains have been discretized using the general
length defines the number of neighboring particles included in the contact algorithm based on the penalty contact method. Moreover, the
above-mentioned range (a particle can be seen as a neighbor if it falls contact force fp applied between the two domains is proportional to
within another particle smoothing length). Fig. 6 shows the k-particle their penetration distance dp.
neighborhood, defined as a circle with a 2hk radius. All the particles
which fall within the circle will interact with the k-particle. f p = k p dp (17)
The integration by parts allows the spatial derivatives of the in-
where kp is the penalty stiffness and depends on the Eulerian and
definite field variables to be substituted by the well-known derivatives
Lagrangian material properties.
of the smoothing kernel.
In the frame of bird-strike investigations, the grid dimensions con-
Summing the discrete points into the space, evaluated as the cen-
taining the Eulerian elements need to be adequately large. It is neces-
troids of the “smoothed particles”, it is possible to substitute the re-
sary to avoid a bird material loss after an impact because it is associated
sultant integral equations for numerical estimation. Each particle has an
with a loss of kinetic energy, and, hence, a loss of accuracy level of the
own mass, velocity and stress state, which change according to the
obtained results.

3. Numerical approaches for modelling the damage evolution in

the composite wing

Carbon Fibers Reinforced Plastics composites have been increas-

ingly used for aerospace structural applications due to their high spe-
cific strength and stiffness compared to conventional metallic alloys.
Nonetheless, structures made of composite material have been proved
to be very sensitive to damage rising during the manufacturing phase or
the impact with foreign objects. The damage may quickly grow leading
to the whole structure failure, notably under a compressive load. The
laminated composite structures have been demonstrated to be involved
by inter-laminar fractures, such as delamination or skin-stringer de-
bonding, and intra-laminar damage mechanisms, like matrix and fibers
failure. Therefore, both these types of damage have to be taken into
Fig. 6. SPH k-particle neighborhood.
account when simulating a bird strike event on a composite structures

A. Riccio et al. Composite Structures 202 (2018) 590–602

where Gj is the Energy Release Rate associated to the fracture mode j,

Gjc is the critical Energy Release Rate associated to the fracture mode j,
and α is an experimental coefficient included in the range 1 ÷ 1.6.
According to Eq. (19), the energy Gc dissipated due to the damage can
be evaluated as:
Gc =
1 α 1 α α 1/ α
(( GI
) +(
GI + GII + GIII GIIc ) +( GIII 1

The damage coefficient D, used to compute the degradation of the
cohesive stiffness (Point B in Fig. 7) is evaluated as:
Fig. 7. Traction-separation law for cohesive material.
δf (δmax−δ0)
in order to obtain accurate results. δmax (δf −δ0) (21)
Many authors have investigated the composite structure mechanical where δf = 2Gc/Teff and δmax is the maximum effective displacement
behavior in case of inter-laminar and intra-laminar damages. In attained during the analysis.
[59–66] experimental studies which have improved the inter-laminar The intra-laminar damages are usually numerically simulated by
defects knowledge are reported. In [67–69] the buckling behavior of using two main approaches [73]: Progressive Ply Damage based
two-dimensional structures with trough-the-width delaminations have methodologies (PDA) and Continuum Damage Mechanics based meth-
been investigated, while in [70–72] three-dimensional approaches have odologies. (CDM).
been examined. Progressive ply damage based methodologies use failure criteria for
To study the inter-laminar damage onset and evolution, a Cohesive the failure identification [74–83] and ply-discount methods [84–92] for
Zone Model (CZM) has been adopted in the frame of the present paper. the selected elastic ply properties instantaneous degradation in the
Cohesive elements have been used to reproduce the interface behavior frame of Instantaneous Degradation Models (IDM).
between different layers by evaluating the interface strength, the frac- The Continuum Damage Mechanics methodologies consider the
ture toughness and the stiffness. These elements follow the traction- microstructure of the composite material using equations related to the
separation law based on the energy release rate, as highlighted in Fig. 7. damage onset and evolution. These techniques are suitable for Gradual
As shown in Fig. 7, the first segment OA identifies the damage onset Degradation models (GDM).
governed by the quadratic nominal stress criterion of Eq. (18) To evaluate the damage onset, Hashin’s criteria have been im-
(QUADS), which has been used to evaluate the point A of Fig. 7, re- plemented here. These criteria allow to characterize each different
presentative of the damage onset: intra-laminar failure mode, such as fiber tensile and compressive
2 2 2 failure, matrix tensile failure and matrix compressive failure. The
⎛ 〈σn 〉 ⎞ + ⎛ σt ⎞ + ⎛ σs ⎞ = 1
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ adopted Hashin’s formulation follows Eqs. (22)–(25):
⎝ NMAX ⎠ ⎝ TMAX ⎠ ⎝ SMAX ⎠ (18)
2 2
σ̂ σ̂
Fiber tension (σ11̂ ⩾ 0) Fft = ⎛ 11T ⎞ + α ⎛ 12L ⎞ = 1
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟

