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What is Federal Government

Federal government is one in which there is a division of powers between the centre and the
states. The word federation has a root in the Latin word Foedus which means Treaty or
Agreement. According to Finer, “A federal state is one in which part of authority and power is
vested in the local areas while another part is vested in a central institution deliberately
constituted by an association of the local areas”.

Federations are formed in a country where there are many free states and they do not want to
give all powers to the center, but instead want to keep some powers with them and for the
central unity and common defense want to give some power to the center. In this way, the
federation of the USA was formed. Secondly, sometimes it so happens that the central
government wants to give autonomy to the provinces. In this way, unitary government is
converted into a federal government, as happened in Canada.

Necessary conditions fort the formation of a federation

A federation cannot be formed in every state. For the formation of a federation, the following
essential conditions should be fulfilled:

1. Geographical contiguity : Geographical contiguity is essential for the states which want
to form a federation. If the states are very far off, then it becomes difficult to create the
spirit of organization and mutual help among them.
2. Desire for the formation of a union for certain other purposes : Formation of a
federation can become practicable if the units or free states have the will to form it and
when the units are prepared to give some powers to a common centre and intend to
keep some powers with them for the protection of local interest. The units should also
express interest in achieving the goal of national unity.
3. Absence of marked inequality among the federating units : A federation can also be
successfully established in the countries where there are not no marked inequalities in
their population and size. If there are marked inequalities, big states (units) will try to
have superiority over the small ones, with the result that the confidence of small states
in the big ones will be shaken and many conflicts will arise.
4. Similarity of social and political institutions : Where there is a similarity of social and
political institutions, organization becomes quite easy. It is difficult to create unity, in
case there are many dissimilarities among the institutions of the states.
5. Adequate economic resources : A federation is an expensive mechanism. The dual
government entails a lot of expenses. Hence both the central as well as the regional
(states) governments should have adequate economic resources available to them to be

financially independent. Economic inequality will create conflicts among different units.
This may lead to unpleasantness and even to a disintegration of the federation.
6. Political education : The federation being a complicated system of government, it will
be successful only if the people are politically competent as well as enlightened. Hence,
there must be supply of men who have the capacity to govern. People should forget
minor differences and work with a compromising spirit. The dual alliance to the central
and provincial governments requires a proper balance which can be maintained only by
a fairly intelligent, politically awakened and mature people.
7. National feelings : The success of a federation also depends upon the presence of
national feelings among the people and they should be ready to sacrifice everything for
the sake of the unity of the country. The federation can face economic and political
crises. The entire nation should demonstrate its unity during a crisis and the units should
not exhibit centrifugal tendencies. On the basis of national unity and good leadership, a
country can overcome all crises easily.

Merits of federal government

The merits of a federal government are the following:

1. Reconciliation of local autonomy with national unity : The main advantage of a federal
government is that in a country where there are many diversities and the establishment
of a unitary government is not possible, a political organization can be established
through this form of government. In this type of government, local self-government,
regional autonomy and national unity is possible. Moreover, in this type of government
some rights are given to the central government and the rest to the states or the
provinces. In this way, cultural and administrative autonomy is given to different
nationalities and regions and matters like defense, foreign policy, currency,
communications etc. are given to the centre.
2. Division of powers between the center and states leads to administrative efficiency:
With the division of powers, the burden of work on the center is lessened and the
center has not to bother about the problems of a purely local nature. It can devote its
full attention to the problems of national importance. Because of provincial or regional
autonomy, the administration of these areas becomes very efficient.
3. People take more interest in local and regional affairs : In a federal government, the
provinces, regions or the states enjoy separate rights and they have separate cabinets
and legislatures. Local governments have also separate rights and the councils elected
by the people run the local administration. When elections to the provincial legislatures

