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Coleen Jessica Andres

Global Environmental Issues and Sustainable Development

Environmental issues on a global scale have increased in magnitude in the recent years. Over the
years, reports regarding glaciers melting, sea levels rising, forests dying, and wildlife struggling to
survive, have increased. Problems that greatly affect the very existence of humankind such as global
warming, ozone layer depletion, and tropical forest diminution, among others, have been generally
recognized as issues that must be tackled (Ministry of Japanese Foreign Affairs, 2010). One of the global
environmental issues discussed in this paper is global warming. Global warming is one the most serious
challenge that the world faces at present. What global warming is, its effects, and the sustainability
initiatives formulated to address are the perspectives highlighted in this writing.

Global warming is the gradual heating of Earth's surface, oceans and atmosphere. It is defined as
the result of having high levels if greenhouse gases, causing a set of changes of the Earth’s long-weather
patterns, or climate, that varies from one place to another (Pappas, 2020). Global warming occurs when
carbon dioxide (CO2) and other air pollutants are collected in the atmosphere. These pollutants then
absorb sunlight and solar radiation that have bounced off the planet’s surface. Radiation would normally
escape into space, however, due to these pollutants that can last for several years to centuries in the
atmosphere, trap the heat and cause the earth to get warmer. The aforementioned heat-trapping pollutants
are known as greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are specifically carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous
oxide, water vapor, and synthetic fluorinated gases, and their impact is called the greenhouse effect
(MacMillan & Turrentine, 2021).

The current era of global warming and the negative effects the planet experiences because of it
are direct results of human activity. These activities include burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil,
gasoline, and natural gas, resulting to the greenhouse effect. For thousands of years, emissions of
greenhouse gases to the atmosphere have been balanced out by the greenhouse gases that are naturally
absorbed, causing greenhouse gas concentrations and temperatures to be fairly stable. Because of the
increased amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere due to human activity, changes that have
historically taken thousands of years through natural processes are now happening over the course of
decades (Nunez, 2019).
There are several negative effects brought about by global warming. These effects include having
hotter days, rising sea levels due to melting glaciers and ice caps caused by an increase in ocean
temperatures, more frequent and intense extreme weather events such as bushfires, cyclones, droughts
and floods, and oceans warming and acidifying, threatening marine life and driving stronger storms
(WWF Australia, 2018).

Because of the many dangers caused by global warming, and because of how it threatens the
planet and all of its inhabitants, sustainability initiatives have been formulated in order to address it. One
of these initiatives is the use of alternatives to fossil fuels worldwide. Countries around the world have
formally committed to the initiative as a part of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement. Countries have
participated in lowering their emissions by setting new standards and creating better policies in order to
meet or exceed the standards set (Denchak, 2021).

Another initiative was crafted during the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, wherein the Rio Convention
included the adoption of the UN Framework on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This convention set out a
framework for action. Its goal stabilizing atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs) for the
sake of avoiding dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system (United Nations, 2018).

Other ways to reduce the risks of global warming are focused on how humans are to behave,
shifting the way they make and consume energy. This requires changes in behaviors and policies that
encourage the less waste production and smarter use of resources. The use of wind and solar power,
biofuels from organic waste, setting a price on carbon and protecting forests also go a long way in
lessening the production of greenhouse gases. Ideas for cooling the planet or geoengineering have also
been proposed. This scheme involves spraying sunlight-reflecting aerosols into the air or blocking the sun
with a giant space mirror (Nunez, 2019). Aside from those mentioned, any individual can help lessening
the issue on global warming by planting trees, saving energy, and taking part in doing other activities that
will benefit the planet and those living in it.

Denchak, M. (2021). Paris Climate Agreement: Everything You Need to Know.

MacMillan, A., & Turrentine, J. (2021). What causes global warming? Global Warming 101.
Ministry of Japanese Foreign Affairs. (2010). Japan’s Diplomatic Activities. DIPLOMATIC BLUEBOOK, 3.
Nunez, C. (2019a). CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE. What Is Global Warming, Explained.
Nunez, C. (2019b). Global warming solutions, explained. National Geographic Channel.
Pappas, S. (2020). What is global warming?
United Nations. (2018). Climate Change.
WWF Australia. (2018). Impacts of global warming.

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