In Eq. (18) σn, σt, and σs represent the peak values of the nominal ⎝X ⎠ ⎝S ⎠ (22)
stress considering a deformation purely normal to the interface or
purely in the first or the second shear direction respectively, and NMAX, σ̂
Fiber compression (σ11̂ < 0) Ffc = ⎛ 11C ⎞ = 1⎜ ⎟

TMAX, and SMAX are the nominal stresses in the pure normal mode, first ⎝X ⎠ (23)
and second shear directions respectively. The Macaulay brackets
2 2
(< >) indicate that the damage is not initiated by a pure compressive σ̂ σ̂
Matrix Tension (σ22̂ ⩾ 0) Fmt = ⎛ 22T ⎞ + ⎛ 12L ⎞ = 1
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟

stress state. ⎝Y ⎠ ⎝S ⎠ (24)

The evolution phase (segment OC in Fig. 7) identifies the damage
2 2
growth until the complete failure of the cohesive elements. The evo- σ̂ C
⎛Y ⎞ ⎤ σ22̂
Matrix Compression (σ22̂ < 0) Fmc = ⎛ 22T ⎞ + ⎡
⎢ 2S T −1⎥ Y C
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
lution law adopted in the present work is the Power law based on the ⎝ 2S ⎠ ⎣⎝ ⎠ ⎦
energy release rate, reported in the following equation: 2
σ ̂
+ ⎛ 12L ⎞ = 1
⎜ ⎟

α α α
⎛ GI ⎞ + ⎛ GII ⎞ + ⎛ GIII ⎞ = 1 ⎝S ⎠ (25)
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟

⎝ GIc ⎠ ⎝ GIIc ⎠ ⎝ GIIIc ⎠ (19) where the coefficient α (set = 1 in this paper) allows to take into

Fig. 8. Constitutive relation adopted for each intra-laminar failure mode.

A. Riccio et al. Composite Structures 202 (2018) 590–602

Fig. 9. Global-Local interface.

Table 1 material is completely damaged (dI = 1).

Section Wing dimensions. In order to evaluate both the inter-laminar and intra-laminar da-
mages, a finite element model with a discretization ply by ply is man-
Section wing length (L) 2.71 × 103 mm
Air foil profile chord (c) 3.10 × 103 mm datory. In order to reduce the computational time linked to the very
Wing ribs interaxle spacing (d) 5.92 × 102 mm fine mesh, a global-local approach can be introduced. The studied local
Wing rib height (h) 4.23 × 102 mm domain can be connected to the global domain by means of transition
elements, as developed by Davila and Johnson [93,94]. Each transition
element can be employed to link shell and brick elements for calcu-
account the shear stress contribution to the fiber tensile failure mode. lating the three-dimensional response. These kinds of elements have
The constitutive relation adopted for each intra-laminar failure mode is been adopted also by Cho and Kim [95] for investigating the buckling
graphically showed in Fig. 8. phenomenon of a delaminated composite structure by connecting the
In Fig. 8, two different phases can be distinguished: the undamaged global domain to the local delaminated area. In [96] the post-buckling
phase from the beginning to the point A which represents the damage behavior of a delaminated composite structure under compressive load
onset, and a propagation phase. The damage effects for each failure has been studied. The adopted transition elements have been demon-
modes have been taken into account thanks to a stiffness coefficients strated to be efficient for this kind of investigation. However, the
reduction given by Eq. (26): transition elements play an important role during the meshing phase
δIt,eq (δI ,eq−δI0,eq) because the distorted elements could nullify the results in the transition
dI = ; (δI0,eq ⩽ δI ,eq ⩽ δIt,eq); I ∈ (fc ,ft ,mc ,mt ) regions. In order to study the local phenomena, different FE analytical
δI ,eq (δIt,eq−δI0,eq) (26) tools which combine finite element models with different mesh den-
where δ0I,eq is the equivalent displacement at which the specific Hashin’s sities, and/or different element types are available. The Multipoint
criterion is satisfied, δtI,eq is the equivalent displacement at which the Constraint (MPC) [58] option in ABAQUS® code has been adopted by

