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The Dream 

Catcher Questions & Answers

Word Galaxy
 Swivel – turn to one side
 Phizzwizard – a wonderful dream
 Colossal – very large
 Trogglehumper – nightmare
 Anguish – unhappiness
 Exasperated – very annoying
 Intently – attentively
 Bunkdoodling – bother
 Winksquiffler – a wonderful dream
 Rumpledumpus – rumpus; to make lot of noise
 Cockatootloo – a kind of animal in gobblefunk language
 Tottler – toddler
 Foggglefrump – a kind of animal in gobblefunk language
 Curdbloodling – blood-curdling; terrifying
Question 1: Why does the Big Friendly Giant bring the empty jars?
Answer: The BFG brings the empty jars to catch the dreams.
Question 2: Why is the BFG excited about the first dream he
Answer: The BFG is excited about the first dream that he catches as it is a
wonderful dream which will give a happy night to a toddler.
Question 3: What does ‘still as a starfish’ mean?
Answer: ‘Still as a starfish’ means motionless or to be at one place only.
Question 4: What does the trogglehumper do inside the jar? What
reason does the Big Friendly Giant give for this kind of behaviour?
Answer: Inside the jar, trogglehumper moves very fast, hits the sides of the jar
and keep on changing its shape. According to BFG, the reason for this kind of
behaviour is that it is a bad dream which grows angry when caught in a jar.
The Dream Catcher Questions & Answers
Question 5: What does the Big Friendly Giant say he would do
with togglehumpers?
Answer: The BFG says that he would never let the trogglehumper go as it is a
bad dream and can terrify a toddler.
Question 6: Read the line and answer the questions:
‘He was holding the long net in his right hand’
(a) In this line who does ‘he’ refer to?
Answer: He refers to BFG.

(b) Who is Sophie starting at?

Answer: Sophie was staring at BFG. Through the mist, he saw that BFG’s colossal
ears began to swivel out from his head and started waving gently to and fro.

(c) What does the word ‘colossal’ mean?

Answer: ‘colossal’ means very large.
Question 7: Write True or False:
(a) The BFG opens the suitcase and takes out several empty glass jars – True
(b) The BFG catches many files – False
(c) Phizzwizards are good dreams – True
(d) Trogglehumpers are nightmares – True

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