and local bodies take place, and when the representatives of the people run the local
and provincial administration, people take keen interest in the administration.
4. It gives rise to big states : Fifty two states of the USA could not have become so
powerful if they had not joined the American federation. They could also not have
enjoyed the prestige in international field, which they enjoy now as a strong nation.
5. This system is more advantageous to the smaller states: This system is more
advantageous to smaller states, because they can not defend themselves independently
and establish diplomatic relations with other countries which entails a lot of
expenditure. The expenditure that they incur on their defense is also reduced if they
join together.
6. Citizenship of federal government is more dignified than that of its units : The
citizenship of a federation is more dignified. If one Indian declares himself as a citizen of
Assam, Bengal or Punjab in foreign countries, it will not be so dignified as in declaring
himself to be a citizen of India. Similarly, the citizenship of New York or Texas is not so
dignified as that of the United States of America.
7. Distribution of powers checks the despotism of the central government: Division of
powers between the states and the centre checks despotism, because the centralization
of powers lead to dictatorship. This is the position in India, the USA, Australia, Brazil,
Canada etc.
8. More suitable for the bigger countries : In countries where there are diversities of
culture, religion, language and race and which have a large size, unitary government is
not suitable. In such countries, only federal government is possible because this system
brings unity in diversity, the separate authority of the province is recognized and they
are made autonomous. If unitary government is established in countries like India and
the US, all powers will be concentrated in the central government and there will be a
possibility of its becoming despotic.
9. It is a model for the world state : The world known politicians are of the belief that
world government is the only solution to the problem of world peace. The structure of
the world state cannot be unitary, it can only be federal.
10. It is good for economic and cultural progress : Federal government is not only useful
from the defense point of view, but it is also good for economic and cultural progress. In
a federation, the center looks after many common subjects and the states have not to
incur expenditure on them. With the establishment of federation, inter-state commerce
and industry are encouraged. The regular supply of necessities is ensured in scarcity
areas without much expenditure. The economic sources of the country are increased in
a federation and the country can face droughts, famines and other natural calamities
without much difficulty. In big countries, there are diverse nationalities, races, religious

and cultures and federal government gives them special facilities and safeguards, which
help them in making a rapid progress.

Demerits of a Federal Government

The demerits of a federal government are the following:

1. Federal Government is weaker in comparison with the Unitary Government : As

compared to Unitary Government, federal government is weaker because there is a
division of powers in it. In a Unitary Government, there is a centralization of powers,
hence the government is strong and the administration stable.
2. Federal Government is more expensive than the Unitary type of Government : There
are separate legislatures and cabinets in a federal government and periodical elections
are conducted. This type of government is more expensive as compared to Unitary
3. In a Federal Government, provincial tendencies are very acute : In a Federal
Government, diversities are not curbed but they are fully safeguarded so that every
race, culture, nationality and religion get an opportunity for full development.
4. Lack of uniformity in administration : There is a dual government in a federal
government, one at the center and the other in the state. States have the liberty to
make laws and run the administration. Different civil and criminal laws are seen in
different states.
5. Threat to National Unity : Sometimes the units are allowed to secede. This is called the
right of self-determination.
6. Distribution of powers between the Central and State Government leads to conflicts :
There is a great danger of conflicts in a federal government because every state has a
separate jurisdiction of rights. The conflicts between the Central and State Government
results in non-cooperation between them. Though the Supreme Court is established for
the settlement of disputes, yet in many matters there is no compromise, because all the
matters are not brought before the Supreme Court.
7. Double citizenship : Generally in a federal government, there is double citizenship. In
such a situation every citizen is the citizen of his own state as well as of the center.
Because of double citizenship, a citizen has to face many hardships when he goes to
another state.
8. The constitution being rigid cannot be adjusted to the fast changing conditions : In a
federal government, constitution is made rigid so that the center and the state may not
be tempted to make changes at will. This type of constitution is not suitable for a
developing country and it is not in accordance with the public opinion.

9. The State Governments sometimes place hindrance in the foreign policy of the Center:
Sometimes the state governments do not agree with the foreign policy of the center,
particularly when the center wants to take certain measures which may affect the
10. Responsibility for bad administration cannot be located : It is easy to fix responsibility
for maladministration in unitary government because the center is responsible for it.
But the responsibility is divided in a federal form of government. The center can hold
the state responsible for wrong policies
11. Fear of the grouping of some big states to influence other states or center : There is
always a fear of grouping of some big states to influence other states or the center with
their policy.


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