Fig. 10. Wing Section Structure (I-II-III).

A. Riccio et al. Composite Structures 202 (2018) 590–602

Table 2 ui = NA uA + NB uB + NC uC
Material mechanical properties and stacking sequence. vi = NA vA + NB vB + NC vC
wi = NA wA + NB wB + NC wC
Properties Value
ϕxi = NA ϕxA + NB ϕxB + NC ϕxC
Density 1400 kg/m3 ϕyi = NA ϕyA + NB ϕyB + NC ϕyC (28)
Orthotropic E11 = 130050 MPa; E22 = E33 = 11550 MPa
properties G12 = G13 = G23 = 6000 MPa; The kinematic relations between the node P of the solid model and
ν12 = ν13 = ν23 = 0.312 the point i can be formulated by applying Kirchhoff's theory. The dis-
Strength XT = 1022.7 MPa; XC = 613.5 MPa; YT = 54 MPa;
YC = 170 MPa
placements of the node P are expressed as a function of the displace-
S12 = S13 = 63 MPa; S23v= 28 MPa ment of the point i:
Fracture energies GT1c = 11.48 kJ/m2; GT2c = 4.13 kJ/m2
GC1c = 0.35 kJ/m2; GC2c = 3.23 kJ/m2
up = ui + hϕyi

Stacking Sequence
vp = vi−hϕxi
Stringer [0/45/−45/90/90/−45/45/0/0/90/0/0/90/0/0/45/ wp = wi (29)
Upper/Lower [0/45/−45/90/0/45/−45/0/0/−45/45/0/90/−45/45/ By making suitable replacements, it is possible to express the node P
0/0/0] degrees of freedom in relation to the A-C nodes degrees of freedom:
Ribs [0/45/−45/90/90/−45/45/0/0/90/0/0/90/0/0/45/
−45/90/90/−45] up uA uB uC
⎧ ⎫
Omega Stringer [0/45/−45/90/90/−45/45/0/0/45/−45/90/0/0/0/90/ vp = NA·⎧ vA ⎫ + NB ·⎧ vB ⎫ + NC ·⎧ vC ⎫ + NA·h
−45/45/0/0/45/−45/90/90/−45/45/0] ⎨w ⎬ ⎨ wA ⎬ ⎨ wB ⎬ ⎨ wC ⎬
⎩ p⎭ ⎩ ⎭ ⎩ ⎭ ⎩ ⎭
Spar [0/45/−45/90/0/−45/45/0/0/90/0/0/90/0/0/45/
−45/0/90/−45/45/0] ⎧ ϕ yA ⎫ ⎧ ϕyB ⎫ ⎧ ϕ yC ⎫
· −ϕxA + NB ·h· −ϕxB + NC ·h· −ϕxC
⎨ ⎬ ⎨ ⎬ ⎨ ⎬
⎩ 0 ⎭ ⎩ 0 ⎭ ⎩ 0 ⎭ (30)
Alesi et al. [97] to investigate the skin/stringer interfaces in stiffened
panels. The shell to solid coupling option ABAQUS® code has been used The latter has been written on the assumption that global and local
by Krueger and Brien [98] and Krueger and Minguet [99] to study the reference systems are coincident. When the two systems do not coin-
propagation of the delamination and the skin-stiffener debonding in cide, it is possible to reformulate the previous equation in the global
composite laminates, respectively. Furthermore, the global-local tools reference system by adopting a rotation matrix R∗∗:
available in the most common FE based codes have been discussed in
[100]. ABAQUS® code and ANSYS® code have been compared through ⎧ up ⎫ u0 u0 ⎧ u0 ϕ0
⎪ 0⎪ ⎧
⎪ A⎫ ⎪ ⎧
⎪ B⎫ ⎪ ⎪ C⎫ ⎪ ⎧
⎪ yA ⎫

a common numerical test case on the non-linear buckling analysis of a vp = NA· vA0 + NB · vB0 + NC · vC0 + NA·h·R∗∗· −ϕ0
⎨ ⎬ ⎨ 0⎬ ⎨ 0⎬ ⎨ 0⎬ ⎨ xA ⎬
square plate. The obtained results have been compared to reference ⎪ wp0 ⎪ ⎪ wA ⎪ ⎪ wB ⎪ ⎪ wC ⎪ ⎪ 0 ⎪
⎩ ⎭ ⎩ ⎭ ⎩ ⎭ ⎩ ⎭ ⎩ ⎭
results, obtained by adopting a uniform discretization with a detailed
mesh. ⎧ ϕ0 ϕ0
⎪ yB ⎫ ⎪ ⎧
⎪ yC ⎫

A multi-point constraint (MPC) technique has been used to join + NB ·h·R∗∗· 0 ∗∗
+ NC ·h·R · −ϕ0
⎨−ϕxB ⎬ ⎨ xC ⎬
zones with different discretization and/or different elements type. In ⎪ 0 ⎪ ⎪ 0 ⎪
⎩ ⎭ ⎩ ⎭ (31)
Fig. 9, a global 2-D elements domain and a local 3-D elements domain
connected by MPC have been showed. By solving this equation, it is possible to obtain the node P degrees
In Fig. 9, the A, B, and C nodes belonging to the two-dimensional of freedom of a solid domain depending on the degrees of freedom of
domain, are located on the border between the 2D model (colored) and nodes A, B, and C of a two-dimensional domain.
the discretized region with solid elements; the i-point is located on the
intersection between the A-C line and the orthogonal line to the A-C 4. Numerical model and finite element implementation
line containing the node P of the solid model. Considering the shape
functions of the 2D element: In order to give a realistic representation of the above mentioned
methodologies applied to a common test case, in this section a nu-
NA = −0.25(1 + ξi ξA)(1 + ηi ηA)(1−ξi ξA−ηi ηA) merical application is presented. A bird impact on a composite wing-
NB = +0.50(1 + ξi ξB )(1−ηi2) box is simulated by modelling the bird as a Rigid body, as an elastic
NC = −0.25(1 + ξi ξC )(1 + ηi ηC )(1−ξi ξC−ηi ηC ) continuum with a Lagrangian formulation, as a group of particles with
the SPH approach and as a fluid with an Eulerian approach coupled
with a Lagrangian approach for the composite wing. Comparing the
It is possible to formulate the following kinematic relations, which
results obtained with these formulations in term of deformation of the
link the A-C nodes and point i:
structure, maximum displacement, and damage onset and propagation,

Fig. 11. Wing Section Boundary condition (I). Mesh dimension and shape (II).

A. Riccio et al. Composite Structures 202 (2018) 590–602

considering one element through the thickness. All degrees of freedom

on both external edges have been constrained along y-direction during
the simulations, according to Fig. 10.
The mechanical material properties and the different sub-
components stacking sequences, highlighted in Fig. 10-I, have been
reported in Table 2. Surface-to-Surface tie constraints have been adopted
to connect different mesh discretization related to the different wing
section components and to obtain a finer mesh in the impacted zone, as
shown in Fig. 11-II.

4.2. Bird models

Fig. 12. Bird Structure. An impact velocity of 150 m/s has been considered. Different stu-
dies found that the most appropriate material, for defining a bird during
a high velocity impact event, is the gelatin with 10% porosity and
950 kg/m3 density. Moreover, one of the best geometrical bird shape is
a hemispherical cylinder with Lb/ϕ = 2 because it shows the real bird
pressure time history during the impact event, as declared in [12].
Anyway, the bird material density used in the present work has been
reduced to be 938 kg/m3, as suggested in [101]. The bird numerical
model and its dimensions are shown in Fig. 12.

• L = 228 mm, bird length;


Fig. 13. Rigid and Lagrangian model.

• Φ = 114 mm, bird diameter.
The bird model has been considered as an equivalent mass of water
because real birds are made of air and water in their lungs and bones
[102–104]. The hydrodynamic response of the bird has been studied
adopting the equation of state (EOS) materials. The peak pressure value
has been evaluated considering the following theoretical value (Hugo-
niot pressure):

PH = ρ0 US (U0) U0 (32)

where ρ0 is the initial material density, U0 is the impact velocity, and US

is the shock velocity, which is in turn a function of U0. The maximum
Fig. 14. SPH model. pressure value is reached at the beginning of the impact event. Gra-
dually, it is followed by a constant and stable pressure flow calculated
by Eq. (33).

P= ρ (U0)2
2 0 (33)

As already mentioned, the bird has been modelled by considering

four different formulations: rigid body with lagrangian formulation,
Elastic body with Lagrangian formulation, Smooth Particle
Hydrodynamics (SPH) formulation and Coupled Lagrangian Eulerian
(CEL) formulation. The model has been validated by comparing
Hugoniot and stagnation pressures by impacting a bird on a rigid plate
at 116 m/s velocity, perpendicularly to the target [103]. The rigid and
the Lagrangian models, shown in Fig. 13, have been modelled adopting
the standard eight node elements with reduced integration points
(C3D8R) to reduce the computational costs.
Fig. 15. CEL approach.
The bird SPH model is shown in Fig. 14. According to this for-
mulation, the bird has been modelled by considering discrete particles,
it will be possible to have a realistic insight on the effect of the different with a distance to each other called “smoothing length”. The single
bird modelling formulations on the response of the composite structure particle physical properties have been obtained by summing the prop-
to the impact event. erties of all particles.
Concerning the coupled Eulerian Lagrangian (CEL) formulation, a
4.1. Wing FEM model Eulerian control volume have been introduced and discretized by
8000000 EC3D8R elements. The bird region has been modelled within
The investigated composite wing section is composed by laminates the above-mentioned control region, as shown in Fig. 15.
stacked with 0.125 mm thick plies, whose nominal geometry data are The bird region is characterized by the previously described EOS
reported in Table 1 and Fig. 10. The model has been discretized using property and the control region is not characterized by any property.
112,636 nodes and 56,724 continuum shell elements with reduced in- Since the bird can move around the control region, a part of the control
tegration points (SC8R), available in the ABAQUS FE code library [58], volume has been overlaid to the wing structure.

A. Riccio et al. Composite Structures 202 (2018) 590–602

Fig. 16. Maximum impact direction displacements contour plots a) Rigid Body displacements; b) Lagrangian model displacements; c) SPH model displacements; d) CEL model dis-

Fig. 17. Matrix traction cracking: a) Rigid Body; b) Lagrangian model; c) SPH model; d) CEL model.

4.3. Numerical results provide a similar maximum deformation values (2.35·102 mm for the
SPH approach, 2.38·102 mm for the elastic Lagrangian approach and
The numerical results obtained by adopting the four mentioned 2.457·102 mm for the CEL approach). As expected, the SPH formula-
formulations for modelling the bird have been compared in terms of tion provides the smaller displacement if compared to the other for-
wing maximum deformation, matrix traction cracking and bird de- mulations. Indeed, the modelled weak particles interaction causes a
formations. larger impact area characterized by a lower maximum deflection.
In Fig. 16 a comparison among the maximum displacements contour As a consequence of a bird strike event on a composite laminate, the
plots along the impact direction obtained by means of the adopted matrix traction damage is the most extended damage mechanism and
formulation for modelling the bird is introduced. According to the re- can lead to a significant stiffness reduction.
sults shown in Fig. 16, the maximum deformation value, in bird impact In Fig. 17, the matrix traction cracking distributions obtained
direction, has been found for the bird rigid body approach (3.069·102 thanks to the four adopted bird modelling formulations are compared.
mm). On the other hand, SPH, elastic Lagrangian and CEL approaches The shape and the dimension of the damaged area are again

A. Riccio et al. Composite Structures 202 (2018) 590–602

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